79 law on state civil service. Federal Law on State Civil Service

This bill officially in operation since 2004. It is designed to control all issues regarding standards and procedures, from the very admission of an employee to the civil service to the conditions pension contributions. The law is a partial analogue of the Labor Code (Labor Code) but with certain additions. The state acts as the employer.

79 Federal Law on civil service as amended 2018

Amendments made to the law at the end of last year, more specifically - December 30, 2015 No. 79 Federal Law on State civil service, are still in effect today.


All conditions and instructions are described in detail in 17 chapters, divided by their topics (sections, individual articles, etc.). At the beginning of the RD, the main provisions are described (standards are established), positions, responsibilities and job descriptions for each separate species activities of a civil servant, and more specifically:

  • hiring (a contract that includes conditions for its termination);
  • time of service and rest;
  • certification exam (terms, criteria, etc.);
  • state guarantees (payment, incentive system, state support, etc.);
  • age limit (restriction), and how you can resign (application for dismissal by at will who should sign, list of documents, etc.);
  • statutory relations (conditions of competition for replacement vacant position or probation, for example, who will be accepted and vice versa);
  • features of formation staffing(reductions, substitutions) and so on.

The changes this year affected the conditions for doing business, or rather the prohibitions on such actions with some exceptions. The same article also describes the possibilities of defaming the honor of family ties (applies to law enforcement agencies).

Relatively pension payments and there are no changes in the conditions for retirement – ​​the main criterion is still “according to length of service.”

You can get acquainted in more detail with the Law and the new changes (cheat sheet with comments from experts) online, and you can also download it completely free of charge:

The document will be useful to students who need to know the basic provisions within the educational system for a detailed discussion (i.e. read, memorize, write notes, create an audiobook or audio recording, in short, get approximate knowledge main provisions), lawyers ( bailiffs) within enforcement proceedings, since the tightening measures also apply to civil servants.

79 Federal Law on the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation

Federal Law on State Civil Service 79 FZ is valid throughout the entire Russian Federation:

  • Kyrgyz Republic and Ugra;
  • Bashkortostan, Komi, Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Perm and Kamchatka Territories;
  • Rostov and Kursk regions;
  • Tver and Ulyanovsk regions;
  • the cities of Moscow and the Moscow region;
  • St. Petersburg (SPB), etc.

And also on the territory of the Crimean peninsula, the DPR and LPR republics. And although this situation causes a conflict of interests, Ukrainian President Poroshenko at meetings of the Verkhovna Rada quite often makes reference in his addresses to this document (its main parts).

News about material reserve

As of today there are no changes to the article about material reserve. The basic principles associated with creating a kind of basis for improving the level of functioning of the civil service in the Russian Federation are aimed at tightening measures to combat corruption schemes.

About joint stock companies

A civil servant is prohibited from participating in any way in the composition commercial organizations, incl. Joint Stock Company(agencies, for example) as a founder or in any other way that involves receiving material remuneration, except in cases where this is permitted by provision number 738 of the Federal Law (clause 16 On the management of shares of joint stock companies in federal ownership.

Civil Service Law 79 Federal Law latest edition

Federal Law 79 on the state civil service latest changes mostly affected the provisions on leave. The main provisions have not been changed, i.e. the stay must not be less than 28 days with the possibility of division, with one part being at least 14 days. However, the general calculation has changed additional days, if previously processing days were taken into account, now only working days, with the exception of employees who joined the service with irregular working hours.

When did it take effect?

During the life of the law, it underwent adjustments more than 30 times. Behind last year(2017) into the body of this normative legal document amendments were also made (four times). Some of them have already come into effect:

  • July 2017 – certification procedure;
  • October 2017 – JSC opportunities (share ownership);
  • December 2017 – the leave system and the abolition of the concept of “law enforcement service” as such.

2. The salary of a civil servant consists of monthly salary civil servant in accordance with the civil service position he fills (hereinafter - official salary) and the monthly salary of a civil servant in accordance with the class rank of the civil service assigned to him (hereinafter - salary for classy rank), which constitute the monthly salary of a civil servant (hereinafter referred to as the salary), as well as from monthly and other additional payments (hereinafter referred to as additional payments).

3. The amounts of official salaries and salaries for the class rank of federal state civil servants are established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Government of the Russian Federation. For certain civil service positions, a decree of the President of the Russian Federation may establish salary as a single monetary reward, which takes into account the official salary, salary for class rank and monthly bonuses to official salary for length of service in the civil service, for special conditions civil service, for work with information constituting state secret, but bonuses and monthly cash incentives are not taken into account.

4. The amounts of official salaries and salaries for class rank of state civil servants of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation are established in accordance with the regulatory legal act of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

5. K additional payments relate:

1) monthly bonus to the official salary for length of service in the civil service in the amounts:

2) a monthly bonus to the official salary for special conditions of the civil service in the amount of up to 200 percent of this salary;

3) monthly percentage markup to the official salary for work with information constituting a state secret, in the amount and manner determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

4) bonuses for completing particularly important and complex tasks, the payment procedure for which is determined by the employer’s representative, taking into account the provision of the tasks and functions of the state body, execution job regulations (maximum size not limited);

5) monthly cash incentive;

6) lump sum payment when providing annual paid leave and financial assistance, paid from the civil servants' wage fund.

6. Monthly sizes monetary incentives, paid to federal civil servants, are established differentially for federal government bodies by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

7. Payment procedure monthly bonus for special conditions of civil service is determined by a representative of the employer.

8. Payment procedure financial assistance at the expense of the civil servants' wage fund is determined by the relevant regulations approved by the employer's representative.

9. In cases where established by law Russian Federation, the salary of a civil servant is established regional coefficient(coefficient).

10. Civil servants receive other payments provided for by the relevant federal laws and other regulations legal acts.

11. The amounts of salaries for positions in the federal civil service are increased (indexed) annually in accordance with the federal law on federal budget for the corresponding year taking into account the inflation rate ( consumer prices). The decision to increase (indexate) salaries for positions in the federal civil service is made by the President of the Russian Federation on the recommendation of the Government of the Russian Federation.

12. The amounts of salaries for positions in the civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation are increased (indexed) annually in accordance with the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the corresponding year, taking into account the level of inflation (consumer prices). The increase (indexation) of salaries for positions in the civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

13. Federal civil servants holding civil service positions in a government agency located outside the territory of the Russian Federation are paid in foreign currency and in rubles in the manner and amounts established by the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation.

14. For certain positions of the civil service it may be established special order remuneration of civil servants, in which remuneration is made depending on indicators of efficiency and effectiveness of professional official activities, determined urgently service contract. Civil servants whose wages are paid in accordance with the specified special procedure are not subject to the wage conditions established by other parts of this article. Generalized indicators of the efficiency and effectiveness of the activities of government bodies, the adoption and execution of management and other decisions, as well as legal, organizational and documentation support execution the above decisions, common to government bodies and civil servants, are approved respectively by the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation.

15. The list of civil service positions for which a special procedure for remuneration may be established, as well as the procedure for establishing remuneration for civil servants, provided for in Part 14 of this article, are approved accordingly by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Government of the Russian Federation and by regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

16. Remuneration provided for in Part 14 of this article is made within the established wage fund for civil servants.

17. Specific indicators of the efficiency and effectiveness of the activities of a state body, the adoption and execution of management and other decisions, as well as legal, organizational and documentary support for the execution of these decisions are approved by a legal act of the state body in accordance with the specifics of its tasks and functions.


But what about the federal law“On road safety” Chapter 4, Article 25, paragraph 12 and where to achieve what? I am a citizen of the Russian Federation, I was driving with a Kazakh license until yesterday, the car was taken away, the license is valid until 2023. But what about the Federal Law "On Road Safety" Chapter 4, Article 25, paragraph 12 and where to achieve what? But what about 60 days after receiving Russian citizenship? I note that previously (until November 4, 2014) a Russian citizen could use foreign rights only for 60 days. However, the delivery rules qualifying exams and issuance driver's licenses have lost their validity and this requirement no longer applies. Those. foreign rights can be used for as long as desired. However, some traffic police officers are still not aware this change legislation. In this regard, the question arises about what a driver should do if they try to tow his car to an impound lot.

Total answers: 1

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Hello, at in this case the driver must defend his case before the traffic police officer directly on the spot, and if a decision is made, then in court.


Tell me what should I do and how can I prove that I can get it? preferential pension. Hello! Which law is higher, federal, or government regulations? I am a teacher and I have a question about a teacher’s pension. They don’t want to count me 2 years even though I already have 25 years of teaching experience because I worked for 2 years at 0.5 rate, this is what they claim Pension Fund and does not count them. Although the federal law of December 17, 2001 does not say anything about loads. Tell me what I should do and how I can prove that I can receive a preferential pension.

Total answers: 2

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Hello! Your question is quite difficult to answer online; contact a lawyer for a face-to-face consultation. Wish you all the best!

Lawyer's answer (Mikhail Alexandrovich I.)

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Hello, Larisa. Contact the pension fund with a request to count it in preferential length of service the 2 years you mentioned. If the pension fund officially refuses, and I consider this option the most likely, then you can safely go to court with the same demand.

Alexander Zavgorodniy

Hello, due to the appearance of many videos about citizenship on the Internet. and based on the Federal Law of November 12, 2012 N 182-FZ (as amended on December 19, 2016) “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” “Chapter VIII.1. Article 41.1. part 3, as well as article 41.2. part 1, and part 2. I would like to clarify whether I am a citizen of the Russian Federation, provided that my parents, like me, were born in the USSR, on the territory of the RSFSR, and I did not apply for citizenship, but I received a passport citizen of the Russian Federation before 07/01/2002, I would also like to clarify the situation with Article 41.2, part 4, subparagraph “d”, which contradicts itself, namely: “Article 41.2. Conditions and procedure for recognition as citizens of the Russian Federation 4. A person is not recognized as a citizen of the Russian Federation in case if: d) after initial receipt passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, the person acquired citizenship of the Russian Federation in the manner established by this Federal Law;"

Total answers: 1

Lawyer's response (Duty lawyer)

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According to Art. 11 of the Federal Law of May 31, 2002 N 62-FZ "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation", citizenship of the Russian Federation can be acquired:
- by birth;
- as a result of admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation;
- as a result of restoration of citizenship of the Russian Federation;
- as well as on other grounds provided for by this Federal Law or international treaties Russian Federation.
In accordance with Art. 5 Federal Law "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation" Citizens of the Russian Federation are:
a) persons who have citizenship of the Russian Federation on the date of entry into force of this Federal Law;
b) persons who acquired citizenship of the Russian Federation in accordance with this Federal Law.
Acquiring citizenship of the Russian Federation by birth
1. A child acquires citizenship of the Russian Federation by birth if, on the child’s birthday:
a) both of his parents or his only parent have citizenship of the Russian Federation (regardless of the child’s place of birth);
b) one of his parents has citizenship of the Russian Federation, and the other parent is stateless, or is declared missing, or his location is unknown (regardless of the child’s place of birth);
c) one of his parents has citizenship of the Russian Federation, and the other parent is a foreign citizen, provided that the child was born on the territory of the Russian Federation or if otherwise he will become stateless;
d) both of his parents or his only parent living on the territory of the Russian Federation are foreign citizens or stateless persons, provided that the child was born on the territory of the Russian Federation, and the state of which his parents or his only parent are citizens does not provide the child's citizenship.
(Clause “g” as amended by Federal Law No. 151-FZ of November 11, 2003)
2. A child who is on the territory of the Russian Federation and whose parents are unknown becomes a citizen of the Russian Federation if the parents do not show up within six months from the date of his discovery.


Hello! Please explain to me next question. My daughter, a citizen of Uzbekistan (born in 1995), left Uzbekistan and moved to the Russian Federation with a departure certificate (Rostov-on-Don, where she studies at the university)... I am a citizen of the Russian Federation permanently residing abroad, her father is also a citizen Russian Federation permanently residing in the Russian Federation (more than 10 years). Now she has returned from the Federal Migration Service at her place of temporary registration with bad news, namely, that now there are no quotas and she has no rights to a simplified procedure obtaining temporary residence permit and further, and in connection with this, her documents for a temporary residence permit were not accepted. They said that we need to wait in line (quotas), the month of January. Is this legal? So what should I do? the following question: Is it possible to apply in relation to my daughter (see above my appeal dated September 1, 2015 at 16:25) Federal Law of April 20, 2014 No. 71-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” and certain legislative acts.” My mother (my daughter’s grandmother) was born and lived in the RSFSR until she was 20...then she lived in the UzSSR and the Republic. Uzbekistan, now she is a citizen of the Russian Federation and permanently resides in the Russian Federation, and my grandmother (about my daughter’s grandmother) has never left the borders of the RSFSR and the Russian Federation. also my father (my daughter’s grandfather) was born and died in the Rostov region. and his parents. If yes, where should I start? with a temporary residence permit or immediately apply for Russian citizenship, and do you still need to wait for the quota? One thing I can’t understand is how it is that both of her parents are citizens of the Russian Federation, but she has such difficulties in obtaining at least a temporary residence permit? Or maybe the fact that at the time of my daughter’s birth, I was already a citizen of the Russian Federation... her father was not, might help her somehow.

Total answers: 1

Lawyer's answer (Alexey Alexandrovich Korobov)

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Good afternoon, Irina! Some categories of foreign persons may apply for citizenship without obtaining a temporary residence permit or residence permit. These include: 1. Foreign citizens recognized as refugees. To do this, they must obtain a refugee certificate and live in the Russian Federation from that moment on for at least one year. 2. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War living in the Russian Federation and having (or having had) citizenship of a country that was formerly part of the USSR. 3. Pensioners and disabled people living in the Russian Federation, having permanent registration here on the date - July 1, 2002. Condition - these persons must have arrived on Russian territory from a country that was part of the USSR. 4. Foreign persons, passing military service in the Russian armed forces under contract. Duration - at least 3 years. The condition is to have citizenship of a country that was formerly part of the USSR. 5. Foreign citizens who have special merits before the Russian Federation. Regarding obtaining citizenship minors, then in this issue act following rules: Minor children can get Russian citizenship: by birth; as a result of admission; together with the parent.


Hello. On my site there is an unregistered water supply system, without any permits, built by the water utility or the administration (I don’t know for sure yet). It bothers me because I can’t carry out construction. I want to move it at my own expense, but the resident is against it because she won’t be able to park the car. I don’t even know how to do everything right to demolish this unauthorized construction.. Help, maybe someone had similar cases. I look forward to your answers with great impatience! Thank you! Are there enough articles: Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 222. Unauthorized construction, Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 131. State registration of real estate, Federal Law of November 17, 1995 N 169-FZ (as amended on July 19, 2011) "On architectural activity in the Russian Federation" Article 3. Legal basis for the creation of an architectural object to argue for the demolition of a water pipeline?

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Hello Tatiana. In accordance with Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation An unauthorized building is a residential building, other structure, structure or other real estate created on a land plot not allocated for these purposes in accordance with the procedure, established by law and other legal acts, or created without receiving permission for it necessary permits or with significant violation urban planning and building codes and rules. The right of ownership of an unauthorized construction may be recognized by the court for a person who has carried out construction on a plot of land that does not belong to him, provided that this area will be in in the prescribed manner provided to this person for the erected building.
The right of ownership to an unauthorized construction may be recognized by the court for the person in whose ownership, lifelong inheritable possession, permanent (perpetual) use there is land plot where the construction took place. In this case, the person whose ownership of the building has been recognized shall reimburse the person who carried it out for the costs of construction in the amount determined by the court.
The right of ownership of an unauthorized building cannot be recognized for these persons if the preservation of the building violates the rights and legally protected interests of other persons or creates a threat to the life and health of citizens. You should contact local authorities self-government to resolve this issue, and then if the answer is negative from the administration, you should go to court. Good luck to you.

According to the law, in order to start working for government agencies, a Russian citizen must be 18 years old. He must also be fluent in Russian and have the appropriate qualifications. All these requirements are specified in Federal Law 79. Let us consider its purpose in more detail.

The legal norms of this Federal Law FZ-79 regulate the acceptance/dismissal of a citizen who gets a job in the public service. According to legal aspects the current status of a civil servant of the Russian Federation is also determined.

During active activities in government agencies The following principles stand out:

  • Importance legitimate interests, human rights and freedoms and persons with Russian citizenship;
  • Combining organizational and legal rules together in the civil and federal service;
  • The same right to work in government bodies for persons who speak Russian. Uniform conditions for accepting persons into civil service, regardless of:
    • nationality;
    • race;
    • gender;
    • origin;
    • employment and financial support;
    • Other criteria that do not relate to business and professional skills.
  • Competence and high level vocational training;
  • Considering prospects that will allow long time work for the state;
  • Easily accessible information about the civil service;
  • Work not only with individuals, but also with legal entities;
  • The right of every employee to safe work and protection from interference in his professional activity illegally.

Federal Law-79 on the state civil service of the Russian Federation was adopted on July 7, 2004 and approved on the 15th of the same month. The last version of the law was in 2016. Let's look at the changes and additions.

Latest changes made to 79-FZ “On State Civil Service” in the Russian Federation

Law FZ-79 in 2016 underwent a number of changes. Now the requirements for qualified skills are high not only for government employees, but also for municipal employees.

To occupy the position of a manager, advisor, specialist, primary or higher group, must have higher education Master's level or higher. The law does not apply to persons who entered the public service before the entry into force of this amendment. It also does not apply to persons whose professional education was received before August 29, 1996.

Qualification requirements must correspond to the position held. The employee must be prepared, trained and have the knowledge necessary to high-quality execution their duties in accordance with Federal Law-79.

Priority in hiring is given to civil servants specially trained for specific position in government agencies.
Federal Law No. 79 established minimum period paid leave - 28 calendar days. You can go on vacation for at least 14 days.

Transferring your holiday to next year discussed in individually after submitting the application. Besides, in new edition The following articles have been changed/revised:

Article 7

In paragraph 1 of Article 7 of Federal Law 79, the phrase “to civil service positions and positions municipal service” to the phrase “to fill civil service positions and municipal service positions.”

Article 12

The following amendments have been made to Article 12 of Federal Law 79:

To occupy a position in government agencies, education, experience and area of ​​training must be appropriate. Depending on the selected category officials, qualified conditions are established for filling government positions.

Article 16

The first part of Article 16 of Federal Law 79 is supplemented by paragraph 12. It states that the information required to be submitted in accordance with Article 20 of the current Federal Law may not be indicated.

Article 17

In part 1.1. Article 17 of the law states that if a person holds a position in the authorities state power, he is prohibited from opening accounts and deposits in foreign banks. The same applies to his family members.

Article 20

The changes also affected Chapter 3, Article 20 of Federal Law-79. It states that every civil servant can use the Internet to transmit personal data for subsequent identification. This can do:

  • A citizen who wants to find a job in a government agency. He must provide his data for a period of 36 months before entering the civil service;
  • A civil servant has the right to present information once per calendar year. Cases of providing publicly available information are excluded if this action is part of official duties.

According to the law, a representative of the employer may, with the involvement of civil or authorized bodies process publicly available information posted by potential candidates for civil service positions. Employees also check the completeness of the information provided on the basis of Article 1 of Federal Law-79.

Article 22

In the first part of Article 22 of Federal Law No. 79, the phrase “to a civil service position” was replaced by “to fill a civil service position.” In the fifth part, words with “ vocational education” on “his specialty, area of ​​​​training.”

do you know what changes it underwent during the last edition?

Download Federal Law-79 in the latest edition

The law was approved in 2004 Federal authorities. He was given the number 79. Total There are 74 articles in Federal Law 79. They are grouped into 17 chapters according to the topic - financial and economic aspects, organizational issues etc.

To resolve a conflict situation or other issues related to working in government agencies, study latest edition Federal Law-79 on the state civil service of the Russian Federation. All amendments, additions and changes are presented here. To view them, go to the following.

The Law on State Civil Service regulates labor activity citizens on relevant positions. It is this that is basic in this case and regulates the relationship between the state and the employee. To a certain extent, we can say that its provisions become an analogue of the Labor Code. But if the latter regulates the activities between the employer and his employee, then the presented document covers precisely the activities of civil servants.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation 79 on the state civil service

The document was accepted at federal level at number 79 in 2004. Structurally, it consists of 74 articles, which are collected in 17 chapters. Each chapter has its own thematic section. The issues covered in the sections relate to all aspects of the work of civil servants - legal basis and relevant aspects, organizational issues, financial and economic aspects.

From the basics and related terminology to review conflict situations- all this is regulated legal basis of this legal provision. Moreover, the provisions of the presented document do not contradict Labor Code. In some aspects they can duplicate certain points, but do not overlap each other.

A moment arises when the Federal Law on the System civil service The Russian Federation is associated with the law on civil service. This various regulations, in the first case the structure itself is covered, in the second - about the procedure for carrying out official activities.

General provisions on civil service

The general provisions of the Federal Law on the State Civil Service include the first 7 articles. They form the basis for the entire document, including the main aspects of terminology, provisions, designations and definitions.

As a result, the essence of the articles on the general provisions of Federal Law 79 boils down to the following:

  • designation of the main terms that are subsequently used in the content of the document;
  • establishing the subject matter that is regulated by this statute;
  • designation of what is meant by the civil civil service of the Russian Federation, as well as its division;
  • the principles of the civil service are established, at what points the aspect is taken in regulating relations, what guarantees it provides;
  • legislative acts are established on the basis of which they are regulated labor Relations with civil servants;
  • the principles on which the system is built and operates are indicated;
  • emphasizes the relationship and general provisions between state and municipal services.

By addressing these issues, the guidelines establish the fundamental basis for the subsequent structure of the document. This moment is important in order to ensure full understanding and acceptance of the subsequent content of this legal provision.

Legal status of a state civil service employee

10 articles of the third chapter regulate legal status civil servant. They reflect all his basic rights and obligations:

  • definition of the concept of a civil servant;
  • basic rights;
  • duties of a civil servant;
  • restrictions associated with this activity;
  • prohibitions imposed under this status;
  • primary requirements;
  • conflict resolution;
  • providing information on income, expenses and placement of information.

Based on this, this chapter becomes the basis for legal regulation the position of a civil servant, as well as his activities.

Law on civil service with amendments and additions 2018

Federal Law on the State Civil Service No. 79 came into force in 2004. Since its publication it has undergone certain changes in the wording. Therefore, for those who are looking for an up-to-date version of this legal provision, making changes will be a pressing issue.

The Federal Law of the Russian Federation on the State Civil Service with the latest amendments can be viewed on the official website legal information Russian Federation. This is where all changes to legislation are published. Here you can also find the current version of Federal Law-79.

Latest edition of the law on civil service

The initial form of the Federal Law on the State Civil Service can be downloaded. This will allow you to familiarize yourself with the wording that was given for all questions initially.

Changes and additions made to the law on civil service can be found and downloaded. Featured in separately they will help to clearly identify the steps that were taken to optimize the law. For convenience, they are given with links to relevant documents and comments to them.
The document is actually the latest edition, which will become an up-to-date assistant in all matters related to legislative acts about this government service.

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