Child support from the state. Additional guarantees for children

Child support: new law 2018 defines the mandatory minimum amount, the procedure for alimony payments and indicates what affects the amount of alimony. The new law on alimony states: relatives of a person who evades financial support, died or disappeared, are required to pay child support for him, more details in the article.

Financial support for the maintenance of children is the direct responsibility of the father (mother), if the child does not permanently live with him. The problem of determining the order of payments is faced by those parents who are left to raise their children alone. The legislation of the Russian Federation in matters of material support for children is being improved. Child support, new law of 2018, what changes have appeared in the legislation? Let's find out from the article.

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Throughout 2017, work was carried out to develop tougher methods of dealing with debtors, which continues in 2018.

In current regulations, as well as in the bills under discussion are defined following methods impacts:

  • crossing ban state border and leaving the country;
  • ban on driving;
  • deprivation of parental rights.

Amount of child support under the new law

What affects the amount of alimony

If payments are made in a certain part of the income, their amount may be increased or decreased at the discretion of the court after receiving the appropriate application. To do this, you need to provide real evidence of vital important circumstances or changes in your financial situation.

What affects the size of payments in a fixed amount? Material support in this form should provide and maintain previous level children's lives. In this case, in each specific case, it is taken into account financial position parties, as well as other circumstances.


If there are changes in the family or financial situation of the parties to the dispute, the court has the right to change the amount of payment or release the payment completely.

The procedure for collecting alimony in 2018

Financial assistance to a child can be provided by agreement of the parties. When drawing up an agreement, the parties determine the procedure, amount and income from which payments will be made. This document may also provide for a combination of several methods of providing financial assistance.

If the mother (father), with whom the children permanently live, was unable to reach an agreement with the other party and conclude an agreement on payments, he must file a claim in court. The obligation to make payments is imposed by the court from the moment the application is received. The recipient of payments has the right to demand recovery for past period in case of non-payment.


The period for which the recipient can collect unpaid alimony is three years

After appointment obligatory payment to an employed person, deductions are made at the place of implementation labor activity based on the provision or agreement of the parties. The company is obliged to notify bailiff and the recipient about termination labor relations with the payer. If representatives of the organization know about another place of work, they are required to indicate this in the notification.

If the payer leaves the country and plans to permanently reside in foreign country, he has the right to offer the recipient of the funds to enter into an agreement that will determine the method of payment or go to court.

The statement of claim may put forward the following requirements on determining the method of making payments:

  • assignment of a fixed sum of money;
  • by transferring ownership of property;
  • one-time payment of a certain amount;
  • another convenient way payments.

Evasion of payment

If an agreement was concluded between the parents, then responsibility for late payment within the framework of of this agreement. What to do if the payer does not pay after a court decision is made? The formation of debt due to non-payment gives the recipient grounds to demand payment of the penalty. For each day of delay, ½ percent of the unpaid amount is charged.


If the penalty does not cover the losses caused during the delay in payments, the recipient may demand compensation for an additional amount of money

As of 2017 and the beginning of 2018, all initiatives remain only recommendations and bills that have not entered into legal force.

A woman left alone after a divorce minor child in hand, often does not have their own housing, and sometimes does not have the means to hire (rent) suitable living space. The currently provided alimony paid by the second parent for the maintenance of children cannot always help in this situation. The fact is that ex-husbands often receive official salaries that are much lower than their real income.

As a result, accrued from official earnings Child support payments are low. To correct this situation possible using housing alimony, which may be enshrined in legislation as early as 2019.

Housing support for children under current legislation

Currently, the Family Code does not contain the term "housing alimony". The Housing Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Housing Code of the Russian Federation) contains certain guarantees of housing rights.

The fourth problem is to set limits on the cost of rented living space. For each region it will be set separately, based on the cost of renting housing for specific market real estate.


Current legislation (Part 4 of Article 31 of the Housing Code) establishes housing guarantees former members family of the homeowner, however, situations often arise in which the law is currently unable to protect the rights minor children and the mother in terms of providing them with housing and the participation of the second parent in the costs of its maintenance.

In this regard, in Russia there is an urgent need to introduce housing alimony, at least in the format of the participation of a separate parent in paying the cost of renting housing for their child. Deputies propose to set the amount of this payment equal to 30-50% of the amount monthly payments under a residential lease agreement. These initiatives are still at the development stage, but in 2019 they have every chance of becoming effective legal norms.

What is the amount of payments per child?

The parent is required to pay child support. For one child usually 25% of the parent’s income is paid, or a fixed amount, but first things first.

In the event of a divorce, parents living separately from the child pay cash necessary for its maintenance. Paying child support is the responsibility of the parents. Law governing family relationships, as of 2016, does not provide exemption from maintenance obligations until the child reaches 18 years of age. However, there are some subtleties in exemption from paying alimony, but this is a topic for a separate article.

What funds are withheld from?

Let's figure out from what funds alimony is withheld and what income is exempt from withholding.

Funds for the maintenance of minors must be paid from almost all types of income. These include:

  • wage;
  • scholarship;
  • pensions;
  • fees;
  • other types of income.

However, there are other types of income from which collection is not carried out.

They were determined back in 2007 (no changes to these provisions are envisaged for 2016). These include:

  • compensation payments paid to citizens caring for disabled persons (for example, payment for additional days off to care for a disabled child);
  • compensation established in the field of labor relations (payment of expenses related to business trip, with wear and tear of the instrument, financial assistance paid on the occasion of the birth of a child, registration of marriage);
  • maternal capital;
  • other amounts: the procedure is determined individually, discuss with your lawyer.

At the same time, the law establishes some exceptions for child support obligations for ONE child:

  1. Withholding is carried out from the amount that is paid to the person as compensation for harm;
  2. Retention is carried out from compensation payments citizens injured as a result of radiation or man-made disasters(even despite the fact that for any other obligations (not alimony payments) withholding from specified funds is not carried out).

Amount and procedure for collection

Family law establishes that alimony is paid voluntarily or compulsorily.

The voluntary procedure involves the conclusion of an agreement by the parents. The agreement is concluded by drawing up written document. It must be certified by a notary. Non-compliance specified form agreement entails its invalidity. The parties independently determine how much the payer will have to contribute.

The protection of the interests of the child is a rule established by law, which provides that the amount under the agreement cannot be less than the amount of payments that would be awarded under a court decision.

If it is impossible to agree, the amount of the fee is set by the court. Here, too, there are two options for determining the amount: a fixed sum of money or a percentage of income.

  1. Alimony in hard form monetary amount, as a rule, are determined in proportion to the amount of the minimum wage or are tied to the value living wage specific region Russian Federation.
  2. The share of earnings subject to recovery for minors (one child) is provided for by law: 1/4 of income (25%).

Back in 2014 State Duma a bill was considered to amend the Family Code of the Russian Federation, which proposed to establish the minimum amount of alimony. The minimum amount per child was supposed to be tied to the subsistence level. The innovation of the bill was the creation of a fund from the state. From this fund it was planned to make monthly payments of alimony for the maintenance of minors during the period of evasion of parents from fulfilling their duties (thus, it was planned to provide for children regular payments, and the defaulter became a debtor to the state). Subsequently, the state has the right to compensate the losses incurred from the evading parent.

However, the new law was not adopted. Therefore, what amount is subject to withholding is determined by the Family Code, as amended in 2016. So, what is the amount required to pay for a minor? The amount of alimony for one child is 1/4 of the income, for two children - 1/3 of the income, for three or more children - 1/2 of the income.

Maximum size The law does not define alimony. However, the law sets limits on the withholding of funds from an employee’s salary (20 percent, sometimes 50 percent). Alimony obligations are exceptional case, therefore, no more than 70 percent can be deducted from an employee’s salary.

New law for 2016

The law stipulates that alimony is monetary funds through which familiar conditions are created for the child, as if he were living in a full family. Evasion of paying child support is a serious problem, because the child is deprived of the opportunity to live in the conditions familiar to him.

The state is trying to resolve the adverse consequences that have arisen:

  • execution of court decisions is the main activity Federal service bailiffs. For more efficient work for the withholding of alimony payments in the specified services are created specialized departments dealing with issues of alimony collection. Such departments began to work in structural divisions FSSP of the city of Moscow, Republic of Buryatia, Krasnoyarsk Territory. The work of these departments has positive result. This experience will be used by other regions of the country.
  • it is proposed to extend the right to receive alimony for adult children until the age of 24, if the child is a student (such a scheme has already been implemented in Ukraine).
  • information about defaulters is proposed to be transferred to banks and credit systems. Back in 2015, banking structures expressed their readiness to cooperate in receiving the specified data. The outcome of these relationships should be such that defaulters will not be able to take out loans from banks.

As of 2016, there are certain consequences that arise from non-payment of alimony:

  1. Bailiffs are given the right to make decisions on the temporary restriction of defaulters in the use of a special right in the form of transport management. Specified norm came into effect on January 15, 2016. This provision is not an innovation in Russian legislation. It is used in England and Israel. IN procedural legislation As of 2012, Belarus had a similar provision.
    The law provides for cases when a temporary restriction is not applicable to the debtor (in particular, the amount of debt is less than 10,000 rubles; the debtor will be deprived of the main means of income).
  2. Restriction of the debtor's right to travel outside the territory of the Russian Federation. This limitation also has the right to appoint bailiffs.
  3. Debtors will not be able to receive some types of public services. For example: if a citizen evades fulfilling alimony obligations, he will be denied a foreign passport.
  4. Citizens who evade paying alimony will not be able to claim future maintenance from their children.
  5. Avoidance of the obligation to pay money for the maintenance of minors may result in administrative or criminal liability.

Perhaps, if everyone works with alimony debtors government agencies, then we can hope for a change negative situation, which developed due to parents’ evasion of child support.

Possibility to change the payment amount

Change economic situation in the country requires a change in the amount of funds paid (wages, benefits, pensions are subject to change). The period that a parent is required to pay child support for a child is long, until the child reaches 18 years of age. Accordingly, during this time the conditions of the parties may change. Therefore, the law provides for the possibility of reducing and increasing the amount of alimony.

Reduction of payments

Circumstances that may affect the reduction of alimony obligations include:

  • labor or other employment of a minor that brings a stable income;
  • payment of money for children born from different mothers, as a result of which, total amount payouts become greater than the maximum permissible size(example: a father has two children from different women. For one child he pays 25 percent of income. At the same time, another woman is collecting alimony - the father must also pay 25 percent of the income. However, the code stipulates that the amount for the maintenance of two children is no more than 33 percent).
  • the financial situation of the payer has worsened (income has decreased, an obligation to support other dependents has arisen);
  • disability of the payer (usually group 1, 2), as a result of which costs have increased (for example, costs associated with undergoing the necessary treatment);
  • the child has income-generating property (an example would be renting out property);
  • the recipient of alimony is in full state provision(example: placing a child in an orphanage).

Increase in payments

Reasons for increasing size alimony payments can be:

  • a decrease in the recipient’s income or a complete loss of income;
  • deterioration of the recipient's health (respectively, increase necessary expenses on own health and the inability to highlight the required amount money to provide for a minor living with the recipient);
  • the recipient has new dependents whom he is obliged to support;
  • the payer's income has increased significantly;
  • the payer's obligations to support other persons ceased.

Changes in size must be documented:

  • if payments are made in accordance with the concluded agreement, in this case the parties must come to additional agreement providing for a different payment. This second the agreement must be written and certified by a notary;
  • If the payment of financial assistance is determined by a court decision, then the amount of payment is changed only in court.

Alimony payments can be reduced or increased if there are grounds for this. Each specific case will be considered by the court.

Indexation of alimony

One of the grounds for increasing alimony payments is the indexation of alimony.

Alimony withheld in a fixed amount of money is subject to indexation (payments provided as a share of income change automatically when the salary or other payments from which collection occurs changes).

  1. If the maintenance of minors is carried out voluntarily on the basis of a concluded agreement, then the possibility of indexation is determined by the parties independently in the agreement.
  2. If alimony is paid in accordance with a court decision, then the increase is carried out in accordance with current legislation. To carry out indexation, the parties will not need to go to court. The law determines that indexation is carried out by the bailiff service or the organization paying salaries to the payer.

The amount is indexed in connection with changes in the cost of living, which is set at regional level. The increase is made in proportion to the increase in the cost of living.

Alimony in Crimea

Due to the annexation of the Republic of Crimea and the city federal significance Sevastopol to the Russian Federation, questions arise regarding alimony obligations on the basis of writs of execution issued in accordance with Ukrainian legislation.
The question arises: “What is the order of execution? specified sheets?. As of 2016 should not occur similar questions because a new law has been adopted. According to it, writs of execution for the collection of alimony, issued in Ukraine before March 18, 2014, are subject to execution under Russian law, subject to the following conditions:

  • the claimant and the payer reside on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • the claimant lives on the territory of the Russian Federation, the payer’s place of residence does not matter, the main thing is that his property is located on Russian territory.

Thus, if an employee brought performance list on the collection of alimony, issued in Ukraine and corresponding specified conditions, Russian organization obliged to fulfill it.

International relations and alimony

All countries accept legal acts concerning not only domestic relations, but also international ones. This is primarily due to the fact that states cannot exist separately from each other. Citizens have the right to leave their country and travel to permanent place residence in another, but do not renounce your citizenship. It is also not uncommon for citizens to marry different countries, as well as, however, cases of divorce between them. There are usually a lot of disputes involved in a divorce. To protect the rights and interests of their citizens, states adopt all kinds of documents and agreements.

A special place is occupied by cases concerning the withholding of funds for minors from a person planning to leave for permanent residence in another state.

The law regulates these relations, inviting the parties to enter into an agreement. However, if it is impossible to reach an agreement, the interested party has the right to file a claim.

Anyone can file a claim interested party(payer or recipient).

If a citizen who is obliged to support a minor travels to a country with which the Russian Federation has an agreement, treaty, or states are parties to a convention providing for mutual recognition court decisions, then international documents apply.

A document covering alimony relations foreign citizens, is an agreement signed on 09.09.1994. This document is signed by states and is applied: in Belarus, Ukraine, the Russian Federation, Moldova, Uzbekistan and other participating countries. As of 2016, the agreement has not been terminated and is subject to application by the signatories.

According to the signed agreement, alimony is collected in the manner established national legislation the country in which the party resides. Participating countries ensure the enforcement of court decisions on specified payments, do not create obstacles to the transfer and payment of appropriate funds to individuals.

The Russian Federation is also a party to the Convention on legal assistance And legal relations in civil, family and criminal cases, concluded on January 22, 1993. This document was signed by states and is applied in Belarus, Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova, Uzbekistan and other participating countries. As of 2016, the Convention also remains valid for signatory countries.
Countries that have signed the Convention comply with court decisions(including by family matters in a relationship monetary penalties) taken out on the territory of another participating country.

Example: the organization employs an employee who is a citizen of Belarus. He has a writ of execution. The amount of alimony is set based on the subsistence level of the Republic of Belarus. Under these circumstances, the Russian organization in which he works has the right to execute the specified writ of execution of another state.

Alimony in Ukraine, Belarus

Each state independently determines its internal legal provisions of your country. Many legal issues different countries have similarities and differences. It is interesting to identify the similarity of legislative provisions regarding the collection of funds for children in such countries as Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.
Agree, it is interesting to know how much child support is in other countries during a divorce.
Let's try to consider the main nuances of alimony relations in countries for 2016.

In Ukraine and Belarus, as well as in Russia, two types of collection are possible: voluntary and forced.

  1. Voluntary order assumes that both parents come to mutual consent and determine how much money should be allocated for the child.
  2. The compulsory procedure involves going to court with the relevant requirements.
    The courts determine the amount of the penalty in a fixed sum of money or as a percentage (share) ratio.


The legislation of Belarus provides for regular deduction rates: 25 percent of income for one child, 33 percent for two children, and at least 50 percent for three or more. The current legislation provides for a minimum amount of payments depending on the subsistence level budget (50% for one child, 75% for two, 100% for three or more minors). The maximum size is not defined by Belarusian laws.


How much is the amount of payments in Ukraine? Ukrainian legislation provides that to determine the fee, the following are taken into account:

  • the child's health status;
  • his financial situation;
  • financial situation of the payer;
  • the payer has other children.

Fixed shares current legislature does not provide. Therefore, how much a parent will pay for the maintenance of a minor is determined by the court.

A guarantee of the rights of the child is the presence of a provision establishing the minimum amount of alimony - 30 percent of the subsistence level of a child of the corresponding age. There is no maximum amount of alimony, however, just like Russian legislation provides for a limit on withholding from income: no more than 70 percent of earnings.

Changes in the amount of alimony by country

Ukraine and Belarus have provisions that allow you to change the amount of funds paid.

The grounds for the change are very similar to those accepted by Russian judicial practice.

  1. Russian legislation provides for the implementation of child support obligations until the child reaches the age of majority (18 years old). The state has not adopted a law providing for the payment of alimony after 18 years of age, but it does provide for the obligation of parents to support their disabled minor children. The condition for receiving financial support is precisely disability (training for full-time department University education is not a disability).
  2. Ukraine provides for the possibility of collecting funds after children reach 18 years of age. However, the presence of disability does not apply to mandatory conditions. Payments are made until the child reaches 23 years of age, provided that he is studying full-time at a university (a special feature is that the child himself is the plaintiff).
  3. Belarusian legislation provides material support 18-year-old children when determining need and disability.

It turns out that in Ukraine the legislation regarding children who have reached the age of majority is more loyal.

Adopted legal acts different states are designed to protect the interests of minors in the event of parental divorce. Therefore, the legislation of the countries we are considering provides for liability for non-payment of alimony.

The Family Code of the Russian Federation, in terms of alimony relationships, is undergoing constant changes. The law tightens responsibility for late payments and more effectively protects the interests of socially disadvantaged segments of the population. Application latest amendments has led to the emergence of new alimony issues that affect the interests of both payers and recipients of material support guaranteed by the state.

The concept of family policy, adopted in 2014 and intended to be implemented until 2025, began to be implemented in 2015. In addition to the introduced changes, a number of important bills have been introduced into the State Duma for 2016. If deputies approve a package of amendments to the RF IC, we will expect a significant change in alimony relations.

What changes have already been introduced?

The new law on the collection of alimony concerns children left without parental care and raised in social institutions. Previously, parents were required to pay, the entire amount went to provide for the life and needs of the child. Art. 84 of the RF IC has been amended according to the new provision educational institution has the right to open an account in the name of the child, from which he will receive money after adulthood. Maximum amount contributions amount to 50% of the total and must be subject to deposit insurance.

Important attention is paid to the problem of payment evasion. Administrative and criminal liability has been increased. If a parent who is an able-bodied citizen does not work and evades paying child support, he can receive real time conclusions. If earlier criminal liability started with 6 months of non-payment, but now the period has decreased to 4 months. In the absence of a certificate of income, the court makes a decision to collect alimony as percentage to average wages around the country.

If it is impossible to determine the location of the payer or his refusal to pay, the court will assign a minimum amount of alimony, depending on. This coefficient has different meaning in the regions, on average, the minimum value is 1200 rubles. for one child, 1600 rubles. for two and 2400 rub. for three or more children. Since alimony obligations do not have a statute of limitations, if the defendant is found, he will have to return these amounts to the state, plus fines, penalties for each day of delay and legal costs.

It should be noted that now the defendant does not have the right to submit a certificate of income that is less than the minimum wage. This will automatically entail administrative punishment for the head of the organization that issued such a certificate.

Having identified himself as temporarily unemployed, the citizen will pay alimony based on average salary across the country in . Sometimes this is a significant amount; it cannot be canceled or adjusted until employment. This has become extremely unprofitable for refuseniks and swindlers.

What can you expect next year

IN next year legislators will consider a bill on age limit child provided for material support parent. If the child continues to study full-time, he will be entitled to payments until he is 23 years old. Deputies explain this innovation by the significant costs of studying, especially when moving to another city. Appearance paid training should entail the obligation to pay for education after adulthood.

The new law on the payment of alimony will introduce strict compliance between financial assistance to children under adulthood and the assistance of the children themselves elderly parents. If a citizen did not pay alimony, constantly violated payment deadlines and in every possible way ignored his parenting, then he will not have the right to help from grown children. The developed concept for protecting the interests of children involves the creation of an alimony fund on the principle of a pension fund, which is currently in force. Children of draft dodgers will receive timely financial assistance, the citizen, in turn, becomes a debtor of the state with all the attendant legal consequences.

The next sentence is to deprive driver's license citizens who have alimony debts above a certain amount. Such persistent defaulters will be deprived of their rights for a period of 6 months to a year, with mandatory delivery exams on the theoretical part of driving. The bill provides exceptions for officially employed drivers.

In addition to the RF IC, the change will affect the Law “On Personal Data”. It was proposed to introduce an amendment according to which banking and credit organizations will lose the right to issue loans to debtors for alimony payments.

Evasion from paying alimony is a problem not only for individual families, but also for the state as a whole. In 2013, the government approved the methods of the national strategy for the interests of children, but despite the introduction of new state programs, the number of child support evaders is constantly increasing. Seeing this trend, a law was passed in 2015 that tightened fines and penalties for delays and late payment child support. But even these measures did not lead to an actual increase in the number of conscientious payers.

Today, courts make more than 90% of decisions in favor of recipients, but most defendants ignore the requirements or transfer their official income to the shadow industry. Moreover, for Last year the number of criminal penalties for defaulters increased by 6%.

Given the low effectiveness of previous programs, the government decided to take more radical measures to eliminate this problem. During 2016 in state apparatus The following standards will be considered:

1. Law on introduction minimum amount alimony at the level of 15,000 rubles (now the payment is tied to);

2. Increasing the age of the child who is entitled to child support (if the child is a student, payments may continue until he reaches the age of 23);

3. Deprivation of driver's licenses for alimony defaulters;

4. Depriving defaulters of the right to claim alimony when such circumstances occur;

5. Publication of data of defaulters in public places.

Not all bills will come into force, but penalties for alimony defaulters will in any case be toughened.

Last year, deputies narrowed the concept of “ persistent defaulter”, allowing courts to use punishments without the perpetrators being able to escape responsibility. According to this decision, if a person can potentially work (is not disabled), but does not support a child, he faces criminal liability. If the father belongs to the category of unemployed persons, child support is established at fixed amount upon application for its content. These measures also apply to cases where the parents were in civil marriage or are not yet divorced.

How will the amount of alimony change in 2016?

Child support amounts are primarily adjusted based on growth. Indexation will be carried out only in October 2016, so now Exact sum an increase in alimony payments is not known, however, according to officials and experts, the level of expected growth fluctuates around 5.5%.

It should be noted that the predicted size is 6.3%, and therefore it is possible that the increase in alimony for the first time will be made to the detriment of the interests of children. Article 117 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation states that changes in the procedure for alimony payments cannot be made for the worse, and the indexation of this payment is related to the current standard of living of the population. But given the extremely negative situation, the government intends to correct this law, because funds for a full increase in child support in state treasury none.

Read also: How to file a claim for alimony - sample 2017

Possible changes in legislation regarding child support in 2016

In 2015, the government rejected a number of regulations designed to toughen penalties for alimony defaulters. But considering what last year this problem has only worsened, it is likely that radical measures that have not been taken before will be introduced in 2016. Let's consider what methods the state intends to deal with parents who deviate from their obligations in matters of child support.

1. Changes in the concept of family policy

The concept of family policy of the Russian Federation was adopted in 2014. IN VII section of this document it is said about the need to eliminate situations in which children do not receive or receive less maintenance from their parents.

The concept is valid until 2025, and the peak development of bills for its implementation will occur in the period 2016-2017. As part of this project, a group of deputies social issues proposed to create an alimony fund, the operating principle of which would be similar to the current one Pension Fund. The essence of this development is the accumulation of payments and government subsidies with their subsequent distribution among persons who do not receive child support from legal payers.

If the program is put into effect, it will increase penalties for non-payers, because... they will automatically become debtors to the state with all the ensuing legal consequences. In this case, children will in any case receive due payments on time.

It is planned that this bill will be reviewed in April 2016.

2. Minimum amount of alimony

Previously, there have been attempts to set the minimum amount of alimony at 15,000 rubles for one child. However, the government group did not support these initiatives, arguing that such a sharp increase would be unaffordable for the majority of payers paying from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles in alimony.

In May 2016, officials will again return to this issue. If the bill is about minimum size alimony will be accepted, then the persons in whose relationship both equity and fixed payments, will not be able to pay less established by law amounts, regardless of the number of children.

3. Social support from the state

On federal level installed a number social protection regulating support for mothers who do not receive money from the fathers of their children. A complete modernization of social relations between the state and families is planned for 2020, but already in 2016 some additional support standards will be adopted.

For example, it is planned to develop the possibility of including single mothers in government projects and programs, thanks to which single mothers will be able to participate in analogues for complete families(“Young family”, etc.). In addition, a number of regulations will be aimed at increasing accessibility preschool education for children who do not receive (underreceive) child support.

The implementation of the program will largely fall on the shoulders of regional authorities.

4. Deprivation of driver's licenses for alimony defaulters

This law (No. 661379-6) already came into force on January 15, 2016. According to it, persons who evade payment of alimony may be deprived of the right to drive a car. According to the government, the project will have a tremendous impact on the working population, because For many, a car is a means of earning money.

The law provides for rules regulating the activities of bailiffs, which allow them to seize driver license if there is a suspicion that a person is avoiding alimony payments, hiding or significantly understating his income.

However, this law does not apply to taxi drivers and truck drivers.

5. Transferring information about alimony to the bank

Last year the national bureau credit histories announced its readiness to take into account information about non-payment of child support. It is possible that persons who evade paying alimony will have limited access to credit products. To this decision has finally come into force, it is necessary to make appropriate changes to the Law “On Personal Data”.

6. Tougher penalties for malicious evasion in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Article 157 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for penalties for malicious evasion from parental obligations will be paid significant changes. First of all, the law will tighten the terms (from 6 to 4 months) and the procedure for considering the case.

Elena Mizulina, who is the initiator of the norm, has not yet registered the bill, but it is planned that it will be submitted for extraordinary consideration by the Duma in 2016.

7. Deprivation of rights to alimony

Amendments will be made to the Family Code to limit the right of parents who evade child support to receive help from their children themselves when the necessary conditions arise.

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