Visa-free regime with the European Union of the country. Visa-free regime: entry procedure and duration of stay in the EU

So, it's done. One of the goals of the Maidan has been achieved. Or rather, there are two steps left before it, but this is already a formality. Ukrainians will be able to travel to Europe this summer using a regular passport, without worrying about stamping it. There will be no need to stand in queues consular departments and pay a 35 euro fee. But it's not even about the money. Ukraine, as it were, became part of Europe. This is the meaning of the enthusiastic comments given by the highest leaders of the state to the voting results in the European Parliament. This is what President Poroshenko said, rejoicing at the success. But do these words correspond to objective reality?

Main provisions of the official version

For quite some time, more three years, the people of Ukraine were taught that the introduction without visa regime will mark not only the beginning of the path to EU membership, but also the passage of a considerable part of it. This will help develop business contacts and increase the effectiveness of the free trade area with the EU, now deeper and more comprehensive. In addition, trust between the border services of the EU Member States and Ukraine will be significantly strengthened, since the exchange operational information along with joint risk analysis will happen faster.

And how can we forget about tourism, family ties of citizens, business, scientific cooperation and intercultural dialogue? Virtually visa-free means almost EU membership. It will allow Ukrainians to feel like real Europeans. Previously, only a select few could cross the western border, but now everyone! This historical event, after which another relative will appear in the fraternal family of peoples. The prospects for visa-free travel were commented on approximately in this vein, and now the intensity of enthusiasm has reached its climax.

Which countries have a visa-free regime with the EU?

When the goal is achieved, the moment comes for an objective assessment of the result. The reality is that the visa-free regime is not directly related to European prospects. It operates between the European Union and about fifty states of the world. The last of them were Georgia and Moldova, but before that Free access citizens received access to the Schengen zone different countries, among which Dominican Republic, Grenada, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Honduras, Guatemala, Panama, Nicaragua and the list goes on. Taking a globe or political map world, everyone can be convinced that not all of these states are European, and their residents do not always think about joining some “single family of nations.” It’s just that citizens of these countries can come to the EU, observing certain rules.

What is visa-free regime?

The meaning of the border crossing procedure is that citizens of some states have the right to cross the border of the European Union and stay on its territory for 90 days for every 180 days. In other words, approximately three months in six months, not necessarily continuously, maybe in parts, but in total no longer. If for some reason you need to stay, you will have to apply for a visa. This time can be used to visit relatives (if you have them), visit museums, galleries, theaters and other cultural institutions. If anyone wants to satisfy their exquisite gastronomic cravings, then that too is welcome. Interest in architecture and historical monuments is encouraged. In general, there are no restrictions in terms of tourism. But in general they exist.

What can't you do if you arrive without a visa?

Restrictions apply to the right to work and other income-generating activities. Educational and research intentions, although much has been said about them, are also not relevant to visa-free travel. Programs for undergraduate and graduate students exist, but entry into EU countries is provided through consular clearance. As for businessmen, they can come to Europe for their business as much as they want (but the ninety-day rule also applies to them in this case), but it is difficult to imagine a reputable entrepreneur who does not have 35 euros for a visa. Any citizen of Ukraine who plans to get a job, arriving within the framework of a visa-free regime, will be considered an illegal immigrant, he will be deported and put on a special list, after which he will be able to forget about visiting Europe for a very long time.

What is a "Schengen calculator"?

The length of stay of each foreigner in the European Union is calculated automatically. If someone thinks that they can, having arrived in the Schengen area without a visa, “get lost in the crowd” and settle down in a quiet illegal work, live for years in the “Western paradise”, then he is very mistaken. After expiration due date They will start looking for him and will probably find him. After this, the name of such a cunning person, again, will be on the list of undesirable persons. He will not be able to travel to Europe for a long time, both without a visa and with one. And if there are a lot of such smart people, then, according to the proven suspension mechanism, visa-free travel will be closed for all citizens of Ukraine.

Who was against it?

Representatives of not all EU countries supported the introduction of a visa-free regime with Ukraine. Formally, Kyiv fulfilled the conditions set for it, and there were many of them, more than a hundred, but the quality... European deputies have justified concerns about a possible increase in crime and large-scale illegal migration. Initially, France, Italy and Germany objected, but there is no need to mention the Netherlands, where things came to a referendum. Paris is currently considered the most active enemy, and if there are any delays in the implementation latest procedures, then the reasons for them can be sought in this European capital.

Can they just take it and not let you in?

As such, “face control” is not practiced at the border of the European Union, and if an agreement on visa-free entry is concluded with a country, then in the vast majority of cases it is observed. That is, bureaucratic arbitrariness in the form unjustified refusal there is no need to be afraid. It's another matter if there are some reasons for it. These may include:

Lack of a return ticket with a departure date corresponding to the “Schengen calculator”.

Vague answer to the question about the purpose of the trip.

Suspicious contents of hand luggage.

Being on the “black list” of violators of the visa-free regime.

Uncertainty of place of residence in the country of arrival.

Absence the required amount money.

Other legal grounds for refusal.

Where can you go?

A visa-free regime agreement was signed with 26 countries included in the Schengen area. In addition, Cyprus, Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria will allow Ukrainians to visit them, as these states are applying to join the “Schengen club”. Special position Switzerland, which is not a member of the EU, but is ready to support the collective decision after its final approval.

Attitude of ordinary citizens to the joyful event

As a hot poll conducted by the News One channel showed, only 10-15% of respondents were enthusiastic about the possible introduction of visa-free travel in the near future (in the summer). Not all of them are probably preparing for exciting trips, but some may be happy for other, more fortunate, fellow citizens or proud of the achievements of their home country for a reason high level national identity. Those who could actually travel to the European Union before have objectively become smaller, which is mainly due to the difficult economic situation. Everyone else shows indifference or, in other words, complete indifference. The revealed attitude is fully consistent with the sentiments of Moldovan citizens, who for the most part do not believe that the introduction of visa-free travel has improved their lives.

The event that Ukrainians have been waiting for for many years has finally happened! According to the latest news about the visa-free regime for Ukrainians to Europe 2017, from June 11 of this year, all citizens of our country will be able to visit European countries without a visa. The EU Council supported the decision to liberalize the visa regime, which, of course, takes relations between Ukraine and the European Union to a new level.


The first conversations about simplifying the entry of our citizens into the Schengen area began back in 2008. However, then Europe presented our country with a number of demands, the fulfillment of which took 9 long years. Having appreciated the Ukrainian efforts, the European Commission already in 2016 submitted an initiative on this issue to the European Parliament for consideration and the decision was approved. Visa-free regime for Ukraine with the EU was supposed to come into force back in 2016, but the law, the signing of which was necessary, did not pass. As a result, the citizens of our country Once again felt deceived. Negotiations did not stop and already in May 2017 the necessary agreements were reached. There was only one thing left to do: visa-free travel for Ukraine 2017 had to be approved by the Council of Europe, which happened in the next few days.

So, what is this long-awaited solution? Can we already start packing our bags and lining up at the border? Next, we will tell you point by point about all the subtleties and nuances of the current visa-free regime.

Visa-free regime conditions

The conditions for a visa-free regime for citizens of Ukraine are not much different from the conditions for residents of other eurozone territories. First things first - biometric passport. He is plastic card with a chip containing personal information from a photo and individual fingerprints. The free regime allows you to stay in the Schengen area for up to ninety days in every 180 days. This means that for ninety days (approximately 3 months) you can not leave the eurozone countries. After this period, you are required to check in at the Ukrainian border zone. The next trip is possible only after 180 days (six months). Also, in ninety days you can freely travel back and forth from the Schengen area several times, regardless of whether you spent one day or one month there. You can control the number of days spent using the so-called “Schengen calculator”.

Many people are interested in what visa-free conditions for Ukrainians 2017 who are going to study or find employment in the EU. The innovation does not apply to these categories of persons. To work or study in the eurozone, you still need a corresponding stamp in your passport.

What does a visa-free regime give for Ukraine?

Taking into account the conditions described above, we can outline what a visa-free regime will give to Ukrainians as follows:

  1. The ability to travel to all Schengen countries without restrictions, except for the above 90 days;
  2. Possibility of passing short courses(for example, summer language courses);
  3. Opportunity to make business trips, short-term business trips.
    Perhaps this is all that a visa-free regime with the EU will give Ukrainians. Europe has opened a corridor that is not so wide for our citizens, but, on the other hand, it is not so narrow.

From what date is the visa-free regime?

The Council of Europe has approved visa-free travel for to the Ukrainian state at the plenum on May 11, 2017. The decision comes into force after one month. This means that the visa-free date for Ukraine is June 11, 2017. From this day on, all happy owners of biometrics can calmly and without fear cross the border and move through the Schengen zone.

Visa-free rules

The main necessity is to have a biometric passport. At the same time, if you have a traditional regular passport with a visa, you can continue to use it freely. For those who do not want or do not have the opportunity to make a biometric passport, the visa-free rules do not apply. In this case, you will need, as before, to draw up a package of documents and submit them to the appropriate Visa Center and pay full price at 35 euro. The legislation also does not prohibit having two foreign passports at once - a standard one and a biometric one. These are the rules of the visa-free regime for Ukraine and the EU.

What documents are needed

Officially the only document, which must be presented to enter EU lands, is biometrics. But since the system is completely new, you may be detained at the border control for the following purposes: asked to tell you about the reasons and needs of the trip, to present route sheet, reservation of a hostel, hotel or invitation from a private person, confirmation of solvency (account statement or current status credit card), health insurance and " green card» in case you travel in your own car, as well as a guarantee that you will return to your homeland, for example, return ticket with date. If any of the documents are missing Border Service has every right not to let you pass beyond the control zone. To prevent this from happening, despite the visa-free regime for Ukraine, it is better to have documents on hand.

Which countries are included in the visa-free regime?

After the entry into force of the visa-free provision, citizens of Ukraine will have the opportunity to visit the territory of absolutely any member of the European Union (with the exception of Ireland and the UK), as well as additional countries Schengen Agreement - Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland and Switzerland. These countries with a visa-free regime for Ukrainians 2017 will let you through at border control without any problems if all the necessary conditions are met.

List of countries without visas for Ukraine 2017:

Sweden, Switzerland, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Portugal, Malta, Norway, the Netherlands, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Iceland, Bulgaria, Estonia, Denmark, Belgium, Austria.

Pros and cons of a visa-free regime for Ukraine

Like any event, visa-free travel for Ukraine can be assessed both positively and negatively. Of course, there are no universal criteria; each resident of the country determines for himself how good this innovation is for him. But still, we will highlight several variable pros and cons of free entry into the territory of EU countries.

Disadvantages of a visa-free regime for Ukraine

The Council of Europe approved the decision on visa-free travel and it is already difficult to cancel it. But it’s quite possible to pause it. And Europe has reserved this right for itself in the event of an excessive flow of migration from Ukraine or if actions begin to take place in the country that endanger the European corridor and the member countries of the Schengen Agreement. What constitutes an “action that undermines security”, Europe can interpret according to its own understanding. Therefore, if suddenly she doesn’t like something in Ukraine’s behavior, the visa-free corridor will immediately slam shut.

Another underwater rock visa-free travel is imaginary mobility in crossing borders. Even when the agreement comes into force, you won't be able to just throw your backpack on your back and go conquer European capitals. There is a very high probability that you will simply not be allowed into the desired country. To celebrate the radiant confidence of President Poroshenko in a bright future, the people’s concepts changed. If we consider the de facto state of affairs, only one thing has changed - Ukrainians with biometrics do not need to pay 35 euros to receive a stamp in their passport. Otherwise, everything remains the same: the same package of documentation, the same paperwork. Therefore, it would be more correct to call the regime not visa-free, but visa-free.

Advantages of a visa-free regime for Ukraine

Well, now about the good stuff. The introduction of a free regime removes the main obstacle that prevented the interaction of Ukrainians with developed European countries. Including financial relations. Several European air carriers have already become interested in the Ukrainian market, including the well-known low-cost airline Ryanair. Having received a worthy competitor, Ukrainian carriers will be forced to reduce ticket prices, which will also have a good impact on the ability of citizens to travel. After all, most Ukrainians still couldn’t afford flight prices.

And if you imagine how many important transactions, contracts, agreements with foreign companies was disrupted due to the inability to obtain a visa and personally attend the negotiations! From now on, this barrier will no longer exist and Ukrainians will be able to easily and simply cooperate and build business with a wide variety of European companies.

Who benefits from the visa-free regime in Ukraine

Any action has a certain reasons and the benefit of one or both parties. Nothing is done “just like that,” and there is no doubt that the visa-free regime was signed based on some beneficial considerations. And here are a few thoughts on this topic.

Why does Europe need a visa-free regime with Ukraine?

The growth of communication abilities between countries increases the business interest of states in each other. This is one of the superficial reasons. On the sidelines they are whispering that visa-free travel will be an excellent bait for illegal work force, which will work in European countries for a meager salary and have no social guarantees. This is especially true for the countries closest to Ukraine - Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia.

Another not very rosy opinion is that visa-free travel will become a kind of lever of pressure on Ukraine and its government. Europe demands - Ukraine fulfills. Otherwise, bang, and the visa-free corridor will close.

Why does Ukraine need a visa-free regime?

For ordinary Ukrainian citizens, a visa-free agreement may indeed bring some benefits. For example, this will greatly simplify business trips, meetings with family, and travel. Even though the absence of visas does not give the right to legal employment in the European Union, this can be an excellent springboard for testing the waters, finding housing, working and passing tests before settling in the EU according to the rules provided for by migration legislation.

And for Ukrainian authorities this is a good way to increase your rating in the eyes of future voters. Like, look: they promised - they did. Considering that the current government settled in its seats precisely on the promises of European integration, it has every chance of holding on to these seats.

Reaction of Putin and Russians to visa-free travel for Ukraine

Back at the 2016 conference Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about visa-free travel for Ukraine as follows: he stated that he supported this decision. He called the presence of visas “an anachronism.” cold war", which must be disposed of as quickly as possible. However, in his opinion, it would be correct to provide Ukrainians with the opportunity not only to travel, but also to work in European countries.

And here is how Russia reacted to the visa-free regime for Ukraine: Russians reacted to the Ukrainian news differently: some were not interested in this issue at all, others expressed resentment that the visa-free regime went to the Ukrainians and not them, others were even happy for the fraternal people and wished you great trips and bright impressions. Such opinions appeared on social networks and based on the results of social surveys.

What do Ukrainians think about visa-free travel?

But what can we say about our neighbors, when even the Ukrainians themselves are divided into several opposing camps. People's reviews are strikingly contradictory. Large quantity adherents of the decision - on Western Ukraine. Of course, because such a close border with Europe has become even closer and you can safely go for a weekend walk to neighboring Poland or Slovakia. Residents of Eastern Ukraine received the news without much enthusiasm: according to posts on social networks, their opinion is that those who went on vacation to Europe will continue to do so, and for those who did not have the means before, the abolition of fees is unlikely to significantly change anything for them. 35 euros. In general, the reaction of Ukrainians can be described as neutral. Not many of our citizens see personal benefit in this decision.

Be that as it may, visa-free travel comes into force on June 11, so we can wish happy travels and no delays at customs. Take heart, Europeans!

Do not believe that the visa-free regime allows Ukrainians to cross the EU border carefree. You will still need certificates and documents. Which ones – now you’ll find out!

Contrary to popular belief, the abolition of visas does not mean the absence of any entry requirements. Guided by official instructions, the border guard has every right request from citizens of Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova a number of “pieces of paper”, in the absence of which they can turn them back.

By and large, this set is no different from the one submitted to the embassy, ​​with the exception of the completed application form and payment of the visa fee.

So, what might a border or migration officer of that country ask you to confirm? European Union, which you enter first, from a citizen of Ukraine and any other country that has a similar visa-free regime?

First, the purpose of the trip. If it is a tourist trip, you need to show a hotel reservation. In case of a guest visit to friends or relatives, you will need an invitation, as well as contact information of the inviting party (first and last name, residential address, telephone).

It is also advisable to have an invitation if you are heading to a conference. A student trip requires documentary evidence of enrollment in an educational institution.

Secondly, solvency. In this case, the required amount for staying in the EU depends on the number of days and the selected country (or countries). On average, you need to proceed from the calculation of 50 euros per day per person.

Solvency can be expressed in the form of cash, as well as a credit card.

As for the latter, there are still fierce debates on the Internet about whether border control officers have the right to check it, and if so, how. So, they have such a right!

The European Commission recommends checking the balance/limit by contacting the card issuer or using other available means. Alternatively, before your trip, you can obtain an account statement from your bank in English.

Third, medical insurance and a return ticket. It should be noted here that their presence is advisory in nature. That is, you are not required to have medical insurance and a return ticket with you while going through border control, but it is better if you have them.

Do not forget that a visa-free regime with EU countries is allowed only to those citizens of Ukraine who have received a biometric passport. Regular passport does not give such a right!

It should also be remembered that the stay of Ukrainian citizens in the EU without visas is limited to only 90 days for a period of 180 days. And here people usually get confused in their calculations, and this, in turn, is fraught with excess permissible quantity days, which may entail the inclusion of the violator in the Schengen database information system(SIS) followed by an entry ban. To avoid this, use a visa calculator.

Using it is quite simple: in the “Date of entry/control” field, indicate right day, then check the box next to the “Control” option, and in the column below, indicate the dates of previous trips in the Schengen area and click the “Calculate” button.

In our example, a person stayed in the European Union for 31 days in January and plans to return there on March 20 of the same year. According to the calculations received, it turns out that our tourist can stay in the EU until May 17, which coincides with the number of days allowed: 31 days (in January) + 59 days (from March 20 to May 17) = 90 days.

It would not be amiss to remind you that a visa-free regime does not give Ukrainians the right to get a job in European countries. For legal employment, you will need a work visa, even if it is seasonal earnings not exceeding 90 days. The same prohibition applies to studying abroad if it exceeds the number valid days within the framework of the visa-free regime. Behind detailed information contact the embassy of the country where the educational institution is located.

And in conclusion, I would like to note that you should not neglect the rules of the visa-free regime in the hope of “maybe”. As a cold shower we will give the following information: in the first year of visa-free travel between the European Union and Moldova, 1.5 thousand Moldovans were denied entry, another 2.5 thousand citizens of this country violated their stay in the EU, which risks becoming “banned from entry.”

Approximately in 2020, for countries that have received a visa-free regime, an entry fee into the European Union in the amount of 5 euros will be introduced. Not for every trip, but only once every five years. The application can be submitted online, but if you neglected the rules of the visa-free regime, you may be refused. New system called ETIAS.

Obtaining visas is a process that requires a certain amount of time and effort. This happens regardless of how this is formalized. permit document: independently or with the help of agencies specializing in providing such services. Therefore, many people take advantage of the benefits that , and , and .

What is a visa-free regime? By definition, this is the order international relations, which does not require special permission– visas to enter the country for citizens foreign countries. It is established unilaterally or multilaterally between subjects of international relations and involves free movement citizens from those countries that have signed such agreements.

The most famous example multilateral treaty today is the creation of the Schengen zone. was signed as part of visa liberalization for citizens in 1985. The small Schengen village in Luxembourg then brought together representatives of only 5 countries: Germany, Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

However, Schengen actually began to work in 1995, when the actual opening of borders took place in accordance with the developed visa legislation. Then the majority joined him European countries. Special status Great Britain and Ireland are in the Schengen area. They do not participate in the joint foreign policy of the European Union, which is why it remains. After a series of EU enlargements, all new members acceded to Schengen legislation, automatically agreeing to the terms.

To date Participants falling within the Schengen area are 26 European countries, including 4 countries with so-called associated participation, as “related to the Schengen activities of the European Union.” These are Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway, excluding the Spitsbergen archipelago (those who wish to go there can do so under the special Spitsbergen Treaty).

Tiny European states - Monaco and San Marino - automatically entered the Schengen zone. Four countries, such as Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Cyprus, pledged to comply with the terms of the Schengen Agreement, but did not do so for various reasons.

Under Schengen conditions:

Visa-free countries with the EU

The EU has signed an agreement on visa-free entry with many countries, according to which citizens of the states and republics listed below have the right to stay in the territory of EU countries for 90 days. But it is worth remembering that the visa-free regime does not provide the right to work or do business. It is intended exclusively for private or tourist visits to countries of the European Union.

Without EU visas, citizens can visit:

  1. Ukraine.
  2. Georgia.
  3. Bolivia.
  4. Islands of Trinidad and Tobago.
  5. Commonwealth of Australia.
  6. Samoa.
  7. Albania.
  8. Andorra.
  9. Paraguay.
  10. Argentina.
  11. Bahamas.
  12. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
  13. Barbados.
  14. Panama.
  15. Bulgaria.
  16. Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  17. Brunei.
  18. Vanuatu.
  19. Vatican.
  20. Venezuela.
  21. Guatemala.
  22. Honduras.
  23. Hong Kong.
  24. Grenada.
  25. Dominica.
  26. Israel.
  27. Iceland.
  28. Canada.
  29. Cyprus.
  30. Antigua and Barbuda.
  31. Costa Rica.
  32. Liechtenstein.
  33. Brazil.
  34. Mauritius.
  35. Macau.
  36. Macedonia.
  37. Malaysia.
  38. Malta.
  39. United Mexican States.
  40. Moldova.
  41. Principalities of Monaco.
  42. Republic of Nicaragua.
  43. New Zealand.
  44. Kingdoms of Norway.
  45. Romanian Republic.
  46. El Salvador.
  47. San Marino.
  48. Seychelles.
  49. Saint Lucia.
  50. Serbia.
  51. Singapore.
  52. Slovenia.
  53. Eastern Republic of Uruguay.
  54. Croatia.
  55. Republic of Chile.
  56. Swiss Confederation.
  57. Ecuador.
  58. Korea.
  59. Japan.
  60. Great Britain.

Visa-free regime for Americans

Citizens of the United States of America travel to the Old World without visas. The existing agreement between America and the European Union allows Americans to freely stay in both the countries included in the Schengen zone and its associated members.

These include European countries such as Andorra, Albania, Malta, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Luxembourg, Monaco, San Marino, Moldova and Ukraine.

To visit all these states American citizens will be required in mandatory only a passport. In some countries, a policy is required to cross the border health insurance. In Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovakia, you will need to register with the police upon arrival. Also, everywhere you need to have a sufficient amount of funds based on the calculation of 45 euros for each day of stay.

Regarding the length of stay under the visa-free regime, the vast majority of countries limit the stay of American tourists to 90 days over a six-month period. A few states are exceptions. For example, Belgium allows the shortest stay on its territory - for 1 month; in Andorra this period increases to 2 months, and in San Marino you can generally stay indefinitely - the terms here are not limited in any way.

In the latest news, information has appeared that some friction has emerged in relations regarding the visa-free regime between the United States, Canada and the European Union. Let us remember that Europeans have been entering these countries without visas since 1986.

The visa regime is maintained only with some representatives of the European Union. These include Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus and Poland. The second point concerns restrictions on entry into the United States for European citizens who have visited the following countries in the last 5 years: Syria, Sudan, Iraq, Iran. This law, passed by the US Congress, came into force in January 2016.

The discussion is about the abolition of the existing state of affairs. European officials raise the question that if the United States and Canada do not reconsider their attitude to these points, the European Union will consider itself entitled to do the same and introduce a similar visa policy with its North American partners.

Such relationships are certainly related to political events, which continue to have a direct impact on the global community. Each party tries, first of all, to take care of own safety. In the United States, there is a complex election battle for the presidency, in which candidates use external risk factors for their own purposes.

In Europe, the situation is aggravated by ongoing problems with illegal migration, the threat of terrorist attacks and internal divisions within the European Union itself.

Its leaders are also trying to build a tactical line of behavior depending on the situation that is unfolding in the foreign policy sphere.

Current state of affairs in Turkey

As for resolving the Turkish issue, its condition depends entirely on the political will of the leaders of the largest European states. The peculiarity is that the Europeans agree to offer a visa-free regime for Turkey for purely political reasons related to migration problems. The Turkish government has expressed its consent to the return Syrian refugees from Europe who arrived there from Turkey and did not have the right to political asylum.

By different estimates, including data from the United Nations, there were up to 850 thousand refugees in special camps in the country. According to the Turks themselves, the number of migrants significantly exceeds these figures and reaches 3 million people. According to conservative estimates, the Turkish authorities have already spent more than 7 billion euros on their maintenance.

Almost all analysts note that on the issue of abolishing visas, there is an agreement - some kind of compromise that satisfies both sides. Turkey is most actively supported by the leader of the European Union, Germany. Of course, this is due to the fact that opponents accused A. Merkel of failing to protect Europe from waves of refugees.

At the same time, the German Chancellor rightly believes that keeping the flow of migrants within Turkish territory will be cheaper both from an economic point of view and taking into account political consequences migration flows. Therefore, she used her authority to lobby for Turkish interests and at the same time protect her position.

Other EU countries, such as the Czech Republic, believe that it is too early to provide Turkey with a visa-free regime. In addition to the problem of so-called Islamic chauvinism, which is visible behind such a position, there are indeed a number of provisions that run counter to the norms of European democracy.

According to research conducted by the American agency FreedomHouse in 2015, Turkey is among the countries with little freedom. In defense of their position, they cite evidence demonstrating the lack of freedom of the press, which is gross violation democratic freedoms.

Experts are seriously concerned about the violation of human rights observed in Turkey. But at the same time, they note that Brussels is simply obliged to move towards a visa-free regime for the Turks, since compromise agreements have already taken place.

On the other hand, political scientists warned that Turkey could use the migrant problem to bargain for better conditions.

As noted above, the existing problem of Islamic chauvinism has kept Turkey away from the EU for many years. Let us recall that the Association Agreement with the European Union was signed by Turkey back in 1963, and negotiations on membership have been ongoing since 1987.

To date, out of 35 requirements for membership, only 14 have been met, the remaining 17 are blocked. Thus, all of Turkey's attempts to become a member of the community failed, and now for many ordinary Europeans the decision of their leaders has become a kind of challenge. For example, center-right parties in the Czech Republic and other countries sharply criticize the EU leadership for wanting to give a visa-free regime to Turkey.

Moreover, observers talk about the indirect influence of the Turkish issue on the upcoming referendum on the issue of Britain leaving the European Union and the strengthening of the positions of Eurosceptics. IN currently many countries and their citizens consider this country an unreliable ally - a state from which a threat to their security comes.

They suggest that Turkey could become a kind of transit corridor through which weapons and illegal immigrants could flow into Europe. In addition, there is a danger of increased flow Turkish citizens who will strive to stay and gain a foothold in the EU countries. Do not forget that the Turkish diaspora is quite large, especially in Germany.

On April 6, 2017, the European Parliament voted to abolish the visa regime for Ukraine, and on May 11, 2017, the Council of Europe adopted final decision on granting Ukrainians the right to visit the European Union and the Schengen area without visas. On May 22, 2017, the decision to abolish was published in the Official Journal of the European Union visa requirements for Ukrainian citizens.

From 06/11/2017 (20 days from the publication of the EU decision), citizens of Ukraine no longer need to obtain visas to cross the borders of the European Union and stay in Europe for 90 days. Thus, visa-free entry into the EU countries and the Schengen zone became available to Ukrainians.

How does the visa-free regime with the European Union work in practice? What is the procedure for entering the Schengen countries? What documents are needed to travel to the EU? How to calculate visa-free days? For what reason may you be refused to cross the EU border? The procedure for the visa-free regime in 2019 was reviewed by " Legal portal


Which European Union countries do Ukrainians not need a visa for? A visa-free regime with the European Union gives Ukrainians the right to move freely within the Schengen area, intotal 30 states

  • . Thus, the list (list) of countries with which Ukraine has visa-free travel is as follows:
  • 4 non-EU Schengen countries (Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein)
  • 4 candidate countries for accession to Schengen (Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia)

A complete list of states that do not require visiting visa processing – .

How long can you stay in the EU without a visa?

Visa-free travel to the Schengen area and EU countries implies short term travel. For example, you can come as a tourist, meet friends or visit relatives. Visit cultural or sporting events, hold business meetings. In addition, the abolition of the visa regime makes life easier for Ukrainians planning to pass medical treatment, short-term training or training.

How to count days spent without a visa (biometrics)

The period of stay in the European Union is limited to 3 months (90 days) within six months. It should be taken into account the following nuances:

  • The date of entry is considered to be the first day of stay in Schengen territory
  • The departure date is considered the last day of stay in the Schengen area
  • The 180-day control period is not fixed and depends on the date of entry and exit from the EU
  • Absence from the Schengen area for a continuous 90-day period entitles you to a new visa-free stay in the EU for up to 90 days

It should be noted that periods of previous stay allowed under a residence permit or long term visa types “C” and “D” are not taken into account when calculating the period of visa-free stay.

Despite the fact that the visa-free regime for Ukrainians implies permission to enter 4 EU countries that are not part of the Schengen area (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Romania and Croatia), the period of stay in these states will not be taken into account when calculating the 90-day period. This is due to the fact that these countries are not included in the Schengen zone and the 90/180 rule works for each state individually. You can stay 90 days in Croatia, then 90 days in Romania, from there go to the Schengen area for 90 days - and this will not be a violation, since only “Schengen” trips will be taken into account.

At the same time, in accordance with the rules of stay in the EU, the period of stay in the territory of Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Iceland and Norway (these states do not belong to the European Union, but are included in Schengen) is taken into account when determining the total number of days of stay in the EU.

One more important point is that the visa-free regime does not give the right to reside, work and study in Europe. For these purposes, as before, it is necessary to draw up the appropriate visa- work, business (business), student, or residence permit.

What documents are needed for a visa-free trip to Europe?

In accordance with the Schengen Border Code, the only mandatory document For visa-free visit countries of the European Union is a biometric passport. However, this does not mean at all that European border guards will not ask about the purpose of your trip and will not require you to additional documents, namely:

  • proof of solvency - cash currency (calculating 45-50 dollars per day), extract from bank account, traveler's checks or credit cards
  • documents confirming the purpose of the trip
  • health insurance policy (recommended)
  • return ticket (to confirm plans to return to Ukraine)
  • invitation letter from relatives or confirmation of accommodation reservation
  • insurance policy civil liability(in case of traveling around Europe by car)

Generally, border rules after the start of visa-free travel for Ukraine, they remain the same. There is a saving of money and time due to the absence of the need to obtain a Schengen visa, but in terms of documentation, little has changed. As mentioned earlier, border guards are almost always interested in the purpose of the visit and, at the slightest suspicion about you, ask to show the relevant paper or electronic documents.

Since the reason for traveling may be different, the list of documents that the border guard may ask about when going through control is different. Thus, according to Appendix No. 1 to the Schengen Border Code, documentary evidence the purpose of the visit is:

For business trips(business trips):
  • invitation from a company (organization, partners) to attend meetings, conferences or events related to trade, industry or work
  • other documents indicating the existence of a trade or business (working) relationship
  • entrance tickets to fairs, exhibitions and congresses
for travel for study purposes:
  • certificate of enrollment in an educational institute for the purpose of taking theoretical courses or professional trainings
  • student cards or study certificates for attending courses
for tourism or private trips:
  • an invitation from the owner of the property if you plan to stay with relatives (friends)
  • booking accommodation (hotel, hostel)
  • return ticket to Ukraine
  • trip plan (route)
for travel to political, scientific, cultural, sports or religious events:
  • invitations, entrance tickets, applications or programs, where possible indicating the name of the host organization and length of stay
  • any other relevant document indicating the purpose of the visit
How should a guest (private) invitation be issued?

There are two types of guest invitations from individuals - official and unofficial. An official invitation from relatives, friends or acquaintances is issued by government agencies for special forms, the cost depends on the country.

For visa-free travel Ukrainians only need to have an unofficial (“non-visa”) invitation drawn up in free form. However, it should be remembered that the design similar documents is possible only if the friend, acquaintance or relative who is inviting you to visit lives in the territory of the European Union (Schengen) legally.

An invitation from an individual is drawn up in the language of the country where you are invited to visit. Some states allow documents to be issued in English. The requirements for drawing up an invitation letter are quite simple - the document must indicate the personal data of the inviting party, including full name, passport details, and residential address; passport and personal data of the person being invited; degree of relationship or acquaintance; length of stay and guarantee of return to homeland.

In general, the essence of the document that your relative, friend or acquaintance signs when issuing a guest invitation is that it guarantees and assumes obligations for your accommodation and food. The invitation letter must be accompanied by a copy of a document proving the identity and citizenship (residence permit) of the host party.

If the inviting party also acts as a sponsor, i.e. undertakes obligations to ensure financial side foreign trip, this must be registered a separate item in the invitation or in the form of a sponsorship (guarantee) letter.

Since documents are drawn up in free form And specific requirements does not have to do with registration, there should be no problems with their writing. If you still have doubts about the correctness of the design, you can find a sample guest invitation and sponsorship letter on the Internet and rewrite them as applicable to your case.

How to get a biometric passport in Ukraine in 2019?

To register and receive biometric passport you must contact the department of the State Migration Service. You must have the original with you civil passport or birth certificate (for children's passport), TIN and application form. More detailed instructions on the procedure for obtaining a biometric foreign passport, as well as full list documents, production time and cost - .

Can all Ukrainians take advantage of the visa-free regime for traveling to Europe?

You can take advantage of a visa-free visa to visit the countries of the European Union if you comply with five basic requirements provided for by the Schengen border code:

  • have in your hands a biometric passport of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad
  • not be on the list of persons prohibited from entering the territory of the European Union
  • don't be a threat to public order, security and international relations
  • justify the purpose and conditions of your stay in the EU (for example, tourism)
  • have sufficient funds to stay in the EU and return to Ukraine or be able to obtain them legally
How much money do you need to take to travel to the EU?

It doesn’t matter if you are traveling under a visa-free regime to Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy or any other country of the European Union, a prerequisite for entry into the Schengen area is the availability of sufficient funds for the duration of the intended stay and for returning home or for transit to another state .

In this regard, many travelers have a completely logical question: “How much is enough money for a trip to the European Union?” Calculation the required amount for one day of stay in a particular country, it is customary to base it on the average of 45 euros per person. However, in accordance with Article 5(3) of the Schengen Border Code, cash should be calculated depending on the number of days, purpose of stay and average prices for food and accommodation in a particular state.

However, there are exceptions to any rule. So, for example, for a short trip to Poland (no more than 3 days), it is enough to have 300 zlotys (about 2 thousand UAH) or the equivalent of this amount in foreign currency. To stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland for more than three days, a foreigner must have financial resources in the amount of at least 100 zlotys per day.

Attention! More detailed information regarding sums of money required to cross the borders of European states (Schengen area) -.

Visa-free regime for children: rules for traveling in Europe

Traveling with children in Europe without a visa has a number of features. First of all, we're talking about on the production of a biometric passport for a child. Thus, in accordance with the rules of the visa-free regime with the EU, every traveler, regardless of age, must have his own personal biometric international passport.

With a visa-free regime, children cannot enter the EU countries using their parents’ passports. Moreover, soon the Ukrainian border service will stop letting children go abroad using their father’s or mother’s international passport, even to neighboring countries. visa-free states.

Children over 16 years of age have the right to travel around Europe without a visa on their own, just like adults. Until the age of sixteen, a child’s travel abroad, both under visa and visa-free regimes, is accompanied by:

So the second key points In visa-free trips to EU countries with children, there is still a need to obtain a notarized permission from the second parent. Without a power of attorney from the father (mother) for the child to travel abroad, accompanied by only one of the parents, it will not be possible to leave Ukraine.

In what cases is it not necessary to obtain permission from the father (mother) to take a child abroad?

The consent of the father and/or mother to take children outside of Ukraine is not required if:

  • the second parent died or was declared missing
  • father (mother) is a foreigner or stateless person
  • the second parent is deprived of parental rights or declared incompetent
  • In the child’s birth certificate, the entry about the father is made according to the mother’s words
  • there is a court decision to grant permission to remove the child from Ukraine
  • the child travels for permanent residence to another state (if there is an appropriate mark)

Features of visa-free travel to the EU by car

A trip to Europe by car from Ukraine has long been no longer something extraordinary, and the abolition of the visa regime with EU countries has only increased the popularity of road travel. When planning a trip abroad by car, a motorist should remember that in order to safely cross the border of Ukraine with the EU, a number of procedures must be followed and certain conditions must be met.

What are the requirements for a car to travel to Europe?

One of the main requirements when entering the countries of the European Union is technical serviceability car. Therefore, when planning to travel to Europe by car, you should prepare in advance vehicle: eliminate all problems, check the condition of tires, windows and headlights.

In addition, do not forget about the mandatory emergency kit, since the absence of one of the components may result in a significant fine.

So, what should you have in your car when traveling around the EU?

  • fire extinguisher and first aid kit
  • spare wheel and jack
  • tow rope and warning sign
  • vest with reflective inserts

According to the Convention on traffic Tinting of windshields and front side windows is prohibited in Europe. In addition, it is extremely important that the tires correspond to the season - European border guards pay close attention to this. In Poland, for example, you cannot drive on studded tires, but in Scandinavian countries on the contrary, driving on winter roads is only possible winter tires. There are quite a lot of similar nuances, so read in advance the requirements of the Schengen countries you plan to visit.

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