Form for inventory of documents in the archive. Preparation for transfer to the archive

3.7.1. To ensure the completion of the archive in the organization for all cases completed in office work, permanent, temporary (over 10 years) storage and personnel, having passed the examination of value, archival inventories are compiled.

Inventories are compiled separately: for permanent storage files; files of temporary (over 10 years) storage; personnel matters; cases consisting of documents specific only to a given organization (judicial, investigative cases, scientific reports by topic, etc.).

A separate inventory is a list of cases with independent gross (ordinal) numbering.

3.7.2. In the organization, in each structural unit, inventories are compiled annually under the direct methodological guidance of the archive. Based on these inventories, documents are transferred to the archive. Inventories prepared by structural units serve as the basis for preparing summary inventory affairs of the organization that the archive prepares and for which it submits files for permanent storage.

Inventories of the affairs of structural divisions are compiled in the prescribed form (Appendix 12) in triplicate and submitted to the organization’s archive one year after the completion of office work.

3.7.3. A descriptive article in the inventory of affairs of a structural unit includes the following elements:

serial number files (volumes, parts) according to the inventory;

case index (volume, part);

title of the case (volume, part), which fully corresponds to its title on the cover of the case;

dates of the case (volume, part);

number of sheets in the file (volume, part);

case retention period.

3.7.4. When compiling an inventory of the affairs of a structural unit, the following principles are observed: the following requirements:

the headings of cases are entered into the inventory in accordance with the accepted systematization scheme based on the nomenclature of cases;

each case is entered into the inventory under an independent serial number (if the case consists of several volumes or parts, then each volume or part is entered into the inventory under an independent number);

the numbering order of cases in the inventory is gross for several years; the procedure for assigning numbers to inventories of structural units is established in agreement with the archive;

the inventory columns are filled out in strict accordance with the information included on the cover of the case;

when adding consecutive cases with identical headings to the inventory, the title of the first case is written in full, and all other similar cases are designated with the words “The same”, while other information about the cases is entered into the inventory in full (on each new sheet of the inventory the title is reproduced in full);

The inventory column "Notes" is used to make notes about the receipt of cases, their features physical condition, on the transfer of cases to other structural units with reference to necessary act, availability of copies, etc.

At the end of the inventory, following the last descriptive article, a final record is filled in, which indicates (in numbers and in words) the number of cases, the first and last number cases according to the inventory of cases, and also specifies the specifics of the numbering of cases in the inventory (presence of lettered and missing numbers).

The list of affairs of a structural unit is signed by the compiler indicating his position and approved by the head of the structural unit.

At the request of the organization's archive, a table of contents, a list of abbreviations, and indexes can be compiled for the inventory.

3.7.5. Based on the inventories of the affairs of the structural divisions, an annual section of the consolidated inventory of the organization’s affairs is compiled, the preparation of which is entrusted to the archive of the organization under the direct methodological guidance of the relevant archival institution.

3.7.6. The annual section of the summary inventory of cases of permanent storage includes the titles of cases of permanent storage that were postponed during the year in the activities of structural divisions, and the titles of cases formed from documents separated from cases with temporary periods storage that had the “EPK” mark, and only after checking them with the consolidated nomenclature for the same year and checking the correctness of the formation and registration of files. IN necessary cases case headings are clarified, cases are expanded and reformatted when it is discovered that the case has been formed incorrectly.

3.7.7. Annual section a summary inventory of permanent storage cases is compiled in the prescribed form (Appendix 1). The elements of the descriptive article and the procedure for entering case headings into the annual section of the summary inventory of permanent storage cases, filling out the columns are similar to the elements and procedure set out in paragraphs 3.7.3 - 3.7.4.

The first annual section of the consolidated inventory of the fund's affairs is assigned a number according to the fund sheet, all subsequent annual sections are listed under this number until the completed inventory is formed.

3.7.8. Case titles included in the annual section of the permanent inventory case summary are numbered in gross order.

3.7.9. The titles of additionally discovered cases, depending on their number, can be included in the annual section under letter numbers in accordance with the accepted systematization or at the end of the annual section.

After entering or leaving cases into the inventory, a final final record is drawn up, which also indicates the reasons for the changes made.

Making changes to the annual section of the summary inventory of cases after its approval by the EPC of the archival institution is allowed only after the EPC, which approved this section, makes a corresponding decision.

3.7.10. For the first annual section of the consolidated inventory of permanent storage cases, a preface is drawn up and, if necessary, indexes, a table of contents, and a list of abbreviated words that make up the reference apparatus of the annual section of the inventory.

3.7.11. The preface includes information about the main activities and structure of the organization for the period covered by the inventory; given a brief description of the content and completeness of the fund documents included in the section; indicates the presence of cases that go beyond the chronological boundaries of the fund; the most typical groups of cases are noted both in terms of types of documents and content; provides a brief description of the information contained in the inventory about subordinates or higher organizations; The features of the formation, description and systematization of case headings, the availability of reference apparatus for the section, the basic principles of its compilation and the procedure for using it are highlighted.

The preface is signed by the compiler, indicating the position and date of compilation of the preface, and by the head of the organization's archive (the person responsible for the archive).

3.7.12. A table of contents is compiled if the annual section of the consolidated inventory of cases contains subsections, other smaller groups of cases, and reference apparatus for the section. The table of contents lists: a preface, a list of abbreviations (compiled if necessary), the names of all subsections and smaller groups of cases included in the section, indexes (if any).

3.7.13. The annual section of the summary inventory of affairs is compiled in 4 copies.

Annual sections, if they are not a complete inventory, are not filed or bound; they should be stored in folders with flaps and ties.

3.7.14. The annual section of the summary inventory of permanent storage cases is subject to consideration by the organization's Central Executive Committee (EC), after which, if agreed, the end of the section is stamped "Approved" indicating the CEC (EC) protocol number and the date of the meeting at which it was reviewed. Approved annual sections are sent for consideration by the archival institution in accordance with the deadlines established schedule submission of case inventories for consideration by the EPC of the archival institution, but no later than 2 years, and by the central archive of the ministry, department Russian Federation(central industrial archive under a ministry or department of the Russian Federation) - 4 years after the completion of records management of the cases included in the section. 4 copies of it are presented.

After approval of the annual section of the EPC of the archival institution, the section is approved by the head of the organization, then the first copy of the annual section of the consolidated inventory is transferred to the state archive as a control copy, the rest remain in the organization.

3.7.15. Several annual sections of consolidated inventories of permanent storage cases or one annual section, the number of case headings in which has reached a four-digit figure, are considered a completed archival inventory.

In organizations with a small volume of permanent storage files generated annually (up to 200 files), the inventory is considered complete if it includes annual sections of summary inventories of permanent storage files for 5 years.

3.7.16. Each completed inventory is assigned a number.

3.7.17. The completed inventory has an independent numbering of the case headings; a final entry and a certification note are compiled for it. The final entry and certification note (Appendix 13) for the completed inventory are drawn up in the same way as for the annual section of the consolidated inventory of affairs.

In this case, the certification notes drawn up for the annual sections of the consolidated case lists are withdrawn.

The title page of the completed inventory of permanent storage records indicates:

name of the fund;

fund number;

inventory number;

the name of the inventory, which includes an indication of the category of documents (permanent, temporary storage, personnel, etc.) contained in the files, the titles of which are included in the inventory;

deadlines for cases included in the inventory.

Before the name of the fund on the title page there is space left for writing full name state archive in which the affairs of this organization will be permanently stored.

3.7.19. A table of contents and a preface must be compiled for the completed inventory, as well as indexes and a list of abbreviated words if the latter are present in the annual sections.

3.7.20. Completed inventory with title page And help desk it is enclosed in a hard cover and bound.

3.7.21. The annual section of the summary inventory of cases of temporary (over 10 years) storage includes the headings of cases that were postponed during the year in the activities of structural divisions.

The annual section of the summary inventory of temporary (over 10 years) storage cases is compiled in the prescribed form (Appendix 2). The procedure for filling out the inventory columns, numbering the section headings, drawing up the final record and certification letter to the section is similar to the procedure specified in paragraphs. 3.7.7 - 3.7.9, 3.7.17.

The systematization of case titles in the annual section of the summary inventory of cases of temporary (over 10 years) storage corresponds to the systematization of case titles in consolidated nomenclature cases for the same year.

If necessary, a table of contents and a list of abbreviated words are compiled for the annual section of this inventory (see paragraph 3.7.10).

The annual section of the summary inventory of temporary (over 10 years) storage cases is printed in two copies and is first approved by the organization's Central Executive Committee (EC), and then approved by its head.

3.7.22. The annual section of the summary inventory of personnel affairs has established form(Appendix 3). The procedure for filling out the columns, the inventory form, numbering the headings of the section's files, drawing up the final record and the certification note for the section is similar to the procedure specified in paragraphs. 3.7.7 - 3.7.9, 3.7.17.

3.7.23. The headings of cases in the annual section of the summary inventory of personnel cases are systematized on a nominal basis, taking into account the following sequence:

orders (instructions) for personnel;

lists of personnel;

personnel registration cards (in the absence of a separate inventory of personal files);

personal files (in the absence of a separate inventory of personal files);

personal accounts of workers and employees wages (payslips by salary);

unclaimed work books (in the absence of a separate inventory);

accident reports.

Specified species documents generated in an organization in large volumes can be separated into independent annual sections of the inventory (personal files, work books, etc.). Personal files (personal cards) are entered into the consolidated annual section of the inventory according to the year of dismissal of the person for whom the personal file was opened, and are systematized alphabetically.

If necessary, tables of contents, indexes and lists of abbreviated words are compiled for the annual section of the summary inventory of affairs and for the completed inventory of affairs for personnel.

The annual section of the summary inventory of affairs for the personnel of the organization transferring documents for permanent storage is printed in triplicate, signed by the compiler, certified by the head of the personnel department (HR inspector) and submitted for consideration by the organization's Central Executive Committee (EC). After approval of the TsEK (EK) section, it is subject to agreement with the EPC of the corresponding archival institution and approval by the head of the organization.

The transfer of files to the archive of the organization is carried out according to a schedule drawn up by the archive, agreed upon with the heads of the structural units transferring documents to the archive, and approved by the head of the organization.

During the period of preparation of files by a structural unit for transfer to the organization’s archive, the archive employee first checks the correctness of their formation, execution and compliance of the number of cases included in the inventory with the number of cases opened in accordance with the nomenclature of the organization’s files. Employees of the structural unit are required to eliminate all deficiencies in the formation and execution of cases identified during the inspection. If a lack of cases is detected, a corresponding certificate is drawn up.

Each case is accepted by the person responsible for the archive ( special employee), in the presence of an employee of the structural unit. In this case, on both copies of the inventory, a note about the existence of the case is made against each case included in it. At the end of each copy of the inventory, the number of cases actually accepted into the archive, the numbers of missing cases, the date of acceptance and transfer of cases, as well as the signatures of the person responsible for the archive (archive employee) and the person who transferred the cases are indicated in numbers and in words.

When accepting particularly valuable cases, the number of sheets in the cases is checked.

Cases linked into bundles are delivered to the organization’s archive by employees of structural divisions.

Along with the files, registration files for documents are transferred to the archive. The name of each file cabinet is included in the inventory.

Each organization is required to maintain internal document flow, consisting of incoming correspondence, concluded contracts, documents personnel records and reporting for inspection bodies ov. Each of the above acts must be carefully checked. The process under consideration is systematized using various types inventories of documents. In this article, we propose to consider a sample list of documents for transfer to another organization and regulatory authorities.

The inventory form has not been officially approved, but its use is widespread

Purpose of the inventory of internal documentation

Inventory internal documentation The company allows you to systematize and classify various information in order to ensure a quick search for the necessary acts, forms and papers. There are several type species

  1. inventories of documentation that differ in the purpose of the papers. Let's look at the most common examples: Inventory of documents for permanent storage
  2. – in this case, the form indicates basic information about the contents of the document. Inventory of documentation for the purpose of temporary storage – the difference between this storage option is clearly deadlines
  3. which are no more than ten years.List of documents submitted to regulatory authorities this type
  4. the inventory contains information about papers transferred to judicial and law enforcement agencies, the tax service and other government agencies.

Inventory of affairs of hired employees. It should be noted that the documentation filled out by representatives of the accounting and HR department , V mandatory subject to accounting. This requirement can be explained by the fact that after use, such papers are transferred to the state archive and other institutions. In some situations, the documents in question are required to be retained for established by the state term. For video materials and photographs this period is five years, and for personal files

employees - seventy-five years. Creating an inventory of documents, one of

important aspects in office work. It is important to note that some papers are required to be described. According to current legislation, All personnel documents, transmitted

labor inspection

must be systematized. Personal files of company employees are stored for seventy-five years in the State Archives or on the territory of the organization. In the event that an organization does not submit these documents to regulatory authorities, penalties may be imposed. Internal document flow An inventory of the company’s internal acts is an integral part of office work., Needs constant systematization, various registers and personal files of hired personnel. There are several ways to organize papers. The first involves categorizing by the date the documents were drawn up, and the second by the type of case.

According to the law, the inventory of documents is the final stage of document processing

Experts recommend that every enterprise use separate forms registration of documents. The categories of outgoing and incoming correspondence include various letters, parcels, claims and requests from third parties. To category personnel documentation everything should be collected internal orders and orders of the head of the company. IN separate group various protocols are collected that are maintained during production meetings, meetings of members of the founding staff or employees.

Licenses and certificates, as well as orders and orders related to the main activity of the company, should be kept separately. According to the regulations established by law a separate species inventories are personal files of hired workers and dismissed personnel. Employees' personal files should include copies personal documents (passport, diploma, TIN, pensioner's ID ), a certificate of the presence or absence of a criminal record and a copy of the work book. Among the additional forms included in this list

, the employment order, employment agreement and job descriptions should be highlighted. In some areas entrepreneurial activity Employees' personal files include a copy medical record . In the case of dismissed employees, the above list should be supplemented with a photocopy of the order from the company management to terminate labor agreement

. It is important to pay attention to the fact that a separate package of documents should be prepared for each employee, which is filed and transferred for storage to the archive.

Preparation for transfer to the archive Many internal documents organizations, after a certain period of time are transferred for storage to the archive. According to the rules established by law

Before transferring internal papers for temporary storage in the archive, all pages of the case should be numbered. The page serial number is recorded in the upper right part of the document. The mark is made with a simple pencil. In the case when the enterprise uses papers of “A2” and “A3” formats, they are stitched on only one side, after which they are folded in half and numbered as one sheet. When attaching illustrations and photographs to the case, the serial number is recorded on them back side.

The inventory is compiled in a special directory, the form of which is approved by the government

There are certain regulations governing the scope of one case. According to established rules, no more than two hundred and fifty pages should be filed for one case. In the event that the number of documents exceeds the above volumes, the file should be divided into several parts or volumes. In order to securely fasten all papers, you should use the four-puncture stitching technique.

One of important points creating an inventory of the company’s internal documents is to indicate information about the company, the serial number of the bound volume, the name of the file and the duration of storage in the archive. After last document will be supported by the case, a witness certificate should be drawn up. After that, an inventory is compiled and binding is done.

Experts recommend using hard cardboard covers. The first page should be overlaid with a ten-centimeter piece of thick paper, which will protect the threads from abrasion. In some cases, it may be necessary to draw up internal inventory volumes of the case, which is attached to the first page. IN delivery inventory the following information is indicated:

  • serial number of the case, part and volume;
  • list of titles;
  • number of sheets in one file (part or volume);
  • length of storage period in the archive.

Upon liquidation of the company, all personal files of hired personnel, including unclaimed work books, are transferred for storage to the State Archives.

List of documents for submission to regulatory authorities

Many regulatory authorities and municipal institutions may require a legal entity to provide various documents. When preparing a package of documentation, you will need to create an inventory of papers, which is certified by the company seal and signature of the manager.

According to the established rules, the inventory must include the name of the company and its details, serial number and headings, a list of numbered papers and the total volume of documents, as well as information on the total number of sheets. Detailed list transferred documentation is drawn up when transferring papers to tax service, various funds And statistical organizations. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that preparing an inventory of papers may be required when deciding controversial issues through the court. To date, there are no strict requirements for the list of documents.

The inventory lists individual numbers, their composition and content of all cases

Let's look at how to create an inventory of documents for the tax office upon request. First, you will need to indicate the date of preparation of the papers. In case of transfer of a delivery note or invoice, you must indicate registration number, which must correspond to the number indicated in the internal accounting journal. When transferring contracts and other documents to the tax service, you should indicate the date they were completed, the assigned internal number and information about the other party.

If you submit an application to law enforcement organizations, you will also need to provide an inventory transferred documents. This requirement is mandatory if there are various attachments in the form of supporting or evidentiary documents.

Preparation of transfer of documents to third parties

Large firms dealing with various contractors and independent partners are often faced with the need to transfer various documents before concluding a transaction. More often similar documents transmitted through courier service or through postal service. In this situation, there is a risk of damage or partial loss of various forms or acts. In order to avoid similar situation and possible negative consequences For each of the parties, you will need to draw up an inventory.

Let's look at an example of a list of documents for transfer to third parties. First of all, you should indicate the name and details of the company acting as the sender. Next, you will need to number the enclosed papers and indicate the total volume of sheets. After this, the date of drawing up the form is recorded. The preparation of such papers allows you to avoid various conflicts associated with the failure to provide important information to potential partners of the company.

All documents of each document described must be properly systematized


The form in question is quite often used in various fields office work. Using an inventory allows you to systematize incoming and outgoing correspondence, personal files of hired employees and other internal documents of the enterprise. Please note that after the expiration of the three-year period, all of the above documents must be transferred for storage to an archive located on the company’s territory. In case of liquidation of the enterprise, State Archives Only information about all employees of the company is transmitted.

When submitting documents to authorities state statistics, tax service, court and various funds, the presence of an inventory is a mandatory requirement.

Failure to do so may result in further proceedings. In this case, the company faces a large fine. In order to systematize the internal document flow of the enterprise and speed up the search necessary papers

, you can download a sample list of documents to be transferred. The list of documents is ordered and systematized listing of all available .

business papers

Any organization that has been operating for a long time has an extensive document flow and stores all the necessary materials.

For internal use by legal entities

  • If we classify enterprise documents, they can be divided into the following types:
  • statutory and related to the activities of legal entities. persons (, meetings of the board of directors, reports on the issue of securities); accounting documents (, primary accounting documents
  • , order journals, );
  • personnel documents (, work books,); contracts (with counterparties, with service companies
  • , purchase and sale of organization property, etc.)
  • incoming and outgoing correspondence and;
  • production documentation related to the production of products and provision of services;
  • certificates and licenses;

legal documents related to participation in legal disputes. Is not full list , each legal entity has a lot of its own additional business papers. Each type is assigned certain period

The shelf life of the rest is determined by the organization itself. In order to ensure order in all matters and papers, you need to classify and systematize them; for this, an inventory is drawn up (a separate one is drawn up for each section). It indicates structural subdivision enterprise, date of creation of the document, serial number, name, number of sheets and executor (that is, the one who produced it).

Thanks to a correctly compiled inventory, finding the document you are looking for will not be difficult. However, it is needed not only in the field internal records management, but also in relationships with other organizations.

Filling similar documentation in the 1C program you can watch the following video:

When transferring documents to the archive

When it is obliged to transfer to the state or municipal archive first of all personal information for employees: personal files and cards. This must be done in order to avoid violations of the rights of persons working at the enterprise at the time of contacting the departments Pension Fund for the calculation and receipt of pensions.

Often the entries made in work book for confirmation, which in turn affects the size of the pension, are incorrect. Employees of the Pension Fund must make a request to the enterprise where the employee worked, and if it is liquidated, to the archive in order to receive confirmation of the information provided.

Documents are transferred according to the inventory; before it is compiled, archivists explain which documents are to be transferred and how to correctly draw up the list according to which personal files will be accepted.

In cases where an enterprise is declared insolvent (bankrupt), the appointed bankruptcy trustee is obliged to transfer the documents according to the inventory to the archive, otherwise the court will refuse to complete the procedure.

For referral to government agencies

If a company sends documents by mail, for example for tax office (Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service), Fonda social insurance (FSS) and others official departments, then in order to avoid any dispute arising in the future or the very fact of sending being questioned, it is better to draw up an inventory and certify it with the help of a postal worker.

Russian Post has standard forms a list of attachments in valuable letters or parcels, in which you need to indicate the sender, recipient, list of correspondence and number of sheets.

An inventory is also required when submitting documents to court as an appendix to statement of claim or during judicial trial. Because the procedural legislation requires that Required documents were sent not only to the court, but also to all persons participating in the case, they must be accompanied by an inventory. Any special requirements There is no need for a list, you just need to list and indicate the number of pages.

The inventory can be compiled by official bodies providing government services, independently by approved sample. For example, Rosreestr institutions, receiving registration documents from citizens and legal entities real estate or transactions, draw up a receipt indicating the list of documents: contracts, constituent documents, establishing rights, cadastral passports and others.

They also do the same Migration Service, traffic police, Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.

When submitting an application to the police or other law enforcement agencies, in order to report a crime or protect a violated right, it is necessary to substantiate and prove the facts stated in the appeal. When listing the attached evidence, you will also need to make an inventory.

In interactions with the same law enforcement agencies, service bailiffs, tax organization A problem may arise when a citizen or legal entity has documents confiscated or confiscated, most often in originals. A lot depends on how the inventory is compiled; later, when the seized documentation is returned, it will be transferred according to the previously compiled list.

The procedure for transferring documents according to the list requires special attention, both parties are obliged to carefully check the materials recorded in the list for the name, number of sheets, compliance with what is indicated and actually available. In case of disagreement, it is necessary to draw up an appropriate act in which the discrepancy and the time frame for elimination must be indicated.

To transfer to another organization

In the course of carrying out activities when concluding contracts, counterparties are required to submit full package documents that also need to be described. In the future, you may need to send by mail or hand over certificates of work performed and services provided, about the dispatch of goods, transportation documents, securities And so on. To avoid misunderstandings and claims, it is better to make an inventory. Can sign it executive or any authorized employee indicating his last name and first name.

If you take full responsibility for compiling such a list, which many ignore and consider unnecessary and unnecessary, then you can avoid accusations of incomplete provision documents, failure to send required papers and other problems.

Drawing up an act of acceptance and transfer of documents is not strictly mandatory procedure. However, in some cases, the transfer of documents between counterparties is accompanied by its signing. The act of acceptance and transfer of documents has legal meaning, therefore, if any controversial situations and disagreements between the signatories it has evidentiary value and can be used in court.

An act of acceptance and transfer of documents is also created within enterprises - for example, when transferring personnel, accounting, etc. documentation when changing employees. In this case, the documents must pass preliminary check on their content and completeness, so that the employee receiving the documents does not subsequently encounter unexpected troubles.


Basic rules for drawing up an act of acceptance and transfer of documents

Unified standard sample There is no instructions for filling out this document, so enterprises and organizations have the right to independently develop its template or draw up the document in free form. You can fill it out as simple as in writing, and print on a computer. An act of acceptance and transfer of documents is drawn up on a regular A4 sheet in two copies - one for each of the interested parties. Moreover, each copy must have the signatures of the heads of organizations or authorized persons.

If necessary, the document can be certified with a seal, but this is not necessary, because since 2016 legal entities have the right not to use seals and stamps in their activities.

Also, the act must contain a specific list mandatory information. In particular, it should be indicated here information about the parties, between which the fact of transfer of documents is recorded, as well as full list transferred documents with their clear name and quantity. If original documents are transferred, this must be indicated in the act (if they are lost, claims will be made to the party in whose hands they were at the time of demand), if copies, then they must be certified by the transferring party.

It should also be noted that in the case of transferring original documents, the transferring party must obtain copies of them.

In cases of special value of the transferred documents, it is advisable to include more full details about enterprises (full details with OGRN, TIN, KPP, etc.), as well as passport data of employees involved in the transfer process. If they are transmitted standard documents, you can limit yourself to a simpler form of the act.

Instructions for filling out the document acceptance and transfer certificate

From a business standpoint, this act has quite standard form and should not cause any particular difficulties when filling out. In the example under consideration, documents are transferred from one enterprise to another.

  • First, write the name of the document with a short description of its essence.
  • The line below indicates the city in which the organization issuing the act operates, as well as the date of its execution.
  • Next, enter information about the company that transfers the documents: enter its name indicating the organizational and legal form (IP, LLC, OJSC, CJSC), as well as position responsible person(usually they write here Director, CEO or indicate another employee authorized to sign such documents) his last name, first name, patronymic (in full).
  • Then the same is entered about the second side: name of the organization, position, surname, first name, patronymic of the responsible person.

After entering information about the enterprises, you need to write a complete list of documents to be transferred.

As a rule, such acts are drawn up in cases where the list of documents being transferred is either particularly valuable or quite impressive, so it is best to arrange their list in the form of a table.

In the first column you need to enter the serial number of the document being transferred in this table, in the second - the full name, in the third - the date of its preparation, in the fourth - the document number by internal document flow. In the fifth column you must indicate the original or a copy (certified) is transferred to a second organization, and the sixth column is the number of sheets contained in the document.

If necessary, the table can be expanded by adding any additional information.

Under the table you should write how many copies of the act were drawn up and how many the interested parties received, and also sign the heads of both enterprises.

After signing the act of acceptance and transfer of documents, the party that accepted it automatically assumes full responsibility for the completeness, content, and safety of the transferred documentation.

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