Will get citizenship. Inclusion in citizenship

For Russian-speaking foreigners from nearby and far abroad In Russia, regulations have been developed that allow you to quickly and without bureaucratic delays settle in your historical homeland. Russian citizenship in a simplified manner is a way to reduce the standard waiting period of 5 years. The maximum period for consideration of the issue is no more than three years.

The new law on obtaining Russian citizenship in 2019 significantly simplifies the procedure for Russian-speaking foreigners who are ready to renounce their status as a resident of another country. For the simplified scheme, it is not necessary to obtain a temporary residence permit and wait for the expiration of a period of three to five years. The urgent procedure is designed for at least three months and is valid for migrants from Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. They move into Russian territory without a temporary residence permit, registration is organized in accordance with the four-party agreement dated February 26, 1992.

Changes in the regulatory act concern, first of all, migrants from Ukraine. Now they do not have to wait 2 years for the president of their country to issue a decree in response to a written request to renounce their civil status. Voluntary surrender Ukrainian passport will confirm the applicant’s intentions, and a written renunciation made in Russia and signed by a notary will become a necessary condition for acquiring permanent registration in the Russian Federation.

General procedure for receiving

Standard design scheme Russian documents does not provide preferences for ordinary applicants and allows a limited number of foreigners to settle in their second homeland. Firstly, acquiring Russian citizenship requires obtaining temporary residence permit according to quotas. Entry is limited throughout the country; for example, in Moscow no more than 2 thousand permits are issued annually. Secondly, to move in you cannot do without a residence permit, a certificate of good conduct, permanent source profit, knowledge of spoken and written Russian. In the best case, the process lasts at least five years.

Established requirements for applicants

To take advantage of the privileges and obtain permanent registration in Russia under a shortened procedure, you must meet several requirements:

  • age from 18 years;
  • knowledge of Russian language;
  • availability of a document proving the renunciation of another citizenship;
  • capacity;
  • no criminal record;
  • officially registered activities: employment contract or your own business;
  • availability of residence permit.
A simplified procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship is available to former residents of the USSR and RSFSR. After the breakup political system they are recognized as native speakers of Russian. Unless they accepted otherwise civil status and have a corresponding birth certificate, then registration takes place according to Article 14, Part 2, paragraph “a”.

Preference is given to those who can contribute significant contribution into the country's economy. According to the preferential scheme, those persons who have graduated from a higher educational institution with accreditation in Russian cities and received a specialist diploma after 07/01/2002. Regulations have been developed for them under Article 14, Part 2, paragraph “e”.

Grounds for simplified procedure

The grounds for obtaining Russian citizenship in a simplified manner are selected depending on the circumstances. Presence of relatives among local population helps reduce the time of the procedure by several times. Refugees and Russian-speaking speakers also find “shelter” in their new place of residence. In addition, there are other ways to quickly socialize in a new homeland.

By marriage

Obtaining Russian citizenship by marriage - a convenient method of initiation accelerated procedure. Requirements for this:

  • the marriage is registered with a Russian citizen in the registry office;
  • the migrant’s family lives and farms together, the children receive decent maintenance and upbringing;
  • the marital union did not break up in the first three years.

Read also:

Fictitious marriage to obtain Russian citizenship

A foreigner who is a member of marital relations, is checked for a residence permit and a source of livelihood. If his behavioral characteristics and employment at his place of work in Russia do not cause any complaints from migration service, then citizenship is issued on the basis of Article 14, part 2, paragraph “b”.

If one of the parents is a citizen of the Russian Federation

When one of the parents of a foreigner is registered here, a simplified system for obtaining Russian citizenship is applied. To start the mechanism, the applicant presents not only the local passport of the father or mother with copies of all pages, but also a birth certificate. If required, the latest document is translated with a notary seal.


Read also:

Acquiring citizenship by birth

The parent of a child who is left without adult care has the right to apply for Russian citizenship. The second guardian may be recognized as missing, limited in parental rights, including due to incapacity. Another force majeure event is death due to illness or accident. In such circumstances, the second parent should enlist the support of a lawyer, take the court decision to the migration department and pay the state fee for legalization of residence together with the child in the amount of 3,500 rubles.

The question regarding children and parents who can obtain Russian citizenship in a simplified manner in 2019 is considered under Article 14, Part 2, paragraph “d” or “c”. Relocating to the territory of the Russian Federation on legal grounds disabled parents adults with local registration. Let us remind you that from 2019 retirement age is 65 years for men and 60 years for women.

Video: How I received Russian citizenship

Study in Russia

To be received soon Russian citizenship Former students of local universities are eligible under a simplified procedure. An important condition for this is employment in Russia, contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, social insurance for three months.

Citizens of the former USSR

Russia considers itself the legal successor of the USSR. Stateless persons (people without status) here are those persons who, after the collapse of a power, temporarily resided in the territory of one of the republics and for some reason did not accept the foundations and customs of the next state system. USSR citizenship is confirmed by an old passport. Compatriots must know the Russian language, culture, history of the country and preferably have a fundamental education.

For Russian speakers

For socialization, knowledge of the language of the host country is necessary. Skills and abilities are tested in exams. At the end of the testing activities, a certificate is issued.

If a migrant communicates in Russian without problems, then he has the right to obtain permanent registration in three month period. In 2019, in order to obtain Russian citizenship in a simplified manner for the Russian-speaking population, it is necessary to undergo an interview organized at a special meeting of the committee at the migration department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Resettlement program

Migration processes are recorded all over the world due to natural disasters, military operations, unstable economic situation in a particular country, according to political beliefs. If there are Russian-speaking speakers among the refugees, then their settlement is organized in regional subjects according to the programs of the Russian government. At the same time, migrant families receive measures additional support: assistance in finding a job, training in in-demand professions, social benefits.

Opening a business or investing in the country's economy

Businessmen have priority right to enter Russia. Legalizing their activities with the Federal Tax Service allows you to receive a Russian passport without a queue and in three months. Candidate requirements (one of):

  • income from the enterprise is at least 110 million per year;
  • share of investments in the country's economy - 10% of the company's authorized capital;
  • successful activity in the country for three years.

Citizenship by investment is granted upon analysis of the accounting and tax reporting. An important condition is transparent conduct of business and timely payment of tax fees.

Procedure for obtaining citizenship

Registration steps to receive Russian status look like this.

  • Moving across the state border.
  • Issuance of a migration card at the customs control point.
  • Stamp of arrival in the country within 7 days after check-in.
  • Submission of documentation for temporary residence permit and temporary residence permit.
  • Confirmation of the legality of stay in the Russian Federation.
  • Receiving a passport.

Registration of Russian citizenship in a simplified manner does not require the issuance of a temporary residence permit. Belarusians cross customs without migration notification. The abbreviated procedure does not extend to a five-year period and begins with the registration of a residence permit. Last document gives the right to employment even to municipal (civil) employees.

Collection of necessary documentation

Documents for obtaining Russian citizenship in a simplified manner in 2019 include a number of forms:

  • application with personal data;
  • information on income from the place of official employment;
  • 3 photos and for preparing a personal file;
  • stub of paid state duty;
  • certificate of passing tests in the Russian language, knowledge of the culture and history of the host country;
  • university diploma conferring a master's or bachelor's degree.

In 2019, a sample application for adoption of Russian citizenship in a simplified manner is formulated in writing in the state language of the receiving party. Blots and abbreviations are not allowed on the form. The applicant is obliged to truthfully fill out personal information.

Where to apply

Obtaining Russian citizenship in a simplified manner is organized by authorized government agencies. If the migrant is abroad, then a package of documentation is sent to the diplomatic mission in Moscow. Upon arrival in Russia, a foreigner applies to the State Administration for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or a subordinate department.


Registration for obtaining Russian citizenship is made through an online account system. For the convenience of migrants, a corresponding service has been developed on the website of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. To select from the menu, follow several links: “ Territorial department" - "Citizenship" - "Registration" or "Consultation" - "Reception day" - "Registration time". It is not allowed to be late even by 10 minutes.


From test checks native speakers and persons in registered marriages with local residents, disabled foreigners. For other migrants, examination events are held at on a paid basis. The cost of preparation for testing is at least 5 thousand rubles.

Simplified acquisition of citizenshipspecial procedure registration of Russian citizenship, which allows reducing the period of residence of a person on the territory of the Russian Federation before applying for citizenship to 1 year or less. It is the timing of registration of the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation that distinguishes the simplified procedure from the classical scheme for obtaining citizenship, which requires residence for 5 years from the date of receipt of a residence permit in the Russian Federation. Also unlike standard order obtaining citizenship, simplified procedure does not imply registration or temporary residence permit or residence permit (depending on the grounds).

Grounds for obtaining Russian citizenship in a simplified manner, list of documents, advantages.

Depending on the basis for acquiring citizenship, a simplified procedure allows you to reduce the time required for obtaining citizenship Russian passport up to 1 year or less.

A simplified procedure for obtaining citizenship, as a rule, is of interest to citizens who have decided to obtain Russian citizenship in the shortest possible time. However, obtaining a Russian passport legally within the framework of this procedure is possible only if the applicant meets the requirements of the law.


Obtaining a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation bypassing the legal means of obtaining citizenship entails criminal liability. It is possible to obtain a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation legally only in compliance with established procedure V in full. Giving a bribe, as well as other actions aimed at acquiring Russian citizenship, not only entail extradition invalid document, but are also a criminal offense!

Advantages of obtaining Russian citizenship in a simplified manner:

  • Shortened deadlines for obtaining a passport
  • No need to obtain a temporary residence permit or residence permit

Grounds for legally obtaining Russian citizenship

In order to legally acquire Russian citizenship in a simplified manner, you must meet the criteria put forward by the law. Among the most popular grounds for simplified registration of citizenship it is worth noting:

  • Presence of a spouse, parents, children in the Russian Federation
  • Obtaining Russian native speaker status
  • Moving to the Russian Federation under the State Program “Compatriots”

Additionally, an applicant for citizenship under the simplified procedure must have legitimate source Money, as well as provide a set of additional documents provided for by the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Regulations on the procedure for considering issues of citizenship (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2002 No. 1325).

Obtaining Russian citizenship in a simplified manner in 2018

In accordance with the amendments made to the law, the simplified procedure for obtaining citizenship is currently valid for the following categories of citizens.

  • . Obtaining the status of a native speaker of the Russian language opens the shortest path to Russian citizenship. This status a citizen acquires it after undergoing an oral interview with the commission if there are grounds specified in the law. The basis for obtaining the status is the residence of the person or his close relatives within the borders of the Russian Federation. Native speakers of Russian do not need to obtain a temporary residence permit. This category foreign citizens has the right to obtain a residence permit and be admitted to Russian citizenship in a simplified manner, subject to renunciation of their existing citizenship.

Russian speaker status and Russian citizenship

NRY status is one of the most popular grounds for acquiring Russian citizenship in a simplified manner. On the forum you can read an article about who can be recognized as a native speaker of the Russian language, about the procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship after receiving the status of a native speaker of the Russian language.

  • Refugees. Persons who have received asylum (refugee status) have the right to acquire Russian citizenship in a simplified manner, bypassing the condition of obtaining a temporary residence permit. The simplified procedure for obtaining citizenship applies to persons who have been granted temporary asylum in the Russian Federation.
  • State program “Compatriots”. Participants in the State Program for the Resettlement of Compatriots. Persons who are allowed to resettle in the Russian Federation according to state program, has the right to obtain a Russian passport in a simplified manner, bypassing the stage of obtaining a residence permit. Recently this program actively implemented in the territory Leningrad region.
  • By quadripartite agreement. Citizens of Kazakhstan, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan can obtain Russian citizenship on the basis of a quadripartite international agreement, if there are close relatives in the Russian Federation and permanent place residence.

Grounds for obtaining Russian citizenship in a simplified manner

Conventionally, all grounds for obtaining Russian citizenship in a simplified manner can be divided into three groups:

  • First. The first group can include all the grounds for simplified passport registration specified in Article 14 of the Federal Law “On Citizenship”, related to the presence of close relatives in the Russian Federation (registration of citizenship by marriage, etc.).
  • Second. In the absence of relatives, a person also has the right to apply for citizenship status in a simplified manner. IN in this case the basis for obtaining citizenship will be circumstances directly related to the personality of the applicant. This is either a close cultural and social connection of the person himself with Russian culture and existence (native speakers, resettlement of compatriots), or possession special status(eg refugees).
  • The third group consists of citizens of Kazakhstan, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan. Citizens of these states have the right to acquire Russian citizenship within the framework of a special simplified procedure provided for by international agreements.

A complete list of grounds for simplified acquisition of Russian citizenship is prescribed in the Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”, as well as in a number of international treaties.

List of documents for citizenship

The documents required to obtain Russian citizenship usually include:

  • Passport with translation into Russian;
  • Photos;
  • Application for citizenship;
  • Information about the presence of a legal source of funds. If provided bank statement You must also confirm the source of funds entering your account!
  • Certificate of passing the Russian language exam (native speakers of Russian, citizens of the Republic of Belarus are exempt from taking the exam);
  • Government duty;
  • Depending on the grounds for receipt, you will also need to provide: temporary residence permit, residence permit, certificate of temporary asylum, refugee certificate or other document confirming the right to reside in the Russian Federation;
  • You will also need: a birth certificate, documents from relatives living in the Russian Federation, a marriage certificate, etc.

Important! All documents containing entries in foreign languages ​​are subject to notarized translation.

Note, the presence of a ban on entry into the Russian Federation, decisions on the undesirability of stay, committing administrative offenses, usage forged documents or message false information may become a basis for refusal to issue a Russian passport. A citizen has the right to apply again for Russian citizenship only after 1 year from the date of receipt of the refusal.

Given this, it is necessary to approach the issue of obtaining citizenship as responsibly as possible.

Important information about the procedure for obtaining citizenship in St. Petersburg

Application for citizenship

The application form for citizenship in a simplified manner is established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2002 No. 1325 (see Appendix to the Decree). The application must be completed legibly by hand or using computer equipment, corrections to the application are not allowed. Please pay attention Special attention filling out an application for citizenship as indicated in it false information entails denial of citizenship.

An application for admission to citizenship on the territory of the Russian Federation is submitted (regardless of the grounds) at the place permanent residence foreign citizen (in the region where the migrant is registered). In most cases, in the absence of permanent registration, citizenship documents may not be accepted.

Government duty

The state duty for citizenship is paid the same for all categories of foreign citizens. pay attention to Bank details, for which it is necessary to pay a duty to the budget. The details are different for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

Details for paying state duty:


Recipient: UFK in St. Petersburg

INN 7830002600

Gearbox 784201001

BIC 044030001

account 40101810200000010001


OKTMO – 40 911 000


Recipient: UFK in the Leningrad region(Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region)

INN 7830002600

Gearbox 784201001

BIC 044106001

account 40101810200000010022

name of the beneficiary bank: LENINGRAD DEPARTMENT

OKTMO – 41,000,000(or from the provided OKTMO code directory)

KBK 188 1 08 06000 01 0018 110

Time limit for obtaining Russian citizenship in a simplified manner

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is in charge of considering applications for citizenship in a simplified manner. According to the Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” total term Consideration of applications for citizenship under a simplified procedure is 6 months. Applications for citizenship submitted by citizens of the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan on the basis of quadripartite agreement, as well as native Russian speakers.

Deadlines for consideration of applications for citizenship

  • Time limit for obtaining citizenship for a person recognized carrier Russian language is 3 months from the date of application.
  • Citizens of Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan (if they have a residence permit) are granted Russian citizenship within a period not exceeding 3 months.
  • For other simplified reasons, the period for obtaining citizenship is 6 months.
  • IN general procedure citizenship is issued within 1 year.

Difficulties in obtaining Russian citizenship in practice

Pitfalls and cons self-registration citizenship.

In practice, obtaining Russian citizenship is not easy even if you have legal grounds. If you decide to apply for citizenship yourself, you may encounter the following problems.

Queues for reception. Applications for citizenship are accepted strictly through preliminary consultation. You cannot get an appointment without going through a consultation. Despite such “conveniences,” the wait for the appointed day for receiving documents can last for several months.

Refusals to accept documents. Even if you have successfully completed the preliminary consultation stage, you cannot be guaranteed that your documents will be accepted without problems the first time. On the appointed day of reception, the inspector re-examines your documents and may refuse to accept them if:

  • The citizenship application was filled out incorrectly;
  • There are typos and discrepancies in the documents;
  • Are there any additional documents(as a rule, the inspector pays special attention to income documents);
  • State duty paid according to incorrect details etc.

The problem with applying for citizenship in the general manner arises for persons who have grounds for simplified registration of citizenship through recognition as a native speaker of the Russian language. If you are from Ukraine or Kazakhstan and speak Russian well, your application for citizenship will probably not be accepted in the general case. In practice, they try to force Russian-speaking citizens through the procedure of recognizing them as native speakers of the Russian language. This is an unofficial setting of the St. Petersburg Office for Migration Issues. It’s certainly possible to break into the general order, but it’s difficult!

Schedule for accepting documents for citizenship

(documents are accepted by appointment through a preliminary consultation)

Appointments are made in advance every day from 09.00 to 13.00 and from 14.00 to 15.00 in the citizenship department on the street. Krasny Tekstilshchikov building 10.

Without an appointment, only initial consultations are held (daily) and reception on the issue of issuing notifications about the possibility of admission to citizenship for native speakers of the Russian language (Tuesday from 14.00 to 18.00).

Admission to Russian citizenship by birth

  • His parents (both or only one of them) were citizens of the Russian Federation. In this situation, his place of birth is not a factor.
  • One parent is a citizen of Russia, and the second has citizenship in another country. In this situation, if the place of birth is Russia, then the child receives Russian citizenship, but if he is born in another country, then he is considered a stateless person.
  • One parent is a citizen of the Russian Federation, the second does not have citizenship or his whereabouts are unknown (this category also includes cases where a parent has gone missing). For a child to obtain Russian citizenship, his place of birth is not important.
  • Both parents are on the territory of Russia, being either foreigners or stateless persons. If the child was born on the territory of the Russian Federation, and another state for legislative reasons cannot give the child citizenship, he becomes a citizen of Russia.

Admission to Russian citizenship in the general manner

Become Russian citizen may be a citizen of any other country or a stateless person upon reaching the age of 18 years, provided that he has legal capacity. Obtaining citizenship when submitting an application in the general manner occurs if the person wishing to obtain it:

  • For 5 years he has been living invariably in Russia. The period of such residence is considered from the moment when a residence permit is received until the moment of filing an application for Russian citizenship. The period of such residence is called continuous if the duration of trips abroad of Russia does not exceed 3 months per year. If a candidate for citizenship arrived in the Russian Federation before July 1, 2002, then his period of continuous residence in the Russian Federation is counted from the moment of registration at a specific place of residence.
  • Commits to comply with standards Russian legislation and laws of the Russian Constitution.
  • Has a legal source of income.
  • Submitted an application renouncing another citizenship to the appropriate authority of the country whose citizenship he is renouncing. However, refusal is not always required. The exception is cases provided for by Federal Law No. 62-FZ of May 31, 2002 and an international treaty. In a number of situations, renunciation of previous citizenship is considered impossible due to reasons that do not depend on the person wishing to obtain citizenship.
  • Speaks Russian. At the same time, the level of knowledge is established by the regulations regulating the procedure for considering issues of Russian citizenship.

The minimum period of residence in Russia required to obtain citizenship may be reduced!

To obtain Russian citizenship in general, you need to reside in the Russian Federation for 5 years (continuously). But there are exceptions to this rule that allow you to shorten the required five-year period.

In order to take advantage of the amazing opportunities to reduce the time limit, you must meet one of the following conditions:

  • Have special achievements in the field of culture or science, to possess a profession that is valuable for the Russian Federation.
  • To be a person who is granted political asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Have refugee status.

If a person who wants to obtain citizenship in Russia has really serious merits directly to the Russian Federation, then he can become a citizen, bypassing any of the conventions and criteria indicated above.

Admission to Russian citizenship in a simplified manner

Compared to in general In order for a person to become a citizen of the Russian Federation, the simplified procedure is considered preferential. It can be used by legally capable people who, due to various circumstances, do not have citizenship at all, or by foreign citizens who have reached the age of 18.

To become a citizen in Russia before the expiration of 5 years of permanent residence in the Russian Federation (in a simplified/accelerated manner), the following conditions must be met:

  • At least one of the parents must be a citizen of the Russian Federation and reside on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • A person wishing to obtain citizenship was previously a citizen of the USSR. It is also necessary that a person, without citizenship in one of the countries of the collapsed union, in the present and past resided in the territory of the former USSR.
  • A person who has citizenship in one of the countries that were part of the Union before the collapse of the Union has completed a training course in higher or secondary institutions vocational education Russia after July 1, 2002

People living in the Russian Federation and having another citizenship or no citizenship can become citizens of the Russian Federation in a simplified (accelerated) form if the requirements are met:

  • The applicant was born in the RSFSR and had USSR citizenship.
  • Disabled people who want to become citizens of the Russian Federation, while they have capable children with Russian citizenship.
  • The applicant has been the spouse of a person who has citizenship in the Russian Federation for 3 years or more.

A person without any citizenship or who has citizenship in another country, who was previously a citizen of the USSR and arrived in the Russian Federation from a state that was once a union republic within the USSR, can become a Russian citizen in an accelerated manner if the following conditions are met:

  • A person who wants to become a citizen of the Russian Federation has a residence permit or registration according to m.zh. on the territory of Russia, issued or received before July 1, 2002.
  • The applicant has a legal source of income necessary to live in the Russian Federation.
  • A candidate for Russian citizenship knows Russian.
  • The person submitted an application before July 1, 2009 to obtain citizenship in the Russian Federation.

Other grounds for obtaining citizenship in the Russian Federation

  1. The applicant was born in the RSFSR and was a citizen of the USSR. In this case, you must present a birth certificate received at former territory RSFSR representatives of the Civil Registry Office. If such a certificate is not available, you must present a USSR passport (the one issued in 1974). The passport must contain information that this person was born in the RSFSR.
  2. The applicant has been married for at least 3 years to a person with Russian citizenship. To confirm this fact, you must present your spouse’s passport, which indicates his citizenship.
  3. An applicant who has been declared disabled and is 18 years of age capable child having the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation. In this case, in addition to the main package of documents, you must attach the child’s passport (capable and adult) and his birth certificate. In addition, you need a document confirming the applicant’s incapacity for work (certificate of disability, certificate of a pensioner or disabled person).
  4. The applicant previously had citizenship in the USSR and arrived in the Russian Federation from a country that was previously part of the USSR. In this case, if before July 1, 2002 he had a residence permit or residence registration (temporary) in Russia, then documents will be needed: that the applicant previously had USSR citizenship; an identity document (for example, a passport based on the 1974 model with registration at the place of residence as of July 1, 2002 noted in it); about refusal current citizenship(with a receipt for registered mail, necessary in some situations). Also attached: a residence permit or registration certificate or temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation. Exists special provision

, approved by the President of Russia, according to which the list of documents required to obtain citizenship in Russia, the application form, and the grounds for acquiring and terminating citizenship in the Russian Federation are approved.

To obtain citizenship in the Russian Federation by a foreign citizen or a person who does not have citizenship but lives in Russia, a package of documents will be required.

In accordance with the conditions of receipt and the grounds set out in the Federal Law, the required documents must be attached to the application.

  • If there is at least one parent who has Russian citizenship, then you will need:
  • parent’s passport with marked registration at his place of residence;
  • the applicant's birth certificate;
  • resident card;
  • confirmation of knowledge of the Russian language (if the applicant is not exempt from providing it for other reasons);
  • a document stating that there are legal incomes;

a document renouncing another citizenship (sometimes it is required to attach a receipt for registered mail). In cases where the applicant is not required by law to write a renunciation of citizenship, the document is not attached.

  • People who do not currently have citizenship, but who were previously citizens of the USSR before, can acquire citizenship in the Russian Federation if they live and have lived in the territory of the former USSR
  • about the presence of a source of (legal) income;
  • on knowledge of the Russian language (if there is no exemption from presenting it); a document indicating that its bearer was a citizen of the USSR some time ago. For example, such a document could be his birth certificate, which must be issued, the civil registry office in the USSR or the USSR consulate. If the birth certificate was obtained in another state, a document will be required that would confirm that the person submitting the application was a former citizen of the USSR. Such a document may be a certificate or official data provided by authorized body another state that was previously part of the USSR.
  • resident card.

In case a citizen foreign country, which was once included in the territory of the USSR, received a diploma of higher education or secondary vocational education in an institution of the Russian Federation later than July 1, 2002, then the following documents will be required:

  • about the presence of this education (for example, a bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s diploma and an appendix to it);
  • confirmation that educational process took place entirely on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • about availability legal income;
  • renunciation of previous citizenship (sometimes a receipt for registered mail is required);
  • resident card.

An application may be rejected if the person submitting it:

  • Poses a threat to the security of the Russian Federation or is a supporter of a violent change in the foundations of the Russian Constitution and the constitutional system.
  • Provided false documents or information about yourself.
  • Previously, he was expelled from the Russian Federation, in accordance with the norms of federal law, and since then the five-year period has not passed. The application to restore the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation is rejected.
  • Is in military service or in the ranks of law enforcement forces, as well as security agencies of another country. This norm works in accordance with the Russian Federation (international) treaty.
  • Convicted for actions committed that, in accordance with federal law, are considered criminal if the sentence has not yet expired.
  • Has not been redeemed and not expunged criminal record for a crime that took place in Russia or outside the Russian Federation. At the same time, federal law determines the nature of the crime.
  • Wanted for criminal prosecution, which can be carried out with the help of competent authorities located on the territory of the Russian Federation and outside Russia. In this case, the person’s actions are recognized as criminal based on the norms of federal law, while the sentence itself is not pronounced.

Such a procedure as obtaining Russian citizenship is relevant for those people who have decided to live in the CIS. Naturally, they have questions about how exactly such a problem should be solved. This article will examine various facets of this issue.

General scheme

So, to understand how to obtain Russian citizenship, you should start with the most logical actions. Possible alternative options will be discussed later. There are several conditions, if fulfilled, there is every chance of becoming the happy owner of a Russian passport.

First of all, this perspective is relevant for those who are over 18 years old. Next prerequisite is residence for 5 years on the territory of the Russian Federation. The countdown starts from the moment the residence permit was received. Persons without Russian citizenship can count on more fast processing documents, but only if they are of any interest to the state. This could be a significant contribution to the science or culture of the state.

Other conditions, without which such a process is unlikely to be started, include the presence stable income, compliance current legislation and, of course, submitting an application to the appropriate authority.

For whom is the simplified procedure relevant?

Eat certain groups people who, according to the law of the Russian Federation, have the right to use a simplified scheme for obtaining Russian citizenship. It's about about the following categories:

  • those who have minor child who is a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • students who graduated from Russian universities since 2002 and lived in neighboring republics;
  • those who were born in former RSFSR, as well as people who had USSR citizenship;
  • this scheme is relevant for everyone who is not able to work, but has children - citizens of the Russian Federation who have the opportunity to work;
  • former military personnel who served in Russian troops at least three years;
  • simplified citizenship of the Russian Federation can be obtained by those who have refugee status or have requested political asylum;
  • foreigners who married Russian citizens and have been living in the country for more than three years;
  • persons who have two or one parent with Russian citizenship;
  • persons who were at one time citizens of the USSR and living in the territory of neighboring republics.

As you can see, the issue of Russian citizenship, using a simplified scheme, can be resolved by the most different categories of people.

Process in detail

The full picture of the actions leading to the possession of a Russian passport is a consistent and logical process. It consists of the following steps:

  • The candidate enters the country and receives an immigration card, which contains the appropriate mark on the visit to the Russian Federation.
  • Check-in. We are talking about submitting a notification to the Federal Tax Service about the fact of your entry into the country.
  • Process registration of temporary residence permit. This is another action worthy of attention within the framework of the topic “how to obtain Russian citizenship.” In this case, we mean a temporary residence permit. It is with its help that foreigners can confirm their right to stay in Russia for a significant period of time. Maximum period of temporary residence permit, which makes sense to count on - 3 years. Regarding the extension this permission, then the legislation does not provide for such actions.

  • Registration of residence at the place of registration of the person applying for a temporary residence permit. This process must take place simultaneously with the previous action.
  • Registration of residence permit. A residence permit is simply necessary for those foreigners who intend to enjoy a quiet and legal stay in the country. In addition, this gives such a tangible advantage as the right to employment in any Russian company without the need to obtain permission. Moreover, when similar status You can easily leave the country and return to the Russian Federation. At the same time, there is every reason to expect an old-age pension to be accrued. An application for a residence permit must be submitted to local branch Federal Tax Service with accompanying documents.
  • Obtaining citizen status. If we talk about persons who previously lived in other countries, then they need to prove the fact of fluency in the Russian language, stable legal income and payment state duty. The last thing to do is to renounce your previous citizenship. It is extremely important to complete all these points. Documents for Russian citizenship must be submitted, as in previous cases, to the FMS office at the place of registration.

The state duty itself is paid at each of the official stages described above:

  • to obtain a temporary residence permit you will need 1000 rubles;
  • a residence permit is issued after payment of 2,000 rubles;
  • The application for citizenship is accompanied by a payment of 2,000 rubles.

What documents for Russian citizenship must be provided?

So, the need to provide necessary documentation. And, naturally, questions may arise regarding exactly what papers need to be collected and submitted to the Federal Tax Service.

If we talk about obtaining citizenship in general, here is the current list:

  • a foreign passport, provided that its remaining validity period exceeds 6 months and there is a “temporary residence” stamp (notarized translated copy);
  • statement corresponding established pattern(2 pcs.);
  • birth certificate with a notarized copy;
  • marriage certificate and notarized copy, but only if there was a fact of a change in surname;
  • pension certificate and its translation certified by a notary;
  • if an application for Russian citizenship is submitted in the name of a child 14 years old, then his consent will be required;
  • in the case of children under 14, the consent of both parents is required;
  • a copy of the personal account and an extract from the house register;
  • document confirming successful completion Russian language exam;
  • translated and certified educational documentation;
  • Two copies official refusal from the current citizenship, which is sent to the representative office of the applicant’s home country by mail, and the postal receipt and certified copy are attached to the remaining documents;
  • confirmation of payment of state duty.

If you have all the papers described above, there is every reason to hope that you will be able to obtain Russian citizenship, a passport and the opportunity to live freely on Russian territory.

What is needed to obtain a temporary residence permit?

In this case, you will also have to get involved in the collection process necessary papers. The first thing you will need is a passport of a citizen of the country in which the applicant lived, as well as migration card with a note that he has officially arrived in Russia. Don't forget about photographs, you will need to take 4 of them. If there are children, then 2 for each of them. It is important to take pictures without a hat or glasses and order a size of 3.5x4.5 cm.

One more the necessary document to obtain a temporary residence permit is medical certificate, confirming that the applicant does not have diseases dangerous to other citizens. On average to receive similar certificate it will take 4 weeks. All documents for children must also be provided. You will also have to pay a state fee of 1,000 rubles and provide documentary evidence.

Without this stage there is no reason to count on Russian citizenship. It is also impossible to obtain a residence permit without a temporary residence permit. The only ones for whom this requirement is not relevant are residents of Belarus. As for the period for consideration of the petition, it is limited to two months. If the decision is positive, the applicant will need to personally visit the FMS to receive a temporary residence permit.

What you should know about quotas

Anyone interested in the topic of Russian citizenship should understand that each region of the country has its own quota for obtaining a temporary residence permit. That is, the number of candidates who will be given a positive answer is initially limited. For example, maximum amount applicants for Moscow are limited to 2000.

At the same time there is certain categories who can consider the topic: “How to obtain Russian citizenship” without being distracted by any quotas. Here's who it's relevant for:

  • those who are married to a Russian citizen;
  • people leaving military service in the Russian Army;
  • applicants with investor status;
  • everyone who was born in the USSR;
  • those who participate in the Compatriots program;
  • quotas do not apply to those wishing to obtain citizenship whose father and mother are both disabled (in this case, one of the parents must be a citizen of the Russian Federation);
  • the next category is incompetent parents whose children are citizens of the Russian Federation (one is enough).

Documents for residence permit

You should start by writing a statement in accordance with established form in duplicate. You will also need 4 photographs, a temporary residence permit, a passport and a document that can confirm that the applicant has enough money for a full-fledged stay. This could be an extract from bank account, information from the employer or pension certificate.

Returning to the topic of the statement, it is worth noting that the presence of any corrections is excluded, and the information contained in it must be complete and in Russian.

And the last thing you need to obtain a residence permit is a document confirming the fact of rental housing or ownership real estate, as well as a medical certificate and a certificate of payment of state duty (2000 rubles).

Important nuances

There are certain exceptions and adjustments to the citizenship process that depend on who is applying. For example, those who live in Belarus do not need to waste time obtaining a temporary residence permit; they can immediately pay attention to issues related to a residence permit.

Residents of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan do not have such a privilege, but at the stage of obtaining citizenship they have access to certain benefits.

Citizens of the three states mentioned above also do not need to confirm their fluency in Russian, but only under one of the following conditions:

  • Russian is state language their countries;
  • In the case of men, the age of the applicant exceeds 65 years; for women, the relevant figure is 60 years.

But beyond these correspondences, you will have to take a test, which, by the way, is paid. When understanding how to obtain Russian citizenship, it is worth taking into account the fact that in every specific situation list current documents may vary slightly.

And it is important to remember a simple principle: all documents issued to the applicant according to his same place residence at foreign language, must have a notarized translation.

How citizens of Ukraine should act

Initially, it is worth noting that a simplified system for obtaining citizenship is used for residents of this neighboring state with Russia. This opportunity is especially relevant for those who have refugee status from the eastern part of Ukraine.

It is also important that it is not necessary to renounce your previous citizenship. The rest will have to follow standard scheme- submit an application and documents that the simplified system implies.

You need to understand that the need to obtain a temporary residence permit and residence permit in this case is not canceled. At the same time, citizenship for Ukrainians implies certain benefits at various stages of completing the necessary documentation.

First of all, this is the issuance of residence permits outside of quotas. To do this, you must have the status of a person in need of temporary asylum or a refugee. You can also become part of the “Compatriots” program or obtain native speaker status.

The benefits are expressed to the utmost short term consideration of applications and the abolition of the 5-year residence threshold in the Russian Federation.

Concerning last stage V this process, namely, obtaining a passport, then everything happens according to the standard scheme. You need to contact your local FMS office with an application for issuance of this document. The set of papers that must be provided is limited to an identity card, birth certificate and marriage certificate. If there are children, then the children's birth certificate.

As a result, you will have to wait from 10 to 30 days, after which you can pick up new passport citizen of the Russian Federation.

Dual citizenship in Russia

Such a fact is possible, but only in a few exceptional cases.

So, the first and most important principle in this situation is as follows: have two legal passports in Russia it is possible if an appropriate agreement has been concluded between the Russian Federation and another state international agreement or an agreement to resolve the issue of another citizenship.

At the same time, neither rights nor freedoms are infringed, and the person feels like a full-fledged Russian. But you should also not forget that you will have to take on the corresponding responsibilities that are described in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

But here is the peculiarity of this scheme, on this moment there are only two countries with which such agreements have been concluded. These are Turkmenistan and Tajikistan (international treaty). From this it is easy to conclude that double citizenship Not everyone in Russia can count.

There is one more legislative aspect, which deserves attention. Despite strict restrictions described above, every resident of Russia has the opportunity to obtain a second citizenship. And although it seems that there is no difference between these two concepts, in fact the differences are more than noticeable.

Outside the framework of international treaties and agreements, it is possible to obtain a second citizenship of any country and at the same time remain a full-fledged resident of the Russian Federation. There will be no restrictions, infringements or strict conditions. Moreover, the quantity foreign passports in this case is not limited. The main thing is that the person was initially a citizen of the Russian Federation. That is, the first passport he receives must be a Russian document.

It is also worth remembering that it is possible to restore citizenship. It is relevant for those who previously had a Russian passport and have lived in the country for at least 3 years. In this case, you can use the algorithm of actions that was described above: an application with attached documents.


Obtaining Russian citizenship, as you can see, is not challenging task, but some effort will be required. If you fulfill all the conditions and do not treat the process negligently, then within a short period of time after receiving Russian citizenship you can become the owner of a Russian passport.

Obtaining Russian citizenship in a simplified manner in 2018: list of documents, who is eligible, oath, rules for passing the exam, what to do after obtaining citizenship

In 2018, subject to availability certain reasons foreign citizens can obtain Russian citizenship in a simplified manner. For successful procedure All you need to do is prepare a package of documents and contact migration authority, acting according to the established scheme.

Simplified acquisition of citizenship

The specifics of obtaining Russian citizenship are regulated by Federal Law No. 62-FZ of May 31, 2002.

In Art. 14 of this legal act states that foreigners can obtain Russian citizenship in a simplified manner if they meet one of the following requirements:

  1. The mother or father are subjects of the Russian Federation and live on its territory.
  2. USSR citizenship was previously obtained and the applicant is Russian-speaking.
  3. During the existence of the USSR, the candidate lived in the territory of one of the countries that were part of the Union, but never received citizenship, and at the time of application he is a stateless person

In Art. 13 of the Law states that in order to be admitted to the citizenship of the Russian Federation for general principles you must obtain a TRP (temporary residence permit), then live in the country for more than 5 years. The status of the applicant must strictly comply with the requirements, otherwise the documents may be refused.

However, in 2018, the mandatory residence period requirement is waived if:

  • A citizen of a foreign state was previously a subject of the USSR and lived on its territory.
  • The applicant has a Russian spouse, and the marriage lasts at least three years.
  • The candidate was declared incapacitated, but he has capable children - citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • The foreigner received Russian education in any of the accredited universities and other educational institutions after 07/01/2002, and after issuing a diploma, he found a job in the Russian Federation, work experience - at least three years.
  • A foreigner has a business in the Russian Federation that has been successfully operating for at least 3 years, and the amount of insurance and tax deductions is at least 1,000,000 rubles.
  • The applicant is an investor cooperating with legal entities in the Russian Federation, and the contribution to authorized capital one of them is equal to at least 10% of total amount, while the amount of capital is at least 100,000,000 rubles. Mandatory term cooperation for at least three years.
  • A foreigner has been working in the specialty most in demand in the Russian Federation for three years or more at the time of applying for citizenship.

Important! Since 2014 in migration legislation changes were made according to which foreigners can now obtain citizenship in a simplified manner if they prove that they are Russian speakers. To do this, you will need to pass the exam in the presence of a commission and receive the highest mark - 4 points.

Acquisition of citizenship is possible provided that the applicant undertakes to comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and all regulations, as well as if you have a certain amount of money for living.

If there is no agreement between Russia and the state to which the candidate belongs, or the legislation of another country provides for the renunciation of citizenship when obtaining another citizenship, the migrant will have only one passport - Russian.

Here is the procedure for obtaining citizenship under the new rules:

  1. Three months before the end of the period of stay on the territory of the Russian Federation, the foreigner submits documents to the Migration Department (DMA) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of residence. If he is here on a visa, the application is sent at least 15 days before the end of his temporary residence in the country. Before applying, the state fee is paid.
  2. The employee of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who accepts the documents puts an acceptance mark on one of the copies of the application. If necessary, he may request additional materials.
  3. Document verification is carried out within six months, after which the applicant receives written notice. If accepted negative decision, the document indicates the reasons. They need to be eliminated and you can try to apply again.

The state duty for acquiring citizenship is 3,500 rubles. Former immigrants from the USSR receive exemption from payment, regardless of whether they previously had citizenship or not.

Currently there is a program in the Russian Federation voluntary resettlement compatriots, according to which you can obtain citizenship by first registering as a participant in the program and receiving a certificate. In addition to the simplified procedure for acquiring citizenship, program participants are provided with a one-time lifting allowance, monthly payments and compensation for travel expenses - other candidates do not have such privileges.

List of documents

To obtain Russian citizenship in a simplified manner, you need to submit it to the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs following list documents:

  1. statement;
  2. passport;
  3. certificates indicating the existence of reasons for registration of citizenship according to a simple scheme;
  4. certificate of proficiency in Russian language.

In some cases, a statement of renunciation of citizenship of another state may be necessary, depending on the state. Citizens of Ukraine can now renounce citizenship with a notarized document at the local migration authorities of Russia (the need for a certificate from Ukrainian authorities has been abolished). The application can be submitted in person or through legal representative, in the second case you will need a notarized power of attorney.

Text of the oath

In 2017, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted and approved amendments to Art. 11.1 Federal Law No. 62-FZ and changed the text of the oath. Now the procedure for obtaining citizenship for foreigners upon entry is accompanied by taking an oath, where they must read the text specified in Art. 11.1.

Now, when obtaining citizenship, this text must be read by everyone, regardless of the reasons for its acquisition. The exception is separate group persons - they do not need an oath to take an oath:

  • Minors.
  • Incapacitated or partially capable.
  • Visually or speech impaired when it is not possible to read the text.

To confirm the basis for refusing the oath, you will need a passport, birth certificate, court decision or medical report.

Below is the text of the oath:

Citizenship exam

As mentioned earlier, all foreign citizens must pass a Russian language exam to obtain Russian citizenship. Testing is also conducted on history and the basics of the Constitution. This is necessary in order to identify the foreigner’s level of knowledge of Russian speech and basic historical facts. As a rule, in the latter case questions relate to the times of the USSR, Ancient Rus' and Russia in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Based on the results of passing the tests, a certificate is given, which must be submitted to the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Persons who have reached the age of 65 and 60 years (men and women, respectively), disabled people and those recognized as incapacitated are exempt from examinations.

Obtaining Russian citizenship by marriage

As mentioned earlier, citizens of other states can obtain Russian citizenship in a simplified manner and in a shorter period of time based on the presence of a spouse who has a Russian passport.

The whole procedure looks like this:

  1. A foreigner crosses the border, fills out migration card. In some cases, an invitation or a visa is required, but here everything depends on the terms of the agreement with another state.
  2. The marriage with a citizen of the Russian Federation is registered. To do this, an application is submitted to the registry office with the attached documents: a translation of the passport certified by a notary; certificate of absence of another marriage; documents confirming the basis of legal stay in Russia; receipt of payment of state duty.
  3. Receiving a temporary residence permit. It is issued for a period of 3 years, but after 12 months a foreigner can obtain a residence permit, which is the basis for legal stay on the territory of the Russian Federation and is valid for 5 years. The period for reviewing documents is six months.
  4. Finally, submitting documents for citizenship.

The applicant is given written notice of the decision taken. If the migration authority gives a positive answer, you need to go there and pick up your Russian passport.

What to do after receiving Russian citizenship

When the long-awaited status is issued, after receiving a Russian passport, the former foreigner needs to do the following:

  1. Start registering at your place of residence. This must be done within 7 days, in otherwise new citizen will be held accountable under the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
  2. Next - make SNILS and TIN. 24 days are allotted for this
  3. Get compulsory medical insurance policy(mandatory health insurance) at an insurance company. If required health care, in free institutions it appears only with this document.
  4. For men from 18 to 27 years old - register for military service at the military registration and enlistment office at the registration address. If the citizen has already served, documentary evidence will be required.

Note that the laws also establish the procedure for deprivation of citizenship. Forcibly expel from the territory of the Russian Federation, bring to criminal liability or they can take away your Russian passport if former foreigner poses a threat to Russia, has been seen in terrorist operations or preparations for them. Deprivation is also possible if government officials reveal that they knowingly provided false information or documents during the process of obtaining a Russian passport.


The procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship for foreign citizens is possible in a simplified manner if they have a good command of the Russian language and have the grounds to obtain a Russian passport in a shortened time. To do this, you need to contact the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at your place of residence with a package of documents, and within six months you will pick up your identity card.

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