Is it possible to leave a surname after marriage. Application to the registry office: double surname upon marriage

Husband and wife should take the same surname. A woman can keep her maiden name.

And sometimes it happens that after a long time: a year, two, or even five, she suddenly decided to take the name of her husband.

But is it possible to change the surname after registering a marriage after some time (after a year, for example) and how to do it? About this and speech will be further in the article.

Of course, changing the surname after marriage is possible, but the procedure is not the simplest one.

There may be many reasons why the wife did not take her husband's surname right away, on the day of marriage.

The most common of them is temporary difficulties with. It's good when the marriage is 18 years old and the list of documents that should be replaced is small - a passport and a medical policy.

Things are much more complicated when behind a person's back during his life there are many achievements and accomplishments, for each of which a legal document, requiring changes due to the appearance of a new surname. A reasonable question arises - how to change your surname after marriage, if you haven't changed it right away?

The procedure for changing the surname after marriage

So, how to take the husband's surname after marriage registration? Change of surname when immediate conclusion marriage is a much simpler procedure than changing the surname after registering a marriage after a long time.

Newly made newlyweds are immediately issued a marriage certificate in the Wedding Palace and documents along with it after marriage registration (passport) with freshly affixed seals.

The spouse who changed his last name is given exactly 30 days, during which he must change all his personal documents, and most importantly, his passport.

Things are a little more complicated with the change of the surname after the nth number of years. Initially, documents must be submitted to the registry office at the place official registration person, then, when a new marriage certificate has been received, you need to contact passport Office for a new passport.

The procedure provides for a citizen's appeal to several authorities, respectively, this entails the collection of several packages of documents, the payment of several duties, and also increases the waiting time.

If a woman is unequivocally sure that some time after the wedding she will change her maiden name to her husband's, then she should still think about whether it is better for her to do it right away.

Where to contact?

For convenience, you can use the following instructions:

  1. first of all, you should contact the registry office within the limits of your registration. There, according to the proposed model, a statement should be drawn up, suggesting a change of surname. The application must be accompanied by: passport, 3x4 photographs - 2 pcs., Marriage certificate, documents on the birth of children (if they were born), a check for payment of the duty;
  2. after a check in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the registry office issued a marriage certificate with a new surname;
  3. then you should contact migration service, again, within the limits of their registration for obtaining a passport with a new surname;
  4. after obtaining a new passport, all other personal documentsregistered in the old surname.

Application submission

The application form will be issued at the registry office, where they will help to fill it out. It must indicate the reasons that prompted the person to change the previous name.

After the application and documents are accepted by the registry office specialist, a check by the Ministry of Internal Affairs begins to determine whether the citizen has legal debts, unfulfilled obligations to banks, etc.

Such a check can take up to 1 - 2 months. The decision on its results comes by mail. Within 30 days from the moment of notification, you should again contact the registry office already for the issuance of the document itself.

Obtaining acts of civil status

At this stage, it is important to pay the state fee if it has not yet been paid at the time of the initial application.

After presenting permission to change the surname at the registry office, the following documents on acts of civil status are drawn up instead of the old ones:

  • new marriage certificate;
  • new birth certificates of children, where in the column "mother" a woman is indicated with a new surname - by her husband.

The issuance of new documents is carried out by the authorities that issued them initially.

Marriage certificate - by the registry office in which it was registered. Birth certificates of children - the registry office in which the facts about their birth were registered.

Send everything required papers to the required registry office employees of the registry office at the place of residence of the citizen. To obtain new certificates, you will have to apply personally to other registry offices if they do not match.

Payment of state duty

The fee must be paid twice: and when contacting the migration service.

The amount of the fee for the issuance of a new certificate of name change by the registry office is 1,000 rubles.

A person can change his name not necessarily on the basis of marriage, but on personal will.

He can do this even under the age of 18 with the consent of two parents. This right gives him. But, if a change of surname is made out after registration of a marriage, then the amount of the fee is reduced to 300 rubles. You will also have to pay 300 rubles for obtaining a new passport.

Payment details can be taken from the registry office and from the migration service, but most often they are in common banks, for example, in Sberbank. On the basis of the payment by the cashier or ATM, a receipt is issued, which must be attached to the package of documents.

Mistakes that people sometimes make when paying a fee include:

  1. the amount is incorrectly indicated;
  2. the KBK is incorrectly selected;
  3. there are typos in the full name. payer.

To avoid later misunderstandings, you need to timely check the data on the receipt of payment of the fee after the completion of the operation of depositing money directly at the bank. If errors are found, require a bank specialist to make changes. It will not be superfluous to make a copy of the paid receipt for yourself.

Change of passport

The next step in replacing documents is to obtain a passport with a new surname.

To change your passport to the migration service, within the limits of your registration, you need to submit the following papers according to the list:

  • old passport;
  • 3x4 color photographs - 4 pcs .;
  • marriage certificate with a new surname;
  • birth certificates of children - also with the mother's new surname;
  • check for payment of the duty.

The questionnaire is filled in upon submission of documents to the migration service. In exchange for the documents given for registration, the person receives a certificate that the passport is being reissued.

Such a certificate is issued only by the FMS authorities, when issuing a passport through MFC help not issued. After two weeks, the person receives new passport... They receive it only at the Federal Migration Service and nowhere else, except this body.

IN exceptional caseswhen the main document of a citizen is drawn up not at the place of his registration, the time for changing the passport can take up to two months.

A list of basic documents that must be replaced if you decide to take a different surname

After the passport for the new surname has been received, it is worth proceeding with the renewal of other registered documents. So, what documents need to be changed after marriage registration?

After changing the surname, you will need to change:

  • international passport - change also, in the FMS;
  • medical polyc - in the clinic where the citizen is attached;
  • SNILS - in the Pension Fund within the limits of registration;
  • INN - in the tax service;
  • driver's license - in the traffic police;
  • bank cards - directly at the servicing bank or through the employer's accounting department.

The work record book is not changed, it is started alone for life. On the basis of the application and document submitted by the employee, a record is made in it by the organization's personnel officer that the surname has been changed and on what basis.

Diplomas and certificates, various certificates of education also do not change. If necessary, it is enough to attach a marriage certificate to them, which indicates the change of the surname to the husband's surname. Certificates of title to any property do not need to be replaced either.

Thus, the answer to the question of whether it is possible, after registering a marriage, to take a husband's surname after a while is positive. However, changing the surname after marriage is a little more complicated than changing the surname on the day of the marriage. For this, a person must first apply to the registry office for a new marriage certificate and only then to the migration service in order to replace the passport.

The waiting time increases, as in mandatory the Ministry of Internal Affairs is checking for any debts: judicial, banking, etc. Increases total amount fees paid, since they are withdrawn for the actions of the registry office employees and specialists of the migration service.

Nevertheless, despite all the above nuances, new surname after marriage is a very real process, provided that all actions for these purposes are planned and deliberate. With the change of surname, a person actually becomes another citizen with all the ensuing legal consequences.

The wife decides to change her surname, then she will have to get new documents. The procedure is carried out in the authorities responsible for the issuance of certain certificates.

When married procedure for changing personal data is as follows:

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  1. The state duty is paid in advance in the amount RUB 300
  2. Contacting department of GUVM Ministry of Internal Affairs with a statement and established list documents.
  3. Acceptance of the application and entering information into the registration log.
  4. Issuance of a certificate of surname change.

To obtain a new passport, the following are sent to the GUFM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs documents:

  • statement. You can view and download here:;
  • photo;
  • certificate of transfer of state duty;
  • , confirming the conclusion of a marriage union.

Change of surname upon divorce

Replacement of documents is carried out in the event of a divorce, as a result of which personal data changes. First you need to go through a procedure, after which each party receives a supporting certificate.

A citizen has the right to independently decide what surname to wear after the annulment of the marriage.

If a decision is made to change personal data, then certain actions must be taken:

  1. Collecting documents and filling out an application.
  2. Payment of state fees.
  3. Sending an application to the registry office at the place of registration or residence.
  4. Acceptance of the application.
  5. Consideration of the application.
  6. When positive decision an entry is made in the registration log.
  7. A certificate of surname change is provided.

Mandatory required submit documents according to the list:

  • application issued on a separate form. You can view and download here:;
  • passport;
  • the birth of the applicant;
  • divorce certificate;
  • confirmation of the birth of children who are under 18 years old;
  • receipt for the transfer of state duty.

What documents to change when changing the surname?

When the marriage was registered, the following documents must be changed:

  • russian citizenship passport;
  • passport for traveling abroad;
  • TIN (optional);
  • certificate of insurance in the pension system;
  • driver's license;
  • medical policy;
  • accounts and cards issued in banking organizations;
  • certificates issued during educational process (with the exception of previously issued diplomas and other confirmations of education);
  • employment history;
  • for ownership and insurance for vehicle.

Change of passport when changing the surname after marriage, it is performed at the offices of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs closest to the place of registration. It is allowed to undergo the procedure in a multifunctional center.

When contacting the department at the place of registration new document can be obtained within 10 days. If the application is sent to another branch, then the process takes up to 2 months.

You must contact the responsible authorities within 30 days after the marriage. You need to pay in advance state duty at the rate of RUB 300

A common question is do i need to change the passportwhen changing the surname. Exact timing for this procedure is not legally established. If there are no trips abroad, then it is allowed not to change the document.

To obtain a new passport, you need to contact the GUVM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The procedure can be completed on the public services portal and sent electronic application... Before sending an application in 2017, it is required to transfer a state fee in the amount of 3500 RUB

Replacing SNILSwhen a surname is changed, it is made at the Pension Fund closest to the place of registration. The document number remains unchanged. If there is a place of employment, the employer can apply for changes. Non-working citizens send an application to the PFR division, multifunctional Center or through the portal of public services.

When changing SNILS, you do not need to pay state duty. The whole process takes about one month.

Notify insurance company about changing personal data and the need to obtain new policy need up to 30 days. Additional transfers it is not provided. It takes up to one month to produce a document.

TIN replacementwhen changing surname does not apply to mandatory procedures ... Registration takes place if there is an application from a citizen. No costs were identified for the procedure.

After changes in vehicle documents you need to contact the insurance company. Otherwise, difficulties will arise when registering an accident.

Replacement of driver's licensewhen changing the name is carried out in the traffic police. For the issuance of a document with updated information, a fee is provided for the amount RUB 500 If it is required to make adjustments to the vehicle passport obtained earlier, then a state duty is paid equal to RUB 350

Adjustments in work book and banking organization produced by the employer. If there is an application from the employee, replacement bank card to which comes wage... An employee can contact a bank branch independently.


  1. The first step in changing the name is to contact the registry office.
  2. After consideration of the application, a certificate is issued confirming the changes made.
  3. Previously obtained certificates containing the previous surname are considered invalid.
  4. In case of change personal information new documents are required.
  5. The Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is responsible for issuing certificates with updated information, Pension Fund, tax inspectorates and other bodies.
  6. Changes can only be made if there is an application from a citizen.
  7. If there is a certificate confirming the change in personal data, all the necessary documents are replaced.
  8. Depending on the type of documents to be produced, a state fee may be required.

The most popular question and the answer to it by changing the last name

Question: How is it produced change of surname for the child?

Answer: A child's surname change is required after divorce. To do this, you need to obtain the consent of each parent. If there is no disagreement on the part of the parents, then they are required to apply to the authorities responsible for guardianship and trusteeship.

The following documents are submitted to the responsible authority:

  • a statement written on behalf of the parents (or additionally attached written agreement other side). You can view and download here:;
  • the child's consent to the procedure;
  • on the conclusion and dissolution of the marriage union;
  • to remarry (if any);
  • about the birth of a child;
  • confirmation of the identity of the parents;
  • an agreement concluded between the parties on the change of surname, certified by a notary;
  • a certificate confirming the child's place of residence.

When the child reaches the age of 14, it is required to receive it written agreement... If the child is 10 years old, then his opinion is taken into account during the procedure.

If the decision is positive, the guardianship authorities issue a written permission. Then you need to contact the registry office for an official change of name. The whole process takes no more than 30 days.

Samples of applications and forms

You need following samples documents.

The tradition of double surnames came to us from the distant past. Previously, they were privileges of the nobility or were given for special merits, and recent times it has become a kind of fashion. More and more girls different reasons do not want to part with their own surname or want to take a double surname at the time of marriage. This decision is usually explained mainly by the desire to retain the family name and at the same time demonstrate their new position as a married woman.

This issue regulates russian legislation... So, Art. 32 Family Code The Russian Federation legitimizes the right of spouses to choose a surname, including a double one.

This is done very simply: when applying for marriage, young people should indicate their desire to combine two surnames. Then such an option will be defined in the relevant documents.

Today, when choosing a surname, brides least of all take into account established traditions. According to statistics, when getting married, 80% of girls change their surnames, 15% prefer to stay on their own, and only 5% prefer a double surname. In accordance with Art. 32 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, spouses have the opportunity to choose their husband-wife surname.

When choosing a double surname, you should know some features:

  • when one of the spouses has a double surname, the addition of one more is not allowed, since in Russia triple surnames are not provided;
  • spelling of a double surname is allowed with a hyphen without spaces: for example, Ivanova-Sidorova;
  • at the same time, the surnames of both spouses cannot be changed in any form: they must be in the nominative singular.
  • upon dissolution of the union, both parties are allowed to choose: either leave the double, or return the former.

It is also allowed that such a surname is taken by one of the young married couple, and the second remains on his own.

True, the legislation does not define the conditions for the formation of double surnames. Here, people who are going to get married are allowed free choice.

When deciding to take a double surname, remember that this is not only a beautiful sound, but also some inconvenience associated with documents. Too long surnames often cause problems when filling out various questionnaires and forms, even in some accounting programs there is a limitation on the number of characters and this will cause additional unpleasant delays in the preparation of documentation.

If the marriage has already been concluded

Of course in life add up different situations... It happens when, when getting married, a girl left herself a premarital surname. And after living for several years, she decided that she made a mistake, so she wants to fix it. Is it possible?

Law Russian Federation and here it provides two options:

  • if the wife has already taken her husband's surname, she declares her intention to change her surname in order to add another one to her. Then her maiden name is returned to her, to which the husband's surname is added;
  • when the married couple retained their last names, another is added to one last name.

You can change your surname after getting married at any time, there is no time limit in this case.

This process is simple. An application is submitted to the registry office, to which the relevant documents are attached (you can find out about them at the place of the registration authority). It must contain the surname and reasons that prompted the change.

The application will be reviewed within 30 days. The answer can be in the affirmative, that is, a change of surname is allowed, about which an appropriate entry will be made, or, negative, in which case a detailed explanation of the reasons for the refusal will follow.

If you are not satisfied with this decision, you can appeal it in court, especially when it is illegal.

Employees of the registration authorities are not allowed to interfere, nor are they allowed to give biased advice about changing the name or refuse registration for personal reasons.

The issue of changing the name is not devoid of relevance in other countries. For example, in France, almost all women have a husband's surname. Residents of Iceland, after marriage, remain on their previous surnames. IN Scandinavian countries preference is given to double surnames, while in Denmark men prefer the wife's surname. In Spain, it is customary for each person to compile a family tree, and the baby at birth receives a double surname - mom and dad.

Summing up the above, I would like to emphasize that the Family Code of the Russian Federation guarantees married couples the choice of a surname, including a double one. You can formalize your choice directly on the wedding day, as well as later. If the registry office employees refuse to carry out this procedure, they should be required written explanation reasons, then their refusal can be appealed in court.

Double surname in children

Often naming children, unexpected situations arise. For example, the family has one surname, and the parents want their child to have a double. This, alas, is prohibited, since the child must certainly have the surname of the father and mother. But it is still possible to solve this problem.

Mom can apply to the registry office for a return maiden name, and then register him with a double surname - her husband and her.

This surname is also available for children whose parents live in a registered marriage, but each has his own surname. This is possible, if they wish. But if this did not happen immediately at birth, then if you wish, you can solve this problem later.

Just do not pull too much, because after the child's 14th birthday, the parents' desire is no longer taken into account and the child's consent is required to carry out this procedure.

In accordance with Art. 59 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, this procedure looks like this:

  • up to 10 years old, the decision on choosing a surname for a child is made by parents
  • from 10 years old to 14 - parents and guardianship authorities;
  • after 14 years - only his consent.

The further procedure and registration for changing the individual data of a child is carried out according to the rules provided for adult citizens.

The origins of this tradition

The word "surname" itself, translated from Latin familia, means family. It indicates that a person belongs to one family, clan. But for the first time this concept came to us from Italy X-X1st century. Later, surnames began to be used in France, England and Germany. They came to Russia much later.

In ancient times, surnames as such did not exist. And people were called names, to which they assigned nicknames, which reflected the occupation of men, for example, Ivan the blacksmith, Vasily the hunter, Fedot the archer, etc. It also happened that it was not an occupation, but some kind of physical disability or characteristic - bully, stutter, dumb, lame, etc.

In Russia, double surnames were the privileges of the nobility or were given for special merits by the names of those places where a person became famous. For example, Orlov-Chesmensky, Potemkin-Tavrichesky, etc. Now, in order to acquire a double surname, no feats are required.

You love your surname, but does it sound good for your husband too? Then please choose double.

Everyone's life consists of certain changes... One of them is a change of surname. For some, this is a crucial step, but for some it is an empty form. But, be that as it may, this is a choice. Let it be correct for you and positively reflect not only on your life, but also on the lives of your heirs. And let the happiness not leave you!

One of the mandatory formalities that the newlyweds have to fulfill at the stage is an indication of the future surname of the spouses.

Legislation allows various options choosing a family name, one of which is a double surname.

How to file documents of spouses in the registry office and the conditions of the procedure, we will tell in this article.

The actions of the spouses to change the common family name can be represented as step by step instructions:

  1. Making a decision to change the common family name, with the determination of absence legal grounds to refuse such a choice.
  2. by established form indicating the selected double family name.
  3. Verification of the archival records of the applicants' personal data by the civil registry office.
  4. Making an entry in the book of acts on the registration of the new choice common surname.
  5. Spouses are issued a certificate of change of personal information.
  6. Official documents citizens are subject to replacement due to a change in the family name.
Registration procedures are carried out within a month from the date of application.

ATTENTION! Have officials The registry office has the right to extend given time one more month if necessary additional verification documents submitted by spouses.

Spouses have the right to apply for a change of family name at the registry office at their current place of residence. If the registration of the barque was carried out in another registry office, in the process of checking the information, a request will be made about the names assigned in the process of creating a family.

Required documents to change the surname

To carry out the procedure for the official establishment of a dual name in the period marriage relations husband and wife need to fill out a joint application to the registry office to change their surname, a sample of which can be obtained upon contact.

An application for a change of surname (sample) in the registry office can be downloaded on our website.

In addition to the statement, the parties must submit the following set of documentation:

  • birth certificate for each citizen changing the name;
  • a document confirming the existence of a marriage relationship;
  • payment document on payment of state duty.

Other necessary information the registry office is obliged to request independently in the order of interdepartmental exchange.

Useful video

A lawyer will tell you in detail how to properly arrange a surname change when registering a marriage in this video:

Assigning a double surname to children

Since in the process of marriage, spouses have common minor children, they may also need to change it personal information... For this, it is necessary to take into account the features regulated by Art. 59 RF IC:

  • before the child reaches the age of 10, a joint decision on choosing a family name for him is made legal representatives (parents);
  • from the age of 10, children are required to consent to every change in their personal data;
  • until the child is 14 years old, a joint request from the parents to establish a new name for him is accepted with the permission of the guardianship authorities.

Thus, in addition to the standard list of documents, in order to establish new individualizing data for the child, it will be necessary to perform the following actions:

  • for a child under 10 years old - get a permit local authority guardianship;
  • at the age of a minor citizen from 10 to 14 years old - to obtain his consent and permission from the guardianship authority;
  • upon reaching the age of 14 by children - to obtain only their consent.

The registration procedure for changing the individual data of a child will be carried out according to the same rules established for adult citizens.

Based on the results of assigning a new name, it will be necessary to obtain new documents for children: a birth certificate and a passport (if the child is 14 years old).

The right to marry and create one's own family is one of the most important, natural and inalienable rights of a person and a citizen. Any natural person who has reached marriageable age and does not possess the qualities that prohibit him from entering into marriage (for example, incapacity) has the right to freely, without any obstacles, enter into a marital union with the person whom he has chosen as his chosen one.

Article 32 of the RF IC is devoted to the legal regulation of relations arising from the change of surname by spouses during marriage.

According to clause 1 of Article 32 of the RF IC, the spouses choose at their own discretion the surname of one of them as a common surname at marriage, or each of the spouses retains his premarital surname.

In fact, the right to change the surname does not arise for spouses, but for persons wishing to marry, i.e. from persons who have applied for marriage registration to the registry office; Such persons will become spouses in the legal sense only after state registration of marriage. Of course, this does not mean that spouses are deprived of the opportunity to change their names. Such an opportunity exists for each of the spouses, however, the procedure for changing the surname by the spouse in this case will be subject to a different legal regime.

Section 58 Federal law of November 15, 1997 №143-ФЗ "On acts of civil status" states that any individual who has reached the age of 14 has the right to change all the elements of his name, i.e. not only the surname, but the first name and patronymic. In this regard, it should be noted that persons wishing to register a marriage have the right to change only their surnames. Simultaneous change of name and (or) patronymic during state registration of marriage is not provided for by current legislation. A person who wishes to change his name and (or) patronymic must go through the usual procedure for state registration of the name change.

It should be noted right away that changing the surname upon marriage is a right and not an obligation of the persons entering into marriage. Decision this issue depends solely on the free and unconstrained desire of the future spouses. The person getting married does not have legal rights demand from his chosen one (chosen one) to change the surname. The person himself must decide what surname he will be named after marriage. Also, no state body (including the court and the registry office) can compel to change the name.

When deciding whether to change the surname upon marriage, persons entering into a marriage union are offered the following options.First, persons may not change their surnames at all and leave their premarital surnames after marriage. Secondly, persons entering into marriage can choose the surname of one of them as a common (so-called family) surname. This variant of changing the surname is the most common in practice and is explained historically. In practice, as a rule, a woman takes the man's surname. However, the law also allows the exact opposite option. A man can take a woman's last name.

Family law does not contain any prohibitions or restrictions on the choice of a common surname by persons entering into marriage. However, persons entering into marriage cannot exercise their right to change their surnames and form a common surname if the premarital surnames of the future spouses are the same.

Clause 1 of Article 32 of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation establishes that unless otherwise provided by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, persons entering into marriage can add the surname of their other spouse to their surname and be called a double surname. In this case, the common surname of the spouses when writing will be connected with a hyphen. The law establishes a ban on the possibility of combining the surnames of spouses if the premarital surname of at least one of the spouses was double.

The choice of a surname largely depends on family traditions, social status, educational level, degree of emancipation and other factors.

The exercise by spouses of the right to choose a surname upon marriage is carried out by specifying in joint statement on the conclusion of marriage in the registry office of their chosen surname. During state registration of marriage, the registry office enters the relevant information into the record of the marriage act and the marriage certificate confirming the choice of the surname made by the spouses - "surname before marriage", "surname after marriage."

based on materials from the website

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