What is the difference between TCP and vehicle STS. An important document - STS of a vehicle: what it is, nuances and features

In accordance with the rules of traffic rules, each car owner, driving a vehicle, must have the necessary list of documents with him, which necessarily includes a certificate of registration of the vehicle. But not all novice motorists know what a STS for a car is, and quite often confuse it with a TCP.

What is this document?

The vehicle registration certificate (or shortly - STS) is a form that contains information about the characteristics of the vehicle (VIN number, type, brand, car model, engine power, etc.) and its current owner (last name, first name, patronymic, registration address, special signs). Whenever there is a change in the owner of a car, this document must be replaced. Often, not knowing what a STS for a car is, it is confused with a vehicle passport. However, these are completely different documents that any car owner must have. Due to the fact that the vehicle registration certificate is an “accountable” document, even if it is replaced, the current version is kept for 24 months in the traffic police department. This certificate must always be kept up to date and carried with you when driving.

What is the threat of the absence of STS?

The vehicle registration certificate is one of the main documents for a car, which gives the car owner the right to drive it. This document should always be with you, since, according to the rules of traffic rules, its absence is fraught with not only penalties, but also placing the vehicle at a parking lot.

What data does the certificate contain?

STS forms contain the following information:

Side 1:

  • Document series and number (indicated on both sides of the document).
  • Register sign.
  • Vehicle brand and model.
  • Year of car manufacture.
  • Identification number (more commonly known as VIN number).
  • Engine number.
  • Chassis or frame number.
  • Body or sidecar number.
  • Engine power.
  • Engine displacement (in cubic centimeters).
  • Data (series and document number).
  • Maximum permissible weight (in kilograms).
  • Unladen weight of the vehicle (in kilograms).

Side 2:

  • Series and number of the document.
  • Surname, name and patronymic of the owner of the vehicle.
  • The address data of the car owner (registration address).
  • Special marks (individual, distinctive characteristics of the owner).

How to get / replace a certificate?

Any driver should know not only what is a STS for a car, but also where and how to get it. All operations with a vehicle registration certificate are carried out in the traffic police. Including:

  • initial issue;
  • replacement due to a change in the registration data of the vehicle or its owner;
  • replacement due to a change of car owner (on the basis of an agreement confirming the purchase, a donation agreement, etc.);
  • issuance of a duplicate due to loss or theft of a document.

Registration with the traffic police makes it possible to obtain a STS. In the future, in the event of certain circumstances, which will be discussed below, the replacement of this document is also carried out in the traffic police upon presentation of the necessary documents and certificates, which are the basis for issuing a new document. The procedures for obtaining a STS for a new vehicle (purchased in the showroom) or a used car are somewhat different. As a rule, the difference is in what documents are needed for the car when registering.

New vehicle registration

If the car is new and purchased in the salon, then to register it, you should have with you: a contract confirming the right to own a car, a set of keys (2 pieces), a compulsory car insurance policy, a vehicle passport, a certificate containing information about the total cost of the vehicle , and an identity document. The owner receives all of the above documents for a new car directly in the salon where the purchase was made. It is necessary to check the availability of a complete set of documentation for the vehicle and a set of keys.

After purchasing a car, there is no need to register it at the same time. According to current legislation, immediate registration with the traffic police is not required. You can use a vehicle without registration for 10 days. During this period, it is enough to have only a sales contract and a certificate with the full cost of the car. These documents must be presented to the guards at their request. After this period has expired, you need to go to the traffic police department, seizing the previously mentioned documents for the car, received when buying a vehicle, and write an application for registration of the vehicle. After verification by the responsible employees of the registration department of the provided data, state signs and a car registration certificate will be issued. This procedure will take the car owner a little time - only one and a half or two hours.

Used car decoration

If you need to get a new STS for a used car, the new owner should also visit the traffic police department, taking with him such documents as a vehicle passport (or a duplicate, if any), a sales contract or other document that confirms ownership movable property, STS, receipts for payment of the necessary state. duties and a document proving the identity of the car owner (passport). Some car owners, for their peace of mind, prefer not to draw up a sale and purchase agreement, but to contact a potential buyer at the traffic police department and carry out the procedures for deregistering and registering a car on the spot. In this case, you will need all the same documents and passports of two owners: current and future. After a check by the traffic police of the information provided to the new owner of the vehicle, signs (if necessary) will be issued and all documents for the car will be returned.

Replacement of the vehicle certificate

The reason for changing the STS may also be the change in the data about the car or its owner in the current document. Such changes include:

Information about the owner of the vehicle: change of name (most often for this reason women change the certificate after marriage or divorce), change of registration address or registration;

Vehicle data: changing state signs, changing the color of the vehicle, making modifications to the design of the car and other facts specified in the traffic rules.

In such cases, in order to update the data in the registration certificate, it is necessary to submit to the traffic police department, in addition to all available documents for the car, which were discussed earlier, documents or certificates that confirm the fact of a change in registration data (such confirmation can be, for example, a certificate of marriage, if it comes to changing the surname).

How to restore a certificate for a vehicle?

As in previous cases, in order to obtain a STS of a car, namely its duplicate, you should contact the traffic police department.

The procedure for restoring the vehicle registration certificate may be necessary in the following cases: the document was lost, damaged or stolen.

In this case, you need not only to take with you all the documents on hand for the car (vehicle passport, OSAGO) and the owner's passport, but also to come to this department in this car. The restoration of a lost JTS document is possible upon writing a corresponding application and paying the required state fee. After it is adopted, along with other documents on the car, the traffic police will carry out the necessary check (for the presence of unpaid fines, finding the car in theft, etc.), after the successful completion of which a duplicate of the STS will be issued.


Every motorist should know about the car. The vehicle registration certificate is one of the main documents that every car owner must have with him. At the request of the traffic police, the STS must be presented immediately, since its absence may lead to a number of unnecessary questions. If the STS of the car is damaged, lost or stolen, you should urgently visit the appropriate department to restore it.

PTS and STS are documents without which the legal operation of the car becomes impossible. PTS is a type of passport issued for a vehicle... And STS is a certificate confirming registration. Compared to the first, the use of the second abbreviation is not as widespread.

But you should get acquainted with some legal nuances in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. When preparing documents, you cannot do without some subtleties.

The registration certificate is one of the documents, the presence of which is mandatory for all travelers on the roads of the Russian Federation and outside the country. Even a car passport can be left at home. It will only be needed if any registration steps are being taken.

How to restore STS and PTS, in detail in this video:

To obtain a STS, you can contact the representatives of any branch of the traffic police. The main thing is that the registration department should work there.

You must contact the registration authority no later than ten days after the vehicle was purchased. And after that, the necessary documents are drawn up.

The salon must issue:

  • Car keys, two copies. This is required not by the police, but personally by the driver.
  • OSAGO. It is either issued in the salon itself, or any other company providing the relevant services.
  • Operating instructions, to which a service book has been added. Such documents are also necessary to a greater extent for the driver.
  • Help-invoice, where it is indicated at what cost the car was actually purchased. The more fully the amount is indicated, the better.
  • Technical device passport. Issued at customs or by the manufacturer who was engaged in the release.
  • Purchase and sale agreement, where all the necessary data are filled in. There must also be a paper confirming the ownership.

STS for a car - what is it?

Place of registration and verification

In the salons, they used to be engaged in the same design of transit numbers, so that the process itself would cause as little inconvenience as possible. But now this is no longer necessary.

You can travel without numbers for a maximum of ten days after paperwork. At the traffic police posts, it is enough to present a sales contract and a certificate of account. But after ten days, it is still recommended to issue license plates.

This also applies to the certificate of purchase itself. To complete the document, you will need all the papers received in the salon. The owner himself must write a statement expressing his desire to register. The procedure currently takes a minimum amount of time.

When purchasing used vehicles

Even if the car is already purchased with a mileage, its registration is carried out in full. It is enough to contact the traffic police officers with the documents presented by the seller. The stage of registration of the transaction requires attention, otherwise you will not be able to secure yourself. It is not recommended to release the sellers until the completion of all paperwork.

Step-by-step instruction

A new JTS is obtained by performing the following actions:

  1. Submission of documents to the registration window. The traffic police department does not matter.
  2. Among the required papers: an application with a receipt for payment of fees, a passport of the new owner, TCP with STS, if any.
  3. A check is being made to see if the car has a crime history.
  4. After that, they study the documents themselves, which have become an attachment to the application. And they bring a physical examination for transport, check the numbers on the car.
  5. A new JTS is drawn up in a maximum of an hour. After that, changes are made to the original technical passport issued for the car.
  6. After the registrations are completed, the new owner must take out insurance in his name.
  7. Now it is even allowed to leave the old numbers, which becomes an additional source of savings.

In this case, the STS is re-issued. There is no need for a new passport, just changes are made to the old papers. But drivers should not be interested in such details, the service staff will do all the work themselves.

The owner of the car only has to submit all the documents, as well as pay the state fee if necessary. It is good if there is an opportunity to bring the previous owner of the car for registration. This will allow you to immediately protect your rights.

STS of the car: what information does this document contain?

Many people have a question whether it is really necessary to replace the STS in full. This is really needed.

Indeed, the document contains information not only about the vehicle. The passport data concerning the owner is entered there. This is done specifically to make it easier to create a database of who owns vehicles. That is why STS changes when a car is sold.

From the main data of the document, it is worth noting:

  • The owner is required to have a serial designation of the passport, with the addition of the corresponding numbers. They are entered into the police database.
  • Information about the weight of the car in the permitted maximum, and the net weight - it indicates the weight in the absence of additional loads.
  • Information about what power is typical for the power unit. It is written out not only in Kilowatts, but also in horsepower. They also do not forget about the working volume of the car.
  • Year of manufacture of the vehicle. You cannot do without a license plate and data on the year of manufacture. If there is a chassis, then its license plate is also indicated.
  • VIN-code of the car. Then it is checked against the data indicated on the body.

The license plate with which the state registration took place. It can change when the transport is issued to a different owner.

How to restore the TCP is described in detail in this video:

How to recover a document if it is lost

In this case, one cannot do without a statement to the police officers with information about what happened. The optimal solution is a visit to one of the traffic police departments.

It is necessary to collect all the documents that remained with the owner. This applies to OSAGO with PTS, the car owner's passport. It is recommended to arrive at the department on the same car.

The next step is to fill out an application addressed to the head of the department. This should be a request for assistance in obtaining a new certificate.

Documents are submitted to the registration window after payment of the state fee.

An additional check for fines is carried out after verifying all license plates, papers on the car itself. The issuance of a duplicate certificate becomes the final step in this process.

Usually the series and number in the certificates are not changed. Only as a last resort, under the following circumstances:

  1. With changes to the basic design. For example, if the car is converted into a convertible.
  2. The owner replaced the engine. If he purchased a truck, then a chassis change becomes a sufficient reason for changing the number and series.
  3. The car was repainted.
  4. The address where the owner is registered has changed.
  5. The owner's surname has changed.

Why is the TCP form number so important

Typically, PTS and STS forms are issued in pairs. This is done to make accounting for transport more convenient. The series and number of documents are the same.

  • Thanks to these numbers, it becomes easy to check the history of the purchased equipment. It is enough to enter the relevant information into the search strings.
  • The presence of unpaid fines is also easily established, even if only one of the documents is on hand now.

What is PTS?

On penalties for the absence of a STS

The minimum fine for a driver whose traffic police officer did not find a STS is 500 rubles... But this is not the only possible punishment for violations in this area. Law enforcement officials can generally detain the vehicle and remove it from service until the problem is corrected.

When a vehicle without a STS is detained, they first call a tow truck, and then send the car to a parking lot. This entails additional costs, because you also have to pay for the parking itself.

If you refused to issue a duplicate

The reasons for refusal can be the following situations:

  1. The vehicle is in a deplorable condition that does not even meet the minimum requirements.
  2. The disposal fee was not paid by the owner.
  3. One of the documents, or they are all forged.
  4. The information in the papers is incomplete or does not correspond to reality.
  5. A ban has been imposed on the commission of any registration actions with the car.

The owner of the car can file a complaint with higher authorities if the issue of a duplicate was refused without giving reasons. The entered data should also be examined at the moment when the applicant receives the JTS form.

It is easy to replace a document with errors until the applicant signs the register.

The main documents for a vehicle are a vehicle passport and a certificate of state registration. Each of them has its own series and individual number.

Numbers are assigned without fail, as they are recorded in the registers of vehicles that were created by the car inspectorates and the tax service.

You should always have such documents with you.... The car registration procedure is mandatory.

The vehicle registration certificate (STS) is issued when the vehicle is registered with the traffic police. In terms of content, the document is almost completely identical to the vehicle passport.

We will find out where to look at the number of the vehicle registration certificate in 2019, for what it is needed.


Vehicle registration certificate - a document containing information about the basic information of the owner. It is shown to the traffic police if they stop the car.

If the registration certificate is not with you, the driver will have to pay a fine. You also need to have an OSAGO insurance policy and a driver's license with you.

And a notarized power of attorney, if the motorist is not the owner of the vehicle.

The certificate contains certain information about the vehicle, which allows the vehicle to be identified:

Using the VIN-code of the vehicle, they check the history of the car and find out the information necessary about the car... It is assigned to each vehicle.

The VIN code must completely match the body number. It is usually located on non-removable body parts and where the chance of damage to the vehicle in an accident is minimal.

  • country of origin;
  • year of issue;
  • type of engine, body;
  • general characteristics of the machine;
  • information about the car, its mileage, early sales.

STS - bilateral document... The front side contains information about the car, which completely duplicates the front side of the vehicle passport.

The reverse side contains information about the owner and the department that issued the document. In the field "special marks" enter information about the changes that have been made to the design of the car.

Where is the vehicle registration certificate number? The document number is indicated on both sides. It is highlighted in red.

Using the series and number of the certificate, traffic police officers:

  • check the technical characteristics of the vehicle;
  • determine the history of the vehicle;
  • looking for the former owners of the car;
  • set the validity period of documents;
  • reveal the fact of non-payment of fines for traffic violations;
  • determine the arrears on transport tax, which are attributed to the owner of the car;
  • determine the participation of the car in an accident;
  • receive information about the prohibitions and restrictions imposed on the vehicle.

All of the above information can be found on the traffic police portal and other information resources.

Registration with the traffic police is a mandatory procedure. Documents are required for registration:

  • vehicle passport;
  • a document that confirms the right to own the car (certificate of inheritance, power of attorney, certificate-invoice from a dealer center, sales and purchase agreement);
  • general passport;
  • OSAGO policy;
  • application form.

Before contacting the traffic police, you need to pay a state fee... Cost - 850 rubles (500 rubles are paid extra for the certificate of state registration + 350 rubles for making changes to the TCP).

The traffic police officer accepts the application, then conducts an inspection... A reconciliation of the numbers on the engine and chassis with the information specified in the vehicle is carried out.

Instead of an inspection, you can provide a technical inspection report, which is valid for only 20 days.

If the vehicle data does not match the information from the vehicle's passport, or the numbers are not readable, the inspector may order a forensic examination.

If everything is in order, the car owner receives a certificate of state registration of the vehicle.

You cannot make corrections to the document... If any personal information or information about the car has changed, the document is replaced completely.

You can sign up for registration and replacement of the certificate through the portal of Public Services.

If you change the certificate due to a change in your name, place of registration or damage to the document, you do not need to inspect the car at the traffic police.

If the changes have affected the design of the car, you need to inspect the car at the State Traffic Inspectorate.

Document replacement may be required if:

  • an error was found in the data;
  • the data specified in the JTS has changed;
  • the document is damaged, the information cannot be read.

To replace it, you also need to contact the traffic police, bring an application, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Receipt of payment of state duty, certificate.

Until January 1, 2019, the state duty can be paid with a 30% discount... Then the amount of the duty will be 350 + 245 rubles.

To receive a discount, you must:

  • log into your account on the State Services portal;
  • select "Electronic service";
  • fill out an application in electronic form, enter the necessary data;
  • choose a date for visiting the State Traffic Inspectorate, send an application for verification;
  • pay the state duty with a bank card, using an electronic wallet (Webmoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi) or a mobile phone account.

If you have purchased a new car, then you need to register it with the traffic police by paying 3 state fees in order to:

  • made changes to the TCP;
  • issued a certificate of registration;
  • issued numbers.

For the traditional payment method, you will have to pay 350 + 500 + 2000 rubles. Total: 2850 rubles. With a discount: 245 + 350 + 1400. Total: 1995 rubles.

According to article 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, driving a vehicle without registration documents is punishable by a fine of 500 rubles.

If the driver forgot to replace the certificate in a timely manner within 10 days after changing his name or purchasing a car, he faces a fine of 500-800 rubles.

Repeated violation - 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for 1-3 months.

Let us analyze how to find out the number of the vehicle registration certificate by license plate number and other parameters.

The number of the registration certificate is indicated on the front side at the bottom... The series and number are also placed on the back of the top.

If the vehicle passport or certificate is lost, it will be easier to restore the documents using the number.

If there is no vehicle passport and other documents, but you need to find out the number, you can try to find out the number of the certificate by state numbers.

Such information is sometimes necessary if the driver became the culprit of an accident and disappeared. The victim goes to court, but only knows the car number of the culprit.

Then it is possible to find out the number and series of the STS, as well as additional information. But it is necessary to issue an official request to the police. In the absence of compelling reasons for obtaining this kind of information from the traffic police, a refusal will come.

The series and number of the STS can be viewed on online resources... Some of them are paid, but you can find free versions as well.

By TCP number

This is not difficult. The series and number of the certificate coincide to the last character with the TCP number.

Since the numbers are the same, it is not necessary to carry PTS with you all the time.

Also, the PTS can be used to quickly restore the lost STS. You just need to contact the traffic police, show the car and passport for it.

The car may be needed, since sometimes a verification of the VIN and other individual vehicle numbers is required.

Why are the numbers the same? So the traffic police faster checks the information on the car.

Confidentiality of the STS number

Where can a stranger find the STS number of a car? And can he, not having documents for the car, find out the details for it?

It's almost impossible. Document data is confidential information. On the Internet, there are sites that offer to check cars only by state numbers.

But you need to know:

  • such information is not made publicly available;
  • the reliability and relevance of such information remains in doubt (most likely, these data are outdated for a long time, or they are fake).

Checking the car by STS

You can find out the car number by the number of the vehicle registration certificate on the website www.gibdd.ru in the section "Car check".

You need to enter the VIN number, you can also check the car by STS, while requesting the history of registration in the traffic police. Here you can see if the driver got into this car in an accident, if the vehicle is on the wanted list. On the FNP website, you can find out if the car is pledged.

You need to write a statement to the nearest traffic police... This is necessary so that the finder or the kidnappers do not have time to use the document to obtain a loan, drive a stolen car, or provide a vehicle as collateral for documents.

After the car owner will receive a notification coupon.

Now he is protected from various suspicions, even if illegal actions using a stolen car or PTS are revealed.

For restoration, a STS, a civil passport, and an OSAGO insurance policy are personally provided.

The new passport will have a new series and number. After changing the title, you will have to change the STS to maintain the identity of the numbers in both documents.

For the issuance of a new STS, you will have to pay 350 rubles, for a change of PTS - 500.

You should not always carry all your documents with you. The process of restoring documents will be lengthy and troublesome. First you need to restore your regular passport.

Then you should go to the traffic police, the insurance company and restore the documents in order:

  • vehicle certificate;
  • driver's license;
  • OSAGO policy;
  • MOT coupon.

If the car was purchased on credit, the procedure will be simplified. First, restore your passport, then contact the bank and get a temporary TCP in order to restore the rest of the documents.

If, along with all the documents, a car was also stolen, then you will have to call the police and act in the order that the law enforcement officers recommend.


  • have copies of PTS, STS, which will help to restore documents in a short time;
  • do not leave the case with documents in the back seat of the car (theft can be committed even while stopping at a traffic light);
  • keep folders with documents in the glove compartment or other secluded place;
  • always take your documents with you, even if you leave the car for a short time;
  • do not leave a bag with documents on a store counter, a chair in a cafe;
  • do not continue driving the vehicle if documents have been stolen or lost.

If documents are stolen, call the police immediately... It is usually possible to restore the documentation after the closure of a criminal case. Until closing time, the driver can use duplicates.

A car registration certificate is one of the main and most important documents for a car, along with a motor vehicle passport. The numbers of these documents are identical.

This ensures a faster check of the car by the traffic police and easier restoration of the STS if the car owner loses it.

The document number is located on the front and back sides... It is often used to determine information about a car or its owner.

No corrections are made to the document. The certificate changes completely. You can change the document at the nearest traffic police department.

Passport (PTS) and vehicle registration certificate (STS) are key documents confirming the ownership of a car or motorcycle. If they are lost, it is recommended to immediately contact our company for a quick and inexpensive recovery.
If you lose your passport for the car or change the registration data, the car owner has two ways: to visit the traffic police department on his own or contact a qualified specialist who will take care of all the issues.

Professional assistance in the restoration of the TCP is:

  • saving time and effort: you do not have to study the nuances of the procedure, stand in lines, fill out applications, resolve current issues with traffic police officers;
  • obtaining new documents in a short time: you will receive a passport and a certificate within 1-3 days, and not in a week or a month, as is the case with an independent appeal to the traffic police;
  • guaranteed result.

List of documents

Restoration is most often necessary in case of theft or loss of certificates, while the issued forms will indicate that this is a duplicate. But before that, you will have to prepare a package of documents, which should include:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and its copy;
  • PTS: if the certificate is lost, and the passport for the car is in the bank, it is necessary to withdraw it from there for a while to restore the documentation;
  • original power of attorney (for driving cars that are not in your ownership): it must state that you have the right to request registration documents;
  • certificate of closure of the criminal case: if the STS was stolen, then before receiving a new certificate, you will have to wait for the completion of the investigation;
  • an application for the issuance of new documents, signed personally by the applicant and drawn up according to the established sample;
  • explanatory, revealing the reason for the request;
  • a receipt for payment of government fees.

As you can see from this list, the restoration of the title to a personal car is not an easy procedure. To find out what documents a traffic police officer will ask for, consult our specialists. Or entrust us with the entire procedure: then you will not have to independently collect information and draw up applications.

Cost and terms of obtaining new documents

* Attention: state duty is not included in this price!

To calculate the exact price of document recovery, contact our managers. They will notify you of the current amount of state fees and answer your questions. The official deadline for issuing a new passport and certificate is up to one calendar month. This often does not suit car owners. And then they turn to us: we do our best to restore the PTS and STS to your car during the working day. We succeed in this thanks to our extensive experience in resolving difficult situations and knowledge of the current legislation.

Submit your application

Contact us and we will help you to restore the passport for your car! After receiving a new set of registration documents, do not forget to contact the insurance company to amend the policy.

PTS can be deciphered as "Vehicle Passport". It is the main document that is issued for any car.

PTS certifies your prerogative to own a vehicle.

If you have a passport with a car, you can carry out such operations as buying, selling, reissuing to another owner, depositing, etc.

This document does not have to be constantly carried with you every time you use the car.

STS can be deciphered as "Vehicle Registration Certificate". It is considered one of the main documents for a car, which citizens often cannot distinguish from a vehicle title.

You should always take such a document with you while driving. If you do not have this paper with you, you can be fined 500 rubles, and if the situation repeats, you may be deprived of your driver's license.

What data is entered in the passport, and what in the vehicle registration certificate?

The technical characteristics are indicated in the TCP, car color, model, dates of registration and deregistration at the MREO department, data on the owners of the car in the situation when the car was purchased on the market without intermediaries.

The passport is issued by the manufacturer of the transport in the situation when the car is produced in the state in which you live. When the car is released abroad, the title is issued by customs.

The STS indicates the technical characteristics of the car, information about the owner, which is entered into the certificate on the basis of the owner's passport.

As for the information about the owner, the PTS contains information about all the owners who have ever had a car.

For this, there are 6 sections in the passport, i.e. you can enter data on six owners into the document. If the number of owners has exceeded this value, then you need to purchase a new form in any branch of the traffic police.

Unlike PTS, the STS indicates the specific owner of the car who is the owner at the moment. When changing the owner, you must also change the STS.

Information that is entered in the certificate and in the passport:


Registration state number

Year of issue

Car type

Chassis number (if available)

Engine displacement

Car brand and model

Performance measured in kW and horsepower

Body license plate (when it differs from the engine number)

Machine color

Engine number

Maximum permissible vehicle weight

Transport weight

Car owner's passport series and number

State of manufacture

Environmental class of the car

State of exportation of the machine

License plate and series of customs declaration

Place, address and date of submission of the document

Owner's passport information

Place of registration of the owner

Customs restrictions

Relationship in vehicle documents

The forgery of these documents is subject to criminal liability.

In our country, there are often cases of forgery of certificates and passports. Before purchasing a car, you must carefully study the vehicle passport. It is necessary to check the authenticity of the vehicle passport with special attention. If there is even the slightest doubt, it is advisable to refuse this purchase.

If you decide to buy a used car from an ad or from friends, you need to make sure that all the necessary documents are available.

In the absence of any of the presented documents, refrain from purchasing.

This is how the vehicle passport (PTS) looks like:

Below is a sample Vehicle Registration Certificate (STS):

General characteristics

Both the TCP and the STS indicate the technical characteristics of this car, in them you can find basic information about the owner of the vehicle. Copying information about the owner in the TCP and STS helps in creating a database about the owners. This allows special services to track vehicle sales incidents.

As in the passport of transport, so in the certificate, the number is indicated, the state seal is put, measures are taken to protect the document.

Each document contains the following data:

  1. The VIN code is a one-of-a-kind identification code that is issued for each vehicle. This code must consist of 17 characters, includes both numbers and Latin letters.
  2. Contains brief information about the technical characteristics, the car manufacturer and the year of manufacture.

  3. Maximum permissible weight.
  4. Brand, model and type of vehicle. This information affects the category of rights.
  5. Engine displacement.
  6. Minimum weight without additional load, i.e. the so-called "net" mass.
  7. Horsepower and kW.
  8. Engine license plate.
  9. Year of issue.
  10. Chassis number (if there is a chassis).
  11. Full name and other data from the passport of the owner of the car, entered into the police database.


So, in the article, all the characteristics and information contained in such important documents for drivers as PTS and STS were analyzed. The difference between the above documents was considered, as well as their common features.

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Despite the huge variety, all insects have a common external structure, which is characterized by three invariable features: Notch ...

In 2016, the average deputy of the State Duma of the seventh convocation earned 18.7 million rubles, which is almost 20% less than the deputy of the sixth ...

A scandal erupts connected with the appearance on the Internet of correspondence between the oligarch Vadim Gataullin and the notorious deputy Kurultay ...

Moving on to the question of the classification of novels, I note, as in relation to all genres, that their real classification is the result ...
Existing from time immemorial. Its distinctive brightness and emotional message leave no one indifferent and involve ...
Albanian language Self name: Shqip / ʃcip / Countries:, Official status:, regions, and Total number of speakers: 6 169 000 ...
Entrepreneur, owner of Shakhtar football club (Donetsk) and System Capital Management company, Ukrainian public and ...
Dunaev Andrey Gennadievich, whose biography is described in this article, is a lawyer, Russian political and one of the founders of the party ...
Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin signed a decree on the resignation of his first deputy Vladimir Resin. Vladimir Iosifovich Resin was born on 21 ...