What will happen if he did not stop at the request of the traffic police inspector? Serious motivation! What if the inspector stopped for no reason? The penalty did not stop at the request of DPS.

First of all, before finding out what will be for an inexpensive at the request of the DPS inspector, let us find out what obliges you to stop at the first squeak of the wands of the guardian law. Everything is sufficient here: according to the data relevant for 2019, there is an appropriate paragraph - 2.4 in PDD:

2.4. The right to stop vehicles is provided adjustments, and trucks and buses carrying out international road transport, in specially indicated road sign 7.14 control points - also to employees of the Federal Service for Supervision of Transport.

As you can see, the controller can stop us, and the adjustor is any police officer - this follows from the definition of the corresponding concept in paragraph 1.2 of the same road rules:

"Adjustable" - a person endowed in the prescribed manner powers to regulate traffic using signals established by the rules and directly performing the specified regulation. The adjustor must be in uniform clothing and (or) to have a distinctive sign and equipment. Adjustments include police officers and military automotive inspection, as well as employees of road-operating services, duty on railway crossings and ferry crossings in their official duties.

This, by the way, the answer to an equally common question is whether the right to stop the car PPS employee is an ordinary policeman. Yes, it has, because he is a police officer (and, of course, he is also obliged to present on the first request to whom he draws, his official certificate to, actually, to prove that he is a policeman.

So, we found out that any police officer is entitled to stop us, including the DPS inspector, which is the police. But what will happen if not to stop at the request of the DPS inspector? And here, too, everything is simple: there are two options for the momentary development of events: either there will be a chase, or there will be no such. And the first version of the development of the plot is very dangerous - if the inspector has an orientation on a sobbed car, similar to your or any other orientation, then it has the full right to apply special technical means. Yes, yes, shoot, on wheels, and maybe not on wheels, but maybe not going on wheels, but to turn the straight-colorful coating. When capturing, there are more options in the pursuit of possible options: in general, the special rate of punishment provides for a very incredible punishment for unavained at the request of the traffic police officer - Article 12.25, part 2:

Failure to fulfill the legal requirement of a police officer or an official of the federal executive authority that performs the function of controlling and supervision in the field of transport, to stop vehicle, the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of from five hundred to eight hundred rubles.

But "on lawlessness" can be anything: from an adequate article 19.3, part of the first, which for disobedience to legal requirement a police officer provides for the maximum punishment of the arrest to 15 days. But in fact, Article 19.3 is not applicable for the simple reason that the aforementioned 12.25 is more privately, and two articles for one violation cannot be applied (Article 4.1, part 5 of the COAP). Moreover, you can get for an attempt to hide both by the kidneys, but this is a completely different story that cannot but keep in mind, attempted attempting at the request of the IDPS.

In the same case, if DPS officers did not take care of you, the risk of being punished for an inexpensive at the request of the police in general becomes minimal. But most likely you will be stopped at the nearest post or simply the closest DPS crew, and each time the risk of chase is only increasing.

Well, let's say you did not stop at the request of the inspector and safely reached the house. In this case, most likely, there is only a risk of application of Article 12.25 with 500-800 rubles. You will come to the post office to come to the traffic police department to consider the violations you have entered. React to this offer or not - the business is voluntary. In case of failure, the case will be considered without you and will result in an appropriate ruling, which will also send by registered mail by mail at the place of registration.

But you can also challenge such a resolution for unavailable on the request of the police or to appear on the disclaimer of the traffic police department for challenging. The fact is that there is also a regulations intended for a policeman who obliges him to comply with certain rules is the administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs introduced by Order No. 185, in particular, paragraph 22 (relevant for 2019:

22. Employee signals by road traffic should be supplied clearly and be understood for road users.

Thus, if you prove (alas, but the presumption of innocence works quite strangely, therefore, it is necessary to prove innocence here) that the DPS employee signal was incomprehensible to you:

  • He ran to stop too late and simply did not have time to reach the road to see him.
  • It was not clear what kind of car indicated the inspector and what tried to stop.
  • You have a record of the registrar or witnesses, which will be proven by repeated indications the above.
  • The stop gesture was filed with a violation (excerpt from the same traffic rules: " The requirement to stop vehicle is supplied using a loud-speaking device or a gesture of a hand pointing to a vehicle. The driver must stop in the place indicated.")
  • The case took place at night, the wand inspector did not shine or the inspector himself was not dressed in a reflective form.


Reading time: 3 minutes

Road participants are well known to stop at the traffic police inspector signal, otherwise, a sentence is punishable for unavailable at the request of the DPS officer. However, it happens that the driver could not respond to the stopping mark on time and continued to move. Such a situation can develop in several versions.

When and how the traffic police officers have the right to stop the car

Before clarifying the answer to the question, which will be, if you run away from the DPS in 2019, it is proposed to consider situations on the regulation of the car stop. According to current legal norms, the traffic police inspector should not stop the car without necessity. In other words, a banal check of documents is not the reason for stopping. The procedure for this option is possible only in 2 cases:

  • documents are checked by stationary DPS posts;
  • documents are checked within special equipment.

In addition to these two cases, the administrative regulations of the traffic police (ยง 63) indicate other grounds for stopping the car. The main are:

  • established signs of violation of traffic rules;
  • available evidence of vehicle involvement (driver or passengers) to perfect accidents, administrative offenses or crimes;
  • availability of information on the use of a car for illegal purposes or about the search for the vehicle;
  • the need to attract the participants in the motion to clarify the circumstances of the accident;
  • need to use the vehicle by the traffic police officers or attract a driver to assist victims in an accident.

Each driver is obliged to know the controller signals described in the road traffic rules. If necessary, the traffic police officer stops the vehicle in one of these ways:

  • using a loud-speaking device;
  • highlighting the machine with a gesture and pointing to the place of its stop;
  • feeding a hand gesture, a striped rod, a reflective disk (returned red);
  • attracting the attention of the driver or other travelers of the roadway by whistle and special light-sound signals.

A good driver, noticing one of the similar signals, should understand that the meeting with the traffic police will not bring special troubles. Therefore, its normal and natural reaction is the fulfillment of the requirements of the inspector.

What will happen if the driver drove from DPS? Most likely, its employees will be taken to delay.

Detention measures

The concepts of "stop" and "detention" are fundamentally different from each other in meaning and in order of application.

Detention - the next stage after not fulfilling the requirements of the inspector to stop.

If the driver ignored the traffic police officer and did not stop, then the administrative violation was committed formally. In this case, the regulatory documents provide the right to detention - a short-term restriction of freedom for an individual.

The main reason for such a measure is the need for a more detailed consideration of the circumstances on an administrative offense: the inspector has the right and should figure out why the driver preferred to hide. According to the results of the detention, it is determined what will happen if disappeared from DPS.

Detention measures are most often reduced to the following:

  • information is transmitted to other traffic police officers who use various methods in order to stop the vehicle;
  • pursuit of a car whose driver ignored the requirement of the stop inspector; This procedure may begin a warning over the loudspeaker and end the use of firearm traffic police officers.

Detention (restriction of freedom) can last from 3 hours to 2 days. Dates are calculated from the moment of delivery of the detaineer driver to a special institution or reserved room. They are equipped with those in the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If the driver was detained in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication, then the limitation period is calculated since the destruction.


In cases of non-repository, punishment is provided for non-completeness of DPS employees. In such cases, the inspector constitutes a standard protocol, which is confirmed by a perfect administrative offense. Then the recovery for ignoring the requirements of the inspection officer may vary in the range of 500-800 rubles.

The specific amount of the fine depends:

  • from the reasons why the inspector stopped the vehicle;
  • driver's explanations about non-stop;
  • additionally established circumstances.

Details of possible cash recovery contains. It can be navigated in what will happen if "hijacked" from DPS. The final right to choose a fine solely within the specified limits remains for the traffic police officer.

How to avoid a fine

If it came to the fact that for a non-resident at the request of the traffic police officer, a decree is issued, it is possible to take advantage of the challenge. The most productive to build proofs that justify the driver on the ambiguity of the adjustment signals. Protective provisions can be built approximately.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article discusses penalty for not stopping at the request of the traffic police officerAs well as measures that can be applied by police with this violation.

I will start with the fact that the probability of being a stopped traffic police officer is not very big, because Police on the roads a little, and a lot of cars. So if you tried to stop 1 - 2 times a year, it makes no sense to resist. As a rule, the driver does not bring the driver to the driver's inspector.

Well, if you are still afraid of such a development of events, I recommend that you explore the free audiocore "Secrets of communication with the traffic police":

Let's return to the fine for not stopping at the request of the inspector.

Consider the item of the rules of the road, in accordance with which drivers must comply with the requirements of the traffic police officers about the stop:

6.11. The requirement to stop the vehicle is supplied using a loud-speaking device or a gesture of a hand pointing to the vehicle. The driver must stop in the place indicated.

In general, everything is simple. If your car was shown to a striped stick, and then showed somewhere on the road, it follows in the specified location.

Penalty for not stopping at the request of the traffic police officer

If you decide to ignore the requirement of the inspector, then penalty for not stop will be 500 - 800 rubles:

2. Failure to fulfill the legal requirement of a police officer, an official of the customs authority or an official of the federal executive body, which performs the function of controlling and supervision in the field of transport, to stop vehicle -

it entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred to eight hundred rubles.

In addition, the traffic police officer, whose requirement ignored the driver, can either limit the transfer of information about the violator on duty or another alongside, or independently do pursuit and forced stopping the car. Such options are given in paragraph 72:

95. In cases of non-fulfillment by the driver's driver, the requirement of an employee of the stop; visual establishment of signs of a crime, an administrative offense in the absence of the possibility of timely signal to stop the vehicle; receipt of information on the driver of a vehicle of a crime, an administrative offense from another outfit of employees of the internal affairs bodies, a road participant; obtaining an indication of the duty officer, head of the DPS division (division of the traffic police of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the district level) on the need to stop vehicle, depending on the specific situation, measures can be taken by:

  • transfer of information to the duty officer, another along the staff;
  • persecution and (or) forced vehicle stop.

The persecution of the vehicle's vehicle is carried out in compliance with the following conditions:

96. Pursuit is carried out on a patrol car with included special light and sound signals. At the same time, the stop requirement is supplied using a loud-speaking device or a hand gesture, if necessary with the use of a rod or a disk with a red signal (by the light rail). If necessary, if possible, it is possible (using the speaker-speaking device) informing other road traffic participants on increased care and precautions compliance.

Well, the forced stop of the intruder can be carried out as follows:

  • With the use of special means of compulsory transport stopping.
  • By means of temporary limitation or prohibition of movement in individual areas of the road signals of traffic lights or regulators.
  • By placing on the carriage of the patrol car (patrol) with the included special light signals.
  • By placing on the carriage of trucks.
  • Using firearms.

Please note that firearms can be applied to stop vehicle. So if you started haunting a car with the included specialignals, it is better to stop.

Let's consider several situations in which the law-abiding driver may not want to stop at the request of traffic police officers:

1. If you are trying to stop a person similar to a policeman, outside the settlement in the dark at the unlit part of the road.

2. If you are trying to stop a person who is not like a policeman.

In the above-mentioned situations, the driver will probably be safe to drive by and, if necessary, pay a fine 500 - 800 rubles than to stop at the request of a fraudster or bandit. Such situations are ever less often, but you should not forget about them. If you have come across the roads with scams trying to stop the car, write about it in the comments to this article.

Well, finally, I suggest you to watch a funny video about the driver's stop by a traffic police officer:

Good luck on the roads!

And you can ask the question? What documents should the DPS inspector when stopping drivers TC? Does the driver of the stopped TS have the right to ask the inspector to present a document allowing him to "work" exactly on this section of the road ..?

And you can ask a question?

What documents should the DPS inspector when stopping drivers TC?

With it should be a certificate and a badge.

Does the driver of the stopped TS have the right to ask the inspector to present a document allowing him to "work" exactly on this section of the road ..?

Maximum call the confidence service written on the service machine and find out. He himself does not need to show such documents.

(PDD) is a group of legitimate road orders aimed at coordinating drivers and other participants in the movements on the roads.

"I did not see" - a frequent excuse of drivers

PDD's purpose is also to ensure the safety of citizens involved in road traffic. Failure to comply with these rules is punishable not only by punishments established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, but also the health of citizens, sometimes with the deposits. The most common violations of the traffic rules on the road are:

  • parking in the wrong place
  • continuation of traffic on the red color of the traffic light,
  • aggressive driver maneuverability.

Unfortunately, not all car owners follow the regulators. The rules set includes clause 2.4, which contains the following resolution:

  • Regulators and employees of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation have the right to stop the vehicle participating on the roads. Adjustments, according to this item, are considered:
  1. police workers
  2. road workers
  • duty on railway moving.

Persons authorized to coordinate must wear a specialized form established by the RF standards provided by distinctive attributes and signs. The regulators will also be required to have a certificate confirming their powers with them.

Workers of the military and civilian police that are not inspectors of the road-patrol service (DPS), also have the right to stop transport, the driver of which violates traffic rules. All this is indicated in the 27th article of the Police Law. At the same time, an authorized employee will be obliged to provide a special certificate.

The consequences for ignoring the stop at the request of the inspector

If I did not stop at the request of DPS - wait for trouble!

Each person controlling the vehicle has. In addition to drivers, other participants in the road (pedestrians, passengers, etc.) are also not exempt from compliance with laws on the road. According to the rules of the road in Russia, the driver is obliged to obey the instructions of the regulator.

Clause 6.11 in PDD suggests that when the traffic police officer and other authorized road workers have to stop traffic, the car owner is obliged to stop moving. In cases of non-compliance of the instructions of the regulator, the following consequences are possible:

  • A patrol car is organized, which will pursue the intruder to stop the movement of the vehicle;
  • In the absence of a machine, information on violation of traffic rules will be transferred to employees of the nearest post;
  • The driver will be responsible in doubly: for non-compliance with the rules and not stopping the transport signal;
  • In serious cases, police officers can apply additional more cruel measures to delay the person who violated traffic rules;
  • In the presence of a reason, employees have the right to resort to the use of weapons.

Drivers in some situations can appeal the decrees delivered by the traffic police officers, as well as achieve moral compensation.

Aggressive and insane car enthusiasts can "award" by Article 19 of clause 3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. The punishment of this article promises in the amount of up to one thousand rubles or arrest for fifteen days.

In order to avoid deposits, it is urged to avoid responsibility by ignoring the instructions of the regulators. After all, the vehicles that violated the rules of the road traffic is most often exposed to the stop signal. So, in addition to sanctions for violation of traffic rules, it will be added for the failure to fulfill the orders of the DPS inspector.

DPS employees stop car owners not only due to negative, but for many other reasons. For example, it can only be a planned check. Therefore, fight in panic and leave, ignoring stop signals, it is not worth it.

Even if the driver gets out to get away from the patrol car, participating in the pursuit of him, his all will be judged. Only in this case the verdict will be stricter than when stopping the vehicle's controller.
Whatever the consequences, they are all negative. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to the Code of Rules established by the Law of the Russian Federation.

If not stopped at the request of the GDDD. What will happen? Answers here:

Appeal of the verdict of the traffic police officer

The decision of the traffic police inspector can be appealed

There are cases when the driver is unjustly punished. Any solution can be appealed. This can be done in the following instances:

  • Higher GOBDD.

By contacting the traffic police, it will be easier to collect the necessary documents, but it is more difficult to prove your innocence. In court, it will be necessary to seriously treat documents confirming the injustice of the verdict, which will deliver a lot of trouble. However, it is in court that will be achieved justice.

To establish its rightness, it is necessary to provide appropriate grounds and regulations that will help challenge the decision of the traffic police. To justify the non-compliance of the stop of the stop of the stop can be on the basis of clause 22 in the Administrative Regulations. This provision suggests that the Adjuster is obliged to clearly and understand the drivers participating in road traffic. From here you can explain your position as follows:

  1. The DPS inspector filed a signal with a delay. What was difficult to see him.
  2. Because of the cars standing, it was difficult to notice the stop signal.
  3. The flow of cars was quite dense, which prevented to understand who exactly the signal of the controller belongs.
  4. The employee filed a sign that does not correspond to the rules of traffic rules.
  5. Actions took place at night. The regulator did not have the corresponding reflective signs laid on the regulations. Because of what his gesture was an invisible driver.

This is not a complete list of reasons for justifying the driver of the driver by the regulator gestures. To know more grounds, it is recommended to explore the administrative regulations, and specifically the 22nd point. Help challenge the ruling, the driver will help witnesses and records of the DVR. If there are really no guilt, and there is an indisputable evidence, then the driver will achieve an appeal of an unfair verdict.

Currently, every year the number of cars increases. At the same time, traffic police do not become more. It is difficult to follow all the violations, therefore the accident, no matter what happens. Of course, it is strongly recommended to citizens to comply with the laws of the Russian Federation. However, even the most law-abiding drivers, DPS employees have ever stopped.

The car refers to the technique of increased danger, so each owner of the TC is obliged to strictly follow the rules of the road. Compliance with traffic rules on the road is monitored by the staff of the traffic police.

In order to identify violations, the inspector has the right to stop the car to check, but not all motorists know that this can be done only under certain circumstances.

Does the law of the traffic police have the right to stop for no reason? The answer to this question you will learn in this article.

What are the rights of the traffic police?

The duties and powers of the traffic police inspectors were recorded in traffic rules, the administrative regulations established by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 185 of March 2, 2009, the Law "On Police" and other regulatory acts.

According to 63 points of administrative regulations, the inspector may stop transport only in the following situations:

  • when an employee is found using technical equipment or visually signs of non-compliance with traffic rules;
  • in the presence of orientation or receipt of data from the duty officer about the TC, its driver or passengers relating to the commission of a crime or an accident;
  • upon receipt of information about finding the car wanted;
  • to attract citizens as understood or to assume the necessary assistance to the victim;
  • for conducting a survey in order to obtain information about the incident accident or crime;
  • when adjusting the movement;
  • for special road transport events;
  • if it is necessary to use someone else's TCs in emergency situations.

Unlaysly stopping machine is impossible. The inspector is obliged to introduce himself to presenting his certificate, and inform the reason for which he filed a driver to stop, according to 20 and 67 points of administrative regulations.

At the same time, to slow down the vehicle in the danger zone (for example, with poor visibility, on the intersections or next to the repair of the road) is strictly prohibited.

Patrol car must also be equipped with identification signs.

The inspector can use technical equipment for auto checking. The staff of the traffic police is not prohibited by shooting on the camcorder. In the case of resistance of the violator and manifestation of aggression, the inspector has the right to apply force, but within reasonable limits. At the same time, unacceptably coarse behavior on his part.

If the driver of the vehicle decided to hide, the DPS staff is allowed to pursue intruders and / or transfer the orientation to other divisions through the duty officer.

Any offense must be fixed in the protocol. If the driver does not agree with the actions of the inspector, he has the right to appeal this protocol in the higher authority.

Does the traffic police officer do not stop not at the post?

According to 63, the clause of the above regulations, the inspectors cannot be unable to slow down the transport not at the post. The basis for the stop may be the holding of the State Events with a definite goal (for example, in the presence of orientation).

In addition, 20, paragraph 13 of the Article Article "On Police" permits state officials to brake vehicles to ensure safety on the road.

However, in this case, we are not talking about a short stop. The official must be guided by 63 points of administrative regulations.

In this case, the driver has the right to learn the cause of the stopping and the phone number of the official person responsible for carrying out a road transport event. The inspector does not have the right to refuse a citizen in providing such information.

The stationary traffic police post is equipped with special equipment that allows you to record violation of traffic rules. That is why checking documents is carried out in this zone.

If you stopped out of fast, but the reason for the stop the employee refuses to name, lawyers are recommended to provide a driver's license to the inspector, write it in full, after which contact the traffic police office with.

Does the traffic police officer have the right to check the documents?

According to 63 points of administrative regulations, checking the documents of the driver of the vehicle without the obvious foundation inspectors are capable exclusively in a special post.

In this case, the state officer of the traffic police may request an identity card not only by the person who is behind the wheel of the car, but also at its passengers, as well as check the documentation for the transported cargo (for freight TCs).

If the inspector does not have significant reasons for stopping the machine outside the post listed above (for example, if there is information about the stolen truck), it is not entitled to request the provision of documents from the driver and its passengers.

Does the traffic police officer have the right to check the first-aid kit?

According to traffic rules, transport must be equipped with a fire extinguisher and a first-aid kit. For no matter whatever reason, the inspector does not stop, the car is obliged to be this thing.

Their absence is unacceptable.

Does the traffic police officer have the right to insure?

Based on clause 2.1 of traffic police, the owner of the vehicle and the person who are behind the wheel of someone else's TC should always have the following documents with themselves:

  • insurance on the vehicle;
  • driver's license;
  • PTS and paper on the trailer (in the case of its presence);
  • diagnostic map confirming the passage of technical inspection.

In the absence of a citizen of the driver's license, a temporary permission to manage the vehicle is allowed.

In some situations, the driver is obliged to transfer the inspector to the transportation of goods and / or passengers, the power of attorney for managing the machine and some other documents.

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