What does a child need when leaving the border? Period of permission for a child to travel abroad

Russian legislation has fully established simple requirements for citizens who want to see the world. They only need to collect a minimum of documents. But things are a little more complicated with the departure of citizens under the age of majority, especially if they leave the country on their own or with grandparents, teachers or coaches. In what situations do you need permission for a child to travel abroad, and when can you go to a foreign country without permission? How to get it and process it correctly to avoid unnecessary problems?

First of all, Russians will have to study the procedure for minor citizens of the Russian Federation traveling abroad. And it is relatively simple. Because the law allows a full family with children to travel without collecting special permits and certificates. Moreover, it does not matter whether the whole family has planned a vacation, or whether the child is traveling only with his mother/father.

If a parent has parental rights, then he has the right to take his child abroad without enlisting the support of his significant other. Moreover, “On the procedure for leaving Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation" No. 114-FZ on the departure of minors from the Russian Federation leaves the same conditions even if a divorce has taken place. The only requirement– presence of parental rights. If the adult has not been deprived of them, you can safely go abroad - Russian border guards will not create obstacles.

However, when deciding which country to travel to, or, it is important to remember that the direction is key. Since many states are not ready to accept even tourists with children, if the latter do not have permits.

For example, consent from the second parent will be required when applying for a visa to visit EU/Schengen countries. Australia and the USA also put forward such demands, New Zealand and Japan, Singapore and Malaysia. Permission in the form of a power of attorney may be needed because in these states they want to be sure that the child is being taken legally and not kidnapped.

Which ones - optional

However, a parent can go to many places on the planet with their child without obtaining consent for the child to travel abroad from the second spouse. For example, it will not be difficult to relax in Turkey or Egypt. They ask permission only if children travel accompanied by third parties.

There are usually no problems visiting neighboring countries. Without consent from the other half, the parent has the right to take the child abroad in the direction of countries such as Azerbaijan and Armenia, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan.

Naturally, in any case, when traveling with children, you will need proof of relationship to travel abroad. It is understood that it is enough to present the relevant documents. A birth certificate is taken for the child.

It should be added that sometimes airlines make their own demands. To prevent child abduction, they may ask for permission or consent, even if the minor is traveling with one of the parents. So such nuances should be known in advance. And to avoid problems, it’s easier to immediately apply for permission even when planning to travel abroad with your child.

Consent for a child to travel abroad: Video

Design rules

It is important to know that documentary consent is drawn up in accordance with certain rules. Eat specific sample, which will be valid both in Russia and abroad. However, it is often necessary to translate notarial consent for a child to travel abroad to study foreign languages. And this is a completely logical requirement: customs services other states will then be able to familiarize themselves with the document.

Sample permit

When issuing a permit to take a child abroad in accordance with the requirements of the law, parents turn to a notary. This specialist knows what such a document is. So you don’t have to worry that it will miss some important points.

But it’s still worth studying a sample power of attorney for taking a child abroad (available on this page of the website). After all, even professionals sometimes make mistakes. After obtaining the permit, it is important to check whether the consent includes all the information that is necessary to be able to freely leave the Russian Federation:

  • full name of the adult who agrees to release the minor to another country;
  • numbers and series of documents of all interested parties(passports, birth certificates);
  • a list of countries that the child will visit;
  • departure date and validity period of the power of attorney.

It is important to know that states must be indicated in the permit in the same way as is customary for international level. At the same time, you cannot limit yourself to the wording “EU countries” or “CIS states”: you need to indicate the specific names of the powers.

For how long is it issued?

Russian legislation clearly states that notarial consent is issued for specific date. For example, the most widespread option is that it indicates clear dates on which the trip is planned. You can slightly expand the time limits in case an unforeseen situation arises if you have to shift your trip a little.

It is also permissible to indicate a period that is predetermined by a specific event. For example, the consent states that it is valid until the date when the visa expires. Or it is possible to issue a power of attorney before reaching adulthood. That is, this is an inevitable event to which the period of validity of the document can actually be tied.

Many parents are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to obtain an indefinite permit for their child to travel abroad. Most often it comes to mind when the relationship between mom and dad is tense. Alas, The legislation does not allow such a possibility. The only option is to try to deprive the second adult of parental rights.


For many parents it is important financial issue. Travel fees force you to plan your trip and draw up an “estimate” of expected expenses. However, it is impossible to name the exact cost of a power of attorney for a child to travel abroad. Prices can vary significantly even within the same city. Not to mention the fact that notary offices set their own prices for the services provided.

Crossing the border with two parents

The easiest way is to go on a trip with the whole family. Because in this case no special requirements on the part of Russian customs officers, just as there should be no problems when crossing the border of another state. It is enough to have documents for adults and children so that you can verify the relationship between them.

At the same time, it is important to find out in more detail what papers will be needed so that a child under 18 can cross the border without incident. You can travel to a number of countries if a small family member is included in the parent’s passport, but only if he is under 14. At the same time, Russian legislation requires that the document of one of them must contain a photograph of the minor.

However, in individual states the child will not be allowed in if he does not have his own passport. You can enter some with a birth certificate (Abkhazia and Belarus, Kazakhstan and Moldova). From the age of 14 you can no longer do without a child’s passport. But it makes sense to register it earlier, when the parents expect to send the child with other persons (accompanying persons) abroad.

It can be summarized that it is better to find out in specific situation, what documents are needed. This will help you avoid trouble. Moreover, it is as simple as . If the trip is organized by a travel agency, it will provide clear information about the requirements for vacationers, including information about mandatory package documents.

With one of the parents

If only a mother or one father with a child goes on a trip, it is necessary to greater responsibility approach the collection of documents. It is especially important to study the requirements of the country where you are planning a visit. According to Russian legislation, a power of attorney for a child to travel abroad is optional. However, this is the case if the second parent has not previously officially declared that he prohibits his minor offspring from going to another country with another adult (mom or dad). If disagreement is stated, the border service is notified about it, and it will not allow travel abroad without verifying that permission has been received.

In other situations, an adult will only need to. Russian border guards will not prevent people from leaving the Russian Federation. By the way, you can even find out about disagreement from the second parent via the Internet. To do this it is enough to submit official request through the website of the border service or the Main Department of Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. As for the requirements of another state, it is often not enough to simply formalize the consent of the spouse for the child to travel abroad. It still needs to be translated into foreign language, and sometimes even put an apostille on the document.

Independent departure

Russian legislation does not prohibit departure minor child abroad without parents. However, in this case, without registration additional documents not enough. But it is important to know that according to Russian law, children can only drive on their own from the age of 12. If they are sent on an unaccompanied trip between the ages of 2 and 12, someone must be responsible for them.

IN similar situation Each parent must consent to the child’s independent travel abroad. But at the same time, for example, the air carrier will be responsible for the children (when we're talking about about the age range 2-12 years). However, companies most often refuse to take on board very tiny passengers (up to 5 years old) if there are no adults with them.

With third parties

A much more common situation is when children travel to another country with strangers. In this case, it is compiled special documentnotarised power of attorney per child (for a grandmother, coach, teacher or other person who will accompany him). This means that responsibility for the minor lies with a third party.

Such a document is not a mere formality. It confirms the fact that in fact the parents recognize the legality of representing the interests of the child in another state in the person of such a person. He is fully responsible for the life and health of minors who travel abroad in his accompaniment.

How is travel abroad with a supervised child processed? Russian legislation assumes that guardians – legal representatives children. So they must have documents proving such authority. You can go to another country with them.

Documentation package for departure

To successfully travel, you will need other documents for your child to travel abroad. What documents are needed will have to be clarified for each specific situation. The destination, the purpose of traveling to foreign lands, and other nuances also play a role.

When traveling abroad, people do not always ask for a birth certificate. But you should have it with you, especially when the child and his parent do not have the same personal data (different last names). It is also worth remembering that in some countries they check it upon entry.

Need to find out in individually. Most often, the list is approximately the same as for an adult. Most likely you will need an insurance policy health insurance, and for travel to countries with visa regime you have to apply for a visa. Sometimes certificates from a school or children's clinic are needed.

If father or mother disagree

Unfortunately, sometimes children become hostages of bad relationships between adults. Is it possible to take a child abroad without the permission of the father or mother? Formally, this is real, because Russian border guards will only prevent departure if there is official disagreement. When a spouse refuses to sign a permission slip for a child, there will be no problem. But without it you won’t be able to get a visa or go to a place where a power of attorney from the other parent is required.

True, from such difficult situation sometimes there is a way out. But action will have to be taken through the courts. One option is to try to deprive the adult of parental rights. An alternative is to ask the court to oblige the parent to sign all necessary authorization documents.

Any parent can draw up a statement prohibiting the child from traveling abroad. It is served at the local UVM department Ministry of Internal Affairs The agency, in turn, transmits the data to the border service.

Is it possible to lift the restriction on a child traveling abroad? You will have to achieve it using one of two methods. The first of them is negotiations with a parent who expresses disagreement and does not sign permission for the child to leave. If they are infertile, then you can try to act through the court. However, you should immediately understand that such processes are far from simple and painless for the parties.

In order for the court to approve the annulment of the ban, it is important to thoroughly prepare for the proceedings. It is necessary to clearly state why, for what purpose and where exactly the child is going. It is important to justify how the minor’s rights will be limited if the travel ban remains in force. And at the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the court will pay attention to whether the interests of the children are harmed. For example, among school year he can prohibit travel so that the child can gain knowledge and develop on an equal basis with his peers.

Do you dream of relaxing with your child on one of the sandy beaches of a foreign resort? Would you like to send beloved child to an English-speaking country so that he can improve his foreign language skills? Or do you want to go with your whole family to visit relatives living abroad? What's stopping you? Most often, as practice shows, elementary ignorance of the Legislation of the Russian Federation interferes. We will try to help parents in this matter. So, if earlier it was not a problem to take a young child abroad, whose data was included in the parents’ international passport special labor, then with the maintenance of biometric passports, the situation has changed somewhat. On currently even the smallest Russian can get children's passport. But let's take things in order.

International passport for a child: how to obtain a child’s passport of the new and old type?

Children's international passports are issued at the place of registration of the parents. Before submitting an application form to the FMS office, parents need to decide on the type of child’s international passport.

On this moment parents can register 2 types of children's passports:

  • A new document - a biometric passport.
  • Old document.

IN new passport sewn in electronic chip, containing all necessary information about its owner. The biometric passport is issued for a period of ten years, unlike the old type, which is still valid only for five years. New passport contains an additional parameter – fingerprints. Finger scanning in children is carried out from the age of twelve. Biometric passports are issued from the birth of the child. The new passport includes a 3D photograph. The cost of the new type of passport is slightly higher than the old one. When applying for a new passport, children must be present as they will need to be photographed.

Is it possible to register a child in the parent’s passport?

Parents can still enter the little traveler into their passport, but only old style. Children under 14 years of age can be included in the passport. However, this option allows children to travel abroad only when accompanied by their parents.

What do parents need to know when applying for a child’s passport?

  • International passports are not issued to children, even if they are 15-17 years old.
  • Only parents or guardians can obtain a child's passport.
  • Young travelers under 14 years old must be present at check-in of this document- not necessary.
  • For children under the age of majority, their passports are changed every 5 years. That is why tour operators recommend that parents of minor children apply for an old-style international passport.
  • And new biometric passport, and the old-style passport have the same legal force.

What documents are needed to obtain a passport for a child?

  • A form for parents to fill out. Sample forms for all types of children's passports can be downloaded on the Internet.
  • with an insert confirming his citizenship.
  • 4 standard passport size photographs of the child, printed on matte paper.
  • Parents' passports.
  • Parents' previous passport.
  • Passport of an adult child.
  • A document confirming payment of the state duty.

In addition to the originals of the above documents, copies of them must also be submitted to the FMS. The rules for issuing children's international passports are supplemented and changed from time to time, so we recommend going to the FMS website and once again clarifying the list of required documents. You can speed up the process of obtaining a foreign passport by using the services of the State Services website. You can order expedited registration of a child’s international passport from the Federal Migration Service.

Traveling a child abroad with parents: documents

Children under 14 years of age can be included in their parents' passport. However, this option is only possible if you have a passport issued no later than March 1, 2010. Photos of the children are pasted into the parents' passport. The photo is stamped by the visa service. Attention, until recently only photos of children over the age of six were pasted into international passports. Currently, the passport and visa service requires photographs of children from birth.

To cross the border of countries that have signed relevant agreement about simplified migration, children under 14 years old only need to present birth certificate.

Having a foreign passport for travelers under 14 years of age is not a pass to cross the border independently!

What documents are needed to take a child abroad by one of the parents: answers to pressing questions in the table

How to travel abroad for one parent with a child: questions and answers

Question Answer
Is the consent of the other parent required for a child to travel abroad? Article 21 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation states: the departure of a child from the country may be prohibited if one of the parents submits a statement of disagreement to the FMS or to the border authorities of the FSB. Consent is a document that allows you to protect children from illegal export abroad.
Do I need permission from the other parent for a child to enter another country? At border and visa control in most European and Asian countries consent from the other parent is required.

The border and visa services of Egypt, Turkey, and most CIS countries do not require consent.

What is the second parent’s disagreement with the child going abroad? A dissent is a document that protects the rights of parents and children. However, this same document can act as an instrument of pressure. That is why the issue of a minor traveler leaving the country often has to be resolved in court.

So, disagreement is an application submitted by one of the parents to the Federal Migration Service, to the border authorities or to the consulate. This document prohibits the removal of a child from the country.

You can obtain information about the availability of such a statement by making a corresponding request to the Federal Migration Service of Russia.

How to properly obtain consent for a child to travel abroad? It is IMPOSSIBLE to issue universal consent! This document is issued only for one trip and for the terms clearly specified in the agreement. The permission is issued by a notary. Its authenticity is certified by an apostille.
How to obtain the consent of the second parent for the child to travel abroad if the parents are divorced? There are 3 possible options developments of events.

The first is to come to an agreement.

The second option is to limit the parent’s rights through the court.

The third is to deprive the parent of parental rights through the court.

Remember, Russian laws may differ from the laws of the country to which you are planning to take your child. Even if the child has his own passport, we recommend taking with you documents that confirm your relationship. It is advisable to check the list of documents in advance on the website of the embassy of the host country.

How to prepare documents for a child to travel abroad with third parties, without parents?

Documents required when sending a child abroad with a proxy:

  • Child's international passport.
  • Birth certificate.
  • Parental consent. This document is issued to a certain person and notarized.
  • Foreign passport of a trusted person.

The legislation of some countries requires registration of consent 3 months before the upcoming trip.

To register power of attorney, parents must present to the notary:

  • Parents' passports.
  • Child's birth certificate.
  • Accurate passport details of the authorized person. It is advisable to have a scan of your passport.

The notary will ask the parents to indicate the country and the period of stay of the child in it. The notary also has the right to request Marriage certificate . Therefore, we recommend taking it with you immediately.

Border and visa services in a number of countries require translation of consent into the language of the receiving party , in which the translator’s signature is notarized and confirmed by an apostille. Both parents must be present when registering a power of attorney.

In order to avoid unforeseen situations and not overshadow the long-awaited vacation with endless visits to authorities, parents must promptly prepare all the child’s documents necessary for traveling abroad.

We remind you once again that you can speed up the registration of a foreign passport by using the government services website. On this portal, all services for obtaining foreign passports are provided by the Main Directorate of the Russian Federation for Migration Issues. On this website you can not only select and order the required type of passport, but also receive qualified advice.

Entrust the paperwork to specialists or simply get from them in advance detailed consultation on all issues related to travel abroad.

We hope that this article will be useful to you. Good luck and happy travels to you and your children!

Organizing a trip in itself is a troublesome and tiring event, especially when you have to talk about a joint tour for the whole family. But if everything is clear with a trip with the whole group, except for some nuances, then with the situation when only one parent goes on a trip or both stay at home, it is quite difficult to understand without knowing certain subtleties. Permission for the child to travel abroad will be of paramount importance here. Every parent should know how to apply for it in 2019 and in what situations it will be needed.

What you need to know when leaving the Russian Federation

It is very important to study the rules of both entry into the country of the planned visit and. It is well known that visiting other states Russian citizens there is possibility only on basis . in 2019, quite small. According to bilateral agreements, enter foreign territory With national document Russian model possible only when you plan to visit Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Tajikistan, Armenia.

All Russian parents Today we have two options documentation your baby's travels:

In this case, you can use the first method only if your parents have it. Biometric document is not endowed with such a function. In addition, a young traveler can only be entered into a parent’s document. It is not possible to enter such data into the passports of closest relatives - sisters, brothers, grandparents - and therefore they need to prepare personal documents for children to travel abroad.

To date Russian law allows the following travel options for the youngest members of society:

  • accompanied by parents;
  • with one of these persons;
  • with an accompanying person;
  • on one's own.

When organizing a tour for the whole family, the following documents must be prepared for a child to travel abroad:

  1. The certificate issued to him at birth, with a note about Russian citizenship– if the visit is to countries that do not require a passport upon entry.
  2. A foreign identity card - if crossing a foreign border requires the presentation of a foreign passport, and the parents have a passport in a new electronic format.
  3. Parent's passport with a record of the youngest family member, if the document is drawn up on an old paper form.

On the road with one parent

The situation looks somewhat different if the family intends to leave the territory of the Russian Federation incompletely. Quite logically, the question arises: Do you need permission for a child to travel abroad from the second parent? According to the rules, the procedure for crossing the Russian demarcation line under such circumstances is not much different from when all family members leave.

This means that there is no documentary evidence a second adult is not required. But such a privilege can only be used in such a state of affairs when he has not submitted written request expressing his disagreement with this event V migration service. The application just needs to be accompanied by a copy of the applicant’s identity card and proof of relationship with the baby.

If there is a documented disagreement, permission for the child to travel abroad in 2019 will certainly be needed, but it can only be obtained through judicial proceedings.

The situation is complicated by the fact that the parent initiating the trip will have to provide evidence of urgent need or great benefit for a Russian minor from such a trip.

It is important to remember that the need for parental consent for a child to travel abroad is no longer relevant in the following cases:

  • when one parent died;
  • was deprived of rights to be called a parent;
  • when it is not possible to find out the location of one of them;
  • Only one parent is involved in raising the child.

The rules for children traveling abroad state that each of such cases must certainly be confirmed by an appropriate certificate.

If a situation arises where the mother and father of a traveling child have different surnames, then you will also need to provide a certificate received at the time of marriage, with mandatory notarization.

Everything described above implies the rules for the travel of minor children abroad of the Russian Federation with one of their parents. However, it is also necessary to take into account the regulations regarding entry into foreign territories, which may have significant differences.

Do not forget that there are quite frequent cases when the consulate does not return the original of this document. Therefore, it would be absolutely useful to stock up on several copies at once, otherwise you will have nothing to show to the border guards.

Is not mandatory power of attorney for a child to travel abroad with one of the parents, if the trip is planned to countries that provide for a simplified procedure for passing through checkpoints. These include:

  • Brazil;
  • Egypt;
  • Turkey;
  • Morocco;
  • Tunisia.

Algorithm for drawing up a permit

Notarized consent for a child to travel abroad must be drawn up taking into account the following requirements:

  • can only be used letterhead the office in which the document is drawn up, with an apostille affixed on it, certifying the authenticity of the details;
  • It’s better to speak in advance in the language of the country of visit and in English;
  • Be sure to indicate the name of the territory to which the visit is being made. If the route passes through several Schengen countries at once, only one of them can be identified, mentioning the others only in general. The wording may sound like this: “Trip to Italy and other Schengen countries”;
  • it is imperative to indicate the period that the minor Russian will spend abroad;
  • Next, you should provide the personal information of the person with whom he is traveling;
  • if one of the parents is absent for some reason, written confirmation of the reasons that caused this circumstance should be provided;
  • indicate the passport details of both adults;
  • indicate registration information for all family members;
  • inform about the validity period of the permit.

One of mandatory documents To carry out the procedure at a notary - confirmation of relationship with the baby. To do this, it will be enough to provide the latter’s birth certificate and the passport of the parent who will not take part in the trip. Considering the fact that special norms, which would regulate how long a power of attorney for a child to travel abroad can remain valid, simply does not exist; we can say that the legitimacy of the document will last for the time indicated in the text.
The package of documents should include:

  • passport for a child to travel abroad;
  • visa stamp;
  • permission issued by a notary;
  • a copy of the birth certificate, also certified by a notary.

Concerning financial costs to compile required paper, then they will depend largely on the region. In general, the cost of certifying consent for a child to travel abroad with a notary can range from 400 to 800 rubles.

We organize a trip with a third party

A visit by a young Russian to foreign powers, accompanied by a third party, is possible if he needs to participate in competitions, creative competitions, or simply if he wants to go on vacation with his grandparents.

In such a situation, get permit document will have to come from both mother and father. It goes without saying that all responsibility in this case rests with the accompanying person, since it is he who acts as official representative baby in a foreign country. Except written consent, you will also need a personal travel document for a child to travel abroad.

When drawing up a power of attorney, you will certainly need to indicate personal and passport information about authorized representative, as well as who will serve as the travel sponsor.

According to domestic laws, children cannot leave the Russian Federation without adults until they are 12 years old. Moreover, from the age of two, they can safely set off on a journey under the supervision of a carrier, for example, airline representatives. In fact, the latter give their consent only when it comes to at least a five-year-old passenger.

In any case, you will need mutual agreement parents for their child to travel abroad. If one of them is missing, it will be necessary to prove that it is not possible to establish his place of residence. Alternatively, the absent parent may be declared missing through the court, and then in the future they will no longer need to burden themselves with such permission.

Parental consent for the child to travel abroad unaccompanied is attached to sponsorship letter And financial obligations which they assign to themselves, as well as to the child’s personal travel passport with a visa stamped on it.

If a mother and child intend to leave for another country forever

There are often cases when, after an unsuccessful marriage and subsequent divorce, a mother decides to start a family again with another man, and a citizen of another state. In such a situation, it is quite logical to assume that over time she and her baby, and therefore will be forced to leave Russian borders forever. Is the father's consent required for a child to travel abroad with his mother?

Unfortunately or fortunately, the first document in the package of papers in this case in many representative offices is precisely permission letter from his father, certified in accordance with all canons. Moreover, if the biological father accepts negative decision, taking your offspring to another country will be very problematic. And if you consider that there are very rare cases when parents separate peacefully, then we can say that difficulties cannot be avoided.


Identification. In this capacity, one of several documents can be used: the child’s own foreign passport, birth certificate and foreign passport of one of the parents. The preferred option in any situation is the child’s own passport. Some countries will not process visa applications for children included in their parents' passports, requiring that each child, even infants, have their own passport. There are no problems with obtaining it: this document can be issued for a child of absolutely any age, minimum threshold does not exist. If you plan to travel frequently with, then be sure to take care of getting him his own passport.

Acceptable option The identification document is a birth certificate, complete with the passport of one of the parents where the minor is registered. In this case, sometimes it is necessary to translate the certificate into the language of the country in the world where you are going. It may be necessary to notarize the accuracy of the translation of the document. The birth certificate must contain an insert about the child's citizenship if it was issued before 2007. If a child travels without parents, then he will not be able to travel based on his birth certificate.

Notarized consent to leave from parents. If a child is traveling without parents, then consent from both parents must be provided. If he is traveling with one of them, then consent will be required from the second parent who remains at home. Some countries require that there be consent for departure from both parents, even if the entire family leaves, since if people later separate, legal point In view of the child's travel would be approved by the parents. This method is called cross agreement.

Visa to the destination country. The visa can be obtained by the child in his own passport or in his birth certificate. Sometimes, if a child is included in the parents' passport, he does not need his own visa, he travels on the parent's visa.

Parents' marriage certificate. This document may be required to prove that both parents are married and the child is their legitimate child. If the mother or father is single or a widow/widower, then this also needs to be documented. In this case, the document usually requires a notarized translation.

Helpful advice

According to the law of the Russian Federation, in order to travel, a child must have his own passport or be included in the parents’ passport. When the child reaches the age of five, his photograph should be taken and pasted into the passport of one of the parents. To leave Russia, the consent of one of the parents is sufficient if the child is traveling with the other, and from both if he is traveling without parents. In this case, a power of attorney is issued for the adult with whom the child is traveling. A child traveling without parents is required to have his own passport. But other countries may present Additional requirements to the child’s documents, so be sure to clarify this before the trip.

When traveling abroad or in Russia with a child, it is important not to forget not only all the things necessary for him, but also documents. And their list in some cases can be quite large and you need to take care of preparing all the certificates and documents in advance.


Original birth certificate. Without it, it is impossible to travel within the territory of the Russian Federation under 14 years of age. If it is not possible to take the original certificate with you, you need to make a copy certified by a notary. When traveling abroad, where the main document is a passport, it is not necessary to take a birth certificate, but it is recommended, especially if the child’s last name does not match the parents’ last name.

Passport or international passport. Children from the age of 14 receive a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, and they will travel around Russia with it. To travel abroad, children of any age can have a biometric passport, or the child must be included in the passport of one of the parents, and, from the age of 7, a photo must be pasted into it for the child. If the parents are not ordinary, but biometric passports, you won’t be able to fit your child in there, you’ll have to register for him separate passport.

A child under 14 years of age can travel to some CIS countries - Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan using a birth certificate, but an insert about the child’s citizenship must be attached to it. Children over 14 years old can travel to these countries by Russian passport.

If a child under 18 years of age crosses the border of the Russian Federation accompanied by only one parent, the consent of the second is not required, but only if the second parent has never filed a statement of disagreement with the child’s departure outside the Russian Federation. If at least once such an application was received by the border authorities, the second parent is required to provide mandatory consent for the child to leave. Such a document is drawn up by a notary.

Nowadays, very often people want to go abroad on vacation with their children. However, experts advise that you familiarize yourself in advance with the nuances of document preparation and other requirements imposed by current legislation.

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After all, it may happen that a child of a Russian citizen will simply not be allowed through border services.

To avoid such unpleasant situations, it is worth considering such a feature as the departure of minors abroad.

What do you need to know?

The number is increasing minors who travel abroad and many of them travel with only one parent.

Although companies prepare documents for a minor to travel abroad without parents (for example, on exchange), the questions only increase.


The procedure for departure under the legislation of minors is fixed in Art. 20 .

It states that persons under the age of majority can travel abroad accompanied by an adult (parents, guardians, trustees).

If a child is traveling to another country alone, he must present notarial agreement adults, responsible for this child.

The document must indicate the date of departure and destination (name of country).

The agreement is a document that confirms the right of a child to travel unaccompanied by adults. To avoid getting into unpleasant situations at the border, you need to remember that the rules of other countries differ from the rules of the Russian Federation.

So, just in case, you can prepare notarized copies of documents such as consent and death certificate, if one of the parents has died.

After analyzing the data contained in the law, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • A citizen who has not reached the age of majority can travel abroad with his parents from . Before the age of 14, a passport can be issued at will; after the age of 14, it is mandatory if traveling abroad occurs periodically.
  • A minor who traveled abroad with relatives must be included in the parents’ foreign passports. IN mandatory There must be a photograph of the child.
  • Children under 14 years of age can travel to the CIS countries with their parents, having only a birth certificate and a confirming document of Russian citizenship.
  • Provide consent for the departure of a minor if he is traveling abroad with one parent. It is better to have this consent certified by a notary.
  • When the child and parent have different surnames, when traveling abroad, you should take with you separate foreign passports and a copy of the birth certificate certified by a notary.

These facts should be taken into account when every decision to travel abroad with minor children. And also, it is better to inform yourself from lawyers.

Travel of minors abroad

Traveling abroad requires registration foreign passport. If previously a minor could leave the border using a parent’s passport, now this is prohibited.

If the parents’ passport is outdated, then the fact of having a child must be entered into it. But this is only to confirm family ties.

The state fee for an old-style passport will cost 300 rubles, new sample– 1200 rubles.

When receiving an old-style foreign passport, the child does not have to be present.

Get it new document only possible in the presence of a child. It is required to take a photograph of the child, regardless of his age.

Without parents

A citizen who has not reached the age of majority and travels abroad unaccompanied by an adult, in addition to a foreign passport, must have parental consent to travel.

However, there are situations when foreign embassies require that given consent was certified by a notary and must be signed by both parents. Such consent is generally required in England, the USA and Canada.

You should know that this agreement remains at the embassy. It is better to have several copies of the document with you.

Single parent

When the travel of minors abroad is restricted, one of the parents travels with them. This happens mainly when the other parent is against the child leaving the country. The issue is already being resolved in court.

One of the parents can write an application for a temporary restriction on the departure of a minor child from Russia. Border services will not allow the baby to pass through.

To avoid such situations, you should make sure in advance whether there are any such restrictions.

Registration procedure

In order to formalize the agreement, initially, you need to consult with the other parent. Discuss the pros and cons.

Then you will need to collect the necessary documents and go to the notary.

Required documents

To obtain consent for the departure of a person under the age of majority, representatives need to go to a notary and provide a package of documents.

In 2019, the following documents are required:

  • foreign passports;
  • the child’s birth certificate and other documents confirming the relationship;
  • information about the purpose of leaving the country (study, recreation, etc.);
  • information about the person accompanying the minor child;
  • specific departure date and name of the country where the child is going to go.

Experts do not advise including phrases in a document that have a double meaning. It's worth thinking about the legal consequences.

Phrases formulated incorrectly can cause harm to the child himself. By such agreement minor child will not be able to pass through border control. It will not be possible to leave the country.

When is consent required?

Consent for a minor child to travel abroad will be required when the child goes abroad with a person who is not related (educators, coaches).

Deadlines in in this case are installed in accordance with certain calendar date. It may also be the age of the child.

Consent certified by a notary can be valid until the day the child becomes an adult citizen.

But there are also very contradictory situations. Consent is Russian document, but it is required by the authorities foreign countries and embassies. These authorities may require additional information to be included in the consent.

Adults need to understand that consent to travel abroad is provided for by the law of the Russian Federation. Foreign authorities may consider consent to be necessary document to obtain a visa, and then the child’s parents will have to re-write the consent.

Who is responsible?

In article 22 Federal Law No. 114 states that responsibility for minors who travel abroad and the protection of their rights and interests outside the country rests with parents (guardians).

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