What to do if your passport is lost. What to do if you lose your passport as a citizen of the Russian Federation? List of documents required for making marks in the passport

A passport is the main document of any Russian, which is necessary not only to establish his identity, but also to contact government authorities. Receiving pensions and benefits, etc.

Therefore, losing a passport is very serious situation, and in this case you need to act immediately.

Who will issue a new passport?

First of all, you need to contact government agency, authorized to issue passports to Russian citizens - Federal Migration Service. If the place where the passport was lost does not coincide with the place of its registration, FMS employees cannot refuse to accept the application. That is, if a citizen loses his passport, he can contact any unit of the Russian Migration Service.

An application to the FMS must be made in writing. The application must fully describe the circumstances under which the passport was lost. Additionally, you need to fill out another application - this time in the form of the migration service.

Four photographs will also be required to obtain a new passport. established form and a document confirming payment of the state fee.

In addition, a package of documents is required that contains personal information about the applicant: the presence of children, information about concluded and dissolved marriages, a military ID and a certificate of registration at the place of residence/place of stay.

Deadline for obtaining a new passport

The number of days that FMS employees will spend preparing and issuing a new document depends on several circumstances.

Firstly, if an incomplete set of documents is provided or incorrect information is provided when submitting an application for a new passport, FMS employees can either refuse to accept documents or assign additional check. All this will delay the time for obtaining a new passport.

By general rule, new passport in replacement of the lost one must be issued within 10 days after submitting the relevant application. But this rule only applies if the citizen has applied to the FMS unit at his place of residence, and this unit has previously issued him a passport.

If a citizen applies for a new passport not at his place of residence, but in another city, he will be issued a passport no earlier than two months later. The same issuance period also applies if this FMS body has not previously issued a passport to the citizen.

You can find out how soon a new passport will be ready immediately when submitting an application for its issue. After checking all the documents, the passport office employee sets a date when the citizen must appear to receive a new document.

If an application for a new passport is submitted in compliance with all requirements, after it is accepted by a FMS employee, the applicant may request that a temporary identity card be issued to him. To do this, he must provide additional documents. It could be international passport, his birth certificate, employment history or driver's license. The presence of these documents will allow FMS employees to as soon as possible establish his identity and issue a temporary certificate.

If a citizen does not have the listed documents, there are other legal ways establishing his identity for the rapid issuance of a temporary certificate. Yes, if available written consent the person who applied, Federal Migration Service employee can send a request to Passport Office, in which the lost passport was issued. In addition, the inspector may request documents from the place of work, study or military service citizen.

As soon as the FMS inspector receives answers to these requests, the identity and citizenship of the citizen who has lost his passport is unambiguously confirmed, he can receive a temporary identity card.

This document is valid only during the period of production of a new passport, and after receiving it must be returned to the FMS department that issued it.

Responsibility for loss of passport

The laws of Russia equate the loss of a passport to its damage, when the document, although it exists, is not readable, or some pages are missing, or there are marks that cannot be provided for by law RF.

Since a passport is the most important document in the life of any person, the law encourages careful handling of it. Moreover, producing a new passport is a rather labor-intensive and lengthy process. That is why the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation provides for responsibility for careless attitude to this document or its intentional damage. This offense is punishable by a fine of up to 300 rubles, provided for in Art. 19.16 of the RF Code on administrative offenses.

Passport is the main document proving the identity and citizenship of a resident Russian Federation. Loss of a passport due to damage, theft, loss or physical destruction is fraught with big problems for a citizen. In addition to the inability to perform Bank operations, buy plane or train tickets; in the absence of a document, a citizen can receive money penalty from the outside administrative bodies. What to do if you lost your passport? After identifying the loss, you should contact the institution responsible for registering citizens.

What to do if you have lost your Russian passport

If your passport is lost, you have one way to reissue it - contact the migration department (Ministry of Internal Affairs). This authority is authorized to register citizens at their place of official registration. Her powers include all issues related to the issuance and replacement internal passports: delivery at 14 years of age, replacement at 20 and 45 years of age and in cases provided for by law, for example, restoration of a lost passport due to theft or damage.

If your passport was not lost, but stolen, you should go to the law enforcement authorities with a statement. You will need to prove the theft with the help of witnesses, video camera recordings at the station or other evidence. Employees law enforcement must record the fact of theft and, upon your application, provide a temporary VUL identity card or a certificate of theft. The latter will be useful for purchasing passenger tickets for train and other actions.

What to do if your documents are stolen

When a passport is lost, it always means problems and troubles for a person. In addition to the inconvenience caused by the temporary inability to act within the legal framework (conclude transactions, open bank accounts, etc.), the danger of theft lies in illegal actions from the attackers. Passport and others important papers they are able to use in personal purposes, and the consequences of these actions may affect their rightful owner. Most often, documents are stolen to gain access to bank accounts, to obtaining loans and other illegal activities.

If your passport or other important papers have been lost, you should soon visit the police, where you can write a statement about reinstatement.

Lost passport how to recover

The first thing to do if you have lost your passport is to visit the Migration Office. They'll give it there detailed instructions about the procedure for re-registration. To issue and register a new passport, the service employee requires papers that indirectly identify the person. Based on the application, as well as the data provided, the Russian passport is restored as usual.

Since information about citizens is stored in government bases data, then the document is restored quite quickly. Maximum term The procedure (if you lost your passport due to negligence) is 1 month. The employee who accepted the documents must notify the applicant of the date of the visit for a new one. In some cases, the re-registration time may take up to three months. Therefore, find out how much restoration is needed from the inspector who accepted the papers.

Nuances of the procedure and required documents

Losing a Russian passport due to negligence leads to administrative sanctions. If there is no document, then regardless of the reason - loss, theft - you will face a fine.
The absence of an identity card can be qualified as two types of offenses provided for by law. According to Art. 19.15 – this is living at the place of registration without a document. And according to Art. 19.16 loss is classified as negligence involving administrative sanctions. Under the same article it is imposed

All of the above also applies to foreigners living in Russia.

Let's look at what documents are needed to restore a passport if it is lost. Re-registration requires:

  • color photographs;
  • check from a bank or terminal confirming payment of state duty (original, copy);
  • marriage certificate;
  • children's documents.

Photos in 35*45 cm format are needed in two copies. One is required to accept an application in Form 1P, the other is pasted into the first page of the new document. If the applicant requires a temporary identification card (TIC), then another photo must be taken.

Children's documents and/or marriage certificate are needed to confirm and identify identity. In addition to them, the employee may ask for other papers that indirectly confirm the identity of the applicant (certificate of REO, certificate of home ownership, driver license and so on.).

Where to go if you lose your passport

To obtain a passport in Russia, theoretically, you can contact several authorities - the migration department (FMS), as well as service center“My Documents” (former MFC). You can write an application for a first passport, a replacement, as well as when changing your last name, appearance and gender through the State Services portal online.

The “My Documents” service center is a registration system that operates on a single window principle. Here you can apply for your first document or change it upon reaching your 20th and 45th birthdays. The State Services portal accepts applications via the Internet, which allows a citizen to submit an application in absentia and then come for issuance ready-made certificate individuals at the appointed time to the FMS office. But it is impossible to submit a statement about the loss of a passport and issue a new one to replace the old one through “My Documents” or the State Services portal.

If there was a loss of an identity card due to negligence, you need to contact the migration department or the police department. To do this, a person must appear in person with documents.

An application for replacement must be submitted by uniform form 1P (sample can be taken at the FMS office). You must manually enter the following information into the form:

  • last name, first name and patronymic of the applicant;
  • gender identity;
  • date, year and place of birth;
  • civil status (indicating the full name and date of birth of the spouse);
  • date and place of marriage registration;
  • Full name of parents;
  • place of residence and current stay.

In addition to the basic data, the reason for replacing the passport (loss, theft, damage) must be indicated and the applicant’s signature must be affixed. If the document was changed shortly before, back side The forms indicate the details of the previous document. At the bottom of the 1P form is the signature of the head of the department, as well as the passport data and mark of the employee who accepted the statement of loss.

Cost and state duty for a lost passport

You will have to incur costs associated with paying fines for violating the Code of Criminal Procedure, as well as the state fee for restoring a lost identity card.

Fines for loss range from 100 to 300 rubles, in the case where the owner independently came to the FMS office to submit an application. The amount of state duty for loss of a passport as of 2017 is 1,500 rubles. In the capital, police officers who discover the absence of a document impose a fine of up to 5 thousand rubles.

How to restore a passport if lost in another city

The place where the passport was lost and where it was reissued does not matter for the procedure. - all you have to do is show up at local branch police with a written statement. If you are in a city where you are officially registered, it is better to appear at the Federal Migration Service at your place of registration. This will reduce the time it takes to process the application and issue a passport to replace the lost one.

What to do if you lose your passport at a location other than your place of registration

But what to do if you lost your passport on a business trip or on vacation in unfamiliar city? Absence is fraught with inevitable problems. For example, a person did not have time to purchase a ticket for a flight or before the return flight discovered that the document was missing. In this case, you need to urgently go to the police station and write a statement. Based on this, law enforcement officers will issue a certificate of lost passport - it will allow you to purchase a passenger ticket.

If a citizen is not in his home region for a long time (stays at the place of temporary registration, is on a business trip), he also needs to go to the FMS office and write an application for re-registration. The place where the application is submitted does not affect the format of the restoration procedure, but can significantly increase the time for issuing a new document. Employees need more time to request information about you at your place of official registration.

VUL to replace a lost passport

While the application is being processed and preparations for re-registration are underway. This document is issued at your request immediately upon receipt of the application in Form 1P. VUL has the form of a simple perforated form on which it is glued color photography citizen. Biometric data (full name, year and place of birth, etc.) and information about the passport and visa office that issued the VUL are entered there.

Doesn't have temporary ID legal force. It cannot be used to purchase air tickets, open a bank account, complete a real estate transaction, or perform other actions. VUL is required for checks by police and traffic police.

Recovery time

Depending on the place of loss and application for the preparation of a new document, the processing time for information and production ranges from 10 to 30 days. If you lost your passport in your city and came to the FMS at your place of registration, the restoration procedure will not take more than 10 days. If lost in other remote places, especially in the absence of temporary registration, you will have to wait up to 30 days.


In addition to a fine for loss due to negligence in the amount of 300 rubles, the citizen will incur additional sanctions. When checked by law enforcement officers, the absence of a document is classified as illegal stay at the place of residence. The fine for this offense is up to 5 thousand rubles.

The fine for losing a passport due to negligence comes into force 10 days after it is submitted. After that, you have 60 days to pay it. This can be done in any way: at the bank’s cash desk, on the State Services website, through the Internet banking service or at a self-service terminal.

Losing a passport leads to negative consequences in the form of fines for negligence, as well as for. To re-register, contact the FMS office and write an application for issuance. The rules are described above.
It is impossible to restore a passport if it is stolen via the Internet.

The time frame for preparing a new document if the old one is lost varies from one decade to 30 days. This directly depends on where the application is written. When registering at the place of official registration, the issuance period is 10 days, and when staying in another locality- the recovery process takes up to 30 days.

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Losing a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is an event fraught with unpleasant consequences. What fines does this entail? Which bodies and services will help restore lost document? You will find the answers relevant for 2018 in the article.

Losing a passport in our time is not just an annoying incident, but also a signal of danger. Someone else's passport data is often used by criminals. Without the main document confirming your identity, it is impossible to contact any government agency. In addition, losing a passport through negligence is an offense that carries a fine, which in 2018 ranges from 100 to 300 rubles.

Restoring a passport is not difficult if you know what needs to be done and in what order. You will have to write a statement about the loss (theft) of your passport and submit an application for the restoration of your passport as a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Note! It is necessary to contact the police at your place of residence as soon as the loss is discovered. Otherwise, you may receive a fine for living without an identity document.

Where to go if you lose your passport

Details related to the passport, its loss and restoration are officially regulated by Government Decree on identity cards on the territory of the Russian Federation No. 828 of July 8, 1997. According to this document, if a Russian citizen’s passport is lost or stolen, you must submit a hand-written application to the employees territorial body Ministry of Internal Affairs (to the police).

First of all, you need to write a statement about the loss of your passport. Next, you should prepare an application for document restoration. To avoid problems with government agencies and commercial organizations, it is recommended to do it during the period of absence of a passport temporary identity card, which will serve as your identification document while your Russian citizen’s passport is being restored.

Fines and state fees

The amount of the fine for the loss of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation due to careless storage is regulated by paragraph 17 of Article 19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and does not exceed 300 rubles. Monetary recovery can be avoided if you prepare evidence of innocence, then administrative punishment will be reduced to verbal warning. If the passport was lost and actions to restore it were taken on time, no more serious penalties are provided.

However, the situation changes if, having lost the document, you do not apply for a new passport for a long time. Then there are reasons to fine you for living without a document that must prove your identity, based on Article 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Such a violation will cost much more. The amount of payments varies depending on the area. For the capital and St. Petersburg in 2018, it ranges from 3 to 5 thousand rubles, for other regions – from 2 to 3 thousand.

The fine must be paid within 60 days. This can be done at any bank branch, post office, on the portal of government and municipal services, through payment terminal and payment systems on the Internet.

In addition to the fine (and, as mentioned above, it can be avoided), when restoring your passport, you will need to pay a state fee, the amount of which is 1,500 rubles. This requirement applies to all cases of obtaining a new passport (loss, theft, damage).

List of documents for passport renewal

The package of documents required for passport renewal must include the following:

  • application for the issuance of a new passport, written in form P-1;
  • 3 color photographs of standard format;
  • a receipt for payment of the state duty or details of the payment made.

To deposit necessary information The following official papers will be required in the restored document:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • military ID;
  • certificate from management company, confirming your place of residence.

If an employee demands to see other documents, his actions are illegal.

Step-by-step instructions for restoring a lost passport

So, to get a new passport if you lose it, you should:

Terms for providing the service: 10 days if you are applying for a new passport at your place of residence, 30 days if you are doing this in another place.

Please note: the possibility of submitting an application to in electronic format online through the State Services website is currently (2018) cancelled, a notice has been posted on the website.

Below is a description of the procedure for restoring a passport, published on the State Services website:

Application for lost passport

The application for the loss of a passport is addressed to the head of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (police). The statement does not contain a request to take any action, it only states the loss. It is written randomly, by hand. Writing it is not difficult, but it must be done as quickly as possible. The application contains the following information:

  1. title, full name of the authorized employee in whose name the application is written;
  2. personal information of the applicant;
  3. a notice that the applicant is liable if he gives false testimony;
  4. the circumstances surrounding the loss, the time and place of the incident.

Sample sample:

The more detailed the content of the application (the part that reveals the circumstances of the loss), the higher the chance of discovering the lost document.

After registering the application, it is worth making a temporary identity card, which will serve as the applicant’s main document until the receipt of the restored passport.

After completing the verification of the applicants’ personal data, an application is filled out in form P-1 for the issuance of a passport that has undergone the restoration procedure. A sample form can be downloaded below.

Temporary certificate

Issue temporary passport if the main one is lost, it requires verification of the applicant’s identity and is not always carried out immediately upon request. However, in in case of emergency, due to the urgency of preparing the document, the applicant has the right to receive a temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the shortest possible time. To speed up the process, you need to present any identification document: military (membership, library) card, pensioner's ID, international passport, other.

You also need to prepare for the fact that employees of the MDF body may call your place of work or military unit where the applicant served. A temporary certificate is issued for the period required to restore the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, regardless of whether the reason for the replacement was an oversight on the part of the applicant or theft.

To a person who has come to submit a package of documents necessary to start the procedure, a specialist from the Ministry of Internal Affairs is obliged to issue a receipt of receipt and call exact date, in which the applicant will be able to receive a completed passport.

Is it possible to restore a passport in another city?

To reissue a passport lost while traveling, you need to follow next order actions:

When restoring a document in another city, it will take more time. Specialists will need Extra time for forwarding and consideration of papers upon request related to checking the applicant’s data. The passport will be restored within 30 working days.


Restoring a lost passport is not difficult, but it is troublesome. Minimize actions to re-register the most important civil document, careful handling of the document will help prevent fines and other troubles. It is better to initially protect your passport from accidental damage and the machinations of attackers, rather than waste time and money on its subsequent restoration.

If your passport is lost, contact the police immediately. Read detailed information in the article.

Passport is important document which every citizen should have. Without it, insurmountable difficulties arise with those structures where this document is needed. None of us are immune from the fact that our passport will be lost, stolen or damaged. If this happens, questions immediately arise: “What to do?”, “Where to go, and will I have to pay a fine?” You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

What to do, where to go first if you have lost your passport as a citizen of the Russian Federation?

What to do, where to go first if you have lost your passport as a citizen of the Russian Federation?

If you suddenly find that such an important document as a passport is lost, do not be upset or panic. The main thing is that you noticed it immediately. So, what to do, where to go first if you have lost your passport as a citizen of the Russian Federation? Here are the tips:

  • First, remember where you last went with this document. Perhaps you forgot it and to find it, you just need to come and pick up your passport.
  • If there was a theft (in the subway, at the entrance, on the street or in another place), then things are more complicated. You must immediately contact the nearest police station. Provide a statement written in free form, photo - 2 pieces and a receipt for payment of the state duty.

An application must be submitted so that the police will record the fact of theft and enter your document into the database. This is an excellent warning against fraudulent activities(bogus loan, fraud with real estate and so on).

Advice: The police will give you a tear-off coupon - this is evidence that your document is really lost, and the statement was accepted by the police.

Although the application is written in any form, many citizens are at a loss and do not know how to complete it. Here is a sample statement to the police about the loss of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation:

Application to the police about the loss of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation: sample

Important: Do not forget to include all the smallest details, as thanks to them the police will be able to identify the thief, and you will quickly get your document back or restore it.

If there was no obvious theft, but you discovered that your passport is not there, for example at home, then the statement should be written like this:

Application to the police about the loss of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

When the employee accepts your application, he must issue a certificate of lost passport. It is necessary to draw up a new document.

What is the fine for losing a Russian citizen’s passport?

A fine is imposed if the person has committed actions that resulted in the loss of the document: improper storage, intentional damage, destruction. In this case, the person is considered an offender and penalties ranging from 100 to 300 rubles are applied to him. But often the first time the matter is dealt with only with a simple warning.

Important: If actions for intentional loss of a document state standard committed minor child, then payment of sanctions for loss government paper of a citizen of the Russian Federation rests with his parents.

How to get a new passport of a Russian citizen to replace a lost one?

With certificate and tear-off coupon from the police, you must contact the Federal Migration Service of the city in which you live. This government agency issues passports. Today, state-issued documents can also be obtained from the MFC using the “one-window” principle.

So, how to get a new passport of a Russian citizen to replace the lost one? After receiving a certificate from the police, contact the Federal Migration Service or MFC. You should get your passport within 2 months. You must be given a certificate confirming receipt of all papers for obtaining a passport. At the request of the citizen, a temporary identity card is issued in form No. 2P, which you will submit after receiving your important document.

What documents are needed to restore a lost passport?

Contacting the police regarding the loss of your passport is over; now you need to contact another government agency to restore your identity document. What documents are needed to restore a lost passport?


  • Statement— fill in according special form, sample above. In paragraph 9, indicate the reason for replacing the passport: due to theft, damage, or other.
  • 2 photos— 3x4, large image face on a white matte background.
  • Receipt of payment state tax - issued after payment at a bank or other financial institution.
  • Certificate from the police about the loss or theft of a passport. You should have it in your hands after contacting the police department.
  • Documents that will be needed for affixing special marks in passport, if such need to be installed.
  • Documents that indicate Russian citizenship. If necessary, you will have to prove citizenship.

Documents evidencing Russian citizenship are provided only for photocopies. Then they should be returned to you.

Can they get a loan with a lost passport?

When a person loses his passport, he begins to panic, and this is primarily due not to the fact that he will now have to live without documents for some time, but to the fact that scammers can get a fake loan. So is it really true that someone can take out a loan using a lost passport? Actually, yes.

  • Everyone has it banking institution and another credit organization there is a security service that will not allow such actions to pass.
  • But not all employees treat their work responsibly: some will miss the stamp, others will not pay attention to the lack of similarity in the photo and the person who applied for money.
  • Once the loan is processed, it is almost impossible to prove that the loan was obtained without the knowledge of the passport holder.
  • You will have to go to court, and this is a litigation that can last for years.

Warning: Be vigilant and immediately contact the police after discovering that your passport has been stolen or lost.

What to do if a lost passport of a Russian citizen is found?

There may be such a real-life case when a lost passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation was found. What to do in this case? Here are the tips:

  • If you found the passport before the police filed the application, then do not worry, just continue to use your ID document.
  • If you find a “crust” after writing an application to a police officer, but before writing an application for a new passport, then it all depends on whether the document was cancelled. If so, then you will have to get new document. If the application has not yet been processed, then you can withdraw it and calmly use your document that was found.
  • But it happens that you have already written an application for a new passport, but the old one is found, then you cannot use it - it is invalid.

There are many more nuances. If you have found yours old passport, just consult the police what to do with him now. All your questions will be answered.

If the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is lost: tips and recommendations

Since childhood, adults have told us that a passport is an important document. But life situations there are different ones. How to come out of them with dignity? What to do and where to run if your passport is lost? Tips and recommendations if your Russian citizen’s passport is lost:

  • Remember where you were with this document last time.
  • Look for it in the house, maybe it is in a visible place, and you think it was stolen.
  • If searches don't give desired results, stop panicking and contact the police with a statement.
  • Collect everything Required documents according to the list, attach a police certificate and contact the Federal Migration Service to obtain a new document.

The process of obtaining a new passport will last up to 2 months. At this time, be patient and wait, especially since you have a temporary ID card in your hands.

Video: What to do if you lost your passport

What to do if you have lost your Russian passport? When people find their ID card missing from their usual place, they tend to panic.Most of all, citizens are worried not about responsibility to the state, but about the risk of becoming a victim of criminals - many, say, believe that they will immediately be saddled with a bunch of loans.

In fact, such a fearunreasonably: now when applying for a loan in mandatory a photograph is taken, and bank employees, as soon as they suspect a violation, immediately contact the security service.Fraud with other people's documents currently almost impossible. Another thing is that the absent-minded citizen himself, without an identity card, will not be able to carry out financial transactions or count on free medical service, apply for a job.

What is the responsibility to the state?

Losing a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is an offense; what to do if you lost your passport, and how much is the fine in 2019year, prescribed in the Code of Administrative Offences.

For such sluggishness, Article 19.16 Administrative Code a fine of from 100 to 300 rubles, which one is for last years has not changed and its increase is also not planned yet. It seems that the material punishment is insignificant, however, one must not forget that in addition to the fine, the citizen will also have to pay state fee for issuing a new document after its loss - the amount of the state duty is 1500 rubles. A fine can be replaced with a warning, butin which cases– a big question: the legislation does not stipulate what the amount of the fine and the need to pay it depend on.

The fine will be more serious if the citizen “delayed” the restoration of the document and did not contact the FMSfor a long time,and decided to give up only after he really needed the passport. In such a situation, be prepared to pay 2-3 thousand rubles for not realizing the full gravity of his own offense. After discovering a loss, a citizen is obliged to apply for restoration of the document within 30 days. However, the FMS has little chance of finding out when the document was actually lost: a citizen can claim that he lost the document just yesterday or that he did not notice the loss because he uses it for emergency. FMS will have toprovethe citizen’s guilt, but no one wants to waste time on this.

Advice: If you contacted the police after discovering the loss, then do not delay visiting the FMS - in such a situation, the Migration Service employees will have the evidence necessary to apply a large fine.

Where to contact?

Common mistake: a citizen, not knowingwhat to do if you lost your passport, goes to the police and reports the theft. In such a situation, he will probably have to visit the police station more than once, and a new document will be issued after the case opened in connection with the theft is closed - that is, not soon.

To avoid wasting time, it is better to discard the idea of ​​going to the police and admit to the FMS employees your own sluggishness, even if there are suspicions that the disappearance of the identity card is not an accident.

What to do if you lost your passport in 2019? You need to go to the FMS with this set of documents.

    Loss statement drawn up in free form and handwritten. Such a statement must contain a description of the circumstances under which the identity card was lost.

    Application for issuance of a new passport (form 1-P). Here free form unacceptable: the applicant must fill out special form, which is provided by an employee of the Migration Service.

    4 photographs (35 by 45 mm).

    Receipt for payment of the state duty or its details. The fee for issuing a new document to replace a lost one is five times higher than for a planned replacement (1,500 rubles versus 300 rubles).

You also need to provide a maximum of documents that can confirm your identity and are necessary for affixing all kinds of stamps. It is worth taking marriage certificates, birth certificates, military ID, driver's license, house register.

After submitting the described package of documents, you must pay the fine, come back in 10 days and pick up a new identity card.

Where to go if you lost your documents in another city?

This situation is more complicated, because the citizen will have to prove the legality of his stay in a foreign region. You can buy a ticket home using a copy of your passport, but what to do if you have lost a copy of your passport or there is none at all?

The legislation gives fairly clear instructions on what to do if you have lost your passport in a foreign city.

    Within 3 days, a slow citizen must go to the local FMS department and write a statement about the loss. If he applies later, he faces a fine.

    The citizen presents a document giving the right to stay in the regionwithout registering– for example, a train ticket with an arrival date. Let us remind you thatYou can stay in a foreign city for no more than 90 days without temporary registration– a fine in the amount of 1500-2500 rubles is collected from the violator of this rule. If there is a temporary registration, there will naturally be no problems.

    The citizen receives a temporary identity card, buys a ticket with it and goes home, where he restores documents in the standard manner.

You can also write a statement about the loss with a request “to issue a new passport at the place of stay.” However, you need to understand that issuing a new document in a foreign city will take from 2 to 2.5 months, so this option is only relevant if you have temporary registration or if your passport was lost immediately upon arrival.

Tip: take a scan of your passport and save it onYandex.DiskorGoogleDrive. If you lose your documents in a foreign city, you can print out a scan, use it to buy a ticket home and avoid a visit to the local Federal Migration Service (where you will a priori be met with hostility). Tickets will not be sold without ID details.

Where to go if you lost your documents in another country?

If a citizen of the Russian Federation went on vacation to “warm lands”, lost his documents there and does not knowwhat to do if you lost your passport abroad,The main thing is not to panic and strictly follow this order.

    Contacting local police. The police will give you special certificate about the loss. Before contacting, you should be concerned about finding a translator who could explain to the police exactly what the problem is.

    Contacting the Russian Consulate. The consulate will ask for a police certificate, 2 photos, and identification documents. If no documents are available, you need 2 witnesses with passports who are close enough to the applicant to answer a series of questions about him.

    Drawing up an application. Based on the application, the consulate will issue a certificate of return. It is good for 15 days, so the citizen does not need to rush homeimmediately– he can continue his rest.The certificate of return is submitted to the main department of the Federal Migration Service of the city of residence within 3 days after returning home.

As you can see, the instructionswhat to do if you lost your passport while on vacation, is very simple.

What to do if documents are lost before departure?

A temporary identity card (TID), which is issued in place of a lost passport, for many actions (primarily for financial transactions) unsuitable.

However, according to the clarification of the Ministry of Transport from 2004, the VUL is recognized as a document that fully certifies the identity of a citizen - this meansThere are no grounds for refusing to sell an air ticket via VUL!The carrier can independently determine the list of documents that are suitable for issuing a ticket, but this list should not contradict those generally accepted in the Russian Federationair transportation rules.

Attention: a certificate of loss, which is often issued by the Federal Migration Service instead of the VUL, is not suitable for issuing an air ticket because it does not contain a photo. When contacting Migration Service insist on issuing the VUL.

A common question iswhat to do if you lost your passport before flying abroad. This situation, unfortunately, is a dead end: VUL is valid only in the Russian Federation - you will not be allowed into another country without a passport. Therefore, it is recommended to return the ticket and postpone the trip until you receive the main document.

What to do if you take out a loan for your passport?

As already mentioned, the instructionswhat to do if your passport is lost and a loan is taken outon it, is not very relevant:Fraud with other people's passports is now rare; it is possible only if the attacker manages to enter into criminal conspiracy with at least two bank employees - a credit expert working directly at the point, and a scoring service employee checking the application. Need I say how difficult it is to carry out such a conspiracy?

If, by an unfortunate accident, the attacker managed to realize his criminal plan, the passport holder will find out about this as soon as the first delay appears. He needs to immediately go to the police or prosecutor's office; He will be able to prove his non-involvement in the loan quite easily if he did not delay applying to the passport office for a new identity card.

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