The father does not pay child support. What to do if your ex-spouse does not pay alimony

Absolutely anyone can change their last name as long as they are 14 years old. As a matter of fact, this is the most important condition for the implementation of the plan. Everything is easy in words, but in reality it’s not so difficult. But it is worth considering this process in more detail.

Everything is according to the law

So, Article 19 of the Civil Code Russian Federation states that a citizen carries out activities under a certain name, surname and patronymic. IN certain cases, which are also provided by law, a pseudonym may be used. That is, his fictitious name. The citizen also has absolutely right change it. And this desire is not the basis for changing his duties or rights.

The only thing is that he will have to notify all his creditors, as well as debtors, about the name change. Otherwise, he will suffer some losses if he forgets to do this. Also, a citizen who changes his name will have to change his full name in other documents. Almost all of them are registered in his name. The process is not so much troublesome as it takes a lot of time. He will need to officially register all changes with the relevant authorities. In principle, this is all that is stated in Article 19. And, having familiarized yourself with it, you will be able to think about how to change your last name in practice.

Reasons and statement

So, the first thing you will need to do is go to the registry office - only at your place of residence. There are, of course, exceptions when this can be done at your place of residence, but it is advisable to follow the rules. There you need to pay the state fee and write an application. How this is done will be explained on the spot, and they will also give corresponding form. In the application form you will need to indicate the reason why you decided to change your last name. This is actually a formality. Some of the most popular reasons are the difficulty of pronunciation or cacophony, or the desire to take the surname that belongs to a more familiar person. Also, some want to reclaim their premarital self. You can specify anything - no one will ask again and clarify.


To change your last name, you will need to go through several more steps. But before moving on to them, you should talk in more detail about what needs to be indicated on the form issued by the registry office. The first is your own autobiography. It is necessary to write where the registration of acts relating to civil status.

Do not forget that in addition to the application, you will need to submit some documents. Is it possible to change my last name without them? Definitely not. Certificates of birth, marriage (if any), birth of children (minors only), adoption, divorce and photograph are required. As you can see, there is a whole list. It is worth preparing them in advance, so that later (at the registry office), all that remains is to fill out the form and wait for a decision to be made.

What to do with children?

Often fathers or mothers wonder how to change their child’s surname? Not everything is so complicated here either. For children whose age is more than 14 years, but less than 18, a change of surname is made only after the consent of both parents. This required condition. How to change a child’s surname is described in detail in Article 58 of the law, which stipulates acts of civil status.

If the parents live separately and the mother or father wants to assign to their child own surname, then you will need to contact the appropriate guardianship and guardianship authority. They are working on resolving this issue. But only taking into account the interests of the child (if his age is more than ten years). In second place comes the opinion of the second parent. And even then, it does not always matter - if it is not possible to establish its location or it was deprived parental rights, and maybe even declared incompetent. In general, most often the question regarding how to change your last name is resolved much faster and easier.

To be continued

It is worth noting that everything described above is just the beginning. After you succeed in changing your last name in your passport, you will need to prepare for other hassles. Namely, to replace foreign document, insurance certificate, medical policy, INN, driver's license, bank accounts and many others important documents. Before changing your last name in your passport, you need to think carefully - is it worth it? Or more precisely, will you have the patience to stand in all the lines and fill out all the forms? In fact, the main difficulty here is precisely the waiting. Otherwise, after filling out two or three forms, your hand becomes “full”, and this stage is no longer difficult.

New name – new documents

It is worth noting that if you do everything gradually, and do not grab everything at once, you will be able to replace all the documents in two to three months. Not so much. In any case, if the desire to take a different surname is strong, but difficulties frighten you, then it is worth remembering that every year thousands of girls go through this difficult stage after marriage. If everything was so complicated, no one would do it. The most important thing is to replace your passport on time. Because you only have 30 days to submit an application. And then another month - and you can come for a new document. Otherwise everything is the same. Applications, documents, queues. By the way, not all papers will need to be replaced. For example, diplomas can be left untouched, as well as TIN. And the employer will completely replace the medical policy and SNILS, you just need to notify him about it. So not everything is as complicated as it seems at first glance.

In case of divorce or for any other reason, you have the opportunity to change your last name as many times as you see fit. To do this, just contact the registry office. You will need to prepare a package of documents. It may vary depending on some nuances.

So, every citizen of the Russian Federation who personally applied to the registry office has the right to change his last name. To complete the document as quickly as possible, it is better to contact the registry office at the place of registration. IN otherwise The period for obtaining a certificate of change of surname may take up to 2 months. Scroll necessary documents
  • for persons who have reached the age of majority:
  • applicant's passport;
  • marriage certificate or divorce certificate, if available;

birth certificate of children under 18 years of age that the applicant has. If individual didn't reach of legal age

passports of both parents.

All documents must be copied and provided to the registry office employee. You should also write an application on Form No. 15 in legible handwriting. All fields are filled in based on the data specified in your documents. If you plan to change only your last name, then put a dash in the middle name and first name column.

Download here. This service turns out to be on, which is 1000 rubles. You must fill out a state duty receipt and pay it at Sberbank. Some registry offices have self-service terminals, but please note that they charge a small percentage. You must have the paid receipt with you before submitting documents to the registry office employee.

After reviewing and verifying the correctness of the completed application Special attention is given to the reason for the change of surname by the applicant, the employee renders a verdict. If the answer is positive, you will receive a notification about the date you will receive your new name.

If you have access to the Internet, you can submit an application without visiting the registry office. To do this, go to official page Unified portal of state and municipal services of the Russian Federation and in the list of services select “ State registration name change." To register for the service, you must register.

Do not forget to immediately start re-issuing a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a foreign passport, driver's license and others. If you decide to wait to change your documents, you must always have with you a certificate of change of personal data.

Not often, but there are situations when a person wants to change his last name. This happens under different circumstances. Sometimes this is a desire to change it to a more euphonious one or to have a surname that is more traditional for one’s nationality. But basically everything happens as a result of marriage or its dissolution. We will tell you in more detail about what documents are needed to change your last name and where to apply.

Replacement of Russian passport

So, you decided to change your last name. A natural question arises about which documents must be replaced when changing a surname. First of all, you will have to change your passport. And this must be done before one month has passed after the marriage was registered (of course, if the wife intends to take her husband’s surname). Otherwise, there is a chance to receive a fine for living with an invalid passport in the Russian Federation. IN different regions it varies from one to five thousand rubles, and the passport becomes invalid the moment it is stamped confirming the marriage, and not thirty days after this happy moment. Therefore, you should not put off registration for a long time, immediately upon returning from honeymoon get busy.

What you need to provide

Replacement of a passport, however, like all actions with this document, takes place in branches of the Federal migration service, that is, in passport offices. In order to change documents when changing your last name, you need to submit the following documents:

  • an application indicating the new surname and a sample new signature(the form can be obtained at the branch itself);
  • a receipt proving that you paid the state fee;
  • passport with maiden name;
  • 4 photos 35x45 mm (color);
  • marriage certificate (original) or other documents necessary to make changes to the passport.

Passport for new surname will be ready ten days after the application was submitted at the place of registration or approximately two months if submitted at the place of temporary registration.

international passport

As for the international passport, the situation here is not so critical. If a visa is not required to enter a country, as, for example, to Turkey, Thailand, Macedonia, then you can easily visit them using your old passport, the main thing is not to forget to indicate your maiden name. In the case of countries that require a visa to visit, you can either apply for it before the marriage using your maiden name, so that it matches in both passports, or do this after you receive a new Russian passport.

If you decide to change your international passport when changing your last name, the documents for obtaining a new one are also provided to the FMS office at the place of registration, temporary registration or residence. In the first case, the period for issuing a new passport will be approximately a month, in the second and third - about four.

  1. Two copies of the application, which must be certified at the place of work or study, indicating old surname, date and place when it changed, places of all work or educational institutions over the past ten years.
  2. If you are working - a copy of the work book, which is certified by the human resources department or immediate supervisor, or its original if you are not employed.
  3. Passport, where the new surname is indicated, and photocopies of all its pages.
  4. Receipt of payment of the state fee (in the amount of 1,000 rubles for an old-style passport and 2,500 for a new one).
  5. Old passport.
  6. Four standard photographs (35x45 mm).

At modern level technical progress You no longer have to stand in queues. You can also change documents when changing your last name through the World Wide Web, using Single portal public services. After electronic copies your documents will be checked, a date will be set and exact time to submit originals to the FMS office. During the second visit, you can already receive a completed passport.

Replacement of pension certificate (SNILS)

Replacing documents when changing your last name is quite a troublesome task. Another document that needs to be changed will be pension certificate, or SNILS. To do this in Pension Fund, which is located at your place of registration, you must submit an application (a sample can be found there), provide a passport with a new name and an old certificate. New SNILS will be issued within one to three months. However, if you were working at the time of marriage, then perhaps the HR or accounting department will take on these chores.

Medical policy, TIN

When a surname change occurs after marriage, the documents that need to be changed include the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and the medical insurance policy.

The medical policy is changed at the insurance company where it was issued, or at district clinic. To do this, you will need a passport with a new last name and an old insurance policy.

In order to change the TIN, you need to contact the department tax service at the place of registration. Myself individual number will not be changed - they will only change the surname in the document. To do this you will need to submit:

  • an application that is filled out according to the established template;
  • passport with the new surname indicated;
  • a copy of the marriage certificate;
  • old tax identification number

The entire process will take up to ten days.

Driver license

If you plan to change your last name in your life, what documents should you change? This question is quite natural. Another ID that will have to be changed will be a driver’s license. True, this can be postponed until the moment when they cease to be valid, and before that, carry with you and present during verification a marriage certificate (copy), certified by a notary. When your license expires, you will have to visit the traffic police or MREO at your place of residence. There you need to present the following documents:

  • passport;
  • original as well as a copy of the marriage document;
  • a medical certificate confirming suitability to drive vehicles;
  • driver card issued along with the first license;
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles);
  • old rights.

Having passed everything you need, in two months you will be the owner of new rights. When raising the question of what documents are needed to change your last name, do not forget that you will also have to issue a new vehicle registration certificate. There is no need to exchange the documents for the car. It will only be enough to make changes to the PTS.

Bank documents

When replacing documents when changing a surname, we must not forget about such an important thing as finances. Today everyone is the owner of at least one, and more often - several bank cards. They will also have to be changed to avoid future confusion. To do this, you will have to visit the bank that issued the card and submit the following documents:

  • an application filled out according to the bank’s model;
  • a passport with a new surname and a copy of it;
  • a copy of the marriage certificate;
  • old bank card.

Within a period of several days to two weeks new map will be ready. As for the details bank accounts, here it is enough to notify bank employees about the change of surname and show them your passport and marriage certificate. Changes to the details will be made in your presence.

Other documents

Of course, the list is not limited to the documents already listed. It is possible that some other changes will have to be made. But this can already be determined as problems arise.

  1. Employment history. There is no need to change it. Once you notify your employer and provide your marriage certificate, he will make the necessary changes.
  2. To change a student's record book, library card or student card, it is enough to present a copy of the marriage certificate. To replace the certificate, a graduate student needs, in addition to a passport supported by a marriage certificate, an application, which must be certified by the head of the department and scientific adviser. Diplomas about higher education received before marriage do not change.
  3. Documents that confirm ownership also remain unchanged. In order to make any transactions with them in the future, it will be enough to present a certificate confirming marriage.

When thinking about what documents are needed to change your last name, and whether it is worth changing it at all, you also need to take into account the fact that in the future, most likely, a child will appear. Still, most women prefer to give him their father's surname. In the event that mom still has maiden name, this can create many legal difficulties while the child remains a minor.

Knowing which documents to change when changing your last name is sometimes very important, because according to the law, quite a lot of procedures are associated with your full name. The procedure and timing of replacement depend on what documents the citizen already has, as well as on the availability of previously replaced documents. Read more about this issue in our article.

In what cases is it possible to change a surname?

A surname is an integral part of the status of any person in Russia. In accordance with Art. 19 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a citizen performs all actions that are relevant to legal point view, only under your first and last name. The law provides only two exceptions to this rule:

  1. Using a fictitious name (pen name, pseudonym of a participant investigative actions, whose identity is not disclosed (Article 166 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation) or hidden in accordance with Art. 15 of the Law “On ensuring access to information about the activities of courts in the Russian Federation”, etc.).
  2. Change of first and last name in established by law ok.

A legal change of surname, in turn, is carried out in 3 cases:

  1. When registering a marriage or its dissolution (Article 32 of the RF IC). According to tradition, the wife changes her last name, but by law the husband can also do this; or both of them can take double surname(former plus the surname of the second spouse) - except, of course, in cases where at least one of the spouses already has a surname consisting of 2 parts. After a divorce, the spouses have the right to leave everything as it is or return the premarital property.
  2. Change of surname at the request of a citizen who has reached the age of 14 (Article 58 of the Law “On Civil Status Acts” (hereinafter referred to as the Law “On AGS”)).
  3. Changing the child's surname to the surname of another parent, carried out by decision of the guardianship authorities.

Change of surname in marriage

In accordance with the RF IC, every citizen, upon getting married, has the right to take the surname of his spouse or change his own to a double one. The change is made as follows:

  1. Future spouses submit an application to the registry office. Registration, in accordance with Art. 25 of the law “On the Civil Registry Office”, can be carried out in any civil registry office in the country, and outside its borders - in the corresponding institution of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (Article 157 of the RF IC).
  2. In the application, in addition to other necessary data, the spouses indicate which surname each of them chooses (previous, new or double).
  3. During registration, information about the spouses is entered into the record, indicating new surnames.

This concludes the procedure, and the spouses (or one of them) can begin replacing the documents.

Change of surname at the request of a citizen

In the event that the change of surname is not made due to marriage or its dissolution, the procedure will be somewhat more complicated: in this case, the citizen is obliged to apply not to any department of the registry office, but only to the one located at the place of his residence or birth . In the application, the citizen indicates, in addition to all other data, the reason why he decided to change his last name.

The Civil Registry Office has a month to consider the application, but if necessary, this period can be extended by another 2 months. During this time, specialists are required to request copies of all acts in which new data will need to be entered. If part of the data is lost, then you will initially need to restore the information in the manner prescribed by law. Well, if there are contradictions in the available data, then, accordingly, the data in the acts is clarified and changed.

  1. Registration of a new surname violates the law “On AGS”.
  2. The submitted documents do not comply with legal requirements.

From a formal point of view, this is all over.

According to the law, the management of the registry office does not have the right to prohibit changing the surname Ivanov to Obama or Hussein, but in practice it often happens that the investigative authorities object to changing the surname or first name, or the registry office refuses to register changes in acts on the basis that the citizen has a criminal record. The applicant can appeal the refusal on these grounds in court.

Changing the surname of a minor

A citizen over the age of 14 has the right to submit an application to change his surname. The procedure for changing will be the same for him as for an adult. The only difference is that in addition to the application, you will also need to submit to the registry office the written consent of the parents or those persons who legally replace them. If there is no such consent, by virtue of Part 4 of Art. 37 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, a child has the right to file an application to the court himself, but his parents will still be involved in the case.

If a child has not reached the age of 14, his last name can be changed without his desire - this is done in the case when both his parents change their last name. Moreover, if the father also changes his name, then the child’s middle name must also be changed without alternative (Part 3 of Article 62 of the Law “On AGS”). The opinion of the child himself, who has reached the age of 10, is listened to, but essentially does not influence anything.

If only one of the parents changes their surname, the surname of a child under 14 years of age changes or remains the same by their mutual consent. In the event that no such agreement has been reached, final decision accepts local authority guardianship

Change of surname and replacement of passport

But finally the change took place and the citizen had in his hands a certificate issued by the civil registry office. The first document that needs to be replaced is your passport. It is the main document that legally confirms an identity, so the data in it must be correct and up-to-date. At the same time, the information indicated on the first page of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (and such information includes the last name) cannot be changed even purely technically.

You need to change your passport at the migration department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. For this purpose, an application is submitted to the department established form with the attachment of an old passport, two photographs (3.5 by 4.5 cm) and a certificate issued by the civil registry office. The certificate is submitted in the form of an original and a copy, which will be certified by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Usually the original certificate is taken along with all other documents and issued back with a new passport. In addition, you must pay a fee to replace your passport.

An application for a passport replacement must be submitted no later than 30 calendar days from the moment of registration at the registry office of marriage or change of surname (clause 15 of the Regulations on the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 07/08/1997 No. 828). Otherwise it will already be administrative offense, according to Art. 19.15 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation punishable by a fine.

Passport replacement is carried out within:

  • 10 days - when applying at the place of registration;
  • 2 months - when applying at a place of temporary stay.

Foreign passport and visa

Oddly enough, it is not necessary to change your passport right away. The fact is that its replacement is possible only after the replacement has been made. The main document that certifies the identity of a citizen applying for a foreign passport is an internal passport. Therefore, until a replacement is made, the citizen has nothing to worry about and has the right to use the old passport.

In order to receive a passport with a new surname, you must first hand over your old one. This document must be declared invalid - otherwise it can be replaced only after the expiration of validity. However, a citizen who wants to keep a passport as a souvenir can do so: according to paragraph 110 of the above administrative regulations, allowed to leave invalid passport in the hands of the owner, provided that a cancellation mark is made on it and a number is cut out.

The registration of a foreign passport in a new name is carried out in the same way as when receiving it for the first time: the citizen applies to the Ministry of Internal Affairs with an application established sample and a package of documents, which includes the original and copies internal passport, military ID (for those registered with the military), a copy of the work record book, etc.

However, there are also differences. When changing personal data, which includes the last name, an application in form No. 2 is filled out along with the application, established by regulations. In addition, in this case, the citizen attaches to the documents a certificate issued by the registry office confirming the change of surname.

It should also be remembered that if you change your last name, you will have to obtain a new visa - according to the rules established by the relevant states or interstate unions.

Other documents to be replaced

In addition to passports, you will have to change a number of other documents.

The first of these will be a certificate of assignment of SNILS. For working citizens, the problem is solved most easily, since the employer is required to perform all actions for them. The unemployed and individual entrepreneurs will have to do this on their own. To do this, an application is submitted to the Pension Fund office, to which is attached a copy of the certificate issued by the registry office, as well as the old SNILS card. The individual account details are changed, and the citizen receives documents for a new certificate. Replacement period is no more than 3 months.

Second in importance will be the replacement of your driver's license. To do this, you will need to submit an application to the traffic police, to which are attached:

  • new passport;
  • certificate issued by the civil registry office;
  • medical certificate of fitness to drive a car;
  • card issued to the driver upon receipt of his first license;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

The citizen will also need to replace the certificate of TIN assignment. IN tax office At your place of residence you will need to submit an application, an old certificate, a new passport and a certificate received from the registry office. It must be remembered that the TIN itself does not change - only the changed personal data of the citizen will be indicated in the new certificate.

Simply replace and compulsory medical insurance policy: to replace it you will only have to present your old policy, a new passport and SNILS, if available. The replacement is made in the organization that issued the previous policy.

Finally, for men and women liable for military service, a replacement military ID will also be required. From a formal point of view, data on military registration will already be changed: immediately after changes are made by the civil registry office, the data goes to the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, but it is better for the citizen to be on the safe side. To do this, you will need to submit an application and a copy of your new passport to the military registration and enlistment office (you must have the original with you), as well as hand in your old military ID.

Which documents do not need to be changed?

When changing your last name you do not need to change:

  1. Work book. In accordance with clause 27 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, the organization has the right to make changes to the contents of the document, so a record of the change of name certified by the organization’s seal will be sufficient.
  2. Documents confirming the rights to real estate and other property subject to registration. When dealing with him, it will be enough to present a certificate confirming the registration of a new surname by the civil registry office.

Sometimes people have a question: how to change first name, patronymic and last name in passport? Most often, women change their surnames when they get married or divorce. Although it happens that when getting married, men decide to take their wife’s surname. People with a dissonant surname no less often strive to change their last name in their passport.

Middle names are usually changed upon adoption. And also in cases where a child grows up without a father and is given a middle name, for example, a grandfather. The name is changed less often. Sometimes citizens want to change a simple name to a complicated one, and sometimes vice versa.

Who is allowed to change their first, middle and last names in their passports?

Any citizen can take such a step, unless he is declared incompetent. He must also be at least 14 years of age. In this case, it is allowed to change the first name, patronymic and last name in the passport to any other name. The only requirement– they should not contain numbers. However, if you want to change your last name in your passport, you must indicate the reason why you are making this decision. The same applies to the first name and patronymic. Fortunately, a certificate from a mental health clinic is not required.

How to change your first, middle and last names in your passport

Now let's move on directly to the process itself. Below is step-by-step instruction change of surname, first name or patronymic.

1. Change your birth certificate

The first step in changing your last name, first name and patronymic is an application that must be written in your local registry office. It must indicate the previous and desired last name, first name, patronymic, as well as nationality, citizenship, details of the birth certificate, information about the place of residence, children, as well as the reason why the last name, first name and patronymic should be changed. This statement must be submitted along with the following documents:

Birth certificate of children who have not yet reached the age of majority (if any);
certificate of divorce or marriage (if any);
birth certificate;
receipts for payment of 1,600 rubles of state duty and 350 rubles for making one change;
who is under 18 years of age must also submit a written and notarized consent of parents, guardians, adoptive parents, trustees or a court decision, in the absence of permission from them.

Please note that this application can be submitted online via special portal government services.

Your application must be considered within a month, but exceptional cases the period may be extended by a maximum of two months. It may also be increased if your registration documents are located in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation. If you submit it online, the review period is three months.

If they refuse to re-register, you must be provided with a written, reasoned response and all documents must be returned. The reasons may be abuse of this right to change the name or an attempt to evade any obligations. But it doesn’t matter on what basis the refusal is granted, because any of them can be appealed in court.

But if they decide to grant the request, the registry office will issue you a new birth certificate with new data, as well as a certificate of name change.

2. It's time to change your passport

Once a name change is made, your passport becomes invalid and must be replaced within 30 days. To do this, you need to fill out an application again, but this time about replacing your passport and take it at your place of residence to the Federal Migration Service at your place of residence. Instead, you need to bring the following documents with it:

Documents on the basis of which marks are placed in the passport: birth certificates of children under 14 years of age, military ID, international passport, certificates of marriage or divorce;
certificate of name change;
updated birth certificate;
two photographs (without headgear, clear, size 35x45 mm);
passport that needs to be replaced;
payment receipt state duty(300 rubles).

When replacing a passport with children 14-16 years old, parents, guardians or trustees must be present. The passport is changed within ten days.

3. Change other documents

However, do not forget that in addition to your birth certificate and passport, you also have a lot of other documents that contain your former name and which are now invalid. In order for them to regain their power, all the data must be changed in them too. First of all, it is necessary to make changes to the following documents:

Secondly, we need to start making changes to the following documents:

Securities, as well as banking agreements;
documents that confirm inheritance, deeds of gift and other documents;
documents that indicate your ownership of real estate;
work book;
military ID (if required);
a certificate of secondary education, as well as all higher education diplomas.

It is difficult to say how long it will take to make changes to these documents, since it depends on many factors. We hope that now the question of how to change your first, patronymic and last name in your passport has become clearer, and if not, take a look video about changing your name:

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