For citizenship you need permanent or temporary registration. Do you need permanent registration for citizenship? What are the conditions for registration after obtaining Russian citizenship under the resettlement program?

Adamdead, Russian Federation citizenship is acquired: by birth, as a result of admission to Russian Federation citizenship, as a result of restoration of Russian Federation citizenship, on other grounds provided for Federal law or an international treaty of the Russian Federation.
In accordance with the Law, Russian citizenship can be acquired in a general or exceptional manner:
The general procedure for acquiring Russian citizenship, in which persons applying for Russian citizenship are subject to normal conditions provided by law.
Foreign citizens and stateless persons have the right to apply for admission to Russian citizenship in general procedure provided that specified citizens and persons continuously reside in the territory Russian Federation within five years from the date of receipt of the residence permit.
A residence permit is an identification document of a foreign citizen and stateless person, issued in confirmation of permission to permanent residence on the territory of the Russian Federation to the specified citizen or person and confirming their right to freely leave the Russian Federation and return to the Russian Federation. A residence permit is issued to a foreign citizen for a period of five years.
Before receiving a residence permit, a foreign citizen must live in the Russian Federation for at least one year on the basis of a temporary residence permit.
The period of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation for five years is reduced if foreign citizens have grounds for obtaining citizenship.
Foreign citizens and stateless persons residing on the territory of the Russian Federation have the right to apply for admission to the citizenship of the Russian Federation without complying with the conditions for the period of residence established by paragraph “a” of Part 1 of Art. 13 Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”, if the specified citizens and persons:
a) were born on the territory of the RSFSR and had citizenship former USSR,
b) have been married to a citizen of the Russian Federation for at least 3 years,
c) are disabled and have a capable son or daughter who has reached the age of eighteen and is a citizen of the Russian Federation.
Mandatory conditions for admission to Russian citizenship are compliance with the Constitution and legislation of the Russian Federation, availability legitimate source means of subsistence, renunciation of a person’s other citizenship, as well as knowledge of the Russian language.
Documents submitted for registration of Russian citizenship in the general manner
1. Application form 2 copies.
2. Notarized translation of the national foreign passport(valid for at least 6 months).
3. A notarized copy of the birth certificate or a notarized translation.
4. A notarized copy of the marriage or divorce certificate or a notarized translation.
5. In case of change of surname, name or patronymic - a notarized copy or a notarized translation archival certificate from the registry office about the change.
6. Extract from the house register
7. Owner registration card or copy of financial account
8. Photos - 4 pcs. , 3.5 x 4.5, matte.
9. Receipt for payment of the state duty of 2000 rubles.
10. Copy of diploma, certificate (no need to certify).
11. Confirmation of passing the Russian language exam (notarized copy)
12. Renunciation of existing citizenship
1. A notarized copy of the child’s birth certificate or a notarized translation, a notarized translation of a passport (if available).
2. Notarized consent of the other parent; children over 14 years old - notarized own consent.
3. Photos - 4 pcs. , 3.5 x 4.5 matte

At first there is no special significance, whether the foreign citizen will have permanent or temporary registration (or “registration”, as they say in everyday life). The main thing is the very fact of its presence. Of course, with a temporary one there will be a little more restrictions, but in general there are no differences, since for the first years a person will still not have the right to obtain Russian citizenship. But after a few years, it’s worth thinking about the design. What you need to do to receive permanent registration– further in the article.

Stages of obtaining citizenship

On general principles Obtaining citizenship is as follows:

  • First, a foreign citizen issues a temporary residence permit.
  • Further, after at least six months it will be possible to obtain a residence permit (residence permit).
  • Third stage by stage directly obtaining Russian citizenship. To obtain it, you must live at least 5 years in Russia, have a good command of the Russian language and have permanent registration.

Actually, in the beginning you can get by with temporary registration. But the fact is that it is issued on average for a period of three months to six months. It can be extended further, but maximum term- those same five years. To obtain citizenship, it is important to reside in the Russian Federation for at least five years. Therefore, the conclusion is simple - sooner or later you will need to obtain permanent registration.

Required documents

  • An identification document of the applicant, recognized in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Timely issued residence permit or temporary residence permit.
  • Documents recognizing the right to use residential premises.
  • The registration application itself.
  • Receipt confirming payment of state duty.

Registration of permanent registration

The application is submitted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (since recently the powers of the Federal Migration Service have been transferred to it) at the location of the living space. The registration period is seven days from the date of receipt of a residence permit (on a temporary basis). In another option, the countdown starts from the moment the person arrives directly into the residential premises.

Registration at the place of residence is carried out by the authority migration registration within up to 30 days.

Do you need assistance in preparing all the documents stated above? Are you afraid of making a mistake when drawing up an application for permanent registration? Contact our specialists at 984-24-00! Lawyers from our firm will help you solve all problems associated with this procedure. You can also leave your request on our website in the appropriate section, we will respond as quickly as possible short time.

To obtain Russian passport, a foreigner or stateless person must fulfill a number of conditions to prove the seriousness of his intention to become a responsible citizen of the Russian Federation. One of the requirements is permanent registration at the place of residence in Russia. What is it and is registration required to obtain Russian citizenship? Let’s look into this material.

The path to a Russian passport

The process of obtaining Russian citizenship can follow a general and simplified procedure. The second option is possible, for example, for those who have relatives in Russia, are native speakers of Russian, or are highly qualified workers.

An important condition is the refusal previous passport. Only Tajiks can avoid doing this - according to international treaty O dual citizenship. Wherein Russian side does not directly prohibit being a citizen of two states. When submitting an application to the migration service, the applicant only needs to prove his intention to renounce his previous citizenship (application sent to the “former” consulate).

Conditions for applicants for Russian citizenship

Registration is just one of the requirements that foreigners and stateless persons who wish to become part of the people of Russia must fulfill.

In addition to obtaining residence registration, you must:

  • permanently reside in the country for at least 5 years (based on a residence permit);
  • know Russian and Russian legislation;
  • have legal sources of income;
  • renounce previous citizenship.

And although the simplified procedure gives certain concessions to some categories foreign citizens and stateless persons, registration remains an unchanged requirement.

Registration: concept and algorithm for obtaining

Before deciding what kind of registration is needed to obtain Russian citizenship, it is worth understanding the content of the concept.

Registration is a form registration accounting citizens.

It should immediately be clarified that the word “registration” itself is used today more out of habit, in official documents The term "registration" is used.

With freedom of movement, guaranteed by law, foreigners must register for migration within a week after entering the country by registering according to specific place residence. An exception to the rule are Tajiks and Kazakhs: for them these periods are 15 and 30 days, respectively.

Registration functions

The main purpose of the registration process is to register foreigners on the territory of the Russian Federation.

A separate certificate (temporary registration) or a stamp in the passport (permanent registration) certifies the fact that the citizen is at a specific address.

For homeowners in the Russian Federation, it is not always profitable to “permanently” register those arriving, although this is precisely the type that gives more freedom to the guest of the state himself, including when applying for an internal Russian passport.

Registration functions:

  • registration (informing the state about the location of a foreign citizen). This is necessary mainly to prevent violations of migration laws by foreigners, as well as to conduct investigations and charge fair fees for utility bills;
  • law enforcement (monitoring a citizen’s compliance with his duties to society, such as paying taxes).

In this case, refusal to implement is considered illegal. social rights(on medical care and others) due to lack of registration.

Permanent registration: how to apply

For foreigners who are unaware of whether permanent registration is needed when obtaining Russian citizenship, it is important to know how to obtain it.

They deal with registration issues migration authorities, in particular regional bodies Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

If for temporary registration it is enough to fill out an application and submit your passport and migration card, to obtain permanent registration, you must also attach documents confirming the right to move in and live in the apartment (house).

Such reasons may be:

  • title deed;
  • lease contract;
  • statement from the owner;
  • court decision (in cases specified by law).

Those who move to another place of residence within Russia need to remember the need to take a departure certificate from previous place registration.

Types of registration and is it possible to have two at once?

IN migration legislation There are two types of registration mode:

  • permanent registration (at place of residence),
  • temporary registration (at the place of stay).

Temporary registration looks like a certificate and has limited period actions and is formalized if a person is out of place permanent residence more than 3 months. Permanent registration does not have an expiration date and is issued as a stamp in a passport.

Interestingly, it is legally allowed to have both types of registration at the same time. This is determined life situations. For example, a foreigner can permanently reside in Voronezh, but go to work or study in Moscow. In this case, temporary registration is issued in the capital.

And if there is nowhere to register

It is especially important for citizens who do not have their own housing in the Russian Federation to know whether it is possible to obtain Russian citizenship without registration; unfortunately, the answer is negative.

It is understood that if a foreigner plans to live in Russia, then at least he has friends or relatives with whom he can register.

Another condition for potential Russians - the availability of sources of income - predetermines the ability to legally rent an apartment and register at its address on the basis of a rental agreement.

There is another possibility - to register at a specific address for money. There are nuances here, which we will discuss in more detail.

“Paid registration”: what you need to remember so as not to be deceived

Particularly popular at the moment payable service registration, which involves registration at the place of stay or residence for a fee to the owner of the property. This is done by special offices or private individuals. Main disadvantage This option of registration at a specific address means there is a high probability of becoming a victim of scammers who will take money but never provide the service.

To protect yourself from unscrupulous businessmen, you need to check:

  • certificate of ownership of housing;
  • presence of registration with the entrepreneurs themselves providing this service;
  • authenticity of all documents and stamps.

In addition, it is advisable to visit the migration authorities with the owner of the property when submitting an application and receiving a certificate or passport with a registration stamp. This will provide more guarantees that the registration is genuine.

It is worth remembering, however, that the provision of such a service, as well as its use, is already a violation of the law.

Sanctions for lack of registration

A foreigner has 7 days to register at the place of stay (residence) after entering the territory of Russia.

Temporary registration is called that because it presupposes an end date for validity. If a foreign citizen came to the Russian Federation with a visa, then his registration will be valid during the validity period of this document, if from a country with visa-free regime, the registration period is 90 days with the right to extend.

With registration RVP registration is valid as long as the permit is valid; if a foreigner has already received a residence permit, he needs to obtain permanent registration; its absence within 3 years will cause the residence permit to be cancelled.

This general rules regarding the validity period of registration. Violation of them entails sanctions prescribed by law.

For lack of registration or fictitious registration representatives government agencies the violator may be fined (from 3,000 to 7,000 rubles) or even deported (for up to 5 years).

Permanent registration and citizenship

On the issue of registration of foreign citizens Russian state fundamentally. Citizenship of a country cannot be obtained if there is no reliable roof over your head. Permanent registration How required condition for applicants for a Russian passport can be replaced with a temporary one only for certain categories of foreigners who go through a simplified procedure. This is relevant, for example, for participants in the State Program for the Resettlement of Compatriots. The time frame for obtaining citizenship is being shortened, so there may be options for registration. Information about this should be clarified with the relevant authorities.

How to obtain Russian Citizenship. Conditions for obtaining Russian citizenship: Video

Foreigners can be in Russia for many reasons: they arrived for tourism purposes, to study, undergo treatment, find employment, search political refuge or even get it Russian citizenship.

The flow of foreigners wishing to reside or temporarily stay on the territory of the Russian Federation is increasing every day. It is very important to be aware of the issue legal stay in Russia on legal grounds. The duration of stay depends on the type of registration and the grounds on which it may be possible.

In the article we will discuss registration for foreigners at the place of residence (permanent registration) and how this may be related to the possibility of later obtaining citizenship.

What does permanent registration provide?

Obtaining permanent registration provides a foreigner in Russia with a number of advantages and privileges that those temporarily registered do not have.

Among them are the right to exercise in any field of employment and in any region of Russia, the right to move throughout the territory of Russia without notifying the FMS and others.

In addition, a foreigner who has registration at the place of residence in Russia has the right to open his own business and fully

It will be subject to Russian legislation and may also qualify for free medical service within the program state guarantees and the right to educate minor family members in educational institutions primary education.

Legislative foundation

One of the most important acts regulating the receipt foreign person permanent registration in Russia is the Resolution “On the procedure for carrying out migration registration of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation”.

In this legal act established which must be observed when carrying out migration registration.

Its goal is to fulfill the requirements of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which guarantees the protection of the rights and freedoms of all those entering the Russian territory.

Grounds for approval of registration

Legislation identifies the main basis according to which a native foreign country can obtain permanent registration in the Russian Federation – registered title for residential premises.

This gives the foreigner the right to obtain a residence permit.

However, this also has its own nuances. A foreigner needs to obtain first and a year later apply for the acquisition of both the first and second, it is impossible without compelling reasons (urgent inpatient treatment, getting an education, employment contract With Russian employer and etc.).

The issue of registration of citizens who are not residents of Russia is handled by territorial administration migration service, where can I go and report relevant grounds to obtain registration by submitting an application established form within 7 working days after receiving the residence permit. It states:

  • Full name, citizenship, date of birth of the foreigner;
  • details of the document certifying his personal data;
  • details of the document on the right to reside in Russia;
  • address of proposed registration;
  • details of the document on the right to use the premises;
  • last registered address.

In addition, the application must be accompanied by the originals:

  • document certifying personal data;
  • Residence permit or temporary residence permit;
  • document on the right to use the premises (ownership agreement or other document).

IN in some cases, the validity of the residence permit can be from 1 to 5 years.

Issued no later than six months before its expiration date. The number of such extensions is not limited. Registration is limited to the duration of the residence permit.

After checking the data and accepting the application, the residence permit is marked with registration on the same day. For providing this public services a fee of 350 rubles is charged.

Permanent registration is the first step to obtaining citizenship

As you can see, obtaining a residence permit is the previous stage of acquiring Russian citizenship.

It can be obtained by adult foreigners who have or do not have citizenship of another state, subject to several criteria. One of them is that these persons must live in Russia at least 5 years after receiving a residence permit. However, they can leave Russia for no more than 3 months throughout the year.

The period may be reduced to one year if the person has significant technical, cultural or scientific achievements. It can also be reduced if Russia is interested in it professionally, as well as if the newly minted citizen of the Russian Federation was a refugee or was granted political asylum.

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