A promissory note without interest. Correct spelling of receipt

Receipt- this is a personal document certifying the fact of receipt Money, documents, property, cargo, fulfillment of obligations.

In practice, there are often cases of writing receipts when transferring money on debt, property for storage, when registering purchase and sale transactions.

A well-drafted receipt can be used when trial if necessary.

How to write a receipt

The receipt is written by hand. The receipt form contains the following details:

  • document name - Receipt;
  • text of the receipt - first indicate basic information about the author of the document: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth (optional), passport data: series, number, by whom and when issued, residential address, contact numbers (optional). Then write the data of the physical or legal entity conveying something: full name, position, name of organization. Next comes the loan amount (first in numbers, then in words in parentheses) or name transferred property. You can also indicate in the text the date of repayment of the loan or property;
  • place (city) of writing the receipt (indicated as desired) and date - on the left side under the text;
  • The author's signature is on the right side below the text.

The receipt is not certified by a notary. Therefore, if you do not trust the person to whom you are transferring something, at the time of writing the receipt you need to invite several strangers- witnesses, in whose presence you carry out the transaction, so that, if necessary, they can confirm the fact of the transfer of money or some property in court. IN in this case witnesses, under the date and signature of the author of the receipt, indicate their last name, first name, patronymic, residential address and put personal signature.

It should be noted that the forwarding receipt has a special approved form.

A receipt is one of the documents confirming the transfer of money by the lender to the borrower. Therefore, the main thing in this matter is to draw up a receipt correctly, so that in case controversial situation had the opportunity to go to court to protect their legitimate interests about the return of money and return what you borrowed, sample receipts developed by our lawyers will help you with this.

It must be remembered that Article 808 of the Civil Code Russian Federation establishes that a loan agreement between citizens must be concluded in writing if its amount exceeds at least ten times statutory minimum size wages. For settlements at closing civil contracts The minimum wage is set at 100 rubles. Therefore, according to the law, if the loan amount is more than 1,000 rubles, it is necessary to draw up a receipt in writing. For information on how to correctly draw up a receipt for receiving money, read the article at the link.

The most common receipt is a promissory note for receipt of funds.

SAMPLE promissory note with interest, penalties and witnesses


I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, born on August 3, 1985, passport data 61 09 No. 123456, issued on May 2, 2009 by the Department of the Federal Migration Service for Rostov-on-Don, registered and residing at the address: Rostov-on-Don, st. Lenina, 7 apt. 8, received from Petrov Petr Petrovich, born 10/07/1980, passport data 60 10 No. 456123, issued 09/09/2010 Russian ATS By Rostov region, registered and residing at the address: Rostov-on-Don, st. Pushkina, 8 apt. 17, funds in the amount of 40,000 (forty thousand) rubles. The specified sum of money I received it as an urgent interest-bearing loan.

I undertake to repay the loan amount, together with interest for the use of borrowed funds at the rate of 10% (ten percent) per annum, of 40,000 (forty thousand) rubles provided to me within 12 (twelve) months, i.e. no later than March 30, 2017 .

I am aware that the place of fulfillment of the obligation to repay the loan amount and pay interest is the place of residence of the lender, unless another place is notified to me in writing. Interest on the loan received is paid to the lender by the borrower on a monthly basis. actual amount loan

The interest rate for late repayment of debt is 1% for each day of delay.

This receipt is written by me with my own hand, with the full understanding of all legal consequences her writing.

  1. Date and signature of the borrower (recipient of funds with transcript of signature - full name).
  2. Date and signature of the lender (the person lending money, with a transcript of the signature - full name).


  1. Kramarenko Alexander Nikolaevich, passport 60 12 345213, issued by the Federal Migration Service for the city of Rostov-on-Don, registered and residing at the address: Rostov-on-Don, st. K. Marksa, 90, apt. 23 ____________________ (date, signature)
  2. Alexey Ivanovich Alekseev, passport 61 10 012134, issued by the Federal Migration Service for the city of Rostov-on-Don, registered and residing at the address: Rostov-on-Don st. Sorge, 32 sq. 45 ____________________ (date, signature).

Has legal force and simple receipt without specifying interest or witnesses. If the receipt does not specify interest, then according to Part 1 of Art. 809 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, they can still be recovered from the debtor at the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation existing at the place of residence of the lender.

For information on the rules for issuing a receipt, see the article at the link.

SAMPLE receipt for debt repayment


Rostov-on-Don 03/30/2016

I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, born on August 3, 1985, passport data 61 09 No. 123456, issued on May 2, 2009 by the Department of the Federal Migration Service for Rostov-on-Don, registered and residing at the address: Rostov-on-Don, st. Lenina, 7 apt. 8, I give to Petrov Petr Petrovich, born 10/07/1980, passport data 60 10 No. 456123, issued 09/09/2010 by the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Rostov region, registered and residing at the address: Rostov-on-Don, st. Pushkina, 8 apt. 17, to repay the debt, funds in the amount of 40,000 (forty thousand) rubles according to a receipt dated 02/01/2015.

The date and signature of the borrower (that is, the person who returned the funds) and the signature of the lender certifying receipt of the funds (that is, the person who lent the funds).

At the request of the borrower, a similar receipt can be drawn up by the recipient of the funds.

SAMPLE on receipt of funds by the lender (about full repayment of debt)


Moscow 03/30/2017

I, Petrov Petrovich, born 10/07/1980, passport data 60 10 No. 456123, issued 09/09/2010 by the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Rostov region, registered and residing at the address: Rostov-on-Don, st. Pushkina, 8 apt. 17, received from Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, born on August 3, 1985, passport data 61 09 No. 123456, issued on May 2, 2009 by the Department of the Federal Migration Service for Rostov-on-Don, registered and residing at the address: Rostov-on-Don, st. Lenina, 7, apt. 8, funds previously transferred to him in the amount of 40,000 (forty thousand) rubles in accordance with the receipt dated _____ 2015.

The loan was repaid on time and in full. Claims against Ivanov I.I. I do not have. (the full name of the debtor must be indicated)

Date and signature of the recipient of funds.

SAMPLE receipt for the sale of an apartment


Saratov March 30, 2016

I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, born on August 3, 1985, passport data 61 09 No. 123456, issued on May 2, 2009 by the Department of the Federal Migration Service for the city of Rostov-on-Don, registered and residing at the address: Rostov-on-Don, st. Lenina, 7 apt. 8, received from Petrov Petr Petrovich, born 10/07/1980, passport data 60 10 No. 456123, issued 09/09/2010 by the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Rostov region, registered and residing at the address: Rostov-on-Don, st. Pushkina, 8 apt. 17, funds in the amount of 3,000,000 (three million) rubles. I received the specified amount of money as payment for the 2 (two) (number of rooms in words) room apartment No. 1 (apartment number in numbers and words) sold by me at the address: Saratov, st. Lermontova, building 3 (region, city, street, house number) in accordance with the Apartment Purchase and Sale Agreement dated March 30, 2016 (day, month, year).

The payment has been made in full and I have no claims regarding payment.

__________(signature) Ivanov I.I.

Sample receipt for receiving a deposit for a car


Rostov-on-Don 03/30/2016

I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, born on August 3, 1985, passport data 61 09 No. 123456, issued on May 2, 2009 by the Department of the Federal Migration Service for Rostov-on-Don, registered and residing at the address: Rostov-on-Don, st. Lenina, 7 apt. 8, received from Petrov Petr Petrovich, born 10/07/1980, passport data 60 10 No. 456123, issued 09/09/2010 by the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Rostov region, registered and residing at the address: Rostov-on-Don, st. Pushkina, 8 apt. 17 deposit for a car...(brand vehicle), VIN number such and such from such and such (that is, from you) in the amount of 10,000 rubles (ten thousand rubles). I undertake to sell this car Petrov Petr Petrovich for 300,000 (three hundred thousand) rubles until 05/01/2016 (indicate the number that you agreed upon).

__________ date, signature (Ivanov I.I.)

Remember that if you have drawn up the receipt incorrectly, an unscrupulous borrower may take advantage of this and will not repay the debt to you. A well-written receipt will help you win your case in court.

Prepared by "Personal Prava.ru"

A receipt is one of the most common documents. However, not every one of us knows how to compose it correctly. Let us note right away that it is better to draw up at least some kind of receipt, even if it is “wrong”, than not to draw it up at all. But still, let's try to learn how to do it correctly.

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Receipt– a document confirming the fact of transfer of something to someone. Most often, the role of something is a specific amount of money that you lend to another person for certain period. However, the receipt may be fact confirmed transfer of not only cash, but also any other material assets.

How to compose it correctly?

There are no officially established requirements for this document, but when drawing it up, try to remember the following rules:

All information on the receipt must be specified in as much detail as possible.

The document must contain:

  • Full name of the lender and borrower (written without abbreviations);
  • dates of birth;
  • details of the identity document (usually a passport plays this role - therefore, the series and number of the passport, date of issue, and the name of the issuing unit are indicated);
  • registration addresses and actual residence both sides;
  • amount of debt in numbers and words (if we're talking about about the amount in foreign currency, it would not hurt to indicate the exchange rate valid at the time of the transaction);
  • the amount of interest at which the sum of money is given (if, of course, you assign them);
  • loan repayment period (if the exact repayment date is not specified, the borrower is obliged to return the required amount upon request within 30 days);
  • date of;
  • the borrower’s signature (do not be lazy to compare it with the signature in the passport);

At mutual consent both parties to the transaction, you can add additional items. For example, stipulate the interest that will be charged in case of delay when late payment debts, as well as other penalties.

You should not type the text of the receipt on the computer and print it out. The best option- write by hand. Moreover, the borrower must do this himself.

In the case of computer typing, it may happen that the debtor suddenly refuses his obligations and the matter goes to court - then a handwriting examination will be required, for which the borrower’s signature alone may not be enough.

Take your time! First, you can create a draft version of the document. Then read it carefully and, if necessary, make corrections, and then rewrite it completely.

If you begin to doubt the integrity of the borrower, either refuse the transaction before it is too late, or do not regret spending a little extra time and a small amount of money in order to have the receipt certified by a notary.

His signature will guarantee authenticity of this document and will protect you from possible excuses from the borrower that allegedly when he gave the receipt he had bad feeling, or was drunk and so on.

Another option is to draw up a receipt in front of witnesses. The latter, if any misunderstandings arise, will be able to confirm the fact of the loan. The details of the witnesses present at the transaction (full name, addresses, passport details, signatures) are also indicated in the document.

The participation of a notary or witnesses when drawing up a promissory note is not necessary, but may become additional guarantee refund.

By the way, both parties to the transaction are by and large interested in drawing up a promissory note. If you are a borrower, and the lender for some reason did not initiate the issue of drawing up this document, we advise you to do so.

Having a receipt in hand, you can always confirm exactly what amount you borrowed and for how long. This way you will protect yourself from unscrupulous creditor, if he decides to demand from you an amount exceeding what you borrowed.

In our next informative article.



I, Ilya Vladimirovich Alexandrov, born April 10, 1974, (passport series 10 07 No. 333222, issued on March 23, 2003 by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Gagarinsky district of the city Nizhny Novgorod, registered at the address Nizhny Novgorod, st. Novaya, 7 apt. 77) and living at the same address, received from Nikolai Petrovich Vasin, born October 22, 1973, (passport series 12 09 No. 222333, issued on June 26, 2005 by the Oktyabrsky district police department of the city of Tver, registered at the address Nizhny Novgorod, Stroiteley str., 76 apt. 23) a sum of money in the amount of 20,000 (twenty thousand) rubles.

I, Ilya Vladimirovich Aleksandrov, undertake to return the funds received in full to Vasin Nikolai Petrovich by December 28, 2015 with interest payment of 20 (twenty) percent per annum.

Nizhny Novgorod

Alexandrov I.V.

Vasin N.P.

Quite often, money is taken not as a loan, but as payment for some valuable items or real estate. In such circumstances, the receipt should look like this:


I, Ilya Vladimirovich Aleksandrov, born 04/10/1974, (passport series 10 07 No. 333222, issued on March 23, 2003 by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Gagarinsky district of the city of Nizhny Novgorod, registered at the address Nizhny Novgorod, Novaya str., no. . address Nizhny Novgorod, Stroiteley St., 76 apt. 23) a sum of money in the amount of 3,000,000 (three million) rubles to pay for the cost of an apartment located at the address: Nizhny Novgorod, st. Krasivaya, 45, apt. 152 under the purchase and sale agreement dated July 28, 2015.

I received the amount of money in full. Claims against Vasin N.P. I do not have.

Nizhny Novgorod

Alexandrov I.V.

Vasin N.P.

So, if you have been asked to borrow money, protect yourself from unnecessary risk with a receipt.


  1. This document is created in handwritten form.
  2. The receipt contains maximum information about the lender and the borrower.
  3. The amount of debt must be written in words.
  4. At the end in mandatory the date of the transaction is indicated and the signatures of the parties are affixed.

Does it have legal force?

This document is only briefly mentioned in our legislation (in particular, in Civil Code), but has the same legal force, like, for example, a loan agreement (but cannot replace it). The receipt does not require mandatory notarization or the presence of witnesses.

If you decide to lend money or valuables– take care to obtain a receipt, which will become the main financial document certifying the fact of completion of this transaction. If the borrower refuses to fulfill his obligations to you, feel free to contact the court, which is obliged to accept the receipt.

Whether a receipt for receiving funds has legal force is a question that causes a lot of controversy.

Let's start with the fact that the receipt can be in simple writing or certified by a notary. Naturally, the second option is “easier” if you have to prove that the paper was signed by the persons indicated in the receipt.

To ensure that the parties do not have any problems, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances when drawing up the document. We will tell you below how to write a receipt correctly.

How to properly draw up a receipt for receiving money?

When drawing up a receipt for receiving funds, you must pay attention to the correctness of filling in the information about the borrower and debtor. The following details must be provided:

  • Full name;
  • Date of Birth;
  • information about the identity document;
  • place of registration and residence.

Next, write down the amount of debt, preferably in numbers and in words. Moreover, if funds are lent not in rubles, but in foreign currency, we recommend setting the rate at which the money will be returned in order to avoid misunderstandings.

A mandatory condition in the receipt is a clause regarding the period for returning the money. It is necessary to register the exact date, since it is from this date that interest will be accrued for the use of other people’s funds and the period will be counted limitation period if the debtor does not repay the entire amount on time.

At the end of the document the date of preparation of the document and the signature of the borrower are indicated. We recommend that the lender compare the borrower's signature with his signature in the passport.

How to properly issue a receipt?

A receipt for receipt of funds must be in simple written form. Although it is possible to fill out the document in printed form, we do not recommend using it. This is due to the fact that according to the receipt in in writing it is easier to conduct a handwriting examination and prove that this or that citizen wrote it. One signature placed under a printed receipt may not be enough. In addition, people often change their signature. That is why it is recommended to compare the signatures on the receipt and the debtor’s passport.

In addition, the legislator does not require mandatory notarization receipts to give it legal force. You can do this for your own peace of mind.

Template for receipt of money

The receipt template (can be found) is not approved by any normative act and is compiled in free form. However, summing up all of the above, you can draw up a sample receipt.


I, Olga Igorevna Ivanova, born on September 28, 1989, passport data 7304 No. 222222, issued on January 1, 2012 by the Federal Federal Migration Service department for the Zavolzhsky district of the city of Ulyanovsk, registered and residing at the address: Ulyanovsk, st. Dimitrova, 8 kv. 14, I borrow from Vladimir Ilyich Petrov, born 09/02/1964, passport data 7305 No. 333333, issued 01/01/2013 by the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia for Ulyanovsk region, registered and residing at the address: Ulyanovsk, st. Iron Division, 15 apt. 89, cash in the amount of 100,000 rubles (one hundred thousand rubles) at 15 (fifteen)% per annum. I undertake to return the funds and interest on them by 08/20/2018.

Date and signature of the borrower.

Thus, a receipt for receipt of funds, even drawn up in simple written form, without certification by a notary, has legal force and can be presented in court if the debtor fails to fulfill his obligations.

It's not that uncommon to find yourself in a situation where you need to borrow money. When small amounts are involved, problems arise in exceptional situations.

But sometimes they lend large sums. Here you cannot do without a special registration procedure.

Sample and form of receipt for receipt of money

In this case it is acceptable free form filling. Gradually he developed a certain structure.

A sample document looks like this:

  1. The name is written at the top.
  2. Further individual— the borrower records his data. To do this, you need to write down your passport details and place of registration.
  3. Then they write from whom the money was received. Here you need to provide the same information in detail as for the borrower.
  4. They further claim that the money was transferred in a certain amount. In this case, the amount of debt is indicated in numbers and words. Record the date when they were transferred.
  5. If money is borrowed, an obligation is given to return it no later than certain date and undertake an obligation, in case of delay in repaying the debt, to pay certain penalties.
  6. Indicate the purpose for which the money is being transferred.
  7. At the bottom, the recipient puts the date, signature and its explanation.

Indicating the purpose for which the money is being taken is especially important for other types of receipts. Such a document is usually used if a person receives a sum of money for any purpose. For example, this could be done to pay for the purchase of a car from another citizen.

Receipt form for receiving funds

This is what the document template looks like:

What is a receipt and why is it needed?

If the transaction is certified by witnesses, indicate their personal data (including registration, passport details) at the bottom of the page, then sign the document.

This paper certifies the transfer of a certain amount of funds.

In some cases, we may be talking about borrowing money. In others - about payment, for example, when buying an apartment.

The receipt has important for the following:

  1. Evidence that funds have been borrowed and that the loan must be repaid by a certain date.
  2. Confirmation of the fact that obligatory payment was done on time and in full size.

Who writes the receipt

Although the most common situation is when the text of the receipt certifies the fact that money has been borrowed, there are other situations where it is customary to use it:

  1. As you know, it is the child, and not his mother, who has the right to receive alimony. That is, if she refuses payments, the child subsequently has the right to demand them. In order to confirm the fact of payment of alimony, the father can take a receipt each time he pays.
  2. When living in a rented apartment, an agreement is concluded that provides for regular payment. To certify the fact of timely deposit of money, it is enough to formalize it in this way.
  3. If you purchase a car, using this document you can certify that the calculation was carried out in a timely manner and in full.
  4. Other situations.

Do I need to get it certified by a notary?

The law does not require this. When the amount is less than 10 minimum wages, an oral debt agreement has legal force.

If the amount exceeds this limit, a written form is required.

However, if you have to prove in court that the funds were transferred, a document certified by a notary will be a convincing argument.

Are witnesses needed?

The presence of witnesses is not mandatory, regardless of the amount of funds transferred. But in an extreme situation, if the case goes to trial, their testimony can be important support for the acceptance of the document presented to the court.

How to write a receipt for receiving money

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for the need written form only in cases where the amount of money loaned exceeds ten minimum wages.

Notarization is not required. If we are talking about amounts not exceeding the mentioned limit, an oral agreement has legal force.

A copy of the receipt is not made. However, you need to be aware that if you refuse to pay, you will have to take the case to court. In this case, it will be necessary to provide convincing evidence.

When a receipt is written by a person you don’t know well or we are talking about a significant amount of money, with proper execution there can be no small details.

If the agreement was oral, it is difficult to prove the transfer of money.

When using a written document, you will most likely have to resort to handwriting examination to prove the fact of the loan.

In order to make the fact of registration as convincing as possible, it is advisable to do the following:

  1. Fill out the receipt by hand, without using the Word editor. In this case, handwriting examination will be based not only on the analysis of the signature, but also on the handwritten text.
  2. Verify the signature on the document with the correct one, the one that appears in the passport.
  3. Involve one or two witnesses to participate in the execution of the document. In this case, under the borrower’s signature, the passport details of one witness are given, followed by his signature and its transcript. Then the details of the second witness are entered. Below should be his signature with a transcript.
  4. Have the document certified by a notary. Usually it costs 100 rubles. If he helps draw up this document, you will need to pay additionally.

Helpful advice: It is advisable to indicate the purpose for which the borrower received the money, so that later it cannot be said that it was a gift.

The document must contain wording that the money was actually issued, that the debt actually exists, in order to exclude in the future the statement that the document was executed, but the financial resources were not transferred.

Next we will describe in detail how to issue receipts in various cases. You need to understand that any mistake may lead to the court not recognizing the demand for repayment of the debt. For example, the borrower will incorrectly indicate his data or will not provide complete information from his passport. In court, he can argue that another person lent the money.

If there is an inaccuracy in the borrower's data, it may subsequently be argued that the money was borrowed from another lender.

An example of a receipt for receiving funds

When a document is drawn up, it is done to certify that funds have been received.

This can happen in various types of circumstances:

  1. When one person borrows money from another.
  2. In the event that it is necessary to make a payment for something (for example, for buying a car, renting an apartment, or in other cases).
  3. Sometimes it is given to certify that the payer has fulfilled his obligations. An example here would be alimony payments.
  4. In other situations.

Worth considering: In each specific case, it is not enough to simply record the transfer of a certain amount of money. It is necessary to record the circumstances of the payment in great detail and as specifically as possible.

Receipt for borrowing money

This situation is probably the most common compared to other options. Of course, the need to borrow money is not that uncommon. Usually they turn to relatives or friends for this. Often you don’t want to deal with the design.

However, this seems justified only in some cases. You can safely borrow money if you know the person well. In most cases, you will have to take into account the risk that the debtor may not want to repay the money.

In order to exclude possible problems, it makes sense to document the fact that money was borrowed.

There are no strict formal rules when writing a document, but there are requirements for the content of the document. It needs to consider:

  1. The name of the document indicates that we are talking about a receipt.
  2. At the beginning, you need to mention the details of the person who borrows money. The following must be indicated: last name, first name, patronymic, place of residence, passport details.
  3. Next you need to fix the same detailed information about who gives money.
  4. It is necessary to indicate in numbers and words the amount that is borrowed. It should be noted that the money was received.
  5. It is important to indicate that we are talking about receiving funds as a loan or indicate another reason for receiving them.
  6. Next, the borrower writes that he undertakes to repay the debt before a certain number. This date must be specifically stated.
  7. At the end of the paper, the date the document was written, the signature and its transcript are indicated.

This data is sufficient for registration. However, it will be better if the document provides for penalties for late or valid options debt payments that the creditor agrees to.

In this case, the borrower can write that in case of delay, he undertakes to additionally pay the agreed amount (interest for days of delay or a specific amount).

How additional option payment, for example, payment in installments may be considered.

If the money was lent not in rubles, but in foreign currency, it is necessary to indicate the rate at which it can be converted into rubles on the date of writing the paper.

Take note: when lending money, it is permissible to provide for a fee for use financial means. If this is the case, the reward amount should be stated in the text.

Receipt for receipt of money under the agreement

When filling out the document in question, to certify the fact of payment under the contract, the execution takes place in accordance with the general rules.

There is only one difference. In it it is necessary to additionally indicate the purpose of such payment - repayment of debt under the agreement.

It is necessary to provide the details of the agreement (date, number, indicate counterparties, necessary items), in connection with which money is paid.

Receipt for salary receipt

Usually wage issued either at the cash desk of the enterprise against signature on the statement, or transferred to salary card. IN in rare cases payment of wages requires certification by issuing a receipt.

The document must indicate from whom and for what period the money was paid. It should be clearly noted here that we are talking about payment of wages.

Receipt for receipt of advance payment for work

IN in this case as a goal, it should be noted that an advance payment was received for work under the contract (indicate the date of the agreement, its number and the counterparty).

Otherwise, the document is written according to the usual rules.


A correctly drawn up receipt will prevent the possibility of problems in the future. Wherein notarization and the involvement of witnesses dramatically increase the chances of proving your case in court, if necessary.

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