Power of attorney for the right to sign financial documents. Procedure for granting rights

A power of attorney is a document authorizing certain powers person to whom it was issued this document. Based on a power of attorney, this person can represent the interests of another before third parties, as well as perform actions that are determined by the document. In some cases, it becomes necessary to notarize this document. Such a case may include granting the right to sign on documents state standard or when completing transactions. In the case considered in this moment, we're talking about on the right to sign documents. Read an overview of the standards for issuing workwear by profession on this page.

Most often, a power of attorney is executed on special form, with the company's logo.

The text of the executed power of attorney must contain:

  • Date of preparation, otherwise the document will not be recognized as valid;
  • Place of compilation, for example, Irkutsk;
  • Name legal entity and his full registration details;
  • Full name of the person who issues the power of attorney;
  • A document that is the basis for confirming the person indicated above (charter, regulations, power of attorney);
  • IN in full information about the person to whom the power of attorney is issued must also be indicated;
  • The document must clearly state the transferred powers from the principal (in the case that is currently being considered, this is a list of documents that the authorized person has the right to sign);
  • Validity period of the power of attorney (if the period is not specified, then by default the power of attorney is valid for a calendar year);
  • The signature on the power of attorney must be the head of the enterprise or another person, in accordance with the constituent documents. The presence of a seal of a legal entity is not prerequisite for power of attorney;
  • Sample signature of the person trusted to sign documents;
  • It is also necessary to indicate whether the authorized person has the right and opportunity to transfer his powers to another person on the basis of this power of attorney.


During the absence of the manager from the workplace, the right to sign primary documents authorize the agreed employee on the basis of a power of attorney.

Usually default Chief Accountant has the right of second signature if this is stated in the charter. IN otherwise a power of attorney is drawn up for the right of the second signature.

The executive director, as a rule, is endowed with the same functions as the general director; more precisely, the executive director is analogous to the head of the organization. If the charter does not stipulate the right to sign executive director on documents, then for this purpose it is drawn up standard power of attorney. View an overview of the characteristics of twill fabric.

The right to sign invoices and delivery notes can be given to any employee of the organization on the basis of a power of attorney

When performing his duties, the head of a company or enterprise is often forced to be absent from his workplace for a long time. Even if the director is absent for only one day, then all the same, during the day, an urgent need may arise for him to sign certain contracts. To ensure that the work of the company does not stop in the absence of the director, there is such a type of power of attorney as a power of attorney for the right to sign documents. Thanks to the presence of such paper, the company operates calmly even in the absence of the director at the workplace.

When does the need for such a document arise?

It is clear that a power of attorney to sign documents for the general director is necessary in conditions when he is not at work. Let's figure out who can be the principal.

In accordance with existing legislation, such a paper can be written by:

  • legal entity (managers or founders have the opportunity to sign this document, according to the statutory documents);
  • individual entrepreneur;
  • individual.

Often, such a paper is issued to an employee who goes on a business trip so that he can fully enter into contracts on behalf of the company during the trip.

Also, such a document is issued if the manager, due to certain circumstances, is absent from the workplace.

You simply cannot do without a power of attorney for the right to sign in the following situations:

  • when an employee receives goods or material assets;
  • upon acceptance commercial offers, contracts and various other documentation (in the absence of management);
  • when preparing documents for issue wages, its accrual, reporting and the like;
  • when drawing up any other documents that must be signed by the director.

As a general rule, a document that reflects the will of a person (for example, an agreement or statement) must be signed by him personally. But in some cases, it is possible to transfer the right to sign by issuing a power of attorney. How exactly this happens will be described further.

We will tell you who can issue such a document and to whom and how to draw it up correctly. In addition, we have prepared samples of powers of attorney for the right to sign for different situations, using which you can speed up and simplify preparation own document and at the same time avoid losing any important details.

Who and to whom can issue a power of attorney for the right to sign?

A power of attorney, which gives a person the right to sign documents, can be issued on behalf of both a company and a citizen. At the enterprise, the right to sign belongs to the manager (general director, president, etc.), as well as the chief accountant. In case of their temporary absence due to a business trip, sick leave, vacation or for another reason, powers of attorney are issued for the signing of documents by persons replacing the chief director and accountant from among the company's employees. This is one of the forms of powers of attorney to represent the interests of a legal entity. This document provides the opportunity to act on behalf of the company when concluding various transactions.

Such a power of attorney can also be issued by an individual (both registered as a private entrepreneur and not conducting a business), thereby authorizing someone to sign various kinds statements, including claims, contracts and other documents.

The person authorized to sign official documents may be: capable citizen, that is, who has reached the age of 18. If you need to sign documents on behalf of the general director or chief accountant, this can only be entrusted to a company employee.

Features of drawing up a power of attorney for signing documents

When drawing up a power of attorney for signature, you must follow general rules drawing up similar documents(in particular, established in Civil Code). In this case, the form can be arbitrary, including electronic. At the request of the person issuing the power of attorney, it is certified by a notary. The text must contain the following information:

  • Name. To avoid any discrepancies and make it immediately clear how much authority is vested in the representative, the title should clarify that the power of attorney was issued for the purpose of signing certain documents.
  • Place of registration. Mentioned locality where the power of attorney is signed.
  • Information about the principal. If a power of attorney is drawn up for the right to sign for the general director, information about the company is indicated: its name, location and registration data. In addition, the surname, name and patronymic of the general director are mentioned. When issuing a power of attorney for the right to sign on behalf of individual his last name, first name, patronymic, passport details and place of residence are indicated. Other data may be mentioned.
  • Information about the person who is granted the right to sign: last name, first name, patronymic, place of residence, position, passport details. In order to improve the identification of a person, other information may be indicated, such as date of birth.
  • The essence of the powers that the representative receives. This may be the right to sign on behalf of the general director, chief accountant, private entrepreneur or other individual certain types documents or one specific one.

Important: To avoid the representative exceeding his powers, it is necessary to clearly define the framework within which he can act. If you need to sign only one document, then you need to describe in detail which one. When transferring powers to permanently sign papers, it is worthwhile to include an exhaustive list of them in the power of attorney.

  • Date of preparation. This detail is critically important, since without its indication the power of attorney is considered invalid. If the date of issue of the power of attorney is not specified, it is impossible to determine when it ceases to be valid.
  • Duration of the power of attorney. There are no restrictions in the law regarding such a period, and the principal can choose it at his own discretion. Moreover, you can not only indicate the date of termination of the document or the period when it is valid, but also the event upon the occurrence of which it becomes invalid. The deadline may not be mentioned. In this case, the power of attorney will be valid for 3 years.
  • Signature an individual, if a power of attorney is issued to sign documents on his behalf, or the general director of a company, when he delegates the relevant powers.

To issue a power of attorney for the right to sign, you must first prepare certain papers:

  • Passport of the person who will be entrusted with signing the papers.
  • Principal's passport.
  • Constituent documents of a legal entity.
  • Documents for property (if an agreement on its alienation is expected to be signed).

Sample power of attorney for the right to sign documents

Below are different samples.

Power of attorney for the right to sign documents as an individual entrepreneur

Power of attorney for the right to sign documents of the director

Power of attorney for the right to sign documents of an individual

As part of the topic under consideration on the execution of powers of attorney, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with information about what other types of such documents are. We recommend that you learn about

In addition, you can find out about upcoming costs by reading the material about.

Let's sum it up

A power of attorney to sign documents is issued if it is necessary to transfer the authority to sign due to the impossibility of doing it yourself. Such a document can be issued on behalf of a company, a private entrepreneur or a citizen not running a business.

When drawing up a power of attorney for the right to sign, you should adhere to general requirements required for such documents. Wherein Special attention attention should be paid to a clear formulation of the powers of the trustee, that is, a list of papers to which he has the right to sign. A sample of its execution allows you to simplify and speed up the preparation of a power of attorney.

Companies producing commercial activities, have the status of a legal entity. But the fact is that these are organizations.

This fact means that they must have employees on their staff who are empowered to represent the company in defending their interests. In addition, all transactions of the enterprise are executed under the sole signature of one person.

For these purposes, the composition labor collective the position of General Director is introduced. Even based on the title of the position, we can conclude that this person has absolute rights if there is a need to make strategic and routine decisions.

Sometimes a situation arises in which this person is not able to be present when documents are signed. This usually occurs due to the fact that the CEO must be in another location at the moment.

Registration of a power of attorney from the General Director for the right to sign

This measure carries enormous responsibility. Therefore this step must be documented. Moreover, the party who will sign documents as a counterparty or partner must be sure that a competent employee with sufficient authority is concluding a deal with them.

Such a document is a power of attorney. Its design must be treated with extreme care. This is due to that same responsibility to a high degree.

In addition to the situation mentioned, this document is necessary so that a non-first-ranking employee can receive material assets for his organization.

Again, the document is proof of sufficient authority. This case ensures that such authority is delegated from the CEO to a subordinate.

We formalize the transfer of powers

About powers of attorney it is said that he has free form. But at the same time, the legislation regulates the presence of mandatory records and attributes in the document.

If a document does not have these, then it does not have legal force. This means that any actions that were carried out on its basis will be considered illegal.

The fact that a power of attorney is from the general director does not mean that he is personally obliged to draw it up (write it out). This only means that the signature of the first manager is mandatory. This is a requirement of Russian legislation.

Moreover, even the signature of the general director is not enough. She needs to be reassured. To do this, it is necessary to put the original (“wet”) seal of the enterprise on it.

Notarization of a power of attorney for the right to sign is optional. Nevertheless, some organizations resort to this step.

This is what they usually do financial companies. And such assurance will not be superfluous. Especially when it comes to high-value valuables.

Below is located standard form and a sample power of attorney from the general director for the right to sign, a version of which can be downloaded for free.

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