If you give birth to twins, you will be given maternity capital. Required documents and registration procedure

The appearance of two children in a family instead of one is always an unexpected but pleasant surprise. Despite the hassle and extra expenses, it is also double joy. The question quite naturally arises: do they give for the first twins? maternal capital? Let's figure it out.

Is maternity capital required for twins?

To understand whether they give maternity capital for twins or not, you need to refer to the law regulating the program. And it clearly states under what conditions the issuance is carried out:

  • Parents or mother are Russian citizens.
  • The birth of a second or any subsequent child by birth or adoption.
  • Their birth period is until the end of 2017.
  • Children are registered on the territory of the Russian Federation with the subsequent right to acquire citizenship.

Thus, even for the first twins, maternity capital is given, because two children appear in the family at once and the mandatory requirement for issuance is met. Despite some controversial opinions, this order is valid and enforced. Legally, the law was passed to encourage couples to additional births, and in our case, twins are more of an accident than a planned action of the parents. But, since the cancellation of payments would have caused significant dissatisfaction, such an issue was not even discussed in the Government.

In connection with constant disputes, we separately emphasize that maternity capital is transferred in the same amount for twins: the first birth or the second, it does not matter.

Payments upon death of a newborn

Unfortunately, the death of a newborn is not such an unusual phenomenon, therefore it is possible to receive money in such a situation, but only if successful registration baby. Those. at the time of his death he was more than a week old and there is evidence.

If the death of one of the twins occurred during childbirth or in the womb, the situation here is different and legal side not having legal basis. Therefore, the appointment will occur if there is already at least one child.

Size and right of ownership of maternity capital

Maternity capital for the first twins is assigned to one of the parents. Usually the mother becomes the owner. The father may undergo the procedure under the following circumstances:

  • the twins' mother died;
  • the woman was deprived parental rights for any reason;
  • single father adopted twins.

There is another situation where both spouses were deprived of their rights or died. Is maternity capital given to relatives or guardians for twins? The law protects the interests of children. Therefore, they receive payments and the document indicates one of the kids as the owner.

Dimensions change annually according to indexation. In 2015, maternity capital amounted to just over 450 thousand rubles. No indexation is expected in 2017-2018, and therefore the same value remains in effect. Do not forget that at the beginning of the program, payments were only 250 thousand rubles, and therefore there is no need to talk about the bias of the increase.

Features of design and use

Maternity capital, if twins are born, is issued for one (any) child. This is due a separate item programs. Having any number of children, and having given birth at the required period, it is permissible to issue a document for any of the existing offspring (not necessarily a newborn).

Required documents

Maternity capital is issued at the birth of twins in the same manner as all mothers. It is necessary to transfer the package to the Pension Fund specific documents:

  • passport of the applicant (mother);
  • a certificate from the registry office, which indicates the parameters of the child (for each child in the family);
  • mother's insurance card.

If the children are adopted, a court decision will be required, which will set out the parameters for the adoption of twins.


By the way, maternity capital in 2018 is not required if stepdaughters or stepsons are adopted. This is explained by the goal of the bill - to stimulate the birth rate of new children, and not to ensure the provision of existing ones.

The document review procedure takes up to 30 days. If the decision is positive, the mother is issued a personalized document for maternity capital. If twins are born, the family can only spend maternity capital to the fullest extent possible. specific goals:

  • buying a home;
  • use for credit (mortgage);
  • children's education;
  • improvement living conditions for babies.

You can use the maternity capital received for twins only after three years. But if we're talking about regarding housing loans, it is allowed to request part or all of the amount earlier. There is a procedure for this, which is also carried out through the Pension Fund. Parents must fill out a form in which they indicate that the children will receive their share in the purchased property. This mandatory requirement, which ensures that the money is spent respecting the rights of minors. Here are planned specific deadlines fulfillment of the obligation. The commission monitors compliance.

Thus, we found out that in case of twins, maternity capital is required.

The federal law No. 256 provides for measures to provide state support to families who have a second or subsequent child. Parents are entitled to maternity capital at the birth of twins in any case, be it the first birth or the second. However, a certificate is issued only for one child. It turns out that if previously the family did not receive maternity capital, then upon the birth of twins, a subsidy is required to be paid.

Payment amount and conditions of receipt

And although maternity capital is given to all families in which a second or subsequent child has appeared, applicants for the subsidy should ensure that certain conditions are met. If one of them is not met, you will receive the money that is due parents with many children, will not work.

  1. The mother of the child for whom maternity capital is issued must have Russian citizenship (at the time of the birth of children during the first or second birth).
  2. The child himself must also become a citizen of the Russian Federation immediately after birth.
  3. Twins must have been born or adopted between 01/01/2007 and 12/31/2016.

The listed requirements have not changed throughout the entire period of operation of the maternity capital program. Most likely, they will remain unchanged after 2019. According to the maternity capital program, any certificate is entitled to an amount equal to 453,026 rubles.

It does not change depending on which account of the child the subsidy is issued to and can only change after indexation at the end of the year. However, at the end of 2015 it was decided to suspend annual indexation. If twins were born during the first or subsequent births, then several categories of citizens can apply for a certificate.

  1. The mothers themselves who gave birth to twins. Their right to maternity capital is undeniable in most cases.
  2. Men who have adopted twins. They are recognized as applicants for a certificate if they do not have a legal spouse.
  3. Men whose legal spouses were deprived of the right to maternity capital. Then they give the money to the father, and he already makes a decision on how to implement it.
  4. If the parents have lost their rights to a subsidy, then a certificate is given to one of the children.

If you belong to one of the above categories, then to receive a subsidy you must go to local branch Pension Fund. You must have the following list of documents with you, which will then be attached to the completed application:

  • documents confirming the birth of each child in the family;
  • the applicant's identity document. The applicant can only be a person who has direct right for maternity capital;
  • a court decision confirming the adoption of twins. It is necessary if they were adopted and not born into the family applying for a subsidy;
  • a paper confirming the Russian citizenship of the child for whom maternity capital is being taken;
  • SNILS.

In accordance with established rules, the Pension Fund will make photocopies of all the documents you provide, after which the originals will be returned to the applicant. If the person entitled to the certificate cannot independently appear at the Pension Fund office, the documents must be notarized and sent there by mail.

Features of obtaining maternity capital

What else needs to be taken into account before applying for state support from the Pension Fund? Sometimes unexpected situations happen. The birth may not be successful. Is maternity capital provided if the baby dies during childbirth? The answer to this question is unequivocal - no, they don’t. The fact is that to issue a certificate you need a child’s birth certificate. It turns out that if the baby died in the first week, and a birth certificate has already been received for him, then the right to maternity capital remains with the mother even after the death of the child.

In the event that triplets are born at once, maternity capital is given only for one of the children. It is not necessary to contact the Pension Fund immediately after childbirth. You can do this at any time convenient for you. The law does not provide for a period during which you need to write an application to the Pension Fund.

You can use the right to maternity capital only 3 years after the birth of a second or subsequent child in the family. Therefore, there is no need to apply for a subsidy immediately after childbirth. However, in some exceptional cases the subsidy is given immediately. These are: repayment of a targeted housing loan or mortgage, as well as payment of the first installment on it.

Consideration of an application for a subsidy at the Pension Fund branch can last for a month. If it is rendered positive decision, then the funds will be transferred to their destination within two months. You can only receive money from the Pension Fund by non-cash payment. checking account in the bank. Cashing out maternity capital is not possible. If third parties offer you this opportunity, they are scammers and you should never contact them.

Payment for twins according to the regional program

In parallel with the federal support program large families In many regions of Russia there is a regional one. Its main differences from the first one:

  • the subsidy is issued for the third or subsequent child, and not for the second;
  • the amount of payment and the conditions for receiving it are regulated at the regional level;
  • In most cases, the money received can be spent on a greater number of areas than when implementing a federal subsidy.

Thus, if twins were born in a family where there was already a child, you can receive payments for two at once government programs. The amount of regional maternity capital is different everywhere. This could be a small assistance in the form of 10 thousand rubles, or a half-million subsidy, comparable in importance to payments under the federal program.

In some regions the size cash subsidy depends on the number of children in the family and the income level of both parents. Sometimes maternity capital is issued not only for the third, but also for all subsequent children. This happens in more developed countries. economically regions whose budget includes such programs.

What features the regional program has in your area should be found out at the Pension Fund branch. If you need a more thorough study of the legislation, you can independently refer to Federal Law No. 256 in its latest edition.

The birth of twins is always a joy for parents, which is a little complicated by financial expenses, because all things and care items have to be purchased at double size. In the first few months, young parents do not even think about the question of whether they give maternity capital for twins. Next, the basics of legislation will be discussed.

Maternity capital at the birth of twins

Maternity capital is assistance to families who have given birth to or adopted a second and subsequent child. The birth of twins also requires the issuance of a certificate, since in this situation there is often a need to increase the number of rooms for living.

You can use the certificate in standard ways:

  • expand living space or improve living conditions;
  • payment for children's education;
  • payment for rehabilitation, treatment and socialization of disabled children using special equipment;
  • formation of the funded part of the mother’s pension;
  • receiving Money monthly for the maintenance of children - upon the birth of twins in the first birth, you can receive only the amount monthly living wage installed in the region.

It turns out that the answer to the question of whether maternity capital is given if twins are born sounds in the affirmative. A certificate is provided if a woman has had her first birth.

Taking into account legislative norms, the amount of maternity capital for the birth of twins or triplets does not increase. By the end of 2018, the Russian Government approved the size of the certificate in the amount of 453 thousand rubles. A twin adopted or born will be given exactly this money for subsequent use according to its intended purpose and the law.

When the Russian Government adopted a bill to support young families in 2007, there was confusion about the conditions for obtaining the certificate. Thus, there was an opinion that the first birth of twins would not be “rewarded” with maternal capital.

Still in Pension Fund Applications are being received from mothers who gave birth to twins in 2007, but have not yet received a certificate. This is explained by ignorance of all the nuances of the bill and regulations. In order to do so, you must meet the following requirements:

  • have Russian citizenship– the children and the mother must have it, in the absence of one from the father (maternity capital can only be registered in the name of real parents, and in their absence, a certificate is provided to the children - they can use it when they reach adulthood);
  • have permanent or temporary registration on the territory of Russia;
  • give birth to or adopt a second and subsequent child - the “count” also takes into account adult children.

Children must be born after January 1, 2007; premature birth cannot be the reason for receiving funds from the state.

Maternity capital for twins - second birth

After the first pregnancy, a second often occurs, since families find it best to have children in at a young age. There are cases when, after the first birth and the birth of twins, second twins are expected.

DataOpportunities are present for everyone who has already become the happy parents of twins. Doctors say that the birth of twins during the first birth increases the likelihood of twins during the second birth by 2 times.

Legally obtaining maternity capital if twins are born a second time is possible only at the discretion of the regional authorities. IN in this case governmental support will not follow - maternal certificate by law, it is provided only once to the entire family, where the offered assistance must be extended to all children born without exception.

Regional authorities can encourage a family if second and subsequent twins are born. Here the authorities are guided by their own economic situation, so receiving funds is not possible in every region.

It is important to consider the moment of birth of triplets and possible death one of the children. The following points stand out here:

  • for the birth of triplets, the family also receives maternity capital in the amount of 453 thousand 26 rubles;
  • You can receive a certificate only on the basis of submitted birth certificates for newborns;
  • if one of the children dies during the first week after birth, it is impossible to issue a birth certificate for him, since it is impossible to obtain a certificate of discharge of the child from the maternity hospital;
  • if a birth certificate was received, but after some time the child died (perhaps after being discharged from the maternity hospital), the Pension Fund’s refusal to issue the certificate is unfounded.

When using the certificate partially, the need arises. This can be done on the website of the State Service or the Pension Fund - on the portals you can order a certificate of provision social assistance family from the state. In a similar way, you can find out the amount of benefits provided to families from regional authorities.

Having twins or triplets means double or triple expenses, but the state only provides assistance once. Regional authorities can pay additional amounts, often in the regions you can get land plot under construction. It is important to know exactly the federal and local laws to receive all due payments.

The bill for the provision of maternity capital was initially developed with the aim of stimulating the birth rate in Russia. For the second child, the family receives maternity capital, which can be used for improvement living conditions, education of a child or the formation of a pension fund for the mother (possible non-state pension fund). Today we will try to figure it out and answer the question: Is maternity capital given for twins in 2019?

It was assumed that in order to qualify for the program, a second child must be born in the family. But the law said nothing about non-standard situations, such as the birth of twins. In 2008, there were disputes regarding the need to provide maternity capital in this case. The essence of the question was that the program involves assistance to families who are intentionally going to have a second child, and the birth of twins, if this is the first birth, cannot be considered as such.

The corresponding amendments to the bill were not discussed directly in the State Duma, but during one of the interviews the president assured voters that the state would not cancel maternity capital for twins. As a result, this issue was removed from the agenda.


It is worth noting that in addition to families where twins were born, maternity capital is also provided to families who have adopted twins. Thus, the question of whether maternity capital is given for twins has been resolved.

How to get maternity capital at the birth of twins

To receive a maternity capital certificate, you must meet the following conditions:

  • The child's mother must have Russian citizenship;
  • The child must be registered as a citizen of the Russian Federation immediately after birth;

In case of registration of guardianship, the conditions are the same, with the only amendment that if the family is incomplete, that is, only the father is formalizing it, he must be a citizen of the Russian Federation, which is not necessary when children are born in a complete family.

Procedure for the birth of twins

  1. Appeal for relevant certificate in the maternity hospital;
  2. With this certificate, you apply to the registry office to obtain a birth certificate;
  3. Contact the Pension Fund with an application to receive maternity capital with a list of documents.

As can be seen from the description of the procedure, when twins are born, the process of obtaining a certificate for maternity capital is no different from usual order actions. There is only one caveat - the applicant needs to indicate which child will be considered the second, regardless of which twin was born first.

Next, the applicant receives a notification about the decision to provide a certificate. Deadline for making a decision, if any complete package documents – 30 days. After receiving the notification, the applicant must appear within 30 days to receive the certificate.

Do they provide maternity capital for each child for twins?

In case of birth of twins maternity capital is given only for one child. For whom exactly, the applicant indicates to receive maternity capital. The amount of the subsidy is not affected by the time of the birth of the second child. The main thing is that this is a temporary period from July 1, 2007 to December 1, 2016.

First birth and second birth

Many people wonder about receiving maternity capital if twins were born before July 1, 2007. In this case material aid the state does not provide assistance if the family does not have another child by December 1, 2016.

Receiving maternity capital upon the death of a child

The law provides for the payment of maternity capital if a child’s birth certificate is provided. The nuance is that if the child did not survive childbirth and died in the womb, a birth certificate cannot be issued for him, and this serves as a basis for refusal to receive MK. On the other hand, if the child lived for at least a few days and a birth certificate was issued for him, the family becomes eligible to receive a subsidy.

Are there deadlines for processing documents to receive maternity capital?

You can apply for maternity capital at any time - this is perpetual right, which will be implemented by the Pension Fund if the applicant meets the above requirements.

What is the amount of maternity capital at the birth of twins?

Established by law and indexed in accordance with the data provided by the Pension Fund. In 2007, the subsidy amount was 250,000 rubles, while in 2017 it increased to 453,000 rubles, in 2019 the amount is 505,000 rubles.

Who receives and manages maternity capital?

The applicant for maternity capital is usually the parents or official guardians of the child. IN in some cases, provided by law, the subsidy is issued directly to the child if his parents or official guardians are recognized incapacitated by decision court

The reason for this decision may be:

  • A certificate from a psychiatrist about the need to limit legal capacity due to a mental disorder;
  • Imprisonment;

When a child receives the right to dispose of maternity capital, he can sell the funds before the age of 23 if he studies at a higher educational institution.

Is maternity capital paid in cash?

Maternity capital for twins can be obtained at general principles upon reaching the child three years old . The form of receipt involves a direct transfer of funds to the recipient’s bank account by the Pension Fund. The reason for such a strict implementation condition state subsidy lies in the need to control the expenditure of funds - it is assumed that maternity capital can be spent only in targeted areas.

Due to this Cash payment is not accepted in any form. For any expenses, funds are credited to the service provider’s account after a corresponding request from the manager of maternity capital within certain period time.

Differences in receiving maternity capital in Moscow and the regions when two or more children are born

Funds allocated by the state can be allocated either from federal budget, and from local. The difference is that every Russian citizen has a certificate for a second child in the amount of 453,000 rubles, regardless of their region of residence. But in some regions it is provided targeted assistance families with three or more children.

Such subsidies are paid from regional budget upon application by the applicant. On this moment Similar assistance programs operate in the Republic of Tyva and Altai. That is, in these regions, young families can apply to the Pension Fund to receive a certificate of maternity capital for the second child, and at the birth or adoption of the third or fourth child, ask for help local authorities. The same rules apply for the birth of triplets, and for the birth of twins during the second or third pregnancy.

This division is due to demographic problems in the above regions of Russia.

Maternity capital for a third child

MK for a third child is provided to a family that adopted or gave birth to a third child during the period from July 1, 2007. The right to maternity capital for a third child is assigned to citizen parents Russian Federation when submitting an application, if you have not previously submitted documents to receive maternity capital at the birth of your second child. That is, if twins were born during the second birth, maternity capital for the third child is provided as for the second. The same is true in the case of adoption.

These conditions apply only federal program to receive a subsidy. When applying for assistance under regional program the procedure and conditions for obtaining MK are determined local legislation subject of the Russian Federation in which the applicant is registered.

The birth of a child in a family is a real holiday, and when two babies are born at the same time, it is real happiness. To help raise children, the state has created a whole system of benefits for young mothers, in which the most tangible support is maternity capital for twins. It is issued in the form money certificate state standard, on the basis of which the state transfers money to a specially opened account.

You can spend these funds after the second baby is three years old for the following needs:

  • Purchasing your own home;
  • Payment construction work to build your own home;
  • Payment of the last part of an existing mortgage, or registration of a new one;
  • Payment for children's education;
  • Filling the funded part of the mother's pension.

Due to the fact that maternity capital for twins in 2014, as in previous years amounts to a fairly impressive amount; its expenditure is permitted only by bank transfer.

And although you can apply for the benefit immediately after twins are born, you can start using it only after the third birthday of your second child. The only exception is the cost of home mortgage and construction of your own housing, which can be carried out immediately.

Conditions for receiving maternity capital at the birth of twins

Maternity capital for the birth of twins is actually allocated to the family due to the birth of a second child. And it will be issued in case of compliance established by law conditions of the second child. In this case, it is necessary to determine from medical records and the issued birth certificate. To receive this assistance, the following conditions must be met:

  • Twins or triplets were born after 01/01/2007;
  • Neither parent had received such benefits in the past;
  • The children's parents, or at least one of them, are citizens of Russia;
  • The second born child is a Russian citizen;
  • The parents did not commit crimes against their children and were not deprived of parental rights.

The amount of maternity capital at the birth of twins

Maternity capital for twins in 2014 is given in the amount of 429,408 rubles. Moreover, for the purposes indicated above, these funds can be spent in in full no limits. This year, benefits are being issued that will be paid in 2014.

Who has the right to receive maternity capital at the birth of twins?

In families where twins were born, the right to maternity capital is the following citizens Russia:

  • A woman who gave birth to or adopted a second child, starting from 01/01/2007;
  • A man who is the sole adoptive parent of a second child;
  • The father or adoptive parent of the second child, in cases where the mother died or was deprived of parental rights;
  • The child himself has not yet reached 18 years of age, or older, provided that he is a full-time student, but not older than 23 years.
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