Visa certificate form. Income certificate for visa

  • Certificate from the place of work.
  • Statement from the bank.
  • Certificate from the place of study for students and schoolchildren.

Certificate of employment for a Schengen visa

It must be provided on letterhead organization indicating the company details, as well as contact address and telephone number. The certificate must be signed by the head of the company and/or the company's accountant. Please note that you cannot sign a certificate for yourself, that is, if it is given to the head of the company, then it must be signed by his deputy, accountant or HR department employee. In the document in mandatory must be listed: the position held, the period from which the recipient of the certificate has been working in the company, as well as the average monthly salary (please note that the specified amount must be at least 30 thousand rubles for those working in Moscow and at least 20 thousand rubles for residents of the regions ).

In case of submitting documents for tourist visa The certificate must indicate vacation dates that must cover the dates of the proposed trip. In this case, there must be a phrase stating that the leave is provided with the preservation of the job and wages. In case of obtaining a business Schengen visa, as well as a multiple Schengen visa, the vacation period is not required.

If the applicant is a private entrepreneur, it is also necessary to provide a copy of the registration certificate of the individual entrepreneur/personal legal entity and a copy of the tax registration certificate of the individual entrepreneur/personal legal entity certified by the company seal. Additionally, when obtaining a visa to the Czech Republic, individual entrepreneurs must provide a copy of the 3-NDFL certificate from the tax office.

A certificate from the place of work must be issued no earlier than one month before the date of submission of documents (for example, when applying for a Schengen visa to Italy); when applying for a visa to the Czech Republic, the certificate must be received no earlier than 6 months before submitting documents. We recommend receiving it 3-5 days before applying to the Arcade visa service.

Download a sample certificate from your place of work to obtain a () or () visa.

Important Note

If the visa applicant has recently worked at the current place of work, it is advisable to provide a copy (and in some cases the original) work book to confirm experience labor activity.

Certificate from the bank for a Schengen visa

Most Schengen countries require a bank certificate confirming the existence of an account to confirm the client’s solvency. As a rule, it is valid for one month (however, when applying for a visa to Lithuania, for example, the certificate must be received no earlier than 1 week before the date of submission of documents). It is mandatory when submitting applications for semi-annual and annual visa. This document from the bank must indicate: the name of the bank, the name of the client, the amount of funds in the account. It is allowed to indicate not the entire amount of funds in the account in the form of the phrase: “The balance is not less than XXXX.” The certificate must be signed by a bank employee and have the bank's seal. To obtain Schengen visas to some countries, it is not necessary to provide a certificate from a bank, but rather to provide a document on currency exchange (with the obligatory indication of the applicant’s passport details) - for example, when applying for a visa to Spain - or a copy credit card and a receipt from an ATM about the balance Money(when applying for a visa to Italy). Also, for some consulates, it is enough to provide travel checks issued to the applicant. The amount required for a stay in the Schengen countries is usually 60 euros per day of stay (the equivalent in any currency), in some countries it is 70 euros (Switzerland, Luxembourg, etc.). Italy established special norms financial guarantees for a visa to Italy. With features of providing documents about financial solvency for each country can be found in the "Schengen visas" section.

The main information that will be required from you when you receive a Schengen visa is personal information, information about employment And financial opportunities. All data must be current and reliable, and will be taken into account when allowing you to travel abroad. To be sure to receive a visa, you or your sponsor must provide a certificate of employment, which means you must be employed and officially registered with the company.

At the consulate or visa application center, when applying for a visa to Spain or during further verification, you may be asked where you work and how long you have worked. Each case at the visa center will be considered individually. Therefore, you must know exactly what documents need to be submitted, and exactly what a certificate of employment should look like. The requirements that the Spanish Embassy puts forward for certificates of employment for obtaining a visa are standard.

What the certificate must contain:

Usually, the telephone number is indicated as a landline, but, in exceptional cases, mobile numbers are also allowed

  • Date of issue of the document and indication of which authority - “at the place of request” or “to the Consular Section of the Spanish Embassy”, etc.

All papers are valid within one month, no more. Therefore, if the certificate is older than 30 days, it will not be accepted for consideration; it is necessary to make a more recent one

  • Employee information - Full name and additional passport details(the latter is optional)
  • Date of admission to position
  • Average monthly income (or total annual income). Recommended salary amount at least 25-30 thousand rubles.

If the salary is less the specified amount, it is advisable to attach a bank statement or sponsorship documents.

  • You can additionally specify a phrase about annual paid leave and retention of the employee’s job.

But in practice, the consulate does not require that the certificate contain this phrase, so it can be omitted to avoid unnecessary confusion.

  • The document is certified living seal and the signature of the manager or his replacement.

If the applicant is a director, then the certificate is signed by his deputy , the chief accountant or other authorized persons, but the director cannot sign the certificate for himself.

In some government agencies There are rules according to which the salary is not indicated directly on the certificate; in this case, you can additionally provide a 2-NDFL with a stamp and signature, the validity of such paper is also at least a month.

There are points that must be clearly stated: place of work, position, salary amount. Inaccurate or false information may cause a visa refusal. If a certificate cannot be provided, then obtaining a visa is possible with sponsorship documents. Social status a person directly influences the opening of a visa, so if you have the opportunity to provide a full document from work, then be sure to do so. Your salary, which contains a certificate and the fact of your employment, is a guarantee of obtaining a visa.

By providing this document you guarantee that you will definitely return to due date back. You can see a sample of what a work certificate looks like on our website. Depending on the legal form and size of the organization, the time it takes to obtain a certificate may vary. In some holdings or state In corporations, such a document may go through many departments and specialists before it reaches your hands; in small companies, certificates are issued in 5 minutes. But the requirements for all certificates are the same, regardless of whether it is a commercial structure or a government organization.

You can prepare a certificate on a form, or you can write it in free form, simply indicate the most necessary data. If the Spanish Consulate staff has any questions additional questions When considering a visa application, they can call the specified mobile and work numbers.

Visas without a work certificate

If the applicant is a pensioner, then he must provide a copy of the pension certificate and a certificate from the bank with a stamp indicating the availability of funds in the account. If you prepare bank documents If this is not possible, then documents must be submitted from the sponsor - his certificate of employment and a certificate of relationship. Students similarly submit a certificate from the bank and from studies or sponsorship documents. Moreover financial guarantees for a visa should be calculated at a minimum of 70 euros per day of stay, and preferably about 100 euros per day. If you would like to receive more long term visa for a period of six months or more, do not skimp on the amount in your account, because any country is interested in welcoming wealthy travelers.

But if the applicant is an adult, has already completed his studies and is not retired, but cannot provide a certificate of employment, then just a certificate from the bank will not be enough. The consulate may have doubts about such a tourist. In such a situation, in fact, no working relationship keeps him in his home country and obligations do not force him to return back; moreover, it is unclear where the tourist receives income, from what sources and on what basis, in the eyes of the employees visa department, such an applicant is potential immigrant, and therefore risks getting visa refusal. To avoid such a situation, you can provide documents from work from your closest relatives and sponsorship letter that they are obliged to pay for your trip and are responsible for you.

People going to business trip or traveling abroad, inevitably face the need to provide a document on income from the place of work or a certificate from a bank account. Why do you need to submit such certificates and how are they prepared?


For visa center staff, such certificates are needed primarily to assess the income of a departing citizen. The higher your income, the greater your chances of successfully obtaining a visa. For a Schengen visa it is usually enough 25 thousand rubles per month For positive decision. And for going on a tour by bus, an income of 12 thousand rubles per month is enough.

A permanent stable income is a guarantee that a person will return to his homeland and not go to another country as a migrant. Thus, any citizen leaving the country must submit a certificate of income from his place of work or a certificate of income from business activities.

In case of absence official work There is an alternative solution - to provide a statement of your bank account and transactions for the last six months. If the employees consider the availability of funds sufficient for the trip and return, the decision to issue a visa will be in favor of the tourist.

Countries where a certificate is required

A citizen’s income certificate must be provided to complete the package of documents for travel to the following countries:

  • All countries that are part of the Schengen zone (not to be confused with the zone European Union). Among them: Germany, Portugal, France, Iceland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Norway, etc.
  • Canada;
  • Great Britain;
  • Ireland, etc.

Types of income certificates

If a citizen is officially employed, then at the place of work he makes a request for a certificate and submits it to Visa Center.

For individual entrepreneurs, persons engaged in private legal practice, and private notary offices are required to present a certificate from the bank, which reflects the funds in the owner’s account.

To travel to some countries, you may be required to reflect your account transactions for the past six months.

Certificate from place of work

The document is filled out by the chief accountant of the organization on the company's letterhead, A4 sheet.

The certificate must contain the following information:

  1. Legal name of the organization;
  2. Legal and actual address of the company or institution;
  3. Requisite card: INN, OGRN;
  4. Company contact number. You can specify your phone number general director, immediate supervisor or phone number from the HR department;
  5. Date of issue of the certificate. It must be issued no earlier than a month before submitting documents to the visa center. The certificate is issued for a period of one month;
  6. Certificate number;
  7. The date on which the employee began working in the company and the position held;
  8. Average monthly salary. Indicated in ruble equivalent. Consulates of some countries require you to indicate the average wages or income for the last 6 months;
  9. Return date job responsibilities- that is, going to work. A big plus will indicate that the employee has been granted leave for certain time and is expected to return to work upon completion;
  10. Signature of the general director or head of the company. You can also sign Chief Accountant, financial director companies;
  11. Seal of the organization;
  12. Indication for which visa center the document was drawn up. The wording “upon request” is acceptable.

The certificate to the visa center is completed in free form. General form something like this:

It is also allowed to submit to the consulate, instead of a standard income certificate, a certificate in form 2-NDFL. This is an enterprise reporting document for paying taxes to the Federal tax service. The certificate contains information about the amount of wages paid to the employee, state tax collection, and tax deductions submitted.

Banks also use this form to confirm a citizen’s stable income for a certain period. That is why such a certificate can be an alternative standard help about income from work. You can request a document from the organization where the employee works. In accordance with Article 62 of the Labor Code, the employer is obliged to provide it in accordance with written statement employee.

It is important to know that such a certificate can only be submitted to some countries.

Among them:

  • Czech Republic;
  • French Republic;
  • Germany.

The certificate contains information about income for six months or a year.

Bank reference

Some categories of citizens have a lower income than 25 thousand rubles per month. It's about about wages. A smaller amount will not be enough to obtain a visa. What to do in such situations?

A citizen can submit a certificate about the status of his bank account. This rule also applies to employees of private law firms and notary offices and individual entrepreneurs. Proof of account status can be requested from your local bank branch.

For such a certificate, the same rules apply as for a certificate from the place of work - it must be requested with an issue date no earlier than a month before submitting the package of documents for a visa.

Some countries require information not only about the account balance or current status, but also about transactions in the account over the past six months. These countries include Italy and the United States of America.

The document must contain the seal of the bank branch, full name authorized person who issued the certificate, his signature.

It is necessary to clarify in advance the information in what form the certificate should be submitted. So, consular embassies Spain requires the bank seal to have a square seal. Other countries accept a certificate from round stamp. This seal is the main seal of the bank. The certificate is paid in accordance with bank tariffs. IN currently the tariff is approximately 150 rubles at Sberbank.

It's important to know that individual entrepreneurs In order to receive such a statement from the bank about the status of the account, you must submit some documents:

  1. Certificate of state registration companies. A copy is provided.
  2. Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

How much should be in the account?

In order for a citizen to obtain a visa to the country, a sufficient amount of funds is required on his bank card.

For each country, the amount is individual, but on average the amount is determined from a little more than 4 thousand rubles per day per person.

Thus, if a citizen plans his trip for 14 days, the amount in his account should be about 55 thousand rubles.

Prohibited Methods

Some citizens are trying to get certificates illegal way. Thus, there are companies offering to issue false income certificates at the place of work with fictitious funds. Such companies charge good money for services, but you should remember that the purchase fake documents punishable by law.

Visa application center staff will detect the counterfeit. The result will be an indefinite refusal of entry abroad.

Other companies offer to buy certificates with false information about the status of a bank account or card balance. Such companies should also be avoided to avoid criminal liability.

Another common way to obtain a visa is to ask friends or relatives to provide a certificate stating that the citizen works in the same company. It should be remembered that visa center employees carefully check the accuracy of the data provided and can call and check whether a particular person actually works at the specified institution. If found false information the person will receive a multi-year visa refusal.

Design nuances

To obtain a visa, you should study in detail in advance the information on the form in which you must submit a certificate of income. This will save time and money.

Some countries require translation of certificates into the country's language. For example, to the USA, England, Ireland. The translation must be notarized.

When submitting a certificate to the French consulate, you must indicate the full name of the bank, its contact phone number and the location of the branch that issued the document.

If a citizen is planning a trip to Italy, then it is enough to provide an extract from bank card about the current state of the account and, upon request, about transactions for the last six months. Of course, for a positive decision in issuing a visa, the invoice must contain a sufficient amount.

Note: an income certificate or account statement can be transferred immediately at a bank branch.

To do this, you just need to request the service and pay the required amount. Translate the certificate into English.

If a citizen has sufficient knowledge of the language, he can make the translation himself.

What to do if there is no income and official employment?

Another way out of the situation if there is no official work or funds in the account is to arrange a sponsored trip.

A free-form certificate is submitted to the visa center stating that the trip is being paid for by a relative or some company or organization.

The document states that the sponsor assumes all obligations for the expenses of the traveler.

For citizens practicing freelancing, it is possible to submit certificates for work performed within 6 months. A bank account statement is also attached.

Thus, there is nothing difficult in obtaining a visa if you carefully study the requirements in advance, legal nuances and alternative presentation solutions necessary documents to the consulate.

It should not be taken lightly and relied entirely on officials who will be involved in the preparation of the document. A small mistake can cost you the time and money you'll spend on consular fee and preparation of all necessary documents. Often, for consulate officials who issue visas to Italy and decide whether to grant them or not, a certificate from the place of work serves as a guarantee that the applicant for permission to visit, and, in particular, Italy, then plans to return to his country. Whether the person who submitted it will soon be able to enjoy the beauties of old Europe largely depends on how high-quality and reliable the document provided from the place of employment is. Therefore, carefully prepare for the trip, study the design samples and read the information posted on the embassy’s website.

Take the preparation of a work certificate under your personal control. It should be exactly the document that will convince consulate officials of the need for your return to your homeland. The document must inspire respect and meet the following requirements:

  1. Registration on company letterhead.
  2. Includes reliable information about the applicant (full name and passport details).
  3. There is the name of the company and its details.
  4. There is information about the person submitting the certificate as an employee of a specific enterprise (position, salary, length of service, indicating the dates from which and until what time he works).
  5. There is information that you have taken a vacation (indicate for how long) and will start work on such and such a date.
  6. There is a seal of the enterprise and two paintings (of the manager and the chief accountant).

Consular officials should have no doubt that you intend to return home. The certificate will be the main confirmation of this intention. To compose it according to all the rules, study the sample, one of those presented on the Internet. Be careful and give preference to the official website of the embassy, ​​where the most reliable and up-to-date information is located.

Please note: when filling out the application for a visa to Italy, you indicate the period of stay in the country; it must coincide with the duration of the vacation indicated in the certificate.

Little things you shouldn't forget

Often companies are registered at one address, but are actually located at another. In this case, you need to additionally enter the actual address into the document, in addition to the registration address. If you work in one of the branches large company, which has offices in different cities, it is necessary that the certificate contains the main address and the actual one where you carry out your activities, indicating that this is a branch.

It is very important that all data about your work clearly matches what you wrote in the application form. If this does not happen, you will be rejected. The information in the certificate must match all other documents that you will prepare for submission to the consulate.

Instructions for filling out the application form for a visa through Italy in this video:

This video explains how to apply for a visa to Italy on your own:

There is one more very important “little thing” that can develop into a major problem: Do not bring fake documents to the consulate under any circumstances. This can block your way for a long time not only to Italy, but also to Schengen in general, as well as to many other countries. You will be blacklisted, from which it is not so easy to get out.

Visa is a document granting the right to freely cross borders. various states. In other words, this is a permit for temporary stay in the territory of another country. To obtain it, you need to prepare an impressive package of documents. The consulate of the country to which the application is submitted must be sure that the person is sufficiently motivated to return to his homeland. One of the significant proofs of this intention is the presence of a stable, well-paid job. For confirmation purposes this fact You must provide a certificate of income. It is the most important document for obtaining a visa.

Is it required in all cases?

Consulates of most countries will not accept an application without confirmation of the applicant's financial stability. For income certificate - mandatory document. One of the main reasons for refusals to issue a permit is lack of income or very little income.

However, there are countries (but very few of them) that are more loyal to tourists. For example, for a visa to China, a citizen of the Russian Federation does not have to provide a certificate of income. However, the consulate reserves the right to require this document. But there is one caveat: a citizen of the Russian Federation who was born on the territory of one of the countries former CIS, for a visa to China you must provide paper confirming your financial stability.

Certificate from place of work

Before requesting from management a document reflecting average income, it is recommended to check with the consulate the rules and regulations for its registration, because Each country can set its own conditions.

Often, information about wages is reflected on the company’s letterhead in A4 format. The amount of information depends on the selected country, but the certificate must contain the following information:

  • details of the enterprise;
  • date of execution of the document, its serial number;
  • full last name, first name and patronymic of the person who requested the certificate;
  • date of enrollment of the employee in the organization;
  • job title;
  • official salary expressed in national currency the applicant;
  • terms of granting leave to the employee;
  • company seal;
  • signature of the general director and, if possible, the chief accountant.

There are situations when a certificate of income for a visa must be duplicated on English language. The consulate will inform you additionally about this condition.

It is important to understand: the higher the salary, the greater the likelihood of obtaining a permit. It is advisable to indicate in the certificate not the total salary for the last year.

Don't ask the employee finance department raise the level real earnings. Consulate specialists Special attention pay attention to verifying the authenticity of the data provided.

As a rule, the income certificate for a visa must reflect an average monthly salary of at least 25 thousand rubles. For consulates of some countries, for example, the USA, an income of at least 30 thousand rubles is considered acceptable. This nuance also needs to be clarified before submitting the application.

Below is a sample income certificate for a work visa.

Statement of account

A situation where an employee receives unofficial wages is not uncommon. Providing fake certificate reporting income to the consulate is a big risk, because if the fraud is revealed, you can be left without a visa at all for for a long time. However, proof of solvency must be provided.

In this case, you need to request a current account statement from the bank. The amount on it must correspond next condition: for each day of stay in a foreign country you pay 60 euros. If the applicant has less money, the chances of obtaining a permit are significantly reduced.

Data that must be contained in the income certificate for a visa from the bank:

  • full name of the institution;
  • last name, first name and patronymic of the client;
  • available balances on all accounts.

When contacting the bank, it is enough to state the purpose of obtaining the certificate; specialists are aware of the rules and regulations for its preparation for consulates and visa centers.

Benefits of a bank statement:

  • reflects financial stability with unofficial wages;
  • confirms the applicant’s solvency if his salary is below the required level, but he has additional sources of income.

Below is a sample income certificate for a visa issued by a bank.

Sponsorship confirmation

If the applicant is not working at the time of submitting documents, any consulate may accept a letter from a person willing to cover all travel expenses. If her goal is tourism, the document must be executed exclusively by immediate relatives.

It is compiled in free form, but must necessarily contain the following information:

  • indication of the consulate for which it was prepared;
  • last name, first name, patronymic of the sponsor and applicant;
  • passport data: foreign - traveler, civilian - person paying for the trip;
  • relation degree;
  • name of the country and date of intended travel.

The text must indicate that the sponsor guarantees payment of all expenses associated with the applicant's trip.

The following documents are attached to the letter:

  1. Copy civil passport sponsor (pages with biographical information).
  2. Extract from bank account a relative willing to cover expenses, and a certificate of income issued at the place of work.
  3. A copy of the document proving close connection with the applicant.

The sponsorship letter does not need to be notarized.

Production time and validity

A certificate of income for a visa requested at the place of work must be ready no later than 5 working days. In many organizations this question solves quickly enough - within a few hours.

Depending on the bank, the statement may be provided immediately, maximum time its production - 3 working days.

As a rule, the document is valid for 1 month. If the applicant does not have official place work and his financial stability raises doubts with the consulate, in this case it is recommended to issue a certificate no later than one week before submitting documents.

Other ways to confirm income

On financial well-being The following papers may also be indicated:

  • receipts proving the fact of purchase of tickets;
  • documents with stamps from exchange offices, confirming the purchase of currency before the trip;
  • certificates from banks reflecting the fulfillment of loan obligations by the borrower.

These papers are full-fledged documents proving the applicant’s solvency. If he owns apartments, houses, dachas or cars, financial stability can also be confirmed with certificates and warrants.

Reasons for visa refusal due to certificate

It is important to remember that the consulate has the opportunity to verify the authenticity of information at any time.

  • use someone else's funds to obtain a bank statement and then return them to the owner;
  • provide data on inactive accounts.

What other documents are needed to obtain a visa?

Depending on the purpose of the trip, the list necessary papers is expanding. Consulate specialists will additionally tell you what documents are needed to obtain a visa.

It is mandatory to provide:


Visa - permit document, the owner of which has the right to move freely throughout the territories of most countries, crossing their borders without hindrance. At the same time, obtaining it requires a lot of effort. The consulate will inform the applicant about what documents are needed to obtain a visa. An income certificate is a piece of paper that needs to be completed with extreme care. Providing knowingly false information may close the borders of other countries to you for a long time.

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