Sample application form for a foreign citizen. How to fill out the registration form for a foreign citizen? What circumstances should be taken into account when submitting an application to attract foreigners to work in the Russian Federation?

What are the rules for registration of foreign nationals on the territory of the Russian Federation? A foreigner must be registered on the basis of the provisions set out in Articles 14-19 Federal Law, adopted on July 19, 2009, under No. 199-FZ.

In Part 2, he announces the procedure for registration at the place of residence of persons arriving from abroad and stateless persons. And also - more an early document, Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated June 17, 2006, No. 109-FZ.

It states that foreigners who are long time within the Russian Federation living on temporary or permanent basis in Russia, they are required to report to the branches of the Federal Migration Service the address at which the guest (and other) invitation was received when registering in the place intended for their residence.

This provision especially applies to those of them who have purchased real estate in the capital or in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the form of apartments, private houses and other objects located administered by the Housing Fund.

The presence of property determines the obligation to register. If there are several objects, registration allows one of the addresses of your choice, the remaining objects are tied to the designated address as property person assigned to cadastral registration and entered into the records State cadastre real estate (GKN).

Migration services of the Russian Federation act as intermediaries between persons legally present in the state and those arriving from abroad.

The legal capacity of foreigners is determined through a designated institution.

It inspects and supervises this variety of population, adapting it to civil relations permitted for persons inhabiting the territory.

Print registration form foreign citizen possible on the Internet. The application form is approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


How to register a foreign citizen? The necessary conditions:

  1. The right granted by the receiving party (PP) to the unhindered use of residential premises located within the Russian Federation.
  2. Residence permit or permit for temporary stay in the Russian Federation.
  3. Registration in the department migration service and proper execution of accounting documents.

A non-resident submits an application to an authorized employee, to the FMS office by property location, which he owns by right of ownership or premises in which he can live freely with the permission of the owner of the premises.

Typically, permission to enter and use housing is provided by those who invited on a guest visa faces.

Those arriving for work settle in with previously arrived compatriots or with an employer or legal entity.

Time frames provided

How many days are given to register a foreign guest? This period is determined by the relevant legislative acts.

The start period for this procedure requires compliance administrative regulations, standards are set period of 7 working days. This period is calculated from the moment:

  • acquisition of real estate;
  • when permission to reside was received by the PP;
  • from the date when the person arrived in the locality.

Registration is permissible from the moment of receipt of a residence permit; it usually involves a temporary stay in the territory of the Russian Federation, not exceeding total 1 year.

If the foreigner decides leave, for example, visiting your family who remained in their homeland, the deadline falls restore again, a new civil action.

The absence of a registration stamp allows the use of forcible expulsion of persons to places permanent residence on the territory of the states from which they illegally arrived, that is - deportation.

A residence permit or permission to enter the territory of the Russian Federation is indicated immediately upon arrival. Regarding visitors from visa countries , migration registration deadlines are extended:

  • for visitors from Tajikistan – up to 15 days;
  • for visitors from Kazakhstan and Belarus – up to 1 month;
  • for visitors from Ukraine – up to 3 months.

Step-by-step instruction

Registration corresponding to the location and residence of persons is issued in local branch Federal Migration Service of the region where the person arriving from abroad has been provided with housing.

If they property purchased– at the location of the property, corresponding to the entries made in the State Property Committee.

Which documentation required to register a foreign citizen? The following documents are required to be submitted to the Federal Migration Service:

  • an identity document that is normatively recognized on the territory of the Russian Federation and fits into the context of civil law relations;
  • residence permit or temporary residence permit of a person, serving as documentation allowing entry;
  • title or other document allowing the use of the premises in which registration is being registered.

FMS branches have the right to independently contact the municipality and other homeowners for confirmation of right of use.

Title documentation may be transferred directly by the owner, and not by the person who is allowed to live in the premises.

The application is submitted to the boss district office and written in his name. It contains information:

  1. Name of body registration accounting completely, without abbreviations.
  2. Last name, first name and patronymic of the arrival.
  3. Information about persons who arrived with him as family members or business travelers.
  4. A list is given and indicated in words total number arrived.
  5. Arrival time. The date of arrival and departure is indicated.
  6. The place from which foreign guests arrived.
  7. Reasons or purpose of arrival in the Russian Federation.
  8. Passport details of the person who provided the accommodation.
  9. Address and location of the premises, type of legal ownership on the part of the person who provided permission for registration.

The deadlines established for carrying out the designated procedure are do not exceed one month from the date the foreigner submits the application.

After submission title documentation, registration must be completed no later than the next business day.

This type of documentation includes:

  • accounting information from the State Real Estate Cadastre on the ownership of real estate;
  • agreement social hiring, concluded with the local administration;
  • other documents certifying the right of a foreigner to stay in specific room, with the right to use it as housing.

Living in hotels, hotels and boarding houses tourists arriving from abroad receive temporary registration directly at their place of residence.

If tourist arrived in Russia for less than 7 days, there is no need for registration, an arrival note is enough. State duty, paid for the service at the FMS office, is 118 rubles.

After registration in the documentation “Residence Permit” or “Temporary Residence Permit”, the migration service department makes the appropriate notes certifying registration.

These documents indicate duly registered residence permanent address. They are issued to foreigners to confirm the legality of their stay on the territory of the state.

Identical information is entered into the registration data of the FMS body. They are also given certificate of registration migration registration , which contains personal data and information about the family if its members arrived together. The certificate itself remains in the department, but is given in person tear-off coupon.

Cancellation of migration registration

Design nuances procedures cancel the migration registration of certain groups of foreign nationals. Among them:

Accounting on the territory of the apartment

How to register a foreign citizen in your apartment? Russians often agree to provide foreigners with premises for permanent residence and registration at your address.

Such actions are permissible if the owner solely owns the apartment. If he has a share in the right, then he will have to present a notarized consent of co-owners.

For municipal non-privatized housing, the rule applies: provide the consent of all adult family members who do not object to the unhindered presence of persons on their territory.

Usually, temporary accounting By specified address carried out for 12 months. There are frequent precedents when Russians do not understand legal consequences providing housing to migrants.

What are the consequences for the owner of temporary registration of foreign citizens?

By providing them with an area for registration, they automatically give them territory for permanent residence. Subsequently, when unwanted tenants move into their apartment, many have no choice but to live together.

After providing an apartment for registration, citizens act as an inviting party for guests arriving in the Russian Federation. The inviting party is responsible for the actions of foreigners who were granted a residence permit.

In particular, for violation of the migration regime she is charged with penalties in the amount of:

Measures applied in migration policy states are the basis maintaining law and order on the territory of the Russian Federation.

They require increased responsibility and conscientious attitude from all participants in the registration procedure for foreigners.

To register for migration, a foreigner must provide to the authorized authority certain documents.

In this article you can learn how to fill out the registration form for a foreign citizen and notification of his arrival.

Documentation for migration registration

Foreigners who come to Russia for permanent or temporary residence must mandatory register for migration. For this purpose, the citizen himself or his representative applies to the territorial branch of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with a certain set of documents.

In this case, you can send a request to the authority with with the help of MFC or Russian Post (in the latter case a fixed fee is charged for the service).

Migration registration refers to the registration of a person at the place of regular or temporary residence in the country. If a citizen lives in several premises, he must select one of them for registration, providing the Ministry of Internal Affairs officer with information about the location of other real estate objects.

To register for migration, a certain package of documentation is provided to the required authority:

  • arrival notification;
  • identity card of a foreign person;
  • a completed application for temporary registration at the place of residence;
  • migration card issued to a person upon entry into the country;
  • a private invitation or consent of the host party to move a citizen into a residential premises;
  • a document confirming the right to own housing (if the applicant is a Russian citizen to whom the foreigner came by invitation).

As a rule, the receiving party (citizen) is responsible for submitting documentation Russian Federation to whom the foreigner came, or the administration of the institution where he stayed, for example, a hotel). The law does not prohibit the foreigner himself from contacting the necessary authority.

You must register before graduation working week from the moment of arrival.

How to fill out an application for registration of a foreign citizen?

To receive the service of interest, a person must fill out corresponding form for registration at the place of residence and submit it to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, multifunctional center or Russian Post.

Acceptance of documents is carried out after verification of the correctness of the information entered in the request by an employee of the authority.

The form requires the following information:

  • last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the foreigner;
  • his date of birth;
  • official citizenship (if any);
  • name of the technical department of the state body authorized to register foreigners;
  • the exact address of the citizen’s place of residence;
  • Full name of the person or name of the institution that provided the premises for occupancy;
  • the type of document serving as confirmation of a person’s rights to move into a residential premises, and its details;
  • the address at which the citizen was previously registered;
  • signature of the actual applicant.

In practice, a foreign person may live at several addresses, for example, due to frequent moves. In such a situation, in the text of the request it is important to indicate the location of each property in which the citizen periodically stays.

Rules for filling out the application form

If a foreign person has not reached the age of majority, a legal representative (for example, a parent) can fill out the request form for him. At the same time, information about the applicant himself is entered into the document.

You must fill out the form in Russian:

IN Lately government officials prefer the printed version. The use of abbreviations or errors in the text of the application is unacceptable. If the form contains corrections or incorrect information, you should fill out new document.

In some authorities, the accuracy of the entered information is checked for a fee by an authorized employee. For example, a similar service is provided by Russian Post. You can find the current tariffs on the official website ( of the company or by .

How is notification of a person's arrival completed?

Accepting a request to register a foreigner for migration registration is impossible without attaching an identity card to it of this citizen, migration card and corresponding notification of arrival. Filling procedure last document depends on who the applicant is (usually the receiving party).

You can download it here on the website or on the official web resource of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

It is important to indicate the following information in the text of the document:

  • Full name and citizenship of the foreigner;
  • his date of birth and gender;
  • ID details;
  • purpose of coming to the country;
  • date of border crossing;
  • residence address in Russia;
  • details of a document confirming that a person has rights to reside in a particular premises;
  • series and number of the migration card filled out upon entry into the country;
  • profession;
  • expected duration of stay in Russia;
  • the address at which the citizen was previously registered.

In addition, information about the receiving party is entered into the form. If it is a private person, the notification indicates his full name, address of residence and/or registration, and passport details.

If the receiving party is the establishment in which the citizen is checking in (for example, a hotel), the following is entered in the text of the form:

Consent for a citizen to live in residential premises can be issued a separate document, however, information on granting permission to move in is also subject to indication on back side form. If the receiving party is an institution, the document is stamped and signed authorized person.

This form You can also fill out using technical means or by hand in writing. Greater preference is given printed form, because it is better perceived and reduces the risk of making mistakes in the text.

Petition to the Federal Migration Service: basic information

A foreign citizen may receive a petition from an employer to use it in for various purposes, for example for representation in Judicial authority(if such an employee has committed an offense, and the employer is ready to take him “on bail” or present him corresponding characteristic etc.) or for referral to the Main Department of Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in order to renew the patent, etc.

PAY ATTENTION! From June 1, 2016, the functionality of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation transferred to the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (see Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 5, 2016 No. 156). IN this article the word “FMS” is used for simplification.

The legislator has not developed unified/standard forms for all types of applications from the employer. So, for an application to attract highly qualified foreign specialist(hereinafter referred to as VKIS) (subclause 1, clause 6, article 13.2 of the Federal Law “On legal status foreign citizens in the Russian Federation" dated July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ) provides for a form approved. by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2010 No. 487. Included in the list mandatory documents submitted to the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation by a foreign citizen in order to renew a patent (subclause 8, clause 9, article 13.3 of Law No. 115-FZ), the petition is drawn up in free form.

The document is drawn up in in writing, and its content is determined depending on the final purpose and essence of the employer’s appeal.

If the petition is sent to the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, then the addressee is the head territorial office this government agency. You can find out the exact name of his position and last name, first name, patronymic on the official website of the relevant departments of GUVM Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Filling out an application to the Federal Migration Service (sample)

This document can be drawn up in free form (except for a petition to involve VKIS). In general, the structure of the text of the petition should be approximately as follows:

  • information about the employer - name of the organization (full name). individual entrepreneur or an individual acting as an employer), which must exactly match the name of the employer indicated in the labor/civil law contract and notice of hiring a foreign citizen previously submitted to the Federal Migration Service; registration details, address, Bank details, Full name of the head;
  • information about the employee (full name, citizenship, details of an identity document, date of birth);
  • data about labor activity a citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation (profession, position, length of service, details of an employment/civil law contract, job characteristics);
  • specific request (for example, to extend a patent in connection with the continuation of labor relations- in this case, all details of the patent must be written down: its series and number, as well as the series and number of the form, date of issue, validity period, name of the authority that issued the patent, territory of validity of the patent);
  • date of submission of the application;
  • personal signature of the applicant with transcript.

The most optimized form for such an application can be downloaded below from the link: Petition from the employer to the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation - sample.

Based on the sample provided for completion, it is easy to draw up a petition for patent renewal.

What circumstances should be taken into account when filing an application to attract foreigners to work in the Russian Federation?

For an employer intending to hire foreign persons(including VKIS), it should be noted that the said request may be refused for the following reasons (see “Methodology for assessing effectiveness...”, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated September 17, 2007 No. 604):

  • The register of recipients of government services in the field of employment does not record information about the employer’s needs for workers in the requested specialties (for example, Resolution 4 of the AAS dated November 18, 2011 in case No. A58-2259/2011).
  • The period for posting information about the specified needs of the employer for workers in the requested specialties is less than 1 calendar month at the time of receiving a request from the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to invite foreigners to these vacancies.
  • Number Russian citizens, having the necessary professional qualifications and registered with government employment services for the purpose of searching suitable job, sufficient to satisfy the employer’s needs for workers in the requested specialties (for example, the FAS resolution Ural district dated 12/19/2011 in case No. A34-690/2011, resolution 5 of the AAS dated 06/24/2011 in case No. A51-15544/2010).

Thus, for individual species petitions established standard form(petition to involve VKIS), others can be submitted in free form indicating all significant attributes.

When registering at the place of residence for a foreign person, it is very important to fill out the application correctly established form.

The form of the application submitted for registration of a foreign person is established by the FMS (Federal Migration Service).

This must be done within a working week after receiving a residence permit in Russia.

The application shall contain the following information:

  • name of the authority to which the application is submitted;
  • Full name, citizenship, date of birth of the foreigner;
  • details of the document certifying personal data (name, number, series, validity period);
  • details of the document on the right to reside in Russia;
  • postal address of the proposed registration;
  • details of the document on the right to use the premises and the name of the person who provided the premises (individual or legal);
  • address last registration;
  • applicant's signature.

On back side:

  • data about legal representative a foreigner in Russia – full name, gender, date and place of birth;
  • details of the document certifying the personal data of the representative (name, number, series, validity period);
  • representative's signature.

If there are two or more premises, the application shall indicate information about all ( postal addresses).

Related documents

The originals are attached to the application:

  • a document certifying the personal data of a foreigner;
  • document on the right to use the premises (ownership agreement or other document).

A document on the right to use housing may not be submitted if the information at the time of filing the application is at the disposal of the authorities local authorities or government agencies.

At the same time, information about them is indicated in the application.

In case of failure to submit any application, the service employees will not be accepted.

All useful and actual information O piecework payment located .

After checking the data and accepting the application in the temporary residence permit or residence permit, as well as in the application, a registration mark is placed on the same day. For a foreign citizen whose temporary residence permit is issued as a mark in his passport, the registration mark is affixed there. For refugees with a temporary residence permit, a registration mark is placed on the refugee certificate.

When registering at another place of residence, the migration service employee sends within three working days tear-off part statements in territorial administration FMS at the place of previous registration for deregistration and registration of a foreigner necessary information.

All foreign citizens who cross the border of the Russian Federation are required to undergo the procedure migration control. It consists of submitting information about arrival to the Federal Migration Service (in 2019, the migration service is called the Main Migration Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs).

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Please note that the information is submitted to territorial bodies at the place of future registration.

The principle is based on the submission of an application by a foreign citizen for registration at the place of residence. To do this, fill in special form and is sent to the migration service by mail or delivered in person.

Ignoring such conditions entails a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation and, as a consequence, administrative penalty up to and including deportation from the country.

To avoid problems when submitting an application and going through the registration procedure, you need to take into account several nuances. First of all, this concerns filling out the application.

In fact, the procedure is not difficult, but for a foreign citizen even the simplest little things can become a problem. You can avoid this by studying everything current issues on this topic.

Main details

Compliance with prescribed conditions and requirements current legislation– the key to successfully completing the registration procedure. A foreign citizen should remember that violations when filling out papers or making inaccuracies can lead to problems.

For example, if the wrong step was taken by mistake, then the consequence will be replay procedures. This takes time and money.

If migration control officers notice that there is any malicious intent or deliberate provision false information, then the liability will be more serious.

What is necessary

For all foreign citizens who cross the border of the Russian Federation and plan to stay in the country for a long time, it is provided standard procedure passing migration control followed by registration at the place of residence.

Registration can be temporary or permanent:

To confirm permanent registration you need to go through 3 stages:

  • provide documents to the territorial department of the Main Department of Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • be the owner of an apartment or have a social tenancy agreement for more than 3 years (only in this case permanent registration is provided for foreign citizens);
  • provide documents for the apartment or other papers necessary for permanent registration.

Whenever controversial issues employees migration authorities has the right to request additional documents.

Required papers

The documents for temporary and permanent registration of a foreign person are different. However, they differ in only a few points.

The general package of papers for migration registration is as follows:

  • National passport of a foreigner.
  • Completed application.
  • Papers confirming the availability of a place to stay. It is this point that distinguishes between obtaining permanent and temporary registration. For permanent registration, a citizen presents ownership rights to housing, which he has owned for more than 3 years. For temporary registration - a lease agreement.
  • Paid receipt of state duty.

Sometimes proof of ownership of property may be required (sale and purchase agreement, gift), but this is not mandatory.

Who fills and submits

The application is filled out and submitted to the territorial migration service authorities only on behalf of the receiving party.

In the case of relatives, friends and acquaintances, citizens of the Russian Federation must explain this in the application. At the same time, they bear full responsibility for the citizen, including his health.

If a foreigner comes to Russia on his own for a short-term visit, then the application is filled out on behalf of the landlord or other person who provides him with housing. This can be either physical or entity (specialized companies, boarding houses, hotels).

If a foreign citizen visits Russia for the purpose of living in his own home, then the documentation is filled out on his behalf personally. In this case, the foreigner most often has a residence permit and has an intermediate status between a citizen of the Russian Federation and his native state.

General rules

The basic rules for filling out the application include:

  • It is allowed to fill out both handwritten and computer way(it should be noted that migration service employees prefer the mechanized option);
  • the language used is Russian;
  • Any corrections, blots, inaccuracies, as well as false information are prohibited;
  • for foreign citizens minor age application is filled out official representatives(in this case, the information of both people is indicated in the application).

If the documents are filled out by refugees, then the corresponding mark is placed in the document.

Filling Features

It would seem - what could be difficult to fill out? standard statement for registration of a foreign citizen at the place of residence. In fact, there are many pitfalls, which should be taken into account when undergoing the procedure.

The filling features are:

  • The procedure is carried out only in territorial department migration service. This means that if a foreigner applies to the Main Department of Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, located in an area of ​​the city that is different from the place of registration, the documents will be refused. This is important if there are 1-2 days left before submitting the application. In this case, there is a delay in applying to government structure followed by a fine or other administrative measures impact.
  • Presentation complete package documents - this is also worth paying attention to, because if at least one document is missing or if it does not meet the established standards, the application will also be refused. It is necessary to prepare in advance an agreement on the rental of housing (if it is planned to obtain temporary registration) or ownership of housing (if you want to obtain permanent registration).
  • Contacting special companies that provide permanent registration. This is not prohibited by law, but you should carefully study the company’s documents and provided contracts. Increased fee for the service is considered the norm, but you should not give preference to companies with too cheap tariffs. There is a high risk of falling for scammers.
  • The procedure for obtaining permanent or temporary registration for a foreigner takes no more than 10-12 days. This period is spent studying the submitted documents and making a decision. If the procedure is delayed, it is not forbidden to inquire about the progress of things. If a response is not received for a long time and no comments are issued from migration control officers, it makes sense to contact higher authorities.
  • At successful completion procedure, the registration address is entered in single base data, and is also duplicated in the foreigner’s identity card.

An application is the main document on the basis of which registration of a citizen of another state in Russia is carried out. Wherein additional papers have an equally significant role.

Sample form

The application has form No. 9 and provides the following items for filling:

  1. Surname.
  2. Surname.
  3. Date of Birth.
  4. Place of Birth.
  5. Passport details or multiple identification documents.
  6. Residence address.
  7. Military duty.
  8. Marks of registration at the place of residence.
  9. Notes on removal from the register.

If a foreign citizen owns real estate, this fact is indicated in the application.

Additional measures

If it is not possible to obtain permanent registration, a foreigner is forced to undergo the procedure of temporary registration. Sometimes this is more correct and profitable solution when a short-term visit to Russia is planned.

Temporary conditions

The standard period for registration at the place of residence is 7 days.

This period is automatically reduced to 1 day if the foreigner belongs to one of the following categories:

No permanent registration This seems logical, because if a person does not have a place for permanent residence, then he needs to register temporarily to begin with.
Short-term visit to a country for the purpose of staying in a specific place For treatment in a clinic, sanatorium, boarding house, etc. The place of stay is limited in this case to the specific boundaries of the institution where the foreign person is sent.
Watch If a citizen works on a rotational basis, then he also should not register permanently. The specifics of the work involve staying in Russia for a short period (often no more than 1-2 months).
Face without specific place residence In this case, the citizen cannot obtain permanent registration, because in most cases he either does not have identification documents or does not have the right to own the property.
Is in custody or serving a sentence in a special institution Accordingly, there are no rights to obtain permanent registration in this case.

Important clarification: if a foreigner belonging to one of the listed categories arrives in the Russian Federation on a holiday, then the deadline for obtaining registration is postponed to the first working day after the weekend.

Established deadlines and state fees

It is important to understand the difference between obtaining permanent or temporary registration and registration. The latter option provides for a seven-day period from the moment of crossing the border and does not imply mandatory presence registration for staying on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Permanent registration is determined precisely by the fact that a foreign citizen must have real estate and, accordingly, a residence permit.

Only after receiving the relevant documents is it possible to go through the procedure for obtaining permanent registration. This is given 7 days from the date of registration of documents for the ownership of real estate.

Much more time is given for obtaining temporary registration – up to 90 days. This is explained by the fact that for 3 months a foreigner can stay in Russia without registration.

Registration for migration is mandatory, as in all other cases.

Thus, when crossing the border of the Russian Federation, a foreigner has 90 days left to apply for registration or fly back to his homeland. If during this time a citizen purchases real estate, then he has 7 days to receive permanent residence after completing the documents.

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