Functional subsystems of the computer system. forces and means of rschs

To predict, prevent and eliminate the consequences of catastrophes and natural disasters in each civilized country, special organizational structures are created. In Russia, to solve these problems, a centralized system is functioning that unites various branches of government. Thanks to the interaction and coordination of all parts of the state apparatus, the government manages to effectively deal with various cataclysms and anomalous natural phenomena.

The first steps towards creating an organized system of protection against extreme accidents were taken in Soviet Russia back in 1918. The functions were assigned to the civil defense that was being created at that time, which was for the most part focused on military needs. The decree of the Petrograd Defense Committee ordered the organization of observation positions and points for the provision of primary medical care, as well as explaining the rules of conduct for air attacks to local residents.

In the 30s, by the decision of the Council of People's Commissars, the first centralized organization was created - Local air defense... It included more than three thousand separate voluntary squads that existed at that time. During the Great Patriotic War, the Air Defense Forces ensured the effective safety of strategic industrial and socially significant facilities from the bombing of enemy aircraft.

In the 50s, with the emergence of the threat of the use of weapons of mass destruction, there was a need for modernization MPHO... Therefore, in 1961, this organization was improved and renamed to Civil defense... System GO became an integral part of the Ministry of Defense. Field of activity GO applied not only to protection against weapons of mass destruction, but also to the performance of emergency rescue measures.

In the 70s and 80s, the system Civil defense did not undergo any special changes, although the prerequisites for its serious reorganization are ripe.

Fundamental changes took place in the early 90s, when the government was formed Russian Rescue Corps as the State Committee. Since that time, the formation of a new centralized system began, uniting various departments of state power in one structure.

In 1992, a decision was made to establish a Russian system for warning and action in emergencies. She received broad powers in the economic, military, environmental spheres of activity. This structure is designed to coordinate the efforts of all authorities in the event of various disasters. It was later renamed to Unified state system for the prevention and elimination of emergencies, which exists to the present day. At the same time, its abbreviation was preserved as RSChS.

The main activities of RSChS

Today RSChS is one of the key links in the structure of state power. Priority areas of work RSChS systems are:

  • Management of structural divisions of centralized subordination, coordination of the activities of municipal authorities.
  • Controlling activity. Supervisory and regulatory authorities exercise control over the activities of state and local government bodies.
  • Carrying out preventive work. Preventive activity consists in the development of programs and implementation of measures that provide timely warning of the threat of an extreme incident and its scale.
  • Training and practical training. Teaching citizens the norms of behavior in critical conditions involves the development of special programs, training seminars and training sessions. Training of specialized workers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, improving their professional skills is carried out in specialized educational centers and institutions for advanced training.
  • Material and technical supply of structural divisions.

The key role in the implementation of the state program in terms of protecting citizens, natural and material resources is played by the design and implementation of a unified action program for departments of different RSChS levels... This became possible due to the coordinated work of all parts of the system. (In the past, these issues were resolved independently by each department).

Goals and objectives of RSChS

The main goals of RSChS can be formulated based on the name of this organizational structure:

  • to prevent and prevent emergencies;
  • to reduce damage from disasters, catastrophes and other cataclysms;
  • quickly neutralize emergency situations and eliminate its negative consequences.

To achieve these objectives, governing bodies need to address the following tasks of RSChS:

  1. Creation of conditions for the introduction into practice of scientific projects aimed at predicting natural disasters and reducing the scale of destructive consequences, as well as strengthening the functionality of production facilities in extreme conditions.
  2. Ensuring the preparedness of equipment and human resources for actions to eliminate emergencies.
  3. Teaching the civilian population how to behave in extreme situations.
  4. Coordination of the work of the RSChS regulatory bodies.
  5. Organization of the activities of special services to predict and analyze the likely consequences.
  6. Formation of a fund of material and financial resources to help victims and restore destroyed facilities.
  7. Coordinated interaction of all divisions for the localization of natural disasters and the elimination of the consequences of disasters.
  8. Organization of first aid posts for victims of disasters or disasters.
  9. Creation and implementation of regulations related to the provision of legal protection to citizens of the country in the event of an emergency.
  10. Development of cooperation at the international level.

RSChS structure. RSChS levels

United RSChS system consists of two interconnected subsystems:

  1. Functional RSChS subsystems are created in ministries and departments to carry out professional activities in the branches of the national economy accountable to them. They are formed and controlled by the federal governing bodies.
  2. Territorial RSChS subsystems are created according to the administrative-territorial principle. They are formed in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in municipalities to carry out work in the area under their control.

In addition, the structure RSChS is divided into 5 levels, each of which is accountable to a superior:

  • Federal. The highest tier is represented by ministries and departments of central subordination.
  • Interregional. Each of the seven counties has a centralized RSChS management body.
  • Regional. Leading responsibilities are assigned to the ministries of the subjects.
  • Municipal. Local authorities RSChS management in municipalities.
  • Object. Accredited employees of a separate industrial, social and other facility.

RSChS governing bodies

All managers RSChS authorities are subdivided into permanent, coordinating and RSChS authorities day-to-day management.

Standing bodies of the RSChS

Centers and departments, operating on a permanent basis, are intended for direct control over the implementation of planned activities. Such centers are: the Ministry of Emergencies of the central subordination, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergencies in federal subjects, regional and municipal departments of the Ministry of Emergencies.

RSChS coordinating bodies

To coordinate all links RSChS commissions are formed. The composition and powers of the Committee for Emergency Situations are approved by a federal or regional body, as well as by a local self-government body. The main task of the Committee for Emergency Situations is to ensure interaction and coordinated work of all divisions.

RSChS bodies of day-to-day management

Items RSChS management carry out round-the-clock monitoring of the situation in the controlled area. The highest authority is the Central Command Post. In the subjects, municipalities, there are centers and departments that have duty and dispatch services. Dispatching departments operate at the facilities.

Forces and means of RSChS

To prevent and eliminate various kinds of cataclysms, control services and emergency rescue units have been formed. Part forces and means of RSChS are included.

According to the definition, RSChS is an organizational system that unites and coordinates the actions of control bodies, forces and means of federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies and organizations whose competence includes solving issues of protecting the population and territories from emergencies (Fig. 1.2).

The unified state system for the prevention and elimination of emergencies consists of functional and territorial subsystems operating at the federal, regional, territorial, local and facility levels.

Functional subsystems of RSChS are created by federal executive bodies in ministries, departments (including law enforcement agencies) and organizations of federal subordination to organize work to protect the population and territories from emergencies in the field of their activities.

Territorial subsystems of RSChS are created by executive authorities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the prevention and elimination of emergencies within their territories and consist of district, city, district, facility and other units of the ERC.

Each level of the Unified State Emergency Prevention and Response System includes the following:

Coordinating management bodies;

Governing bodies;

Bodies of day-to-day management;

Forces and means;

Communication systems, notification, information support;

Reserves of financial and material resources.

RSChS coordinating bodies are as follows:

At the federal level, covering the entire territory of the Russian Federation, there is the Interdepartmental Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergencies and Ensuring Fire Safety under the Government of Russia.

Departmental commissions for the prevention and elimination of emergencies and fire safety in federal executive bodies (ministries and departments of the Russian Federation).

At the territorial level, covering the territory of one subject of the Russian Federation (republic, territory, region, autonomous entity), - commission for the prevention and elimination of emergencies and ensuring fire safety of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

At the local level, covering the territory of a rural area, a city, a district in a city, and other settlements, there is a commission for the prevention and elimination of emergencies and ensuring fire safety of local governments.

At the facility level, covering the territory of an organization, institution, enterprise, - facility commissions for the prevention and elimination of emergencies and ensuring fire safety (created if necessary).

The main task of these governing bodies is to coordinate the activities of governing bodies, forces and means of the RSChS of the corresponding level and their general management in the implementation of measures to protect the population and territories from emergencies. In everyday conditions, they are collected at regular intervals, in case of a threat or emergencies - immediately.

Governing bodies for Civil Defense and Emergencies are as follows:

At the federal level - the EMERCOM of Russia, in the ministries, departments and organizations of the Russian Federation - the Civil Defense Department.

At the regional level, there are regional centers for civil defense and emergency situations.

At the territorial level - committees or main departments, departments for Civil Defense and Emergencies, created under the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

At the local level - departments or departments for Civil Defense and Emergencies created under local government bodies.

At the facility level - departments (employees) for civil defense of organizations (facilities).

Rice. 1.2.Unified state system for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations

These governing bodies are intended for the direct organization of daily planning and management of the implementation of measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies.

Regional centers of Civil Defense and Emergencies - plenipotentiary representatives of EMERCOM of Russia in the regions, subordinate directly to the Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense and Emergencies.

In a day-to-day situation, the management of the RSChS activities is organized from the workplaces of the respective managers. When liquidating emergencies in peacetime, reserve, mobile and auxiliary control points of the Civil Defense and Emergencies can be used.

The operational duty services of the EMERCOM of Russia are created at the federal, regional, territorial and local levels and are located at the control points of the Civil Defense and Emergencies.

The central command post serves as the main control point in the EMERCOM of Russia system, from which stable and continuous control and monitoring of the functioning of the subsystems and links of the Russian Emergencies Ministry is carried out.

Crisis Management Center - an operational control body for the forces and means of the RSChS and the EMERCOM of Russia, interacting within its competence with the federal and regional management bodies of the Russian Federation, as well as with the relevant authorities of foreign countries on civil defense, prevention and elimination of emergencies.

To the forces and means of RSChS include staff and non-staff forces and means of federal executive bodies, regional centers of civil defense and emergency situations, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies and organizations participating in accordance with their responsibilities in monitoring and controlling the state of the environment, potentially dangerous objects with the purpose of preventing the occurrence and elimination of emergencies (Table 1.3).

Forces and means of observation and control - formations, services and institutions of a network for monitoring and laboratory monitoring of the state of the natural environment, raw materials, food, water and adjacent territories, subordinate to the EMERCOM of Russia and other federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation.

Forces and means of emergency response - the forces and means of the EMERCOM of Russia, as well as the forces and means of the ministries and departments of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government, organizations - specially trained search and rescue, emergency rescue, emergency recovery, emergency technical, fire fighting, medical, veterinary and other forces and means of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Ministry of Health and other departments of the Russian Federation, as well as republics, territories, regions, districts, cities and organizations (objects).

Non-standard formations of civil defense - general, special and specialized object, local, territorial and departmental civil organizations of civil defense of constant, increased and daily readiness.

Specially trained forces Of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which can be involved in the elimination of emergencies only in the manner determined by special provisions.

The liquidation of emergency situations is carried out by the forces and means of organizations, local self-government bodies, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which the emergency has developed.

The composition of the forces and means of RSChS

Table 1.3.

Forces and means of observation and control

Forces and means of emergency response

Forces and means of EMERCOM of Russia:

Formation and organization of EMERCOM of Russia

Forces and means of EMERCOM of Russia:

Formations, units and subunits of the troops of the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation;

Formation of the MSS of Russia

Forces and means of ministries, departments and territories of Russia:

Formation and organization of departmental SNLK

for the environment

and adjacent territories;

Formation and organization of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation;

Formation and organization of the veterinary service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Russia;

Formation and organization of the plant protection service of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia;

Formation and organization of SNLK for food and raw materials of the State Committee for Trade and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Russia;

Formation and organization of the geophysical service of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

Formation and organization of Roshydromet;

Formation and organization of the RF Minatom;

Forces and means of ministries and departments of Russia:

Departmental firefighting, search, rescue, emergency, recovery, technical

and other formations;

Formation of the traffic police of the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

Formation of the VSMK;

Formation of the veterinary service and the plant protection service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Russia;

Formation of Roshydromet;

Formations, firefighters, recovery trains and ships of the Ministry of Railways, Morrechflot of Russia;

Other forces and means (including the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, etc.)

If the scale of an emergency is such that it is impossible to localize or eliminate it with the available forces and means, the commission for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations turns to a higher commission, which can take over the coordination or leadership of the elimination of emergency situations and provide the necessary assistance.

To eliminate major emergencies, the permanent readiness forces of the federal level of the RSChS are used. A special place among them is occupied by the forces and means of the EMERCOM of Russia:

Consolidated mobile detachments of formations and military units of the RF civil defense forces;

Central Airmobile Rescue Squad;

Search and Rescue Service of the Russian Emergencies Ministry;

Special Risk Rescue Center;

Aviation EMERCOM of Russia.

The main emergency response unit for large-scale and unique emergencies - State Airmobile Rescue Squad(Centrospas). It is designed for the prompt execution of top-priority search and rescue operations, both in Russia and abroad, providing medical assistance to victims and their evacuation from emergency situations, and delivering humanitarian supplies to emergency zones.

The detachment has a variety of special vehicles and equipment. There are small rescue helicopters BO-15, which make it possible to quickly reach hard-to-reach areas and evacuate the wounded and sick from there to the bases of the "big" aircraft for their further sending for inpatient treatment. The detachment has its own hospital - airmobile, promptly delivered to emergency areas and deployed there for those in need of immediate assistance.

In Tsentrospas, a round-the-clock watch of rescuers and necessary specialists is organized, which ensures the constant readiness of the detachment and its aviation vehicles for emergency advancement to the emergency area almost anywhere in the Russian Federation . The time of readiness for departure of Centrospas units does not exceed 30 minutes from the moment of their notification. The detachment effectively responds to emergencies of a wide variety of nature.

Financing of RSChS events carried out at the expense of the budget and funds of the appropriate level, insurance funds and other sources. For this purpose, government, departmental, territorial, local and facility reserves of financial and material resources are created, accumulated, respectively, at the expense of the federal, territorial and local budgets, funds of ministries, departments and organizations.

If the available resources, forces and means are insufficient, reserves, forces and means of other executive authorities and organizations are attracted in the prescribed manner. In some cases, during the elimination of emergencies and its consequences, the Government Commission of the Russian Federation for the elimination of emergencies may be formed.

Depending on the current situation, the scale of the predicted or arisen emergency, the conditions of its spread within a specific territory, one of the following can be established: modes of operation of RSChS:

Regime of daily activities;

High alert mode;

Emergency mode.

Mode of daily activities used in normal industrial, radiation, chemical, fire, biological (bacteriological), veterinary, seismic and hydrometeorological conditions, in the absence of epidemics, epizootics, epiphytoties and fires. In the mode of daily activity, the following main activities are carried out:

Observation and control of the state of the natural environment at potentially dangerous objects and adjacent territories;

Planning and implementation of targeted and scientific and technical programs and measures to prevent emergencies, ensure safety and protection of the population, reduce possible losses and damage, as well as increase the sustainability of the functioning of industrial facilities and sectors of the economy in emergencies;

Improving the training of civil defense authorities, forces and means to act in emergencies, organizing training for the population in methods of protection and actions in emergency situations;

Creation and replenishment of reserves of financial and material resources for emergency response;

Implementation of targeted types of insurance.

High alert mode used in case of deterioration of industrial, radiation, chemical, fire, biological (bacteriological), veterinary, seismic and hydrometeorological conditions, when receiving a forecast about the possibility of emergencies.

In high alert mode, the following main activities are carried out:

Acceptance by the relevant emergency commissions of direct management of the functioning of subsystems and links of the RSChS, the formation, if necessary, of operational groups to identify the reasons for the deterioration of the situation directly in the area of ​​a possible disaster, development of proposals for its normalization;

Strengthening the dispatching service;

Strengthening the monitoring and control of the state of the environment, the situation at potentially dangerous objects and adjacent territories, forecasting the possibility of emergencies and their scale;

Taking measures to protect the population and the environment, ensure the sustainable operation of facilities;

Bringing forces and equipment to a state of readiness, clarifying their action plans and advancing, if necessary, to the proposed emergency area.

Emergency mode used in the event of an emergency and for the entire period of its elimination. In an emergency mode, the following main activities are carried out:

Organization of protection of the population;

Movement of operational groups to the emergency area;

Organization of emergency response;

Determination of the boundaries of the emergency zone;

Organization of work to ensure the sustainable functioning of sectors of the economy and facilities, priority life support of the affected population;

Continuous monitoring of the state of the environment in the emergency area, the situation at emergency facilities and the adjacent territory.

The full scope of measures corresponding to each regime is determined in the "Regulations on RSChS".

The decision on the introduction of any of the modes of operation of the RSChS in a specific territory is made by the body of state power, executive power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or local self-government, in whose area of ​​responsibility an emergency is expected or occurred. The governing bodies authorized to make such a decision are the Federal Government, administrations of republics, territories, regions, autonomous formations, districts and cities of the Russian Federation, respectively.

With the threat of war or with its beginning RSChS transfers its powers to the Civil Defense of the country. In order to take measures in advance to prevent emergencies and to minimize the amount of damage and losses in case of their occurrence, the actions of the command and control bodies, forces and means of the RSChS are planned on the basis of the Federal Action Plan in Emergencies, regional plans of interaction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, federal emergency plans. executive authorities (including the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia), regional centers of Civil Defense and Emergencies, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities, organizations and facilities. The volume and content of these measures are determined on the basis of the principles of the necessary sufficiency and the maximum possible use of the available forces and means.

The priority task of the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergencies is the elimination of the medical and sanitary consequences of emergencies. It provides for emergency rescue and other urgent work, including measures of medical and sanitary provision of the population.

Thus, The unified state system for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations is an effective structure that directly ensures the security of the country, protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies.

A unified state system for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations has been functioning in the Russian Federation for a long time.

To predict, prevent and eliminate the consequences of accidents, disasters and natural disasters in each civilized country, special organizational structures are created. In Russia, to solve these problems, a centralized system is functioning that unites various branches of government. Thanks to the interaction and coordination of all levels of government, it is possible to effectively deal with various unforeseen events.

As for the history of its formation. The first steps towards creating an organized system of protection against extreme accidents were taken back in 1918. The functions were assigned to the civil defense that was being created at that time, which was for the most part focused on military needs. The decree of the Petrograd Defense Committee ordered the organization of observation positions and points for the provision of primary medical care, as well as explaining the rules of conduct for air attacks to local residents.

In the 30s, by the decision of the Council of People's Commissars, the first centralized organization was created - the Local Air Defense (LPVO). It included more than three thousand separate voluntary squads that existed at that time. During the Great Patriotic War, the Air Defense Forces ensured the effective safety of strategic industrial and socially significant facilities from the bombing of enemy aircraft.

In the 1950s, with the emergence of the threat of the use of weapons of mass destruction, it became necessary to modernize the air defense system. Therefore, in 1961, this organization was improved and renamed Civil Defense (GO). The GO system became an integral part of the Ministry of Defense. The scope of civil defense activities extended not only to protection against weapons of mass destruction, but also to the performance of emergency rescue measures.

In the 70-80s, the Civil Defense system did not undergo any special changes, although the prerequisites for its serious reorganization were ripe.

Fundamental changes took place in the early 90s, when the Russian Rescue Corps was formed by order of the Government as a State Committee. Since that time, the formation of a new centralized system began, uniting various departments of state power in one structure.

In 1992, a decision was made to establish a Russian system for warning and action in emergency situations. She received broad powers in the economic, military, environmental spheres of activity. This structure was designed to coordinate the efforts of all authorities in the event of various cataclysms. Later it was renamed into the Unified State System for the Prevention and Response of Emergency Situations, which exists to this day. At the same time, its abbreviation was preserved as RSChS.

Today RSChS is one of the key links in the structure of state power. The priority areas of the RSChS system are:

1. Development of proposals regarding state policy in relation to the protection of the entire population of the country and its territories from emergencies, their timely implementation. This function is performed by the control bodies together with the forces and means of the country (previously this problem was solved by them separately).

2. Management of the working moments of this system. The governing body is the EMERCOM of Russia, coordinating the work of state administration bodies, as well as local self-government in the framework of the problem under consideration. In order to increase the efficiency of these activities, the Government of the Russian Federation has created a collegial management body - the Interdepartmental Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergencies, which deals with intersectoral regulation in the area under consideration. Its decisions are binding on federal executive bodies and constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In the structural elements of the RSChS, this function is carried out by the governing bodies of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations and Emergency Situations Commissions.

3. Control designed to ensure the proper observance of the relevant regulatory legal acts, individual norms, rules and standards in the field of protection against emergency situations by federal executive bodies, its bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, organizations, local self-government bodies. At the federal level, this function is carried out by the EMERCOM of Russia.

4. Production activity, which consists in carrying out preventive measures aimed at preventing emergency situations, reducing their scale, minimizing damage and losses from their consequences and urgent rescue operations to eliminate this kind of consequences.

5. Various kinds of support for the activities of the unified system under consideration (material and technical, financial, etc.). The reserves of material resources necessary for eliminating the consequences of the impact of emergencies include: food raw materials, foodstuffs, engineering, clothing and medical property, communications and vehicles, medicines, fuel, construction materials, personal chemical and radiation protection equipment, etc.

6. International cooperation. It is expressed by the openness of Russia to the purposeful integration of the RSChS into the systems of prevention and subsequent elimination of emergencies that are emerging in the world. Cooperation is implemented through the conclusion of contracts and other international acts, the development of a joint legal framework regarding issues of mutual or collective interest, as well as activities in specialized international institutions and organizations.

The key role in the implementation of the state program in terms of the protection of citizens, natural and material resources is played by the design and implementation of a unified action program for the governing bodies of different levels of the RSChS. This became possible due to the coordinated work of all parts of the system.

Management in the RSChS consists in the purposeful activities of the management and management bodies for the development and improvement of the RSChS, maintaining its territorial and functional subsystems in daily activities for the prevention and elimination of emergencies.

RSChS consists of functional and territorial subsystems, and operates at 5 levels: federal, interregional, regional, municipal and facility levels.

Functional subsystems are created by federal executive bodies and authorized organizations to organize work in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergencies in the field of activities of these bodies and authorized organizations.

Territorial subsystems are created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the prevention and elimination of emergencies within their territories and consist of links corresponding to the administrative-territorial division of these territories.

General management of the RSChS operation is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation. Ensuring the functioning of the RSChS is entrusted to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, which, within the limits of its powers, coordinates the activities of federal executive bodies and executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to protect the population and territories from emergencies of various kinds. At each level of the unified system, coordinating bodies, permanent management bodies, day-to-day management bodies, forces and means, reserves of financial and material resources, communication and notification systems of the governing bodies and forces of the unified system, systems for alerting the population about emergencies and systems for informing the population about emergency situations.

The coordinating management bodies coordinate the activities of the management bodies and forces of the RSChS and ensure the consistency of their actions in solving problems in the field of prevention and elimination of emergencies and ensuring fire safety.

Permanent management bodies, which include the Russian Emergencies Ministry and its territorial bodies, carry out management, coordination, control and response in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from emergencies, ensuring fire safety and safety of people at water bodies.

Bodies of daily management (duty services) ensure the activities of authorities at all levels in the field of protection of the population and territories from emergencies.

On the territory of the Astrakhan region, RSChS is represented by a territorial subsystem with its division by links, i.e. by districts.

At all levels of the RSChS, coordination bodies, permanent management bodies, day-to-day management bodies, forces and means, reserves of financial and material resources, communication and notification systems of management bodies and forces of a unified system, systems for alerting the population about emergencies and systems for informing the population about emergencies are created. situations.

The coordinating management bodies on the territory of the Astrakhan region are the commissions for the prevention and elimination of emergencies and ensuring fire safety under the Government of the Astrakhan region and district administrations. The permanent management bodies are the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Astrakhan Region, as well as structural divisions (employees) authorized to address issues of protection of the population, created under local government bodies or in organizations. And the day-to-day management bodies are the Crisis Management Center of the Main Directorate, as well as the unified dispatch services of the districts and organizations. The security of our population directly depends on the efficiency of the RSChS, the speed of information exchange, the timeliness of making managerial decisions, as well as the coherence of the actions of the command and control bodies, forces and means.

Exercises and trainings are regularly held on the territory of the region, especially in front of seasonal risks (flood and fire hazard periods). Within the framework of such exercises, the skills of the relevant specialists are honed, and the set research goals are also solved to increase the efficiency of work.

Currently, RSChS is a powerful system for protecting the population from various threats. Thanks to the effective work of the RSChS, the number of emergencies and losses from emergencies has been reduced over the past five years. Technique and technologies, means and methods of protecting the population are developing.

What is RSChS? In each state there are services that are called upon in the event of any emergencies (ES) to deal with the issues:

  • ensuring the safety of life (and, of course, activities) of the population in due measure;
  • elimination of the causes of the situation itself and its consequences;
  • reducing the damage to the national economy.

In Russia, in April 1992, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 261, the Russian Emergency Warning and Action System (abbreviation RSChS) was formed, which later, in 1995, was renamed the Russian Unified Emergency Prevention and Response System. The basic principles of the system are not only territorial-production and planning; the universalism of the created units, their mobility and readiness to start working in an emergency at any time; but also the centralization of management. The priority nature of the service cannot be discounted as well.

Organization structure

RSChS bodies are, first of all, a state structure that builds its work on the basis of law. Its overall management is carried out by the government of the Russian Federation, and direct management is entrusted to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. What is included in the structure of this system? The RSChS includes:

  • federal executive authorities;
  • executive authorities at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • local government bodies and subdivisions in charge of the protection of the population and territories in the event of an emergency regime.

All components of the RSChS have the necessary means to solve the assigned tasks, as well as forces.

Classification of the forces involved

All involved forces are divided into the following:

  • Regular formations. They include not only rescue services and units, but also the Ministry of Emergency Situations. They constantly work and in which case they instantly react. They can autonomously be in the emergency zone for three days, since they are fully equipped with everything necessary for this.
  • Non-standard units. They are created on the basis of medical, repair, chemical or construction services.
  • Public associations and organizations (for example, voluntary squads for the protection of public order). They have the necessary training, which is confirmed in the attestation procedure. They work exclusively under the guidance of certain governing bodies for Civil Defense and Emergencies.

On a note! If necessary (for the complete elimination of the consequences of an emergency), the means and forces of not only the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, but also the Internal Affairs Directorate (internal affairs bodies) can be involved in the work in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

RSChS goals

The main goals of the organization are determined by its very name:

  • To unite the efforts of all authorities (regardless of the level), we mean the forces and means in their arsenal for the implementation of emergency prevention in peacetime; and if an emergency does occur, to protect the population and territories.
  • Inform citizens about their activities and what RSChS is.

  • Exercise general management of forces and assets under the jurisdiction of the executive bodies.
  • Prepare the population of the country for actions and measures in the event of an emergency of a man-made, natural or other nature.

Factors affecting the functioning of the RSChS

What constitutes the regulatory and legal basis for the construction and functioning of the system? In its work, the organization (you already know how the abbreviation RSChS stands) is guided primarily by such documents as the Constitution of Russia; as well as federal laws (there are about 60) and government decrees (there are more than 120). In addition, over 300 orders, orders, instructions and regulations have been issued within the department itself. Only on the basis of all these documents is the activity of such an organizational and legal structure carried out.

System objectives

The main tasks of RSChS:

  • The most important thing is to eliminate the causes that caused the emergency.
  • Ensure readiness number one for the actions of command and control bodies at different levels, as well as all forces and means to carry out preventive and response actions in the emergency plan.
  • Take control of the reserves of material and financial resources aimed at eliminating the emergency.
  • Provide full life support to people who have suffered during the elimination of the consequences of emergencies.
  • Contribute to the restoration of the functioning of all services, sectors of the economy, facilities and enterprises in the immediate territory of an emergency.

  • Contribute to the reduction of damage and material losses.
  • Conduct much-needed humanitarian actions aimed at social protection of the affected civilian population.
  • Constantly organize events that have a preventive result in terms of emergencies.
  • Participate in the assessment of damage in the socio-economic sphere.
  • Constantly collect, process and exchange information data in terms of protecting territories and population from all kinds of emergencies.
  • To prepare citizens for the actions of the service. In particular, tell what RSChS is.
  • In a world of peace, step up our actions in preparation for civil defense (civil defense).

Preventive actions of RSChS

Preventive actions include a set of engineering, technical, organizational and special measures, mainly aimed at significantly reducing the risks of an emergency; unconditional preservation of life and health of citizens; reduction of damage that could be caused to the environment; as well as to minimize material losses associated with emergencies.

To achieve this, it is imperative to carry out:

  • constant forecasting of the situation;
  • assessment of existing risks;
  • monitoring the state of the natural environment;
  • monitoring of potentially dangerous industrial facilities;
  • measures aimed at insurance of liability in case of damage caused by the operation of such facilities;
  • their licensing;
  • supervision and expertise by state bodies in the issue of protecting citizens and territories from emergencies;
  • creation of a reserve of material and financial resources that can be directed to prevent emergencies;
  • creation of a base (regulatory and legal) in order to protect not only the population, but also the territories;
  • measures aimed at the stable operation of economic facilities in emergency conditions.

How to maintain and improve the stability of the economy in an emergency

The task for RSChS (see above for the abbreviation) is not easy, but feasible. To achieve this, you must:

  • Transfer potentially dangerous facilities to safe technologies (that is, modern) and remove them from the territories where people live.
  • To develop and implement systems for accident-free shutdown of complex production lines in case of an emergency.

  • Use automated systems that control and monitor hazardous technological processes.
  • Protect people from damaging factors.
  • Introduce warning and information systems everywhere.
  • To systematically and steadily reduce the amount of OM (hazardous substances) and materials in production.
  • Establish and constantly maintain in proper readiness means to eliminate the consequences of emergencies.
  • Improve the security of facilities and significantly improve technological discipline.

Emergency response measures

The liquidation actions carried out by RSChS (which means the abbreviation is no longer a secret for you) include the following activities:

  • Immediate localization of the area where the emergency occurred.
  • Implementation of measures to terminate the impact of damaging factors.
  • Introduction of control to restrict access to the emergency area.
  • Conducting emergency rescue actions aimed at rescuing people and providing them with emergency medical care.
  • Reducing the harm caused by emergencies.
  • Organization of measures to reduce the amount of material losses.

Emergency classification

Emergencies that have already resulted or may in the future entail human casualties; harm the health or nature around us; disrupt the ordinary and customary way of life of people; bring material losses and economic damage, are divided into several groups. Among them:

  • natural and natural character;
  • technological and artificial;
  • specific;
  • socio-biological.

Natural and natural disasters

This group includes the following:

  • Snow drifts, landslides, floods and mudflows.
  • Hurricanes, tornadoes and storms.
  • Fires.
  • Droughts and frosts.
  • Increased seismic activity and volcanic eruptions.
  • Falling meteorites and other cosmic "surprises".

Technological and man-made disasters

This group includes not so many items, but in terms of strength it is in no way inferior to the first group:

  • Occurring in transport (river, sea, rail / road, space or air).
  • Manufacturing-related. Disasters of a chemical, thermal, radiation or mechanical nature.

Chemical disasters lead to serious chemical poisoning. Thermal factors cause burns or frostbite of varying severity. Radiation threatens with radiation sickness, lesions of internal organs and radiation burns to the skin. Mechanical impact is terrible with injuries and wounds. The lives of many people depend on the fast and well-coordinated work of doctors.


In the world all the time, somewhere there are military conflicts, in which sometimes more and more countries are drawn. There is no peace and stability in the world. It's a pity. So, it is wars and armed conflicts that fall into this category.


Compared to the groups described above, this category is directly related to the human factor:

  • Lack of any food items.
  • Severe epidemiological situation.

  • Disorders in the community.
  • Household alcoholism.
  • Terrorist actions.
  • Drug addiction (drug addiction).
  • Substance abuse.


We hope that now you know what RSChS is, what are its main functions, goals and objectives. What important and necessary work the employees of this system do. And how we all need it. We also hope that you have clearly understood how the abbreviation RSChS is correctly deciphered.

Unified state system of prevention and elimination resolves issues on the protection of the population and territories from emergencies, and of any other nature, through a set of measures that ensure the protection of the population, territories and the environment, material and cultural values ​​of the state in peacetime. It combines the governing bodies, forces and means of federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, organizations whose powers include solving issues of protecting the population and territories from emergencies.

The main tasks of RSChS:
  • Development of legal and economic norms related to the protection of the population
  • Preparing the population for emergency response
  • Emergency forecasting
  • Assessment and elimination of social and economic consequences of emergency situations
  • Supervision and control in the field of protection of the population and territories from emergencies
  • International cooperation in the field of protection of the population and territories
  • Emergency response

Organizational structure of RSChS

RSChS is built on the territorial-production principle, includes territorial and functional subsystems.

The organizational structure of RSChS consists of territorial and functional subsystems and has five levels:
  • federal, covering the entire territory of the Russian Federation;
  • regional - the territory of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • territorial - territory;
  • local - the territory of the district (city, settlement);
  • facility - the territory of an industrial or social facility.

Territorial subsystems RSChS are created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the prevention and elimination of emergencies within their territories and consist of links corresponding to the administrative-territorial division of these territories (districts, cities, etc.). The coordinating body is the commissions for emergency situations of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation 88 territorial subsystems which consist of links corresponding to the administrative-territorial division of these territories.

Functional subsystems RSChS are created by federal executive authorities to organize monitoring and control over natural phenomena, the state of the environment and potentially dangerous objects.

RSChS subsystems of each level include:
  • coordinating bodies;
  • management bodies for affairs and emergency situations (civil defense and emergency situations);
  • organs of day-to-day management;
  • forces and means;
  • reserves of financial and material resources;
  • communication systems, warning and information support.

Federal subsystems RSChS are created by federal executive bodies in ministries and organizations of federal subordination. The actions of the bodies for the protection of the population and territories from emergencies are coordinated by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and bodies directly subordinate to federal executive bodies. (Coordinating body: Interdepartmental Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergencies under the Government of Russia).

Regional level includes zoning of Russia in 6 regions (Coordinating body: regional centers for civil defense and emergency situations).

The regional composition of RSChS includes the following regions:
  • Central (Moscow)
  • Northwest (Saint Petersburg)
  • Yuzhny (Rostov-on-Don)
  • Privolzhsko-Uralsky (Yekaterinburg)
  • Siberian (Krasnoyarsk)
  • Far East (Khararovsk)

The overall management of the functioning of the RSChS is carried out by the government of the Russian Federation, the direct management is carried out by the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia.

Depending on the situation, the scale of the predicted or emerging emergency, three modes of operation of the RSChS are provided:

  • daily routine
  • high alert
  • emergency mode.

Thus, the Unified State System for the Prevention and Response of Emergency Situations is an effective tool that directly ensures the security of the country, protection of the population and territories from emergencies and nature.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is the federal executive body authorized to solve problems in the region.

Moscow City Emergency Prevention and Response System

The problem of ensuring security guarantees for the Moscow population is of particular importance. The city has 80 chemically hazardous facilities, 20 radiation hazardous facilities, more than 60 fire and explosion hazardous facilities. To address the issues of protecting the population and territories of Moscow in 1997, a Moscow City Emergency Prevention and Response System(MSChS), and also adopted the law of Moscow "On the protection of the population and territories of the city from emergencies of natural and man-made character."

MSES is an integral part of the Unified State System for the Prevention and Response of Emergency Situations, consists of territorial and facility links and operates at four levels: city, administrative, district and facilities.

MSSES solves the problem of protecting the population and territories not only in peacetime, but also in the event of hostilities or as a result of hostilities.

This function is entrusted to the civil defense of Moscow, which is an integral part of the Russian Federation.

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