Where can I get the adv form 1. How can a foreigner apply for personal information? When entering information, you must follow a special procedure

The personalized reporting form EDV-1 was approved by Resolution of the Pension Fund Board of January 11, 2017 No. 3p. Who should submit this form? Are all organizations and individual entrepreneurs required to take it? You will find answers to these questions in this article. Subscribe to the accounting channel in Yandex-Zen!

  • 1 EDV-1: who should take it together with SZV-STAZH
  • 2 EDV-1 with other reports
  • 3 Rules for submitting EFA-1

EDV-1: who should submit together with SZV-STAZH The report on the EDV-1 form is an individual (personalized) accounting document that must be submitted to the territorial Pension Fund bodies as part of individual information about the insured persons.

Adv-1 in 2017: form and sample filling

Submitting SZV-M for the founding director: the Pension Fund has made its decision The Pension Fund has finally put an end to the debate about the need to submit the SZV-M form in relation to the director-sole founder. So, for such persons you need to take both SZV-M and SZV-STAZH!< …
Income tax: the list of expenses has been expanded. A law has been signed that has amended the list of expenses related to wages. Thus, employers will be able to take into account in the “profitable” base the costs of paying for services for organizing tourism, sanatorium-resort treatment and recreation in Russia for employees and members of their families (parents, spouses and children).

< … Сверьте зарплаты работников с новым МРОТ С 01.05.2018 размер federal minimum wage will be 11,163 rubles, which is 1,674 rubles more than now. This means that employers who pay their employees at the minimum wage must raise their wages from May 1.

< …

Sample of filling out adv-1 in 2018


Month. yyyy IN mandatory Who issued it Correctly rewrite the names of districts, cities, etc., which are reflected in the identity card. You can use generally accepted abbreviations Mandatory Date of compilation of the form Format used:DD.


Month.yyyy Mandatory Pay attention to the following nuances:

  • When indicating your place of birth, you should write the data in this order: settlements - districts - regions - state.
  • Just reflect the title. You should not write “city...” or abbreviated “city. ..."
  • The republic is written in abbreviation: JSC, SSR, etc.

  • If you write your address of residence or registration, use the following order: country (for foreigners) – region – district – city – population. point - st. – house – building – apt.
  • Why do you need the adv-1 form?

    What it is? Form ADV-1 is a questionnaire of an insured citizen, a document that is submitted to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for registration in the system pension insurance state level. Purpose of the document After submitting this form, the insured person will be able to receive SNILS, which will be needed to assign a pension payment.

    This applies to those citizens who work under an employment contract. SNILS ( insurance certificate for compulsory pension insurance) is the only identifier personal information citizen in the exchange of information from all departments at the regional and federal levels.

    Photo: insurance certificate for compulsory pension insurance This is a universal type card number, with the help of which it becomes possible to receive services in the pension and social system.

    EDV-1: procedure for filling out and deadlines for submission

    Sections can be as follows:

    • details of the policyholder providing the documentation;
    • reporting period;
    • list of included documents;
    • information on the policyholder: generalized data on the amount of insurance premiums paid.

    Let's look at the procedure for filling out this form in more detail:

    • the need to fill out sections 1-3 when submitting EFA-1 arises only when the package of documentation provided contains form SZV-KORR, with the exception of the form marked “special”;
    • section 4 is completed when the policyholder provides forms SZV-ISKH or SZV-KORR marked “special” and must include generalized data on the enterprise for the reporting period;
    • Section 5 is completed when information is submitted for employees who are retiring.

    EDV-1 2017: what is it and who takes it, example of filling out

    Telephones and other means of contact Telephone numbers are entered. Optional. Name of the document, series and number Indicate the identity document on the basis of which this form is filled out.

    Enter the series and number. Necessarily. When and by whom it was issued Enter exactly as on the identity card. It is allowed to use abbreviations commonly used in the documentation.

    Necessarily. Date of filling out the questionnaire According to the formula DD month YYYY Mandatory. Absence pension certificate does not pose any threat to a foreign citizen. Penalties may in some situations be imposed on the policyholder. A report to the Pension Fund must be submitted to all employees of the enterprise. In the absence of SNILS, the report will be submitted without taking into account wages an uninsured employee, and this is a direct violation of current legislation.

    Online magazine for accountants

    Therefore, the employer no later than 14 calendar days from the moment of official employment, he is obliged to submit to the Pension Fund a special questionnaire of the insured person in the ADV 1 form. Such norms are regulated in clause 9 of the Instructions, approved.

    By Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 14, 2009 No. 987n. If the new employee does not have SNILS, then in such a situation, before filling out the ADV 1 form, ask the employee to write an application for the issuance of an insurance certificate. The application can be made in any form. Sample form: Based on the application, create a questionnaire. Use unified form, approved by Resolution of the Pension Fund of January 11, 2017 No. 2p. Form ADV-1 free download Download In addition to the questionnaire, the policyholder must prepare a special accompanying inventory according to the ADV-6-1 form.

    How to fill out a form adv-1


    Prepare an accompanying inventory in form ADV-6-1 for each package of documentation sent. Let us remind you that only documents of the same format can be combined in one package. It is unacceptable to form one packet with different types personal information forms.

    Note that the rules, requirements and sample for filling out ADV-1 in 2017 were preserved and are used to compile questionnaires in 2018. Sample filling ADV-1 2018 We offer step by step instructions by filling out ADV forms-1:

    1. We fill out information about the new employee.

      We indicate your last name, first name, patronymic, gender and date of birth. We take information to fill out the document from the citizen’s passport.

    1. We write down the place of birth, which is indicated in the passport data.
      We describe the information: city, district, region and country.

    Adv-1 for foreign citizens: application, procedure and features of filling out

    Making a decision to open a personal account Within 5 days territorial office The Pension Fund makes a decision on registering a person or refusing to open a personal account Making a decision on providing a duplicate or replacing an inaccurate document A decision on issuing a duplicate if the original is lost or replacing if an error is detected on the certificate is made within 5 days after the application Receipt of the certificate by the employer After 3 weeks the employer must receive a completed certificate from the Pension Fund of Russia and an accompanying statement of form ADI-5. Return of the accompanying statement. The employer must return the accompanying statement to the Pension Fund within a month with the signature of the employee indicating receipt of SNILS. The issuance of the insurance certificate is carried out by the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, to which the ADV form questionnaire was submitted. -1.
    This option is also allowed: contact regional office requesting you to provide a form for entering personal information. Filling rules

    1. The form must be completed for all employees who do not have an insurance certificate.
    2. The ADV-1 form can be drawn up by the employee himself or by the personnel (or other) service of the enterprise.
    3. Information should be entered in block letters, using black or blue ink, or a typewriter.
    4. It is not permitted to submit a form with errors or corrections.
    5. The absence of errors in the completed form and the accuracy of the information must be certified by the personal signatures of the insured persons.

    In the case when a person is not able to sign due to his absence (for example, during long business trips).

    What is the purpose of the questionnaire? ADV-1 in 2016 and how to enter data into it? Our consultation will put everything in its place. We will also provide a sample filling.

    Why is it needed?

    Current form ADV-1 adopted by Resolution of the Pension Fund of 2016 No. 473p. Companies hand it over to the Pension Fund divisions in order to issue SNILS to their employees. A person can also do this himself personally.

    Note: new ADV-1 questionnaire on SNILS valid from October 8, 2016. Do not confuse it with the outdated version! To prevent this from happening, .

    ADV-1 in 2016: sample filling

    On practice filling out a sample form ADV-1 usually does not cause any difficulties. The main thing is to do this in clear block letters. Fill form ADV-1 can be personally insured, or the company’s personnel officer (other authorized person).

    Since since October 8, 2016, the Pension Fund has released an updated version ADV-1 questionnaires on SNILS, at filling sample ADV-1 We strongly recommend that you take a number of points into account. The fact is that some rules for entering data have changed, others were affected by amendments to the legislation (see table).

    Props What's new Explanation
    Country of origin (citizenship, nationality)IN ADV-1 Citizenship is now indicated not only by foreigners, but also by citizens of the Russian Federation. Until October 8, 2016, Russians were not required to fill out this field at all.Now filling out the citizenship details for Russians - mandatory requirement. You just need to indicate “RUSSIA”. This makes it more convenient for the Pension Fund to check the completeness and accuracy of the data in ADV-1 forms.
    Where he was bornYou need to fill out according to the new regulations (clause 87.2 of the order of the Federal Migration Service of Russia dated November 30, 2012 No. 391) according to the ascending principleIf the city where a person was born is the capital or administrative center region, then only it is indicated. For example: "Lipetsk". If not, then so is the region. For example: “Elets, Lipetsk region" If we're talking about about a village or village, it will be necessary to register the region: “s. Konstantinovo, Ramensky district, Moscow region."
    SealFrom April 7, 2015, commercial companies can refuse round seals. This right appeared thanks to Federal Law dated April 6, 2015 No. 82-FZ.Pension Fund officials for a long time They resisted and everywhere in the filling rules they required a seal. Although it went against federal legislation. Now, according to the resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated 01.06.2016 No. 473, it is necessary to affix a stamp on personalized accounting documents only if it is available.


    How it should be completed sample form ADV-1, described in the resolution of the Pension Fund of June 1, 2016 No. 473p. When filling it out for children who, by the will of fate, decided to enter the workforce early, special rules not provided. Valid general order. The only thing is, instead of a passport, write down the details of the birth certificate.

    Shown below Sample of filling out form ADV-1 for a child.


    IN last years the state has constantly expanded the circle of people who can count on pension provision. This also affected the majority of foreigners, as well as stateless persons. Sample filling for foreign citizens ADV-1 does not have any differences from the general order.

    Shown below Sample of filling out ADV-1 for foreign citizens.

    This questionnaire is a specially designed document that must be submitted to pension authorities Russian Federation. It must reflect the personal data of this individual, which must be provided to the insurance pension fund.

    Why do you need form ADV 1?

    After this form has been completed and submitted to the appropriate government agency, it becomes the basis for insuring the individual number of an individual and his personal account. This code must be obtained in order for it to combine the data into unified register and will subsequently be used to carry out almost any operation related to the registration of pensions, various benefits and payments of a different nature.

    To summarize, such a questionnaire is a piece of paper that must be filled out and submitted correctly. After which the individual will be issued special number, which will be recorded on a plastic card.

    What else is this number needed for? And why is everyone trying to get him? First of all, it is needed to register and receive pensions, benefits and other social payments. Besides all of the above this document, created after submitting the questionnaire, will be unique individual number every citizen of the Russian Federation.

    Who fills it out and when?

    This form is usually filled out in one of the following cases:

    • At official employment, the employee’s manager is required to fill out the form, after which the employee himself must sign as a sign that he is familiar with this process;
    • In the event that an employee gets a job, he is required to fill out this form himself, immediately after signing employment contract.

    It is important to know that you can receive such a questionnaire and fill it out not only when applying for a job (it will apply to your place of work). To do this, a citizen needs to go to the nearest branch of the pension fund. There he will receive this questionnaire, which will apply to the place of registration and after its completion resubmission will no longer be needed.

    If parents have a desire to register their child who has not reached the age of eighteen, then they have the right to do so every right. In order to commit this action they will need this form and a copy of the birth certificate (the original is fine). Please note that you must fill out official parent or the child's guardian.

    It is worth noting that this form can also be filled out by an individual who is not a citizen of the Russian Federation. These can be foreign citizens, as well as stateless persons in general. Filling out this form will be required when they sign an employment contract during the employment process. This is necessary so that the enterprise that hired them constantly makes contributions to the pension fund for them.

    How to obtain an insurance certificate?

    As already mentioned, such a certificate is issued after filling out the ADV-1 form. In addition, there are several other methods, which will be discussed below. If a citizen is employed for the first time and does not have an insurance certificate, then, as a rule, he will be required to collect a package of necessary documents.

    It includes: passport data and a questionnaire of the insured person (Adv-1 form). This form can be filled out either personally by a citizen of the Russian Federation or HR department employer or the accounting department. Special attention You should pay attention to filling out the form, since after all the data has been recorded, you should check it with the original a couple of times. After which the person to whom the form is intended (if he did not fill it out himself) as a sign that he has been instructed to put his signature on it correctly.

    The law provides for cases when such a signature can be placed on the questionnaire instead of the employee himself. This is the prerogative of his immediate supervisor when the employee is on sick leave or sent on a business trip for more than seven calendar days. There may also be other reasons.

    After a person without an insurance certificate has been employed, his boss must prepare and collect all Required documents within two calendar weeks.

    After that, this information is processed by the pension fund authorities and after three weeks the citizen is assigned his unique number. The SNILS itself is sent to the head of the department, who makes changes to the employee’s data, and then transfers it personally to the employee.

    Instructions for filling out the ADV form 1

    Note special importance correct filling of this form, since this is directly related to further deductions that the employee will pay. Therefore, below will be indicated the most important provisions For those who will fill out this form themselves:

    • If there is even one mistake in it, the document will be declared invalid. This will mean that the citizen will lose at least one calendar month of time and will be forced to submit the application again;
    • If the manager is responsible for filling out the questionnaire in accordance with the company’s charter, then he is obliged to do this for all employees who do not yet have this card;
    • The questionnaire has its own form established by law, and it must be filled out in accordance with it (It is divided into special cells. One letter must be written in one of them);
    • Fill out this form at electronic form permitted by law. If it is issued using manual method, then you cannot choose a pen with green or red ink;
    • Subscribes this form questionnaire if the employee agrees with the correct display of all the main provisions in it. It can be signed either by the individual himself or by a trusted party. The latter has every right to sign the form in the event long absence employee for a valid reason.

    The process of filling out the questionnaire occurs in the following order:

    • The first field should contain the employee’s last name, first name and patronymic (in the nominative case);
    • In the “Date of Birth” column, information should be reflected in the following order: day, month, year. At the same time, the “month” itself is displayed not in digital form, but in alphabetic form. If specified date birth is indicated, but it does not exist in the calendar, then a “special” mark is placed opposite it;
    • The “Place of Birth” column must be formatted in accordance with the passport data. If it is not there, then this field should be left blank;
    • The “Citizenship” column is filled in only if the person has citizenship of other countries. If this is a citizen of the Russian Federation, then the field does not need to be filled out;
    • The “Registration Address” field is indicated in accordance with the employee’s passport data. If for one reason or another this information is not displayed, then it must be left blank;
    • The “Residence address” field must be filled in if it does not match the registration indicated in the passport. Those. the actual place of residence is displayed here;
    • In the “Contacts” field you can leave a phone number or email. Not required to be filled out;
    • In the following fields, it is necessary to clearly indicate the corresponding passport data, or information from other identification documents;
    • The last item displayed is “date of signing”; it should be written down similarly to the column “date of birth”.

    It should be noted that when the place of birth is indicated in the application form, it must be drawn up in accordance with a certain format.

    According to it, the name of the locality is initially written down, after which its district and region are indicated, and at the end the name of the state is written down ( Russian Federation). In this case, the designations territorial units such as city, village and urban-type settlements are not displayed even in abbreviated form.

    In case of filling out the address by foreign citizens, they must adhere to a certain shape. As a result, the state is indicated first, after which the following data is entered: region, district, city, locality, street, house number, apartment number. The main point here is the rule from larger to smaller. In this case, the names of the settlements themselves are written before the designation - city, village (for example, St. Petersburg).

    In contact with

    What is the ADV-1 form, what and when is it used? We will figure out in what cases to fill it out and where to submit it to policyholders and individuals.

    • Basic information
    • How is the insured person’s application form ADV-1 filled out?
    • What nuances might there be?

    The filling out procedure has clear regulations that you should adhere to. Therefore, let us turn to the legislation, where there is all necessary information for policyholders and insured persons. All employers submit reports to the Pension Fund if they have employees. Let's figure out what ADV-1 is, what it is used for and when companies, individual entrepreneurs and individuals themselves must provide, in addition to the main documentation, such a form to authorized structures.

    How to fill out a form adv-1

    Citizens of CIS countries (these are countries such as Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, etc.) can arrive in the Russian Federation without a visa. Employers register their personnel in the compulsory pension insurance system on the basis of identification documentation foreign citizen or stateless persons. It could be:

    1. A passport or other documents that are established by federal laws or recognized in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation as a document that is an identity document of a foreigner.
    2. For a person who does not have citizenship - documents that were issued by another country and are recognized by the Russian Federation as an identity card, residence permit certain period in the country, residence permit, other documents.

    All documents of foreigners must be translated into Russian by translators who have the appropriate license and certified by a notary.

    The procedure for filling out the adv-1 form in 2018

    Place of birth city (village, hamlet, ...) BERLIN district region (region, republic, ...) countryGDR Example No. 3. Place of birth in the identity document: Fara Island, Lankaran region, Azerbaijan SSR. Name of place of birth in the application form: Place of birth city (village, village, ...) FARA district LENKORAN region (region, republic, ...) AZERBAIJAN SSR country If the place of birth cannot be indicated in accordance with the proposed scheme, the “Place of Birth” detail is filled in as follows : after the words “Place of birth” on the same line the word “special” is indicated; the name of the place of birth is divided into parts and each part is written in separate line details, with all components indicated in the nominative case in accordance with the identity document of the insured person, including the type of settlement and administrative entity.

    Rules for filling out the form “questionnaire of the insured person” (adv-1)

    Name of place of birth in the application form: Place of birth city (village, village,...) FARA district LANKORAN region (region, republic,...) AZERBAIJAN SSR country 2. If the place of birth cannot be indicated in accordance with the proposed scheme, the detail “Place birth” is filled in as follows: after the words “Place of birth” on the same line the word “special” is indicated; the name of the place of birth is divided into parts, and each part is written on a separate line of details, while all components are indicated in the nominative case in accordance with the identity document of the insured person, including the type of settlement and administrative entity.

    Rules for filling out the form "questionnaire of the insured person" (adv-1)

    The form of the questionnaire was approved by Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2017 N 2p “On approval of document forms used for registering citizens in the compulsory pension insurance system, and Instructions for filling them out.” Application form for the insured person according to form ADV-1 Download application form in MS Excel Sample filling out the questionnaire of the insured person Download a sample of filling out the ADV-1 questionnaire The procedure for filling out the ADV-1 questionnaire is prescribed in the Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2017 No. 2p “On approval of document forms used for registering citizens in the compulsory pension insurance system, and Instructions for filling them out " Don't want to read multi-page rules? Then fill out the ADV-1 form in online accounting or in the BukhSoft program: Salaries and Personnel.

    Sample of filling out adv-1 in 2018

    The form must be filled out for all employees who do not have an insurance certificate. The insured person’s questionnaire is filled out either personally by the employee or by human resources and other services of the organization. All documents are filled out in ink, ballpoint pen in block letters, using typewriters or means computer technology without blots or corrections.

    Any colors except red and green can be used. The accuracy of the information specified in the document is certified personal signature the insured person. If the employee is unable to personally certify a document due to a long (more than one month) stay on a business trip, long-term illness or other reason, the employer indicates this reason in the document that certifies.

    Why do you need the adv-1 form?


    Registration address Complete mailing address. The names of settlements, streets and other information are filled in based on the data contained in the identity document. The rules for filling out each component are given in the notes to the rules for filling out the form “Questionnaire of the insured person.” Do not fill out if the identity document does not contain data on the registered address of the insured person Actual residence address Indicated only if it differs from the registration address, and also in the absence of a registration address Absence is allowed of this requisite Telephones Indicate the home and/or work telephone(s) by which the insured person can be contacted on a daily basis. This detail may be absent. Identity document.

    Report to the Pension Fund: questionnaire of the insured person adv-1


    The names of settlements, streets and other information are filled in based on the data contained in the identity document. The rules for filling out each component are given in the Notes to the rules for filling out the “Insured Person Questionnaire” form. Do not fill out if the identity document does not contain information about the registered address of the insured person.

    Actual residence address Indicated only if it differs from the Registration Address, as well as in the absence of a Registration Address. The absence of this requisite is allowed. Telephones Indicate the home and/or work telephone(s) where you can contact the insured person, in free form. The absence of this requisite is allowed.

    Fill out the adv-1 form - download the form

    Citizenship of the person To be completed by all applicants, including persons who are not citizens of the Russian Federation and who arrived as part of a visa-free exchange. Citizens of the Russian Federation indicate “Russia” Registration address The address indicated in the passport as the place of registration is indicated in full compliance with the order of writing the names. If registered in a city, the word “city” is not indicated Actual address To be filled in if the data differs from the registration address Contact phone number Use any home or work number as a phone number that allows you to provide operational communication Identity document The form adopted by the Russian Federation on the basis of international treaties is recognized as an identification document. Features of filling out ADV-1 for foreign nationals Citizens, temporarily staying, permanently and temporarily residing foreign nationals and stateless persons are subject to questionnaires.
    Purpose of the document Form ADV-1 in 2018 is required to register insured persons with the Pension Fund of Russia. It is necessary to obtain SNILS if a person does not have one. The card contains certain information about individual, among which are:

    • surname, first name, patronymic;
    • date of birth;
    • Place of Birth;
    • citizenship;
    • the address where the person lives;
    • registration address;
    • contact information;
    • the name of the identity document, indicating the series, number and date of issue, as well as the authority that issued it;
    • date of completion;
    • personal signature.

    To apply for SNILS, an employee of the employer’s HR department must contact the Russian Pension Fund.

    In Russia one of the most important documents Every citizen has an insurance certificate. It contains an eleven-digit digital number - the insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS). This personal number person in Pension Fund RF, on account of which the payments are made insurance premiums. In other words, it takes into account future pension rights person. To obtain it, you need the ADV-1 form.

    Why do you need an insurance certificate?

    Insurance contributions are made by the employer at the rate established for each type of activity, to the account of each employee to whom he pays remuneration or makes other payments. In order to register an employee with the Pension Fund of Russia, the employer needs an insurance certificate. Also, an insurance certificate is necessary not only for labor activity, but also for a person to receive services in in electronic format; to obtain the right to government benefits; identification of information about a citizen in the interdepartmental system.

    How to obtain an insurance certificate

    In order to obtain an insurance certificate containing SNILS, there are several ways. If a person gets a job for the first time and does not have an insurance certificate, he must provide documents to obtain this type of document, namely passport details and a completed application form of the insured person, established form- ADV-1. The questionnaire is filled out personally by the insured person using reliable data or can be prepared HR department employer or other services of the organization (for example, accounting employees). When filling out the ADV-1 form on SNILS, you must correctly indicate all the personal data of the insured person. The correctness of the information specified in the document is certified by the personal signature of the person for whom the questionnaire was drawn up.

    There are cases in which ADV-1 can be certified (signed) by the head of the insured person. This is the absence of a person due to illness; being in long-term business trip or other valid reasons.

    Prepare all documents and submit them to Pension Fund employer obliged within two weeks after hiring a person without an insurance certificate. In the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, SNILS is assigned and prepared within three weeks, after which it is sent to the employer, who, in turn, after entering all the new employee data into internal documentation, transmits SNILS to the person.

    Since the insurance certificate is necessary not only for the employer, but also for the person himself, he can obtain it independently. To do this, you must personally contact the territorial Pension Fund, provide a passport and completed ADV-1 form. You can download the application form below, it is attached to the article, or on the Pension Fund website. Individuals who make voluntary contributions to the Pension Fund must independently obtain an insurance certificate.

    ADV-1 in 2016 sample filling:

    To prepare the application form, the insured person must fill out ADV-1. You can download the form below. The ADV-1 sample completed above will help you complete the application form without any problems.

    All information must be entered in block letters using black or blue ink. Also, when filling out the form, you can use computer equipment. In the line “Last name First name Patronymic” the data is indicated strictly in the nominative case (filled in required). In the “gender” column, enter the letter “M” or “F” according to the gender of the person for whom the form is being filled out (this must be filled out).

    The citizen’s date of birth is indicated in the form: DD month name YYYY (required to be filled in). If the document that identifies a person contains a non-existent temporary date, for example, February 31, then this date is entered into the insured person’s profile without any changes or adjustments. And in the same line the word “special” is simultaneously entered. If the same document does not contain the month or day and month of birth of a person (ex. “December 1939”, “1939”), then this information is also entered into the form without adjustments and the word “special” is immediately entered. All data must be transferred to the form without changes, in the form in which they are indicated in the identity document.

    In the “place of birth” column of the questionnaire, all data from the passport paragraph is indicated: “Place of birth”, in the nominative case and in the same order. When indicating this data, it is necessary to indicate the name of villages, cities, districts, regions and other territories, strictly as is done in the document on which the questionnaire is filled out, despite changes in their names that have already occurred before the filling out of the questionnaire. The data is filled in in the following order: settlements - districts - regions - state. Just the names are displayed, there is no need to write “city...” or abbreviated “g...”. The republic is written in abbreviation: JSC, SSR, etc. If the address of residence or registration is indicated, it is used next order transfers: country (only for foreigners) - region - district - city - locality - st. - house - building - apt. Regional centers may not fit in. If the address does not contain one or more of the above details, commas in the questionnaire (there are 9 of them) should be left for control purposes. Only names are entered in capital letters: for example, the city of Moscow will be reflected as MOSCOW G, Kirova Street - as KIROVA STREET, etc. This item may not be filled out if the document does not contain such information.

    The “citizenship” column indicates the country of which the person for whom the form is being filled out is a citizen (this item can only be filled out foreign persons, not to be filled in by citizens of the Russian Federation).

    Registration address. Here you must indicate the full address where the person is registered. All titles territorial entities, streets and other information are filled in according to the data contained in the document (not filled in if this document does not contain data about the person’s registration address).

    Address actual place residence is filled in if the registration address of the person filling out the form does not coincide with the address of the place of residence, as well as if the registration address is missing.

    Telephone – any number can be specified contact number telephone number (if available), is entered in free form.

    In the “type of document” column we write the name of the document on the basis of which the “Insured Person’s Questionnaire” was filled out. Next, enter the series and number of this document (these items must be filled in). The date of issue is filled in according to to the following sample: DD name of the month YYYY (they are also required to be filled out).

    Who issued the document? When filling out this column, you must strictly adhere to the names of the territorial entities contained in the document (it is not permissible to make any changes). Common abbreviations are permitted. And finally, the filling date is entered according to the DD principle, the name of the month YYYY.

    Form ADV-1. Sample form for a child

    Currently, the right to receive an insurance certificate is available to minor children, moreover, often in kindergartens and schools SNILS require how mandatory document upon admission to educational institution. Since 2012, according to Federal Law No. 313 dated November 29, 2010, obtaining SNILS has become mandatory. For children under 14 years of age, parents must obtain an insurance certificate; sometimes a kindergarten or school can help with this. From the moment of receiving a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a child can apply for registration of SNILS myself.

    One of the parents or legal representative a minor (or the child himself if he has a passport) must contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with his passport and the child’s birth certificate, fill out the ADV-1 form and pick up the insurance certificate in two weeks.

    Filling out the insured person’s application form for a child has virtually no differences, except that it is mandatory to include the child’s birth certificate data.

    Form ADV-1 sample filling for a child

    Form ADV-1. Sample form for foreign citizens

    In 2012, pension insurance opportunities were expanded. According to the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 167, foreigners and stateless persons who work on the territory of the Russian Federation and have official earnings, are required to register with the Russian Pension Fund. This does not apply only to those who are temporarily staying in the territory of our country and those who do not have a residence permit.

    The questionnaire of the insured foreigner is also filled out on the basis of his identity card. This may be a passport of a foreign citizen or another document established federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identity document.

    For those who do not have citizenship, their identity can be verified by:

    • document issued foreign state and recognized in accordance with the international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document confirming the identity of a stateless person;
    • temporary residence permit;
    • resident card;
    • other documents, provided for by law or recognized in accordance with international treaties Russian Federation as identification documents of a stateless person.

    Also, in order to register a foreign citizen with the Pension Fund of Russia, the employer must have a notarized translation of the foreigner’s passport in Russian. Notarization gives translation legal force and defines responsible person for correctly filling out the ADV-1 form.

    ADV-1 sample filling for foreign citizens

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