Why dream of arguing with the boss. The boss scolds according to the dream book

    I very often dream of my boss, and at the same time, in a dream, he seems to show signs of attention to me. BUT in real life this is impossible, because. Firstly, I am a man, and secondly, both the boss and I have been married for many years and we have children, and we are of a normal orientation. But in a dream, he tells me all the time how he loves me and wants to touch me and stroke me. Such a gesture! what could such a dream mean?

    Here I agree completely. If the boss is dreaming and we are doing one project together, then career growth is just around the corner. I had it. I dreamed of such a picture several times, but for some reason I thought that this was due to the fact that he was showing increased signs of attention to me, and this bothered me unpleasantly. Now I have read the article and compared it. And the truth is, after those dreams, I had a good promotion in my career. True, it coincides with what I read here.

    Some, probably, only dream of such a dream, but it’s sadly not me)) Today my boss had a dream, and I already can’t look at him at work, and I don’t know where to go, and then I also came to sleep ... Sleep wears a little erotic character, and the article says that this is due to the fact that I imagined myself too much and soon someone will bring me down from heaven to earth ... And I probably agree, since I actually think that he is like without hands)) But who wants to set me up, this is an interesting question ...

    I am the head of a construction company, my name is Maxim. I had a very strange dream today... I dreamed of a man from work, or rather my subordinate. plaintively asking for something ...
    Okay, a man will dream of a woman, or vice versa ... But so ... So far, I can’t find what this dream means, but it would be interesting to know))

Why is the boss dreaming

Freud's dream book

The boss in a dream - most often symbolizes the father.

If you dream that you have become a boss, you are attracted to sex with elements of sadism.

If the boss called you, then for a man such a dream symbolizes the presence of a sexual rival, whom it is desirable to eliminate.

If the boss called you, then for a woman such a dream symbolizes the possibility of sexual harassment.

A joint meal or a drink with the boss symbolizes the presence of an oedipal complex in a man, and an Antigone complex in a woman.

Why is the boss dreaming

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Seeing your boss in a dream - to the fulfillment of desires. If he has a dejected and sick look, a chance may soon be presented to take his place.

To find yourself in the boss's office in the presence of a high commission asking questions that you cannot answer - such a dream suggests that you will find yourself in an unfamiliar team where you will feel like a black sheep. Seeing the boss signing the document you need without looking is a harbinger of new activities that you will like more and significantly strengthen your financial situation. An angry boss throwing thunder and lightning at your guilty head - this dream marks a turn for the worse both in your career and in love affairs.

Why is the boss dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed that you were talking with your boss or with a person on whom you are highly dependent on work, you are in big trouble.

Quarrel with the boss - to a reprimand.

In a dream, you drank with your boss - profit awaits you in the near future.

If you dreamed that you yourself became the boss, you will soon be demoted.

If you dreamed that one of your loved ones became the boss, get ready for a big scandal at home.

Beat, kill your boss - to a small profit.

Why is the boss dreaming

Esoteric dream book

To see your boss as if in reality - you live in fear of this person, gain his trust, and your fear will pass.

Unfamiliar to you - there is not enough boss "from above". Look for a subordinate position or role and you will feel more comfortable.

Seeing yourself as the boss - your ambitions are quite justified, and if you put in a little effort, you will be satisfied. The dream speaks of an unresolved problem of subordination.

Why is the boss dreaming

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Directors, bosses to see - irritation, annoyance.

Why is the boss dreaming

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

You dreamed of the Head - Success in all matters under the patronage of an important person. Imagine that you are on friendly terms with your boss. You are together at the same party and drinking wine for brotherhood.

Why is the boss dreaming

Dream Interpretation of E. Erickson

What does the Boss mean in a dream - to see another person as the boss - to feel envy that you are not able to be in a leadership position and must be subordinate to others. Seeing yourself as a boss is an opportunity to take a higher position.

Why is the boss dreaming

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

What does the Boss mean in a dream - stress, recognized by a heavy workload at work; fail to complete the work on time. Relative becomes boss - excessive control on his part; the boss becomes a relative - nervous exhaustion from work; you have become a workaholic.

Why is the boss dreaming

Online dream book

I saw my own boss - your cherished dream will come true.

He looks unwell or distressed - there is every reason to expect that his chair will be occupied by you.

A dream in which the boss rudely reads you or deprives you of your position indicates that in reality, on the contrary, you brilliantly cope with your official duties, you are valued and respected.

If he embraces you in a friendly embrace, be vigilant, everything can turn against you, competitors will prove their superiority, and no one will lend a helping hand.

It is a dream that you are talking with your boss in a raised voice - you can fall out of favor with the leadership, because of your disrespectful attitude when defending your own point of view.

Seeing a drunken boss in a dream - in reality, you will be able to win the favor of the boss, and thereby achieve career heights.

According to the dream book, to become a boss - you will soon occupy a more respectable position if you strive hard for this. Or you are just too ambitious.

Kissing with the boss is a warning that in the near future you may be fired and will experience serious financial difficulties.

Why is the boss dreaming

Dream Interpretation Morozova

The dreaming boss is a sign of his actual departure from his post due to promotion, relocation, retirement, illness or death. There will be many applicants for the vacant seat, but the dream predicts that you will be able to take this place if you take the initiative.

Why is the boss dreaming

Slavic dream book

Chief - to his dismissal.

Why is the boss dreaming

Loff's dream book

Relations with the boss in a dream - can have two interpretations:

1. A dear person who is not related to your work, such as a spouse, sibling, parent, or close friend, becomes your boss. If someone from the "non-work" environment becomes the boss, most likely you think that this person puts undue pressure on you and controls your life too much; with your tacit permission, relations with this person move into the plane of dominant control on his part. The scene of such a dream can be both a place of work and a completely ridiculous environment. And the place where you and your new boss work is associated with an area in which you experience excessive control on his part.

2. Consider the reverse transformation - your boss becomes your brother or sister, spouse or someone else who is completely far from the role of a mentor in the office. If your boss breaks into your personal life in the form of a loved one, it may be time to evaluate your work: workaholism is the destroyer of many families. If your work has filled the space allotted in real life to other people, most likely it's time to evaluate the emotions invested in it. The positive aspect of such a dream may be the collegiality displayed in it, or a warning about the depletion of emotional resources caused by your work. In conclusion, if you dream of your boss in a familiar work environment, then for some reason at work you are in a state of stress.

Often in dreams we are those whom we are ready to see last - a former classmate, a neighbor in the country, a boss from work. The latter often portends a promotion or personifies the dreamer of moving up the career ladder.

What else a male boss dreams of from work can be found out by carefully analyzing your vision and consulting with authoritative sources.

Interpretations of night dreams

    Miller's dream book

    Seeing your boss in a dream indicates a person’s desire to meet his soul mate, shift his burden onto another person, just not be alone. For a woman, a dream promises an intimate relationship because of the desire to benefit.

    Swearing with the director in a dream indicates the dreamer's hidden anger, which he can throw out at the wrong moment on a completely innocent person.

    Esoteric dream book

    The boss in a dream personifies a person’s fear of his leadership or of a person who occupies a more significant, significant place in society than the dreamer himself. the dream indicates that she is jealous of her friend's life.

    See your formidable boss in a casual setting portends reconciliation with his old enemy. For young men, a dream predicts an early financial independence.

    Velesov dream book

    See your leader in a dream prophesies an imminent rise, receiving an award or praise for the work done. For business men, a dream portends a profit, a successful deal.

    Loff's dream book

    See the bosses portends a dreamer's loved one an increase in the career ladder. Seeing a leader in a relaxed atmosphere means that a person close to the sleeping person will take some leadership position.

    Get intimate with your boss indicates to a woman the desire of some powerful man to seduce the dreamer. Swearing with the boss in a dream means the dreamer's excitement about the implementation of a project.

    Dream Interpretation Morozova

    To see in a dream a boss who is dissatisfied with the dreamer, portends a change in leadership and the dismissal of the old leader. If the director appears briefly in a dream, then this means the dreamer's dissatisfaction with his leader and his unwillingness to listen to his orders.

    Married people see in a dream the boss of their spouse or wife promises a family celebration, which will end in a stormy showdown. For single men, a dream promises career advancement at the expense of their colleague.

    Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

    Talking in a dream with your boss - portends serious troubles in the professional and material sphere. For young girls, such a dream indicates a desire to succeed at the expense of some man who is not indifferent to the dreamer. Such a path can end very badly.

    Freud's dream book

    dream boss symbolizes the dreamer's father and personifies his relationship with his parent. If in a dream the director scolded the sleeping man, then in reality the dreamer has a serious resentment against his father. If the conversation with the boss went peacefully, then in reality the dreamer misses his father very much or wants to earn his approval.

    A woman sees a director in a dream indicates her desire to find the perfect partner- a passionate, strong, domineering, so-called "alpha male".

    A man has such a dream an indication of an opponent, a competitor who is obviously stronger than the dreamer. The dream also speaks of the sleeper's desire to take a leadership position, not only on, but in his personal life.

    Dream Interpretation of Rasputin

    I dreamed of the immediate supervisor at work - this means that the dreamer will be entrusted with an important, responsible business. His further career will depend on how well he copes with this task.

    If the boss dreams of a married woman, then soon all disagreements in and with the spouse will pass, and the desired harmony will come in the house. If the dreamer dreamed in a dream that he himself became a leader, then in reality he devotes too little time to his family and friends.

    Dream Interpretation Melnikov

    Head in a dream - this is a harbinger of receiving any offer or news. A man to see his boss in a dream portends a lucrative offer that will bring significant material profit.

    A woman sees a drunk director in a dream predicts a promotion or an unexpected bonus. If the dreamer's leader brought her to tears, then in reality she will have to take care of her well-being herself.

    Seeing in a dream the director of a school that the dreamer graduated from long ago means that the sleeper needs to listen to the authoritative opinion of more experienced people, and not rely only on his own strength.

boss in a dream

A female boss in a dream indicates a person’s lack of confidence in their abilities and the fear of communicating with the opposite sex. Such a dream may portend trouble in the professional field due to the dreamer's loss of interest in his work.

For women, such a dream indicates their lack of confidence in their own attractiveness and fear of losing their femininity, becoming too rude and cruel. For men, a dream speaks of the fear of losing to a woman, thereby causing significant damage to their pride.

If the conversation with the boss takes place in a working environment, then this promises an acquaintance with a confident, beautiful woman, which shocks the dreamer with her frank behavior.

If the conversation with the leader takes place in a relaxed atmosphere, then soon the dreamer should expect an improvement in his financial situation or receiving good news from afar. A young dream like this portends an acquaintance with an interesting, experienced man.

To see a pregnant boss in a dream - to receive some kind of material profit or benefit. For women, a dream promises a happy marriage or a strong romantic relationship with your partner.

Different situations with the leader

Carry on a normal conversation with an employer in a dream means the dreamer's dissatisfaction with his place of work or field of activity. To see a crying leader in a dream indicates that serious changes will soon take place in the dreamer's professional sphere.

A naked boss in a dream is a sign that the dreamer feels uncomfortable at his workplace, feels some kind of nervousness. The dream also indicates the hostility of the dreamer's colleagues.

Hugging with your leader in a dream portends the fulfillment of all desires, provided that the dreamer is not overly naive and gullible. Kissing your boss in a dream is a bad sign that portends trouble at work and a possible dismissal.

Himself in a dream to kiss the boss indicates the dreamer's ambition, his desire to break through to the top at any cost. Such a dream speaks of the desire of the sleeping person to assert himself through some kind of romantic relationship.

Sexual intercourse with the boss in a dream portends career advancement or giving the dreamer a chance to realize himself. If the boss becomes the initiator of intimacy, then in reality the person has a difficult relationship with colleagues. If the dreamer himself decided to have an affair with the leader, then in reality he is ready for anything to get the desired position.

If in a dream the boss molested the dreamer, then in reality she devotes too much time to work and little to relatives. The dream also indicates the attraction that the dreamer feels for her immediate supervisor.

Seeing a drunken boss in a dream promises the dreamer the opportunity to move up the career ladder, to gain power over any person. The dream also indicates the dreamer's desire to take the place of his leader.

Consume alcohol with your boss means to receive a bonus or an opportunity to earn extra money.

If the boss died in a dream or the dreamer receives news of his death, then in reality there will be a serious and not very pleasant conversation with some important person for the sleeping person. The dream also indicates the dreamer's readiness to change jobs.

Former employer

Seeing your former boss in a dream portends a repetition of an old situation in which the dreamer will again feel uncomfortable. Seeing your former leader at a new job indicates the dreamer's indecision, his desire to go with the flow and not strive to develop in his field.

Swearing in a dream with a former boss personifies the dreamer's desire to shift responsibility for his actions onto the shoulders of another person. An unexpected meeting on the street or in some institution with your former boss predicts a large amount of work and workload in the near future.


A major quarrel with the boss at the workplace predicts the dreamer to receive, improving not only his financial, but also his social status. In addition, a dream can be a harbinger of real negative events at work.

If during a quarrel the leader became furious, then it promises trouble in family or personal life. If, after a quarrel, it was possible to make peace and solve all problems, then in reality the sleeper will receive a favorable offer from his leadership.

The boss seen in a dream symbolizes imminent changes, most dream books say. Moreover, if the dreamed communication with her was built on a positive, then this suggests that changes in life will be very pleasing. It is worse if a conflict occurred between you in a dream, the interpreters, explaining why such a plot is dreaming, prophesy the onset of a losing streak.

Miller's dream book

The interpretation of the dream offered by Gustav Miller to the plot in which you are talking with your boss suggests that you are in search of a life partner or a long-term relationship. You are tired of being free, you want to get "in submission."

It is also good to receive an important assignment from the boss in a dream and deal with it. This means that your search for a soulmate will be successful.

Had a dream that a former leader scolds you? This may mean that you lack the "powerful hand" that will control you and direct your actions.

Meet the changes!

Deciphering what the former boss or boss from an old job with a dog or riding a horse dreams of, the Eastern Dream Book suggests that this is a symbol of an unexpected meeting with an old friend who will help you change your life for the better.

Dreamed of the wedding of the former boss? In real life, you will be invited to a gala event. And if the woman who leads you in reality is dressed in black robes in a dream, then this is a sign of sudden problems, which, nevertheless, will positively affect your future destiny.

Kissing in a dream with a female leader is a sign of an increase in life. If a woman kissed her boss, then this is a signal of a possible replenishment in the family. But to see something like a man is a sign of enrichment.

Brace yourselves, it's going to be hard...

Dream books are interpreted in approximately the same way, in which you see both sex with a leader from an old job and a deceased female boss - the threat of ruin looms over you. Moderate your spending and reevaluate your spending.

Why dream that you are arguing with the boss from the “neighboring” office or from the work of a loved one, the Summer Dream Book will tell you: someone will spread dirty gossip about you.

And if you see in a dream how you are arguing with your boss after violent sex, then be careful, someone is preparing a trap for you. Do not trust anyone, even loved ones, without checking the information.

It is also bad for a woman to see herself naked in bed with her boss's husband. This is a sign of betrayal of a loved one, both a loved one and just a friend, upsets pastor Loff's dream book.

It's time for surprises

Dreamed of a pregnant boss? Be prepared for surprises and unexpected events.

Did you dream that a pregnant boss kisses you? Someone will pleasantly surprise you by presenting a gift for no reason. Kissing her back is a sign of your desire to make surprises.

But after a dream plot in which a pregnant boss dies, you should be prepared for unexpected troubles or disappointments, the English dream book warns.

Learn to manage your emotions

Interested in what a naked boss dreams about while intoxicated and with a black eye? According to Tsvetkov's dream book, this is a sign that intemperance can play a bad joke on you.

Anchor points:

Dream about the boss - good or bad?

The dream about the boss has a positive characteristic - you are on the right path to the goal and will soon reap the positive results of your work. If he looked bad, was unhealthy, upset, then your imminent promotion is possible. Drunk - to success in professional activities. Drinking with him - a dream is a harbinger of trouble. To see a dream in which the authorities were dissatisfied or even angry speaks of the dreamer as a person who is strong and confident in the future. He praised you, set an example for other employees, rewarded you - in real life you are forced to be content with what you have, the prospects for further development are bleak. Familiar Leader Behavior: a pat on the shoulder, back and below, as well as offensive remarks addressed to you and obvious disrespect on his part - a dream warns that excessive self-confidence will lead to failure. Swearing with him, proving his case - a dream is a dream of conflict. A fight with the boss leads to an improvement in the financial situation. If you killed him, then a profitable offer will come in the near future. Unplanned spending money predicts a dream in which the boss gave you a gift.

If the boss was unfamiliar to you ...

To see a stranger as the boss - you are not coping with your duties, and you constantly need the help of colleagues. He scolded you - soon you will make a gross mistake, as a result of which the entire team will suffer. The appointment of a new person to the role of director in a dream predicts a change in activity in reality. You offended a person, and he turned out to be your new leader? This dream characterizes you as a narrow-minded and frivolous person.

Seeing yourself as the boss - your desire to take a leadership position will soon be satisfied. Troubles in the family are carried by a dream in which your relative or close person was the boss. your boss - try to remember what you heard in this dream - most likely this is a clue leading to success. A dream where you could not find your director in the workplace in any way predicts vain chores. To take his place during the holidays - beware of the envy of the person working next to you. Dreamer having a love relationship in a dream with a leader, in real life she is haunted by troubles and bad luck. A dream about a former boss symbolizes your overwork, do not ignore the vacation, you definitely need a rest.

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