Why can lower back pain in late pregnancy. Causes of lower back pain during pregnancy and methods of its treatment Severe pain in the lower back of pregnancy what to do

The lower back during pregnancy often serves as an indicator of health, reacting to various physiological and pathological conditions. The main symptom is usually pain that appears in the lower back. But the causes, consequences and methods of treatment are always completely different, since there are extremely many mechanisms for the formation of this symptom. After the conception of a child, the process of uterine growth begins actively, proportional to the development of the fetus. In a woman's body, in response to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure caused by the growth of the uterus, numerous adaptive changes occur.

Etiological aspects of pain in the lower back

The causes that lead to the appearance of pain during pregnancy in the lumbar region can be very different. Below are the main etiological factors that affect the appearance of pain in the lower back in pregnant women.

  • Kidney pathology. This should include nephropathy, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis of pregnant women, as well as autoimmune processes in the renal parenchyma associated with complications of gestation.
  • Pathology of the musculoskeletal system. The compression of the spinal column by the growing uterus leads to an exacerbation of degenerative-dystrophic processes. The most striking example is osteochondrosis of the spine.
  • Pathology of the uterus. Hypertonicity of the posterior wall, which often accompanies a pregnant woman, is manifested precisely by pain in the lumbar region.
  • Myositis. Inflammation of the muscle tissue of the lumbar region. A common problem not only in pregnant women, but also in ordinary people of both sexes.
  • Pathology of the ovaries. Inflammatory changes in the female reproductive system progress during pregnancy, as local immunological reactivity decreases. This is how adnexitis, oophoritis and often even banal cervicitis appear.

The list can be continued with rare causes, including vascular pathology in the basin of the Adamkevich artery, irradiation of pain from the gastrointestinal tract, systemic connective tissue diseases, and many other pathological processes. It is extremely difficult to independently determine the etiological basis of lower back pain, so any manifestations should be considered potentially dangerous and immediately consult a doctor.

Clinical picture of various types of pain syndrome of the lumbar zone

Since the causes, due to the impact of which the lower back aches, are different, the symptoms are always different. A common nuance that unites all etiological aspects is only the very fact of the presence of pain. Due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the urinary system, problems with the kidneys are more likely to occur during the cold season. Inflammatory diseases - pyelonephritis in pregnant women occur with the following characteristic features:

  • the pain is constant, aching, sometimes quite strong;
  • there is no irradiation;
  • no vaginal discharge;
  • often accompanied by pain when urinating;
  • the temperature rises;
  • clear connection with hypothermia.

If the inflammation in the kidneys is purulent, then impurities in the form of flakes and turbidity are visible in the urine.

Pyelonephritis is a dangerous condition that threatens the development of intoxication and renal failure.

Hypertonicity of the uterus, especially in the early stages, is often manifested by pulling pains in the lower back. At the same time, the rectum can be irritated, which changes the nature of physiological functions. Pain is not permanent, may increase or decrease depending on the impact of environmental factors. There is no temperature, and the appearance of discharge always indicates the seriousness of the problem. The very concept of "hypertonicity" implies increased muscle tension. This is clearly visible on palpation of the abdomen - the uterus is hard to the touch, sometimes painful when touched by hands.

Characteristics of pain in the lumbar zone in the pathology of the spine

The importance of osteochondrosis during pregnancy cannot be underestimated. Although the disease does not seriously threaten the life of a woman, the pain syndrome sharply limits movement and lowers mood. The main clinical manifestations of the disease are listed below:

  • severe pain, sometimes unbearable, sharply intensifying with the slightest movement;
  • often occurs when the uterus is large - in the second and third trimesters;
  • radiates to the leg and buttock;
  • never accompanied by fever;
  • the general condition of the woman practically does not suffer;
  • the lower back is painful on palpation, and the abdomen is absolutely intact.

The insidiousness of the problem in the pathology of the musculoskeletal system lies in the fact that back pain is extremely difficult to stop. The usual group of drugs (NSAIDs) used for any person is not available, as it is contraindicated in pregnancy. Therefore, often the pain syndrome is delayed, and completely disappears only after childbirth. Fortunately, osteochondrosis of the spine usually does not affect the fetus.

If the stomach and lower back hurt at the same time, then this condition is categorically not typical for the pathology of the musculoskeletal system. Uterine hypertonicity, as well as acute gynecological pathology, should be excluded. Adnexitis and even ovarian apoplexy occurs, although not often, but quite regularly in medical practice. But in each case, the situation really threatens the life of the woman and the unborn child, and therefore requires immediate diagnosis and treatment.

How to diagnose pain syndrome

If a woman has back pain during pregnancy, then the exact etiology of this problem must be established. Not only therapeutic measures depend on this, but also the prognosis for the birth of a healthy baby. Since there are many causal factors, the whole complex of diagnostic procedures is prescribed. These should include:

  • blood test;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • ultrasound scan of the pelvis;
  • vaginal examination with smear examination;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • MRI of the pelvis or spine in complex cases.

Of the generally accepted examination methods, only radiography is not used, since radiation can harm the fetus.

Be sure to take into account the clinical picture of the pain syndrome. If the lower abdomen aches, and the pain radiates to the lower back, then the problem is probably due to the hypertonicity of the uterus. The diagnosis is confirmed by ultrasound. You can do an ultrasound at any stage of pregnancy. If there are acute pains in the lower back, aggravated by physical activity, with no changes in the analyzes, pathology of the spine should be assumed. Fever and leukocytosis in the urine, as well as expansion of the pelvicalyceal complex on ultrasound, indicates the presence of pyelonephritis.

How to relieve pain in a pregnant woman

In all situations when a pregnant woman's back hurts, medical assistance is required. Drug therapy is far from always needed, but it is important not to miss the moment associated with a threat to the life and health of a woman. With the initial degree of hypertonicity, psychological peace, friendly supportive relationships in the family and limitation of physical activity are needed. This is usually enough to completely stop the pain syndrome.

If the lower abdomen is pulled, and the pain spreads to the lumbar region, then there is a reason for concern and the appointment of drug therapy. Since there are many causes of an unpleasant condition, therapeutic actions are carried out according to the results of the diagnosis. With pain syndrome, complex treatment includes the appointment of the following groups of drugs:

  • simple analgesics - paracetamol, metamizole;
  • antispasmodics - drotaverine;
  • hormones - synthetic progesterone;
  • vitamins;
  • antibiotics in the presence of active bacterial inflammation in the kidneys or the female reproductive system;
  • tocolytics, if necessary, further relax the walls of the uterus.

The list of allowed drugs can be continued, as the choice of medication is carried out by an experienced doctor.

Even rubbing should not be used on its own, as they may contain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are absolutely contraindicated during pregnancy. It is also unacceptable to use widely used antibiotics inside.

Even one tablet of fluoroquinolones can cause irreparable harm to an unborn child, although these drugs are always successfully used to treat pyelonephritis in men and women. You can take only paracetamol on your own if you have a reliably known diagnosis of osteochondrosis.

What affects the prognosis in pain syndrome

The question of why the lower back hurts during pregnancy should be on the agenda of a woman and her relatives from the first moment of the development of an unpleasant symptom. The further fate of the unborn child depends on how early the problem is identified. If the painful condition is due to the pathology of the musculoskeletal system, then it will be extremely difficult to stop negative sensations. However, the situation practically does not affect the process of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child.

At the same time, even mild pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, accompanied by vaginal discharge and lower back pain, require an early visit to the doctor. This situation directly threatens the further progression of pregnancy. The presence of fever can also negatively affect kidney function, so pyelonephritis necessarily requires complex treatment. You should not be afraid of using medications during pregnancy - in most situations it is justified and does not carry a serious risk to the fetus. Indeed, in the end, it is important that the expectation of the baby be happy, and this state is easier to achieve without pain in the lumbar region.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 12 minutes


This record was checked by a gynecologist-endocrinologist, mammologist, ultrasound specialist.

Even the happiest and most long-awaited pregnancy is overshadowed by back pain. Sometimes - immediately in the early stages, sometimes - closer to childbirth, and someone at all - the entire period. It should be noted that almost all mothers (74% according to statistics) complain of such pains, including those who are completely healthy and do not have problems with the spine.

What is the reason, and how can you help yourself?

The nature and main causes of back pain during early and late pregnancy

Unfortunately, it is impossible to say unequivocally why the back hurts. There can be many reasons for the occurrence - both the most primitive (long term, load on the lower back), and those indicating serious health problems.

It is important to understand the nature of the pain, and not to miss the moment when you need to see a doctor.

  • "Pulling in the lower back." The uterus begins its active growth around the 16th week of pregnancy. Due to the increase, compression of the nerve endings, as well as the blood vessels surrounding the spine, occurs, as a result of which this pulling pain occurs in the very bottom of the back.
  • Irregular and non-intense "aching" in the lower back. Pain of this nature, subsiding after a quiet rest in the "lying" position, usually occurs after the 20th week. The reason is simple - a shift in the center of gravity in an enlarged tummy. The back in the lumbar region has to bend more and more, and as a result, the load is unevenly distributed to the spine. The lion's share of the load is taken by the lumbar region.
  • Prolonged and frequent (permanent) pain, localized in the sacrum. They can appear even at night, dooming the expectant mother to insomnia, and rest simply does not give any relief. Under the influence of the hormone relaxin, the pubic symphysis is stretched and the joints of the bones of the small / pelvis are softened - the body is preparing for an early birth. That is, the pelvis "diverges" that at the right time to freely let the baby into the light. Immediately before childbirth, this hormone "helps" in opening the cervix.
  • Pain that begins after the 37th week with a certain frequency. Don't be scared - it is. In addition, the pressure of the baby's head on the mother's spine also falls on the 3rd trimester.
  • Exacerbation of pain, if there were already certain problems with the spine. For example, with bruises, with injuries, or with chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It will also make itself felt with pain and flat feet if the expectant mother continues to run in high heels or in other shoes not intended to be worn during pregnancy.
  • Shooting in the back. Similar, more often unilateral and sudden, similar to "electric shock" pains can occur with osteochondrosis, with herniated intervertebral discs and sciatica, with scoliosis and other diseases. May be accompanied by leg numbness or a tingling sensation. The pain subsides when holding the breath or stopping the movement with the body tilted forward.
  • Unilateral back pain. In this case, there may be problems with the kidneys (comorbidities / symptoms - colic, cloudy urine, sharp pain when urinating) or pinching of the nerve / root of the spinal cord. The 1st diagnosis is checked with the help of ultrasound and tests, the 2nd - with the help of MRI.
  • Pain in the small of the back, with bloody discharge and drawing in the lower abdomen. These signs (note - in the 1st trimester) require urgent medical attention and most often speak of a threatened miscarriage. As for the 3rd trimester, such symptoms usually indicate the opening of the uterine os.
  • Back pain can also be noted in case of uterine tone. Naturally, you need to contact a gynecologist and undergo an ultrasound.

Commentary by a gynecologist-endocrinologist, mammologist, ultrasound specialist :

I would single out 2 main causes of back pain at once - now common osteochondrosis of the spine in the cervical and lumbar regions (a consequence of prolonged sitting in front of a computer monitor), and kidney disease, which is extremely important for pregnant women.

And pain in the lumbosacral spine, which is regarded as a symptom of abortion, is relevant only for those women whose uterus is tilted backwards. The vast majority have pain in the lower abdomen.

Remember, a consultation with a doctor is required if, in addition to back pain, you notice the following symptoms:

  • Pain that resembles contractions.
  • Pain when urinating.
  • Cloudy or foamy urine.
  • Feeling of increased tone of the uterus (approx. - the tummy “swells up and becomes hard like a ball”, there is a strong tension in the abdomen).
  • Bloody issues.
  • Minor/significant rise in temperature.

What should a pregnant woman do if her back hurts - how to relieve back pain?

With prolonged and severe pain with additional symptoms, of course, you should contact your gynecologist.

If the expectant mother is worried about the nature of the pain, you should not wait for improvement by self-medicating, a timely visit to the doctor will save her and the unborn baby from danger.

In the absence of alarming symptoms, the pain can be removed independently using the following means, rules and methods:

  • Pillow for pregnant women. If the pain is caused by the usual physiological changes characteristic of expectant mothers, such a pillow will help normalize sleep, support the mother's tummy and partially unload the back, taking on its tension. Mom can choose any pillow shape, if necessary - in the form of a boomerang, just a roller, U-shaped, in the shape of the letter “C”, “G”, “U”, etc. Note: a pillow in the shape of “C” after childbirth can be use as a temporary arena, and the roller is an excellent device for eliminating leg fatigue.
  • . It may be useful after the 20th week. The purpose is to support the tummy and relieve the load from the spine. True, it is not recommended to wear it for more than 4 hours, and, of course, you cannot sleep in it.
  • Swimming pool, yoga, water aerobics, etc. In general, such restorative procedures for the expectant mother are extremely useful. Especially the pool. In the absence of contraindications, do not waste time - help your body in such a difficult period.
  • Light massage. Do not rush to the first "manualist" that comes across. Remember that massage during this period, in the absence of proper qualifications from the "specialist", can significantly harm both mother and her baby. But a light massage from a professional with relevant experience is welcome. It will help to relax the muscles of the back and facilitate the general condition.
  • Pose, posture. Be sure to pay attention to how and where you sit most of the time. You can not overload the spine. A chair (chair) should be comfortable with an optimal height to support the back, and a stand will not interfere with the legs (by the way, it will come in handy later for feeding the baby). Crossing your legs is also not recommended. Also change your posture more often and remember to take breaks for light stretching or walking.
  • Fitball. Use the ball to unload the muscles of the back through the "unstable support". You should sit on the ball with your legs slightly apart (choose a comfortable position!). then turn the body left / right 5-6 times. Another useful exercise is rolling from a sitting position to a supine position. With it, the spine is stretched, the back is arched, and the back muscles are relaxed. Naturally, the exercise should be performed only with the help and under the control of the spouse.
  • No weights! Ask your spouse and relatives, if you need something to lift, move, convey. In case you had to lift something yourself, get down on one knee with a straight back, without slouching, and lift the thing with the strength of your legs, and not an already overloaded back.
  • Watch your nutrition. Lack of calcium (its "washout" during pregnancy) and minerals, as you know, can also be reflected in pain. Now, more than ever, a balanced and proper diet is needed.
  • Choose the right footwear. Set aside hairpins, high heels, tight ballet flats for a while in the closet. Now you need shoes with a small heel and (highly recommended!) With orthopedic insoles that reduce the load on the spine and protect the back from the development of osteochondrosis, etc.
  • Orthopedic mattress. It is also an extremely useful thing to restore strength during the night and during daytime rest. Do not spare money on such a mattress, it will greatly simplify your life. Pick up an orthopedic pillow for him.
  • Physical exercises. Discuss with your doctor what exercises will help relieve stress from your back and strengthen your general condition. One of the most popular exercises during this period is the "kitty" with the arch of the back in the "on all fours" position. Regularly performing this exercise, you will make it easier for yourself and the process of childbirth.
  • Warm bath and contrast shower in the lumbar region. Do not overdo it with a contrast shower, and the bath water should be exceptionally warm.

Treatment of back pain in pregnant women - what can a doctor prescribe?

First of all, if you suspect the development of any disease (and not with the pains characteristic of pregnancy), they seek advice from gynecologist and neurologist, orthopedist and surgeon, as well as a nephrologist .

According to the results of the examination, treatment is prescribed

  • With pain caused by renal spasms, no-shpu can be prescribed. Most drugs with the function of eliminating spasms and pain, as you know, are prohibited during pregnancy. The doctor prescribes treatment based on the general picture of the disease and, of course, the possible harm to the fetus.
  • Behind the lumbar pain with the presence of spotting, there may be a threat of miscarriage. In this case, hospitalization, complete rest and bed rest are usually indicated. Of the drugs, as a rule, Magnesia, Duphaston or Utrozhestan are prescribed. , and other means to reduce the tone of the uterus and maintain pregnancy.
  • For pain associated with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, Menovazin may be prescribed. For example, in the form of an ointment or solution. This drug is considered very effective in case of pinched lumbar nerve. Note: warming ointments during pregnancy are prohibited! They can lead to miscarriage.

So that the back does not hurt during pregnancy - methods for preventing pain

To reduce the risk of pain and protect your body from overload, you need to take care of yourself in such a difficult period for a woman and, of course, follow certain rules:

  • The growing uterus tends to compress the ureters, resulting in stagnation of urine, and then there is a risk of developing pyeloectasia and, as a result, pyelonephritis. Therefore, it is recommended after the 20th week, stand on all fours twice a day to improve urine flow.
  • Starting at 3-4 months old, get in the habit of lying down (with a special pillow under the tummy) with bent knees on the left side. That is, in the fetal position. As for the pose of the star (on the back), forget about it until the very birth. In extreme cases - reclining and on a hard surface.
  • Don't jump out of bed. Get up by rolling. When picking up something from the floor, first bend your knees. You can not pick up things from the floor, just leaning forward.
  • Eliminate all factors that provoke back pain and increase the load on the spine : do not lift heavy things, sleep in a comfortable bed, wear the right shoes, eat the right foods, sit on chairs with backs, etc.
  • Use a prenatal bandage and.
  • If you continue to work, then take a fabric roller with you (under the lower back) and a small stool under the feet.
  • Watch the work of the kidneys. At the 1st suspicion of problems in the genitourinary system, consult a doctor.
  • Rest more often with your legs up - on a pillow, for example.

And stay away from negativity! Get rid of all the negativity in your life. The expectant mother should enjoy every day.

The more positive you are, the easier the pregnancy will be.

The site site warns: the information is provided for informational purposes only, and is not a medical recommendation. In no case do not self-medicate! If you have health problems, consult your doctor!

Many expectant mothers complain that pain in the lower back prevents them from enjoying a pleasant position. Lower back pain during pregnancy is a completely normal and understandable condition. The fetus grows, thereby creating a load on the spine. However, there are times when pain becomes a wake-up call to serious health problems.

If the lower back hurts during pregnancy moderately, changing the position, the state of health improves. This condition occurs due to progesterone, a hormone that softens muscles and ligaments. The distribution of the load changes, the pelvis slowly diverges, with the growth of the uterus, the pressure on the pelvic organs increases. In this regard, the pregnant woman feels a quiet pain and a feeling of "bursting".

Non-dangerous causes of lower back pain during pregnancy

Lower back pain during pregnancy is not always a danger to the health of the expectant mother. In order not to feel discomfort when walking and sitting, a woman has to arch her back, which is why the psoas muscles are always tense. Consider the causes of lower back pain during pregnancy, which are not dangerous and will pass after childbirth:

  1. Inflammation of the sciatic nerve can give a sharp pain in the legs. Pelvic pain occurs due to instability of the hip joint.
  2. Unpleasant feelings appear in owners of a curved spine or poor muscle development.
  3. Aching pains in the lower back during late pregnancy occur due to a large weight gain and strong pressure of the fetus on the lower back.
  4. Disturbed balance. In the third trimester, a woman's belly increases. Accordingly, the balance of balance between the abdomen and back is disturbed. To prevent a woman from falling, she unconsciously tenses her back muscles. Continuous muscle strain causes lower back pain during pregnancy.
  5. Hormonal background. The body gradually prepares for childbirth by releasing various hormones. Relaxin is responsible for the fact that the intervertebral ligaments and joints of the pelvic region are stretched. He prepares the birth canal for the passage of the baby's body. Unfortunately, the effect of relaxin causes overstretching of the muscles of the lower back.
  6. Enlargement of the uterus. The uterus grows with the baby's body. In the last month of pregnancy, the uterus presses on the surrounding vessels, including the vertebral ones. In the supine position, the woman will feel pain due to the pressure of the child on the inside of the lower back.
  7. Wrong posture. Carrying a child, even women with correct posture before pregnancy are forced to compensate for a rounded and heavier belly. They often arch the spine to make it easier to walk, thus creating a base for the same muscle tension and the occurrence of what pulls the lower back during pregnancy.
  8. Heels. It is better to refrain from wearing high heels. Because of them, a deformation of the spine occurs, and during pregnancy this will affect the back of a woman more strongly. In addition, due to the shifted center of gravity, the gait will be ugly.
  9. Prolonged time in a sitting or standing position. If you stay in one position for too long, then with a sharp change in position, your lower back hurts during pregnancy, this suggests that you need to change your body position more often.

Dangerous lower back pain during pregnancy associated with diseases

Severe lower back pain during pregnancy may indicate pathological problems associated with diseases of other organs. These include:

  • Kidney problems: there is a drawing and aching pain. Cramping jumps are symptoms of renal colic. Urine dark in color, with an admixture of blood. There is no way to console the pain, only to fight the disease.
  • Inflammation of the pancreas, which occurs as a result of stress, malnutrition or heredity.
  • Because of the draft and hypothermia, there is acute pain in the lower back during pregnancy. Muscle inflammation occurs - myositis.
  • With renal colic in the lower back, there is a sharp pain, nausea, problems with urination begin.
  • Osteochondrosis and sciatica create shooting pain. Often the tingling radiates to the legs.
  • Lower back pain during pregnancy can be caused by pancreatitis and urolithiasis, a kidney stone injures the mucous membrane due to its mobility, causing pain in a pregnant woman.

When to See a Doctor

There are several signs by which a woman can understand whether she needs specialist advice, since lower back pain during pregnancy is often observed during pregnancy. These signs include:

  1. type of pain. Sharp pain does not bode well. Also, the stronger the pain, the greater the likelihood of needing a visit to the doctor;
  2. if lower back pain during pregnancy appears suddenly, and becomes stronger within a few hours;
  3. if a woman notices spasms, you should immediately go to the doctor: the cause may be contractions that began before the due date.
  4. if the lower back and lower abdomen hurt during pregnancy, spotting appears - there is a high probability of miscarriage.


After a detailed examination and history taking, the specialist will most likely prescribe additional examinations and some tests. This will help to understand why the lower back is pulled during pregnancy. These include:

  • Analysis of urine;
  • computed tomography of the spine;
  • magnetic resonance imaging - when the problem is not in the bones, but in the soft tissues;

Even if the pain appeared and disappeared, and the woman did not have to go to the doctor out of turn, at the next scheduled consultation, it is necessary to report that back pain has taken place.

Medications for back pain during pregnancy

Most medications are contraindicated for pregnant women. Folk remedies may either not have an effect, or make it even worse. Therefore, before treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor leading the pregnancy. To treat lower back pain during pregnancy, he may prescribe:

  1. Painkillers for lower back pain during pregnancy (No-Shpa, Nurofen, Paracetamol)
  2. Corvalol and Valerian, if the nature of the load is more of a nervous than physical nature;
  3. special ointments, but you should pay attention to the composition. Poison-containing drugs should not be used, as they can harm the fetus. For the treatment of back pain during pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe Nurofen-gel or other analogues of this drug.

Without prior professional advice, it is forbidden to self-treat with any medications, even those that are allowed for pregnant women.

Treatment for back pain during pregnancy

Depending on the identified causes, the treatment of lower back pain during pregnancy varies:

  • if pyelonephritis or diseases of the genitourinary system are found, the pain-causing disease must first be treated;
  • if the problem is in the vertebrae, bed rest is prescribed. It will be necessary to make compresses and smear with special heating preparations;
  • muscle spasms will help relieve massage. Only it is better to carry it out to a qualified massage therapist: some movements of a regular massage are contraindicated for pregnant women;
  • pregnancy requires an increased amount of calcium in the body. Therefore, eat foods rich in calcium, or special vitamin preparations should be used as directed by a doctor;
  • in case of neurological diseases, the treatment of lower back pain during pregnancy is carried out with the help of bed rest, special corsets and bandages, as well as a set of physical exercises.

In most cases, to reduce lower back pain during pregnancy, it is enough to purchase a suitable brace. It will reduce the load of the abdomen on the back of the pregnant woman.

Nutrition to reduce back pain

To reduce the chance of lower back pain during pregnancy, follow the diet:

  1. The main item in the diet is calcium. This trace element is found in large quantities in meat, fish, dairy products and nuts.
  2. The following recommendations are equally important:
  3. if back pain during pregnancy has become systematic, you need to take calcium carbonate or lactate tablets;
  4. if a woman had diseases of the musculoskeletal system even before pregnancy, she constantly needs such drugs;
  5. daily in the menu should be up to 0.5 liters of milk or kefir, as well as 100 grams of cottage cheese;
  6. beets and beans will be useful;
  7. Egg shells are very rich in calcium. To safely eat it as food, you need to remove the film from the inside of the shell, heat it in a frying pan and grind it to dust with a coffee grinder or a mortar and pestle. To maintain calcium balance, 0.5 g of the shell is enough in addition to the main meal.

For better absorption of calcium, regular walks should be taken. Sunlight will provide maximum benefit, which will also replenish vitamin D reserves. Thanks to it, calcium will be absorbed much faster.

Exercises to Reduce Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy

To reduce already appeared lower back pain during pregnancy, as well as prevent their occurrence, you need to do special exercises. The sooner a pregnant woman starts exercising, the lower the chance of back pain will be. In addition to the prevention of this trouble, physical education performs the function of preparing for childbirth: attempts during labor will be felt easier.

Video: Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and lower back

Massage for back pain during pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, massage is prohibited. At this time, even minimal shaking and pressure cause a violation of the course of pregnancy, abnormal development of the fetus, or even miscarriage. Massage treatments will be most effective in the third trimester.

Video: Massage for back pain during pregnancy at home

Prevention of back pain during pregnancy

Proper body position is the best way to prevent back pain during pregnancy. Following some recommendations will help to cope with the problem on your own.

body position

  • Correct posture should be the basis of the life of every pregnant woman. If there are flaws in the position of the ridge, then unpleasant sensations begin in the lumbar region. The back should be kept straight, not slouching or bending back too much. For a sitting position, small pillows are placed under the back, or they sit on special orthopedic chairs.
  • Change of position is required. If you spend more than ten minutes in the same one, the muscles will begin to ache and numb. Therefore, with such frequency it is necessary to change the type of being in space: walk a little, stand, sit or lie down.
  • In a standing position, it is necessary to periodically change the leg on which the whole body rests. The weight should be evenly distributed.
  • There are special orthopedic pillows for pregnant women. They are used during sleep so that the stomach does not press down. After all, even while sleeping on the side, the stomach “lays down” next to the woman. A pillow will help keep him in a natural position.
  • Get out of bed without sudden movements. If you slept on your back, then first you should slowly roll onto your side, and then change your position to a sitting one. Only then are you allowed to get up.
  • Orthopedic chair will be useful after pregnancy. Especially at a time when it is necessary to put the body in order.
  • Do not cross your legs while sitting.
  • Time spent at the computer should be kept to a minimum. Being carried away by what is happening on the screen, users often lose track of time. Even men and non-pregnant women sometimes have numb legs and back pain. A pregnant woman, forgetting to change the position of her body, dooms herself to prolonged discomfort.
  • If you have to get behind the wheel, the rear-view mirror should be adjusted in such a way that you do not have to turn your head often.
  • By following these simple rules, you will make the pain go away, or even not appear at all.


Lifting heavy things can not only cause miscarriage or premature labor, but also cause lower back pain.

  1. Go to the grocery store with someone who will help carry packages and bags to the house.
  2. If you already have a child, you do not need to hold him in your arms on one side of the body. This position greatly increases the load on the back. Change the baby's position. From right hand to left.
  3. In the case when there is no one else to help around the house, it is better to hire a housekeeper. During the transition from the first to the second trimester, lower back pain appears even with minimal exertion - for example, when washing dishes.
  4. To pick up fallen things should not be bending over, but from a semi-squat. If you are sitting in a chair, lean back. It is better not to sit on stools.

Often pregnant women do not pay much attention to a raised bag or a basin of linen. And then they complain to the doctor about anxiety in the back. Large-scale problems arise from small loads, so the weight being lifted must be carefully monitored - otherwise you will certainly experience lower back pain during pregnancy.

Comfortable clothes

Truly comfortable maternity clothes are designed not only to reduce the area of ​​pressure on the fetus. It also relieves stress on the back, which leads to minimizing the likelihood of lower back pain.

  • Shoes should not be larger or smaller than the actual foot size. The foot should not slip or be squeezed. The heel (if any) must be wide and of minimum height. The straps on the shoes should securely fix the foot, but do not squeeze it.
  • The choice of a bra is also important - the straps should be taken wide to support the chest and relieve overload from the shoulders.

The pain that comes with it is not worth it. Unpleasant sensations are reflected not only in the mood and condition of the woman, but also in the child in the womb. If the lower back hurts during pregnancy, it must be stopped and the pain should be prevented by any means other than medication. The latter are prescribed only by the doctor leading the patient's pregnancy, and only if he sees no other way to stop back pain. When taking medications, a pregnant woman should strictly follow the instructions, as well as the dosage, so as not to harm the unborn child. After all, although he has not yet been born, a negative impact on him may already be exerted.

Video: Lower back pain during early and late pregnancy

Video: How to get rid of lower back pain during pregnancy? PART 1

Video: How to get rid of lower back pain during pregnancy? PART 2

Video: How to get rid of lower back pain during pregnancy? PART 3

Back pain is very common during pregnancy. Many future mothers consider it a manifestation of sciatica or osteochondrosis.

Meanwhile, lumbar pain during the period of bearing a child can be both a physiological reaction to the restructuring of the body, and or.

Low back pain during this period should be treated carefully and at least try to establish its cause.

Lower back pain during pregnancy often occurs due to physiological changes in the body of the expectant mother.

  • Hormonal changes in early pregnancy.

A fairly common cause of mild lower back pain in the first trimester is a sharp increase in the level of the hormone relaxin. It acts on the intervertebral ligaments and joints of the pelvis, which become less rigid and more relaxed.

Thus, at the beginning of pregnancy, the body prepares for long-term gestation and childbirth, but expectant mothers may feel discomfort in the coccyx and lower back.

Pain due to increased levels of relaxin stops after the twentieth week.

  • Weight gain in late pregnancy.

In the later stages (at the end of the II and III trimesters of pregnancy), other problems arise due to and. An enlarged uterus can put pressure on the diaphragm and nerve endings, thereby causing severe pain in the lumbar region.

In addition, due to the growth of the abdomen, the center of the body shifts forward, and the woman has to tighten her muscles to maintain balance. Tense, spasmodic back muscles begin to hurt.

A shift in the center of the body is the most common cause of lower back pain during pregnancy.

Excess weight exacerbates the problem - if a woman gains 9-15 kg while waiting for a child, this puts too much stress on her legs and spine.

If a woman, even before pregnancy, suffered from problems with the spine, such as a hernia of the lumbar spine or osteochondrosis, then during the period of bearing a child, she is likely to experience pain in the lower back. Women with underdeveloped muscles are also at risk.

  • False contractions.

At the end of pregnancy, pulling pain in the lower back may occur due to false contractions. False or training contractions (also called Braxton-Hicks contractions) are irregular uterine contractions.

Unlike real contractions, their intensity does not increase over the interval, and the pain often disappears if you change the position of the body.

False contractions are almost painless, but for some women they bring severe discomfort. Sometimes pregnant women feel very weak false contractions as early as the first trimester, but usually such contractions become noticeable only at the very end of pregnancy.

Frequent and painful contractions during the first semester most likely indicate a threatened miscarriage.

Back pain during pregnancy can be associated not only with the physiological restructuring of the body. Pain in the lumbar region sometimes signal really serious problems that are possible at any stage of pregnancy, such as: the threat of miscarriage or kidney disease.

  • Risk of miscarriage.

If aching pain in the lower back is accompanied, then the pregnant woman needs to urgently run to the doctor! Any bleeding should be alert.

A sudden discharge of a large amount of liquid or pinkish mucus from the vagina can indicate the threat of a miscarriage.

Especially attentive to the problem should be those women who have previously had a miscarriage.

  • Kidney diseases.

During pregnancy, various complications associated with the kidneys often occur. Most often it is pyelonephritis. Kidney problems in pregnant women occur due to the fact that the tone of the ureters decreases due to hormonal changes, and the expanded ovarian veins and the enlarged uterus compress the urinary tract.

Due to the peculiarities of the anatomy, the right kidney is more often affected. Low back pain in kidney disease is usually unilateral, but can also be bilateral.

The fact that back pain is associated specifically with the kidneys is indicated by frequent and painful urination. For specification of the diagnosis it is necessary to make the analysis of urine. Pyelonephritis can affect the course of pregnancy and cause complications during childbirth, so it must be treated.

What to do with back pain: choose treatment, forget about prevention

Of course, if back pain is associated with a threatened miscarriage or kidney disease, only a doctor can prescribe treatment.

And if it's all about the load on the spine, then in most cases the painful condition can be alleviated at home.

Try to keep your posture at all times. If you have to stand for a long time, then tighten your buttocks, straighten your shoulders and take them down and try to straighten your spine. In addition, if you put one foot on a raised platform, it will help relieve your back.

Avoid high heels. Wearing such shoes leads to excessive tension in the back muscles.

Watch your body position if you have to sit for a long time. It is desirable that the knees are raised and are above the level of the lower back. Behind the deflection area, you can put a small pillow, this will help the muscles relax.

A comfortable position of the body during sleep is also very important. Try to sleep on your side. In late pregnancy, you can put a small pillow under your stomach.

In addition, your condition can be greatly relieved by an orthopedic mattress. And, of course, try to get enough sleep and spend more time in the fresh air.

Exercises to relieve lower back pain

Since back pain is usually associated with excessive muscle tension, special exercises can help alleviate it. Now in many cities there are groups where yoga for pregnant women is practiced. The main part of this complex is usually aimed at strengthening the back, abdominal muscles and working with the ligaments of the pelvis.

It is very useful during pregnancy to go to the pool. Find out if there is a swimming pool near your home or work where there are special water aerobics groups for pregnant women. But even if there is no such group, calm swimming in water with a comfortable temperature will greatly alleviate your condition.

There are also simple exercises that you can do at home.

For example, standing on all fours with your elbows slightly bent, rotate your pelvis in a figure-eight or circle.

This exercise will help both relieve pain and work out the back muscles.

If you have a hernia or other serious spinal problems, be sure to consult your doctor about what types of physical activity are contraindicated for you. Swimming is usually allowed for most spinal problems.

Massage and other physiotherapy

Massage, as well as acupuncture and physiotherapy during pregnancy are often contraindicated.

Therefore, before starting a course of such procedures, be sure to consult your gynecologist and remember that massage or acupuncture must be carried out by a qualified specialist working with pregnant women.

Taking calcium and vitamins

As you know, the development of the fetus requires a large amount of calcium. Since the balance of calcium also affects the condition of the bones, it is advisable to ensure that you consume a sufficient amount of this trace element in case of back pain.

Calcium is known to be best absorbed by the body when it is found in foods. There is a lot of calcium in foods such as milk, cottage cheese, sour-milk products, hard cheese. In addition, a large amount of calcium is found in cabbage, beans, ocean fish.

Be sure to consume dairy products every day and remember that calcium is well absorbed only in the presence of vitamin D, so try to walk more in sunny weather. Since only 500 mg of calcium is absorbed at a time, try to divide foods containing calcium into several servings.

Talk to your doctor before taking calcium supplements such as Calcium D3 Nycomed. Excess calcium can also lead to the formation of kidney stones.

Vitamins of group B also help with back pain. Usually they are contained in, which your doctor has probably already prescribed for you.


During pregnancy, it is better to avoid taking any medications. If the pain is very severe, you can take small doses of analgesics that are not contraindicated during pregnancy, such as paracetamol and No-shpa.

Ointments should also be used with caution, as many ointments contain poisons that are dangerous to the fetus. Allowed during pregnancy "Nurofen Gel".

Folk methods

Often, to relieve back pain, it is advised to use various hot compresses, but they are contraindicated during pregnancy. You can try gently rubbing your back with propolis or eucalyptus tincture.

Prevention of back pain

So, what can you do to reduce the likelihood of back pain? Here are some recommendations:

  • physical exercises allowed during pregnancy;
  • sleeping in a comfortable position, using an orthopedic mattress or a special pillow for pregnant women;
  • refusal of high heels;
  • maintaining correct posture;
  • eating foods containing calcium.

Two-thirds of women experience back pain during pregnancy. In most cases, this is the reaction of the body to the increased load on the spine due to the growth of the abdomen. But sometimes lower back pain is a symptom of a serious problem, so be sure to check with your doctor.

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