How can you check when your passport will be ready? Overview of possible methods

Despite the fact that for many residents of our country, trips abroad have become commonplace, such trips are still expected and prepared for. There is always a possibility that the trip may be disrupted due to reasons beyond your control. The documents have been collected, an application has been submitted to the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but whether the passport for traveling abroad will be ready at the right time is a question that worries almost everyone. Naturally, you always want to check the document preparation process. In this material we will tell you how a readiness check can be carried out foreign passport citizen of the Russian Federation in 2019.

Verification methods

Legislation Russian Federation defined only deadlines paperwork for traveling abroad. These deadlines vary depending on where you applied for the document.

How to check the readiness of documents through the website of the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The process of accepting documents, checking applicants, preparing and issuing foreign documents In the Russian Federation, it is the Main Directorate of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that deals with this. Naturally, it is this department that has the most reliable information on the issue of issuing foreign passports. This state organization is underway keeps up with the times and has its own website, which is very convenient to use when deciding migration issues. Checking the readiness of a foreign passport on the GUMVD website is also available.

In order to obtain the information you are interested in, you need to follow the link: https://guvm.mvd.rf/services/passport. Next you need to act, choosing from the proposed buttons and entering the information required from you. The choice is clear on an intuitive level and will not present any difficulties for you.

Currently in the Russian Federation you can obtain a passport for trips abroad two types. The new document contains the biometric parameters of its owner, is issued for 10 years and is subject to a state fee of 3,500 rubles. But you can choose an old type document, which is a familiar booklet, is issued for 5 years and is subject to a fee of 2000 rubles. In such a document you can, and then separate passports they won't need it. To check the readiness of a foreign passport through the GUMVD website, for different types Foreign passports require different information.

If you choose new biometric document, then you will need to enter the series and number of your internal passport citizen of Russia. All such documents are produced exclusively at the Goznak factory in Moscow and information about them is centralized.

Old type passports are filled out directly in departments of the GUVM Ministry of Internal Affairs, they also laminate the page with personal data. Therefore you will be asked to report:

  • the region in which you applied for the document;
  • your date of birth;
  • number of the document on the basis of which you applied for a foreign passport. Usually it is t or .

After this, you need to enter a captcha - a set of characters confirming that the request is sent by a person and not a machine, and you will instantly receive an answer.

Please note: the site warns that the information is preliminary and not legally binding.

After checking whether the international passport is ready through the official website and receiving a positive answer, double-check the information at the GUVM office. There, lists of those whose passports are ready are posted daily on information stands.

How to check readiness on the State Services portal

This portal is generally very convenient when you need to receive any services from the government. In particular, it is also possible to check the readiness of a new generation foreign passport online. True, to use the portal you need to create and register a work account on it, but later you will be able to save a lot of time by resolving issues not only of traveling abroad, but also others that are within the competence government agencies different levels.

It would be best if you filled out the application for the document on this portal. Then, during the registration process, you will indicate a notification method that is convenient for you. You can choose between SMS and email. Using the chosen method, you will receive information about what stage the document execution process is at.

Immediately after completing your application, you will receive a message indicating that it has been accepted, indicating the date and time. You can find out about the readiness of your international passport through State Services through the same message. Naturally, this is very convenient.

If you applied for a passport in another way, then you can also find out about the readiness of the document through this portal. But you will still have to register for it first.

Don’t regret the very little effort you’ve spent, because in addition to checking the readiness of your foreign passport at State Services, you will be able to track the consideration of most of the applications you submitted to government agencies.

Before you find out whether your passport is ready via the Internet, you need to log in to the portal using the activation code received by mail (or purchased from Rostelecom electronic signature) and account numbers from . Further, you will not have any problems finding out at what stage the execution of your papers is.

Verification by calling the department of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

If modern Computer techologies for some reason are not available to you or you simply adhere to the classical ways of doing things, then, of course, there are methods that allow you to resolve your issues “the old fashioned way.”

Is it possible to find out if a passport is ready over the phone? Yes, you can. Call your regional department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs and ask. There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of here, and there is no need to be afraid that you will be refused an answer. Are you in in this case don’t ask anyone for a favor, but realize your own legal right, secured by order of the Federal migration service(the legal successor of this organization is the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs): a citizen’s right to find out at what stage the registration of his papers is is enshrined in paragraph 13 of Order No. 211 of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation dated March 26, 2014.

Naturally, you will need a phone number territorial division migration service, where you can make inquiries. It is also advisable to know the name of the employee who will answer your questions. All this data is easiest to obtain when applying for a foreign passport, but if you haven’t done this, don’t be upset - get the data through help services. At most you will have to make a few additional calls.

When checking the readiness of your documents GUVM employees The Ministry of Internal Affairs will have to check various lists and may need data from your internal passport as a Russian citizen. So have this document ready before you call.

How to check the readiness of a foreign passport: Video

Public services of the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia have become simpler and more accessible. Today, in order to obtain a foreign passport, you can submit an application via the Internet or fill out a form on paper, and using special services On the official website of the Migration Office you can track the readiness of the paper you are preparing.

Passport production time

The legislation stipulates the deadlines for the production of documents of both old and new types. If the application is submitted properly to the regional division of the Federal Migration Service at your place of registration, then, regardless of the method of submission, no later than one calendar month the requested document must be ready. There are some reasons that can increase the production time of papers:

  • the citizen has personal access to information that has classified status;
  • When submitting the application, no information was provided confirming your place of residence;
  • permanent place the resident’s residence was issued outside the Russian Federation.

In the cases listed above, the period for obtaining a document for trips abroad can be up to 4 months; a justified refusal may be received. Under any conditions, you have the opportunity to see the readiness of your passport on official page regional office of the Office for Migration Affairs. The legislation provides for cases when an applicant has the right to urgent processing papers: death of a relative, emergency treatment abroad, serious illness of a relative. In such cases, documents for departure are processed within no more than 3 days.

Electronic queue for a foreign passport

You can check the readiness of your passport on the website public services after submitting an application established form. At all stages of submission, the system informs about the procedure for providing information, explains when, in what regional office need to show up to receive finished papers. Filling out the application is simple: it is important to correctly indicate your last name and other information. The online decision review time does not exceed 15 minutes. During this period, the application for the possibility of providing the service you requested will be considered.

How to find out if your passport is ready

After receiving confirmation from government authorities that the application has been accepted, you can track the status of your application if you have not received a message about the place and date of its receipt. It is easy to check the status of registration on the websites of government services and the official portal of the Office for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. To verify, you need to enter your ID details. Issue finished document carried out at the Department office at the place of registered residence.

Passport verification by the Federal Migration Service of Russia

To find out about the readiness of your passport, use single portal Federal Migration Service of Russia, you need to go to the appropriate section on the site. The section in which you can check the data contains a form with a series field and an internal passport number field. The portal provides explanations and recommendations for choosing a convenient form of payment state duty. The entered data is processed within a few seconds, and the system gives you an answer regarding the status of your document.

Checking the readiness of a new generation foreign passport online

All adult citizens They can make a new generation passport on their own by filling out an application online. IN electronic application you need to indicate passport details, information about close relatives, marriage, registration at the place of residence, etc. Each field of the form must be filled out. You can check your passport for readiness on several online resources.

On the government services website

How to check the readiness of a foreign passport on a website that provides government services? The first step is to register and gain access to services e-government. To register on an online resource, you need to provide either an address Email, number mobile phone. After confirming your registration, fill out the application form. After this, thanks to the positive response received from the FMS, you can check the submitted papers on the Internet.

On the migration service website

By decree of April 5, 2016, the Federal Migration Service was disbanded, and issues related to the preparation of documents for moving across the border are resolved by the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Official portal The department contains a form that allows you to check the readiness of documents, the application for which was sent earlier. This form consists of fields in which you must enter the series and number internal document, identification. Federal portal has useful sections that relate to the receipt of services by citizens:

  • obtaining a new generation passport (for all citizens and children);
  • a reminder about the correctness of filling out the application;
  • a list of grounds leading to refusal of registration, and other sections with answers to frequently asked questions.

The passport has a validity period limited to 10 years. Minor citizens receive a certificate valid for 5 years. For persons under 14 years of age, the state fee is 1000 rubles, for persons aged 14 to 18 – 2000 rubles. The application for a passport for citizens under the age of majority is different: in addition to the child’s data, information about parents or guardians is indicated. You can also check a child’s passport for trips abroad via the Internet using official Internet resources.

Video: how to find out the readiness of a foreign passport

How do I know if my passport is ready? This is the question asked by citizens of the Russian Federation who have ordered an identity card for traveling abroad. It’s easy to track the readiness of a brand new red crust. There are several ways to check the readiness of your passport. For example, online via the Internet or by contacting directly the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Anyone who has begun preparing for a trip abroad is eager to find out that their international passport is ready. Without foreign passports it is impossible to travel to almost any country in the world. Only to Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, South Ossetia and Abkhazia is allowed to enter according to Russian certificate personality. Therefore, you will need to check the readiness of your foreign passport before the vast majority of foreign visits. Tracking a foreign passport of a new or old type does not present any difficulties.

Checking the readiness of the international passport – simplest procedure. It is important to remember that previously the Federal Migration Service was responsible for the production of the document. It was enough to go to the official website of the Federal Migration Service of Russia to check the readiness of foreign passports. The information was provided free of charge.

Since 2016 on the FMS website similar information you won't get it anymore. After the reform of the department, the issuance of certificates for foreign trips is within the competence of the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

But although the required data is no longer available on the FMS website, checking the readiness of a foreign passport is still available via the Internet. It just needs to be produced GUVM portal Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Besides, online check international passport is open on government services - an Internet service where government services are provided to the population. As was the case with the Federal Migration Service, on both sites information about the readiness of a foreign passport (Moscow or regions - it doesn’t matter) is given free of charge.

Possible options

You can view the readiness of your passport:

  1. For any method of submitting an application for the issuance of a document (directly to migration department, through government services or a multifunctional center):
    1. On the GUVM website.
    2. By phone territorial branches Ministry of Internal Affairs.
    3. At personal visit V department of GUVM at the place of residence.
  2. When ordering a crust through the government services website:
    1. Directly through government services.

We check through the GUVM Internet portal

To see if your passports are ready, you need to follow the link.

10-year biometric identity certificate of the new generation

  1. Verification is carried out using the Russian passport number.
  2. A citizen should keep the series and number of the document presented when applying for a foreign identity card.
  3. Then enter the code from the picture and click “Send request”.

Old style unchip crust

  • If you ordered an old-style document (5-year certificate), it is possible to check your international passport using the number of your birth certificate or Russian passport.
  • The citizen indicates his region (checking is not available for all regions of the Russian Federation).
  • Then you need to indicate your date of birth.
  • Then write the document number (numbers only). The numbers are copied from the document that was provided to issue the old-style ID.
  • After this, enter the code from the picture and click “Send request”

We check through the State Services website

When requesting a foreign passport through State Services, the applicant is registered in personal account. The readiness of the ordered document is also monitored here. Registration is carried out by last name, first name and patronymic, mobile phone number and email address.

Registered users are notified of the progress of the passport application review via SMS or email.

We check by phone or in person

To track the progress of your passport application, you are allowed to call the Ministry of Internal Affairs or contact the department office at your place of residence. All contacts and possible options

Contacts with competent employees can be found directly at the Main Directorate for Migration.

Having figured out how to check the readiness of a foreign passport, all that remains is to put it into practice. It is worth considering that the standard production time for an ID card is 1 month. This applies to both the new 10-year passport and the old 5-year passport. Therefore, there is no need to worry that the document has not yet been completed if its status is checked just 2-3 weeks after submitting the application. But after 30 days, the “fate” of the passport on the website or in another way will definitely become clear. Applying for a foreign passport is a troublesome matter that requires a fee. certain documents

and submitting them to the nearest branch of the Federal Migration Service.

After receiving the documents, the FMS specialist will inform you how long the passport will be ready.

The stated deadline does not always correspond to reality, so it is easier to independently check the information about whether the passport is ready or not. For this there are various ways checks: from simple phone call , to special online services

Checking the readiness of a foreign passport with an electronic storage medium (with a chip)

Check the readiness of the foreign passport with electronic media(with a chip), or in other words, a new passport, can be found on the website of the Federal Migration Service.

On the site you will need to enter the following information:

  • passport details the applicant;
  • registration number, which was assigned after receiving the documents.

The option for entering information depends on the structure of the site itself.

It is worth understanding that information on the site is posted as it becomes available, therefore, when checking the readiness of the passport, the applicant may not receive any information.

It is better to repeat the request in a couple of days.

If the deadline for preparing documents has already expired and no information appears on the website, you should contact the FMS office in person to clarify the circumstances of the delay in obtaining a foreign passport.

How to find out if a foreign passport is ready by directly contacting the FMS?

For those who want to personally verify the readiness of their international passport, there are two options for checking information:

  • call to the department FMS;
  • personal visit services.

The second option is the most acceptable, because:

  1. If your passport is already ready, it will be issued to the applicant immediately.
  2. If there are any additional questions , they can be asked to service specialists.
  3. It's not always possible to get through by phone, with personal presence there is every chance of obtaining the necessary data.

This does not mean that you should come to the service every month, i.e. ahead of schedule, named by the specialist receiving the documents.

If the waiting period approaches 4 months
or more time has passed, then it is necessary to visit the FMS, because there is a possibility that the passport is ready and the specialist simply did not have time to notify the applicant.

When visiting the FMS in person, you should take with you all the necessary documents to receive a passport. An acceptable option would be to choose days when there will be few visitors, so as not to waste time in queues.

If the option of a personal visit is not suitable or it is not possible to carry it out due to various circumstances, then you can make a call. When calling, you only need to give the applicant’s last name and ask to check the readiness of the passport.

It is worth mentioning once again that it is not always possible to reach the FMS by phone, because... The flow of visitors and applications in most cases is large, especially if it is the holiday season.

This option for obtaining information about a foreign passport is new for our country. The information received through the autoinformer may not always be reliable due to shortcomings in the system.

The undoubted advantage of the autoinformer is there is no need to stand in long lines to obtain information.

Autoinformers are usually installed in large retail outlets or municipal institutions.

Unfortunately , such systems are not installed in most cities, because are not very popular. You can get information about whether there is an autoinformer in a particular city via the Internet.

In the century modern technologies When every resident of the country has telephones and Internet access, obtaining information about the readiness of a foreign passport is not difficult.

In this regard, the following options for obtaining information about the readiness of a foreign passport are distinguished:

  • Internet. Using the network, you can track any information. Regarding the foreign passport, you need to go to the website of the migration service at the place of submission of documents and enter the passport data, after which the website will provide the necessary information. You can obtain data through the government services portal, which is in increasing demand among the population every year. To visit the government services website you will need to enter SNILS number And password;
  • Notification via phone. This option for sending messages is used by the service employees themselves. When the passport is ready, an SMS message is sent to the applicant. In some cases, the applicant can call the service or its specialists will contact him.

Important: information posted on online services is informational in nature and has no legal significance. The information provided on the site is subject to updating daily. To obtain more detailed and reliable data, it is better to contact the FMS office in person.

Checking the readiness of an old-style international passport (without a chip)

Checking the readiness of an old-style passport is essentially no different from checking a new-style foreign passport, i.e. You can get information through:

  • telephone;
  • Internet;
  • personal visit to the migration service.

The difference between old and new passports is only in terms:

  • old sample passport takes about a month to prepare;
  • new sample– from one to one and a half months.

Due to this, the deadline for checking readiness is changing. Check information earlier specified period not always advisable.

How to find out if a foreign passport is ready by directly contacting the FMS:

Personal appeal to any institution is the most acceptable option for getting necessary information, as it makes it possible to:

  • ask, in addition to the basic questions, additional;
  • find out what interests you nuances;
  • deliver documents etc.

The only disadvantage of applying to the FMS in person is the likelihood of wasting time in queues.

How to find out if a foreign passport is ready through the auto-informer?

Every year, technologies are developing that make it possible to obtain information through various resources and systems.

In some major cities, auto-informers have been installed through which you can obtain information about the readiness of a foreign passport by entering personal data.

Where else can I find out if my passport is ready?

There are several ways to find out about the readiness of foreign passports:

  • through telephone;
  • SMS- notification;
  • on the website of the Federal Migration Service or through the government servants portal;
  • in person to the migration service.

International passport for a child under 14 years old

If there is a need to cross the border for citizens of the Russian Federation who have not reached the age of 14 years, they will need to obtain a foreign passport. Currently, citizens have the right to choose between two types of foreign passports: old and new.

The new type of passport contains a chip with the owner’s biometric data, which eliminates the possibility of counterfeiting.

Passport validity – 10 years.

The only disadvantage of the new passport is big size state duty for its registration.

To complete the application, you must collect documents and submit them to the FMS office at the applicant’s place of residence. Documents will be submitted via legal representative minor.

From the documents you will need:

  • statement. Fill in legibly by hand with black or blue paste, or using a computer. Errors cannot be corrected by crossing them out. For all specified information The applicant is responsible.
  • photographs of the child, set size. Many FMS branches are equipped with photographic equipment, which allows you to take photographs immediately when submitting documents;
  • child's birth certificate in the original and its copy;
  • identity document legal representative;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

All documents must be completed strictly in accordance with established patterns, i.e. If errors are detected, the application for a foreign passport may be refused.

Currently exists a large number of companies that provide assistance in preparing and submitting documents for obtaining a foreign passport, and therefore citizens significantly save their time.

Traveling to other countries is impossible without a foreign passport. When planning your vacation, it is important not only to make sure you have funds for the trip, but also to submit everything you need to complete this document. And also wait until the passport is ready. Usually the lead time for its production is short, but you still need to calculate the time correctly and periodically check its readiness. How do you know if you're ready?

Submission of documents

Traveling abroad for the first time is always very exciting. Beginning tourists are made to worry by a variety of aspects - the choice of a travel agency, the travel destination, and the collection necessary documents, and, of course, . However, in the latter case, as a rule, there is nothing to worry about - it is important to collect everything necessary papers and submit an application to the migration service, which will immediately prepare the document.

There are several ways to apply for a foreign passport:

  • contact the migration service directly;
  • use the now popular and very convenient online service State Services;
  • resort to the help of companies engaged in the rapid production of documents.

On a note! When choosing the latter option, you should take into account that, in addition to the mandatory fee, when issuing a passport, you will also have to pay a fee for the urgency of producing the document. It is also important to choose a company you can trust – there are a lot of scammers out there now.

To contact the migration service in person or through the State Services service, you need to collect the following documents:

  • application form filled out independently;
  • photograph for the application form;
  • Russian passport and copies of its pages;
  • for men - a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office.

On a note! To complete the document, you will need a birth certificate, as well as documents from the parents.

Next, it is enough to either come to the migration service yourself at the established hours and days of reception and submit documents in person, or fill out all the necessary pages on the State Services website. After submitting the documents, you just need to wait until your passport is ready.

Table. Amount of state duty for a passport.

Passport typeAmount, rub.
Old-style passport for an adult2000
Old-style passport for a child (up to 14 years old)1000
New passport for an adult3500
New passport for a child (up to 14 years old)1500
An old format document for an adult when paying a fee through State Services1400
An old format document for a child under 14 years old when paying a fee through State Services700
New format document for adults when paying fees through State Services2450
A new format document for a child under 14 years old when paying a fee through State Services1050

Deadlines for obtaining a passport

The production time for a passport is usually short and is only 30 days. However, in certain cases they can increase up to 4 months (if the person once had access to state secret or works in certain states. structures). In practice, the document is prepared in much less than 30 days. IN special cases You can get a passport in record time short time– 3 days in advance (in case of an urgent trip abroad associated with the illness or death of relatives or the need to receive high-quality treatment). Time is needed to verify a person’s data.

Attention! In total, only an old-style passport is being prepared. Biometric new document it cannot be done quickly, since the data is entered into it only at the manufacturer - in a special chip built into one of the pages of the document.

Usually, it is not recommended to check the readiness of a foreign passport earlier than 1 month from the date of submitting an application for its receipt. However, quite often the document is ready much earlier than the stated deadline. Therefore, you can try your luck and contact the migration service earlier.

How to find out if a document is ready: methods

There are several ways to find out if a document is ready. Almost all of them are not time-consuming, and you can choose the one you like best. You can contact the Migration Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs directly (come in person or call), see the readiness of your passport on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Services portal.

On the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The easiest way to check the status of the document is by going to the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (that is, the portal of the migration service). This is the fastest and most convenient option, because this moment all the powers of the previously existing migration FMS services handed over to the police. And it is the Ministry of Internal Affairs that reviews submitted applications and approves or rejects them.

Step 1. First, you need to go through the window of any browser to the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and click on the “Checking the readiness of your international passport” button.

Step 2. A new window will open where you need to select a passport form - old or new - and enter the relevant data on the tab, as well as a captcha.

Step 3. The next page will display information about whether the document is ready. If it has not already been done, the message will be like the image below.

Attention! Checking the readiness of the passport is carried out according to the data Russian document, identification. To check information about the readiness of a passport of the old format, you will need to indicate your region of residence, passport number of a citizen of the Russian Federation, and date of birth.

On the document readiness check page there is a text warning that This service provides only information and the data obtained has no legal significance. Therefore, it is also recommended to check the readiness of the passport by contacting the migration service in person. Usually, to do this, it is enough to come to the institution and get acquainted with the lists of those whose documents are ready for issue. These can be found on the information board.

Contacting the Migration Service

This is another way to find out if the documents are ready. There may be two options - visiting the migration service at the place where documents were submitted or calling a specialist from the organization. Most often it is used by elderly people who are not friendly with the Internet, or conservatives who are accustomed to old methods.

The right to call is regulated by Order No. 211 of the FMS of 2014. When submitting documents for obtaining a passport, you just need to check with a specialist the phone number you can contact and call him a couple of weeks after submitting the package (but it’s best to do this when all production deadlines have already passed, and new information there is no information about the readiness status - this is approximately 1.5 months). You can also check the phone number on the service website at the place where the package was submitted. The readiness of the document is checked using the applicant's last name and passport details.

Attention! During the busy season, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are rarely ready to answer calls and see if the document is ready. They may refuse to check the readiness of your passport upon calling.

You can also come to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in person and ask if the document is ready. But in this case, you will most likely have to sit in queues and spend a lot of time.

Through State Services

If the application for a passport was submitted on this portal, then there is no need to go to it and check the status, since the applicant will receive a notification about the change in status in the form of an SMS to the phone or an email.

If you still want to check the readiness yourself (if you suspect that the SMS or letter did not arrive), then to do this you will need to go to the website and look at the notification feed there (click on the letter icon in the upper right corner). In this feed you need to find an item indicating the service, that is, “Obtaining a foreign passport.” If there is a “Completed” mark next to it, then the passport is ready.

Attention! Only those users who are registered on the portal can use this method.

At the MFC

You can apply for a passport through the “My Documents” centers. However, they will not inform you about the readiness of your passport. To do this, it is better to go to the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and clarify the information there.

Video - How to get a passport

What to do if your passport is not ready

According to all laws, a passport for traveling abroad is issued within a month from the date of application (only in in some cases this period increases to 4 months). But sometimes migration service employees, even after this time, do not inform you that the document is ready and do not tell you the reasons why the passport is taking so long to be completed. In some cases, it is even difficult to get an appointment in person due to long queues, and the vacation threatens to be covered with a copper basin.

In such cases, you should first try to file a complaint directly with the head of the department.. If the appeal has no effect, it is recommended to contact to senior management. You can try your luck and call hotline departments. But if an oral complaint remains unattended, then it makes sense to write written complaints - send 3 registered letters addressed to the head of the department, to the prosecutor's office and to regional center migration service. The letters indicate the applicant's contact information and describe the entire situation. Usually such statements do not go unnoticed. The period for consideration of complaints should not exceed 30 days.

Obtaining a foreign passport is not as troublesome as it seems at first glance. And usually everything goes smoothly - the document is delivered on time.

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