How can a man pay child support correctly? How much and how is alimony paid?

Very often a situation arises when a person wants to support his child after a divorce, but he simply does not know how to do it correctly. What makes it difficult to understand is the absence official work. Today I received an appointment with a young man with a simple question, how to pay child support if I am not officially employed.

It is wonderful when a father understands responsibility for his child even after separation from his wife. There are several options on what to do correctly in such a situation. Just wait and The right way, unfortunately, it is rare when parents peacefully determine the amount or part of the spouse’s income and record such an agreement with a notary.

Often, it is not possible to reach an amicable agreement on the amount of alimony, and then you have to go to court. The court procedure for paying alimony may vary depending on specific situation every family. In this article you will find everything possible options solutions to the most complex problems.

In accordance with current legislation, the parent's obligation to support their minor children is retained by him both in the event of loss of work and in the presence of income that is of an unofficial nature. By what principles are calculations and payments made in such cases?

Features of calculating payments from the unemployed

If between parents minor child If an alimony agreement has been concluded, then regardless of the availability of work, the payer is obliged to pay sum of money, which is reflected in this document. However, parents are not always able to voluntarily agree on alimony, and the matter takes on a judicial nature.

Calculation of the amount of alimony for non-working parent for obvious reasons, it cannot be done by deducting interest from his income, because officially he has no income. However, in current normative legal acts contains a mechanism to solve this problem.

Thus, the percentage is withheld not from earnings, but from the average salary in a specific constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and if such information is not available, from the average salary in the country. But if the payer is registered with the employment center, the calculation mechanism changes, and the amount on which interest is accrued may be significantly reduced.

According to Article 83 Family Code RF, a parent whose earnings are inconsistent or have no earnings at all may be required to pay a fixed amount of money for the maintenance of their minor children.

When the court assigns a fixed amount, the interests of the child are first taken into account, and then other circumstances. The amount of alimony is selected based on the fact that the child should be provided with the same conditions that existed before the divorce of his parents.

Circumstances that may be taken into account by the court when determining the amount of alimony:

  • Family status the payer, whether he has other dependents;
  • financial condition of the parent;
  • child emancipation;
  • disability and health problems of the parent.

It is worth noting that the size monetary allowance the child will be determined by the court individually for each case, and the presence of the above signs does not guarantee a reduction in the amount of alimony.

How much to pay

The method of collecting alimony and its amount is determined by the court, therefore payments must be made in accordance with court decision. When deducting a percentage of income, the court is guided by Article 81 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation:

  • for one child – 1/4 of income;
  • for two children – 1/3;
  • for three or more children – 1/2.

The size of these shares can be changed, either down or up, depending on the financial and marital status of the plaintiff and defendant.

Taking into account that the average salary in the Russian Federation is about 36 thousand rubles, we can give approximate calculations of alimony collected from unemployed citizens:

  • 9 thousand rubles per child;
  • 12 thousand rubles for two children;
  • 18 thousand for three or more children.

As you can see, the amounts of child support are not small, and if the parent really has no income, he should contact the employment center in order not to accumulate debt on payments. Because unemployment benefits are much more modest in size than the average monthly salary, alimony payments will be several times less.

The amount of alimony in a fixed amount is determined as a multiple of the minimum subsistence level.

If percentage deductions from the income of a non-working parent do not allow the child’s needs to be adequately met, the receiving party has the right to seek alimony in a fixed amount, especially since this is provided for by the Family Code. In some cases, this is the only way to achieve proper support.

How does registering with the employment center affect the situation?

The official status of unemployed makes its own adjustments to the mechanism for calculating alimony.

Registration allows the payer to deduct alimony not from the average salary in the country, but from the allowance he receives due to lack of work.

The amount of unemployment benefit is not a fixed amount and may vary depending on the following circumstances:

  • the period during which the citizen is looking for work;
  • reason for dismissal;
  • work experience, etc.

The benefit amount is in the range of 850-4900 rubles. If the parent receives the minimum amount, the amount of child support will be meager. Plus, this method of calculating alimony cannot be used for a long time, because the period of registration with the employment center is limited.

How to pay child support if you are unofficially employed

As already noted, payment of alimony by citizens who have unofficial income, can be produced:

  • by agreement of the parties;
  • as a percentage of income;
  • in a fixed amount of money.

Let’s figure out how much alimony to pay if you don’t officially work and you can’t come to an amicable agreement with the receiving party.

In percentages

From the point of view of ensuring the maximum benefit for the child, percentage payments are most acceptable if they are calculated on the average earnings in the region or country. If a parent is registered with an employment center, there is no expectation of decent child support.

Here's an example:

the amount of alimony for one child, if the payer does not have official status unemployed: 36000/4=9 thousand rubles;

if the parent is registered with the employment center: 4900/4=1225 rubles.

The difference is obvious, therefore, in order to achieve proper provision of the child’s needs from the official non-working father, a fixed sum of money should be collected.

In a fixed amount

Receiving alimony in a fixed amount has its advantages:

  • it is possible to achieve payments that significantly exceed payments as a percentage of income, which, in the absence of work for the payer, may turn out to be more beneficial for the child;
  • payments are fixed and stable.

However, this method also has some negative aspects:

  • complexity of the legal process;
  • difficulty in collecting evidence about the real unofficial income of the payer.

Actions of the spouse to collect

In order to collect alimony from your ex-husband, you must adhere to the following order:

Step 1. First, a statement of claim is drawn up in three copies (for the court, the plaintiff and the defendant). The document contains information such as:

  • details of the parties;
  • requisites court;
  • circumstances of the case;
  • requirements for the collection of alimony;
  • date and signature.

Step 2. A package of documents is being collected:

  • copy of the passport;
  • a copy of the child's birth certificate;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • a copy of the divorce certificate;
  • other documents that may be attached to the case.

Step 3. The application and package of documents must be submitted to the Magistrate's Court at the defendant's place of residence. Within 30 days, the judge makes a decision and the plaintiff is issued a writ of execution.

Step 4. Executive document must be transferred bailiffs, who will understand the defendant’s income and withhold alimony from them.

It is worth noting that many payers use various tricks in order to minimize their expenses for children. For example, a situation is possible when the payer gets a job fictitious work with minimal possible earnings, and alimony is paid from this income. In fact, he earns many times more, but unofficially.

If the party receiving alimony has suspicions that the payer is employed only “on paper,” you can try to increase child support contributions as follows:

  1. First of all, you should ask the bailiff carrying out the deduction Money from the parent’s income, information about whether the employer will pay taxes for him and insurance premiums to the budget.
  2. You can check the presence of the payer at your workplace, which can also prove that his employment is fictitious.
  3. You can try to initiate a visit of bailiffs to the employer in order to check the documentation of the enterprise.
  4. Bailiffs also have the opportunity to track cash receipts to the payer’s accounts. However, if the payer receives payment for his work in cash, this method will not be successful.
  5. It is possible to prove that the alimony payer is hiding his real earnings by obtaining testimony.

As a result, the collected information can make it possible to correctly assess the payer’s level of earnings. Based on this data, the spouse receiving alimony has the right to demand an increase in child support payments.


How to pay child support if I don't work

Alimony is payments aimed at maintaining the financial situation of a child or other family member. Therefore, protecting the rights of the alimony recipient is a priority for the legislator. However, the payer of alimony does not always have the opportunity to pay it.

One of the cases of such financial difficulties may be lack of work. Many payers are interested in how to pay child support if I don’t work. When considering this issue, it is worth proceeding from the fact that the alimony payer may not work officially or unofficially.

In the first case, if the payer has unofficial income the recipient of alimony may apply to the court with a statement of claim for the recovery of alimony in a fixed (fixed) sum of money.
This amount is established by the court on the basis of evidence provided to the court by the parties. Such evidence includes income certificates, witness statements, and other written evidence. Alimony in fixed amount may be collected in several cases:
  • the payer has unstable or unofficial income;
  • all earnings or part thereof are expressed in kind;
  • the payer receives all or part of his earnings in foreign currency;
  • determining alimony as a share of the payer’s earnings will significantly violate the rights of the child or other recipient.

In addition, there must be no agreement between the parties regarding the payment of alimony. Indeed, if such a transaction exists, the law presupposes its further execution, regardless of financial situation sides

Alimony in fixed amount are established regardless of the official status of the payer’s income. When determining their size, the court is based, first of all, on the size of the subsistence minimum. The cost of living is set local authorities in each individual region. If such a size is not established by local authorities, the value adopted for the entire state is applied. Thus, in case of lack of work or official earnings Alimony in a fixed amount can be excellent legal decision Problems.
The situation becomes more complicated if the alimony payer does not have income from work in any form (including in kind or payments in foreign currency). For example, the payer is unemployed. However, the state provides protection not only for the child, but also for the alimony payer if he is unemployed.

Collection from the unemployed

When considering the category “unemployed”, it is worth distinguishing between three subtypes of unemployment - official, unofficial and unemployment due to retirement or training. An officially unemployed person is registered with State center employment. After a person is registered, funds, so-called unemployment payments, begin to accrue to him.

As of 2018 minimum amount Unemployment payments are 850 rubles, the maximum is 4900 rubles. How much should you pay? The amount of child support for one child in this case will be 25% of the amount of unemployment benefits. That is, in case of receiving minimum benefit this is 212.5 rubles, if received maximum benefit– 1225 rubles.

As for unofficial unemployment, it should be noted that the payer retains the amount alimony obligations, established in accordance with the payer’s previous income (for example, the same level wages). If the father (or mother) does not make payments, a debt accumulates, which can later be collected through court.

A separate type of unemployed status is the status of unemployed in connection with in-patient training, disability or achievement retirement age. This type of unemployment involves real absence a person has the opportunity to earn money by working in an official permanent job. In this case, the amount of alimony payments is determined by the court on the basis total amount payer's income.
Note! If the amount of such total income does not exceed the minimum wage, the state undertakes the payment of child support.
To summarize, it should be noted that the institution of payment of alimony is, first of all, aimed at protecting the rights of the child (or other recipient alimony payments). And even if the payer is objectively unable to make payments, the state is ready to take it upon itself.

However, all these methods are rather provided for cases when the payer in reality does not have necessary income. In case of evasion of payment without objective reasons, the person expects liability in accordance with Art. 115 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation or in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.


Alimony unofficially

Many people pay alimony unofficially ex-spouses by agreement with the person with whom the child remains after the divorce. However, over time, the relationship between the ex-husband and wife may worsen and situations arise in which it is necessary to prove that the ex-husband did not shy away from supporting his children, but regularly, albeit unofficially, transferred funds.

How to do this legally - read our material.

What is the reason for the choice of informal alimony and what problems does this bring?

It often happens that during a divorce, when determining how to support common children, the husband avoids official registration alimony and promises to pay himself. The arguments in this case are that life situations are different, income is unstable, and it happens that 20,000 rubles in alimony is a drop in the ocean, and sometimes it can hurt your pocket, especially in the case of unforeseen expenses or a difficult life situation.

Therefore, in order not to tie yourself official payments, the ex-husband promises to pay “conscientiously” - depending on real income: sometimes less, sometimes more, and sometimes paying in full for the necessary large purchases.

But the post-divorce situation does not always develop so peacefully. The spouse may, despite all the agreements, still file for alimony and demand the payments due for the period when the husband paid unofficially.

How to prove the presence of unofficial alimony payments

To avoid similar situation The agreement must be notarized. To do this, you must first determine the amount of payments. They can be calculated in a fixed amount, in percentage or in the form of a major purchase (for example, an apartment or a car for a child).

The ex-spouses decide how much to pay on their own; however, the amount cannot ultimately be less than what the husband would have to pay through the court. The standard amount of alimony is calculated based on the man’s income (1/4 of income for one child, 1/3 for 2 children, 1/2 for 3 or more children).
If you work unofficially, the amount of alimony obligations is calculated from the average earnings in the region.

The agreement also specifies the frequency of payments: once a month, once every 4 months, once every six months, as well as the method of transferring money. This could be a transfer of money in the form of cash from hand to hand, a postal transfer, or a transfer of funds to the bank account of an ex-wife or child (if he is over 14 years old).

An additional advantage of this method of formalizing alimony obligations is that it can also include mandatory intended use incoming funds. After all, it may also happen that the spouse spends the money not on the child, but on some other purpose. Therefore, you can oblige her to report on where the money allocated for the maintenance of the child was spent.

In a notarized alimony agreement You can also point out that a man is obliged to pay a larger amount of alimony if there is high inflation in the country. It should be remembered that if at some point the concluded agreement ceases to suit one of the former spouses, and the other insists on keeping it unchanged, it can be revised in judicial procedure.

A notarial agreement is, in its way, the same document in its functionality as performance list court. Therefore, there is no need to fear that an agreement secured in this way will not be able to protect the rights of parents.

Collecting evidence of receipt of alimony payments, with an unofficial method of payment.

In an effort to protect yourself from dishonest acts of former spouses, you should document each payment. This can be done in the following ways:

  1. Writing a receipt when transferring money from hand to hand. The receipt is written on any sheet of paper. If it is drawn up regularly, you can print the form, print copies and then enter only the amounts and dates of payment of alimony.
  2. When transferring money by electronic payment, in the line “Purpose of payment” it is written that it is alimony transfers and personal data of the transfer recipient.
  3. When transferring money via postal transfer you also need to indicate its purpose and recipient.
  4. Witness testimony carries less weight but can also be used as evidence. Witnesses should not be persons interested in the outcome of the case.
  5. Photo and video shooting, voice recordings. Photographs and videos confirming the transfer of alimony will also serve as evidence in court.

More details on how to process unofficial alimony payments in accordance with legal norms, you can find out from lawyers. Competent employees will answer all your questions and help resolve the problem in accordance with the current legislation.


Alimony from an unemployed person

Alimony from the unemployed in 2018, as before, will be collected according to regulations. If the ex-husband refuses to pay child support, this is not a reason to believe that he is deliberately evading responsibility.

If payments are delayed, it is not necessary to immediately run to court to restore justice. Officially, at the time of non-payment, the citizen already has a debt, so the family will receive the money in any case. First you need to find out the reasons for non-payment.

Child support from a non-working father has become a particularly popular topic in last years economic crisis V Russian Federation. The rapid reduction of jobs increases the number of unemployed men, which is why the ex-husband may stop paying child support.

However, one should not discount the option of deliberately evading responsibility or ignoring the decisions of judicial executive bodies.

Any spouse should always remember that each situation with the payment of alimony is purely individual, so it is necessary to find the most rational and competent way to resolve the conflict.
Relations in the field of alimony payments are regulated by the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the laws of which also determine the procedure for payments and debts.

How is alimony calculated if a person does not work?

The basic basis for child support payments is that the father is responsible for providing for the children, even if he does not have permanent place work or is generally unemployed. Payment amount in in this case may change along with changes in the legislative apparatus.

Alimony is collected from an unemployed person, even if he has a disability group. The source of payments is always the income of the parent who lives separately from the family. If the father has a disability, then the source of income is state pension, it is from this that deductions will be officially made.

If it is impossible to officially establish the amount of income that the ex-husband receives, then the court will force the citizen to pay alimony in special regime. In this case, a fixed payment rate may be applied.

If the ex-husband refuses to pay alimony for four months, then he may be subject to criminal article legislation of the Russian Federation.
The amount of debt will be determined during the trial. In the absence of funds, the bailiffs will be forced to carry out a procedure for confiscation of property in order to protect the interests of the child.

The payment of alimony does not affect the issue of marriage in any way. The basis for the decision to make payments is the fact of paternity. The main document in this issue is the child's birth certificate. If the father is not indicated in the document, then it is necessary to conduct an examination of family ties. The results of the research will be the basis for making a decision in the trial.

How much child support should you pay if you don't work?

If the father is not officially employed, then the court is forced to set the amount of alimony at fixed form. This procedure will allow you to establish the most optimal amount of payments, taking into account the lack of permanent income. The ex-husband will be required to pay alimony, the amount of which will be set on the basis of the subsistence level for a specific region of the Russian Federation.

The ex-husband is not always held accountable for providing for a minor child. According to the Family Code of the Russian Federation, adult disabled children are required to receive help from parents with whom they do not live. The judge will tell you how much payment is due when making a decision.

The court decides how much money a child is entitled to, not only based on the father's income level.
The real marital status of the parent is always taken into account, especially if we're talking about O disabled citizen. The law must distribute the amounts equally to each child, taking into account health characteristics and living conditions.

How to collect alimony if the debtor does not work

During the trial, not only official papers can be considered. Any information and facts indicating the income of the parties will influence how much alimony the citizen will have to pay.

It is very important for a parent who lives with children to thoroughly prepare for trial. Any information about the defendant's income may be needed. In practice, there are very often cases in which a negligent father hides his real income with the help of a certificate of minimum wage. wages.
If you assume that the ex-husband is capable of such a scam in order to reduce the amount of alimony, then before the trial, try to find out how much the citizen actually receives. It is necessary to act solely in the interests of the child to ensure normal conditions life and satisfy the requests of the court. Try to imagine as much as possible real evidence and evidence.
Information about the defendant's property will also become excellent material during the trial.

Calculation of alimony if the debtor does not work

To calculate child support, you must file a claim with the court at your place of residence or with the justices of the peace. If the ex-husband is definitely unemployed, then it is best to immediately emphasize this in the application in order to receive alimony on time, which will have a fixed amount. If you do not know how much the father receives, then it is better to arrange payments in a standard form.

The application claim requires the presence of the following documents:

  • a copy of the passport of the person filing the claim;
  • a copy of the birth certificates of common children;
  • a copy of the marriage or divorce certificate;
  • paper indicating the father’s place of residence;
  • the desired amount of money to support the child;
  • justification for the expenses necessary to support children.

The open nature of such trials involves the presence of two parents. Such rules are based on the defendant's right to defend own interests and provide counter-arguments to the court. It is very important to carry out the preparatory stage correctly:

  • describe the current situation and your own position as clearly and rationally as possible;
  • provide a comprehensive list of evidence pointing to maximum level the defendant's income;
  • provide a package of papers that will prove the fact of the defendant’s real income.

Evidence of the ex-husband’s wealth can be:

After the judge publicly announces the decision, a writ of execution will be drawn up. Paper arrives at executive service, in which the process of case management will be carried out.

Enforcement proceedings allow the collection of alimony from any income of the defendant. Benefits and pensions are also included in this list, therefore, the payment of alimony will be guaranteed.

How not to pay child support? This question in itself sounds strange, because mandatory payments are provided for by law. However, there are several nuances that the payer can take advantage of in order not to pay alimony in a completely legal way.

Law and payment of alimony

Alimony is obligatory payments, which are intended to support that family member who, for some reason, cannot provide for himself. Usually we are talking about children, but according to the law, pregnant spouses, disabled brothers or sisters, etc. can receive them.

Mandatory alimony payments are provided for by law; for evading them, the payer may be punished, including criminal penalties. However, there are situations when you can either significantly reduce the amount of payments or refuse them altogether without breaking the law even in the slightest. Since in Russia the absolute majority of alimony payers are fathers, then we will mainly talk about how not to pay child support exactly to them.

So, how can you avoid paying child support? The first method is to replace alimony payments by transferring some expensive property in favor of the child. real estate(house, apartment, garage, etc.). This option, however, requires compliance with certain conditions:

  1. This is possible only with the consent of the guardianship authorities.
  2. Replacement is permitted only for alimony by agreement. In relation to alimony ordered by the court, this method does not work.

The second option is to take the child for yourself. If the father himself raises and supports a child living with him, he has the right to apply to the court to cancel alimony. However, we must remember that this will require either the consent of the mother or good reasons, which can justify such a step in court.

The third way would be to cancel alimony after the child is adopted. If after the divorce the ex-wife remarried and her new spouse adopted a child, child support payments may be terminated.

Finally, the last option would be to deny the relationship. If you can prove that the child is not your own, but was born after his wife’s infidelity, alimony will be removed. True, irrefutable evidence will be required, since according to the law, all children born in marriage are automatically considered to be descended from their mother’s husband, unless otherwise reliably proven.

Cancellation of spousal support

The legislation provides that maintenance payments are made not only to the child, but disabled spouse, as well as to the wife while she is pregnant or raising small child(up to 3 years) or disabled. How can you avoid paying child support in this case?

According to the law, payments to a disabled ex-spouse can be avoided in the following cases:

  • if the marriage was too short;
  • if the inability to work is caused by alcoholism, drug addiction or criminal acts the former spouse himself;
  • if the behavior in marriage was recognized by the court as unworthy (what exactly is meant by this is decided by the judge);
  • if the marriage was not dissolved in as usual, but declared invalid.

How can I reduce my payments?

If the payer wondered how not to pay alimony in in full, he can take the following steps:

  1. Prove in court that the established amount of payments is such that it seriously violates the interests of the payer himself or his new family. For example, if after a divorce the former spouse remarried and was born into the marriage new baby, the court can meet him halfway and reduce the amount of alimony so that the maintenance of the older child does not come at the expense of the younger one.
  2. Prove in court that the mother uses child support not for the child, but for herself. This is a completely legitimate reason to reduce payments.
  3. Go to university to receive higher education. For students studying at full-time department, the amount of alimony can be significantly reduced.

Modern legislation establishes that parents are obliged to take care of their children and support them until they reach adulthood. The law does not make an exception to this rule in the case of alimony payments. A parent living separately must share in the costs of maintaining his own. But what about those debtors who do not have a job or have lost it?

Amounts of alimony payments for the unemployed

In what amounts should alimony be paid if you are fired, if the debtor does not work (or works “in the dark”)?

This is determined by exactly how the relevant duty was established:

  1. Agreement on payment of alimony. In this case, all issues regarding the payment of alimony depend entirely on the parties themselves.
  2. By court decision. Such alimony can be paid in the form of:
  • percent of the payer's income;
  • a fixed amount and interest at the same time.

It is alimony in a predetermined amount that is most often prescribed by the court when a parent turns out to be unemployed or “gets by” doing odd jobs or working unofficially.

Most often, the basis in such cases is the cost of living and the average salary, which depend on the region of residence of the alimony recipient. When assigning the amount, the number of children whom the alimony payer is obliged to support is also taken into account. Child support payments cannot be canceled in any way due to lack of work

If the alimony payer quits or is fired, and in fact does not have a job (is unemployed) and is registered with the employment service, the court may establish alimony as a share of the benefit received. However, if the second party can prove that the benefit is not the only type of income, and the debtor has other regular income (for example, from renting out housing), the court may additionally award alimony in a fixed amount.

Reducing the amount of alimony for those who have lost their jobs: methods and reasons

Despite the obligation to support the child until adulthood, the law provides for the opportunity for the alimony payer to reduce its amount.

Thus, the Family Code indicates that it is possible to reduce alimony or be exempt from paying it if the payer’s family or financial situation(for example, the payer lost his ability to work due to some illness (and ended up without work), children appeared in a second marriage, etc.). To do this, you need to file a corresponding statement of claim with the court, in which you must indicate exactly what circumstances prevent payments from being made in the same volumes.

When considering the case, the court will take into account the financial and family situation of each party, as well as other circumstances important to the case.

What other methods can you use to pay less?

  1. The simplest and most difficult at the same time is to come to an agreement with ex-wife. You can offer her to pay a smaller amount, but help with the child more often: meet her after school, take her to activities, pick up certain days, buy food, clothes, etc. It is very important here a good relationship With ex-wife, because if the amount of alimony is already set at one amount, but in fact is paid in less, she has every opportunity to go to court to recover the underpayment. The solution here may be to obtain receipts from the child’s mother, where the required amount will be indicated.
  2. Some alimony payers who have children from a current marriage use a rather risky method to reduce alimony by turning the current wife to court, because... modern legislation does not prohibit married spouses from demanding funds for child support through the court. So, if a parent has two children, one from each marriage, the court will withhold 33% of all income from them. This means that only 16% will go from the budget for a child living separately instead of 25%.
  3. If the child has property that generates income, you can try to use this to justify your demands for a reduction in child support payments, even if you are not unemployed.
  4. If the payer has reason to believe that he is not the biological father of the child, then by challenging his paternity in court, he will be released from alimony. But the main thing here is to prove that you were not aware of this fact at the time of the birth of the child.

Termination of alimony payments

Article 120 of the Family Code (as of 2018) lists all the grounds upon the occurrence of which the obligation to pay alimony can be considered terminated. These include:

  1. For alimony paid by agreement:
  • death of one of the parties;
  • expiration of the agreement;
  • the occurrence of an event that is provided for in the agreement as a basis for termination of payments.
  1. For alimony ordered by the court:
  • death of the payer or child;
  • the child's coming of age;
  • adoption of a child.

As you can see, there is no reason to lose your job, so you cannot count on a complete cessation of payments just because you “don’t have a job.”

Alimony from the unemployed in 2017 or 2018: how much to pay

In order to calculate the approximate amount of alimony due for payment from an unemployed person in 2017, one should proceed from the indicators for average salary and the cost of living in your region on the date of the decision to pay alimony, the same can be said about 2018. A certain share of this amount will be the answer to the question of how much to pay in the end! See these shares below, in the highlighted block of text. ⇓

As these indicators grow, the amount of alimony calculated on their basis will also increase. To be fair, it should be noted that this growth is quite low, only 3-7% per year.

As for income shares, in which payments are calculated, in 2018 they will remain the same as in the past: 25% for one child, 33% for two and 50% for three or more children.

Also, the amount of payments from the unemployed may be determined by the agreement; in this regard, as of 2018, there are no changes.

In cases where a family breaks up, the most vulnerable party is the child. That is why the law requires both parents to support the child until he comes of age, strictly limiting the cases that allow a reduction in the amount of alimony or exemption from paying it.

If you are a woman and want to know how to collect alimony, then watch this video:

Unfortunately, in currently many babies grow up in single-parent families. Basically, after the parents divorce, the mother remains with the child. But the legislation in the Russian Federation protects the rights of children.

Therefore, fathers are obligated to contribute certain amounts monthly for the maintenance of their heirs.

Some people take responsibility for paying money, but there are also fathers who shy away from this.

How not to pay child support if you work unofficially or do not work It's no secret that many citizens in the Russian Federation lead labor activity unofficially. For this there may be different reasons

. For example, some employers themselves illegally employ workers in their offices in order to evade paying taxes and other mandatory contributions.

In other situations, a person has a permanent unofficial source of income, which is enough for him to live a comfortable life.

Many informally working men are willing to voluntarily allocate funds for their children every month. Another question is how to do this.

Some respectable alimony providers even independently consult with legal experts on the question: how to pay alimony if I do not officially work? In any case, you should not try to deceive in any way ex-family

and judicial authorities. This will only contribute to the accumulation of debts and possible further activity on the part of the bailiffs.

In accordance with the law, child support obligations can be lifted only in two situations: upon the death of the father or when he is declared missing.

  • In all other cases, the man is obliged to contribute funds for the baby.
  • If a person does not work under a contract, the court usually offers the following options:

depositing funds monthly in a fixed amount;

one-time large payment. How much to pay alimony if you do not officially work in 2019 - 2019 In practice, non-working people are assigned

  1. the following types
  2. payments: When choosing the option with a fixed amount, the amount of monthly payments is calculated, as a rule, based on the cost of living in a particular region. If you choose the method with lump sum payment, then the payer is obliged to transfer a certain amount for the maintenance of the baby or give him

valuable property , for example, real estate. At

In this case, calculations depend in a particular case on how many children a man has. For example, 25% of earnings are accrued per child. For two – 33.3%.

If you do not make payments on time and in full, the second spouse may apply to the court to collect full size debt. In this case Judicial authority may also add penalties and interest to the debt.

In some situations, debtors are held criminally liable.

How should I pay child support if I work unofficially and receive income?

There are two options that allow you to resolve the issue of finances allocated for children - a peace agreement with your ex-wife and court proceedings:

Option Peculiarities
Agree peacefully with your spouse This is the most pleasant option for both parties. At the same time, no one needs to spend money on costs in court.

During the arrangement process, the former spouses enter into a special agreement. In it, they provide for the volume and procedure for depositing money that suits both.

The agreement also specifies the preferred option for transferring funds.

Participation in legal proceedings As you might guess, this option for resolving the problem is resorted to if it is not possible to reach an agreement peacefully.

The spouse with whom the child remains after the divorce process goes to court.

The court usually sets monthly payments in a fixed amount. On average, their value is about 5-10 thousand rubles per month. However, sometimes in practice, due to low level The minimum wage, the alimony worker must pay about 1.5-2 thousand rubles per month.

If the amount of payments for the maintenance of the heir is determined by the court, then it is guided by the following criteria:

  • the amount of profit of the mother;
  • the number of minor children the child support provider has;
  • region of residence;
  • health status of all parties to the process;
  • the date of dismissal of the alimony worker from his legal place of work, if he was previously officially employed.

Video: Judge explains

What are the options?

How to pay child support if I work unofficially:

  1. If a citizen does not work or does not intend to find employment under a contract in the near future, it makes sense to register with the local Employment Center as quickly as possible. There, most likely, they will allocate a small unemployment benefit for him. Although its size is relatively small, it will still be considered a source of income. Therefore, the allowance can be used to pay money for child care. The same situation is suitable for those citizens who were fired from their main place of work.
  2. If the above option is not suitable, or the citizen has been deregistered at the Employment Center, then another method is available. For example, if the alimony worker performs some work, for example, renovating apartments, then you can enter into a contract agreement with your clients. This is a type of civil agreement. It should indicate the amount for your services. From these funds you can transfer a certain share into account monthly payments. For proof, you can present to the bailiffs a receipt for payment of funds and a contract.

In the second case, the amounts specified in civil contract, remain at the discretion of the citizen. He can either indicate real income or deliberately underestimate it in order to further reduce the amount of alimony payments.

But it is worth remembering that in this situation you will also have to pay taxes on such income, since the person works for himself.

Is it possible to reduce

In practice, sometimes the amount of payments for the maintenance of the heir actually decreases. Many alimony payers expect this and many recipients fear this. There must be a compelling reason to reduce your monthly payments.

The interested party will be required to gather all necessary documents, and correct composition statement of claim and initiation of legal proceedings.

It is quite difficult for courts to make decisions on this issue.

Therefore, in some situations, alimony providers are faced with delays in the case or a refusal to reduce alimony due to insufficient evidence that may justify the need to reduce monthly payments.

Each situation related to alimony obligations is individual and determined by many factors.

Which ones exist? legal grounds to reduce monthly payments:

  1. Disability of the alimony provider, which entails additional expenses for your own content.
  2. The presence of other persons interested in alimony or the presence of dependents on the man. It also happens that these persons do not receive the funds they are entitled to by law due to the fact that the man monthly pays funds to his ex-wife for the maintenance of his offspring.
  3. Reduced income for the alimony worker. This situation can occur if a person paid money to support his offspring while employed, and then lost his job due to circumstances beyond his control.
  4. Collection from the alimony provider of funds for the maintenance of children from different mothers. On the one hand, the payer is obliged to allocate 25% of income to support the child. On the other hand, based on the norms family law, for two children an amount equal to 33.3% of the income of the alimony provider is provided.

These grounds cannot be used to reduce the amount of payments:

  • large income of the parent with whom the offspring lives, provided that the real income of the other party is much less;
  • the heir owns any property that does not actually bring him money;
  • receipt of a pension by the heir on a legal basis.

If there is a debt on alimony obligations, the court may require it to be repaid before considering the case.

Ways to reduce

In order to officially reduce the amount of monthly payments, you will need:

  1. If there is an agreement with the ex-wife, change it by agreement with the other party and after contacting a notary. In practice, this option is extremely rare, because few recipients of funds are willing to voluntarily reduce them.
  2. If payments are determined by a court decision, then only it has the right to reduce or increase them. In this case, it is recommended to apply. A hearing will be scheduled to consider all the circumstances surrounding the reduction in the amount. In this case, the plaintiff will need to prove the grounds that he cites in the claim.

The problem of alimony payments is quite acute for some citizens. It would be good if the former spouses were able to agree peacefully and establish a payment amount that suits both.

But sometimes enough arise controversial situations. Sometimes you may even need legal advice on this issue.

Dear visitors! Due to the fact that questions legal nature are individual, and articles are exclusively informational in nature, then we advise you first of all to use the services of free legal advice. You can ask your question in this form or contact a lawyer via chat.

The law implies mandatory participation in raising and providing for children of each of their spouses, including if one is unemployed. If the spouse who pays alimony has lost his job by law, then the calculation is made based on the size of his last salary. work book, provided that he has worked for the last three months.

How is child support collected from an unemployed disabled parent? It all depends on the parent’s disability group. If the father has a disability of group II or III, under which he can work in light types of work, then the court, in addition to the share of the benefit he receives due to the child, may assign some additional amount of money. If the parent is a disabled person of group I, then you should not count on alimony amounts higher than the share of the benefit. In any case, when determining the amount of alimony collected from an unemployed disabled person, the court will take into account information from medical certificates, indicating his state of health.

If you are a pensioner

All pensioners who are obligated to pay child support pay it. The only exceptions are citizens receiving pensions due to the loss of a breadwinner. Before collecting payments from a pensioner, you need to clarify whether he works somewhere officially or not. Most pensioners in Russia are employed and receive both a pension and a salary. In this case, alimony is calculated from all types of income.

Not on the labor exchange

In such a situation, alimony from the unemployed must be collected exclusively in the form of specific amount money. How to determine it? To do this, you need to calculate the monthly costs for a child:

  • for accommodation, payment of utilities;
  • for food;
  • for clothes and shoes;
  • to pay for nanny or day care services;
  • for children's entertainment, a trip to the circus, for example;
  • on toys - what baby doesn’t need them;
  • on medicines - no one is immune from illness.

For all these costs, you need to make a detailed summary list, indicating down to the penny. This list should be attached to the package of documents prepared for the visit to court. The resulting amount in the list must be divided by two, since both parents are required to bear maintenance costs common child. The required figure will become the amount of the required payments. Alimony collected from an unemployed person for the maintenance of two children is calculated in a similar way.


So, where to start the procedure for collecting alimony from an unemployed person?

  • Step one. We are trying to negotiate with an unemployed father about registration voluntary agreement about alimony. The unemployed parent may have other sources of income, such as dividends from bank deposits or income from renting out a house.
  • Step two. If a parent refuses to voluntarily provide help, we will find out whether he is registered as unemployed. If so, we ask him to request a certificate from the Employment Center about the amount of benefits received. We attach it to the package of papers for the court. We also clarify when exactly he lost his job, and whether a year has passed since that moment. This information is relevant for determining the amount of alimony.
  • Step three. We are collecting a package of documents for the court. Their detailed list presented below.
  • Step four. We estimate the monthly costs for the child and draw up a detailed calculation.
  • Step five. Let's go to court.

The main goal is to prove in court that the requested amount of alimony is completely justified. To achieve this, it is important to correctly calculate the costs for the baby and not miss a single detail.

Statement of claim

In 2019, there are no new requirements for writing a claim for alimony from an unemployed person. Can be used standard forms for alimony placed in open access on the official websites of judicial districts. IN court statement it is indicated that the defendant is not working, and the requested amount of alimony is justified. A sample application can be downloaded here.

What documents are needed? The package of documents consists of:

  • plaintiff's passport;
  • a document indicating the relationship of the baby with the defendant - a birth or adoption certificate or a court decision;
  • marriage or divorce certificates of the plaintiff and the defendant;
  • certificates of residence of the plaintiff with the baby;
  • certificates about the amount of unemployment benefits received by the defendant (if he is recognized as unemployed);
  • certificates about the amount of the defendant’s pension (if he receives a pension for any reason);
  • calculating costs for a child;
  • papers confirming expenses: checks, receipts, etc.
  • Copies are sent to the court along with the originals.

Let's summarize. Alimony from unemployed citizens in Russia is collected according to general principle. They are awarded either in a fixed amount of money plus a percentage of the defendant’s other income, or exclusively in a fixed amount. Alimony is also withheld from unemployment benefits, pensions, including disability benefits. The only exception is survivor benefits.

The minimum alimony payment for the unemployed is not established by law. But, as practice shows, it is associated with living wage for a child installed in a specific region. In any case, the court assigns an amount commensurate with meeting the child’s usual needs.

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