How to write a sample leave application. Application for study leave sample

Many specialists combine work with training.

Often they have the right to receive release from work duties for a certain period. To receive it, you must write an application to study leave. In some cases it is even paid.

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But it is still necessary to comply some conditions, described in Article 177 of the Labor Code:

  1. The employee had not previously received education at this level.
  2. The educational institution has state accreditation.
  3. This company is main place of work.
  4. Must be help-call.
  5. Duration of vacation – no more than specified in the Labor Code.
  6. Part-time students are not entitled to study leave. But they may go on unpaid leave for the same time. To do this, you will need confirmation that he has issued student leave at the main place of work. For example, a copy of a vacation order is used in this capacity.


After the application is accepted, an order is issued to grant leave. according to the T-6 form. It contains the following information:

  • Name of the organization.
  • Date and order number.
  • Full name of the employee, his position and structural unit.
  • The column “for the period of work” is not filled in, since in in this case it doesn't matter.
  • In the line for additional leave, “study” is written.
  • Start and end dates.
  • Duration.
  • Personal signature of the manager with a transcript and indication of the position.
  • Employee's signature confirming familiarization.

Sample of filling out an order:

Student leave not included in the schedule, so it may coincide with the annual one. In this case, the latter is extended or postponed to another time (according to Article 124 of the Labor Code).

There are no restrictions on the number of vacations per year. But it is necessary that total days did not exceed the established TC for this case.

It depends on the form and place of training. “Evening students” and “correspondence students” are allocated the following for their studies:

  1. 40 days in the 1st and 2nd courses;
  2. 50 days on the next;
  3. up to 4 months – for final certification.

Full-time students are entitled to:

  • 15 days for intermediate certification;
  • 1 month for passing state exams;
  • 4 months to prepare and defend your diploma.

For average vocational education 1 month is allotted, for evening schools the periods are short - 9 days in the 9th grade and 22 in the 11th and 12th grades. Future candidates of science are allocated up to 3 months to prepare and defend their dissertation.

Is there a payment?

This depends on the form of training and the success of the session. Student leave is paid:

The training is considered successful if the session is completed on time. Vacation pay is issued in the amount of . To calculate them, you need:

  1. Determine how much the employee earned over the previous year.
  2. Divide this amount by 12 (according to the number of months in the year).
  3. And then at 29.3 - this is the average number of days in a month.
  4. Multiply the resulting quotient by the number of days.

Vacation pay is issued no later than three days in advance.

What to do in case of refusal?

If an employee has the right to leave, it is impossible not to let him go. He has the right not to appear at the workplace. For any negative consequences(fines, dismissal, etc.) the employee can either go to court.

In many cases, granting student leave is employer's duty. But the employee must present a summons certificate. Maximum duration this period is limited. In some cases it is paid.

When combined labor activity and study, the employee can count on study leave. The right to provide it is prescribed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (chapters 26, 31). During the exam period for obtaining higher or secondary vocational education, some time is allocated for study.

You can only go on vacation at your main place of work. Part-time workers receive this right if there is a mark in the collective agreement.

If you study at two universities, you will only need to choose one. The vacation period is calculated according to calendar days. It is important that the time does not exceed the legal limits.

Paid leave is available upon receipt certain type education for the first time. Therefore, you can only go to a session during your studies for a second time in a higher education program without maintaining your salary.

To qualify for leave, you must meet certain criteria. The university must be accredited state standard. Also, education must be obtained for the first time.

The employee must send an application for study leave to the manager. It is compiled in accordance with certain rules.

Central requirements

In order to receive educational leave, you must meet the criteria defined in legislative level. It is also important to know the essence of the concept and the list of documents that are required to be provided.

Standards by law

The procedure for granting study leave is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Employees who are receiving education can go to it:

To receive leave, it is important to fulfill several conditions:

What is included in the concept

Student leave is the time during which the employee has the right not to fulfill obligations under the employment contract, but wage at the same time it is retained by him. The position of the person also remains unchanged.

Registration is possible if you have a certificate, which is a call from the educational institution. It is provided for a period that varies depending on the form of knowledge acquisition and the type of institution.

Time for training may be provided without pay. This happens in cases provided by law.

Features of study leave are:

  • provision regardless of the duration of employment in the organization;
  • impossibility of rescheduling;
  • taken into account when determining the duration of the weekend and holidays which will be paid.

The employee has the right to join the educational annual leave. To do this, you need to draw up an agreement with the employer.

It is worth considering the conditions for providing paid leave for an employee:

Also, leave may be unpaid, which depends on the presence or absence of education this level for the employee:

Documents and terms of provision

To be granted study leave, a student must meet certain requirements:

  • The diploma must be obtained for the first time. Second higher education not paid by the employer.
  • If you work in several places, vacation is possible only in one of them.
  • The institution must be accredited.
  • The period for which leave is granted is reflected in the contract.
  • Vacation is possible only on the basis of a summons certificate.
  • Study leave cannot be combined with another type of vacation. In this case, the first vacation must be interrupted.

To be allowed to take exams at an educational institution, a summons certificate is required. It is issued upon provision of a grade book. The document indicates the period during which the session will take place.

The paper must be provided at the place of work no later than 10 days before the start of the session. The document form is divided into two parts. In one of them the call is registered, and the second is necessary for confirmation. Official document is filled out after the student passes the session.

Filling out is carried out by representatives of the university or college. The document confirms the student’s intentions and their respect for the employer.

To obtain the right, an application for study leave is drawn up. The document is not regulated by law.

However, it is important to write down the main points in it:

  1. The header of the application indicates the position, last name, first name, patronymic of the boss and the name of the company. Here the employee also reflects his data.
  2. The name of the document (Application) is written in the central part.
  3. The main text consists of a request for leave in certain period time to pass the session.
  4. You must provide information about your educational institution.
  5. It is noted below that the summons certificate is attached.
  6. At the end of the document there is a date and signature.

Mandatory conditions for securities

Leave can be granted only with a summons certificate. The form of the document is approved at the legislative level. Therefore, the employer will only accept an official document.

The form consists of two sections. The first part outlines the grounds for obtaining leave. Confirmation is given to the student after the end of the vacation.

You must contact your employer with a statement. After this, an order is issued on the basis of which the employee may be absent from the workplace. The official document records the date of departure and duration. The document must be sent to the accounting department to calculate vacation pay.

The order has unified form T-6. It must specify the nature of the vacation.

When paying for vacation, a calculation note is drawn up. It will be required for an accountant who calculates wages. There is no need to fill out an employee personal card. After all allotted days are not issued for the working year.

Changes are made to the time sheet. The sections are entered with the code value “U” or the number “11”.

Competently filling out an application for study leave

For correct filling The application form requires you to fill in basic information.

You can use the example, which shows data relevant in 2019:

To the director

Olympia LLC

Zavgorodniy Yu.A.


on production

Alekseeva I.I.


In connection with my studies at the North Caucasus Federal University, I ask you to provide me with paid study leave in the period from January 13, 2017 to February 1, 2017, the duration of which is 20 days.

Attached to the application is a summons certificate No. 124 dated December 29, 2016.

12/30/2016 ____________ Alekseev I.I.

This example can be used when applying for paid leave. If wages are not maintained, then this fact is noted in the document.

What is also important to remember

An important point is payment for the employee’s educational leave. An accountant needs to know the procedure for calculating salaries and taxes.

Payment for student form

Before calculating student leave pay, it is necessary to determine which of them will be subject to it. The duration of vacation may also vary, which affects the amount of salary.

Education Form Type of training Duration
Higher Part-time and full-time
  • session on the following courses;
  • state exams and diploma defense.
  • 40 or 50 days;
  • 50 days;
  • 4 months.
Secondary vocational Part-time and full-time
  • session in the first and second year;
  • session on the following courses;
  • state exams and diploma defense.
  • 30 days;
  • 40 days;
  • 2 months.
General Correspondence
  • final certification of basic education;
  • final certification of secondary education.
  • 9 days;
  • 22 days.
Postgraduate Correspondence
  • education;
  • defense of the dissertation of a candidate of sciences;
  • Doctor of Science dissertation defense.
  • 30 days + travel days;
  • 3 months;
  • 6 months.

Vacation pay is made in accordance with the employee’s average earnings. The amount is calculated in the same manner as when determining payments of annual paid leave.

The calculation takes into account not only working days, but also weekends. Holidays are also paid extra.

Transfer of funds is made within the period specified by law. It is provided no later than 3 days before the start of the vacation.

Possible timing

The duration of leave may vary depending on the level of education received and the form of training:

Reason for vacation Duration Payment option
Higher education (correspondence, part-time):
  • session (1st, 2nd course);
  • session (3–6 course);
  • shortened terms;
  • final examination.
  • 40 days;
  • 50 days;
  • 50 days;
  • 4 months.
Admission to the University:
  • entrance exams;
  • final examination.
  • 15 days;
  • 15 days.
Vacation is not paid
Higher education (full-time):
  • session;
  • preparation and delivery of a diploma;
  • state exams.
  • 15 days;
  • 4 months;
  • 30–31 days.
Vacation is not paid
Training under the highest qualification program:
  • education;
  • preparation and defense of a dissertation.
  • 30 days;
  • 3 months.
Payment to an employee of average earnings
Secondary professional (correspondence and part-time):
  • session (1st, 2nd course);
  • session (3–6 course);
  • final examination.
  • 30 days;
  • 40 days;
  • 2 months.
Payment to an employee of average earnings
Admission to a secondary vocational education institution 10 days Vacation is not paid
Secondary vocational (full-time):
  • session;
  • final examination.
  • 10 days;
  • 2 months.
Vacation is not paid
Basic or secondary education (full-time and part-time):
  • final certification (main);
  • final certification (general).
  • 9 days;
  • 22 days.
Payment to an employee of average earnings

Taxes and fees

When granting study leave, the accountant must calculate contributions to the Social Insurance Fund, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, as well as for insurance against accidents and occupational diseases. During the calculation vacation pay Personal income tax is withheld at 13%.

Vacation pay must be written off on the same date that is reflected in the accounting records. Thus, posting is carried out during the vacation period.

If the vacation covers two tax period, then it is necessary to divide it. Days are reflected proportionally in each of them.

Deductions to the funds are made at a time on the date of payment of vacation pay to the employee. If the law is violated and funds are paid after the vacation, a time difference will appear. Then the tax asset will be deferred.

If an employee is studying at a non-accredited institution, payment of leave will be considered voluntary at the initiative of management. Then the payments do not reduce taxable income.

Principle of form design

The application must be drawn up randomly.

It must indicate the purpose of the vacation:

  • passing the session;
  • preparation and defense of the WRC;
  • passing state exams.

In addition, a call certificate is attached.

After this, an order is issued, which states:

  • number and date of compilation;
  • employee information;
  • type of vacation;
  • number of days and period of vacation.

The document is signed by the manager, as well as by the employee upon review.

It is necessary to enter information about study leave into the employee’s card and time sheet. It is important to enter Y or 11 for leave with payment of average earnings, UD or 13 for unpaid leave.

If the order or summons certificate is completed incorrectly, payment for the vacation will not be made.

Practical nuances

There are often cases when the provision and payment of vacation may change:

  • A part-time employee has the right to receive leave for general principles.
  • While on parental leave, time for study is not provided. In this case, the employee will need to leave (at least for one day) and then go on vacation.
  • If the employee is on probationary period, he can count on receiving study leave on a general basis. Dismissal of an employee who fails the test is possible only after the end of the vacation period.
  • It is possible to provide leave to employees with urgent work obligations. If his time expires while the employee is studying, then payments made as vacation pay are not withheld by the employer.

How to get it

Based on Articles 173, 174, 176 and 177 Labor Code RF employee can count on receiving paid study leave.

In this case, three conditions must be met:

  • The educational institution must be accredited with confirmation state document. It is possible to grant leave even in the absence of accreditation, if the management makes this condition in an employment or collective agreement.
  • It is important that the employee has not previously studied in this educational program.
  • When determining whether an employee can go on vacation, the success of his or her training is taken into account. It is confirmed by the absence of debts and unsatisfactory grades.

The legislation clearly defines the procedure for granting study leave. Therefore, employees have the right to join it if they meet the criteria.

You can download a sample request for a certificate of tax debt.

The application for study leave is submitted to the employer along with a letter of invitation from the educational institution. We consider in detail all issues related to correct spelling applications for student leave. And here is a sample of such a document.

Read our article:

Procedure for writing an application for study leave

One of the guarantees for students is the provision of paid time for testing knowledge - educational leave. This time is strictly regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Chapter 26 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and is reflected in the summons certificate provided to the manager.

An employee goes on study leave.

The employer is obliged to pay for study leave only when a specific level of education is achieved for the first time (Article 177 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Second higher, second secondary special education is not paid and rest time is not provided.

The solution for the employee would be to agree on a vacation without pay or agree on the duration of the session another vacation. But management has the right not to accommodate such a student.

Before submitting an application for study leave to the employer, the student must obtain a summons certificate from his university. The form of such a document is approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 19, 2013 No. 1368 “On approval of the form of a summons certificate giving the right to provide guarantees and compensation to employees combining work with education.”

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The certificate of invitation from the university indicates exact dates release from work duties. The student has the right to indicate other dates in the application if they do not go beyond those specified in the certificate. That is, at his own discretion, a working student can reduce the duration of rest, but not increase it.

Written application along with a certificate established sample transferred to the employer's representative. According to the law (part 2 of article 173 and part 2 of article 174 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the employer cannot refuse to provide leave. Therefore, approval of such a statement is not required.

Based on the document provided, the HR department issues leave, and the accounting department makes accruals.

Sample application for study leave with pay

An application for study leave with pay must contain not only the relevant dates, but also a clarification that the leave is planned for study. The name of the educational institution in which is also written down.

An application certificate will be attached to the application in the established form.

Read also:

Sample application for study leave by correspondence

Training on by correspondence does not imply infringement of the employee’s rights or granting him leave on other terms. In accordance with part 1 of Art. 173 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Paid study leave is provided to both part-time and part-time students. Therefore, the sample application for study leave for part-time study will not differ from the sample given above.

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How many days in advance is the application written?

Do I need to write an application for study leave if there is a certificate or summons?

The summons certificate contains only regulated vacation periods. So it is necessary to write an application for study leave, because the employee can take fewer days. Therefore, reflecting the required dates in the application and having it itself is very important.

Workers who, in parallel with work, receive education in educational institutions, may encounter the fact that such a combination is impossible at certain times, for example, when the date of passing the exam coincides with a working day and at this time the employee must be at the workplace and perform production tasks . The legislator took care of such employees by giving them the right to apply to their employer for study leave. Sample 2017, rules for drawing up this document and general provisions about study leave - in this article.

Leave for students

The employee's right to additional leave, necessary for obtaining an education, is provided for in Ch. 26 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Such leave may be paid or at your own expense. Its maximum period is limited and depends on specific situation. We present in the table the features of each of them, including who has the right to such leave and to what extent.

Conditions of education Vacation without pay Vacation with pay
Bachelor's, specialist's or master's programs that have passed state accreditation
  • for entrance exams - 15 days;
  • to pass the final certification at the preparatory courses - 15 days;
"Old students":
  • for passing the session - 15 days;
  • on final work and for passing state exams - 4 months;
  • for passing state exams - 1 month.
  • for passing the session in the first and second courses - 40 days, in other courses - 50 days;
  • for state certification - up to 4 months.
postgraduate study, residency and assistantship (correspondence) on last year training at the request of the employer can be provided no more than two days a week
  • 30 days;
  • one day a week with half pay;
  • for getting scientific degree candidate or doctor of sciences - 3 and 6 months, respectively.
secondary vocational education programs with state accreditation
  • for applicants - 10 days;
"Old students":
  • for passing the session - 10 days;
“correspondence students” and “part-time students”:
  • for passing the session in the first and second courses - 30 days, in other courses - 40 days;
  • for passing state certification - up to 2 months.
basic or secondary programs general education(internally and part-time), having state accreditation to pass state certification:
  • basic - up to 9 days;
  • average - up to 22 days.

Other guarantees and compensation, including for study leave, may be contained in a collective or employment contract.

In order to exercise the right to additional admission, you need to know following rules:

  • the relevant education must be obtained for the first time and/or the employee is undergoing training at the direction of the employer;
  • vacation can be added to the annual one, but only if the employer agrees with this;
  • when receiving education simultaneously in two educational organizations this right can be implemented only in relation to one of them;
  • additional admission is granted on the basis of a summons certificate issued by educational institution;
  • This right can be exercised by the employee only at his main place of work.

How to get a vacation

One application for study leave to receive additional days release from work is not enough.

Along with the application, the employer will need to submit:

  • a certificate of summons from the educational institution in which the employee is receiving education, indicating the reason for absence and the period of certification or other educational events;
  • information that educational organization has state accreditation. Such information can be immediately indicated in the call certificate;
  • documents confirming receipt of education for the first time.

In the application, which is drawn up in the name of the employer, the employee indicates:

  • a request for additional leave in connection with obtaining education;
  • the reasons why he needs leave;
  • vacation period. Here you should take into account the time that will be spent traveling to the place of study and back, if educational institution is in another locality. IN certain cases the employer is obliged to reimburse at least 50% of the amount spent on travel;
  • should vacation be paid (it is advisable to cite the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation indicating the obligatory provision of vacation to the employee, including his payment in established cases);
  • link to application documents;
  • application date and signature.

The law does not regulate the deadline for filing an application, but it is advisable to notify the employer of the desire to receive study leave in advance, for example two weeks. The employer needs this time in order to organize the work process taking into account the employee’s absence and calculate vacation pay if it must be paid.

Application for study leave (sample)

The worker retains the right to simultaneously work and study. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows students to demand paid study leave from the employer in the number of days within the limit established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Payment vacation days for studies is based on the average income of a vacationer for the last 12 months. To apply for this type of vacation, you need to receive an application for study leave from the employee, a sample of which we offer to download for free below.

When granting leave related to an employee’s studies, the employer must be guided by the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 173-177) and Law 125-FZ (Article 17).

Not every employer will be delighted with the need to provide an employee with unscheduled days off, and even pay for them, but the employer does not have the right to refuse. The exception is when the educational institution where the employee is studying does not have state accreditation. Studying at an unaccredited institution is not grounds for granting study leave. Also, the employee must understand that he has the right to study leave only if this is his first education. One more prerequisite is the success of training and admission to exams, certification procedures, submission of reports and dissertations.

Who has the right to request paid study leave? This includes workers who:

  • receive their first education;
  • study at an accredited institution;
  • successfully acquire knowledge.

Study leave is not scheduled days off and then not included in it.

How to write an application for study leave

The form must include information sufficient for the employer, that is, the latter must clearly understand that the applicant wants to receive it.

In order to contact the employer with an application, you need to obtain a summons certificate from the place of study, which will indicate why the person is being called, for how long, and to which educational institution. Details of the summons certificate must be attached to the sample application in its original form.

If you need to go on maternity leave, then the application is written according to, if you need to get financial support from the employer, then download the sample.

The text of the application must contain a request to grant study leave of a certain duration, corresponding to the summons certificate, the details of which are given in the appendix to the application.

The term “study leave” should not be used in the text, since labor laws do not have such a concept, they must write in the application - additional leave while maintaining average earnings. This formulation would be more correct. Next, the reason for this request is indicated - for example, “to pass an intermediate certification, pass an examination session” or something else. Additionally, it is recommended to indicate the name of the educational institution.

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