How to protect your life and not go to jail: lawyers about “self-defense. Life in freedom is not easy

The number of people convicted in Russia under “extremist” articles of the Criminal Code, Chapter 29, has quadrupled since 2011.

AND story of a resident of St. Petersburg Eduard Nikitin may look like a disturbing flashback political repression V modern realities: A 47-year-old activist of the Solidarity movement and the Alliance of Heterosexuals and LGBT for Equality, a disabled person of the 2nd group, is being tried for telling a joke in social network In contact with.

Back in 2015, a man posted a joke on the topic of elections with the phrase “a good quilted jacket is a cold quilted jacket,” which featured a cake made from a physiological substance. Two years later, the posts formed the basis of a criminal case against famous article Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 282 “Incitement to hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity.”

Article 282 provides for up to five years of actual imprisonment. But a man with a disability faces only compulsory treatment. Expert advice regarded the joke about the quilted jackets as a wish for the death of the same name social group. In the joke about the elections, experts saw extremism, distrust of the people’s representatives who pass laws and the author’s disbelief in changes for the better after the elections.

Another example is that Nikita or person involved under number 8164 was recognized as an “extremist” for posting prohibited audio recordings on his page. The court ordered an examination of one of them – the song of the Kolovrat group “Glory to Russia”.

“When I was younger, I listened to music tracks of an extremist nature, a couple of years passed, my views changed, and in my audio recordings they found songs from groups such as “Kolovrat”, “Argentina”, “Gang of Moscow”. For this he was convicted. Well, they assigned me the kindling ethnic hatred", Nikita said.

According to information judicial department at Supreme Court RF, the number of people convicted in Russia under “extremist” articles of the Criminal Code, Chapter 29, has quadrupled since 2011. In 2017 Russian courts sentenced 604 citizens. Of these, 460 people were convicted of 282. More than 3,000 people escaped with administrative penalties.

As reported by the news agency “Politics Today”, in response to a request from the authorities, VKontakte issues a card for each user, which indicates IP addresses, the history of changes in the phone number to which the account is linked, changes in passwords, first and last names, the history of blocking and calls to the support service .

“She is seen by support agents and a number of other employees. Cards store logs (a file with records of events in chronological order– approx. ed.), what address you are coming from, linked phone number, email, history of name/surname changes, groups, who filed complaints on your page and how many times. And they can transfer all this without a court decision, within the framework pre-investigation check", said former employee In contact with.

Let us remember that after a series of high-profile criminal cases for likes and reposts on VKontakte, MGR issued a press release in which it called for an “amnesty” for all those convicted on extremist charges. Then the social network announced a reform of its privacy settings. Now the user can hide his page from prying eyes. In addition, the network does not display a list of pages that have reposted the publication - only the author of the post will see them.

Prison will save you from your wife

Last December, a resident of Novosibirsk decided to run away from his scandalous wife to prison. To do this, he went to rob the store closest to his house. Despite the security, the man approached the cashier and demanded to give all the proceeds. At the same time, he made only verbal threats, without having a weapon with him. The security guards neutralized the “robber” and called the police. Having looked at him, the police decided to take the man not to prison, but to a sobering center. Now the man faces a fine rather than imprisonment.

Inhabitant Sverdlovsk region turned out to be more resourceful than the Novosibirsk resident. To escape from his wife, he went to remove the wheels from his neighbor's car (VAZ - 2114). When the police arrived, called by a random witness to the robbery, the car was already missing the front right wheel and headlight. And the “thief” blamed the police for the fact that no one paid attention to the working alarm for a long time. The police turned out to be stricter than their colleagues from Novosibirsk, and now the man may well not see his wife for the next five years.

Prison will help you survive

Retired American policeman Edward Pascussi, who served for 15 years, found himself below the poverty line - health problems deprived him of the opportunity to earn even a piece of bread. The prospect of becoming homeless did not please him and he decided to commit a fictitious bank robbery in order to go to prison. He told the police that he had no means to live, and that everything was better in prison than on the street. He also apologized to his former colleagues for disgracing the honor of his uniform. During interrogation, it turned out that before the “robbery” he completely unloaded the pistol so as not to harm anyone. Further fate Pascussi is unknown.

Prison can heal

Two years ago, an unemployed American decided to rob a bank in order to achieve free treatment. The man demanded just one dollar from the cashier, handing him a note saying that he was armed and would open fire if refused. After receiving the dollar, he sat down in a chair and waited for the police. He told the police who arrested him that he did not have a weapon, but he had a cancerous tumor, which he hoped to operate on in prison. He estimated he needed to serve three years in prison, but the prosecutor charged him with theft instead of armed robbery, which carries a sentence of only one year.

You can be saved from your sins in prison

Resident of Borovichi ( Novgorod region) Alexander Dmitriev asked to leave work early and went to the gaming club, having 8 thousand rubles with him. At first he was lucky, he won about 3 thousand, but did not even think about stopping. At night, he discovered that he only had 300 rubles left in his wallet. He decided to spend it usefully - he called a taxi and went to his favorite kebab shop. While eating, he thought about his life and decided to radically change it. He went home, and in the morning he went to the police and stated that at night he had been robbed on the street by people unknown to him for 7.5 thousand rubles. He described in detail how they shot him in the back with a pistol (they allegedly missed) and took away all his things. The police officers began to look for the attackers, but the next day Dmitriev came to them again and said that previous statement- lie. Instead of a new statement, he wrote a confession on the fact of false denunciation. According to him, the 6.5 years that he will spend in prison (that’s how long Article 306 of the Criminal Code “Knowingly false denunciation"), will give him the opportunity to get rid of his addiction to slot machines, as well as to “rethink his life values.”

In prison you can learn to understand people

Illinois Sheriff Mark Karen decided to get to know the contingent he was working with better and went to jail for a week. He was there disguised as a common criminal and no one knew that he was a representative law enforcement. But unlike other prisoners, he was kept in solitary confinement for security reasons.

Member of the Dutch parliament Joost Eerdmans decided to follow the example of the American sheriff and also spent a voluntary week in the prison of the Dutch city of Nieuwehein, studying the living conditions of prisoners. Upon leaving prison, he said he was shocked by what he heard there. According to him, all the prisoners he spoke with intend to continue committing crimes after their release. But the parliamentarian really liked the double cells - he even spoke out in favor of placing more than two people in one cell. His cellmate was a Moroccan who prayed to Allah five times a day and claimed that he was innocent, but the politician did not attach any importance to this.

Prison will help protest

Last winter, a certain Vasily Bubnov decided to go to prison, protesting against the current government. He went out on a one-man picket to the police station and began calling passers-by for a coup d’etat. Then he went inside and wrote a statement against himself. “I decided that the only way to deal with the crooks in power was to go to prison myself and set an example. And then Mr. Putin will disappear from our reality,” he said. But the police did not initiate a criminal case - they only recorded Vasily’s testimony, interviewed the neighbors and released him.

They say - never say no to money or prison. Any of us can - either for a minor offense or by accident - end up in a cell. For a few hours or for a few months. And this place is difficult. You can get minor damage or major troubles there in a couple of minutes and with a few extra words.

These tips are not intended for professional criminals. They themselves give advice to anyone. For example, in the early eighties, a group of people were engaged in “dispersal” (under the guise of police officers, they conducted “searches” of factory workers and “seized surpluses”). When they were arrested by KGB officers, the “policemen” spun something about treason to the Motherland. Charges under this article were not even brought forward - it quickly became clear that this was a lie. But people got the opportunity, instead of the smelly dungeons of the pre-trial detention center, to sit in warm cells of the internal KGB pre-trial detention center. And they didn’t communicate with “shitty cops,” but with KGB investigators in ties. And they didn’t eat gruel...

First of all, decide for yourself how long you will have to sit. Options - 3 days, 10 days, a month, before trial (for us - from several months to several years), term according to the verdict. A lawyer can help you with this. Having assessed the circumstances of the case, he must honestly outline the prospect.

The fewer people you meet on your prison journey, the better. It is advisable to avoid unnecessary meetings - with “frostbitten” criminals or minors (which is much worse), chamber agents, etc. Loneliness is isolation.

First, you can come to an agreement with the investigators. You can ask, but that's up to you.

The prisoners are sitting in a cell. They brought them food. One prisoner hesitated and the rat stole his rations. Without thinking, he takes the shoe and throws it at the rat. He hit and killed.

The godfather looked at dead rat and says:

You are a thief, I am a thief, a rat stole bread - that means he is also a thief. So that means you’re like... I give you until the morning, if you don’t come up with an excuse, we’ll drop it.

The man thought and thought, did not sleep all night, and in the morning he answered:

Yes, I’m a thief and you’re a thief, a rat stole bread - that means he’s also a thief, so why would she want to sit with us or something...

Secondly, you can go on a hunger strike. Don't be afraid - going on a hunger strike for several days has never harmed anyone. All actions of this kind must be documented, signed officials. And the higher the position of the person who signs your application, the better. The minimum is a supervising prosecutor. But it wouldn’t hurt to send such a statement even higher - up to Prosecutor General. You must act through a lawyer. Many people, having signed your declaration of hunger strike, will send him “to the bucket.” Do not go on a “dry” hunger strike (refusing food and water). This is detrimental to health, but for business there is no benefit.

Thirdly, you can “sacrifice” your health. There are diseases whose diagnosis is long and difficult. For example, coronary heart disease... You will need to be transferred under the supervision of a doctor. Or they may even release you completely. It’s unlikely that someone in prison on a minor charge to an ordinary person who have not attended prison “universities” or do not have a higher education medical education, it is worth feigning mental illness. They will quickly expose you.

Fourthly, there is an unconventional way. You can confidentially whisper to the investigator that, for example, you have the impression that your cellmate intends to encroach on your honor. And you may not be able to resist and solve this issue radically - for example, by strangling it. Ask them not to say anything to the operators. 99% - you will be transferred alone.

Let’s assume that your detention was not limited to three days and your period of detention was extended to 10 days, or even up to a month.

If you have already gone on a hunger strike, you need to decide what to do next. A long fast will not do any good. You can interrupt your hunger strike and then declare it again, following the same rules.

But suppose you were “evicted” from solitary confinement - you broke your hunger strike or the illness “did not go away”. It is preferable to sit in a “small place” (sparsely populated cell). If you are lucky and your neighbors in such a cell will be robbers, emergency workers, etc., you can serve the entire term without any “registrations,” harassment, “swindles,” etc.

As I already said, this article is not intended for professional criminals. And the common person should know that proper relationships with the investigator and the detectives are very important.

If you behave normally with them, then your chances of getting into the “small place” are greater. Let's assume that nothing worked out for you and you were placed in a common cell (30-40 people), filled with criminals. Despite the fact that during perestroika, newspapers made money by describing the horrors that await a person entering a cell for the first time, in fact, no one is particularly thirsty for your blood. But if there is a “tail trailing” behind you in the form of information that you have “turned over” your friends to the operas, have committed a crime that is not liked in prison (rape, child molestation, etc.), then you may have to not sweet. If everything is clean, then you can run into trouble mainly through your own fault.

If a homosexual is caught on camera, it is better to say so directly. In this case, he will sleep and eat with the “roosters”, but the attitude towards him will be different from the attitude towards the “roosters” who earned their status due to “wrong” behavior.

Anyone entering the cell must undergo registration. People over 40 years of age and those who are obviously ill will most likely not be forced to do it. An elderly person should immediately declare that he is “determined to be a man” (that is, he will work, and if required, pay into the “common fund”). It is unlikely that he will be forced to participate in thieves' affairs. True, you can drop out of the “men” - with a demotion. If, for example, you steal from your own people (“rafting”), talk too much, get caught having connections with opera houses, etc.

There are cases when registration was paid off for several thousand dollars - through a lawyer.

“Registration” is actually a formal interrogation in order to determine what kind of person “came to us.” This is understandable - people who are going to spend some time in one room do not want unnecessary problems. For example, they can - without knowing it - eat at the same table with the “rooster” for a week or two. And this is fraught with trouble for authorities.

When registering - and in a cell in general - there is one main rule: you need to tell the truth. If a person committed rape and said that he was slandered, they may believe him. But if it turns out that he did deceive his cellmates, then they will not forgive him for this.

"Registration" is a ritual. Its rules, which have evolved over decades, can make a terrifying impression on a person entering the cell for the first time. They may shout at you, hit you several times, or provoke you. But no one sets out to inflict serious injuries Rather, this is done as a preventative measure. Athletes who get into the camera for the first time sometimes take it all seriously and start a real fight. There have been cases where such people received serious injuries.

Formally, “registration” consists in the fact that you are asked questions, and you are obliged to answer. If you are not an experienced criminal, there is no need to pretend to be a seasoned criminal. Tell us honestly about yourself. If you don't know the rules of life in a cell, say so. When asked whether you will follow the rules, it is better to answer yes.

There are many typical questions. A six-five domino is shown. You are asked to choose. After the choice has been made, they can announce that five means “rooster”, and six means “six” (spoonwash). Or you could choose a line between them, which means nothing.

Especially for a beginner, hooks for clothes numbered 5 and 6 can be left free. But things can also be thrown on a bed or bench...

They may ask the question: “You are flying on a parachute. On the left is the sea g..., on the right is the forest x... Where will you land?” There is no time to think, you need to answer quickly. The correct answer has a philosophical connotation: “In every sea there is an island, and in every forest there is a clearing.” They may ask the question: "In hopeless situation I'll have to either frame her... or sell my mother. What are you going to do?" The answer is categorical: "F... not being substituted, the mother is not for sale."

“The correct question when registering is: “Are you going to sell your mother or are you going to fuck her up?”
Answer: “Your mother is not for sale, your ass is not for sale”

They may ask another question: “There are two chairs, on one the peaks are sharpened, on the other the dicks are jerked off. Where will you sit?”
Answer: “I’ll take the sharpened peaks and cut off the jerked dicks!”

If a person has not passed registration, he is defined as a parachute, and upon regaining consciousness he feels himself in this place. A parachute is not yet a rooster, but it is no longer a man (or a “boy” in his youth). From a parachute you can become a man at any time. You need to pour a bucket of water on yourself, shout “Goodbye, parasha!” and try to register again. The rooster, of course, does not have such an opportunity."

It is clear that you may or may not guess the correct answer. If you answer incorrectly, most likely the maximum you will face is a few blows. But those who persist in delusions may receive an offer to make a decision - to go to the “roosters” or to the “sixes”. This is where “working back” is already very difficult. But you can: in some cases, if you apologize, you will be beaten, perhaps you will pay, but you will get away with it.

The last option is that you will have to sit for quite a long time. There is no point in going on a hunger strike here. Get ready for life in a cell, for registration and communication with criminals. Try to cause as little trouble as possible for your neighbors and you can get rid of many problems. For example, if you spoil the air in the cell, you may be “charged” and beaten. The boss will not answer for snoring in the cell, but you will.

Don't sit down to play cards. You may be offered to “play for nothing”, and then it turns out that “just for the sake of it” means a lot of money or your ass.

You should not spit on the floor. Be very careful with swear words. They may ask: “Who did you have?” And they will demand to prove it. And when you can't, you'll have to answer.

And in general, you need to be very precise in your wording, otherwise you might get caught by the tongue. Literally - with a pin.

In general, the main rule is that if you don’t want trouble, behave with restraint. Most of the troubles people got in prison were their own fault. Like the man who, upon entering the cell, announced: “Hello, assholes!” They explained to him that this word was not good. Rising from the floor, he exclaimed: “They should have said that right away! Otherwise they crowed like roosters!”

So let's start with a few simple rules and concepts that should be learned and observed throughout the entire period, or at least until you become comfortable enough not to obey other people’s rules, but to live according to your own. You can, of course, establish your own rules of the game from the first day, but believe me, very few people succeed in this - for this, your beliefs must be clear and transparent to you. IN otherwise your reputation may very soon sink below the baseboard.
IN general consideration There are two types of prisoners in prison:
1. People who live a “thieve’s” life, according to “concepts” - they often call themselves barefoot, tramps, lads..., in the terminology of “cops” - professional criminals. For them, prison is their home, a natural stage life path, for which they are more or less morally prepared and often even perceive it with pride, because in their midst, without having served time, their chances of moving up the hierarchical thieves' ladder of authority are close to zero.
2. Those who “accidentally” ended up in dungeons - i.e. committed crimes in household soil, due to drunkenness, stupidity, carelessness, greed, etc. - like normal citizens for whom this is completely unexpected turn their destinies. Later, in the camps, they make up the bulk of the caste of “men”, in contrast to the “thieves” who came from the first group.
In the future I will call them that - thieves and men, although this is rather a camp term - it is practically not used in prisons. Here they are more divided into “normal guys” and the rest (shushara, passengers, for example) - more on that later.
The first category behaves accordingly - actively, the second, at least not yet adapting sufficiently - passively, cautiously, opportunistically, looking closely at a world alien to them. Due to the former, the support and preservation of “concepts” occurs - a kind of code of honor and community life within prison walls. To understand its essence, you need to understand the motivating moments and goals that they achieve.
The psychology of the “brothers” is built on opposing themselves to society and its authorities, and first of all, its security forces. A certain aura of Robin Hood, a martyr for a just cause, is also not alien to most of them. Therefore, one of the main conceptual principles is the organization of such confrontation, solidarity, and many concepts that dominate in prisons come from it. Mutual assistance and cohesion are very developed in prisons with a strong “black” movement - the “colored” must be resisted with a united front. In the Kaliningrad pre-trial detention center, I repeatedly witnessed mass, simple, but quite effective actions of struggle for our “black” and human rights, expressed, for example, in the mass sending of complaints (up to 500 in one day) or making incredible noise. The majority of men very quickly also begin, at least in words, to profess such an ideology, following (adjusting) to often quite charismatic “black” leaders.
So, once you get into a cell where conceptual order is maintained, you will be amazed by the atmosphere reigning there. Nothing to do with how it is usually shown in movies. No one can take anything away from anyone by force, threat, or cunning. You can't hit anyone. You will not hear a swear word - it’s just like a reception from the Queen of England - everything is fine, thank you... All disputes and conflicts are “settled” at the very initial stages.
It’s simple, 10-20 people in a small room, if they don’t adhere to clear rules and restrictions, not to mention they won’t be able to defend their minimal rights, they’ll simply rip each other’s throats out. The violator is punished very strictly - simply by hitting someone, he really risks losing at least his health, and even honor, somewhere in the pits, other cells, on stages, in the zone. Retribution is inevitable, sooner or later - this principle is strictly observed - if you had the opportunity to ask the lawless man and you didn’t do it, they will ask you (just like the principle of inevitability / inevitability / punishment in justice - in general, no matter how paradoxical it looks in At first glance, the psychology of representatives of the criminal world and justice is very similar. I noticed that they even love the same music, not to mention their behavior and behavior. life values).
You can't send anyone. A simple phrase“Fuck you...” even if not brought to its logical conclusion, gives the right to the person to whom it is addressed to hit, knock down and even kill the careless swearer (an exception to the rule of non-use of physical force in the cell). The phrase is taken literally... The code of honor, concepts, oblige you to respond to an insult. If you don’t hit the person who sent you, then you admit that you are worthy of “such treatment” and in the future it may happen that communicating with you will be considered beneath the dignity of a normal guy.
In this situation, you need to remember that even a “swear word” inserted as an innocent interjection can be played out in such a way that you will not be happy, especially if you are at knifepoint with someone and your every careless word is “caught.”
It should be noted that in prison you must be prepared to answer for any of your statements - people have nothing better to do, so if you are not sure which side the battery is on the Mazda 626, it is better to remain silent. Which, however, is also appreciated in a free life.
It must also be said that physical strength, knowledge of jiu-jitsu techniques costs practically nothing. In such a limited space, and even with the prohibition on the use of force and other nuances of cell life, the advantage goes to the more savvy and cunning, who knows how to use verbiage and use knowledge of concepts and traditions. In general, since space is limited and there is no time, there is nowhere to run and therefore all disputes, as a rule, are resolved at the energy level - a few phrases, a look, a pose, and everyone understands who is who.
Thus, to summarize what has been said, I would like to repeat once again what was said in the abstract:
- nothing can be taken away from anyone under any circumstances - this is lawlessness. And lawlessness according to concepts is punishable by lawlessness;
- you can’t beat anyone, all questions and claims must be resolved only according to concepts. The exception is if you were sent to x.. or some similar place;
- from here - no one should be sent anywhere, and in general you can’t swear in prison (it’s just a page corps);
- for any, even innocent bazaar, you must be prepared to answer;
- physical strength costs very little - the main thing is your inner strength and fear (or lack thereof).

What are rules of conduct in a pre-trial detention center? Don’t take this as a joke, but the more dignified you behave in a pre-trial detention center, the more comfortable your time spent here will be, in most cases.

What means "more worthy"? The same as in the life remaining on the other side of the door of this unattractive establishment.

There is no need to throw yourself on the chest of the guards or the guard on duty receiving you, shouting about your innocence. You may be mistaken for a mentally ill person and end up in punishment cell. You are here, that means detention authorized and, albeit mistakenly, you were taken into custody. The extent to which justice was missed will be determined by the investigation and the lawyer, and your task is to survive the period as comfortably as possible, during which your future fate will be decided.

  1. Behave calmly when questioning the duty officer.
  2. Do not try to offend the staff: soon you will have to establish contact with some of them to communicate with relatives.
  3. During the inspection, do not try to refuse to communicate with the doctor or hide something or jewelry. Wrist watch, cigarettes, lighter and so are permitted items. It’s better to voluntarily hand over the rest of the contents of your pockets for inventory - it will be safe.
  4. It seems that they want to take away your product without having the right to do so? Demand to present a document prohibiting the detainee from having the subject of the dispute at the time of his stay in the pre-trial detention center. Stop trying to look for a “vest” or “friend” among other detainees - everyone here is a complete stranger

. A subject who persistently asks about the circumstances of the case, family details or some “intimate” details of life is most likely not a “shirt guy”, but a person looking for profit or an informer.

How to behave in a pre-trial detention center for the first time?

Unofficial rules of conduct

  1. Other unofficial rules of conduct.
  2. Sit down on someone else's bed (bed) without the owner's invitation
  3. Swear, communicate in a raised voice (boister).
  4. Use the toilet when one of the inmates is eating..
  5. Taking or touching things or products that do not belong to you
  6. Eating food that fell on the floor.
  7. Use things dropped in the toilet (bowl) or trash can..
  8. Intrude into a conversation without invitation Shake hands with “homosexuals” (“offended”, “roosters”), take their things. Ignoring this rule, even once, leads to an irreversible decline social status
  9. and automatic transition to the “untouchable” caste. Fight, kick (all controversial issues

find out with the involvement of the “looker”).

  1. Need to: Share the contents of a food parcel
  2. (there is no need to post everything at once) and invite fellow inmates to a common meal.

Wash in swimming trunks and shorts (to avoid touching your genitals to someone else’s body and vice versa).

  1. Official Rules of Conduct
  2. communicate with prisoners in other cells through correspondence and other means;
  3. leave any premises without the permission of your direct superior;
  4. engage in the production and use of intoxicating substances and liquids;
  5. play gambling for selfish purposes;
  6. draw tattoos;
  7. unauthorized repair of the camera, lighting devices, communication lines, plumbing, etc.;
  8. throw objects out of windows, interfere with observing the situation in the cell through the “peephole”;
  9. violate .

Prisoners' rights

What rights do prisoners in pre-trial detention centers have? Prisoners are allowed or required to:

All prisoners can keep documentation related to the criminal case, commit religious ceremonies in the cell or a specially designated place.

In the event of the death of a detainee, his body is released to relatives.

Why are they transferred from cell to cell in a pre-trial detention center?

When first brought to the pre-trial detention center, the accused, along with other detainees, is transferred to "sump"- a room where prisoners are kept before the initial inspection.

After inspection and surrender of valuables, they are transferred to transit camera. Afterwards, they send her to the shower to have her fingerprints taken, and then, having given out the things required in custody, she is transferred to constant.

Transfer from a permanent cell to another in the following cases:

  1. threats to the life of the accused;
  2. the need for punishment (in a punishment cell);
  3. prescribing long-term treatment;
  4. carrying out repair work in the cell.

Where can I appeal the actions of the administration of the pre-trial detention center?

By contacting:

  1. prosecutor's office,
  2. The Commissioner responsible for human rights in the Russian Federation,
  3. European Court of Human Rights
  4. leadership of the Federal Penitentiary Service,
  5. Duma employees (deputies).

According to the rules, letters to the above-mentioned structures or persons are to be opened by the management of the pre-trial detention center has no right. Complaints and statements sent to bodies that do not have supervisory rights to control the work of the pre-trial detention center are authorized to be censored by postal workers at the pre-trial detention center.

Even in prison there are people living. Moreover, according to the laws, which to the majority of those who have experienced them in action seem much more effective and fair than those existing in ordinary life.

Useful video

You can learn a few more tips on how to behave in a pre-trial detention center from the video below:

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