Which girl is better thin or with forms. What kind of girls do guys like

Sigmund Freud believed that most men, when meeting, prefer women who look like their mother. Many studies have proven him right. From this it should be concluded that thin girls and girls have the same chance of getting married. It is believed that the ideal of female beauty is now models whose parameters are 90-60-90.

At the same time, plump women exhaust themselves with diets, trying to get at least a little closer to the standard of beauty, but few of them know that the problem lies not in weight at all. It's all about the character and temperament of the girl. Men love to look at slender beauties, but no one wants to marry an empty picture. A person needs warmth and affection, cleanliness and comfort in the house. Not all slender women are able to give a man everything he needs. But fat women very often have a flexible and soft character.

What kind of men like bbws?

As a result of research by psychologists, the following pattern was revealed: men who give their preference to full women with a large bust are very often quick-tempered and impatient. A number of representatives of the stronger sex, who prefer fat women, like to be in the spotlight. Some of them are very smart, however, there are touchy and weak personalities. If a man chooses women with his hips, he is often aggressive in life, active and likes to change his home, in addition, he is a big fan of cleanliness. Such men often lack family warmth and affection.

Men subconsciously choose a future mother who can give birth to a healthy child.

Also, bbws are liked by some men whose age has already crossed the forty-year-old border, for which the appearance fades into the background after the personality of a woman. Men of a more mature age already understand a lot in life, and for them “not the cover, but its content” becomes the main thing. For a man, it is important that a woman knows how to keep up a conversation, and is also cheerful and sociable.

Many cannot understand why tall mice sometimes give their preference to short gray mice. Psychologists sometimes explain this by the fact that, knowing about his complexes, a man begins to disguise himself. During the experiment, it turned out that 74% of men, when viewing photos of girls of various physiques, made a choice in favor of obese women.

A survey conducted in Russia showed that 63% consider a woman's accuracy to be her most important quality, and, of course, Russian men like women with a cheerful disposition and good character.

Most of the representatives of the stronger sex prefer cheerful and sociable companions of life, so it doesn’t matter if the woman is fat or not, and most importantly, it should be pleasant and easy to be around her.

Some women sometimes think about whether the stronger sex likes fat women. It is clear that men very often pay attention to slender long-legged beauties. However, in order to please a guy, it is absolutely not necessary to be thin.

What kind of women do men like?

Men have different character traits, so they also have different preferences. Someone likes women in the body, and someone likes girls without unnecessary components. That is why in the life of each of the ladies you need to find exactly your man who will love her for who she is.

In ancient times, a plump woman who can bear and protect her offspring was considered the standard of beauty. This is what men paid attention to when they chose their wife. Remember the pictures that were painted in past centuries. Do they show skinny girls? On the contrary, plump women with wide hips and magnificent breasts flaunt there, from which a feeling of health emanates.

At different times, the preferences and tastes of people have changed. And today, men pay more attention to girls with a standard average figure.

Scientists note that when a man is under stress, he pays more attention to the full ones, since it seems to him that they can protect him with their body. The studies were carried out in this way: the representatives of the stronger sex were shown photographs depicting women of various physiques. Ignoring accepted standards, men in times of stress chose curvaceous women, because in this state they idealized those properties that contributed to survival. Statistics show that thin, puny men most often choose fat women as their wives.

Men start families with complete

What kind of girls do guys like? fat girls or skinny girls?

The fair sex has always sought to please men. If not all, then at least one! For the sake of them, the most courageous, beloved and desired, the girls are ready to make any sacrifice. They are able to change and correct all their significant shortcomings and take a long step towards the intended goal - by all means to catch the object of adoration in their nets and keep him close for life.

What kind of girls do guys like?

To which ideal aspiring modern woman? For some reason, it seems to her that a sultry, long-legged beauty with luxurious fluffy hair and a radiant snow-white smile in a commercial is perfection and the ultimate dream of any man. But do not forget that this is only the personal opinion of the woman herself, imposed by her media and social stereotypes.

Undoubtedly, this image, created by the efforts of a whole staff of makeup artists, stylists and cameramen, will seem attractive to many, but nothing more. No woman can accurately determine whether this particular man likes full girls, or he prefers thin ones. We are all very different, with its own special taste and individual priorities, so we are impressed absolutely different people.

Women's the beauty - relative concept, it does not fit into certain generally accepted frameworks. Some individual features of the figure and face seem beautiful to some, while for others they look uninteresting and unattractive. In different centuries, connoisseurs of female beauty sang completely different types of young ladies - in the Renaissance, men preferred fat women, and today thin people are in fashion. There are ongoing debates, the question is constantly being discussed: “What kind of girls do guys like, full or thin?”

In fact, no unequivocal answer to this question was received, but experts made quite interesting conclusions. Scientists using various questionnaires, public research and multi-level tests tried to determine whether guys like full girls, or do men prefer slender ladies? The results came as a complete surprise to everyone. especially for the fair sex.

Which type is more attractive, full girls or thin ones?

Empirically, it has been found that men like harmoniously built fit women. However, not all guys were impressed by thin girls. Harmoniously built, slender, athletic - yes, but not thin. This pattern was discussed in more detail using a questionnaire, as well as in tests and conversations over a cup of tea.

Men confessed, they were attracted confident women, benevolent and positively charged. A light, laid-back gait, an open smile, naturalness and charm are the main allies of female beauty. Well, the main enemies are a tired, extinct look, a lot of complexes and a bad mood. A certain conclusion suggests itself - attractiveness does not depend on external data, but on the internal content of a person.

Moreover, the researchers completely disagree with the statement that the ideal of beauty is a young lady with the “90/60/90” parameters, which almost all women dream of. Men's opinions about a beautiful female figure are divided. Some dream of a young lady with a model appearance, while others are able to be interested in a full girl. Whether men like the first type, or they prefer the second - that's what a potential spouse or lover should figure out.

What should be to win the hearts of the opposite sex? Primarily - not like everyone else. Not too modest, not too relaxed, self-confident, moderately talkative, smiling, sweet and gentle. And you don't have to worry about extra pounds. Often, a thin girl is less happy than her fuller rival. That's why everything failures in personal life no way not related to being overweight and external data, the absence of such a pattern has been proven for quite a long time.

Love for all ages

Tastes, as you know, do not argue! In the process of the conducted research, it turned out that in men of different ages, preferences in matters of splendor of female forms turned out to be diametrically opposed. Young people in a cafe, in a restaurant, on the beach, at a disco more often paid attention to a taut, slender figure and long legs and respectable representatives of the stronger sex were more interesting mature ladies with soft rounded shapes and rich inner world.

From the point of view of psychology, such differences in views are explained by the following factors.

  • Thin girls usually look younger than their real, passport age and are more suitable for the youth age group in terms of type. Young guys gladly accept them into their company.
  • Women with rounded shapes, especially with small reserves in the hips, buttocks and abdomen, are more often noticed by mature, respectable men. Fat girls are more suitable for them even on a subconscious level.

The following fact is of particular interest. Those problem areas with excess subcutaneous fatty tissue (abdomen, buttocks, hips), which women are trying to improve with grueling diets and active workouts in the gym, attract the stronger sex. Men do not want their women to lose weight in these areas.

Do guys like skinny girls? Undoubtedly, some people like just this type of figure, especially they are attracted by harmony and smartness, but women with severe malnutrition, fragile, ascetic physique quite simply scare away men. Everything needs a measure, and besides, everyone has their own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbeauty and good looks.

Every man needs his woman

Every woman she must remember beautiful and attractive despite some non-standard peculiarities his figures. Usually, after a few minutes of communication, a man understands whether he will have an affair with this young lady or not. Some people think that if a guy is thinner than a girl, this is a very interesting option. Fat lady, according to men, may look even more sexually than thin. Her attractiveness depends on personal qualities, demeanor, self-confidence and high self-esteem.

And finally, advice to all women. Do physical culture, remember about a healthy diet, but do not exhaust yourself with constant diets and exhausting workouts. Increase your own self-esteem, do auto-training, constantly radiate warmth and affection. Remember You the most cute, charming, sexy and desirable women in the world! A healthy appetite won't hurt you!

They have no need to sympathize - they can only envy!

Are real women simply obliged to have mouth-watering roundness? Is fat in bed better? Very satisfied with their intimate life, plump women are sure that this is so. It turns out that thin girlfriends are far from them in many respects. “A little body” is extremely important and even necessary in order to be able to enjoy intimacy with a man. Not only the ladies themselves speak about this, but also their partners, and even ... scientists.

Contrary to popular belief, the roundness of the silhouette (which - attention! - is not at all a synonym for being overweight and especially obesity) is not at all a reason for shame and embarrassment. Women with large busts and full buttocks tend to feel sexy and know how to use it in the bedroom. Full in sex, of course, more pleasant to the touch, visually more attractive, and also much more daring compared to the "bony" beauties. Hard to believe? Here are 7 proven and objective reasons why fat women are better in bed. Maybe it's time to stop starving yourself and gain some weight?

1. Fat girls and women in bed like a soft pillow

Most bed positions require direct contact between the pelvic bones of partners. If a woman has practically no adipose tissue, a man is forced to hit his partner’s bones quite painfully - the feeling is not pleasant. Intimate contact loses intensity because the man - for his own safety - slows down. Fat women are better for such intercourse, because their fat "absorbs" the blows. Thanks to this, a man is not distracted by unpleasant "side" sensations, the act of love can last longer and bring much more satisfaction to both parties.

2. Men are drawn to them on a subconscious level.

Fashion and the media are trying to convince us that men are much more interested in extremely thin women with model bodies. In fact, everything is far from it, if not vice versa. Researchers have long proven that men are subconsciously interested in partners with a stronger body. The full ones are better because their wide hips and large breasts involuntarily induce the stronger sex to reproduce offspring. After all, they are a sign that a woman will perfectly cope with the birth and feeding of possible heirs. This is very attractive to men, even if they do not realize it.

3. Full body - more room to maneuver

Sexologists agree that skinny women never become as attractive to men as their larger girlfriends. Fat in bed are good because there is always something to grab onto and afford much more. A curvy woman is a great opportunity to play with her breasts, buttocks, stomach, legs. Men love to touch them, knead, kiss. Not to mention the so-called Spanish sex, which a girl with small breasts, or rather, her partner, cannot afford.

4. Men like certain specific sounds.

What is it about and what does it have to do with the structure of the body? It turns out a lot. Many men admit that they are even more turned on by the sound that appears at the moment of active movement of two bodies. Male thighs in contact with our buttocks (in the back position) give rise to a characteristic slap. Also, the “waves” formed by the partner’s body do their job, and in the case of a very slender figure, such a specific effect is unattainable.

5. Fat people have fewer taboos in sex.

They say that the more adipose tissue, the less self-confidence. In many cases, this is not true at all. From the observations of sexologists, it follows that ladies with a more magnificent physique in bed, as a rule, are much more open to new experiences and experiments. If the full ones in bed feel that they really like a man, excite him, then they are able to generously reward him for this. Not at all embarrassed, they show their partner in all sorts of positions, do not remove his hands and lips from places that are theoretically less attractive than others. They love all of themselves. It is enough to pay a little attention to them - and any doubts and prohibitions disappear - unlike thin women who are constantly not satisfied with something and who tend to appear in front of their partners only from angles that are beneficial to themselves.

6. Fat girls in bed look very feminine.

Theoretically, by definition, absolutely everything should look feminine. However, men who have experienced close relationships with thin houses do not hide their disappointment. In their opinion, a body devoid of pleasant feminine roundness can, during intimate intercourse, be associated, rather, with someone like a younger brother, and not with a sexy female partner. After all, a flat chest and buttocks are attributes of the male sex. Men appreciate the situation when they don’t have to think about who is lying under them at the moment and you can completely surrender to pleasure. If this is not the case, contact can be uncomfortable and even stressful.

7. Fat people are better in bed because they are more fun.

Few people are aware of this, but a smile and a good attitude are the best aphrodisiac. Many argue that women with a magnificent figure can boast of the greatest sense of humor. It is not entirely clear what this is connected with, but it is quite possible that this is the case. Maybe because they have developed immunity against the sidelong and mocking glances of frail girlfriends? Or maybe because they do not starve themselves with diets, do not give up the joys of life and know how to appreciate their roundness? Laughter is useful during intimate contacts, because it is able to defuse tension, soften awkward situations, and help to relax. In the end, sex should not be a boring obligation and a test for the nervous system, but a joy, a positive. And it is a complete partner in bed that can become his generous source.

What kind of girls do guys like? fat girls or skinny girls?

The fair sex has always sought to please men. If not all, then at least one! For the sake of them, the most courageous, beloved and desired, the girls are ready to make any sacrifice. They are able to change and correct all their significant shortcomings and take a long step towards the intended goal - by all means to catch the object of adoration in their nets and keep him close for life.

What kind of girls do guys like?

To which ideal aspiring modern woman? For some reason, it seems to her that a sultry, long-legged beauty with luxurious fluffy hair and a radiant snow-white smile in a commercial is perfection and the ultimate dream of any man. But do not forget that this is only the personal opinion of the woman herself, imposed by her media and social stereotypes.

Undoubtedly, this image, created by the efforts of a whole staff of makeup artists, stylists and cameramen, will seem attractive to many, but nothing more. No woman can accurately determine whether this particular man likes full girls, or he prefers thin ones. We are all very different, with its own special taste and individual priorities, so we are impressed absolutely different people.

Women's the beauty - relative concept, it does not fit into certain generally accepted frameworks. Some individual features of the figure and face seem beautiful to some, while for others they look uninteresting and unattractive. In different centuries, connoisseurs of female beauty sang completely different types of young ladies - in the Renaissance, men preferred fat women, and today thin people are in fashion. There are ongoing debates, the question is constantly being discussed: “What kind of girls do guys like, full or thin?”

In fact, no unequivocal answer to this question was received, but experts made quite interesting conclusions. Scientists using various questionnaires, public research and multi-level tests tried to determine whether guys like full girls, or do men prefer slender ladies? The results came as a complete surprise to everyone. especially for the fair sex.

Which type is more attractive, full girls or thin ones?

Empirically, it has been found that men like harmoniously built fit women. However, not all guys were impressed by thin girls. Harmoniously built, slender, athletic - yes, but not thin. This pattern was discussed in more detail using a questionnaire, as well as in tests and conversations over a cup of tea.

Men confessed, they were attracted confident women, benevolent and positively charged. A light, laid-back gait, an open smile, naturalness and charm are the main allies of female beauty. Well, the main enemies are a tired, extinct look, a lot of complexes and a bad mood. A certain conclusion suggests itself - attractiveness does not depend on external data, but on the internal content of a person.

Moreover, the researchers completely disagree with the statement that the ideal of beauty is a young lady with the “90/60/90” parameters, which almost all women dream of. Men's opinions about a beautiful female figure are divided. Some dream of a young lady with a model appearance, while others are able to be interested in a full girl. Whether men like the first type, or they prefer the second - that's what a potential spouse or lover should figure out.

What should be to win the hearts of the opposite sex? Primarily - not like everyone else. Not too modest, not too relaxed, self-confident, moderately talkative, smiling, sweet and gentle. And you don't have to worry about extra pounds. Often, a thin girl is less happy than her fuller rival. That's why everything failures in personal life no way not related to being overweight and external data, the absence of such a pattern has been proven for quite a long time.

Love for all ages

Tastes, as you know, do not argue! In the process of the conducted research, it turned out that in men of different ages, preferences in matters of splendor of female forms turned out to be diametrically opposed. Young people in a cafe, in a restaurant, on the beach, at a disco more often paid attention to a taut, slender figure and long legs and respectable representatives of the stronger sex were more interesting mature ladies with soft rounded shapes and rich inner world.

From the point of view of psychology, such differences in views are explained by the following factors.

  • Thin girls usually look younger than their real, passport age and are more suitable for the youth age group in terms of type. Young guys gladly accept them into their company.
  • Women with rounded shapes, especially with small reserves in the hips, buttocks and abdomen, are more often noticed by mature, respectable men. Fat girls are more suitable for them even on a subconscious level.

The following fact is of particular interest. Those problem areas with excess subcutaneous fatty tissue (abdomen, buttocks, hips), which women are trying to improve with grueling diets and active workouts in the gym, attract the stronger sex. Men do not want their women to lose weight in these areas.

Do guys like skinny girls? Undoubtedly, some people like just this type of figure, especially they are attracted by harmony and smartness, but women with severe malnutrition, fragile, ascetic physique quite simply scare away men. Everything needs a measure, and besides, everyone has their own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbeauty and good looks.

Every man needs his woman

Every woman she must remember beautiful and attractive despite some non-standard peculiarities his figures. Usually, after a few minutes of communication, a man understands whether he will have an affair with this young lady or not. Some people think that if a guy is thinner than a girl, this is a very interesting option. Fat lady, according to men, may look even more sexually than thin. Her attractiveness depends on personal qualities, demeanor, self-confidence and high self-esteem.

And finally, advice to all women. Do physical culture, remember about a healthy diet, but do not exhaust yourself with constant diets and exhausting workouts. Increase your own self-esteem, do auto-training, constantly radiate warmth and affection. Remember You the most cute, charming, sexy and desirable women in the world! A healthy appetite won't hurt you!

Do guys like fat girls? Do guys like skinny girls?

Today we decided to touch on one controversial topic, namely, who do guys choose - thin or full girls. Do girls really need to sweat in the gyms, constantly go on these diets and go for liposuction to please men, or do they, on the contrary, need to eat more, for example, lard, potatoes, meat? ... Let's look into this issue.

Each era dictates its own criteria of beauty. So, in the Renaissance (Renaissance), for some reason, all the artists depicted women as busty, with rather big hips, their face resembled a puck, in general, as if the then ideals were not thin. Picked up - you have a thing! Today, on television, mostly some anorexics shine, so is it really necessary to strive for 90-60-90 at the present time?

Of course, every man has his own tastes (beauty and ugliness are in the eyes of the beholder; for some, the soup is rare, and for some, the beads are small), but at the same time, for example, Roman Abramovich for some reason did not choose a puffy lady for himself, he chose a skinny Dasha Zhukov, Brad Pitt also did not give preference to plumpness, but settled on skinny Angelina Jolie.

Let's take a look at some sites and forums. We see the following posts and polls.

Here, most likely, the survey was conducted by obese women :)

Here is another information, already more plausible.

We can say that the golden mean rules the world. A woman should not be a sow or a skin-covered skeleton. Here is Kim Kardashian, is she thin? The oven is such, but it is an object of male desire. As before, the demand for anorexic girls is very low. That's who wants to "beat on the rocks" during sexual intercourse?

However, frankly, the truth lies much deeper: men are subconsciously looking for a young lady who will be able to endure and then give birth to a healthy, strong child. How does a slender, overly thin, malnourished lady endure healthy offspring, if she does not even want to feed herself normally, and the child in the womb will die altogether?

It will be difficult for both a thin girl and a full one to bear a child. That one will have health problems, that the other.

Dear women, no need to chase kilograms, because they are not an indicator of harmony or fullness. The beauty of the body depends on the growth and volume of individual parts of the body, it is the "harmony" of proportions that is beauty. This is confirmed by a mass of examples: the correctly built Anni Lorak and Chekhova and the harmonious thin forms of Pletneva and Loboda. It all depends on the sum of the criteria in the complex.

Personally, we have noticed that frankly full ladies are mainly chosen by thin men, and vice versa. Probably, this is for compensation, balance. One ideal weight for two :)

So all the same, by what criterion do men choose ladies? This is what Lydia said.

Let's remember the world famous fairy tale "Thumbelina" by Hans Christian Andersen. How did Thumbelina "hook" the mole? And the fact that she ate only half a grain a day, the mole did not agree to more. However, in reality this is not a criterion at all. Men only evaluate the appearance of a woman during an acquaintance, and they don’t think at all about whether they can feed. It's not the shapes that attract them!

Men choose a lady, depending on how they feel when they are with her. If a guy feels cool, cool, a real man, then he doesn’t care at all what shape a girl has and how much she weighs. No one will ever marry GMOs, even if the forms correspond to 90-60-90.

If slender girls, having opened their delicate velvet mouths, begin to spit out something that is not clear, then psychological impotence sets in in men in an instant. And it is at such moments that men run to the beautiful charismatic plump women who will hug, calm, who are not like those "suckers", lollipops, but like cotton candy - tender, airy.

Thus, do not strive for the ideal that modern fashion dictates. It is better to strive for the golden mean, because it is precisely this that men prefer. By the way, donuts are also loved, especially if they are with their own zest, charisma, beautiful and well-groomed in appearance.

And finally, we offer you to watch an interesting video dedicated to today's topic.

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