What documents are needed for the status of a large family? What documents are needed? Minimum number of children to recognize a family as large

Today we have to figure out how to get the status large family. The question interests many residents of Russia. What do citizens need to know about obtaining the status of having many children? Top tips and recommendations will be presented below. If you prepare for the process in advance, you can special labor complete the task at hand. It's not as simple as it seems, but proper preparation will make the whole process much easier. What should you pay attention to?

Is it required to register

Many people think about how to obtain the status of a large family. Is it necessary to start this process?

According to the laws of Russia, there are no mandatory conditions that would require the population to obtain the status under study. There are no official obligations regarding obtaining the corresponding title.

Nevertheless, it is the status being studied that allows families to receive many social guarantees. Because of this, you have to figure out how to draw up the relevant documents.

Problems receiving

What is needed to obtain the status of a large family? It will require the presence of several minors in one or another unit of society. And it is this nuance that requires special attention.

The fact is that today in Russia there is no legally established status. It is not so easy to say under what circumstances citizens can apply for the title being studied. The exact conditions are regulated by regional regulations.

So, for example, in some regions of the Russian Federation, families with 3 minors are considered large; in some places you will have to give birth to 4 children. In some cities, only social units with 5 or more children can claim the title of large families. Most often 4 children are required.

Conditions of receipt

Now a little more about the process. First of all, several conditions must be met. Without this, there is no point in thinking about collecting papers. The first condition is the presence of a certain quantity minor children. As already mentioned, most often families with 4 children are considered large.

Accordingly, the second condition is the recognition of children as minors. A family that includes adults cannot apply for the status of a large family. More precisely, they simply will not be taken into account when collecting all the necessary papers.

It is possible to obtain the status of having many children even after some children reach adulthood. To do this, the child must receive higher education. Only taken into account full-time department. Some regions have additional condition- study only on a budget. In this situation, the status can be extended until the student is 23 years old.

Paperwork is possible for one of the parents or for both. In practice, it is usually both legal representatives who formalize the title being studied.

How to obtain the status of a large family? Every applicant for the title should be interested in this question. After all, when you change your place of residence, you have to register having many children over and over again. This is done because, according to the laws of a particular region, you can lose the title you are studying.

Who is left out?

How to obtain the status of a large family? Collect documents and then submit them to the relevant authorities. Please note that some children will not be counted. They will not need to collect the relevant papers.

Today the following are not classified as having many children:

  • children provided for by the state (in full);
  • those who were placed under guardianship due to biological parents’ evasion of their responsibilities;
  • minors in respect of whom their legal representatives have limited rights or are completely deprived of them.

These are the most common cases. Other conditions are set at regional level. As already mentioned, to register large families, only minors must be taken into account.

Registration authorities

Where to get status In fact, there is nothing difficult. To modern citizens Several bodies are proposed to deal with the registration of the corresponding status.

Where exactly should I go? Today it is allowed:

  • submit an application to social media protection;
  • contact the MFC.

More and more people are using the services multifunctional centers. Must be submitted to this body certain documents and statement established sample. And then just wait for the result. If all regional requirements are completed, then citizens will be issued a certificate of the established form.

About documents

With proper preparation, the process will not take much time. How to obtain the status of a large family? What documents will be required to bring your idea to life? A complete list is established at the regional level. But there is a generally accepted list of all necessary papers.

To obtain and also obtain the appropriate status, you need:

  • an application from one or both parents (issued and filled out at the MFC or social service);
  • birth certificates and statements of all children;
  • adoption documents (if any);
  • certificate of marital status(about marriage or divorce);
  • certificates of children's education (if necessary);
  • parents;
  • children's passports (for persons over 14 years old).

As a rule, this is enough. In some cases among mandatory documents provide certificates. They may require this paper. Additionally, to obtain a certificate, you must provide a 3x4 photo from applicants.

For Moscow and the region

How to obtain the status of a large family in Moscow? Citizens can use the State Services portal. It is with the help of this service that the population has the right to submit an application in the established form. But what exactly is required to obtain the status being studied in Moscow and the Moscow region?

The requirements are as follows:

  • presence of children;
  • registration in Moscow or the Moscow region;
  • absence of adult children (they, as already mentioned, are not taken into account when issuing a certificate).

Nothing more is needed. How to obtain the status of a large family in the Moscow region or directly in the capital of Russia? Submit documents through the MFC or directly to social media. protection of a particular area of ​​residence. Their list has already been named earlier. In Moscow and the region, no specific papers are required.

Review period

How long will it take to consider an application of the established form? As a rule, the period for reviewing submitted documents is 30 days. Sometimes the response from the administration of a particular city comes earlier. It all depends on the workload of the relevant authorities.

The process itself is not that simple. If you refuse, you can deliver certain papers and then wait for an answer again. The status is issued for exactly 1 year. After this, you will have to confirm your status again and again. But in some regions the need for constant confirmation does not exist. For example, in Moscow there has been no such need since 2010. IN this region The certificate is issued before the age of one of the children (the youngest of those available when the status was established). Only if any conditions change (divorce, birth of a new child) will it be necessary to engage in confirmation. It’s not entirely convenient, but such rules are established in Russia.


That's all. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. If you carefully study the rules in a particular region, then the issue of obtaining the status you are studying will not cause any trouble. Except that his confirmation brings some inconvenience.

How to obtain the status of a large family? It is enough to collect certain documents and submit them to the authorities social protection population. It is recommended to offer all papers both in original and with copies. they won't demand it.

The main problem is that each city in the Russian Federation sets its own rules official registration the status of a family with many children. And often when moving to one or another locality citizens lose their preferential status. More and more often there are conditions in which it is necessary to have as many children as possible. Today, few places provide the opportunity to claim the title of a large family with 3 minors.

Raising and maintaining a child is a very important and responsible process that requires significant financial investments. And if a family is raising several children, the burden on the parents’ shoulders becomes completely unbearable. That is why the state is called upon to care for and help families with the status of large families. What benefits and incentives are provided for such units of society, and what is the registration procedure? special status a large family, you can find out by reading the following material.

According to the law Russian Federation A family raising 3 or more children under the age of 18 can receive the status of a large family. TO this list also includes families raising adopted and adopted babies. It should be noted that if a child who has reached the age of majority studies at a higher educational institution in full-time education, until the child reaches the age of 23, the family retains all benefits received.

Provided benefits

Legislatively allocated privileges

In addition to the benefits described above, a family with a large-child certificate can take advantage of a number of significant privileges. This list includes the following:

  • Receipt in-kind assistance in the form of a plot of land on which it is possible in the future to build housing or develop agricultural production;
  • Decor cash benefit, issued at the birth of the 3rd and subsequent children. It should be noted that this payment carried out monthly until the child reaches the age of 3 years;
  • If a large family is the owner vehicle, she has the right to contact the authorities tax service and receive benefits on the payment of transport taxes. This can be complete or partial release from this tax;
  • A woman who is raising 5 or more children can apply for early retirement. That is, instead of the generally accepted 55 years, she will reach retirement age already at 50;
  • Families in which more than 7 babies were born may well become candidates for the Order and Medal of “Parental Glory”. This high reward was established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation back in 2008. Besides ceremonial presentation memorial order, one of the parents will be awarded a cash prize in the amount of 100 thousand rubles.

How to get a certificate

In order for a family to be officially recognized as having many children, it must draw up and receive the appropriate document, which will confirm all the rights of the family to receive appropriate benefits. This one is very required paper can only be issued by the social security authorities to which your place of residence belongs.

To obtain a document, one of the family members (this can be not only a blood parent, but also a legal guardian) contacts the above authorities. If the child’s parents are divorced, the spouse with whom the minors live, by court decision, must apply for a certificate. Obtaining a document is free of charge, that is, it does not require payment of a state fee.

You must first assemble full list necessary documents. This may include:

When you show up at the social security department at the appointed time, its employees will give you required document, issued in the form of a certificate of the established form. Also you can get this paper through a legal representative, or by postal delivery.


Last modified: January 2019

The state provides a number of privileges for large families. But in order for a social unit to be able to claim the full scope of benefits and financial state support, it must obtain the status of a large family.

Due to the fact that the country does not belong to the states in which population growth occurs due to high birth rates, families with three or more children who have not reached the age of majority are considered large.

Worth knowing! Due to the fact that the registration and execution of all payments due to such units of society is left to regional authorities, then the conditions for obtaining the above-mentioned status vary significantly.

By legislative acts countries in municipalities with negative meaning number expressing the difference between fertility and mortality, Families with at least three children under the age of 18 are considered large families. In this case, children from previous marriages(stepdaughters and stepsons) and adopted children. Those children who have reached the age of 18 but are studying at full-time department in educational institutions until they graduate or turn 23 years old.

In municipalities where the difference between birth and death rates is positive value, families with four or more children are considered large. In this case, the above categories are also taken into account.

It is worth emphasizing that minimum threshold the number of children and other conditions for obtaining the status of large families are determined by regional government structures.

Summarizing the above, we can formulate a series mandatory requirements, the implementation of which will lead to the recognition of a family with many children:

  • The mother and father of the family who are in a registered marriage have the right to receive status. A parent raising children alone or with whom they live after the breakup of a marriage also has the right to claim it.
  • A parent raising children alone, or the mother and father of a family must be registered (registered) in the country in the region where the application for status is submitted. They must live together with the children (there are a number of nuances related to requirements at the municipal level)
  • Children must be classified as minors (under 18 years of age) or be enrolled full-time in an educational institution until they turn 23 years old. In some regions, the age limit has been lowered to 16 years and to 20 years for students.
  • When changing the region of residence, the status is lost and it is necessary to re-register it according to the rules of the municipality in which the social unit plans to settle.
  • According to the legislative acts of the country in family composition there must be three or more children (in some regions the minimum threshold requires 4 or 5 children).

Several categories have been defined that relate to minor family members and are taken into account. These include children who:

  • are relatives;
  • were adopted;
  • are under guardianship;
  • born in other marital unions of the mother or father, but live with them and their joint children (stepdaughters and stepsons).
Worth knowing! Most often, family members who have traveled outside the region of residence and are registered to receive full-time education at a university are subject to registration.

When determining the status of large families for a family, the following are not taken into account:

  • children in respect of whom the father or mother have lost their parental rights (deprived) or received their restriction;
  • younger family members placed in special institutions fully supported by the state, for example, in boarding schools (if their parents abandon them), with the exception of a child who has a disability and is undergoing rehabilitation in state organizations;
  • children for whom guardianship has been registered by other persons due to the parents’ unwillingness to support and educate them;
  • offspring in educational colonies according to the verdict of the judicial authorities;
  • children who are under 18 years of age, but they are recognized by the court as emancipated or have entered into a marriage union.

Nuances you should know before applying for large family status

There are a number of features that you should know and take into account before applying for recognition of a large family. One of them is that only living children are taken into account. If the number of living children does not exceed the minimum threshold established in a given region, then the family unit cannot qualify for status. In other words, children who died in previous marriages, as well as those who were born and died in the current union, are not taken into account.

The executive authorities of a particular municipality have the right to resolve the issue in a situation where the marriage union has broken up. Most often, a parent with whom three or more children live together after divorce is recognized as having many children. If by decision court or, by agreement of the father and mother, the place of residence of the children is determined with both parents, for example, two will live with the mother, and one with the father, then in this composition families cannot be recognized as having many children.

If parents are registered in different subjects RF, then the family will not be recognized as having many children.

Some differences in assigning status in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

In legislative acts different regions There are a number of differences that are taken into account when considering the issue of recognizing a family with many children. These differences are not only in the minimum number of children, but also in their belonging to the categories taken into account, as well as in their achievement of the age specified in the documents of the subject of the Russian Federation. Citizenship and parental registration requirements vary significantly.

For example, in Ryazan region children for whom guardianship has been issued and are being raised by foster parents are taken into account, as well as full-time students of any form of education (budgetary or paid) until they turn 23 years old.

And in Krasnodar region Only students who study strictly on a budget basis are taken into account.

In Moscow, Rostov region and in Chechen Republic the list of persons taken into account includes minor children from previous marriages (stepdaughters and stepsons), and the age limit has also been lowered to 16 years for all children and to 18 years for students.

In Kamchatka, the list of minor family members includes children with disabilities living with their parents or legal representatives before reaching 21 years of age. And also students daily form education up to 21 years of age, who completed it on the territory of this subject RF.

Bashkortostan recognizes citizens with many children other states with refugee status, or persons without citizenship, but temporarily or permanently residing in the republic.

IN legislative documents The Komi Republic stipulates that a family with many children can be called one whose adult members are both in an official marriage and in an unregistered union.

Some municipalities refuse to count children who have reached the age of majority but are full-time students. This is legal if this provision is spelled out in the laws of a given subject of the Russian Federation. In case of absence direct instructions for such an event in the legislative acts of the municipality, the authorized bodies do not have the right to refuse to take into account this category of family members.

Minimum number of children to recognize a family as large

In most municipalities, to obtain MC status, it is enough to raise three children who have not reached the age of majority. However, in some regions of the country the minimum threshold has been increased. This is due to the mortality and birth rates in the municipality.

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Ingushetia, in order to recognize a family with many children, it must have more than five minor children; for students, the age taken into account is not extended, regardless of the form of their education.

IN last years in regions where it was previously necessary to have four or five children, the requirements are changing to reduce the minimum number of minor family members. For example, in the Republic of Mari El and Tyva, three children are now required to acquire MC status, although previously four were required.

Sequence of actions to obtain status

At the birth of the third baby, status is not automatically assigned. Its receipt is an application procedure. In order to acquire the above-mentioned status, and with it a number of payments and benefits, it is necessary to collect a set of documentation and submit it to the social protection department located in the territory of residence and registration of the applicant. To implement of this event A visit to the authorized body by both parents is not required. To register a family at a social security institution, it is enough for one of the parents to visit it.

You can submit documentation for assignment of MS status to the MFC at your place of residence.

Set of necessary documentation

In order for a society unit to be recognized as having many children, it is necessary to present the following set of documents:

  • a copy of the applicant’s identity document (passport);
  • an application for assigning the status of large families to a family (the form is issued at the social protection department or MFC);
  • photocopies of a certificate proving the birth of all minor family members;
  • photocopy of the certificate confirming the conclusion in officially parents' marriage;
  • photocopies of passports of younger family members who have reached the age of 14;
  • 3x4 photograph of the parent applying (for identification);
  • a certificate from the dean’s office proving full-time study of a student who is considered between the ages of 18 and 23 or another age limit specified in the laws of the region;
  • photocopies of documents confirming the guardianship or adoption of children, if they are part of the family;
  • a certificate providing information on the number of people in the family and registered by to this address(issued by the Housing Office or Homeowners Association);
  • a photocopy of the paper certifying the agreement between the parents or the court decision to determine the place of residence of the children after the divorce process.
When submitting an application, along with the specified photocopies of the documentation, you must have the originals for verification by social security workers or the MFC.

After the employee territorial institution Social Security will accept the documents necessary to assign the status, it will issue the applicant a temporary paper confirming the MS.

Deadlines for consideration of the submitted application

To consider and make a decision on an application received from a parent, the social protection authority is given a month’s time period (this is also determined by the legislative acts of the region), for example, in Penza region Only 14 days are allocated for the procedure. After its expiration, the authorized institution is obliged to notify the applicant about the decision made in in writing. If it turns out to be positive, the parent is issued a certificate.

If the application is rejected, the social security department must justify the reasons for the refusal in writing. If the applicant disagrees with the arguments competent authority he has the right to appeal the decision in court.

Worth knowing! In some municipalities, a certificate is not provided; when applying for privileges and payments, you will have to present photocopies of birth certificates of all minor family members each time.

For how long is the status granted?

The period for which the acquired MS status is valid is also specified in laws issued by local authorities. In some regions, for example, Oryol region it must be confirmed every year.

The same rule existed until 2010 in the municipalities of Moscow and the region. Then it was replaced by granting status until the eldest child first turned 18 years old, and then the limit was lowered to 16 years of age.

There are territories where large families are assigned for 3 or 5 years, after which it is necessary to re-register.

In Murmansk municipal formation a family is recognized as having many children once and until the eldest child reaches adulthood.

In the issued certificate mandatory the time period for which the assigned status applies is specified. If there is no mention of this, then it is generally accepted that it loses its effect when the eldest child turns 18 years old.

Circumstances that are grounds for termination of MS status

The status is terminated under the following circumstances:

  • the established period has expired;
  • the child (or several children) began to live separately from the rest of the family (except for the placement of the disabled person in a state rehabilitation center);
  • loss of rights by a father or mother to raise one or more children, or restriction of parents’ rights, as well as cancellation of adoption or guardianship;
  • placement of minor family members in correctional institutions to serve a sentence received by decision judicial authority, which has entered into legal force;
  • family member obtaining rights capable citizen through the court or by entering into a marriage;
  • divorce of parents, in which the number of children living with each of them will not exceed the minimum threshold established in the legislative acts of the region;
  • change of place of residence with the family leaving the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • death of the baby.
Important! If termination of status occurs by decision authorized bodies, then they are obliged to notify parents about this within 5 days and provide justification decision taken in a written form. The father or mother of the family is obliged to inform local branch social protection about the occurrence of circumstances that entail the termination of the status of having many children, no later than 30 days from the moment of their occurrence.

If, before submitting an application for the status of a large family, you carefully study all the requirements and nuances in your region of residence, then its registration will not be difficult and will not take much time.

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According to the Federal Law, operating within the framework of the state program, the project “On Assistance to the Development of housing construction».

Thanks to the law, families having more than 3 minor children(relatives or adopted ones), can for free receive for personal use, with its further transfer into ownership.

The order of land distribution and the size of the area are determined local authority authorities. The distribution depends on the specifics of the region and its requirements. The permission to allocate a plot is influenced by the number of children in a given family and their date of birth. Typically, the amount of allocated land that can be counted on is within from 6 to 15 acres. This again depends on the region of residence.

Some cities, such as St. Petersburg, may issue monetary compensation instead of free lands. The city governor has the right to make a decision based on an application from the commission on social policy. This may be due to the lack of free plots in the city land fund.

Program action in 2019

It was assumed that in 2019 the program to provide large families with land in many regions would cease to operate. It's connected with lack of land for free distribution.

Accurate information on specific regions should be checked on the websites regional branches Ministry of Property and Land relations. As for federal sentiment, perhaps in the future the authorities will take measures to improve the situation in densely populated areas of Russia.

It’s still possible to “jump on the last train”, focusing on regional news, because there are no changes in Federal legislation(see Federal Law “On Amendments to Article 16 Federal Law“On promoting the development of housing construction” and the Land Code of the Russian Federation” dated June 14, 2011 No. 138-FZ) on this matter Did not happen.

It should also be taken into account that from March 1, 2015 amendments to the basic law regulating the issuance of free land to large families came into force. From now on local authorities can regulate the circle of people interested. Essentially, to claim free plot not every family will be able to, but only those who belong to categories of people in need.

In addition, the law very ambiguously stipulated that local authorities can provide other assistance large families in need of improvement living conditions. Hence many means mass media began to actively discuss the question of whether large families, instead of land, could give out apartments. This possibility evokes nothing but skepticism.

The fact is that even land plots were able to receive only 40% of those who applied. Such a low percentage is associated with the low quality of the land offered (in places remote from infrastructure, for example).

In this regard, it is extremely doubtful that regional budgets were able to handle the burden of distributing apartments to all large families. It is likely that “other assistance” means preferential interest rates, and this is the maximum that you can count on.

Conditions for the provision of land

The general conditions, regardless of the region, under which preferential lands are provided to large families, did not change in 2019. Necessary:

  • Availability three or more children under the age of 18;
  • if there are children under 23 years of age who are not generating income, but university students;
  • family must be in this region at least 5 years;
  • between father and mother there must be marriage legally issued;
  • all family members must be citizens of Russia;
  • You can get a plot if you are not in Russia another land.

The answer to the question “is it possible to receive land from the state for a third child” is unequivocal - it is possible. Just keep in mind that a family receives the status of “large” only if all three children in the family are minors. If a child has exceeded this limit and is not a university student, then he is not included in the number of children for determining family status.

According to the law, a father and mother raising children alone can claim the plot. All family members receive the right to equal share land ownership. The plot can be used for any purpose: , summer cottage, farming.

Refusal to provide land allotment may be issued if:

  • the parents have a decree on deprivation of parental rights;
  • if at least one family member is fully financially supported by the state;
  • false information provided;
  • when changing the citizenship of one of your relatives.

How to get land for a large family

To find out in detail all the requirements for obtaining a plot of land, it is better to read in advance local laws your region, the requirements are very different everywhere.

Before collecting documents for allocating a plot, you must confirm compliance with all the conditions of a large family. What you need to do for this:

  1. Head to social protection department with an application to classify the family as a large family. After this, documents are collected. Reviewing the application and collecting certificates is a free procedure.
  2. After the application has been reviewed, the social security officer reports his decision on the case. If it is positive, parents are given certificate, confirming the family as a large one. You can take it to the local administration.

Where to go

To obtain a legal plot, you must first get in line. For this purpose, there is a municipality at the place of registration where the application is submitted a certain shape and a package of all collected documents.

In the application you must write a request for allocation the required area and indicate for what needs it is needed. Documents are submitted that confirm the right to receive land.

After completing the verification of the provided documents, the administration employee positive decision, informs the family case number and registers. After a month special commission must decide which area land fund can be highlighted. Distribution takes place strictly according to the queue.

During a year the land is legally transferred to the full disposal of a large family.

Important! If a family refuses the allocated land and then decides to receive it again, the registration procedure must be completed again, starting with the application and ending with approval.

What documents are needed

When contacting district administration the family provides documents:

  • application for placement on a preferential queue;
  • for each child - a photocopy of his birth certificate;
  • copies of the parents’ passport or one if the family is not complete;
  • parents' marriage certificate;
  • V passport office you need to take a certificate stating that everyone, without exception, is registered at the same address;
  • a certificate is required that no decree on deprivation of parental rights was made;
  • certificate of large family.

If there are adopted children in the family, attach a document confirming their adoption. Obtain confirmation from the guardianship authorities that the rights to adopt the child have not been revoked.

The procedure for providing land plots to large families

The procedure is described here general view, keep in mind that the nuances depend on the region.

After the application has been written and the package of documents has been collected, the authorities local government make a decision - whether they have the right to deliver this family to the queue.

Deadline for making a decision different everywhere and depends on where you live. Some make their decision quite quickly and report after three days. In law maximum term is no more than 30 days. All documents must undergo legal review.

If the answer is positive, it comes official notice, where it is said that the management has made a decision to allocate a plot for the family. This means that the process of allocating land from the public fund for large families has begun.

The reason for refusal to be placed on the queue must be explained. This is possible without registration official marriage between parents untimely replacement passports by age when moving to another region.

When registering, it is assigned serial number, in law during a year families must receive an allocated plot. Unfortunately, not all regions have free state land. Thus, the issuance of land is suspended indefinitely.

There is another nuance in this matter. Before receiving a plot, the family has to pay to obtain a scheme for their land. Then everything is approved by the architecture department. This procedure lasts up to two months. After approval, land surveying work is carried out.

In law all expenses are made at the expense of a large family. WITH ready results you can head to Cadastral Chamber and register a plot of land. Issued and registered in .

Registration of land ownership

The law provides Several variants free receipt put into ownership.

There is no single order on the territory of Russia.

For information, please consult a specialist land law. Registration of land ownership depends on terms of the contract by which it was received. It is necessary to seek clarification from Rosreestr, where the application is written and copies of all documents are attached.

Do not forget that in the contract when receiving land there is required condition- building a house. If this is not done, in otherwise, the plot can be taken away by the court. If the property is built, you can obtain a certificate of ownership for it. As soon as the documents for the house are completed, on this basis the land itself is transferred into ownership.

Important! In Moscow and St. Petersburg it is not allowed to register land ownership.

Is it possible to sell land to large families?

When allocating plots to large families, the state does not have the right to sell them for money. Families who receive a plot can sell the land. There are several types of conditions under which land is provided:

  • on the basis - in this case, it is allowed to build a house, register it as a property, and then land;
  • by - everyone immediately becomes the owner, but the condition will be the mandatory construction of a house;
  • shared ownership - land is registered in the name of all family members, including children.

Important! The sale of land is possible only after registration of its ownership.

In order to avoid difficulties when preparing documents for the sale of a plot, you must first consult with a representative of the administration.

Land owned by the state: actual video

Another one started in 2015 Government program— on the provision of plots of land for Far East. What does everyone who wants to receive free land from the state need to know about this program in 2019?

Latest changes and frequently asked questions

Changes made by the President of the Russian Federation to land legislation in 2011 Law No. 138-FZ, did not last long. Already in June 2014, from the Federal Law “On the Promotion of Housing Construction” No. 161-FZ were excluded provisions governing the provision of free land plots large families for the purpose of transferring powers to this issue authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which in turn assigned this responsibility to municipal authorities. For the same purpose from Land Code RF Article 39 was deleted on March 1, 2015.

Since that time, the possibility of large families obtaining land plots for various needs, the procedure and conditions for their provision are established by regional legislation and legislative acts of municipalities.

This decision is due federal authorities the fact that given the size of the Russian Federation, differences in landscape, population density and other individual factors inherent in each region, it is difficult to control the activities of providing land plots.

In this regard, there are often controversial issues. At the request of legislators in some regions, in order to receive land, it is necessary that all members of a large family reside and be registered in the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for at least 5 years, as was originally established by the federal government.

The list of documents for inclusion in the queue, the size of the area of ​​the land plot provided and other issues vary. In some regions, even the number of children in a large family required to obtain land rights differs. Some put you in line if a large family owns a plot of land, others refuse on this basis.

For more information and details, please contact the authority. local government, where the application for placement in the queue is submitted.

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Name: Irina Saltykova Age: 53 years old Place of birth: Novomoskovsk, Russia Height: 159 cm Weight: 51 kg Activities:...
Dysphoria is a disorder of emotional regulation, manifested by episodes of angry and melancholy mood, accompanied by...
You have entered into a relationship with a Taurus man, you feel strong sympathy for him, but it is too early to talk about love. Many women in...
Stones for the zodiac sign Libra (September 24 - October 23) The zodiac sign Libra represents justice, the kingdom of Themis (second wife...