What income should a low-income family have? How to obtain the status of a low-income family

On the introduction of the level of property security as a criterion of need (low-income) of a family and the procedure for assessing the level of property security for the provision of social support measures to low-income families



About introducing a level property security as a criterion of need (low income) of a family and the procedure for assessing the level of property security for the provision of social support measures low-income families

In accordance with Article 14 of the Moscow City Law of December 20, 2006 N 65 “On the Moscow Government”, the Moscow Government


1. Establish that from January 1, 2017, an additional criterion for the need (low-income) of a family for the provision of social support measures to low-income families is the level of property security.

2. Approve the Procedure for assessing the level of property security to provide social support measures to low-income families (Appendix).

3. Establish that:

3.1. Department information technologies of the city of Moscow together with the Committee public services of the city of Moscow and the Department of Labor and social protection of the population of the city of Moscow, the interactive form of a request (application) for the provision of the corresponding public service on the Portal of public services (functions) of the city of Moscow is being finalized in terms of ensuring the possibility of providing information on the level of property security.

3.2. Assessment of the level of property security in accordance with the criteria provided for by the Procedure assessment of the level of property security to provide social support measures to low-income families is carried out if available technical feasibility obtaining information from authorities executive power within the framework of interdepartmental information interaction.

3.3. The level of property security is not taken into account when deciding on the provision of free meals during the period of study in organizations providing primary general, basic general, secondary general education, providing free physical education, health and sports services to children receiving the specified social support measures before the entry into force of this resolution.

4. This resolution comes into force on the date of entry into force of the law of the city of Moscow, providing for amendments to the laws of the city of Moscow dated November 3, 2004 No. 67 “On monthly child benefits” and dated December 20, 2006 No. 65 “On the Government” Moscow" and establishing the authority of the Moscow Government to establish criteria of need (low income) when resolving issues of providing individual categories citizens of social support measures and social assistance at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow.

5. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government on issues social development Pechatnikova L.M. and Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Information Technologies of the City of Moscow Ermolaev A.V.

Mayor of Moscow
S.S. Sobyanin

Application. The procedure for assessing the level of property security to provide social support measures to low-income families

1. General Provisions

1.1. The procedure for assessing the level of property security for the provision of social support measures to low-income families (hereinafter - the Procedure) determines the rules for assessing the level of property security, which is one of the criteria for the need (low-income) of a family, for the provision of social support measures to low-income families (with the exception of the provision of state social assistance) and the procedure for determining family composition for the purposes of such assessment.

1.2. The criteria for assessing the level of property security for providing social support measures to low-income families are:

1.2.1. Availability not movable property.

1.2.2. Availability of vehicles, self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment.

1.2.3. Availability Money in deposits and (or) bank accounts.

1.3. The level of property security is the initial criterion of a family's need (low income) for providing social support measures to low-income families.

1.4. At the level of property security determined in accordance with this Procedure and exceeding the level of property security for the provision of social support measures to low-income families, assessment of other criteria of the family's need (low income) is not carried out.

2. Criteria for assessing the level of property security

2.1. Social support measures for a family are not provided if its level of property security meets one or more of the following criteria:

2.1.1. Family members own more than two residential premises subject to state registration in accordance with the law Russian Federation.

2.1.2. The presence of family members in the ownership of two residential premises (parts of residential premises, the area of ​​which is proportional to the shares in the ownership of residential premises), subject to state registration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the total area of ​​which per family member exceeds 18 square meters.

2.1.3. The presence in the ownership of family members of one residential premises (part of the residential premises, the area of ​​which is proportional to the share in the ownership of the residential premises), subject to state registration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, and residential premises (rooms) provided under contracts social hiring family members (if family members (one of the family members) did not use the right to privatize such residential premises (rooms), the total area of ​​which per family member exceeds 18 square meters.

When assessing this criterion When calculating the area of ​​residential premises, the area of ​​​​living premises occupied by a sick family member suffering from a severe form is not taken into account chronic disease, at which Cohabitation in accordance with the law, it is impossible to deal with him (including a separate isolated living space in an apartment), and such a family member is not taken into account in the number of family members when calculating the area of ​​living quarters per family member.

2.1.4. The presence in the ownership of family members of a non-residential premises, building, structure, structure (part of a building, structure, structure), subject to state registration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and not being a residential premises (with the exception of objects real estate, intended for the placement of vehicles (garage, parking space), subject to state registration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, buildings, structures, structures (dacha (garden) construction objects), located on land plots intended for individual housing construction, maintaining personal subsidiary farming, garden and dacha land plots).

2.1.5. The presence in the ownership of family members of buildings, structures, structures (dacha (garden) construction objects), subject to state registration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and located on land plots intended for individual housing construction, personal subsidiary farming, garden and dacha land plots , the total area of ​​which per family member exceeds 30 square meters.

2.1.6. The presence of family members in the ownership of more than two real estate objects intended to accommodate vehicles (garage, parking space), subject to state registration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.1.7. Availability of two family members land plots, subject to state registration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the total area of ​​which exceeds 0.2 hectares.

2.1.8. The presence of more than two land plots in the ownership of family members, subject to state registration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.1.9. Ownership by family members vehicle(except for passenger cars, a car with more than 5 seats and received (purchased) large family with 4 or more children), a vessel subject to state registration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, an aircraft subject to state registration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, a self-propelled vehicle and other types of equipment, trailers for them, subject to registration with the authorities state supervision behind technical condition self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment in the Russian Federation.

2.1.10. Family members own two cars, one of which has a service life of no more than three years.

2.1.11. Family members own more than two cars.

When assessing this criterion, it is not taken into account a car, specially equipped for use by a disabled person, including one received (purchased) through social welfare authorities, a passenger car with more than 5 seats and received (purchased) by a large family with 4 or more children.

2.1.12. Family members have funds in the amount of more than one million rubles (including foreign currency) in deposits and (or) bank accounts.

When assessing this criterion, one-time expenses are not taken into account. insurance amounts according to mandatory state insurance life and health of military personnel and other persons equivalent to them, one-time insurance payments for compulsory social insurance from accidents at work and occupational diseases, one-time material aid at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow to the families of those killed (died) as a result of disasters, emergencies, natural Disasters, tragic events and victims as a result of such events, funds (part of the funds) of maternal (family) capital.

2.2. When assessing the level of property security, the family composition includes:

2.2.1. Married parents (adoptive parents), including separated parents (adoptive parents) and their minor children living together with them or with one of them.

2.2.2. A single parent (adoptive parent) and minor children living with him.

2.3. To assess the level of property security according to the criterion provided for in paragraph 2.1.2 of this Procedure, the calculation of the area of ​​residential premises per family member is made by dividing the total area of ​​residential premises owned by family members by the number of family members who are included in the family in accordance with clause 2.2 of this Procedure.

To assess the level of property security according to the criterion provided for in paragraph 2.1.3 of this Procedure, the calculation of the area of ​​residential premises per family member is made by dividing the total area of ​​​​residential premises owned by family members and the area of ​​​​residential premises (rooms) provided under social contracts rental to family members (if family members (one of the family members) did not use the right to privatize such residential premises (rooms), by the number of family members who are included in the family in accordance with paragraph 2.2 of this Procedure.

At the same time, when calculating the area of ​​residential premises taken into account when assessing the level of property security, the area of ​​​​living premises occupied by a sick family member suffering from a severe form of a chronic disease is not taken into account, in which living together with him in accordance with the law is impossible, and the number of family members is not such a family member is taken into account, as well as citizens who are not included in the family in accordance with paragraph 2.2 of this Procedure and who live in residential premises taken into account when assessing the level of property security.

When calculating the area of ​​residential premises taken into account when assessing the level of property security, the unaccounted area of ​​​​living premises occupied by a sick family member suffering from a severe form of a chronic disease, in which living together with him in accordance with the law is impossible, is the area of ​​​​a separate isolated living space in the apartment, occupied by such a family member, and in other cases - in the amount of 18 square meters.

2.4. Social support measures for low-income families are not provided to a family when members of the family in the last 12 months preceding the month of application for social support measures committed actions that resulted in a deterioration in the level of property security. These actions include:

2.4.1. Civil transactions and other actions with the property specified in paragraph 2.1 of this Procedure, the commission of which led to a decrease in the quantity (size) of such property (except for cases where the completion of such transactions and actions was caused by the occurrence of circumstances related to emergency, including the need for treatment, including outside the territory of the Russian Federation).

2.4.2. Acquisition under a contract of sale of real estate that is not residential premises, residential premises (shares in the ownership of residential premises) (except for the acquisition of residential premises within the framework of state housing programs), land plot, vehicle, self-propelled vehicle and other types of equipment.

2.5. The presence of circumstances that are of an emergency nature and the occurrence of which is not considered as a deterioration in the level of property security in accordance with paragraph 2.4.1 of this Procedure is determined by the commissions for the provision of targeted social assistance to needy residents of the city of Moscow, created territorial authorities executive power of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the commission for the provision of targeted social assistance).

2.6. The decisions of the commission on the provision of targeted social assistance in terms of assessing the level of property security are mandatory for the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, government agencies of the city of Moscow, providing social support measures to low-income families.

2.7. Meetings of commissions for the provision of targeted social assistance in terms of assessing the level of property security are held as necessary, but at least once a month.

3. The procedure for assessing the level of property security

3.1. The assessment of the level of property security is carried out on the basis of information provided when applying for social support measures for low-income families.

3.2. The Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow, within the framework of interdepartmental information interaction, checks the accuracy of information about the level of property security of the family.

3.3. Interdepartmental information interaction provided for in paragraph 3.2 of this Procedure is not carried out in the following cases:

3.3.1. Failure to provide information about the level of property security when applying for social support measures for low-income families.

3.3.2. When applying for social support measures for low-income families, information about the level of property security is not provided according to all the criteria for assessing the level of property security provided for in paragraph 2.1 of this Procedure.

3.3.3. When applying for social support measures for low-income families, submit information about the level of property security at which social support measures are not provided (clause 2.1 of this Procedure), and (or) about the commission of actions that resulted in a deterioration in the level of property security (clause 2.4 of this Procedure).

3.4. At the level of property security determined in accordance with this Procedure and corresponding to the level of property security for the provision of social support measures to low-income families, other criteria of the family's need (low income) are assessed in the manner and under the conditions established by the regulations legal acts city ​​of Moscow.

3.5. Identification of information about the level of property security at which measures of social support for low-income families are not provided (clause 2.1 of this Procedure), and (or) the commission of actions that resulted in a deterioration in the level of property security (clause 2.4 of this Procedure) is grounds for refusal to provide measures social support for low-income families or termination of the provision of social support measures to low-income families.

4. Annual confirmation of the level of property security

4.1. Low-income families who are provided with social support measures, annually until August 31 current year confirm information about the level of property security of the family over the past year.

4.2. In case of failure to provide information on the level of property security of the family on time, established by clause 4.1 of this Procedure, the provision of social support measures is terminated.

5. Features of assessing the level of property security in 2017

5.1. In 2017, the level of property security is assessed:

5.1.1. Low-income families for whom a decision was made to provide social support measures before January 1, 2017.

5.1.2. Families who, before January 1, 2017, applied for social support measures for low-income families and for which, as of January 1, 2017, no decision was made to provide social support measures for low-income families.

5.1.3. Families who applied after January 1, 2017 for the provision of social support measures for low-income families.

5.2. The assessment of the level of property security in 2017 is carried out on the basis of the results of processing by the Moscow Department of Information Technologies of information received as part of interdepartmental information interaction, taking into account the technical feasibility and timing of receiving such information from executive authorities. In this case, the assessment of the level of property security is carried out on the date of receipt of such information.

5.3. Identification of information about the level of property security, at which social support measures are not provided to low-income families (clause 2.1 of this Procedure), and (or) on the commission of actions that resulted in a deterioration in the level of property security (clause 2.4 of this Procedure), is:

5.3.1. The basis for termination of the provision of social support measures to low-income families specified in paragraph 5.1.1 of this Procedure.

5.3.2. The basis for refusal to provide social support measures to low-income families specified in paragraphs 5.1.2, 5.1.3 of this Procedure.

5.4. The termination of the provision of social support measures to low-income families is carried out from the first day of the month following the month in which the information specified in paragraph 5.3 of this Procedure was identified.

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official website of the Mayor and
Moscow Government
www.mos.ru, 01/11/2017

On the introduction of the level of property security as a criterion of need (low-income) of a family and the procedure for assessing the level of property security for the provision of social support measures to low-income families

Document's name:
Document Number: 954-PP
Document type: Decree of the Moscow Government
Receiving authority: The government of Moscow
Status: Active
Published: Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow www.mos.ru, 01/11/2017

Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, special. issue N 47, 12/30/2016

Acceptance date: December 28, 2016
Start date: January 09, 2017

By decision of the Moscow Government, from January 1, 2017, new criteria were introduced for recognizing a low-income family. The previously valid rules remain, but additional conditions are added to them.

The main changes worth paying attention to are as follows.

Now families who own more than two residential premises or shares in residential property, the total area of ​​which per family member exceeds 18 square meters, will not be able to apply for benefits for low-income people. For example, for large family of 5 people, this will mean that in order to be recognized as low-income, the total area of ​​their residential property should be no more than 90 square meters. If such a family lives in a three- or four-room apartment with an area of ​​up to 90 square meters, then it has grounds for receiving low-income status.

Families that own more than one garage or parking space, families that own 3 or more cars, or 2 cars, one of which is not older than three years, will not be recognized as low-income. For example, if a family owns two cars - a 2012 Skoda Octavia and a 2009 Suzuki Grand Vitara, then such a family may be recognized as low-income.

To others important criterion there will be an assessment of bank accounts. If family members have funds in the amount of more than one million rubles in bank deposits and accounts, the family will not be recognized as poor. Will also be taken into account bank accounts in currency, but will not be given maternal capital, as well as insurance payments for compulsory insurance. For example, if a family member received from the state insurance payment 400,000 rubles, and family savings amounted to 900,000 rubles, then such a family fits the criteria of a low-income family.

A family that owns a residential property will not be recognized as low-income country house, the area of ​​which per family member exceeds 30 square meters. Possession non-residential premises, building, structure, structure (except for those located on garden plots And plots of individual housing construction) will also make it impossible to obtain status low-income family.

When deciding on the provision of free meals during the study period and free physical education, health and sports services for children, the level of property security will not be taken into account. That is, if a family meets the criteria of a low-income person according to the old rules, but does not fit according to the new rules, the children will also receive free food in schools and free classes in sections.

Family means parents, including separated parents and their minor children living together with them or with one of them. The property of grandparents and other relatives is not taken into account in assessing the property security of the family.

Low-income citizens are citizens who have been recognized as such by the authorities local government. When making such a decision and assigning status, the income of each family member must be taken into account. Status " low-income citizens“implies their right to take advantage of the benefits and allowances provided by the state.

Table of contents:

Who is entitled to low-income status?

When determining the status of a low-income family, not only the income of each family member is taken into account, although this is the most important point to make a decision. The commission must make sure that members of a family applying for low-income status live together and run a joint household.

In 2019, low-income families can be considered those that consist of spouses, their parents and children (natural and/or adopted), grandparents, grandchildren and stepchildren (stepdaughters), stepfathers and/or stepmothers, trustees (guardians) and their wards . First of all, the status of a low-income family is granted to those applicants whose family includes disabled people and pensioners.

Both childless families and a parent raising a child alone can apply for the status in question. But the law clearly states that couples living in civil marriage(No official registration marriage in the registry office), and those who are in legally married, but live in different territories.

Note:Only a family that finds itself in a difficult situation due to circumstances beyond its control can be recognized as poor. That is, those who parasitize, abuse alcoholic drinks and/or narcotic substances(these facts must be officially confirmed), the status in question will not be assigned.

Types of assistance to low-income families in 2019

Help from the state for low-income families is not only cash payments, but also the provision of food, subsidies for payment utilities and other.

Help for parents with low-income family status

It is worth paying attention to the fact that below will be indicated mandatory payments parents from low-income families, as well as benefits for children, are provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. But the specific amounts for each item must be found out in each specific region - the numbers will vary.

Help for parents and children from low-income families:

  1. If a pregnant woman from a family with the status in question is registered with antenatal clinic for up to 12 weeks, then she is entitled to lump sum payment in the amount of 581 rubles (in Moscow this figure will be higher).
  2. Maternity benefits for unemployed women from low-income families will be 534 rubles monthly. But it applies only if the pregnant woman was fired for the following reasons:
  • a company that employed a woman providing legal and notary services was closed;
  • the company whose operation requires a license has ceased to operate;
  • the company was officially liquidated;
  • the organization/company/enterprise where the woman worked was officially declared bankrupt;
  • IP, registered an individual, closed.
  1. At the birth of a child, a mother from a low-income family receives lump sum allowance– it is credited to the woman’s account. The size of such a payment varies - in Moscow, for example, it is 15,500 rubles.
  2. If a pregnant woman is the spouse of a military personnel, then in the third trimester of pregnancy she is entitled to a one-time payment of 24,500 rubles.
  3. If parents from a low-income family are raising adopted children (guardianship has been registered), then they are entitled to a monthly payment of 15,500 rubles per child per month (the so-called “parent’s salary”).

In 2019, amendments were made to the laws on payments cash assistance low-income families with children. Now families with the status in question are entitled to the following monthly assistance:

  1. Child under one and a half years old. One of the parents is paid monthly 40% of average earnings. Such payment cannot be less than 2,908 rubles for the first child and 5,817 rubles for the second and each subsequent child.
  2. Child under 3 years old. The amount of monthly payment was established for a child under 3 years old who was the third born in the family (and each subsequent one). In 2019 it is 9,396 rubles.
  3. A child under 5 years old from a military family. We are not talking about the family of a conscript - under this type Only children from the family of a contract serviceman receive benefits. Size monthly allowance is 10,500 rubles.
  4. For the loss of a breadwinner for a military serviceman's family. It amounts to 2,117 rubles and is paid monthly.
  5. Benefit for low-income families. It's about about some specific amount, but it is determined only regional authorities and in many regions it simply does not exist.

New benefits for low-income families in 2019

First of all, innovations affect educational sphere. For example, a child from a low-income family can enter higher education educational institution in case if:

  • his age is under 20 years;
  • successfully passed the final school exams (USE) and earned the minimum passing grade when passing the entrance exams to the chosen university;
  • the child’s parent has group 1 disabled status, and the child himself is the sole breadwinner of the family.

In addition, children from low-income families are required to be placed in kindergartens. preschool institutions out of turn, and until the child is 6 years old, the state fully provides the necessary medications.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that if a child from a low-income family is studying at school, then he is entitled to:

  • two meals a day free of charge;
  • receive school and sports uniforms for personal use;
  • use of preferential travel ticket with a 50% discount;
  • free visits to exhibitions and museums of various types no more than once a month;
  • free visit to a sanatorium (if the child is registered with medical institution for any illness, such a visit should be provided at least once a year).

Subsidies and benefits for low-income families in 2019

Firstly, they can register an individual entrepreneur, and this process for the category of citizens in question will be absolutely free (low-income families are exempt from any payments specifically when registering an individual entrepreneur).

Secondly, families with the status in question have the right to receive preferential mortgage . The law also provides for the right of low-income families to register for social rent for an apartment/private house and/or summer cottage.

Thirdly, workers from a family with the status in question can count on various benefits from the employer - for example, they may have reduced working hours or be given additional leave.

In addition, low-income families in 2019, as before, can take advantage of the right to register subsidies for payment utility payments – such benefits are provided only for a period of up to 6 months.

How to obtain low-income family status

In order to enjoy benefits for a family with the status in question and receive all the payments due under the law, you will need to work hard. And first of all, you will need to collect a package of documents:

  • statement of request to assign the status of a low-income family;
  • passports of all adult family members;
  • birth certificates for everyone minor children(relatives and adopted/under guardianship);
  • Marriage certificate;
  • income certificate for each family member;
  • certificate of family composition - you can take it either from passport office at your place of registration/residence, or make an extract from the house register if you live in a private house;
  • work books for each family member (if available);
  • certificates from the employment center for each adult family member (if they are registered with this institution as unemployed);
  • savings book or plastic bank card.

Note:all able-bodied members of a family applying for low-income status must either work or be registered with the employment center - the only exception is women on maternity leave. If the whereabouts of any family member is unknown, then documents for obtaining the status of a low-income family will be accepted only if a case has already been initiated to search for the person.

Nowadays, the Russian government is making every effort to provide assistance to the needy segments of the population.

It can be expressed both in the form of money and in the form of special benefits.

Families with a low per capita income deserve special attention, since there are quite a lot of them in Russia and they need help.

Where you need to go to recognize a low-income family and who is classified as such according to the law - we’ll try to figure it out in this article.

Who can apply for this status

To determine whether a family’s income is really less than expected or not, it is necessary to calculate its average per capita income. That's what it is main condition recognition of the appropriate status for subsequent allocation of public funds to low-income families.

You also need to remember that a family is a group of people who live together and lead a common life. As a rule, between people within the same family there are family ties however, there are exceptions.

More precisely, low-income families can include husbands and wives, children, parents, adopted children and adoptive parents, grandparents, stepdaughters and stepsons, stepmothers and stepfathers, guardians and their wards. If there are people with disabilities in a low-income family, it is or, conversely, then it has the right to extraordinary and fast receipt state support and recognition of low-income status.

If the spouses do not have children or one of the parents has a child whom he is raising independently, they can also count on social support from the authorities. But husbands and wives in a civil marriage cannot count on such help. Moreover, even if spouses are officially married, but live separately, they do not have the right to receive state assistance.

The important fact is that low-income families include only people who are in a problematic financial situation due to circumstances that they could not influence on their own. If able-bodied family members, through their own fault, experience financial difficulties, not working due to unwillingness, or due to alcohol (drug) abuse, such people are not entitled to receive government assistance.

Procedure and criteria for calculating average per capita family income

It should be noted that income includes not only wages, but also various official cash payments, pensions, royalties for authorship, income from real or movable property, income in kind from private household plots (the latter are expressed in the number of grown or harvested crop and/or livestock products, as well as in the number of products produced).

The resulting amount is divided by 3 months, after which it is necessary to divide by the number of people in the family. If the division results in a number that is lower than the per capita number in the region where you live, your family is eligible to receive material support from the state.

Let's consider an example of calculating the average per capita income of a family from Moscow.

We have three people in our family - mother, father and minor son(12 years old). We will take into account exclusively the income of able-bodied and adult spouses. General wage for the mother over the last 3 months amounted to 46,000 rubles, for the father – 53,000 rubles. The family had no other income over the last 3 months, otherwise they would also need to be taken into account and added to the total number.

We count further: 46,000 + 53,000 = 99,000 rubles. We divide this number by three (the number of months) and get the following figure 99,000: 3 = 33,000 rubles. Now you need to divide the result by the number of family members (3), in the end we get 33,000: 3 = 11,000 rubles. The cost of living per capita in Moscow as of the 3rd quarter of 2018 is 16,260 rubles, therefore, this is more than the average per capita income of our family. This means that these people have every right receive the status of a low-income family and appropriate assistance in the form and from the state.

Step-by-step procedure for obtaining status

If you and your family qualify for low-income status, you need to apply for this to the social protection body, located where you live.

In this case, you need to provide the social security authority with the following package of documents:

Within 14 days, all submitted documents will be reviewed by mandatory. If, as a result of consideration, the average per capita income actually turns out to be below the norm, such a family will instantly receive the status of a low-income family.

Refusal of assignment This status can only exist in cases where it is discovered that false information about the composition or income of the family was submitted, as well as if family members own more than one apartment or house and the total area (cost) of all real estate exceeds the norm. If you submitted true information and the average per capita income in your family is really below the subsistence level, you receive relevant certificate , which confirms that your family is low-income.

Regional features

When submitting documents to the Social Security Administration and counting average per capita income in the family you need to take into account the fact that in each region living wage different.

If there is no cost of living for a certain region, then you need to focus on the cost of living throughout the country (federal).

As of the 4th quarter of 2018, the cost of living per capita in Russia as a whole is 10,213 rubles. In Moscow - 16,260 rubles, in Tatarstan - 9,450 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 12,080 rubles, and in Chukotka - 21,606 rubles.

Support for low-income families in Yamal is described in the following video:

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