Personal application for a replacement SNILS: step-by-step instructions. What exactly is stated in the insurance certificate

The Pension Fund recommends that all citizens obtain SNILS and an insurance certificate to form pension savings. Also, if you have SNILS, it is possible to receive in electronic format a wide range of public services, reducing the number of documents when processing various services and benefits.

SNILS and pension insurance certificate

For receiving SNILS Just contact the pension fund office closest to your place of residence. Be sure to have a passport or some other identity document with you. The list of documents replacing a passport can be clarified in the division of the Pension Fund. And fill out the application form. This form is filled out electronically by the applicant or PF employee and indicates the date of completion. The application form is signed by the applicant.

Insurance plastic certificate issued within three to four weeks after registration of the application. If there are inaccuracies in the card, then you must contact the same Pension Fund department with an application to replace this plastic certificate. If the card is lost or if it has become unusable, the pension fund makes a replacement By personal statement owner of SNILS.

There are other cases when it is necessary to change the plastic card of the insurance certificate. For example, when there are changes in personal data, which must be identical to the data in the passport.

If Personal details have changed, for example, last name, or first name, or patronymic and others specified in the document - this information must be updated in the pension fund database. And get a new plastic certificate (SNILS).

It is necessary to remember that only the certificate, green plastic card, which is short and called SNILS. But the number itself remains the same and is permanent. SNILS is assigned to each person once and forever. And it does not change throughout life. This number consists of eleven digits.

The first nine digits are . Two last digits- this is a verification number. All this eleven-digit SNILS number is individual, unique and belongs to the same person.

How to replace SNILS when changing your last name

As we have already said, the plastic certificate issued by the pension fund must be replaced. To replace it, you need to take care immediately after receiving a passport with a different surname registration of replacement insurance certificate. This document must be replaced in the pension fund within 2 weeks, although there are no penalties for violating the deadline for replacing the plastic SNILS certificate.

Nevertheless, such a replacement is primarily in the interests of the citizen himself. This is especially true for working citizens whose pension insurance premiums may be credited to the former surname.

If you change your last name, you can exchange your plastic insurance certificate in person at your nearest territorial body of the Pension Fund at the place of your registration or actual residence.

Documents required to replace SNILS

To do this, you need to prepare the following documents:

  1. Passport with a new surname.
  2. Marriage certificate or other document that certifies the change of surname.
  3. Application ADV-2 to replace the insurance certificate.
  4. Previous plastic insurance certificate containing SNILS.

The application indicates the personal data of the person insured in the compulsory health insurance system.

An old plastic pension insurance card is attached to the application for exchange of an insurance certificate, form ADV-2. New card insurance (pension) certificate OPS containing SNILS is prepared within three weeks. The new certificate will contain all the personal data of the insured person, new surname and the same individual personal account number.

Just like the previous insurance certificate card, it is issued by the Pension Fund free of charge (free of charge) and indefinitely. The personal details of the owner of the OPS insurance certificate must correspond to the data of his passport or other similar document, identification. There should be no discrepancies in them.

Receiving plastic insurance SNILS certificates and its exchange can be carried out through the employer (policyholder) and by personal contact to the nearest branch of the Pension Fund at the place of residence and registration. There is no possibility of issuing or exchanging this document through the government services website or the Pension Fund website.

Replacing SNILS for a child when changing his last name

Certificate SNILS for a child when changing his personal data, it is issued by the parent (representative), if the child’s age is under 14 years and the certificate has already been issued once. A birth certificate and other documents confirming the changes are required when contacting the pension fund office.

Application form filled in by the parent if you have a passport or other document replacing it. If the insurance green card SNILS for a child was not issued, then all changes will be made to the pension fund database and a certificate will be issued with personal data corresponding to the new documents.

Children over 14 years old are required to receive pension certificate and SNILS in person with a completed and certified passport personal signature application forms. When making changes to the personal data of the insured person and replacing the insurance certificate, the entire procedure consists of providing a new document and an application for exchanging SNILS.

For many, this kind of paperwork scares and stops them. But in reality, with a change of documents there will be no serious problems, if you pay due attention to preparation. Our article is devoted to exactly which organization to contact and what nuances to take into account.

Is it necessary to change?

By Russian laws all personal data of a citizen of the Russian Federation must be displayed in his documents, which include a passport, insurance policy health insurance and SNILS. In this case, all information must be identical.

Therefore, if your personal information changes, change all the above documents, including SNILS. Violation of this law leads to administrative responsibility and fines.

Except administrative punishment, other problems may arise. Thus, the money contributed by the employer before replacing the insurance policy may not reach the employer. Because the Pension Fund database is updated only after the SNILS card is replaced, which means that until this moment there will be discrepancies in personal data.

Therefore, to avoid loss pension contributions, it is recommended to start before the next payment of your earnings.

What do you need?

Replacing any document is scary because sometimes you don’t know where to turn and what specific papers may be required. We will talk about these difficulties below. Read what you need to change SNILS.

What documents will be required?

In the case of re-registration of SNILS due to a change of surname, the package necessary papers very small and does not cause any particular difficulties in assembly. You will need:

  1. Russian passport with amended information.
  2. A document (certificate or certificate) confirming the legality of changing individual data.
  3. SNILS with outdated data.

Where to change? Where to contact? Can I contact the Pension Fund?

If the citizen changing SNILS is employed, then it’s easier to apply with necessary package documents to your employer, who is obliged to take care of the replacement procedure himself. If this option is not possible, then it is suggested next order actions:

  1. Having collected Required documents and photocopies contact the Pension Fund unit at your place of residence.
  2. Write an “Application for exchange of insurance certificate” using form ADV-2. The application can be filled out in advance by downloading it from the Internet, or on site by receiving the form when submitting documents to the Pension Fund.
  3. It is recommended to first write down the number of the old insurance certificate, since it remains unchanged even if your last name is changed, so that you can compare it when you receive a new SNILS. If the numbers do not match, it means new document was made in error and must be returned immediately.

You can download a sample ADV-2 questionnaire.

Completing the application correctly

The application you have completed is sent to territorial body Pension Fund, therefore, when writing it a number of rules must be followed:

  1. The paper is filled out personally by the insured person.
  2. All specified information must be certified by the personal signature of the applicant.
  3. If the insured person cannot personally draw up and sign an application, he must be provided official document indicating the reason.

The application must indicate the following details:

  1. Insurance number - it can be found on SNILS card, consists of eleven digits, indicates the client’s individual personal account.
  2. Full name indicated in the old certificate.
  3. New personal data includes: full name, gender, date and place of birth, actual place of residence, place of registration, contact phone number. This column indicates only the information that has changed.

    If the new identity document does not indicate the middle name, then “canceled” is written in the corresponding column.

  4. The details of the new identity document are indicated (type of document, number, series, date of issue and by whom it was issued).
  5. The last date indicated is the date of the application. If you wrote it at home, then you should indicate the date you plan to submit the documents to the Pension Fund.

As mentioned above, the procedure for replacing SNILS can be done in two ways: independently and through the employer. Depending on this, the timing of how long the replacement will take will also change.

The only thing you need to consider is submitting documents to replace SNILS recommended no later than 14 days, after changing personal data.

  1. If you do the registration yourself, then ten working days after submitting the documents, a new insurance certificate will be issued for you. At the same time, all necessary changes will be made to the pension accounting database.
  2. If the replacement of SNILS was carried out by the employer, who officially acts as the insurer of his employees, then the procedure will take longer. This is due to the fact that the time for submitting documents to the Pension Fund and their subsequent receipt will increase slightly. The very procedure for issuing a new certificate and making changes to the database will remain the same over time.

After receiving the document, you must immediately check its number - it must match the previous one.

Fees and fines

The procedure for replacing SNILS is free of charge. And if you did not have time to submit documents to Pension Fund during the first 14 days, you will not face any penalties.

The only problems that may arise will be related to the discrepancy between your personal data and those that are included in the Pension Fund system.

How does the process of changing a surname after marriage differ from the above procedure?

The only difference between the procedure for replacing a pension certificate after marriage and other options is that the document confirming the legality of the change of surname will be a marriage certificate.

In other cases, a certificate from the registry office is provided, which confirms permission to change personal data.

Can I change it online?

The State Services portal is very popular among Russians today.. This innovative development allows citizens to use many government services, saving time and receiving comprehensive information first-hand.

But unfortunately, the procedure for replacing SNILS is not yet one of the opportunities that the portal provides. However Pension Fund employees They promise to activate this service soon, due to the huge demand among the population.

Is it possible to change at a location other than your place of registration?

Very often a problem arises with replacing SNILS, because there is simply not enough time to go to the Pension Fund branch at the place of registration. Especially if the citizen actually lives in another. What to do in this case?

In law " On individual (personalized) accounting in the mandatory system pension insurance "(Part 2, Article 7) a citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to replace SNILS through the employer acting as the policyholder, regardless of territorial location.

If you pay insurance premiums on your own, you will only be able to obtain a new document at your place of registration. You won't be able to get it in another city.

Thus, the procedure for replacing SNILS does not represent special labor, even if you take it on yourself. The main thing is to collect all the documents and draw up the application correctly, and in two weeks the new document will be in your hands.

Every year, 5 million people - both adults and children - register with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and receive a certificate of compulsory pension insurance with a unique SNILS - “insurance number of an individual personal account”.

In addition to the fact that SNILS is needed to form a pension, it is necessary to receive government services in electronic form and benefits, reduce the number of documents when receiving various services, etc.

How to get SNILS for adults

  • When applying for a job.

Upon conclusion employment contract or a civil law agreement, the employer sends the employee’s data and the completed questionnaire to the territorial body of the Russian Pension Fund within two weeks. An insurance certificate with SNILS is issued within five days and is first transferred to the employer, who issues it to the employee.

    Independently in any territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as in the MFC, if an interaction agreement has been concluded between the Pension Fund and the MFC.

You must present your passport and fill out a form. When contacting the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, registration in the compulsory pension insurance system and issuance of an insurance certificate is carried out in “real time”. In case of contacting MFC registration An insurance certificate with SNILS takes five days.

How to get SNILS for children

To obtain an insurance certificate with SNILS for a child under 14 years of age, mother or father with own passport and the child’s birth certificate can apply to any territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as to the MFC, if an interaction agreement has been concluded between the Pension Fund and the MFC. When submitting an application to the Pension Fund of Russia, registration in the compulsory pension insurance system and issuance of an insurance certificate is carried out in “real time”. If you contact the MFC, obtaining an insurance certificate with SNILS takes five days.

Children over 14 years of age can apply independently with their own passport.

The Russian Pension Fund recommends that all adult citizens who are various reasons they don't have it yet. These are, as a rule, military personnel and employees law enforcement agencies without experience in civilian life, who will receive or are already receiving a pension through their department, as well as citizens who do not have insurance period. For example, housewives.

To obtain SNILS, you must contact any territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as the MFC, if an interaction agreement has been concluded between the Pension Fund and the MFC. Military personnel who serve in garrisons remote from the locations of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation can receive SNILS through their military unit.

Foreign citizens or stateless persons (with the exception of highly qualified specialists in accordance with the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ “On legal status foreign citizens in the Russian Federation"), permanently or temporarily residing in Russia receive a certificate with SNILS in person at the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence (stay) or through their employer.

IMPORTANT! When receiving an insurance certificate for compulsory pension insurance, you must carefully check the personal data specified in insurance certificate. If errors are discovered, immediately inform the specialist who issued the certificate to the insured person. If the certificate is issued by the territorial office of the Pension Fund of Russia, corrections will also be made online. A situation where the insured person has a certificate containing incorrect personal data can lead to multiple registration of the insured person, which in turn will cause problems when assigning a pension, paying SPT, MSK, paying SPT to NPFs, submitting reports to the Federal Tax Service, etc.

In case of loss of the “green card” from SNILS

SNILS is provided to each citizen once and is forever assigned only to his individual personal account. But the “green card” itself can be lost. If such a problem occurs, it is easy to restore the certificate.

If you are employed, contact the HR department to request a duplicate. If you belong to the category of self-employed people ( individual entrepreneur, lawyer, notary, etc.), contact any territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with an application for issuing a duplicate. Unemployed citizens They can also submit an application for restoration of the “green card” to any territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

When submitting an application for a duplicate insurance certificate to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the issuance of a duplicate insurance certificate is carried out in “real time”. If you contact the MFC, it takes five days to issue a duplicate insurance certificate with SNILS.

IMPORTANT! A service for obtaining a duplicate in “real time” is available in the citizen’s Personal Account on the Pension Fund website.

SNILS when changing your last name

The personal data indicated on the “green card” must correspond to the data in the passport, therefore, when changing your last name, you must change the insurance certificate to a new one. To do this, you must submit an application for exchange of an insurance certificate to any territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (through the employer or in person). The previous insurance certificate is attached to the application. All changes are reflected in the citizen’s individual personal account, and he is issued an insurance certificate with the same SNILS, but with a changed last name.

Exchange of insurance certificate when contacting the territorial Pension Fund body carried out in real time. If you contact the MFC, obtaining an insurance certificate with SNILS takes five days.

FIU reminds

Pension Fund Russian Federation reminds citizens that they can obtain, replace or restore an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS - insurance number of an individual personal account in the compulsory pension insurance system) at any Customer Service Pension Fund throughout Russia.

Customer services provide services for registration in the compulsory pension insurance system and issuance of an insurance certificate immediately upon application by a citizen.

This service, as well as all other government services of the Pension Fund, is provided free of charge.

Also on the Pension Fund website at personal account a service has been implemented for obtaining a duplicate insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance online, which allows a citizen to obtain information about SNILS in electronic form without leaving home.

Sooner or later, almost every woman thinks about how to change SNILS when changing her last name. Exactly fair half society most often encounters this topic. What should everyone know about it? Is it really necessary to replace the insurance certificate if a citizen’s personal data changes? Where and in what order should I go to bring my idea to life? All this will be discussed further below. In reality the procedure is not too difficult. Especially with proper preparation.

SNILS is...

The first step is to understand what document we're talking about. What is SNILS? Why is it needed?

But where can I change SNILS? If you change your last name or for any other reason, this is not so important. The main thing is that the document is processed in several authorities. More precisely, you can use:

  • portal "State Services";
  • place of official employment;
  • university or school;
  • Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

It is in these bodies that it is proposed to implement the assigned task. It is clear where to change SNILS when changing your last name or for other reasons. What will it take?

Replacement timing

An important point is information about the production time of the paper being studied. How long does it take to exchange or initially produce an insurance certificate? established sample?

The timing may vary depending on the load on a particular organ. But there are still some restrictions by law. On average, it takes about 10-14 days to produce a SNILS. This waiting period is given to citizens when applying for a replacement certificate.

The rule applies to both the initial issuance of SNILS and its exchange. Usually newborns are immediately given this document. Other people will have to wait a little.

What is subject to change

If a citizen decides to think about how to change SNILS when changing his last name through one or another organization, he will have to figure out a few more interesting facts about the document. They are often interested in entrepreneurs and simply people whose insurance certificates are involved in many areas.

Changes to the insurance “green card” are made taking into account the information provided about the citizen. So, most often the procedure is subjected to:

  • surname;
  • surname;
  • Date of Birth;
  • city ​​of birth;

But the insurance account number itself does not change under any circumstances. This means that in fact, SNILS is not being replaced, but adjustments are being made to the paper being studied. This does not require anything special from the citizen.

Through the employer

Now that the main nuances of the process are known, we can consider in more detail the procedure for changing an insurance certificate in a given case. You can start far from the most common option - contacting your employer.

To replace a previously issued SNILS due to a change of surname, you will need:

  1. Write an application to replace the insurance certificate addressed to the head of the organization.
  2. Provide a copy of the document confirming the correction of personal information.
  3. Give the application, proof and previous SNILS to the employer. Wait a little.

Simple, fast, convenient. But in practice, such an operation, as already mentioned, is not very common. Often people have to carry out the procedure themselves.

Through the Pension Fund

You can change SNILS when changing your last name with the help of the Russian Pension Fund. This is the most familiar and common layout. Anyone interested should do the following:

  1. Collect a certain package of documents. We will talk about it later. It is the same for all bodies that replace SNILS.
  2. Write an application in the established form to make changes to the citizen’s insurance certificate.
  3. Contact territorial department Pension Fund with previously collected papers.
  4. Give the package of documents and the old SNILS.

In general, the process is not much different from contacting an employer. The difference is that you will need to pick up the finished “green card” directly from the Pension Fund yourself, and not from your boss. To do this, you will need to present an ID.

Multifunctional centers

It is offered to change SNILS when changing your last name in the MFC in almost every region of the country. The point is that multifunctional centers were created to reduce the load on government bodies. They propose not only to change the insurance certificate, but also to produce it initially.

The procedure is extremely simple. It is no different from the previously described algorithm. How to change SNILS when changing your last name? The procedure for contacting the MFC is reduced to the following steps:

  1. Collect a certain package of documents that is necessary to make changes to a citizen’s insurance certificate.
  2. Contact the regional or district multifunctional center at your place of registration.
  3. Provide a package of papers and SNILS for employee MFC. You must submit an application to replace the document. Be sure to indicate the reason “Change of surname”. Typically, employees fill out the application themselves, and the citizen only needs to check the validity of the information and sign.
  4. Wait about 2 weeks. Next, pick up the finished SNILS at the MFC, where the request to replace the document was processed.

As practice shows, today multifunctional centers have significantly reduced the load on the Pension Fund. Many people find it more convenient to contact this service than sitting in line at the Pension Fund. There is still no significant difference where to apply. The citizen himself has the right to choose the organization in which the registration of SNILS and its replacement for one reason or another.

"Government services"

The latest innovation in Russia is the use of the State Services portal. This service helps you complete a lot of paperwork without leaving your home. To do this, it is enough to have an Internet connection. Just a few clicks and the job is done.

Not everyone can change SNILS when changing their last name through Gosuslugi. If a citizen does not have an active profile, there is no need to think about the task at hand. It is better to give preference to contacting the MFC or Pension Fund. After all, “Government Services” requires activation of the questionnaire. The process takes about 14 days.

But if there is a profile on State Services, the citizen has every right use the service to replace your insurance certificate. To do this you will need:

  1. Go to the website Here you need to log in using your username and password.
  2. Type “Replacement SNILS” in the search bar for services.
  3. Search for an operation. This service can be found in the “Russian Pension Fund” section.
  4. Read the information. To submit an application, click on the "Get a service" button.
  5. Fill out the application electronically.
  6. Indicate the place where you will receive the document. Usually the choice is offered between the Pension Fund and the district MFC.
  7. Confirm the operation.

Now you can wait for a notification that SNILS is ready. In addition, when applying to one or another organization, you must bring a certain package of documents with you. It will be discussed further below.

About documents for replacement

From now on it is clear how to change SNILS when changing your last name. The only question The one that remains open is the list of papers required to carry out the process. It's not too big. It is advisable to provide copies of these to the relevant organization when submitting an application.

For adult citizens you need to bring:

  • old sample SNILS(if any);
  • ID card (passport);
  • application for exchange of insurance certificate;
  • document providing the basis for making changes - marriage certificate, divorce certificate, judgment.

Children's insurance certificates are also changed. But the list of required papers changes in this case.

You must provide:

  • birth certificate;
  • court decision or adoption documents (grounds for changing the surname);
  • passport (child over 14 years old and parent);
  • previous insurance certificate.

This full list papers required to make changes to the “green card” of each citizen. It is provided to both the Pension Fund of Russia and the MFC.

Documents for exchange when changing surname

People often wonder what kind of paperwork needs to be exchanged when changing their last name. It is not always clear what kind of documents lose their validity in a given situation.

It is necessary to change SNILS and INN. A change of surname, as a rule, is preceded by either marriage or its dissolution. The corresponding certificate must be presented.

Also subject to replacement:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • international passport;
  • employment history;
  • driver license;
  • medical insurance;
  • bank accounts and cards.

Diplomas and certificates are not changed very often in practice. But all other papers must be replaced after changing the personal information about the citizen. From now on, it is clear where you can change SNILS when changing your last name and how this procedure proceeds.

Many citizens sooner or later think about how to change SNILS when changing their last name. What options for the development of events take place? Does the insurance certificate really need to be replaced if the person's last name or first name changes? Is it possible to use the Internet to order this document? The answers to these questions will be published below. In fact, the replacement and initial production of SNILS does not cause any difficulties. Even a person who knows nothing about paperwork can cope with the task.

SNILS - definition

The first step is to figure out what document we are talking about. Why is it needed in Russia?

SNILS is an insurance certificate. Every person living in the Russian Federation should have it. This document represented by a small white-green card, the size of which is close to bank card. On SNILS you can see the following data:

  • gender;
  • date of issue;
  • year of birth of a person;
  • patronymic, first and last name of the owner;
  • citizen's insurance number.

All this data is written in front side cards. On the back there is information about the replacement and production of the document. Insurance certificate plays a role in Russia important role. With its help, citizens gain access to municipal and government services. For example, people will be able to apply for benefits, register with medical institution or get medical help.

How to change SNILS when changing your last name? Is it necessary to do this at all? The answer to this question is simple.

Reasons for replacement

To understand the topic being studied, it is necessary to understand under what circumstances SNILS must be replaced. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems at first glance.

By established rules The insurance certificate is subject to exchange if:

  • there has been a change in the citizen’s personal information;
  • errors, typos and inaccuracies were found in the document;
  • SNILS is lost;
  • the certificate is damaged.

Accordingly, a change of surname is good reason to apply for a new copy of the document. The population is pleased that SNILS itself does not have an expiration date. It will be valid until there is one reason or another for its exchange.

Where do you change your insurance certificate?

Now let's proceed to directly ordering the document. There are several ways to change SNILS in connection with a change of surname. At the same time, the citizen himself must choose where to turn for appropriate help.

Among the places that issue and exchange insurance certificates are:

  • State Services website.

Working citizens can contact their employer with a corresponding application. Students and schoolchildren have the right to obtain a SNILS and to have it replaced for one reason or another in educational institutions. But all this is extreme a rare event. Usually people try to deal with issues related to the reissue of documents themselves.

Replacement algorithm

Changing SNILS due to a change of surname is not difficult. This is the least problematic issue related to the exchange of documents a person has. If a citizen decides to contact the MFC or Pension Fund, he will have to act as follows:

  1. Collect documents requested by the registration authority. The list of required papers depends on what status the applicant has. Possible packages documents will be published below.
  2. Submit an application for the issuance of a new SNILS. Usually this step is done at the MFC or Pension Fund.
  3. Submit a written request with documents to one or another organization.
  4. Receive a receipt confirming the acceptance of the application for consideration (for persons who applied to the MFC).
  5. Wait for notification that the document is ready and pick it up new SNILS where the request was made.

If a person applies to the Pension Fund, he is not given any receipts. All that is required is to wait until the institution’s employees notify that SNILS is ready. This is usually done by calling the applicant.

Waiting period

It is clear that the proposed algorithm of actions is not exhaustive. There are several other approaches to solving this problem. They will be discussed later.

How long does it take for the insurance certificate to be ready in a particular case? Today in Russia, SNILS takes approximately 14-15 days to produce. Once the certificate is ready, the citizen will be notified about it. All that remains for him is to pick up the document.

At work

Now let's look at a few more ways to exchange an insurance certificate. As already mentioned, you can bring your idea to life through your employer. How to change SNILS when changing your last name?

To do this, you just need to bring the papers necessary for exchanging the document and inform your superiors about the need to correct the data in the insurance certificate. The rest of the actions fall on the shoulders of the company. The employer contacts the Pension Fund, receives a new SNILS for the employee, and then issues it to the subordinate.

Despite the fact that this scenario saves citizens from most problems, people do not use it too often. In a similar way, SNILS is replaced through educational institutions. Nothing difficult or unclear. How to change SNILS for an employee when changing your last name? The employer must adhere to the previously proposed algorithm of actions. Everything is extremely simple and clear.

Internet to help

But that's not all. Modern technologies are actively developing. They are being implemented in daily life population. Nowadays, many documents can be ordered online. The same goes for their re-release.

Changing SNILS when changing your last name via the Internet is quite easy. This offer is relevant for persons who have a profile on the State Services website. People can submit here electronic applications to receive a variety of services. For example, order international passport or pay fines. Insurance certificate exchange is also among the available services.

But what is needed to achieve the task? To change SNILS when changing your last name through “State Services”, you need to:

  1. Register on the portal Profile activation takes about 15 days. Without it, you cannot order services for restoration, exchange and production of documents.
  2. Log in to the service.
  3. Go to section " Government services" - "Pension Fund" - "Replacement of insurance certificate."
  4. Review the information on the screen. Click on the "Get service" button.
  5. Complete the application following the prompts.
  6. Indicate where and how you want to receive SNILS (by mail, at the MFC or Pension Fund).
  7. Submit a request for processing.
  8. Wait until you receive a notification that the document is ready.
  9. Pick up the finished SNILS at the selected institution. Before this, you will need to bring the originals of certain documents.

This approach is relevant, as already mentioned, mainly for persons who already have a profile on State Services. This is caused by the long activation of the citizen’s profile.

About documents

How to change SNILS after changing your last name? It is clear how to act in this or that case. Generally this process does not cause any difficulties.

Special attention should be paid to preparing documents for submitting an application. Children under 14 years of age receive SNILS with the participation of their parents. After receiving a passport, the child himself can issue an insurance certificate and change it.

Citizens of the Russian Federation, when changing their last name, present SNILS for exchange:

  • statement;
  • ID card (for children - birth certificate);
  • old SNILS;
  • a document establishing the right to change the surname (marriage certificate, divorce certificate, court decision, certificate from the registry office);
  • registration certificates (for minors and foreigners).

Foreign citizens additionally attach:

  • a translated copy of the passport (it is certified by a notary);
  • migration card.

That's all. Now it is fully clear how to change SNILS when changing your last name. This task in several days. It is advisable to provide all of the listed documents not only in the form of originals, but also to make copies of them.

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Not everyone likes milk in its pure form, although it is difficult to overestimate its nutritional value and usefulness. But a milkshake with...
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Supporters of proper nutrition, strictly calorie counting, very often have to deny themselves small gastronomic joys in the form of...
Crispy puff pastry made from ready-made puff pastry is quick, inexpensive and very tasty! The only thing you need is time to...