National treasure. In the interests of the national heritage Goals and objectives of the movement

Sberbank CIB analysts have accused Gazprom of spending $93.4 billion on behalf of oligarchs Arkady Rotenberg and Gennady Timchenko - the company spent this money on low-margin gas pipeline projects that could have been dispensed with, RBC reports.

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Sberbank CIB analysts Alex Fack and Anna Kotelnikova in their May report on Russian oil and gas companies named the main beneficiaries of Gazprom's projects to build three gas export pipelines to China (Power of Siberia) and Europe (Nord Stream 2 and Turkish Stream) not shareholders and the Russian Federation, but contractors, including Stroygazmontazh by Arkady Rotenberg and Stroytransneftegaz (about 50% owned by Gennady Timchenko and his family).

They estimated the costs for the Power of Siberia, Nord Stream 2 and Turkish Stream at $93.4 billion (5.8 trillion rubles).

According to investment bank experts, investments in these projects are low-margin. “We find that Gazprom's decisions become absolutely understandable if we assume that the company is managed in the interests of its contractors, and not for commercial gain,” the report says.

Speaking about specific projects, Sberbank CIB analysts write, in particular, about the high cost of building the Power of Siberia against the background of the previously considered alternative - the Altai project - and doubt the benefits of the contract for the supply of 38 billion cubic meters. m of gas annually, which Gazprom entered into with the Chinese CNPC in May 2014, with an average oil price of $65 per barrel.

Power of Siberia was chosen despite the fact that Altai was much cheaper: $55.4 billion versus $10 billion, Sberbank CIB experts note.

Sberbank CIB analysts claim that the Chinese were ready to sign a contract for Altai back in 2010. The length of "Altai" would be comparable to the "Power of Siberia" - about 3 thousand km, but the gas would come from the existing fields of Nadym Pur-Tazovskaya province and would be cleaned at the existing plants of "Gazprom" - there would be no need to build new facilities, argue the authors of the report.

The choice of "Power of Siberia", in their opinion, could be due to the benefit of the main contractors of "Gazprom" - "Stroytransneftegaz" and "Stroygazmontazh", which divided "almost equally" the main contracts for this project.

The construction of gas pipelines to Europe bypassing Ukraine - Turkish Stream and Nord Stream 2 - is also beneficial, primarily for contractors, due to the high costs of onshore infrastructure in Russia, although the pipelines are considered offshore, the report says. In particular, the pipeline to Turkey involves a significant expansion of Gazprom's gas pipeline system in the south. The total cost of the project, according to the forecast of Sberbank CIB, will exceed $20 billion, while $3.5 billion has been invested - more than half was spent in Russia.

Nord Stream 2, according to Sberbank CIB, will cost $17 billion - this amount also includes ground approaches to the gas pipeline. The contract for the construction of one of these approaches worth 74.6 billion rubles. Stroytransneftegaz recently received without competition, analysts recall.

The implementation of both projects will not make it possible to completely abandon transit through Ukraine, Sberbank CIB experts believe: “This will happen only if Gazprom’s exports to Europe decrease by about 20% compared to last year (or by almost 40 billion cubic meters) . According to their estimates, Turkish Stream "will not break even for almost 50 years, even without inflation." And Nord Stream-2, using 60% capacity, “will not pay off within 20 years.”

Sberbank CIB analysts are not the first to pay attention to the cost of Gazprom's large-scale construction projects. “There is an impression that the company, for some reason, does not work for shareholders, not for consumers, not for the state, but, in fact, for contractors who build various facilities for them,” the director complained to President Vladimir Putin about Gazprom. Prosperity Capital (minority shareholder of Gazprom) Alexander Branis at the VTB Capital forum in October 2016. Then Putin admitted that this was a “very serious issue” and promised to meet with representatives of the largest companies with state participation by the end of the year and after that to give “assessments of the effectiveness of a particular company.”

The Association of Professional Investors last year turned to the government with a proposal to increase the size of Gazprom's dividends, its executive director Alexander Shevchuk told RBC. “Obviously, with a low payback of projects, it is more profitable for the state as the main shareholder and the company itself to increase dividends rather than invest in new construction projects,” he adds.

On May 16, the Board of Directors of Gazprom recommended approving dividends at the level of last year - about 190 billion rubles, or 26% of net profit under IFRS. This is half what the Ministry of Finance expected. The representative of the company explained that such a dividend size takes into account the need to "maintain a high degree of financial stability" and the implementation of "priority strategic projects", among which is the construction of export pipelines.

Video clips of Gazprom - National Treasure have been shown on TV channels since 2003. In 2006, the concern appeared on television under the slogan "Dreams come true!"

The constitutional and legal regime of the national heritage is a special constitutional and legal regime that is structurally included in the general constitutional and legal regime of the basis of life and activity of the peoples living in the corresponding territory.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation does not contain the word "property" and we do not have a legal definition of the term "national treasure". However, the word "property" is widely used in federal law. There are such modifications of it as the national treasure of the Russian Federation Article 1 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 05/14/1993 N 4973-1 (as amended on 07/18/2011) "On Grain" // "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", N 102, 05/29/1993, national treasure Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 02.20.2006 N 99 (as amended on 12.27.2012) "On the federal target program "Preservation and restoration of soil fertility of agricultural lands and agrolandscapes as a national treasure of Russia for 2006 - 2010 and for the period up to 2013" // "Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation", 06.03.2006, N 10, item 1101; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07.14.2012 N 717 "On the State Program for the Development of Agriculture and Regulation of Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food Markets for 2013 - 2020" // "Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation", 08/06/2012, N 32, article 4549, national heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation health-improving areas and resorts" // "Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation", 27.02.1995, N 9, Art. 713, property of the peoples of the Russian Federation Federal Law of 04/24/1995 N 52-FZ (as amended on 11/21/2011) "On the Fauna" // "Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation", 04/24/1995, N 17, art. 1462, public property of the multinational people of Russia Decree of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 09.01.1998 N 1-P "On the case of checking the constitutionality of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation" // "Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation", 19.01.1998, N 3, art. 429; Decree of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 23.04.2004 N 8-P "On the case of checking the constitutionality of the Land Code of the Russian Federation in connection with the request of the Murmansk Regional Duma" // "Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation", 03.05.2004, N 18, art. 1833. In addition, the legislation mentions objects of national heritage. Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation of April 22, 2003 N 342 "On approval of the main directions for the development of the system of state nature reserves and national parks in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2015" (The document was not published) // SPS ConsultantPlus; Determination of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 05.10.2011 N 1419-О-О "On the refusal to accept for consideration the complaint of citizen Vlasov Yakov Konstantinovich about the violation of his constitutional rights by paragraph five of clause 2 of Article 6 of the Federal Law "On Specially Protected Natural Territories" (The document was published not was) // ATP ConsultantPlus, objects of national heritage Federal Law of 14. 03.1995 N 33-FZ (as amended on 06/25/2012) "On Specially Protected Natural Territories" // "Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation", 03/20/1995, N 12, art. 1024; "Land Code of the Russian Federation" dated 10.25.2001 N 136-FZ (as amended on 03.04.2013) // "Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation", 10.29.2001, N 44, art. 4147, components of the national heritage Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.31. 2002 N 1225-r "On the Environmental Doctrine of the Russian Federation" // "Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation", 09.09.2002, N 36, article 3510.

The characterization of an object as a property, in the opinion of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, is, in its essence and purpose, a justification for establishing the features of the legal regime of such an object Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated 07.06. Altai and the Federal Law "On the General Principles of Organization of Legislative (Representative) and Executive Bodies of State Power of the Subjects of the Russian Federation" // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 06/19/2000, N 25, article 2728.

As a rule, the constitutional and legal regime of the national heritage is established in relation to special, exclusive and special objects, and in the case when it is necessary to emphasize their importance for the state and society as a whole, recognition of their significance by the international community, as well as the uniqueness of such an object in its own way. The category of national treasure is traditionally associated with cultural, artistic, archaeological and historical values, although recently this category has also been applied to various natural resources and natural objects See, for example, Isaev A.S. Forest as a national treasure of Russia // Century of globalization. 2011. №1. pp. 148-158; Melentiev G.B., Korotkiy V.M., Malinina E.N., Samonov A.E. Peat is a national treasure of Russia: prospects for multi-purpose use and environmental safety // Ecology of industrial production. 2011. №1. pp. 69-80; Kharyuchi S.N. The Ob-Irtysh basin is a national treasure of Russia // Economics of the region. 2007. No. S2. pp. 83-88; Feathered collections are a national treasure // Poultry farming. 2003. No. 1. pp. 36-38; Kurmazov V.V., Tsygir A.A. Russian Pacific salmon - the national treasure of Russia // Fisheries. 2010. №2. p.30; Satarov V.N., Tuktarov V.R., Smirnov A.M. Honey bee: national heritage, ecology, ethics and pedagogy // Pedagogical journal of Bashkortostan. 2008. No. 6. pp. 101-107.

Objects of national heritage perform economic, social, environmental, cultural and moral functions, ensure the national interests of the state, the economic and environmental security of the country, contribute to the formation of the national identity of the people and the national consciousness of the individual. Natural resources as objects of national heritage are unique natural resources that form the human habitat.

One of the features of the constitutional and legal regime of the national heritage is the establishment of additional restrictions for the owner of the object of the national heritage, related to ensuring public interests. Such restrictions, for example, include, first of all, the establishment of the targeted nature of the use of an object of national status, the obligation to maintain them in proper condition, the obligation to use them effectively and the inadmissibility of restricting their free disposal, for example, the export of cultural property abroad. Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 06/07/2000 N 10-P "On the case of checking the constitutionality of certain provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Altai and the Federal Law "On the general principles of organizing legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 06/19/2000, N 25 , item 2728.

Other features of the constitutional and legal regime of the national heritage are as follows. Objects of national heritage are the subject of measures for mobilization preparation and mobilization in the Russian Federation 03/03/1997, N 9, art. 1014; Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 5, 2010 N 146 "On the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation" // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, February 15, 2010, N 7, art. 724. Information on objects of national heritage is a state secret. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 30, 1995 N 1203 (as amended on September 21, 2011) "On Approval of the List of Information Classified as State Secrets" // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, December 31, 2007, No. 53, art. 6550. Citizens have the right to control the optimal use of the national property Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of April 23, 2004 N 9-P "On the case of checking the constitutionality of certain provisions of the Federal laws" On the federal budget for 2002 "," On the federal budget for 2003 ", "On the federal budget for 2004" and annexes to them in connection with the request of a group of members of the Federation Council and the complaint of citizen A.V. Zhmakovsky "/" Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation ", 05/10/2004, N 19 (part 2), art. 1923 in the forms provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The constitutional and legal regime of the national heritage can only be introduced in the interests of all the peoples of the Russian Federation. Natural resources cannot be the property of any one subject of the Russian Federation. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation linked the regime of national heritage with state sovereignty and the right of federal property Determination of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of December 6, 2001 N 250-O "At the request of the State Assembly - Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan on the interpretation of a number of provisions of Articles 5, 11, 71, 72, 73, 76, 77 and 78 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation" (The document was not published) // SPS ConsultantPlus. The constitutional and legal regime of the national heritage in relation to natural resources ensures public interests in the conservation and use of unique and hard-to-reproduce natural resources.

In 1981, the land in the horticultural partnership "Veteran" was allocated not just to front-line soldiers - six acres were rewarded to the most active participants in the Soviet Committee of War Veterans. Those who helped their fellow soldiers took care of their comrades who were left without support, sometimes completely helpless. And now, 36 years later, their children were offered to demolish their parents' houses. The phrase "Your house is within the minimum allowable distances from the gas pipeline" sounded like a sentence of a former life. tried to figure out if there was still at least something left in Russia that could resist the gas pipe.

It is not the first year that Gazprom's subsidiaries, winning courts of all instances, have been demolishing houses and cottages throughout Russia that have fallen into the 200-meter safety zone of gas pipelines. Like, they built it without proper approvals, now you are demolishing it at your own expense. And this despite the fact that most of these houses were built long before the appearance of Gazprom and its subsidiaries, and at that time there were no problems with the design.

The situation of SNT "Veteran" is similar to many others. The borders were once approved by the decision of the Executive Committee of the Moscow Regional Council, coordinated with all authorities, including the Ministry of the Gas Industry. It differs, perhaps, only in the fact that the charter of the partnership was personally signed by Alexei Maresyev, the chairman of the Soviet Committee of Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, the very real person about whom Boris Polevoy wrote his story. But is it worth it today to hide behind the past merits of fathers and grandfathers. Twenty owners of houses in SNT "Veteran" received letters, the essence of which was very clear: demolish it, otherwise it will be worse.

Leningrad highway, Koskovo village between Solnechnogorsk and Klin. I drive through it, and here it is the Veteran Garden Association. Fifty tiny houses on the same tiny plots lined up in two lines, neatly fitting into the clearing of a power line 40 meters wide. Moreover, another clearing cuts in two across the settlement - there, somewhere underground in 1963, the Konakovo gas pipeline was laid.

Six acres and houses no more than five by five meters are a gift from the Motherland to veterans and their families to breathe fresh air and grow cucumbers to help the food program under the quiet crackle of high-voltage wires. But neither the tightness of the plots, nor the tiny houses prevented people from falling in love with their dachas, building up, digging wells, bringing black earth and cultivating the land. Raise children, raise grandchildren.

By the time I arrived, in the middle of the settlement, just at the gas pipeline clearing, 15 people aged from 20 to 79 had gathered. They started talking together.

How is it possible, because our settlement is the only memory of our parents, who burned in tanks and planes, who won the victory ... What is this, such gratitude?

Do you know why they make us tear down our houses? They care about our health. So that, if suddenly an explosion, no one is crippled. And the fact that our women have been on valocordin since October, is it good for health?! To take away from a person half of his life - not to cripple?

We pass from the gas clearing deep into the village. The road is narrow, conditionally paved - they brought crushed stone, asphalt chips, sand here on their own. But the lawns of all practically exhibition. There are flower beds here and there. The houses are different - new and old. But those that remain from the early 80s (more than half) are literally part of history. Or panel, or from a brick. In those days, one owner of a plot was allowed to purchase one thousand pieces of red brick and five thousand pieces of white. With luck, in conditions of shortage, after several years of persistent searches, bricks could, as they said then, be obtained. And here they are houses made of this brick: a thousand red ones in the basement, five thousand white ones in the walls. Plus, an attic made from boards of container boxes (conditionally illegal at that time).

Around me in the gazebo at one of the sites, the Veteran gardening association gathers: doctors, lawyers, accountants, engineers, managers - the children of veterans, the very middle class, which in our country is not entirely clear whether it exists or not. Documents are laid out on the table: acts for the right to use land, a land use plan, all kinds of decisions, charters and certificates. They show in the documents that all sanitary standards - separation from the water source and the gas pipeline - are observed and recorded on the plans and in the acts. They also show me a letter from Gazprom Transgaz Moscow LLC, a subsidiary of PJSC Gazprom, which was received by 20 owners of SNT Veteran.

“The Gazprom Transgaz Moscow branch brings to your attention that the land plot, which you own, is located at a minimum distance from the axis of the KGMO-Konakovo main gas pipeline branch.” Further - a long enumeration of articles and laws and the conclusion: “Based on the foregoing, we suggest that you voluntarily eliminate violations by dismantling or demolishing buildings / structures in this area. Otherwise, the Company reserves the right to apply to the court with a claim for the demolition of buildings located on your land plot in violation of the law, with the assignment of possible legal costs to you.

As for the attitude of the Russian courts to the problem, there is no hope that they will take the side of the homeowners. The courts take the side of the gas workers, without even delving into the essence of the issue. The network has a unique in its scrupulousness analysis of the situation, made by the lawyer of the Bar Association of the Tambov Region Vladislav Klimushkin. This is a multi-page article, as complex as a grandmaster's chess game, in which the author proves step by step that in Russian legislation there is no legal basis for the demolition of buildings that fall within the minimum allowable distance from gas pipelines, at the expense of the owners and without compensation. If you master this material, pay attention to the comments of other lawyers after the article. Everyone as one admires the work of a colleague, bookmarks his text, but many notice that it is still impossible to force the courts to listen to these arguments.

But back to Veteran alumina. When in 1981 land, a total of 2.1 hectares, was allocated to a gardening association, the minimum allowable distance to the axis of the gas pipeline was approved as 80 meters. Now the gas workers have changed their minds and call 200 meters instead of 80. All buildings and other structures (20 farms) located inside the additional meters are subject to demolition at the expense of the owners.

By the way, I counted, - says a woman of about sixty-five. - To demolish and dispose of my house will cost half a million rubles. Even, let's say, it comes to this - do I have to do this in retirement? Or an apartment in Moscow to sell?

The gas workers demand that we demolish houses, wells, outbuildings, - says the lawyer, the owner of the fourth house from the "pipe" Alexander Artemov. - Their main argument is our safety. But the land is not taken away from us, it is allowed to cultivate it in the future. What happens? Are they much more concerned about the safety of buildings than the safety of people?! At first glance, absurd, right? In fact, our pipe was laid in 1963 and has not been serviced in any way since then. She has an operational period of 40 years with all repairs, that is, until 2003. Again, look at the clearing, how much fallen wood is there - if anything, even the equipment will not pass. Due to the deterioration of the equipment, some kind of accident is quite possible. We here among ourselves suspect that, if such an accident happens, the matter will be in the amount of compensation. If a house is damaged, compensation can be much larger than if a person suffers ...

That is, you understand, it’s easier for Gazprom’s people to kick us out of the land of our fathers and grandfathers, - the audience spoke together again, - than to replace the pipe with a new one or, for example, close the pipe section near our partnership with a metal sleeve.

How can you demand the demolition of houses that were legislated in 1981 on the basis of the 1999 law? I sometimes do not believe that this is actually happening.

Not from us, they take away from my grandfather, - says 48-year-old Dmitry Gordeev, - Dmitry Bogomolov, who went through the whole war, received several wounds, burned in a tank and was left without toes, and after the war, being an invalid, he actively worked in the Soviet Committee veterans. After all, it was the country that gave him six acres for perpetual use. It was he who, literally on a plank, for five years collected material for building a house in order to leave something behind his children and grandchildren.

As the residents of "Veteran" told me, none of the founders of the dacha village was left alive. At the time of land allocation, they were 65-80 years old. All went through the war, returned with injuries, orders and medals, and then participated in the restoration of the country. And then they built small houses on their own, finally, piece of land. Now every year on May 9, a local “Memory Watch” is held here - residents of the Veteran village get together, show each other photos of their fathers and grandfathers, scans of award sheets, tell their stories, sing war songs.

We even have one child of the war left - they bring me a woman Nadia.

I was born in Ukraine in the village of Dikanki, - says Nadezhda Khmara, born in 1939. - I don’t remember the war very well, but I remember well how we built a house here. My husband's father, a veteran, was given a plot. I remember that we both rejoiced and were afraid that we would not be able to cope with the construction. Then I went to approve the project documentation. The house was to be no larger than five by five in plan, and the veranda no larger than two by five. The father-in-law, as a war invalid, stood in line for a brick. But it was not possible to buy. But through friends they bought a panel house. Put. I remember that they still didn’t want to approve it for us, because the windows on the veranda were larger than the norm ...

Yes, we all participated in this construction, - others add. - Someone was 12 years old, someone was 40. A panel house, by the way, cost 2420 Soviet rubles. With a salary of an engineer with 10 years of experience of 180 rubles.

Look, in 2001, a decree of the government of the Russian Federation was issued, in accordance with which additional land was allocated to our horticultural partnership, - Anna Gordeeva, who is currently acting as a secretary, continues to open all new documents. - We bought them. For 72 thousand each household. In addition to our six acres, we were allowed to buy another six acres in the direction of the forest. That is, the administration of the Klinsky district allowed the purchase of additional land and carried out official registration. There was no talk of any minimum allowable distances from the gas pipeline. We were not presented with any supporting documents. Why now this administration, to which we have addressed both in writing and verbally over the past few months, simply refuses to communicate with us? Absolutely out of touch, I would say.

Yes, yes, no one wants to explain to us what we are to blame for, the participants of the meeting are again indignant.

We went to Sergei Mironov from A Just Russia, he said that he knew about this problem, but he could not help in any way, because the legislative base had to be changed. What language did he speak?

Did they at least explain to us what the danger is? This gas pipeline runs under roads and railways. Why is it not dangerous there, but dangerous here? In the end, we are ready to sign documents that we are aware of the danger, we remain in our homes at our own peril and risk ...

We talked, looked at the houses and plots, walked to the clearing, under which, somewhere below, lay the ill-fated Konakovo gas pipeline. Then people from the “Veteran” association together accompanied me to the car, thanked me for coming. I would like to wish good luck, but the previously studied documents did not give any hope for a successful conclusion to this story - the houses would probably be demolished.

Here is an excerpt from the post of one lawyer: “I had to participate in a case of this category, there were countless violations on the part of the prosecutor, and the whole process was “one-way”, as they say. But the most paradoxical thing is that no one is claiming the plots, the rights are not terminated, and the use is not restricted. That is, insanity is ridiculous, it is not forbidden to sit, stand, lie down, plow, but not build! To the logical question, what is more dangerous in the event of emergency situations on the gas pipeline, to be in an open area or behind a stone fence in a building, no one answered.

It is obvious that judges, officials, local and federal deputies and others like them are simply afraid to create precedents and get involved with the gas monopolist. Not according to Senka, as they say, a hat. Gazprom is a national treasure, but who are we? Simple people…

What prevented Gazprom from the country houses of war veterans - a report from

In 1981, land in the Veteran gardening partnership was allocated not just to front-line soldiers - six hundred square meters were rewarded to the most active participants in the Soviet Committee of War Veterans.

To show in full ... Those who helped their fellow soldiers, took care of their comrades-in-arms, who were left without support, sometimes completely helpless. And now, 36 years later, their children were offered to demolish their parents' houses. The phrase “Your house is within the minimum allowable distance from the gas pipeline” sounded like a sentence of a former life. tried to figure out if there was still anything left in Russia that could resist the gas pipe.

It is not the first year that the subsidiaries of Gazprom, winning the courts of all instances, have been demolishing houses and cottages throughout the Russian Federation that have fallen into the 200-meter gas pipeline protection zone. Like, they built it without proper approvals, now you are demolishing it at your own expense. And this despite the fact that the vast majority of such houses were built a long time before the appearance of Gazprom and its subsidiaries, and at that time there were no problems with the design.

The situation of SNT "Veteran" is similar to many others. The borders were once approved by the decision of the Executive Committee of the Moscow Regional Council, coordinated with all authorities, including the Ministry of the Gas Industry. It differs, perhaps, only in the fact that the charter of friendship was personally signed by Alexei Maresyev, the chairman of the Russian Committee of Veterans of the Great Russian War, the very real person about whom Boris Polevoy wrote his story. But is it worth it now to hide behind the past merits of fathers and grandfathers. 20 owners of houses in SNT "Veteran" received letters, the essence of which was very clear: demolish it, otherwise it will be worse.

They gave grandfather for the Victory

Leningrad highway, Koskovo village between Solnechnogorsk and Klin. I drive through it, and here it is the garden friendship "Veteran". Fifty tiny houses on the same small plots lined up in two lines, neatly fitting into the clearing of a power line 40 meters wide. It’s not enough that one clearing cuts in two across the settlement - there, somewhere underground in 1963, the Konakovo gas pipeline was laid.

6 acres and houses no more than five by 5 meters are a gift from the Motherland to veterans and their families to breathe fresh air and grow cucumbers to help the food program under the quiet crackle of high-voltage wires. But neither the tightness of the plots, nor the tiny houses prevented people from loving their own summer cottages, building up, digging wells, bringing black earth and cultivating the land. Raise children, raise grandchildren.

By the time I arrived in the middle of the settlement, just at the gas pipeline clearing, 15 people aged from 20 to 79 had gathered. They started talking together.

These houses are our whole life! We built them, we grew up here, our kids grow up here!

How is it allowed, because our settlement is the only memory of our parents, who burned in tanks and planes, who won the victory ... What is this, such gratitude?

Do you know why they force us to demolish our houses? They care about our health. So that, if suddenly an explosion, no one is crippled. And the fact that our ladies have been on valocordin since October, is it great for health?! To take away from a person half of his life - not to cripple?

We offer to demolish voluntarily

We pass from the gas clearing deep into the village. The road is narrow, conditionally paved - they brought here rubble, this crumb of asphalt, sand on their own. But lawns at all actually exhibition. There are flower beds here and there. The houses are different - new and old. But those that remained from the early 80s (more than half) are literally part of the story. Or panel, or from a brick. At that time, it was allowed to purchase one thousand pieces of red brick and 5 thousand pieces of white brick for the 1st owner of the site in those days. If you're lucky, then in the conditions of shortage for several years of persistent searches, bricks were allowed, as they said then, to get. And here they are houses made of this brick: a thousand red ones in the basement, 5 thousand white ones in the walls. Plus, an attic made from boards of container boxes (conditionally illegal at that time).

Around me in the gazebo at one of the plots, the garden friendship “Veteran” gathers: doctors, lawyers, accountants, engineers, managers - kids of veterans, the very middle class, which in our country is not entirely clear whether it exists or not. On the table are laid out: acts for the right to use land, a land use plan, various decisions, charters and certificates. Demonstrate in the documents that all sanitary standards - separation from the water source and the gas pipeline - are observed and recorded on the plans and in the acts. They also show me a letter from Gazprom Transgaz Moscow LLC, a subsidiary of PJSC Gazprom, which was received by 20 owners of SNT Veteran.

“The branch of Gazprom transgaz Moscow brings to your attention that the land plot, which you own, is located at a small distance from the axis of the main gas pipeline branch of KGMO-Konakovo.” Then - a long enumeration of articles and laws and the conclusion: “Based on the foregoing, we suggest that you voluntarily eliminate violations by dismantling or demolishing buildings / structures in this area. Otherwise, it reserves the right to apply to the court with a claim for the demolition of buildings located on your land plot in violation of the law, with the assignment of probable legal costs to you.

Pipe covered

As far as the issue of the Russian courts is concerned, there is no hope that they will take the side of the homeowners. The courts take the side of the gas workers, without even delving into the essence of the issue. The network has an analysis of the situation, unique in its own scrupulousness, made by the lawyer of the Bar Association of the Tambov Region Vladislav Klimushkin. This is a multi-page article, not as simple as a grandmaster's chess game, in which, step by step, the author substantiates that there is no legal basis in Russian legislation for the demolition of buildings that fall within the minimum allowable distance from gas pipelines, at the expense of the owners and without compensation. If you master this material, pay attention to the comments of other lawyers after the article. In general, everyone as one admires the work of a colleague, bookmarks his text, but many notice that it is still impossible to force the courts to listen to these reasons.

But back to Veteran alumina. When in 1981 the land, a total of 2.1 hectares, was allocated to the horticultural friendship, the minimum allowable distance to the axis of the gas pipeline was approved as 80 meters. Currently, the gas workers have changed their minds and call 200 meters for place 80. All buildings and other buildings (20 farms) located inside the additional meters are subject to demolition at the expense of the owners.

By the way, I counted, - says a lady of about sixty-five. - To demolish and dispose of my house will cost half a million rubles. Even, let's say, it comes to this - do I have to do this in retirement? Or sell an apartment in Moscow?

Gas workers are asking us to demolish houses, wells, outbuildings, - says Alexander Artemov, a lawyer, the owner of the fourth house from the "pipe". - Their main argument is our safety. But the land is not taken away from us, it is allowed to cultivate it in the future. What's coming out? Are they much more concerned about the safety of buildings than the safety of people?! At first glance, absurd, right? In fact, our pipe was laid in 1963 and has not been serviced in any way since then. She has an operational life of 40 years with all repairs, it exists until 2003. Again, look at the clearing, how much fallen wood is there - if anything, it won’t even pass. Due to the deterioration of the equipment, some kind is completely possible. We here among ourselves suspect that if such a thing happens, the matter will be in the amount of compensation. If a house is damaged, compensation can be even greater than if a person suffers ...

That exists, you understand, it’s easier for Gazprom’s people to throw us out of the land of our fathers and grandfathers, - the audience spoke together again, - than to change the pipe for a new one, or, for example, to close the section of the pipe near our partnership with an iron sleeve.

How is it generally allowed to demand the demolition of houses secured by public order in 1981 on the basis of the public order of 1999? I sometimes do not believe that this is actually happening.

Own watch RAM

Not from us, they take away from my grandfather, - says 48-year-old Dmitry Gordeev, - Dmitry Bogomolov, who went through the whole war, received several wounds, burned in a tank and was left without toes, and after the war, being an invalid, he energetically worked in the Soviet Committee veterans. In fact, the country gave him six acres for indefinite use. It was he who, literally on a plank, for 5 years collected material for building a house in order to leave something behind his children and grandchildren.

As the residents of Veteran told me, none of the founders of the dacha village is still alive. At the time of allocation of land, they were 65-80 years old. All went through the war, returned with injuries, orders and medals, and later participated in the restoration of the country. And then they built small houses on their own, finally, piece of land. Currently, every year on May 9, a local “Memory Watch” is held here - the inhabitants of the Veteran village gather collectively, show each other photos of their fathers and grandfathers, scans of award sheets, tell their stories, sing military songs.

We even have the only child of the war left - they bring me a woman Nadya.

I was born in Ukraine in the village of Dikanki, - Nadezhda Khmara, born in 1939, knows. - I don’t remember the war very well, but I remember well how we built a house here. My husband's dad, a veteran, was given a plot. I remember that we both rejoiced and were afraid that we would not be able to cope with the construction. Later I went to approve the project documentation. The house was supposed to be no more than 5 by five in plan, and the veranda no more than two by 5. The father-in-law, as a war invalid, stood in line for a brick. But it has not been possible to purchase. But literally through friends bought a panel house. Put. I remember that they didn’t want to approve it for us, because the windows on the veranda were larger than the standard ones ...

Yes, in general, we all participated in this construction site, - others add. - Someone was 12 years old, someone was 40. A panel house, by the way, cost 2420 Russian rubles. With a salary of an engineer with 10 years of experience of 180 rubles.

If the river flows - someone needs it

Look, in 2001, a decree of the government of the Russian Federation was issued, in accordance with which additional land was allocated to our horticultural friendship, - Anna Gordeeva, who is now acting as a secretary, continues to open all new documents. - We bought them. For 72 thousand each household. In addition to our 6 acres, we were allowed to buy in addition six acres towards the forest. That is, the administration of the Klinsky district allowed the purchase of additional land and carried out official registration. There was no talk of any little permissible distances from the gas pipeline. We were not presented with any supporting documents. Why is it that this administration, to which we have addressed both in writing and verbally over the past few months, simply refuses to communicate with us? Categorically does not go to, I would say.

Yes, yes, no one wants to explain to us what we are guilty of, the participants of the meeting are again indignant.

We walked to Sergei Mironov from A Just Russia, he said that he knew about this problem, but could not help in any way, so that the legislative base needed to be changed. What language did he speak?

Yes, at least explained to us what the danger is? This gas pipeline passes under automobile and steel roads. Why is it not safe there, but dangerous here? In the end, we are ready to sign documents that we understand the danger, we stay in our homes at our own peril and risk ....

We talked, looked at the houses and plots, walked along the clearing, under which, somewhere below, lay the ill-fated Konakovo gas pipeline. Then people from the “Veteran” friendship accompanied me to the car together, thanked me for coming. I wanted to wish fortune, but the previously studied documents did not give any hope for a successful ending to this story - the houses would probably be demolished.

Here is an excerpt from the post of the 1st lawyer: “I had to participate in a case of this category, there were countless violations on the part of the prosecutor, and the whole process was “one-way”, as they say. But the most phenomenal thing is that no one claims the plots, the rights do not stop and the use is not limited. That there is ridiculous insanity, it is not forbidden to sit, stand, lie down, plow, but not build! To the logical question, what is more dangerous in case of emergencies on the gas pipeline, to be in an open area or behind a stone fence in a building, no one answered.

Of course, it is easy for judges, local and federal deputies and others like them to be afraid of creating precedents and getting involved with the gas monopolist. Not according to Senka, as they say, a hat. Gazprom is national, but who are we? Simple people…

National treasure

the totality of material and spiritual resources, goods and values ​​belonging to the people and forming the basis of its sustainable existence and development.

Edwart. Glossary of terms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 2010

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    RUSSIA is a set of cultural centers, architectural monuments and other values ​​that make up the common heritage of the peoples of Russia. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation (1991), the following are classified as especially valuable objects of national heritage: Moscow ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    NATIONAL HERITAGE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION OF RUSSIA, a set of cultural centers, architectural monuments and other values ​​that constitute the common heritage of the peoples of Russia. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (1991) to especially valuable objects ... ... Russian history

    NATIONAL HERITAGE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION OF RUSSIA, a set of cultural centers, architectural monuments and other values ​​that constitute the common heritage of the peoples of Russia. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (1991) to especially valuable objects ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    The totality of cultural centers, architectural monuments and other values ​​that make up the common heritage of the peoples of Russia. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation (1991), the following are classified as especially valuable objects of national heritage: the Moscow Kremlin ... ... Political science. Dictionary.


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