Incorrect entry in the work record on another page. Corrections in the work book entry made by mistake - sample

Human factor is not alien to personnel officers either. Sometimes it happens that the information entered into an employee’s work book (usually about work, transfer, dismissal) turns out to be incorrect - it was entered incorrectly, or in the wrong section, or under the wrong heading. the required number. It happens that a court decision or supervisory authority orders corrections to be made. How to properly cancel an appointment work book? Let's look at an example of a filling sample.

What does the law say about canceling an entry in a work book?

The following are devoted to resolving the issue of incorrect entries in work books:

  • section three of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225;
  • section one Instructions for filling out work books, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 10, 2003 N 69.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that it is impossible to simply cross out or cancel an entry in the work book about work, transfer, award or dismissal. Legal way There is only one way to cancel it - invalidation by making an appropriate entry about it.

General rules for invalidating an entry

Every case of correction incorrect entry individual in the work book. Simply deleting an entry in the work book will not work.

Exist general rules, to which all adjustments in this document are subject:

  • corrections can be made both at the place of work where the incorrect or inaccurate entry was made, and by the new employer on the basis of an official document of the employer who made the mistake;
  • the corrected information must fully comply with the document on the basis of which it was corrected;
  • witness testimony cannot be the basis for correcting previously made entries, with some exceptions;
  • Crossing out (blurring out, etc.) inaccurate or incorrect entries in the sections of the work book “Information about work” or “Information about awards” is not allowed; their change is carried out by declaring them invalid and further making correct entries.

Employment history - main document, confirming the citizen’s labor activity. It is issued only once, upon first employment. Next, data is entered into it about all the jobs where the citizen worked throughout his life. All entries in the document are made manually.

Sometimes dismissal records incorrectly indicate the reason and article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It’s easy to make a mistake, because the Code provides for four articles (71, 77, 81, 83) and 48 different wordings of dismissal. Another common mistake when creating a dismissal record is the use of abbreviations when referring to the Code and its sections.

It happens that some entry in the work record is entered incorrectly or loses its relevance. This happens if the employee responsible for preparing the document made a mistake and made an inaccuracy, or the employee’s personal data, for example, his last name, has changed. Information that does not correspond real situation cases automatically invalidate the document. Let us examine in detail how to correct an entry in the work book so that it does not contradict labor legislation.

The main documents regulating the maintenance of employee work books are Resolutions of the Ministry of Labor No. 69 of October 10, 2003 and No. 225 of April 14, 2003.

The procedure for the owner of the document if it is necessary to adjust the entry in the labor record

Some facts

According to the legislation, there is no special list of positions that can make, certify and correct entries in the Labor Code. According to the rules, such work in the organization is appointed by a special order. If the enterprise does not have a personnel department, either the employer himself or any specialist appointed by his order can maintain and correct work books: an accountant, secretary, administrator, office manager, etc. If the job is provided individual, then the law does not allow him to maintain and correct work books.

If an erroneous entry is discovered in his work book or if personal data has changed, a citizen must:

  • submit written statement addressed to the employer with a request for adjustment;
  • submit documents confirming the legality of the information requiring correction. This may be a document from the registering government agencies(passport with new name, certificate of marriage or divorce, etc.). More detailed information You can read about adjusting your last name in your work name on our website.

If a citizen is not employed at the time he discovers an inaccuracy in the document, then he has the right to contact the employer for whom he worked before his dismissal. Changes are made as follows: the name of the organization in which the citizen worked is written as a heading, then a corrective entry is made under the next serial number and certified by the signature of the responsible employee and the seal of the company.

If an incorrect entry is discovered several years after the employee’s dismissal, corrections should be made in the organization where these errors were made. If the organizations no longer exist, then the adjustment must be made by the legal successor or parent organization. In the absence of all listed companies, corrections to the labor report must be made in the regional archive.

A lawyer talks about correcting entries in the work book

Methods for adjusting entries in labor records

If a mistake was made when drawing up a new labor document, then this document is destroyed (written off according to the act), and a new one is issued in its place. If there is any inaccuracy in current document, the error must not be covered up, corrected or erased. Let's consider options for correcting the work book of the 2019 sample, which is presented below. The adjustment is made by making new entry after an erroneous one.

Correction by crossing out irrelevant information is allowed only on the title page and page 33 of the work book. The title page contains information about the owner of the document: full name, date of birth, education, specialty. Changing this information, including correcting the date of birth in the work book, is carried out by crossing out existing information and entering new information. The inside cover contains information about the document on the basis of which the entries are adjusted. They must be certified by signature responsible person and an imprint of the organization's seal.

According to the law, a person’s work activity is reflected in his work book. It is one of the main documents, so employees personnel service should know whether it is possible to make corrections in the work book and how to do it correctly.

What are the consequences of incorrect entries in labor records?

Mistakes made when filling out a work book can lead to the employee being unable to complete pension payments. In addition, this document records the length of service and other information about labor activity.

If you are eligible to receive certain benefits, it is important that all records match established list, otherwise prove your right to preferential pension it will be very difficult.

How corrections are made

HR service employees are required to fill out a work book in accordance with generally accepted rules. They should also know how to correct an inaccurate or erroneous entry in this document. This can only be done on the basis of supporting documents) witness testimony is not a basis.

All corrections in sections of the work book cannot be made by crossing out - this is only allowed title page. Using a proofreader, erasing or erasing entries is strictly prohibited. A work book in which corrections are made incorrectly is considered invalid.

The employer or his authorized person When hiring an employee, they must fill out the cover page in the work book if he has not previously worked. The organization issues the work book, the employee pays for the document form. All personal information is entered on the basis of documents; you cannot fill out the work book “by ear”. After all the information has been entered, the employee must personally familiarize himself with it and confirm its accuracy.

If the cover page was filled out at a previous place of work, the HR employee in the current organization is required to check the accuracy of the data. To do this, the employee must provide supporting documents.

An authorized person is responsible for maintaining and storing work books, therefore erroneous entries must be identified and corrected in a timely manner. in the prescribed manner. For violations and failure to fulfill assigned duties, the responsible person may be subject to disciplinary or administrative responsibility, depending on the severity of the offense.

Basic mistakes

Errors in work books are made quite often. The main reason for this is inattention or lack of basic knowledge. TO typical mistake HR workers may be asked to complete the title page. An incorrect letter in a surname or an incorrect spelling of a name or a typo in the date of birth will result in the document becoming invalid. If an error is made when initial filling, then the form must be replaced with a new one. In the case where a typo occurred due to the fault of the organization’s employees, the employee does not have to pay for the form; the employer does this at his own expense.

If an error in the title page is found in a work book that already contains records of hiring and dismissal, it can be corrected.

Correction of last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth

If an error is made in the employee’s personal data, it can be corrected on the basis of a passport or other supporting documents. After the employee provides them, the HR employee carefully crosses out the incorrect information with one straight line and writes the correct information next to it. It is imperative to make a link to the document that is the basis for the adjustments. Its details and name are indicated on the back of the cover and certified by the signature of the responsible person and the seal of the organization. The same applies to changing your surname due to marriage or divorce.

There are often cases when the name or patronymic of the owner of the work book is written incorrectly. Even one wrong letter can cause great amount problems when applying for a pension. Wrong specified date birth also needs to be corrected. The adjustment procedure in such cases does not have a clear algorithm; each situation is considered individually.

If an inaccuracy is made when filling out the work book for the first time, the document is considered invalid and must be replaced at the employer’s expense.

If the work book is almost completely filled out, you can go to court to get a decision that the work book belongs to a specific person.

Some employers correct this data in the same way as the last name, making a link to the document on back side covers. Then the phrase: “Believe the corrected person” is written, an authorized person signs next to it and puts the seal of the organization. If corrections are made in an arbitrary manner, such a document will raise questions in the Pension Fund.

Adjustment of education and specialty

The personnel officer must know whether corrections in the work book are allowed and according to what requirements they must be carried out. Sometimes the line where education is entered contains inaccurate data. This is due to the fact that at the time of opening the work book the employee had incomplete higher education. Sometimes the person responsible for maintaining work records forgets that it is necessary to update the information. Therefore, an adjustment must be made based on a diploma or other document. The same applies to specialty, qualification and rank. HR employees must remember that in this case they are not making changes, but additions.

Another reason why a work book may be invalidated is illegible entries on the title page. All this information must be written clearly and understandably.

Sometimes, when filling out a work book, a HR employee forgets to put a stamp. This counts gross violation rules To correct this situation, the employee must contact the organization that issued the work book. The seal must be on designated place and do not overlap the entries and signature.

Correcting job information

Often a large number of errors that are made when filling out work books are in the “Work Information” section. This section is one of the main ones reflecting work activity. Every inaccurate or erroneous entry must be corrected in a timely manner so that you do not have to face difficulties when applying for a pension.

The procedure for correcting entries in this section is established by law. If an error is discovered at a new place of work, the employee can contact the previous employer to correct it. If for some reason this cannot be done, the authorized person has the right to correct the entry on the basis of a supporting document.

Make changes based on testimony is possible only if there has been mass loss employer documents in connection with force majeure, which is documented.

When making adjustments to job information, the entry cannot be crossed out. The correct information is entered on a separate line.

  1. The first column contains a sequential number, the second column indicates the date of correction.
  2. In the third column, you must write that the entry under such and such a number is considered invalid, and also indicate the correct information.
  3. In the fourth column, you need to make a link to the document that confirms the legality of the adjustments, record its name and details.

Sometimes there is an error such as writing the name of the organization and position on one line. Since the information itself does not contradict reality and is documented, no corrections need to be made. But the HR manager should be more careful, since the employee has the right to accuse him of incompetence.

Records of dismissal and transfers may be invalidated. Sometimes, due to inattention, a personnel service employee indicates a reason for dismissal, which is not true and prevents the dismissed employee from finding a new decent job. If the employer refuses to voluntarily make the change, the affected employee may take legal action. Then the organization will have to compensate the employee for each forced absence.

Correction of records of dismissal or transfer is done in the generally accepted manner, the same as when hiring. It is indicated which entry and under what number is invalid, and the details of the document that is the basis for the adjustments are recorded.


The employee has the right to demand that instead of a work book that contains a record discrediting him, he is given a duplicate. In this case, the employer must take on all costs and worries when restoring the document. To do this, the affected employee must write a written statement indicating the reasons for issuing a duplicate.

If an employee is fired illegally and has already had an entry made in his work book, he has the right to challenge it. Based on the court decision, he should be reinstated at work. This is in mandatory accompanied by an order in which the affected employee must sign.

Filling the insert

When the work book is completely filled out, the employer is obliged to give the employee an insert. Information about the work cannot be entered into other sections - such a document will be considered invalid.

The personnel officer must not only know whether it is possible to make corrections in the work book, but also how to correctly correct the entries in the insert. It is issued according to the same rules as the work book. In this case, in the main document you need to make a note “Insert issued” and indicate its details. There are no clear requirements where exactly this must be indicated. Usually the mark is placed on the title page in the upper right corner.

The title page is filled out on the basis of the documents that the employee must present. If an error is made when filling out, the form must be destroyed and the employee must be given a new one. This must accompany the act, since the number and series are already in use. A note with new details is also made on the work book.

The insert is filed under the cover of the work book. The numbering in the insert continues according to the number in order. If an error is found in the records, it is corrected in the same way as in the work book.

Since the work book is considered one of the main documents for an employee, any inaccuracies cannot be allowed when making entries in it. If errors are found, they should be corrected immediately. When making changes or additions to the work book, the personnel officer must adhere to the rules for correcting entries that are specified in the Labor Code. This is the main condition on which the answer to the question of how to correct an error in a work book depends.

Common mistakes in the work book

The most common mistakes on initial stage When filling out a work book, there may be inaccuracies in writing the employee’s personal information on the title page. To avoid such a situation, the personnel officer should not fill out the work book according to the employee’s words, but be guided by documents (passport, birth certificate, etc.).

In the process of maintaining a work book, the greatest number of errors are made at the time of filling out the “Work Information” section. To avoid corrections, you need to know the procedure for recording admission/dismissal/transfer records.

  1. Date of hire/dismissal/transfer.
  2. Name structural unit(if this clause is included in the employment contract).
  3. Name of the position, profession, specialty indicating the level of qualification (if any).
  4. Seal of the organization.

Rules for filling out a work book

Labor Code installed special list rules that provide comprehensive explanations of how to correct an error in a work book.

  • The work book must be filled out only in Russian without abbreviations.
  • Information about penalties is not indicated in the document.
  • The basis for making notes is the order of the organization’s management (order) or its copy.
  • Dates are indicated in Arabic numerals only.
  • Entries are made in blue, purple or black pen.
  • All marks are certified by the seal of the organization.

Errors in the work book and their consequences

Errors made when filling out sections of the work book may have unpleasant consequences both for its owner and for the employer himself. For an employee, such negligence of management can cause problems during subsequent employment, since the new management will force him to go to work. previous place work and require payment necessary corrections. In addition, the owner of the work book may be refused registration pension benefit, and in this case, the fact of your legal experience will have to be established only through the court.

For persons who are responsible for processing, filling out and storing work books, inattention and errors in this document may entail financial and administrative liability, namely:

  • fine from 30 to 50 thousand rubles)
  • suspension of the organization’s activities for up to three months (90 days))
  • material payments in the amount wages for each month of unemployment of a subordinate due to the latter’s inability to get a new job.

Changes to personal information on the cover page

In the process of filling out and subsequently maintaining a work book, it is very important to make timely and complete entries with personal information about the worker, which consists of a number of information presented in a certain sequence. First of all, it is necessary to consider the procedure for changing data such as the employee’s full name and date of birth.

Any changes to the title page of the work book must be made on the basis of the documents provided by its owner. Such documents may be:

  • certificate of marriage/divorce)
  • birth certificate)
  • passport)
  • other documents confirming the change of name, surname or patronymic.

Correcting an error in a work book when writing personal information about an employee is carried out in stages.

  1. First of all, you need to cross out the incorrect information (first name, surname, patronymic or date of birth) with one line.
  2. Next, new, correct information is recorded.
  3. Finally, on the inside cover of the work book, special mark, which contains a link to the document that is the basis for the changes. After this, the mark is certified by the seal of the enterprise and the signature of the responsible person (personnel employee).

In the same order, errors that were made in the process of filling out the title page are corrected (for example, the name “Natalia” is written instead of “Natalia”). If inaccuracies in writing the employee’s full name were made at the initial stage of filling out the work book, then in this case nothing can be corrected or supplemented. The damaged document must be destroyed, a corresponding report must be drawn up, and a new one must be filled out in its place. No money will be charged from the employee for a form spoiled by the personnel officer.

Making changes or additions to the education section

There are situations when a person, having an incomplete higher education, applies for a job for the first time, and receives a full higher education only after some time. Those who are responsible for filling out and maintaining work books often miss this fact or simply do not pay attention to it. As a result of such negligence on the part of the personnel officer, a record remains in the work book that the employee has only an incomplete higher education, the basis for which was a student card, a certificate from educational institution or grade book.

Upon receipt of complete higher education You must promptly contact the HR employee at your last workplace and ask him to make appropriate changes to the education section. In addition, you should have supporting documents (diploma) on hand, since on their basis additions will be made to the work book.

All corrections and additions in the “Education” column are made in the same way as when changing an employee’s personal information (crossed out with one line, new ones are written and a note about the change in data is made on the inside cover).

Making corrections to the “Work Information” section

Basically, in the section with information about a person’s work activity, errors are found much more often than on the title page of a work book.

The work book is the main document that contains full information on the work and length of service of a citizen (Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In view of this, it is very important that all marks in it that are taken into account when calculating total experience, were made in accordance with the requirements and rules established regulations. When found incorrect entry it must be corrected in a timely manner.

The Labor Code indicates that there is special order corrections or additions to existing entries in the job information section. If an incorrect entry is identified, its changes are made in the organization where the incorrect entry was made, or at the current place of work.

At the current place of work, changes in the “Job Information” section are made on the basis of documents provided previous employer. If they are absent, the HR department employee does not have the right to independently correct entries in the employee’s work book.

Correction of employment record

When hiring a new employee, a personnel officer may make mistakes and make an entry with the wrong name of a structural unit or position. If inaccuracies are detected immediately, and there are no other entries after the incorrect mark, then eliminating them will not be difficult.

It is very important to remember that you cannot cross out, cover up, or correct errors over an incorrect entry. The Labor Code clearly outlines the stages of correcting errors in the work book and they look like this:

  • after the entry that is subject to correction, the following is placed serial number, date and the entry “Record No. ... is invalid”)
  • then below you should make a new, correct entry.

Along with errors in the name of a structural unit or position, there are others. For example, a record was made with the name of the organization and the position of the employee in one line. In this situation, it is necessary, in the manner indicated earlier, to invalidate the entry made and make a new mark with the correct information.

In the event that after an incorrect entry there are others, then all corrections are made as follows:

  • after last entry the next serial number is entered)
  • Below is a note “Record No.... is invalid”)
  • then you need to make a new, correct entry indicating the serial number and date of correction)
  • the fourth column indicates a link to the document that is the basis for making the entry.

If the enterprise that made the entry with an error is reorganized, then the corrections are made by its legal successor. When an enterprise has been liquidated, the errors can be corrected by the employer from the new place of work, who is obliged to request documents from the subordinate from the archives of the liquidated organization.

Correction of sequence number

If incorrect numbering of entries in the work book is detected, corrections are made in HR department the organization in which the corresponding incorrect mark was made. If the company that was the previous place of work was reorganized or liquidated, the personnel officer from the new place of work can correct the numbering.

To do this, he must be guided official document issued by the previous employer (a copy of the order can be taken from the archives of the liquidated enterprise or from its legal successor). All changes in numbering are made in the same order as when correcting other errors made in the work section.

Correction of records in court

Most employers first of all pay attention to what information is contained in the applicant’s work book, since it is this information that is crucial for signing employment contract with a future employee. In view of this, every owner of a work record is interested in correct design and filling of this document. However, it very often happens that mistakes that you have made are discovered former employer, and therefore it is necessary to go to the previous place of work and ask him to correct the entry in the work book.

Unfortunately, trivial errors occur when making entries about admission, dismissal or transfer from one job to another, which often leads to a reduction in the work experience of the owner of the work book. Subsequently, disputes arise between the employer and the subordinate, which lead them to court.

To achieve justice, the employee must go to court with a claim and demand to establish facts that are not confirmed by any documents, that is, not reflected in the work book. In this situation, you should enlist the support of witnesses who will prove the employer wrong in front of the court. In particular difficult cases you will need to seek advice from a lawyer who will help not only to achieve legal corrections in the work book, but will also tell you how to recover from the employer material damage received due to the inability to get another job in a timely manner.

In practice, there are many variants of errors in the work book. In this material, we tried to collect the most relevant tips on how to correct an error in a work record book.

From the article you will learn:

Employment history

Currently in Russian Federation samples of work books are used, which were approved by Government Decree of April 16, 2003 No. 225. This means that all new work books issued to employees in connection with the start of their working career or the loss of an old document will be in the 2004 format. However, along with them, previously issued sample work records also remain valid and there is no need to change them. We are talking about labor documents drawn up on forms from 1938 and 1973.

If you are in doubt about which sample the employee presented when applying for a job, check out our material: it will help you quickly identify the work record form.

Download documents on the topic:

Note! The exception is the labor books of collective farmers dating back to 1975. This book must be confiscated and replaced with a new one.

Issuance of a work book

In other cases, the employee presents an existing work record book upon employment. According to Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to enter into it information about the hiring of an employee if he has worked in this organization for more than five days. During the employee’s career in a given company, his work record is stored in the personnel department of the organization. Upon dismissal, it is again given to the employee. However, in some cases, he can receive it for temporary use and in the course of working for this enterprise. We talk about them in this .

Information in the work book

The sample work book, approved by Government Decree No. 225, has several main sections. Among them are:

  • a title page containing basic information about the employee;
  • information about work, where information about his places of work is entered;
  • awards data, which displays information about the incentives received by the employee.

Note! Entering information about disciplinary sanctions is not included in the employee’s work book unless it is a matter of dismissal.

Filling out the work book in all cases is carried out personnel worker enterprises. Independent entry of data into the work record by its owner is not permitted. Maintenance of work books is carried out by all categories of employers who engage in work employees, including legal entities all organizational and legal forms, individual entrepreneurs, as well as private practitioners, for example, notaries or lawyers. We talk about which employers are exempt from this obligation in this article. .

Title page

The title page is the main section of the work book, where information about the employee himself is indicated. In the labor sample, approved by resolution No. 225, the document provides for the following data:

  • personal data about the employee, including his last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth;
  • information about the level of education he received, as well as his profession or specialty;
  • date of entering information into the work book;
  • personal signatures of the owner of the employment contract, as well as the personnel service employee who prepared this document;
  • organization seal, which issued the employee a work permit.

Information about awards

The current procedure for maintaining work books provides a fairly clear list of situations in which an employee’s reward should be entered in the appropriate section of the work book. This list includes the following cases:

  • awarding the title, status, order or other award having state status;
  • an award or other form of encouragement provided by the employing organization;
  • another type of incentive that may be provided for by an intersectoral agreement, collective agreement or other document.

Does this list mean that the work book needs to record information about all bonuses issued to the employee, you will find out by reading our specialized about this question.

How to make corrections to a work book

In practice, situations often occur when, when entering information into a work book, a HR specialist makes certain mistakes. This is often due to the lack of experience of a particular employee, however, even experienced workers make common mistakes and clerical errors that also require correction.

Note! In all these cases, it is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements for how to make corrections to the work book. Deviation from these requirements may result in the entry being invalidated. For reference purposes, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the material on how to produce restoration of labor.

The procedure for making a correction in a work book or work books depends on which section the error was made in.

Correcting errors on the title page of the work book

The procedure for making corrections in a work book on the title page, in turn, depends on the reason for making them. The following options are possible here:

  • a correction in the work book must be made due to the fact that an error was made when filling out the title page. In this case, corrections are not allowed: the problem is solved by destroying the damaged work form and issuing a new book. In this case, the employee does not pay work book form, which was spoiled through no fault of his own. However, the employer has the right to recover the cost of the form from the HR employee who made a mistake when filling it out;
  • a correction in the work book is made in connection with a change in the employee’s personal data, which was previously recorded on its title page.
    For example, a fairly common occurrence is a change of surname due to marriage or a change in level of education due to graduation. educational institution. In this case, changes are made by crossing out information that has become irrelevant.
    Above them, new data is recorded in legible handwriting, and on the inside of the cover, located to the left of the title page, the details of the document that served as the basis for the changes are entered. So, in the examples given, these documents are, respectively, a marriage certificate and a diploma of graduation from an educational institution;
  • the need to make changes is due to an error in the work book made by when entering data on the design of the insert. In accordance with Decree No. 225, data on the insert is usually entered or printed in the form of a stamp on the title page of the work. In some cases, it is allowed to record this information on the inside of the cover of the book to the left of the title page. In this situation, you should use the method provided for updating changed personal data: cross out incorrect information and add a new one.

These are cases when it is necessary to use a sample for correcting an error in a work book, except when we're talking about about an error on the title page that was discovered long after its original design. We talk about what to do in this situation in our .

Correcting an erroneous entry

The sample correction in the work book and the sample of the correct edition of the entry must match. This can be achieved using the following algorithm:

  • in column 1 the serial number following the incorrect entry is entered;
  • Column 2 indicates the date the entry was made;
  • in column 3 the wording “The entry with the number ... is invalid” is written, after which the correct entry is made;
  • Column 4 contains the details of the document on the basis of which the incorrect entry was made - if the document itself contained correct information. If the error was in the text of the order or instruction, you should enter the details of the new document here. Finally, if the error was in specifying the details, simply enter the correct data in this column.

You can find out what a sample date correction in a work book and samples of other corrections look like from this .

Correcting a partially incorrect entry

Sometimes it happens that entry made in the labor report cannot be called completely incorrect: it is incomplete or inaccurate. In this case, it is important to understand what is causing the error in the work report and how to correct the sample.

From this you will learn how to correct a mistake in the name of the employing organization.

Correction of an entry in the work book: erroneous entry of dismissal

If information about the dismissal was indeed entered into the work book by mistake, correction of errors in the work book according to the sample is carried out in standard procedure- in exactly the same way as they do, for example, when correcting a date in a work book using a sample date, established instructions, that is, by declaring the entry invalid.

If the employee is reinstated or the basis for dismissal is changed, in addition, when correcting errors in the work book according to the sample in this situation, it should be remembered that the employee has the right to demand the issuance of a duplicate work book, which will not contain incorrect information about the dismissal.

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