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Job responsibilities. Carries out work on extinguishing fires, rescuing people, eliminating the consequences of accidents and natural disasters, ...

For the organization of service in the fire department, officers of the guard are provided, which are: - the chief of the guard, ...

Organization and performance of guard duty 46. Guard duty is carried out by the personnel of the guards and duty shifts of units ...

APPROVED: [Job title] _______________________________ _______________________________ [Title ...
In order to ensure fire safety, the administration of the organization is obliged to provide facilities in accordance with the established norms ...
Size: px Start displaying from page: Disaster transcript 1, Lieutenant Colonel of Internal Service A.A. Gusev 2013 APPROVED Chief ...
Fire safety inspector job Fire safety inspector job in Moscow. Fire inspector vacancy ...
1.9. Personal protective equipment issued to the operator with a chipboard during the performance of official duties on ...
Everyone knows in general terms what a circuit breaker installed in an electrical panel is. Most of...