Details reflecting the stages of document processing and the course of their execution. Requisites of documents - what is this? Requirements for the details of documents What details are not included in the order

Structure details of organizational and administrative documents and the requirements for their design are established by GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork "(hereinafter - GOST R 6.30-2003). However, unfortunately, the following important points are not specified in the text of GOST:

    What set of props need to be used when preparing a certain type of document and further work with it?

    It should be borne in mind here that different types of documents consist of different set of props and that you don't have to use all of them in one document. Some of the details are mutually exclusive. For example, the attribute "Reference data about the organization" and the attribute "Name of the type of document". The first of them is indicated only on letters, and the second - on all other organizational and administrative documents, except for letters.

    What is the main purpose of these or those details and what are they used for?

    Based on the practice of preparing and working with documents, all the details can be conditionally classified according to their purpose. So, there are details that are used on the forms of documents: "State Emblem of the Russian Federation", "Emblem of a Subject of the Russian Federation", "Emblem of the organization or trademark (service mark)", "Code of the organization", "Main state registration number (OGRN) legal entity "," Taxpayer identification number / registration reason code (TIN / KPP) "and others. The attribute "Document text" directly reveals the content of the document. A number of details are used when drawing up a document: "Addressee", "Mark of the presence of an application" and others. The requisites "Document approval stamp" and "Document approval visa" are needed to consolidate the results of the approval process. The requisite "Signature", and in some cases, "Document approval stamp" and / or "Seal stamp" allow the draft document to become a legally binding document. The requisite "A mark on the certification of a copy" is affixed only on copies or extracts from documents in order to certify their authenticity.

    Among the requisites, you can also highlight those that serve to reflect the stages of document processing or the course of its execution... These details include:

    • "Resolution";
    • "Control mark";
    • "A note on the execution of the document and its direction in the case";
    • "A mark on the receipt of the document in the organization.

    Consider the main purpose and methods registrationthe above requisites.

Props "Mark of the receipt of the document in the organization"

Document fragment

Document fragment

From the above fragments, we can conclude that the attribute "Mark of the receipt of the document in the organization" affixed to incoming (or received) documents,more precisely, in the lower right corner of the first sheet. The main appointmentgiven props - this is a confirmation of receipt of an incoming document and its further accounting (see Example 1).

It is worth paying attention to the fact that this requisite is not indicated on internal documents (service notes, memoranda, etc.) when they are transferred from one structural unit to another. Documents in the organization must be registered once: incoming - on the day of receipt, created - on the day of signing or approval. Multiple registration numbers and dates on the document will only create confusion. If it is necessary to record the transfer of a document between departments, then a register of the internal transfer of the document should be drawn up.

When registering the requisite "Mark of the receipt of the document in the organization" is often indicated the abbreviated name of the organization of the recipient of the document (addressee). Such registration is allowed, and several years ago it was mandatory, as it was fixed in the State system of documentation support for management. Therefore, most likely, the mention of the abbreviated name of the recipient organization in the requisite occurs in connection with the established practice of working with incoming documents, which has not yet died out.

Serial number in a props can be supplemented with indices:

  • correspondent index,
  • document type index,
  • subdivision index - executor, etc.

A note about the receipt of a document in the organization most often affixed at the time of registration of the incoming document, which should be carried out on the day the document is received by the organization.

In the Model Instruction for Office Work in Federal Executive Bodies, approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated November 8, 2005 No. 536, the requisite we are considering has two names. Moreover in different sections of the Standard Instructions, not exactly the same requirements are imposed on it. Compare the text passages shown in Table 1.

Table 1.

The question arises: are the document receipt mark and the registration stamp the same? Of course, you can put down two marks, but is it advisable? On the one hand, this approach will take into account the total number of all documents included in the organization, both registered and unregistered. However, on the other hand, two marks containing partially the same data will most likely create confusion when recording and working with documents. Therefore, almost all organizations use only one mark.

Let's try to figure out why the Standard Instruction for Office Work contains ambiguous requirements for the requisite of interest to us.

To do this, we first turn to the previous Standard Instruction, approved by order of Rosarkhiv dated November 27, 2000, No. 68. First of all, it should be noted that its section “Registration of requisites in the process of preparing documents” did not contain any information about the requisite “Mark of document receipt in the organization ". And this is correct, since the details we are discussing are not used in the process of preparing documents, but when processing incoming, already fully prepared documents. At the same time, in the section “Reception, processing and distribution of incoming documents” of the previous Model Instruction, it was specifically about the registration stamp.

When developing a new Standard Instruction, its section "Registration of requisites in the process of preparing documents in federal executive bodies" was rewritten in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003, entered into force on July 1, 2003. Apparently, information about the requisite "Mark on receipt of a document in organization ”was added to this section by accident. At the same time, information about the registration stamp was left in the section “Reception, processing and distribution of incoming documents”.

Hence, we can conclude that the above-mentioned requisite and the registration stamp mean the same thing.

Props "Resolution"

Most of the incoming documents after registration are sent for consideration to the head of the organization or the head of the structural unit. The result of their consideration is the document resolution (see Example 1).

Resolutioncalled propscontaining the order of the head. In other words, the main purpose of the resolution is a reflection of the order of the head, which is made on the basis of the document and is mandatory for execution by a certain official or officials.

It should be noted that resolutions can be passed not only at incoming documents, but also for internal documents: statements, memoranda, explanatory notes, etc.

Document fragment

From the above fragment of the document, we conclude that structure of resolution :

  • Part 1 - surname in the dative case and initials (indicated after the surname) of the performer or performers;
  • Part 2 - the content of the order with an indication of the deadline, i.e. the date when the order must be executed;
  • Part 3 - personal signature of the head;
  • Part 4 - the date of creation of the resolution, drawn up digitally (the day of the month and the month are denoted by two pairs of Arabic numerals, separated by a dot; year - with four Arabic numerals; for example, 11.01.2007).

If the resolution several performers are indicated, then the executor named first in the resolution is considered to be responsible for its execution. The instructions of the remaining executors expresses the requirement of the head to involve them in execution.

The content of the resolution should clearly define the essence of the assignment, the deadline and the form of presentation of the results of the execution. The quality and timeliness of the execution of the order depends on how the content is written. Therefore, the following requirements are imposed on the resolution: clarity, concreteness, brevity. It is inappropriate to use expressions such as "Please execute", "For execution" or preliminary resolutions: "Please talk", "Please come to me", etc.

The resolution must indicate the deadline for the execution of the document, which can be typical (defined in regulatory documents) or individual (determined by the content of the document, as well as the complexity and complexity of the order).

This requisite, as a rule, is written by hand by the head on the original document in a place free of text. However, in the layout diagram of document details, which is an appendix to GOST R 6.30-2003, this attribute is given a place on the right above the document text (see Example 1). Therefore, it is this arrangement of the resolution on the document that occurs most often.

It should also be noted that the design of the resolution allowed on a separate sheet, usually A6 format (10.5 × 14.8 cm), on which the registration number and date of the document must be indicated (a reduced version is shown in Example 2), and it must be attached to the document. After execution resolution sheet must be filed together with the document.

Orders "move" from top to bottom: from managers to their immediate subordinates. In large organizations with a complex structure and several levels of reporting several resolutions can be created for one document with the same content, but different authors and performers. For example, in large organizations, resolutions of top leaders are almost always addressed to their deputies or heads of independent structural units. They, in turn, make new "subordinate" resolutions on the document and entrust the execution to their subordinates, who can be both direct executors and a leading link, imposing another "subordinate" resolution.

Props "Mark of control"

Main purpose of the variable "Control mark" Is a designation that an order created on the basis of a document (i.e. resolution) or what is contained therein (i.e., a fragment of an administrative document) is put under control.

The control mark is denoted by the letter “K”, the word or stamp “Control”, which are applied to the right of the top margin of the first page of the document (see Example 1).

All orders that require execution, both contained in the documents and created on their basis, should be subject to control. Accordingly, the incoming document, after a resolution is passed on it, should be returned to the management documentation service (preschool educational institution) and put under control there. When placing on control, all the necessary information about the order must be entered in the registration and control form.

Props "Mark of the execution of the document and its direction in the case"

In case of high-quality and complete execution of the order, it is removed from control. The removal of the order from control is carried out by the head who established control, or, on his behalf, the preschool educational institution service. An order can be removed from control using the requisite "Mark on the execution of the document and its direction in the case".

If several orders related to one document were created, then the requisite "Mark on the execution of the document and its direction in the case" should be drawn up only after the execution of all orders.

Document fragment

GOST R 6.30-2003. Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork

3.28. The note on the execution of the document and its direction in the case includes the following data: a link to the date and number of the document evidencing its execution, or in the absence of such a document - brief information about the execution; the words "in business"; case number in which the document will be stored.

A mark on the execution of the document and its direction in the case signed and dated by the executor of the document or the head of the structural unit in which the document was executed.

This attribute is drawn up on the first sheet of the document in the lower left corner. The results of execution can be formulated as follows: "The answer was sent from 11.01.2007 No. 11", "The order was issued from 11.01.2007 No. 11", "The issue was resolved on 11.01.2007 by phone", etc. (see Example 1).

From the general list of details contained in GOST R 6.30-2003, namely requisite "Mark on the execution of the document and its direction in the case" issued last. It indicates that the work on the document is completed. After its registration, the document is filed into the file.

1 GOST R 6.30-2003 is advisory in nature for all organizations, except for federal executive bodies. Despite this, the strict implementation of its provisions speaks of a high culture of documenting information and working with documents.

Under the details of a document, it is customary to understand its elements. It is necessary to distinguish between the concept of details as elements of document design (according to the rules of office work) and details from a legal point of view. Consider what details should be in the contract. An agreement is an agreement of two or more persons on the establishment, change or termination of civil rights and obligations. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation) establishes freedom of contract. This means, in particular, that in the contract the parties can include those conditions (those formulations of conditions) that they want. However, it should be remembered that according to Art. 2.1 rules for drawing up the details of documents What days are the deadlines for the execution of documents? 1. In calendar days. 2. In working days. 28. Who can postpone the deadline for the execution of an order received from a superior organization? one.

Which of the following details is not included in the contract

Consequently, the obligatory requisite of the contract is not the name, but its essence. Of course, it is advisable to name the document if only because every time you do not read the main provisions from the document itself. Structure The structure of each agreement is individual: from a primitive listing of clauses to complex divisions into paragraphs and subclauses.

But nevertheless, any agreement must contain the basic structural units. These include:

  1. Introductory part.
  2. Subject (rights and obligations of the parties, terms of payment).
  3. Additional conditions (responsibility of the parties, validity of the document, grounds for changing conditions or termination).
  4. Details of the parties (signatures, seal).

This structure is conditional, but it is adhered to when drawing up almost all types of contracts. Including labor.

Mandatory details of the contract (zubova, e.s.)

Such requisites include:

  • probation;
  • non-disclosure of commercial secrets and material liability;
  • the obligation to work in the organization for a specific period of time, if the company paid for the training;
  • additional insurance conditions;
  • improving the social and living conditions of the employee's family;
  • the possibility of non-state pension insurance.

How to fill out an agreement In order for a document to have legal force, you need to enter into it all the mandatory details provided for in Art. 57 TC. You should also consider all possible controversial issues that may arise during cooperation. Everything that is specified in the contract, in a difficult situation, will be considered in court or inspection.
A document can be drawn up both in writing and in print. The legislation does not regulate exactly how this should be done.

In the event that the employee changes the card or a special bank card is issued by the employer, it will be necessary to amend the employment contract. In this regard, it is better for the employee to indicate his bank details in the application. This document contains the details of a bank card to which the employee asks to transfer wages.

Requisites in the employment contract But if the contract is given one name, but its essence is completely different, then what is the point of paying attention to the name of the contract? Consequently, the obligatory requisite of the contract is not the name, but its essence. Of course, it is advisable to name the document if only because every time you do not read the main provisions from the document itself. Structure The structure of each agreement is individual: from a primitive listing of clauses to complex divisions into paragraphs and subclauses.

Obligatory details of the contract - what is it?

According to the author, the subject of the contract includes the essence of the transaction. In order to determine the subject of the agreement, it is necessary: \u200b\u200b- to reflect in the agreement the type of action for which this or that agreement is concluded (purchase and sale, exchange, rent, donation, rent, contract, transportation, loan, storage, commission, insurance, order, etc. ); - designate the object of the contract. So, in the lease agreement for non-residential premises, it is advisable to indicate the following information: address, area, a detailed list of rented rooms, attach to the agreement (as a mandatory element of the agreement) an explication of the technical inventory bureau, a floor plan.

In the contract for the sale of goods, the proper agreement of the condition on the object is made by defining the name of the goods and specifying the characteristics of the goods. Depending on the type of contract, other conditions may also be recognized as essential.

The composition of the requisites. rules for registration of details


But the same code states that in each document certain details must be mandatory. Only if they are available will the paper be recognized as valid. The simplest option is to use a standard form, in which the details of the contract are already present, and amending it according to the circumstances of a particular transaction.

Rules for drawing up a contract 1. The document must contain all the elements of the structure - we are talking about the details of the contract as part of the design. Clearly indicate the identification data of the parties (including the name of the company, legal form, TIN, and, if necessary, also the address and bank details). You should list the authorized persons who are entitled to the conclusion, and the grounds on which they act.

The seal belongs to the optional details of the contract, in contrast to the signatures of these persons.

Details of contracts: what is important to remember when drawing up a document

The agreement can also be signed by exchange via mail, fax, electronic means. Then the validity of the transaction can be confirmed by the registration of the received documents in the book of incoming correspondence. The place of the conclusion of the contract has another important value.
If the parties do not indicate the price of goods or services in the text of the agreement, it will be determined at the market price, which may vary greatly by region. According to Art. 444 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the place of conclusion of the contract will be the place of residence of the citizen or the location of the legal entity that sent the offer. Finally, when the text of the agreement is not spelled out under which legislation disputes will be considered and its conditions are fulfilled, the law of the region or country in which the person who sent the offer is located is applied.

Details of the contract

But nevertheless, any agreement must contain the basic structural units. Details Taxpayer identification number / registration reason code (TIN / KPP) is affixed in accordance with the documents issued by the tax authorities. The name of the organization that is the author of the contract must correspond to the name enshrined in its constituent documents. The abbreviated name of the organization is given in cases where it is fixed in the constituent documents of the organization.
The abbreviated name (in brackets) is placed below the full name or after it. Reference data on the organization include: postal address; phone number and other information at the discretion of the organization (fax numbers, telex numbers, bank accounts, e-mail address, etc.) The date of the document is the date of its signing or approval. The composition of the requisites.


Option 1

Indicate who is the author of the document:

a) organization;

2. Indicate in which resolution the due date is specified correctly:

a) prepare a response, within 10 days;

b) prepare a response by 25.10.2003;

c) prepare a comprehensive program by 25.10.2003;

d) prepare a comprehensive program for two weeks.

3. Indicate which requisite is not included in the sample order form for the main activity:

a) the name of the organization;

b) the name of the type of document;

d) registration number;

e) place of publication;

f) heading to the text;

4. Indicate with the help of which requisite the external approval of the document is drawn up:

a) approval visas;

b) a signature stamp.

5. Indicate what is the decision date:

a) the date of the project;

b) the date of the meeting of the collegial body at which the decision was made;

c) date of signing;

d) date of agreement.

6. A document drawn up by several persons confirming facts or events is called:

a) act; d) resolution;

b) contract; e) protocol.

c) decision;

7. A list of those present should be drawn up to the protocol as an attachment:

a) if there are more than 5 people present;

b) if there are more than 10 people present;

c) if there are more than 15 people present

d) with any number of those present;

e) if the meeting is attended by invitees from other organizations.

8. Indicate in which case the position, surname, name, patronymic of the author are indicated when drawing up the application:

9. Indicate in which document the payroll of the organization's employees is determined:

a) the number of staff;

b) staffing table.

10. Indicate what is the date of the staffing table:

a) date of signing;

b) date of approval;

c) date of agreement;

d) date of the event.

11. Indicate what the nomenclature of cases is:

a) a list of case headers;

b) a systematized list of case headers;

c) a systematized list of case headers with indication of retention periods.

12. Formation of cases is:

a) grouping of documents into files;

b) grouping of documents into cases in accordance with the nomenclature of cases;

c) systematization of documents within the case:

d) grouping of documents into cases in accordance with the nomenclature of cases and systematization of documents within the case.

13. Indicate what documents are presented by the employee when applying for work:

a) application, passport, work record book, educational document;

b) passport, work record book, educational document, autobiography;

c) passport, work book, diploma, certificate of state pension insurance.

14. Indicate what is the basis for issuing an order to hire an employee:

c) staffing table;

d) internal labor regulations;

e) all the listed documents.

8. Indicate who signs the instruction:

a) the head of the organization;

b) the head of the structural unit;

c) compiler.

a) structural unit;

b) the structural unit and the serial number of the case within the organization;

c) the structural unit and the serial number of the case within the structural unit.

10. Indicate what documents are filed in the case:

a) executed;

b) unfulfilled;

c) originals;

d) draft documents;

e) certified copies.

11. Indicate in which case the employment contract is legally binding:

a) if the employment contract is signed by the head of the enterprise and certified by the seal;

b) if the employment contract is signed by the manager and the employee;

c) if the employment contract is signed by the manager and the employee and certified by the seal;

d) if the employment contract is signed by the employee.

12. Indicate who fills out the personal T-2 card:

a) employee;

b) an employee of the personnel department.

13. Indicate in which case the position, surname, name, patronymic of the author are indicated when drawing up the application:

a) in the genitive case with the preposition "from";

b) in the genitive case without a preposition;

c) in the dative case.

14. A document containing brief information of a bibliographic nature used to collect initial information from job applicants is called:

a) questionnaire; c) summary.

b) autobiography;

15. A document drawn up by several persons confirming facts or events is called:

a) act; d) resolution;

b) contract; e) protocol.

c) decision;

a) organization;

b) the official who signs the document;

c) the person who prepared the document.

17. Indicate where the requisite "Link to the registration number and date of the document" is affixed:

a) under the requisite "Place of compilation or publication";

b) under the variable "Name of the type of document";

c) under the requisites "Document Date" and "Document Registration Number".

18. Indicate on which documents the "Addressee" variable is affixed:

a) on all outgoing documents;

b) on letters, certificates;

c) on all documents.

19. Give a definition of office work:

a) the process of creating and processing documents;

b) movement of documents in the organization;

c) the branch of activity that provides documentation and organization of work with documents.

1.1. Registration of requisites

Standard - a document that establishes the characteristics of products, rules for implementation and characteristics of the processes of production, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, performance of work or provision of services for multiple use.

Document details - inscriptions, which are mandatory elements of official documents registration.

Each document has an individual set of details that reflect its characteristics and purpose.

Document form - a set of details of an official written document, arranged in a certain sequence.

Document blank - a set of details identifying the author of the official written document.

Heading part (details: 01 to 17 and 19) contains information about the organization and primary data about the document itself.

Decoration part (details from 22 to 30) contains details confirming the authenticity of the document and the reliability of the information it contains.


The requisites affect the legal force of the document, so it is important to draw it up correctly in accordance with applicable regulations.

Among the required requisites there are permanent and requisites that change or change completely.

The details of the document are located on the front side of a sheet of paper.

Bilateral execution of documents is allowed when drawing up documents with short storage periods.

It is more expedient to arrange documents subject to long-term storage on one side of the sheet to ensure a greater degree of preservation of the paper.

In accordance with section 2 GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork "the document requisites include 30 elements.

01 - State Emblem of the Russian Federation;

02 - coat of arms of the subject of the Russian Federation;

03 - the emblem of the organization or trademark (service mark);

04 - organization code;

05 - main state registration number of the enterprise;

06 - individual taxpayer number / registration reason code (TIN / KPP);

07 - document form code;

08 - name of the organization;

09 - reference data about the organization;

10 - name of the type of document;

11 - document date;

12 - registration number of the document;

14 - place of compilation or publication of the document;

15 - information about the addressee;

16 - stamp of document approval;

17 - resolution;

18 - title to the text;

19 - mark on the statement of the document for control;

20 - the text of the document;

21 - mark on the presence of applications;

22 - signature;

23 - document approval stamp;

24 - document approval visa;

25 - stamp of the organization;

26 - mark on certification of a copy of the document;

27 - mark about the executor of the document;

28 - a mark on the execution of the document and its direction in the case;

29 - mark on the receipt of the document in the organization;

30 - identifier of the electronic copy of the document.

Scheme 1. Location of requisites and boundaries of zones on A4 format of a corner blank (dimensions are in mm).

Scheme 2. Location of requisites and boundaries of zones on A4 format longitudinal blank.

Scheme 3. Sample letterhead with angular details.

Scheme 4. A sample letterhead with a longitudinal arrangement of details.

Props 01. State Emblem of the Russian Federation

In accordance with the Regulations on the State Emblem, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 30, 1993 No. 2050, the State Emblem is depicted on the forms:

The President of the Russian Federation;

Chambers of the Federal Assembly;

The Government of the Russian Federation;

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation;

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation;

The Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation;

Central bodies of federal executive power (ministries, departments);

Federal courts;

The Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation;

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

The Commissioner for Human Rights;

The Accounts Chamber;

Diplomatic missions, consular offices and other official missions of the Russian Federation abroad.

The image of the coat of arms is located on the top margin of the document centered on the name of the organization.


The coat of arms is not depicted in documents created by non-governmental organizations.

Props 02. Coat of arms of the subject of the Russian Federation

The coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is placed on forms of documents in accordance with the legal acts of the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. As a rule, the emblem of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is depicted on the letterheads of the representative and executive bodies of power and administration of republics, territories, regions, autonomous formations and cities of federal subordination - Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as on the letterheads of organizations under their control. The same applies to the image on the forms of the coats of arms of municipalities (cities, rural settlements).

Props 03. The emblem of the organization or trademark (service mark)

The logo of the organization or trademark (other service marks) are used in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of September 23, 1992 N 3520-I "On Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin of Goods" (as amended and supplemented on December 27, 2000 g., December 30, 2001, December 11, 24, 2002).

Enterprise emblem Is a graphic designation that allows you to distinguish goods and services of some legal entities or individuals from similar goods of others.


The name of an enterprise or institution must not be replaced with an emblem.

The emblem must be officially registered.

The trademark may not be used by others.

If a coat of arms is indicated on the form, the emblem is not reproduced.

The trademark (emblem) is placed on the top margin of the document centered on the name of the organization.

It is allowed to place emblems on the part of the area occupied by the "Organization name" props.

Props 04. Organization code

All registered institutions have an organization code. The organization code is put down according to the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Institutions (OKPO).

Organization code - the author of the document serves to accelerate the transmission of documented information via electronic communication channels and reduce the number of errors that occur when transmitting long and difficult names of organizations.

Props 05. Main state registration number (OGRN) of an enterprise (legal entity)

Props 06. Individual taxpayer number / code of reason for registration (TIN / KPP)

It is affixed in accordance with the documents issued by the tax authorities. The requisite is located on the form to the right or below the requisite 04 according to OKPO.

An example of applying the requisites: 04, 05 and 06 are shown in diagrams 3 and 4.

Props 07. Document form code

The form code is affixed if the corresponding type of document is included in the classifier according to the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation (OKUD), class 0200000. This requisite is printed when drawing up a specific type of document and is included in the reference information about the organization in letterheads, in other cases it is affixed next to with the name of the type of document.

An example of the design and location of the document form code

Props 08. Organization name


Above the name of the organization indicate the abbreviated name, and in its absence - the full name of the parent organization.

The names of organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which, along with the state language of the Russian Federation (Russian), the state language of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, are printed in two languages.

The name of the organization in the state language of the subject of the Russian Federation or in another language is located below or to the right of the name in the state language of the Russian Federation.

The abbreviated name of the organization is given in cases where it is enshrined in the constituent documents of the organization. The abbreviated name (in brackets) is placed below the full name.

The name of the branch, territorial department, representative office is indicated in the event that it is the author of the document, and is located below the name of the organization.

Props 09. Reference data about the organization

This requisite is used only for correspondence and is not stamped on internal documents.

Reference data about the organization include: postal address; phone numbers and other information at the discretion of the organization (fax numbers, telex numbers, bank accounts, e-mail address, etc.).

The postal address is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Rules for the provision of postal services.


The postal address should not contain abbreviated names or conventional signs.

The order of writing the addressee's address:

1) the name of the addressee (for individuals - surname, name, patronymic);

2) street name, house number, apartment number;

3) the name of the settlement (city, settlement);

4) the name of the region, territory, autonomous region, republic;

5) country (for international postal items);

6) postal code;

7) telephone, fax, e-mail and website numbers;

8) bank details (letters on settlement and monetary transactions).

Props 10. Name of the type of document

Type of written document - this is its belonging to the documentation system according to the content and intended purpose.

The name of the type of document drawn up or published by the organization is regulated by the charter (regulation on the organization) and must correspond to the types of documents provided for by OKUD (class 0200000).


The type of document is not indicated in the letter.

Props 11. Date of the document

Date is one of the main details ensuring the legal force of the document.

The date of the document is drawn up in Arabic numerals in the sequence: day of the month, month, year. The day of the month and the month are drawn up with two pairs of Arabic numerals, separated by a dot; year - in four Arabic numerals.

Dates can have a different sequence in accordance with international standards: year, month, day:


It is allowed to design a verbal-digital date:


The date of the document is the date of its signing or approval, for the minutes - the date of the meeting (decision-making), for the act - the date of the event.

Documents issued by two or more organizations must have one (single) date.

After writing the date, the word "year" is not put.

The use of Roman numerals is not allowed.

The date on the document is affixed by an official, directly upon signing or approval.

The date can be handwritten.

Props 12. Registration number of the document

Registration number (index) of a document is a digital or alphanumeric designation assigned to each outgoing (sent), internal and incoming (received) document during its registration. Registration of documents is carried out in accordance with the indexing system adopted in the organization, the basis of which is the serial number of the document.

Depending on the types of documents, the type of office-work system operating in the organization, the availability of classifiers, etc., other components may be added to the serial number, for example, when registering service letters, a case index according to the nomenclature of cases is added to the serial number, and, if necessary, the document code by subject classifier, correspondent code, etc.

On documents compiled jointly by several organizations, the registration numbers of the authors are put down through a slash in the order of the authors' indication in the document. The presence of a registration number on the document indicates that it is included in the information array of the organization and is under its control and responsibility.

The requisite consists of a stencil part "_________ No. _______", which is filled in by hand with the date and registration number.

The requisite is affixed only on reply outgoing letters and includes the registration number and date of the document to which the answer is given:

No. 03-15 / 45 of December 29, 2005

Props 14. Place of preparation or publication of the document

The requisite is used only in general forms and forms of specific types of documents (except for letters). When registering this requisite, the administrative-territorial division of the country is taken into account using generally accepted abbreviations. For example:

Moscow Balakovo, Saratov region

georgievsk, Stavropol Territory. Ivanovka, Mytishchi district, Moscow region.

The place of compilation or publication of the document may not be indicated if the name of the territory is included in the name of the organization:

Samara Academy of Culture and Arts


It is necessary to take into account the administrative - territorial division, since the names of some settlements in different regions may be repeated.

Abbreviation "g." it is not placed in the name "Moscow" and in the names of cities ending in "hail" and "burg".

Props 15. Information about the addressee

Destination Is an organization, structural unit, official or individual to whom the document is addressed.

The requisite is used in letters and internal documents intended for consideration by the management (statements, reports, explanatory notes, etc.). The "Addressee" variable may include a postal address.

The name of the organization and its structural unit is indicated in the nominative case.


"To the joint-stock company" Businessconsult "

The document can be addressed to the head of the organization, in this case the title of the position is indicated in the dative case, including the name of the organization and the initials and surname of the head. The initials are put before the surname:

to CEO

CJSC "Businessconsult"

A.P. Ignatiev

When addressing a document to the heads of a structural unit or specialists, the addressing begins with the name of the organization in the nominative case:

CJSC "Businessconsult"

Chief accountant

I.P. Karpova

CJSC "Businessconsult"

Head of Public Relations Department

S. B. Markin

When addressing an official, an address word is used (academician, gentleman, professor):

To the president of the joint stock bank


mr. Panyukin A.K.

It is allowed to center each line of the "Addressee" attribute in relation to the longest line:

To the chairman of the horticultural partnership

"Zavolzhskie gave"

Kryukin O.P.

If the letter is addressed to an organization, and not to a specific person, the name and postal address are indicated:

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Documentation and Archival Affairs

Profsoyuznaya st., 82,

Moscow, 117393

Sometimes a document has to be sent to several homogeneous organizations at once. Such documents are addressed in general:

General directors of gas industry enterprises

When addressing a document to an individual, first indicate the postal address, then the recipient's initials and surname:

St. Tulupnaya, 10, apt. 32

pos. Alekseevka,

Samara region, 419108

I.S. To the whisperer

When addressing internal documents, you can specify only the name of the department or position, initials and surname of its head.


The postal address is not indicated if the document is sent to the highest bodies of state power and administration, a higher organization, subordinate organizations or permanent correspondents.

The requisite is put down on the document blank on the right.

Try to direct the document to a specific person.

No more than four addresses can be indicated on a document.

Props 16. The signature stamp of the document

A stamp of approval is a requisite of an official document that gives a normative or legal character to its content.

Management documents requiring stamp approval.

Acts, tasks, instructions, standards, lists, reports, plans, programs, regulations, estimates, tariff rates, forms of unified documents, staff schedules, job descriptions, prices for the production of works or services.

The document is approved:

An official (leader);

The publication of the relevant administrative document;

Collegiate body.

When approving a document, the stamp contains the word APPROVED, the name of the position of the person approving the document, personal signature, its decoding and the date of approval:



CJSC "Businessconsult"

Signature A.P. Ignatiev


If a document is approved by an administrative document or a collegial body, then the approval stamp must contain the name, number and date of the document in which the approval decision is recorded.


by order

Director General

CJSC "Businessconsult"

dated December 29, 2005 No. 178

If there are several approval stamps on the document, then they are located parallel (left and right) at the same level.


The stamp of approval must consist of the word APPROVE without quotation marks.

When approving a document, the name of the approving document is given in the instrumental case.

When a document is approved by several persons, their signatures are given at the same level.

Props 17. Resolution

Resolution- this is the inscription on the document, which is affixed by the official and contains the decision made by him.

Instructions for the execution of the document must contain: the surname and initials of the executor, the content of the order and the deadline for execution.

The resolution is written by hand in the heading of the document in any place free from text. It is allowed to issue a resolution on separate sheets of paper indicating the registration number and date of the document to which the resolution relates.

I.S. Botkin

Prepare a draft contract on 26.12.2005

Signature 12.12.2005

If several performers are indicated in the document, then the first person in charge is appointed, but no additional notes are made.

Props 18. Title to the text

Text title Is a summary of the document.

The heading is grammatically consistent with the name of the document type:

hiring order, minutes of the meeting of shareholders, job description of an engineer-technologist, regulations on the department of external contacts, internal labor regulations, order to grant leave to an employee.


The heading is located to the left above the text of the document.

The title to the text is not indicated on A5 documents.

The heading is printed under the requisites of the form without quotes and is not underlined.

There is no full stop at the end of the heading.

The volume should not exceed 5 lines, each line contains no more than 28-30 characters.

Props 19. Mark of document control

The control mark means that the document has been put under control in the course of its execution in order to ensure the established deadlines specified in the resolution, or standard deadlines for execution.

There are two types of deadline for a document:

1) typical deadline for a document - the deadline for the execution of the document, for a group of standard documents (for example, for citizens' appeals) the deadline for the execution of standard requests, etc.;

2) individual deadline for document execution - the deadline for the execution of the document, established by the received document, order or specified in the resolution. All documents requiring execution are subject to control.

In accordance with GOST, a mark of control over the execution is affixed on the most important documents and is indicated by the letter "K", the word or stamp "Control". For clarity, this attribute can be highlighted in color.

Props 20. Text of the document

Document text - this is the main requisite of a document that contains objective and reliable information, set out briefly, accurately, clearly and flawlessly in legal terms.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation on state languages, the text of the document is drawn up in Russian or national language.

The document can be presented in the form of a questionnaire, table, text.

Large texts are divided into paragraphs, clauses, subclauses, sections, which are numbered in Arabic numerals:

1.1 Subsection

1.1.1 Clause Subclause

Large linked text is usually in two parts. The first part indicates the reason, basis and purpose of drawing up the document.

The second part sets out decisions, conclusions, requests, suggestions and recommendations.

In the documents (order, order, etc.) of organizations operating on the principles of one-man management, as well as documents addressed to the organization's management, the text is stated in the first person singular (“order”, “offer”, “ask”).

In the documents of collegial bodies, the text is presented in the third person singular ("decides", "decided").

In joint documents, the text is stated in the first person plural ("we order", "decided").

The text of the protocol is presented in the third person plural (“listened”, “spoke”, “decided”, “decided”).

In documents establishing the rights and obligations of organizations, their structural divisions (regulations, instructions), as well as containing a description, assessment of facts or conclusions (act, certificate), use the form of presentation of the text from a third person singular or plural ("the department performs functions" , "The association includes").

The text in the form of a questionnaire contains constant information about one object for a number of indicators. Questionnaire texts are most often used in personnel and marketing documents.

The text in the form of a table contains information about several objects according to a number of characteristics. Tables are widely used in reporting, planning, financial and other documents.

If the table is spread over several pages, the columns are numbered, and only the column numbers are printed on the following pages. If the document contains several tables, then the word "Table" is written above the table on the right and its serial number is indicated without a sign

Connected text can be composed arbitrarily or based on stencils containing constant information and spaces to add variable information:

The use of stencil texts can significantly increase the speed of drafting documents, while eliminating the stages of text editing and reprinting. The use of stencils is especially effective when drawing up documents on a computer.


The texts of the document are written in Russian when sending them:

1) federal government bodies;

2) to the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

3) in the organization and at enterprises that are not under the jurisdiction of this entity;

4) in organizations and enterprises located on the territory of other subjects of the Russian Federation.

Props 21. Mark of the presence of applications

In the administrative documents, information on the availability of applications is indicated in the text.

Information about the presence of attachments to letters, certificates, plans, reports, etc. is drawn up in the following order.

If the text contains the full name of the application, then the mark about the presence of applications is drawn up in abbreviated form.

Appendix: on 3 liters. in 3 copies.

If the document has an attachment that is not indicated in the text, then in the mark of its presence, it is necessary to indicate the full name of the documents included in it.

Appendix: 1. Typical instructions for office work - 2 pages. in 2 copies.

2. The list of documents, indicating the storage time - 4 liters. in 2 copies.

If a document that already has an attachment is attached to the letter, then the mark about the presence of attachments is drawn up as follows.

Appendix: Lease agreement dated 03.04.2003 No. 07/23 and annexes to it, for a total of 12 pages.

The number of sheets is not indicated on bound attachments.

If a document is sent to several addresses, and the attachment to it is not to all addresses, then this is reflected in the mark about the presence of the attachment.

Appendix: on 3 liters. in 2 copies. only to the first address

On the applications themselves, in the upper right corner, a mark is put down where the word "Application" is written, the application number (if there are several), the name, date and number of the main document in Arabic numerals.

Attachment 1

dated 26.12.2005 No. 76

It is allowed to print the expression "APPENDIX No." in capital letters, also center this expression, the name of the document, its date and registration number relative to the longest line, for example:

Attachment 1

to the order of the director of ZAO Atlant

dated 26.12.2005 No. 76

Props 22. Signature

Signature - this is an obligatory requisite of any document, both official and personal. The "Signature" requisite includes:

1) the name of the position of the person who signed the document (with the name of the organization, if the document is not drawn up on the form, and without the name of the organization, if the document is drawn up on the form);

2) personal signature;

3) transcript of the signature (initials and surname).

General Director of CJSC "Businessconsult" Signature A.P. Ignatiev

When signing a document by several officials, their signatures are placed one below the other, in accordance with the position held:

General Director of CJSC "Businessconsult" Signature A. P. Ignatiev

Chief Accountant of CJSC "Businessconsult" Signature I.P. Karpova

If a document is signed by several persons of equal position, their signatures are located at the same level, for example.

All copies of documents remaining in the files of the enterprise must contain genuine signatures of officials and visa approvals. The only exceptions are copies of outgoing letters, in which, instead of the signature, a mark is put on the certification of the copy.

If the official, whose signature was provided for on the draft document, is absent, then the document can be signed by his deputy or the person performing his duties. In this case, it is imperative to indicate the actual position and surname of the person who signed the document. Fixes "Zam." or "I.O." are entered by hand or by typewritten method, it is not allowed to put an oblique couple or the preposition "for" before the name of the position.

Documents of a collegial body (General meeting of members of JSC, Board of directors, etc.) are signed by the chairman of this body and the secretary.

The documents prepared by the commission indicate not the actual positions of the persons who prepared the document, but the distribution of duties in the composition of the commission (Chairman, Commission members).

The "Signature" attribute is placed under the "Text" attribute and is printed as follows: position - from the border of the left margin; decryption of the signature - after 48 printed characters from the border of the left margin

Props 23. Neck of approval

Agreement - this is a preliminary consideration of the issues contained in the text of the document, which is necessary for making the right management decisions. Coordination can be carried out both with officials within the organization (internal approval) and with officials of other organizations (external approval). External approval also includes approval of the document with public associations (councils of labor collectives, trade union bodies, etc.).

For internal approval, the approval of documents is used, for external - the stamp of approval.

The approval stamp contains the word "AGREED" without quotation marks, the name of the position of the person with whom the document is agreed (including the name of the organization), personal signature, its decoding and date.


Head of Public Relations Department

CJSC "Businessconsult"

S. B.'s signatures Markin


When agreeing a document with a collegial body, the name of the document (in the nominative case), its date and number are indicated in the approval stamp


Shareholders meeting minutes

26.12.2005 № 6

If the document is approved by issuing another document, then the type of document, its author (name of the organization), date and document index are indicated in the approval column:


RAS Presidium Letter

dated 26.12.05 No. 08-124


The requisite "Approval stamp" is located below the "Signature" variable, and if there are several approval signatures, then they, as a rule, are located on a separate approval sheet.

Props 24. Document approval visas

Document approval visa - details of the document indicating the consent or disagreement of the official of the organization - the author of the document with its content.

Document - endorsed depending on the nature and content of the document by the performer, interested officials, responsible persons of the legal, financial and economic services, the deputy head of the organization in charge of this issue, the head of the office management service.

The visa includes the signature of the approver, a transcript of the signature (initials, surname) and date; if necessary - the position of the approver:

Signature A.S. Antonenko


If there are comments on the document, then a note is made about their presence:

Notes attached

Director of the Krasnaya Zarya plant

Signature A.S. Antonenko


Visas are affixed on the back of the last sheet of the original administrative document, on a copy of the sent document (letter).

If significant changes are made to the draft document during the approval process, it must be re-approved. Re-sighting is not required if, when revising the draft document, clarifications are made that do not change its essence.

Props 25. Seal of the organization

Seal imprints depicting the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, the emblem of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the emblem of a city, a region of the Russian Federation, as well as the seals of organizations (with the names of organizations) that do not have the right to depict state symbols (hereinafter - the seal) are placed on documents requiring authentication of the signature in in accordance with applicable law or regulation of the organization. An approximate list of documents on which the seal is put: acts, contracts, powers of attorney, letters of guarantee, instructions, estimates, certificates, charters and regulations on organizations, staffing tables, norms, etc.).

Seals are either official or simple.

Official seal round, in the center is the image of the coat of arms, and the full name of the institution is indicated along the circumference.

Simple stamps in shape can be: round, square, triangular and rectangular. On such seals there is no image of the coat of arms, but only the name of the institution or its structural unit.


The stamp should be affixed in such a way that the stamp of the affixed seal and the personal signature are clearly legible.

Letters made on letterhead do not require certification by a seal.

The list of documents on which the official seal is put:

1) civil law agreements or contracts (on supplies, contracts, joint activities, lease of premises, on the production of work, etc.);

2) employment contracts, contracts of liability;

3) powers of attorney (to receive inventory, conduct cases in arbitration, etc.);

4) acts of acceptance of objects, equipment, work performed, write-off, expertise, etc .;

5) letters of guarantee and commercial letters (for the performance of works, services, etc.);

6) certificates confirming a legal fact;

7) official and personal documents (educational diploma, work books, marriage certificate, etc.);

8) accounting documents (orders, etc.);

9) application for a letter of credit, refusal of acceptance, etc .;

10) orders budgetary, banking, pension, payment (consolidated in the buy for receiving and transferring currency, for imports, etc.);

11) registers of checks, budget orders submitted to banks

12) certificates of payment of insurance sums, deducted and due salaries, etc .;

13) cost estimate (for the production of new products for capital construction, calculation for the contract, etc.);

14) applications for equipment, etc .;

15) travel certificates;

16) samples of impressions of seals and signatures of employees entitled to carry out financial and business transactions;

17) specifications (products, products, etc.);

18) staffing tables and changes to them.

Props 26. Mark on certification of a copy of the document

This requisite is affixed to give a copy of legal force. A note on the certification of a copy of the document consists of the word "true", the name of the position of the employee who certified the copy, a personal signature, its transcript and the date of certification.


Head of Public Relations Department

CJSC "Businessconsult" Signature С.Б. Markin



If a copy of the document is sent to another institution or handed out, then the certification mark is certified by a seal.

The document sent by fax has no legal force, therefore certified copies are sent by mail.

Props 27. Note about the executor of the document

The requisite provides operational communication with the person who drew up the document to clarify and clarify any issues.

The note about the executor includes the surname (or surname, name, patronymic) of the executor of the document and his phone number.

The props are located on the front or back side of the last sheet of the document in the lower left corner.

Yu.P. Kondratieva

248 75 39

Yulia Pavlovna Kondratieva 248 75 39

If the document is to be reproduced, then the mark about the performer is put on the front side.

Props 28. A note on the execution of the document and its direction in the case

The requisite is affixed only on executed documents, which are filed into the case for subsequent storage and use for reference purposes.

Props are drawn up on the first page of the document in the bottom margin.


The requisite includes:

The word "In business";

Case number in which the document will be stored (you can indicate the year);

Signature of the document executor;

The date of the stamp.

The performance mark is affixed and dated either by the performer himself or by the head of the structural unit.

In case 13–45 of 2005

Signature 24.01.2005

Letter sent

23.12.2005 № 01–11/201

In case 7-1 Signature 12/24/2005

Reported by phone to O. A. Antonova 12/23/2005

Into business 02-7

Signature 12/24/2005

Props 29. A note on the receipt of the document in the organization

A note on the receipt of a document in the organization is affixed on incoming documents by hand or using a special registration stamp.

The requisite includes a serial number, date of receipt of the document, hours and minutes, if necessary.

The mark is located in the lower right corner of the front side of the first sheet of the document.

Props 30. Identifier of the electronic copy of the document

ID of the electronic copy of the document Is a mark that is affixed in the lower left corner of each page of the document and contains the name of the file on a machine medium, operator code, date, place of manufacture and other search data accepted by the organization.

It is desirable to specify the full path to the file:

S: Orders for the personnel of Izmailov

GOST R6.30-2003 contains requirements for the forms on which the company's documents are drawn up. In accordance with the requirements of GOST, A4 (210x297 mm) or A5 (148x210) forms are used.

Table 1. Dimensional characteristics of consumer paper formats (mm)

The paper used for the production of letterheads must be white or, in exceptional cases, lightly colored in cream or yellow tones. Forms for documents of permanent storage should be made on paper of the highest grades.

On blank documents, the left margin must be at least 20 mm, the right margin must be at least 10 mm, the top (including the field for requisites 01,02,03,16,19) - at least 20 mm, the bottom - at least 20 mm.

Forms of documents should be produced mainly by printing method. For documents with a temporary storage period, it is allowed to use forms obtained using the means of operational printing (photocopy), as well as reproduce all the necessary details of the form directly when creating a specific document on a personal computer.

Forms that have the State Emblem of the Russian Federation or the emblem of a constituent entity of the Federation as a props and are subject to strict accountability are produced exclusively by printing. The same rule should be followed in the manufacture of letterheads of organizations and the image of the registered logo of the organization.

GOST establishes the following types of forms for organizational and administrative documents for an organization, its structural unit and an official:

1) general form for the manufacture of any type of document (except for a letter);

2) letterhead;

3) a form for a specific type of document (except for a letter).

Forms of all types can be produced on the basis of both angular and longitudinal arrangement of documents. With the longitudinal arrangement of the details, their borders are extended to the border of the right margin of the form.

In cases where the details printed in the national and Russian languages \u200b\u200bare located within the area allotted for the corner version, it is advisable to produce forms with an angular arrangement of details. Moreover, each requisite is indicated above in the national language, and below - in Russian.

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4.3.5. Registration of the transaction Registration of the transaction (structuring) consists in carrying out the following steps :? step 1 - defining and agreeing on the structure of the transaction (term-sheet) ;? step 2 - holding an investment committee - protecting the investment project in front of the investor ;? step 3 -

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1.2. Registration of transactions If third parties interfere in the relationship between the company and its subsidiaries, it is always suspicious, and will be carefully checked, which also follows from the Udmurtneft case. The goods that she bought (through other organizations) were sold by RAO Norilsk Nickel.

From the book Human Resources of the Enterprise: Office Work, Document Management and Regulatory Framework author Gusyatnikova Daria Efimovna

2.6.4. Registration of vacations The basis for granting vacations and issuing appropriate orders is a personal statement of the employee. The application has an arbitrary form, but must contain the following details: position and surname, name, patronymic of the head,

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8.2. DOCUMENTAL REGISTRATION The album of unified forms of primary accounting documentation, approved by the decree of the Goskomstat of Russia dated October 30, 1997 No. 71a, contains only the form of a card for accounting for intangible assets (form No. NMA-1). It is used to account for all types

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4.1. Registration of leave Chapter 19 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the following types of leave: annual main leave, additional leave and leave without pay. In addition, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation also provides leaves for women, persons with family

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Chapter 1. The composition of the requisites of documents In office work there are a number of uniform requirements and rules for the execution of documents, which are established by state normative acts-standards. Compliance with the rules of paperwork provides them: legal

From the book Office work. Preparation of office documents the author Demin Yuri

Chapter 2. Rules for registration of requisites Details are mandatory elements of registration of an official document. Each type of document (order, letter, act, etc.) has a certain set of requisites, which are located and executed on the document in accordance with

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Appendix Registration of standard details of management documents 2.3.1. When preparing standard details of management documents, the provisions of GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system

From the book Modern requirements for the personnel service (department) author Ponomareva Natalia G.

Registration of the travel agency's office If the budget allows, we recommend using the services of a professional designer; Believe me, the money spent on creating a beautiful and disposable office will return regular customers and sustainable sales to you.

From the book Office work of the company author Bad weather Alexander V.

3.4. Registration of vacations In accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, everyone has the right to rest. An employee working under an employment contract is guaranteed paid annual leave established by federal law. Many questions arise regarding the registration of vacations.

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3.5. Formation and execution of cases Formation of cases is a grouping of executed documents into cases in accordance with the nomenclature of cases and the systematization of documents within a case. Only executed documents are filed in cases, in which the requisite "Mark of

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5.2. Documentation To obtain a deferral, installment plan or investment tax credit, a taxpayer must submit an application of the appropriate form, the recommended form of which is given in the Order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. SAE-3-19 / [email protected] from November 21

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1.5. Lack of requisites The previous section contains the requisites that must necessarily be contained in the issued invoices. If VAT is presented for offset on invoices with any missing requisites, then the tax authorities will refuse to

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6 Registration of the research report

From the book Corporate identity of the restaurant author Gribova Natalia Anatolyevna

From the author's book

Presentation of abstracts 1. The text of the abstract is drawn up in a typewritten way, the distance between the lines is one and a half intervals, font - Times New Roman, font size 14; 2. The work is done on A4 sheets. Sheets are numbered (except for the title), and fastened with any acceptable

1.The questionnaire refers to:

2.Starting form The act applies to:

End of form

1. The form of a specific type of document includes the details:




2.The form of the letter includes details:


Form start

3. A form of a specific type of document is created if:

- the document is published more than 200 times a year

End of form

End of form

1.The following do not take part in the development of the nomenclature of cases:


2.In the requisite "application mark" the number of sheets is not indicated if:


3.Document type, document form code is a props



Sections of other documents

6. The sample order form does not include the following requisites:

Form start

7.The requisites are drawn up manually:

- mark on the execution and direction of the document to the archive

Registration number of the document

8. The composition of a document drawn up on a letterhead cannot include the following requisites:


9. In the absence of the head, the signing of the document by the deputy or acting head is executed as follows:

Acting director

End of form

1.The approval stamp, document approval visa are the details


2. Schedule to work refers to:


3. The coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation has:


4. The stamp of approval is a mandatory requisite for documents:


1. Documents in personal files have:


2.Allowed line spacing on A5 page format:

- single

One and a half

3. A document created by a person outside the scope of his official activity or the performance of public duties is:


4. The following paper sizes are not used for letterhead:

5.Allowed line spacing on A4 page format:

One and a half

6. Activities related to management documentation cannot be carried out by:

- any subdivision in addition to the main duties - the head of the personnel department

7. The date of the document is the date of the event for:

8. The activities of the employees of the preschool educational institution are regulated


9.The date of the act is:


10.The activities of the preschool educational institution are regulated


11. The document must not contain more than:


12. A double document is:


13. The positions and number of employees of the organization with an indication of the payroll are fixed in:


14. Documents are drawn up in accordance with the requirements:

- formal business style

15. Date of the document, place of publication of the document - these are the details:

- substantive part of the document

16. The document date is the date of approval for:

Form start

17. The memo applies to:

- background documents

18.Documents delivered by courier are delivered:

- e) a combination of options a), b), c), d) is possible

19. The date of the document is the date of signing for:

Form start

20. The date of the plan is:


End of form

Form start

Genuine document

21. Form start A duplicate document is:

- a duplicate copy of the original document with legal force

22.The date of the document is the date of the meeting for:


End of form

End of form

End of form

End of form

End of form

End of form

1. If the storage periods for the document are not provided for by the standard List, then they are agreed with:


1.The statement applies to:


2. The tasks of SDOU are not:

1. The text of the official document is not presented:second person singular

2. Information and reference are called:

- documents containing information on the actual state of affairs, serving as the basis for making decisions, issuing administrative documents

3.Initials are placed after the surname in the following details:

- resolution,

- "addressee" when addressing a document to an individual

4. The identifier of the electronic copy of the document serves:


5. The use of the abbreviated name of the organization is possible:


6. The initials are indicated after the surname in the requisite:

- resolution

End of form

Form start

End of form

1. Administrative documents include:

2. A copy of the document acquires the legal force of the original in the presence of the requisites:



3 . Information and reference documents do not include:


4. The independent groups of the ORD do not include:



5. The ORD does not include:


5. Execution control is subject to:


6. The organization must certify with the round seal:


7.The goals of document unification include:

- information compatibility of documentation systems

Typification of document forms

8. Each sheet of the document has a margin of 20mm, except for:

9. A copy of the document is:

- a document that fully reproduces the information of the original document and all its external features or part of them, which has no legal force

10.Rational methods of writing a text do not include:


11.Code of the organization, reference data about the organization - these are the details

DOCUMENT HEADER Beginning of the form

12. Organizational documents include:



End of form

1. The maximum size of the "Title to text" variable:

1. Nomenclatures of cases are:


2. The page numbers on the research report are affixed:


3. The nomenclature of cases does not exist of the following types:


4. The nomenclature of cases is:



6.On each page of the document, you can put down the following details:

- iD of the electronic copy of the document


7.The names have the following structural units of the text without fail:

8. Correspondence should not be opened:

9. The inscription "Appendix No." on the document-attachment is placed on the first sheet of a multi-page document:

- top right

10.The letter number is:

11. The following options for registration of the "Approval stamp" variable are incorrect:

12. On a separate sheet, the following details can be issued:

- app mark


Document approval visa

13. The normative act issued by the head of the organization is:

14. The numbering of orders for the main activity is carried out:


15. The name of the superior organization, if any, indicate:


16. The name of the illustration is affixed:

- bottom center

Beginning of form

18. The name of the type of document is an attribute that is not indicated in the documents:End of form

Letter of inquiry, letter of reply, letter of guarantee 19. A set of all the details of an official written document, arranged in a certain sequence, is:

- SAMPLE FORM 20. Form startPage numbers on the ORD are affixed:

Form start21. The contract number is:

-No.17/21 End of form

End of form

Form start

22.The protocol number is:

23. The name of the table is placed:

End of form

End of form

End of form

1. The general form includes the details:

- organization logo or trademark

Name of company

2. The note on the execution of the document and its direction in the case does not include:

3. OKUD stands for:


4.Processing of sent documents begins with:

5. The processing of incoming documents begins with:


6.OKPO stands for:


7. An official document is:

-Ddocument created by a legal entity or individual, drawn up and certified in accordance with the established procedure

8. The organizational documents are intended:


9.A note about the receipt of the document by the organization cannot contain:

10.Remark about control, resolution is the details


11.Distinguishing feature of the formal business style:


12. A distinctive feature of the official business style is the mandatory presence of:

- STABLE WORDS 13. The official document used in the current activities of the organization is:

- official document

14.Explanatory note refers to:

- background documents

15. Mark of the receipt of the document in the organization, the identifier of the electronic copy of the document - these are the details

- formal part of the document

16.Note about the certification of the copy, the note about the performer - these are the details

Formal part of the document

End of form

End of form

1. The following section numbering is correct:


2. Legal an act defining the procedure for the formation, rights, obligations and organization of the enterprise for a long period of time is called:

3 .The first document to endorse:


4. The minutes in the affairs have:


5. The correct spelling of the addressee in the requisite "Resolution" is:

Petrov P.P.

6. The following options for registration of the requisite "Document approval stamp" are correct:


Rector of MTUCI

LP A.S. Adzhemov


by order of the Federal Communications Agency

dated 07.11.2009 No. 12

7. The correct option is to affix a seal to:

8. Correspondence in affairs is available:

- in chronological order

9. A written document is:

- text document containing information captured by any type of letter

10. The priority designation of applications in the text of the document are:


11. The full name of the position is always indicated in the requisite:


12. The decree applies to:


13. The correct design of the "Signature" requisite when drawing up a document on the form is:

14. The work plan of the school for the 2001-2002 academic year was approved by the decision of the pedagogical council. In this case, the following entry for the registration of the "Document approval stamp" variable is correct:

- APPROVED by the decision of the pedagogical council of 12.08.2010 No. 14

15. An authentic document is:

16. In the absence of comments, the requisite "Document approval visa" contains the following elements:

- i have no comment, personal signature, date incorrect unswer

17. A duplicate copy of the original document having legal force is:


18. The letter refers to:


19. The first resolution is usually posted:


20. The following record of the “Addressee” attribute is correct:Director of Moscow School No. 269 T.P. Matveeva

21. The following type of registration of the requisite "Copy certification mark" is correct:Correct Personnel department inspector I.I. Petrova 03/16/2010

22 Beginning of form. Date notation is correct:

- 2006.03.23

03/23/2006 Start of form

23. The regulation on the division refers to:


Form start

24. Orders in deeds have:

25.The original of the document is:

- first or only copy of an official document

26. Form startWhen drawing up, the document is divided into the following parts:

- heading, main and decorative

End of form

End of form

End of form

End of form

1. The requisite "Reference data on the organization" is not compatible with the requisites:

- document approval visa


2. The requisite "stamp of approval" identifies:


3. Props is a required element:


4. The requisite "Resolution" identifies:


5. Administrative documents are intended:


6. The requisite "Reference data on the organization" identifies:

7.The size of the right margin of the document page cannot be smaller:

8. The attribute "Name of the type of document" identifies:

9. The requisite "Performer's note" is located on:


10. The requisite "Document approval visa" for an internal document is placed on:


11. The "Heading to text" attribute identifies:

12. The details of the document "Autobiography" are not:

- registration number,

Title to text

13. The requisite consisting of an inscription on a document made by an official and containing a decision made by him is:


15. The registration number of joint documents is a set of numbers separated by:


16. The requisite expressing the consent or disagreement of the official with the content of the document is:


17. The requisite "Document approval stamp" identifies:


18. The requisite "Document approval visa" for an outgoing document is placed on:

19. The "Organization name" attribute identifies:

20. Signature decryption is affixed at the level:


21. The "Approval stamp" attribute is not compatible with the following attributes:



22. The requisite "Document approval visa" is not compatible with the requisites:

23.The size of the left margin of the document page cannot be less:

24. The "Seal Imprint" attribute identifies:

25. The requisite giving a normative or legal character to its content is:


26. The requisite, expressing the consent of the organization, which is not the author of the document, with its content is:


27. The details of the Order document are not:


28. The requisite "Grif of approval" is drawn up as follows:

AGREED Minutes of the meeting of the Board of the Planeta insurance company dated 21.06.2010 No. 10 Beginning of the form

29. The requisite "Coat of arms of the subject of the Russian Federation" is not compatible with the requisites:

30. Form start The "Company logo" attribute identifies:





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- {!LANG-9b10c76dd4f882429e348101a0964123!}



Form start


- {!LANG-a10f025ec94206e7578acaebc54d50db!}

End of form

36 . {!LANG-0829f0331d13f856a0a57071dd648040!}

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Form start


Form start



Form start


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40. {!LANG-22993fdc9bb7a8cdee3fccc682560ca3!}

- {!LANG-263f130a31135db2d9bf7007e0a1880d!}




End of form

End of form

End of form






- {!LANG-2a63e3b71a4f935bb793389f04c8ff7c!}






- {!LANG-c19fa6365a23aa6ca7ac5b4017995f84!}



- {!LANG-03dbcdb6c121108d50a4e227d565d3c3!}


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10. {!LANG-a748cca74a18c8727e45ea3617cc29af!}

- {!LANG-648a3e9777479deec457378ebd4ae573!}

End of form

End of form








{!LANG-e0064cd64fc20ec57cc51f2e961649d3!} 5. {!LANG-badbbe91d7494a425aa3bd9395b281ba!}


End of form





- {!LANG-bf1f5a6fbbba6de473e774997ac3e707!}

Form start



End of form

End of form














