New partnerships are already over. Partnerships

The most essential element when conducting a particular activity is interaction with other participants in a particular activity. In particular we're talking about about your most important employees and those with whom you created this or that business. Often, over time, your business changes in a variety of ways, and partnerships change accordingly, which are largely determined by simple patterns and dependencies.

Partnerships in business

We bring to your attention some variations in how business partnerships develop depending on certain models. In the future, you can use the information received to create the highest quality relationships.

Of course, not everyone can create their own business, and many people prefer to choose someone to help them. However, invariably, in this case, partnerships appear, which become an important factor in the prosperity of your business and often determine development to a greater extent than economic or commercial elements. In particular, the most significant factor is setting directions and making decisions.

During periods of prosperity, it is not difficult to reach agreement, but during periods of stagnation, partnerships may deteriorate and decisions may not be made in the best way. This is manifested in connection with the initial undistribution of responsibilities and powers. Of course the best is mutual agreement However, in practice, not many business partnerships can thrive when the partners have equal power.


In fact, you should immediately determine to someone a greater degree of proficiency in the matter, and, accordingly, greater responsibility and the ability to make final decisions. Such partnerships involve someone receiving large dividends and opportunities, but this is beneficial for all partners, since such a distribution of responsibility does not lead to stagnation. The holder of great powers always acts more actively for the development of the business as a whole. In addition, functions should be distributed initially. After all, this is the only way partnerships develop without difficulties, regardless of external factors. If the functions are not distributed initially, then with any changes, partnership relations in business become a redistribution of functions between the participants, since everyone will begin to strive to choose something more interesting or profitable, and so on.

Making decisions

In conclusion, a couple more important aspects should be noted. This is the presence of clear guidelines regarding decision-making and dispute resolution. This is the only way that partnerships do not slide into omissions and mutual reproaches and the presence of clear statistics, thanks to which partnerships in business are easily correlated with certain results of activity for a selected time period, that is, it is easier for you to keep track of what you should work on and where you have achieved heights. If you initially follow the suggested recommendations, partnerships will become more harmonious and will not complicate your activities.

Now you know what they are business partnerships, or rather, what elements and stages of development are often correlated with these relationships. We hope that the information offered will be useful to you in the future, and your business will prosper.

OJSC Vyborg Shipyard sincerely congratulates you and the team of OJSC Baltic Bank on your anniversary. Your optimism and dedication are worthy of admiration and respect. Talent, skill and determination have helped Baltic Bank OJSC achieve significant results over 20 years and win the recognition and respect of your partners.
We value our partnerships, based on mutual respect and trust, developed over years of joint cooperation.
We wish you and the team of OJSC "Baltic Bank" financial well-being, interesting endeavors and talented solutions. May luck and success accompany you in everything.

Administration of St. Petersburg government agency"Center social rehabilitation disabled people and disabled children of the Vyborg region" cordially congratulates you and the entire staff of the Kantemirovskoye branch on the 20th anniversary of the Baltic Bank!
Over the years of our cooperation, we have become convinced of the high professionalism, reliability, integrity and responsiveness of the management and employees of the department.
We express our sincere gratitude to you for your fruitful cooperation and express confidence that our partnership will develop and strengthen.
We wish you further success in labor activity, overcome the difficulties of the crisis period without loss, of course, good health and family well-being!

Director of St. Petersburg State University CSRI
Vyborg district
Saint Petersburg
A.V. Skrinnikova

With great pleasure and from the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate your organization and all its employees on the glorious and impressive anniversary - the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Baltic Bank! I express to you and yours to the workforce on behalf of the students and employees of Pskov orphanage many thanks for charitable assistance and cooperation! We sincerely hope that the good relationship that has developed between us will receive further fruitful development.
We wish you and your colleagues success in your work, prosperity, peace and happiness!

Administration of the municipal educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care, “Orphanage No. 1” (mixed) in Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, expresses sincere gratitude for the help provided to the pupils of our institution.
Thanks to you, we were able to update the furniture in the groups of our students.
We wish you prosperity, financial well-being, congratulations on your anniversary!

State Administration regional institution"Murmansk Center social assistance family and children" thanks the team of OJSC "Baltic Bank" for financial support in the acquisition of office equipment and fruitful cooperation. We wish you prosperity and success in your activities.

GOU SOSSZN “Murmansk Center for Assistance to Children Without Parental Care” expresses gratitude for the charitable assistance provided in the amount of 70,000 rubles to improve the stay of our pupils at the center. Cash were spent on purchasing beds, a drinking tank, and clothes (socks).

The administration of the Municipal Institution “Orphanage No. 2” in Petrozavodsk cordially thanks you and the Bank’s team for your assistance in purchasing clothes and shoes for orphans and children without parental care.
Our students wish the Baltic Bank success, financial well-being and prosperity.

The administration of the municipal children's home "Solnyshko", where 70 orphans, disabled children, children of HIV-infected mothers and children left without parental care live and are raised, sincerely expresses gratitude to you for the services provided financial assistance in the amount of 70,000 rubles. With gratitude for your attention.
We wish you success and prosperity.
We are always glad to see you as our guest.

The Baltic Bank donates money to orphanages and an ultrasound machine to the Veliky Novgorod hospital, the press service of the Veliky Novgorod administration reported this to the Veliky news agency.
Two Novgorod institutions for orphans and children without parental care recently received charitable assistance from Baltic Bank in the amount of 70 thousand rubles each.
President of the Baltic Bank Oleg Shigaev, in a letter addressed to the Mayor of Veliky Novgorod Yuri Bobryshev, announced that for the 20th anniversary of the Bank, which was celebrated in July, the management and staff financial institution“We decided to transfer all the money planned for the anniversary celebration to institutions working with disabled children and children without parental care.” There were 28 such Bank clients in 10 cities. Two of them are in Veliky Novgorod. This Orphanage– boarding school named after. Hero Soviet Union Ya.F. Pavlova and a special (correctional) orphanage for children with disabilities health (both in Derevyanitsy). As reported in the Baltic Bank, 70 thousand rubles were transferred to the accounts of the institutions. The Bank will make another gift directly for the 1150th anniversary of Veliky Novgorod: it will allocate funds for the purchase of an ultrasound machine for the First City Municipal Municipality clinical Hospital" Children's institutions plan to use the gift funds to renovate the premises.

There is a man, he has his own vision of possible relationships and his own interests. There is a woman, she has her own views on relationships and her own plans. These free people sit down and agree on how they want to live together. And then they live according to these agreements...

The essence of partnerships is family relations is that partners cast aside their prejudices about “how things should be in a family in general” and that’s all concrete questions decide for themselves, agree on everything on equal terms and in a free manner.

There is a man, he has his own vision of possible relationships and his own interests. There is a woman, she has her own views on relationships and her own plans. These free people sit down and agree on how they want to live together. And then they live according to these agreements...

What is the opposite of partnerships? If we do not consider completely problematic options, then partnership relations are opposed by a traditional family, where spouses consult with each other, but final decision The husband decides on the main issues of life. A traditional family has a vertical power structure; it is a family with unity of command. But in a family with a partnership there is no vertical power structure; here the relationship is fundamentally “equal”. A synonym for partnerships in the family is democracy, sometimes this construction is called g horizontal family or the I + I family, as opposed to the WE family.

Relationships “as equals” sound nice, but the reality is more complicated. If the partners behave honestly, then the negotiations last a long time: until the spouses come to an agreement, quarrel or get tired. It is difficult to negotiate from an “equal” position.

If I don't interrupt you, then you don't interrupt me either. If I remove emotions from a discussion, then you remove them too...

Is everyone ready to build their relationships this way? Of course not. Partnerships can only be built by civilized people who are ready to talk according to the rules and live according to agreements. And this presupposes the ability to control your emotions, live with your mind, and not just your feelings, and high internal discipline.

Now let’s imagine a jealous man and a woman with PMS next to each other: how realistic is a partnership for them?

What determines whether a particular family will have partnerships or not? First of all, it depends on the ability and desire of the spouses to build such relationships. If a girl is used to being offended instead of negotiating, there will be no partnership with her. If the husband is used to yelling in case of disagreement rather than listening, there is also no need to talk about any partnership. If spouses respect each other, then in a partnership they will always listen carefully to each other and conduct discussions on equal terms. In a family with a partnership, parents try to have the same style of conversation even with small children, emphasizing that the child’s opinion is very important to them.

However, more often this more like a game into a partnership rather than a true partnership. Partnership begins with negotiations , with the ability to formulate your position, defend your conditions and indicate your obligations. Can our children aged 5-7 years old do this? Unique - yes, normal - no. Ordinary children can talk well about what they want, but few children know how to carry out agreements on their own. One way or another, in most reasonable families, the child’s desire, until it is supported by contributions on his part and his responsibility, “weighs” less than the word of an adult.

Partnerships can also be unequal

Partnership relationships really “stand” in equal negotiations, but to say that partnerships in the family are always relationships “on equal terms” is incorrect. It is enough for a family consisting of a husband, wife and children to find themselves high in the mountains with heavy backpacks and dangerous situation, how all equality disappears in any partnership: adults take their children in their arms or hold them by the hand, the wife obeys her husband, and the husband carries the heaviest backpacks and is responsible for everyone. However, in the kitchen the situation can turn exactly the opposite, and in any partnership the wife will be in command in the kitchen. Also, if a husband and wife go to the market and the husband knows little about shopping, the wife will have the deciding vote. They are in a partnership, they respect each other and the wife will take into account the husband’s wishes, but his main job is to carry heavy bags, and the wife’s job is to choose necessary products. Indeed, in families with partnerships, there is often a situation when the husband and wife share areas of responsibility, and in some area the husband has the final say, and in another area, the wife has the final say. It is the specifics of the situation that often determine whose word in a given situation will be decisive.

However, in many families where relationships are generally partnerships, the preponderance of rights between spouses is determined not by the situation, but by their personal characteristics and the personal situation between them. Free people enter into negotiations on partnerships as equals, but rarely leave as equals. If you are a better negotiator than the other, you have the advantage, but if your partner makes larger contributions to the family and you are a freeloader (freeloader), your position is weak. The same problematic situation someone who is very interested in the relationship and is forced to negotiate with a party who is not very interested in the relationship or, worse, is burdened by the relationship...

God forbid you find yourself in the place of a woman who wants to save her family and is negotiating with her husband who wants to leave the family... If he “so be it” agrees to stay, what bondage conditions can he put up in such a “partnership” relationship?

Inequality in partnerships is a common thing; some inequality in a relationship does not make the relationship “not a partnership.” Simply, the less equality there is in a relationship, the less of a partnership the relationship is. When equality disappears completely, partnerships disappear completely.

Who is suitable and who is not suitable for partnerships? What are their pros and cons?

Partnerships are not suitable for those who are used to traditional relationships. Imagine the dialogue:

So, okay, now about money: I suggest that each of us contribute equally to general family expenses every month, for example, 30,000 rubles. - Why? My salary is 60,000, and yours is 300,000! If I give half, then you will give half! - Darling, our relationship is equal, so we will invest equal amounts. - But this is not a family! - But you yourself said that we are throwing away the idea of ​​a traditional family and will live as partners, on the principles of equality!

Partnerships are not very convenient for men who are used to being leaders in life and are burdened by excessive democracy. “If I love my wife, why these endless, tedious negotiations? We consulted and I decided - it’s easier and more practical.” Partnership relationships are absolutely not suitable for eccentric women who are accustomed to living by emotions and do not consider themselves obligated to follow agreements.

Partnership relationships are very convenient for men who have not yet worked up. At the stage of agreements, the following dialogue is quite realistic:

Darling, you and I are free people. I undertake to invest the agreed amount into our union and meet you with flowers six days a week. But on Sunday I will be with my mistress. I don’t mind if you take a lover for yourself too. - What are you saying?! - Darling, but we decided not to constrain ourselves with traditional prejudices. We are free people!

Partnership relationships are suitable for men who have had negative experiences in relationships and now want to be sure that their interests and rights in the family will be protected by clear initial agreements. Partnerships are dear to women who lead an active, creative or business-oriented lifestyle. They do not want to be enslaved within a close family framework; freedom is important to them and they are accustomed to respect for their rights.

This freedom, however, comes at a price. : Partnerships create a certain distance in the relationship. There are always rules between partners, and living feelings, if they contradict the rules, are prohibited. In addition, in families with such relationships, it takes a long time to negotiate on any issue, and this is not easy, and if the partners do not have time in reserve and their nerves are not iron, long negotiations often lead to conflicts...

For an ordinary woman, these partnerships are a great test. So far, everything is fine - yes, everything is fine, but if the relationship gets tense, it’s not clear how to get something from the man. He doesn’t hear demands - “What are the grounds for your demands?”, it’s difficult to prove anything to him, logic is not a woman’s strong point, and it’s impossible to be offended and cry, because smart men in the original relationship agreement it was already stated that pressure with feelings is considered manipulation and is prohibited. A normal woman in such a situation simply feels fooled, sooner or later she cannot stand it and throws a tantrum against these stupid rules, which is where the partnership ends for her...

Letter No. 1

Let me express my sincere gratitude for your fruitful cooperation. Thanks to your efforts, our company has acquired new clients and expanded the range of its activities.

We sincerely hope that next year you will continue to remain on the list of our partners. In turn, we promise to reward you with high-quality and decent work that meets the needs of all our clients.

We wish you and your entire friendly team success in your professional career and prosperity!


Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 2

Dear Viktor Alexandrovich,

The administration of the Stroy-master company sincerely thanks the team for the professionalism and integrity shown during collaboration for the construction of the Grand Lux ​​shopping center. We hope to maintain good partnerships in working on new projects.


Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 3

Dear Viktor Alexandrovich,

Our companies have been cooperating for five years, and during all this time there has not been a single case that would make us doubt your professionalism and integrity. We, as before, thank you for your services and partnership.

But, analyzing the results of work on our latest joint project - construction

Shopping center "Grand-Lux", we have come to the conclusion that our company is obliged to express gratitude to your entire team, and in particular to the senior administrator Anna Nikonenko. It is thanks to her prompt decision everyone organizational issues we were able to complete the project on time.

We sincerely hope to cooperate with you many times in the future!


Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 4

Dear Viktor Alexandrovich,

I, CEO LLC, together with its entire team, express my sincere gratitude to the Stroy Master company. Thanks to our joint efforts and a respectable approach to work, our joint project - the construction of the Grand Luxury shopping center - was completed successfully and became a worthy example quality and professionalism.

We hope that we will collaborate with your team many times in the future.


Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 5

Dear Viktor Alexandrovich, LLC is in a hurry to thank you for your cooperation. We are sincerely glad to have the opportunity to work with you on joint projects. We are especially grateful to you and your team for their decency, mutual assistance and serious attitude to work.

We will try to ensure that our partnerships remain mutually beneficial and fruitful in the future.

We sincerely wish you and each of your employees professional growth, financial stability and reliable partners.


Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 6

Dear Viktor Alexandrovich,

Individual entrepreneur Maxim Alekseevich Ivanov thanks LLC for its integrity, efficiency and professionalism in its work. During our cooperation, I was pleasantly surprised not only by the acceptable pricing policy and the quality of your products, but also the high communication culture of your staff.

I wish you new clients and rapid career development.


Maxim Ivanov.

Letter No. 7

Dear Viktor Alexandrovich,

The company sincerely thanks the information publication Pravda for its cooperation. We would like to emphasize your high level professionalism, efficiency and objectivity in covering events.

We hope that in the future our cooperation will become even more fruitful and long-lasting.


Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 8

Dear Viktor Alexandrovich,

The staff of the information publication “Pravda” sincerely thanks the entire administrative and teaching staff of the Patriot Lyceum. Thanks to your efforts, our team managed to organize the festival of youth creativity “Patriotic Autumn”.

We believe that this project marked the beginning of an annual tradition of holding patriotic events among children school age our region.

We wish you grateful students and success in educating young people.


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