Does a one-year-old child need a foreign passport? How long does it take to make an old-style international passport? Does a child under one year old need

Reading time: 9 minutes

To obtain a children's passport for a child under 14 years of age, you need to collect several documents. When planning a trip to other countries with small family members for the first time, you will have to go through this stage. Even if the baby is still just a baby, he still needs a passport, just like adults. It serves to confirm the identity of the owner outside of Russia. You will learn more about documents for a foreign passport for a child under 14 years old and the registration procedure in general below.

Why do you need a passport for children under 14 years of age?

For persons under 14 years of age, a foreign passport is issued for the same purpose as for adults - the opportunity to travel abroad. By Russian legislation it is required for identification as a citizen in another country. Crossing the state border is possible only with a foreign passport, which can be issued in one of two options:

  1. Old model for a period of 5 years. This option is more preferable, because babies change very quickly with age, which is why identifying his personality can become problematic even after 1-2 years.
  2. A new model with biometric data, valid for 10 years. To register, you will need to pay a higher state fee, take a photo on the spot and submit fingerprints, so the baby’s personal presence will be required. Many mothers, wanting to protect their baby from visiting crowded places, still choose and recommend to others the old model.

Is the document required?

It is compulsory for minors aged 14 to 18 to make their own passport. For newborn babies this is possible at any age, but they have another option to travel abroad. The baby can travel around a valid passport parents, but the child must be included in it. This is only possible for the old model. Entering an entry about children into biometric passports cannot be a guarantee of traveling abroad with them. It only confirms the fact of relationship. The microchip of an individual passport can contain information about only one person.

For this reason this method is not very popular. In addition, the method of entering information about the baby into the parent’s passport has several more significant disadvantages:

  1. The baby can travel only if accompanied by a parent. About independent trip abroad with grandma or to camp you can forget.
  2. To include the baby in the mother’s international passport, it is necessary written consent father, which is sometimes difficult to accomplish due to family circumstances. In case of obtaining a visa, this condition is not required.
  3. When moving to another country, each family member must have separate document about the identity card used to issue a residence permit.

Who can issue a passport to a child?

When the person has not yet reached the age of 14 years, this document can be issued at the request of parents or legal representatives. These are the official guardian, trustee and notary confidant. They must attach to the application documents confirming their authority to be the child’s legal representative and to draw up papers relating to him.

Legal regulation

According to the law, the issuance of a passport is regulated by several legal acts, which include the following:

  1. Federal Law No. 114, Administrative Regulations No. 320 and No. 211. The first regulates the process of traveling abroad Russian Federation. According to the regulations, a foreign passport is issued.
  2. Article 333.28 Tax Code RF, Order of the Federal migration service(FMS) No. 320. Fix the size state duty for different types international passports and the process of providing payment receipts.
  3. Clause 17 of order No. 320 of the FMS, clause 27 of order No. 21 of the FMS. They reflect information about the places where an application is submitted for a foreign passport for a child under 14 years of age.

What documents are needed for a child’s passport?

To obtain a foreign passport, parents or a representative of a person under 14 years of age must provide a package of documents, including the following:

  1. Completed application form. The form for it is provided at the place of application, but can be downloaded on the Internet. Its templates for obtaining international passports of different types are slightly different, but in any case you will have to enter the data of the child and the parent, who will fill out the form, entering the child’s last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth, registration, etc.
  2. Original and copy of birth certificate, insert confirming Russian citizenship. The first document on the list is mandatory, because it is the main one for a child at his age. An insert confirming Russian citizenship may be required if necessary.
  3. Copies of all pages of the parent's passport. Necessary to confirm the identity of the baby's representative.
  4. Photo of the baby. The size and texture requirements are the same as for adult photography.
  5. Receipt confirming payment of the fee. Payment details can be obtained from an employee of the FMS department or the Multifunctional Center (MFC). Often the application is accompanied by a receipt for payment of the fee at the bank terminal.

Registration of a passport for a child under 14 years of age

Since a foreign passport for a child under 14 years of age can be issued in the form of an old or new sample, it is necessary to decide on this issue in advance, having studied the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Further instructions for registration are as follows:

  1. Prepare papers: birth certificate, citizenship insert, representative’s passport, photo, state duty receipt.
  2. Submit an application. This can be done on the government services portal or by direct contact at the Federal Migration Service or MFC. IN the latter case Queue or pre-registration possible.
  3. Expect specified period and come for a ready-made document along with your civil passport.

What type of passport is best?

When applying for each type of passport for a child under 14 years of age, there are advantages and disadvantages. After studying them, the parent can make a choice. Pros and cons of the old and new model:

Type of passport for a child under 14 years of age

Old style

  • lower state duty – 1000 or 2000 rubles;
  • the presence of a child is not required during registration;
  • The appearance of children does not change that much over the period of validity.
  • Validity is limited to 5 years only.

New sample, biometric

  • validity period increased to 10 years;
  • microchip protects against counterfeiting;
  • more in demand.
  • high state duty - 1500 or 3500 rubles;
  • the presence of the baby is required;
  • cannot be done in a short time;
  • Children's appearance changes greatly over 10 years, so early replacement may be required.

Where to contact

You can apply for a passport for a child under 14 years old in several places at once. Some of them require you to attend in person, but there are ways to online submissions documents. In general, a passport can be made:

  1. At the branch of the Federal Migration Service (FMS). To do this, the parent or official representative You need to contact the child’s place of residence.
  2. On the government services portal. After registration, you can send your application and scans of all documents to electronic form.
  3. In the single window service in Multifunctional center(MFC). Here the address and date of registration are not decisive. The parent can contact the department closest to their place of residence.

How to get a passport for a child under 14 years old

The procedure for obtaining a child’s foreign passport has several features that are important to consider. The first of them is photography. According to the requirements, it should be like this:

  • photo matte texture;
  • The picture shows the baby without a headdress;
  • photography with the toy is prohibited;
  • The presence of a second person in the photo is not allowed.

Upon receipt biometric passport no photos required. They are done directly when filing papers in a specially equipped booth. Another feature is an insert about Russian citizenship. There is no stamp confirming it on the birth certificate for children born before 2002. For this reason, an insert is necessary. For children born after 2002, this fact confirmed by a mark on the certificate or the citizenship of the parents.

Old model for 5 years

To obtain an old-style international passport, you must contact the FMS or MFC department with the list of documents indicated above. You will need to fill out an application form on site. Its templates for the old and new samples are different, so you should carefully monitor that you are given the right one. Design sequence children's passport for a child under 14 years of age the following:

  • the child’s parent or guardian fills out a form (it can be downloaded in advance on the FMS website);
  • attaches copies of the birth certificate and his passport, photo, receipt of payment of state duty and other documents upon request;
  • transfers the specified papers to an employee of the MFC or the Federal Migration Service (Office of the Federal Migration Service);
  • after receiving the documents, he receives a certificate of acceptance of the documents and a piece of paper indicating the date and place where ready-made passports are issued.

The old-style passport ceases to be valid after 5 years, but it costs a little less - 1 or 2 thousand rubles. depending on the age of the minor. Often such a document is done very quickly, so it is possible that you will not need to wait a whole month, as specified in the legislation. When applying, copies of documents are attached, but due to their absence, your application cannot be refused.

New sample international passport for a child under 14 years of age

The sample application form for a biometric passport is slightly different. When submitting an application, the minor will need to be present in person to have his photograph taken in a special office. The biometric cabin takes 2D pictures and reads the distance between the pupils of the eyes. Photos are applied to plastic card using laser engraving.

Children over 12 years of age undergo a fingerprint registration procedure. For kids younger age it is carried out only after the consent of the parents. Otherwise, the procedure for submitting documents is the same as in the case of an old-style passport. It just has a few features:

  • valid for 10 years;
  • the state fee for a passport is a little more - 1.5 or 3.5 thousand rubles;
  • the presence of a minor is required during registration;
  • It can take more than a month to produce a passport with a microchip, unlike the old type of document.

Production time

According to the law “On the procedure for exit and entry into the Russian Federation” foreign passport the citizen is issued in established deadlines registration When the applicant applies at the place of registration, the document must be prepared 30 days from the date of submission. If the parent does this in another region of the country, the passport will be ready only after 2-4 months. Applicants associated with classified information or a state secret, you should expect the document in 4-12 weeks. Passports of minor citizens are often issued even earlier than the specified deadlines.

How much does a separate passport for a child under 18 cost?

The state fee paid is determined by the type of passport and the age of the minor. For persons from 0 to 14 years old the amount is:

  • 1000 rubles – for an old-style document that expires after 5 years;
  • 1,500 rubles – for a biometric, valid for 10 years.

For older children who are between 14 and 18 years old, the state fee for both types of passports is slightly higher. It equals the following amounts:

  • 2000 rubles – for an old-style document;
  • 3500 rubles – for a new type of foreign passport.

Where to get it

To receive finished document You must contact the place of submission with a Russian passport and a minor’s birth certificate, because this may also be required. On the website public services You can track the status of your submitted application. This way you will know whether the document is ready or not. If the application is submitted correctly, the state services website will indicate exact date issuance and the place where everyone receives a foreign passport.

Payment of state duty

The main option for paying the duty is by bank details, which can be requested at the place of application or found on the website of the local Federal Migration Service. The parent must be indicated as the payer, because he submits all the child’s documents. You can pay the receipt at a bank branch, its terminal or at the post office. Without this document, you cannot obtain a passport for a child under 14 years of age.


How to get a child's passport?

The main problem and confusion with documents today is due to the existence of two types of passports. The old document is issued only for five years and does not contain electronic media. The new type of passport is called biometric. The main difference from the old-style passport lies in the chip embedded in the document, which contains a two-dimensional photograph of the owner and his personal data. Each parent has the right to decide how to prepare documents for their child: choose the type of passport or enter it into their documents. We will discuss below how to correctly fill out the documents to obtain a foreign passport for a child.

Registration of an old-style international passport for a child

The first thing you need to do when preparing documents is to fill out an application for issuing a foreign passport for a child. This can be done by a trustee, guarantor or adoptive parent - a person whose right to represent the interests of the child has been documented.

  • two copies of the application for a foreign passport (filled out on the one hand for the child, on the other for the parent with whom the child is registered;
  • a copy of the international passport of the same parent with whom the child is registered (pages with photos and page with registration);
  • 4 photos of the child (can be black and white or color matte with size 3.5-4.5);
  • copies and originals of the birth certificate and citizenship page (or citizenship stamp);
  • if the child has reached the age of majority, you need the original of his passport and copies of all pages with records;
  • If the child previously had a foreign passport, you need its original and a copy of the photo page.

It is worth noting that the old-style passport is best suited for children 5-6 years old. Since it is issued for a period of 5 years, and over a longer period of time, the child’s face can change greatly and lead to problems at checkpoints.

How to get a new generation passport for a child?

The application form for obtaining a biometric passport is filled out in capital letters and without abbreviations. The main difference from the old-style passport application form is the absence of a clause about the date of registration at the place of residence. In order to fill out the form you also need:

  • if the child is 14 years old - his civil passport;
  • birth certificate;
  • citizenship stamp or page;
  • postal code at the place of registration (registration);
  • mobile and home telephone numbers (parents or child);
  • if there has been an adoption or change of surname, name or patronymic, the relevant document must be submitted;
  • copies of parents' passports.

The documents for the child’s international passport must be as follows:

  • application form;
  • photo in the amount of 1 piece;
  • copy and original of birth certificate and citizenship page;
  • if you have one - a previously issued foreign passport;
  • passport of one of the parents or legal representative and copies of the document;
  • for legal representatives: guardians, adoptive parents, etc. - documents proving the right to represent the interests of the child;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

The presence of children when registering and receiving a biometric passport is mandatory

Adding a child to a passport

If a child is under 14 years of age, any parent can enter it into their passport. Moreover, this can only be done with an old sample document. Biometric passports do not provide this possibility, and if the parents have a new generation document, the child will also need his own passport. If the document is an old sample, then the question of how to include the child in the international passport is resolved as follows:

1. To obtain a foreign passport and simultaneously register a child in it, you need to:

  • application form (2 copies), certified at the place of work or study.
  • 4 photographs (black and white or color matte)
  • civil passport and copies of all its pages. It must be valid both at the time of submitting documents and receiving a passport;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • work book and its copy, as well as the student ID and its copy (for students);
  • child’s birth certificate with a copy and citizenship tab;

Many citizens and families cannot imagine their lives without traveling to various foreign countries. Fans of such trips often take their children, even the smallest ones, with them.

The hassle before departure is connected not only with what to put in the suitcase and without which it will be impossible to imagine a comfortable vacation, but also with the registration of all necessary documents:

  • visas, if required to enter the selected country;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, which will verify his identity on the territory of a foreign state;
  • medical certificates (if necessary);
  • others important papers, provided for by the rules visiting the country.

Of all the listed documents, all people crossing the state border must have a foreign passport.

In most cases, the age of the citizen does not matter.

If internal passport is first issued to a person at 14 years of age, then a “foreign certificate” can be obtained even in the first days after the birth of the baby.

Documents for a newborn

As such, there are no differences between a foreign passport for an adult citizen of Russia and for a child.

However, there are some features for such a document:

  • A child does not have the right to cross the border of a foreign state on his own, but for a newborn baby under one year old this is simply physically impossible.
  • It is possible not to obtain a passport separately for the child, but to enter his data into the adult passport of the parents. In this case, the newborn should be sent to foreign country only with the person whose document contains his information.
  • Children's passports need to be changed more often than adults'. This rule is not official. But from the point of view of quickly changing the appearance of children, the photographs in the document will have to be constantly changed in order to avoid difficulties at the border.

In addition, there are other distinctive features registration of a passport for a newborn.

Which passport option to choose?

IN present moment In our state, there are several types of passports that identify the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of another country:

A biometric passport is an improved version of the old one and has the following features:

  • issued to a citizen for a maximum of 10 years;
  • has a built-in microchip, which contains all the information about the owner of the document (photo, personal data, fingerprints, etc.);
  • a photograph of the individual is taken using a special device directly in the premises of the migration service and transferred to a special plastic page of the international passport;
  • a fingerprinting procedure (fingerprinting) is required, information about which is transferred to an electronic microchip built into the “body” of the passport;
  • The state fee is 3,500 rubles if it is issued for an adult and 1,500 rubles for citizens under 14 years of age.

The old document for traveling abroad differs from the new one in the following ways:

  • does not have a microchip;
  • photograph is produced in the usual way in a photo salon;
  • no need to take fingerprints;
  • The old-style passport is issued for only 5 years;
  • its number of pages is less than that of a biometric;
  • the amount of state duty must be paid in the amount 2,000 rubles for persons over 14 years of age and 1000 rubles– up to 14 years old.

Based on these features, we can conclude that for a newborn child under 1 year old it is better to choose an old-style passport for the following reasons:

  • economic benefit in terms of paying the state fee, which will be only 1,000 rubles, which is associated with frequent replacement of a passport for a child under 1 year old;
  • a more simplified registration option, which excludes a visit to the migration service for the photographic procedure.


Of course, in order to obtain a foreign passport for a child who is not yet 1 year old, you need to collect a certain package of documentation. The right to obtain a passport is granted to the child’s parents or his legal representatives (guardians, for example).

To begin all actions, it is worth noting that the reception and issuance of documents is carried out by:

  • Federal Migration Service, represented by its numerous services located in all regions of the Russian Federation;
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our state;
  • abroad - at Consulates and other diplomatic missions of Russia.

So, the list of required papers for obtaining a foreign passport looks like this:

  • application form for special form in the baby's name. On her on back side there are certain columns in which the data of parents or legal representatives is indicated;
  • original and copy of the internal passport of an adult authorized by Russian law;
  • original and copy of the birth certificate of a child under one year old;
  • if the baby’s birth certificate does not contain a note about his citizenship, then it will be necessary to provide such an insert;
  • black and white photographs of a child made on matte paper. It is necessary to make them in an oval and size 35 mm by 45 mm;
  • a receipt indicating payment of the state duty in the prescribed amount.

As you can see, the package necessary papers not that big. It won't be possible to collect it special labor for an adult. Especially if it was previously in your own name. If it is decided that children have a biometric passport, then you will also have to visit authorized body for taking photographs on the first page and for a microchip with electronic information.

The Russian state distinguishes between a package of documents for an adult who has reached 14 years of age and up to that age.

This is due to the fact that at the age of 14 a citizen is issued an internal passport for the first time and a copy of it must be submitted along with the original in the package of documents for a foreigner.

“Classic” option for submitting documents

The classic option is to submit documents directly to the migration service in person. In this case, the questionnaire (application) is filled out manually or using printed input (computer, laptop, tablet). With this questionnaire, the citizen comes to an appointment with a service employee, stands in line and hands over the documents.

If any errors or inaccuracies are identified in the registration, the application will need to come, pick up and redo it. Sometimes it happens that you have to visit the premises of the migration service several times.

Now there are specialized services that help citizens fill out applications for a foreign passport. However, their services are paid.

Their amount depends on the chosen scope of work of specialists. So, you can only trust what is correct and competent filling questionnaires. Or you can entrust the collection of the entire package of documentation. For many busy people, such help is invaluable.

How to get a foreign passport for a child under one year old through the government services portal

How to simplify the procedure for obtaining a foreign passport, without constant visits to the migration service and others authorized departments? To do this, you can use the website (portal) for the provision of public services. Through your personal account you can home environment Take your time and fill out the personal information.

Before you start working with the portal, you need to register on it.

This procedure consists of several simple steps, which are as follows:

  • Filling out the initial form. For this you will need SNILS and a passport. Fits into certain columns mandatory information. Before sending it to electronic verification, you need to make sure you fill it out correctly.
  • Next, the system will offer several options for activating your personal account. One of them is the method carried out through Russian Post. Another is a personal visit to the Rostelecom office.
  • In both cases, you will be given a special code that must be entered into the appropriate field on the website. Thus, the final and full registration on the State Services portal.
  • You will definitely need to come up with a username and password for yourself in order to use them to log into the site.

So, when the procedure is completed, you can begin to obtain a foreign passport for the child.

The form is filled out in electronic format and is sent in this form directly to the migration authority.

If errors are identified during the verification of documents, the applicant will also learn about them in personal account. In this situation, there is no need to leave the house or workplace to resend the documents.

Rules for children traveling abroad

So, the answer to the question of how old you can get a foreign passport is quite simple - from birth. It's worth knowing that there are certain rules visiting foreign countries with children, including children under 1 year of age.

As stated earlier, kids cannot visit abroad alone. The presence of an adult is required.

In this case, such an accompanying person may be:

  • child's parent;
  • his official representative.

In this case, these persons, of course, need to have their foreign passports in hand and minor children can be entered in them.

This is necessary so that no complications or unnecessary proceedings arise at the border.

Separately, it is necessary to note cases when registration is necessary notarized power of attorney to the accompanying person. Such a document is needed if a citizen who is not included in the passport is traveling with a child to a foreign country.

The power of attorney states:

  • information about the parent who entrusts the accompaniment;
  • data of the person who is granted the right to visit another country with a child;
  • name of the foreign state;
  • the period during which you are expected to stay abroad.

Some foreign Consulates and Representative Offices require a translation of a notarized power of attorney.

A power of attorney is needed if:

  • grandparents and other relatives travel with the child;
  • one of the parents is married, if he is not included in the document;
  • one of the parents if the spouses are divorced.

Knowing these simple, but very important rules, traveling abroad will become pleasant and not troublesome. It is better to familiarize yourself with all the nuances and subtleties in advance, so as not to find yourself in a difficult situation at the border, and even with a newborn baby in your arms. A great journey begins at the border!

From the moment a child appears in the family, every parent traveling abroad thinks about obtaining an identity card for the baby. In fact, this child’s document is not much different from an adult’s.

There is only one difference - minor citizen They will not allow one person to cross the border using this document, since he must be with a parent or guardian.

Why does a child from 1 to 14 years old need a separate passport?

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation number 13, which was approved on January 19, 2010, minor Russians or children with Russian citizenship, cannot leave the country without special identification certificates, or simply - without foreign passports.

Please note: even if the child’s data is entered into his parent’s passport, this does not change anything. The child will still need to obtain an identification certificate. And the information included in the parent’s document will only confirm their connection.

Previously, it was possible to travel with children without a passport, but since 2016 it is no longer possible.

Many parents compare the Russian passport of a minor citizen with a foreign one and confuse some points:

  1. In Russia, a passport is issued only from the age of 14, and a foreign document can be obtained from the moment of birth.
  2. Legal aspect Russian passport – establishes citizenship, shows whether the citizen is an adult, and also shows the child that it is time to become responsible and more serious.
  3. WITH legal point vision, passport valid abroad, only proves the child’s identity and is a so-called pass to another country, but accompanied by an adult.

Thus, a foreign passport for a child is necessary to travel with him outside the Russian Federation.

Other crossing requirements customs points and entry into foreign country The Consulate and Embassy will establish together with the child. You can find out about them in visa center countries which you are going to visit.

List of documents for obtaining a passport for a child in 2019 and state duty

Of course, the registration process begins with collecting documents.

Before going to the Federal Migration Service, make sure that you have prepared all the papers.

The documentation package includes:

1. Application form

You will receive the form at the authority upon application. It will be filled out by the parent or legal guardian, but not by the child. The form contains all important information about the child and his parents.

2. The main document of the child is the birth certificate

You must provide a copy, but you must also bring the original so that the documents can be verified by a specialist.

3. Russian passport, if the child is already 14 years old

4. Identity card of the Russian Federation for adults or one adult

5. If you have foreign passports, you should also provide copies of them

Usually they make the first pages that have a photograph on them.

6. Insert confirming citizenship

7. Information form for changing personal data

It is necessary when a child's last name changes.

8. Documents confirming your guardianship of the child

If the child is adopted.

You can obtain it from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

9. Photo of the child’s face

There must be four photographs black and white, made on paper with a matte surface.

Their size should be 3.5 by 4.5 cm.

10. Receipt for payment of state duty

You will be asked to pay the receipt only after all documents have been accepted. You will have to pay and provide a receipt confirming payment to the authority.

Receipt example:

The state duty in 2019 depends on the age of the child/children.

You can calculate how much you will need to pay yourself using our table:

Type of identity document


State duty amount

Old style international passport

1000 rubles

Old type passport

2000 rubles

New sample foreign passport

2500 rubles

New type of passport

5000 rubles

In addition, if you wish to enter any data into a passport of any type, you will need to pay an additional 500 rubles.

It is known that the validity of the receipt lasts 3 years from the moment you paid state contribution. During this time, you can change the document - for example, if the child’s last name changes.

Who has the right to apply for a passport for a child and where to apply - step-by-step instructions

Let's answer the first question: who still has the right to issue a foreign passport for a child?

Remember only parent or legal representative can take responsibility for a minor citizen and issue this document.

Please note that it does not matter where the child is registered.

The second question to consider is: where to go?

A child's ID card can be issued at:

  1. Directorate or department of the Federal Migration Service.
  2. Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  3. Visa Application Center or diplomatic mission foreign country.
  4. On the government services portal.

To avoid mistakes, follow these instructions:

1. Decide whether you will handle the design yourself documents or contact specialists

2. Decide through what authority registration will be faster for you.

3. You can use the online service of the State Services portal and submit an application without leaving your PC. You will be signed up for specific date when you will have to appear at the migration service department, and then they will determine when you can get new passport per child.

To apply you must:

1) Register on the portal

Important: fill in all the information, otherwise the service may not be provided to you.

2) In the “Service Categories” section, select “foreign passport”

3) Select desired type document

4) Determine the age of the child for whom you are going to make a passport and select the appropriate category

Click on the “Get service” button and enter all the necessary data in the application form.

4) Come to the FMS and provide copies and originals of the documents that we listed above

5) Receive documents at the appointed time

Approximate time for processing documents at the Federal Migration Service: 1 month. You must be notified within 20 days that the document is ready.

The form can be filled out quickly via the state portal website - approximately 20-30 minutes, but online application can save you from standing in queues.

If you apply to other authorities, the procedure for completing documentation is not much different. You will also have to come in person to the organization, provide documents for yourself and the child, and then wait for the new identification certificate to be ready.

Popular questions about obtaining a passport for a child in 2019

We will answer current issues parents and guardians:

- Is it possible to make a foreign passport for a child from 0 to 1 year old?

Yes, you can. You can get such a document for a newborn baby, but you just need to provide the authority with the child’s birth certificate - without it, a passport will not be issued.

- Which international passport is better for a child – the old or the new one?

It's up to you to decide which document is better.

  1. When traveling abroad frequently, it is better to issue a new type of paper. Also, if you do not have financial difficulties, then you should also choose this type of passport.
  2. The validity of a biometric document is longer - 10 years, so it is better to issue it. However, let’s immediately note a minus - the photograph of your child’s face will, of course, change after 10 years.
  3. For rare trips abroad - 1-2 annually - it is worth applying for an old type passport.
  4. The cost of an old type passport is cheaper.
  5. When receiving an old type certificate, the presence of a child under 14 years of age is not necessary.

Many people believe that since a biometric passport is thicker, it contains more information, the better. However, this is not true. The old type of passport also contains all the important information.

- Is it possible to enter a child into the parent’s international passport instead of an international passport?

IN foreign passport In the old type, you can enter information about a child, and you can even paste in a photo of a minor citizen under 14 years of age.

But with biometric document this cannot be done with a new type. Even if a parent indicates information about children in their documents, this will only confirm them family connection. You will still have to issue a passport for the child.

- Can a child under 14 years old independently obtain his/her international passport at the FMS office?

No. We described this in more detail above.

Only his parent or guardian or legal representative receives a passport for a child.

- Who signs the child’s passport?

Remember: signature in this children's document not installed!

However if the child is 14 years old , then he can sign the certificate himself.

- Where can I put a stamp on my child’s citizenship on his birth certificate?

I talked in detail in my articles. And there she briefly mentioned the peculiarities of obtaining a foreign passport for children.

But, since in the comments to these articles questions arise quite often that arise when applying for a foreign passport for a child, and also because this topic is still relevant, I decided to consider this issue in more detail and figure out what to look for special attention when issuing a passport for a child.

Why does a child need a passport?

The answer to this question is quite obvious: for the same reason as for an adult - to travel outside the country. Because according to Russian legislation, a foreign passport is the main document that certifies the identity of a citizen (including a child) abroad.

Is it necessary to obtain a passport for a child?

If we're talking about about children from 14 to 18 years old - definitely “yes”. From this age, children travel abroad only with their own passport.

As for children under 14 years of age, today they can freely travel outside the country not only using their own international passport, but also using the international passport of their parents or legal representative, if information about the child is included in it. True, children can only be entered into the parents’ old-style international passports. In a current or newly issued foreign passport, you can enter the surname, first name, patronymic, place and date of birth of the child and paste his photograph on the corresponding page of the passport.

As for biometric international passports, the Government Resolution adopted in March 2010 established that the information about children included in the parents’ international passport confirms only the fact family relations and cannot fully guarantee travel abroad with a child using such a passport.

Indeed, some new passports have pages designed to record information about children, but they cannot be used for their intended purpose. Because, in principle, information about children cannot be entered into a biometric passport, since the microchip contained in it can contain information about only one person.

Every year the number of new types of foreign passports issued increases. And soon, passports valid for 5 years will probably disappear completely, which means that the procedure for entering information about children into them may itself come to naught. And all traveling children will acquire their own passports.

If you have the opportunity and desire, you can still apply for children under 14 years of age separate passport. This can be done from the very birth of the child, or rather from the moment you receive the birth certificate. A child, as well as an adult citizen, can receive any foreign passport, both biometric and for 5 years (the choice is most often determined by the parents).

Of course, if we are talking about a baby or even a child under 10-12 years old, it is better to issue an old-style passport. Because significant changes in appearance can lead to early replacement passports.

The need to have your own passport is also due to the fact that the child is likely to travel abroad without parents, for example, accompanied by relatives or any third parties. And then without personal passport the child will simply not be allowed to leave the country.

Features of obtaining a passport for a child

The registration procedure, as well as the list of required documents, depend on the age of the child (up to 14 years old or from 14 to 18 years old) and on the type of international passport being issued (biometric for 10 years or an old-style international passport for 5 years).

The service for issuing and processing a foreign passport is regulated by two Administrative regulations, to which we will constantly refer: for old passports for 5 years - No. 320 dated 10.15.2012, for new passports - No. 211 dated 03.26.2014.

How to proceed in each specific case, and what documents will be required, is described in detail on the website of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation and on territorial websites. This is the main source of information that should be used when applying for a foreign passport.

And, nevertheless, in practice, questions very often arise, the answers to which cannot always be found quickly. For example, for how long should I issue a passport for a child?

Which international passport should I issue for a child: for 5 or 10 years?

Now, as before, we ourselves can choose which international passport to issue for a child: a biometric one for 10 years or an old-style one for 5 years. And this choice depends on many conditions and personal preferences. And to accept right decision, you need to understand how these passports differ from each other, and in what situation it is more profitable to issue one or another document.

Biometric passport (valid for 10 years)

His main feature– the presence in the passport of a microchip, which contains information about the owner of the passport, encrypted in digital electronic form. But the registration of such a passport has both positive aspects, and negative.

Advantages of obtaining a new international passport:

  • More pages in the passport (46 instead of 36) and an increased validity period of 10 years. This is good, but in the case of applying for a foreign passport for a child, it is not always relevant.
  • The presence of a microchip better protects the passport from counterfeiting and increases the degree of its reliability, and also allows one to more reliably determine the identity of the owner of a foreign passport.
  • New type passports are more in demand and are more often used in European countries. The information about the owner contained in the chip creates less problems when passing passport control than with a passport valid for 5 years.

Disadvantages of obtaining a new international passport:

  • When applying for a biometric passport, a child of any age must be present when submitting documents. Since an indispensable condition for issuing such a passport is digital photography of the applicant. In our case, minor child, in respect of whom an application was filed by his legal representative.
  • Passport with electronic media impossible to do in a short time.
  • Registration of a biometric passport will cost more: for a child from 14 to 18 years old - 5,000 rubles, for a child under 14 years old - 2,500 rubles.
  • On January 1, 2015, another condition for issuing a new type of international passport appeared - scanning the fingers of the owner of the international passport. This procedure will also apply to children, but only from the age of 12 years. According to the rules, they must be scanned index fingers both hands. If this is not possible, scans of any fingers may be taken (no ink will be used when fingerprinting). When issuing a foreign passport, to confirm the identity of the owner, fingerprints of one of the index fingers and compared with fingerprints previously scanned and stored in the passport microchip.

Old style international passport (valid for 5 years)

In most cases, experts advise children under the age of 12 to issue a passport valid for 5 years. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the appearance of young children changes very quickly.

There are some other advantages:

  • You can issue such a passport for a child under 14 years of age without much hassle, and the presence of the child is not required. Everything that is needed: photographs and documents can be submitted by the parent on whose behalf the application is being submitted, or the child’s legal representative.
  • It is possible to produce such a passport much faster.
  • Registration of an old-style international passport is cheaper: from January 1, 2015, children under 14 years old will cost 1,000 rubles, and children from 14 to 18 years old will cost 2,000 rubles.

Who can apply for a passport for a child?

In order to obtain a child’s international passport, it is necessary to prepare the relevant documents and fill out an application.

According to Russian legislation, this can be done by one of the child’s parents or his legal representative (guardian, adoptive parent, trustee), whose right to represent the interests of the child must be documented.

Grandfathers, grandmothers and other relatives cannot apply for a child’s international passport, since its registration by power of attorney is not provided.

The person who submits an application for a passport along with the necessary documents on behalf of a minor child must also be present when receiving the completed passport.

Special forms are provided for applications:

  • Application for a new generation international passport for a minor citizen under 18 years of age.
  • Application for a foreign passport with a 5-year validity period for a minor citizen under 18 years of age.

The requirements for filling out the application are no different from the rules for filling out the application form for an adult applicant:

  • The text must be typed on a computer (although it is also possible to fill it out by hand, but only in block letters and black or blue ink).
  • Corrections and covering with corrective agents are prohibited.
  • You cannot submit an application on two pages (it will simply not be accepted). It must be printed on one sheet of paper with text on both sides.

The statement states all necessary information about the legal representative of the child and about the child himself, which is provided for in the paragraphs of the questionnaire.

The peculiarity of this form is that information relating to the minor is entered in paragraphs 1-9, and the reverse side of the application (paragraphs 10-18) is filled in with information about the child’s representative. Point No. 9 regarding the presence of a foreign passport must be filled out only when the child has a valid foreign passport.

Sometimes it is difficult to fill out item No. 6 “address of residence” in the application form for a minor, which requires indicating the date of registration of the child at the place of residence. It is not always and not entirely clear where you can find out this information. Obviously, the most correct option is to order from passport office a certificate of family composition, which indicates the date of registration of each resident to this address. Sometimes this information can be found on a stamp on the back of your birth certificate.

On front side statements in designated place a child from 14 to 18 years old signs himself (no one signs on the front side of the application for a child under 14 years old), and back side The questionnaire is signed by the parent or his legal representative on whose behalf the questionnaire is submitted.

Moreover, the signature must be located strictly inside the field intended for it, and it must not touch or go beyond its edges. This is important because this signature is subsequently scanned from the application and printed on the passport form. And in some cases, if this requirement is violated, they may even refuse to accept documents.

Naturally, all information presented in the questionnaire must correspond to reality (that is, be reliable). If some information does not fit, in particular, information about a change of surname, Appendix No. 2, provided for by the Administrative Regulations, is attached to the application.

What documents are needed to obtain a passport for a child?

According to the regulations, in addition to the application, it is required to provide the documents specified in it to the Federal Migration Service. The list of documents for obtaining a foreign passport for a child, new and old, and depending on age, differs slightly from each other.

Documents for obtaining a new generation passport for a child under 14 years of age

  • Statement
  • Child's birth certificate

In some cases, with a document confirming that the minor is a citizen of the Russian Federation, citizenship was not indicated in the old-style certificates. Therefore, children born before June 2002 must have either an insert or a citizenship stamp on their birth certificate.

If one of the child’s parents is not a citizen of the Russian Federation or the child was born abroad, it is also necessary to confirm citizenship (in the latter case, a translation of the birth certificate certified in the prescribed manner will be needed).

A list of documents that can be used to confirm citizenship can be found on the FMS website.

If the child has a new birth certificate, then additional documents are not needed to confirm citizenship, because it is already stated there that he is a citizen of the Russian Federation and his parents are also citizens of the Russian Federation.

  • Passport of one of the parents (legal representative)
  • Documents confirming the rights of the legal representative (documents from guardianship authorities, child’s birth certificate)
  • Child's international passport (if it exists and is still valid)
  • Photo of a child (if the application is submitted on the public services portal, a photograph is attached to the application electronically)
  • Receipt for payment of state duty

Documents for obtaining a new generation international passport for a child from 14 to 18 years old

You must provide the same documents as when applying for a foreign passport for a child under 14 years of age, but the child’s passport is added to the list (documents confirming the child’s citizenship are not required in this case).

Documents for obtaining a passport for 5 years for a child under 18 years of age

The list of required documents in this case is the same as on biometric passport. The only difference is the need to provide photographs of the child (3 pieces measuring 35x45 mm).
All of the listed documents must be presented when applying in person to the Federal Migration Service for photographing and finger scanning (if necessary) when applying for a new generation international passport or when applying for a 5-year passport.

If any documents are submitted for foreign language or documents issued abroad, they must be prepared accordingly (translated into Russian and legalized in the prescribed manner).

Copies of basic documents can be attached to the application. But this is not necessary, and for this reason you cannot be denied this service. A receipt for payment of the state fee is also provided upon request.

How to pay the state fee when applying for a passport for a child?

The state fee must be paid using bank details, which can be found on the websites of the territorial Federal Migration Service and at the place of application for a passport.

When filling out a form to pay the state fee for obtaining a foreign passport for a child, the question often arises: who should be indicated as the payer on the receipt?

Although in practice this issue is interpreted differently, nevertheless, in accordance with the explanations given on the FMS website, a parent who submits an application for a foreign passport on his own behalf to a minor child, also indicates itself as the payer of the duty.

I hope this article will help answer some questions that arise in the process of obtaining a foreign passport for a child. For now, for now...

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