Sample report for inspection of damaged property. Sample act on damage to property of an organization

Drawing up an act of damage to property can cause difficulties for unprepared person. There is no standard model established by law, so you have to be guided by the requirements of civil law.

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In the future, the Act may be required in order to defend your interests in court. Therefore, when drawing up such a document, it is better to use the help of experienced lawyers - they will suggest the correct wording and advise what to pay attention to in the subject area. You must strive to ensure that every phrase in the act is unambiguous and cannot be interpreted in favor of your opponent.

When the act is drawn up

An act of damage to property must be drawn up in several cases. Judging by practice, Honest’s experts would recommend highlighting several components:

Actions of third parties

For entrepreneurs. The act of causing damage to the organization's property is drawn up according to the sample approved by the company. Usually does this legal department. If this is not available, the practice is to assign these responsibilities to the HR department or even to the accounting department.

  • The equipment maintenance engineer made a connection mistake and caused damage to the computer boards.
  • Because of hooligan actions employees have any property damaged.
  • Awkwardness when loading company goods and other situations.

For individuals. The most common situations are damage to a car by hooligans or damage to a car during an attempt to steal: broken glass, damaged doors or locks.


May be required by both organizations and individuals. The property damage report describes everything that was damaged by the fire - from appliances and furniture to walls and ceilings. Such an act is drawn up without assessing the damage itself - the calculation of damage is carried out using a separate examination. Target the said act- record the presence of damage itself.


The most common practice of drawing up a property damage report that lawyers encounter is preparing a report after an apartment has been flooded. Such an act is drawn up by a representative management organization.

Basic requirements for drawing up an act

Because unified sample There is no act of material damage to an organization or an individual, let’s outline what exactly should be in this document.

Total information

In any case, the act must contain the date, number and place of preparation. The person drawing up the act must be indicated - his full name and position.

Composition of the commission

The property damage report must indicate all persons involved in drawing up the report. Depending on the situation, these may be members of the management organization, your neighbors, colleagues or other persons.

Subject part

The main part of the report describes the situation itself and lists the damage in as much detail as possible. Sometimes an approximate amount of damage is indicated - but this figure will not be the final figure. It is important to remember that a property damage report is not a document from which the amount of damage is calculated. Do not confuse the act with an expert report.

  • The nature of the damage is indicated. For example, when an apartment is flooded, it says that the walls are damaged and the wallpaper is peeling off over an area of ​​three square meters.
  • All property damage is listed. For example, an apartment owner points to a damaged TV that does not turn on when the start button is pressed.

For convenience, damage data can be presented in a table.

Important: the act is signed not only by the originator and the culprit, but by everyone characters. For example, your neighbors who are present at the drawing up of the act.

Features of drawing up an act

There is a difference between drawing up an act of causing damage to the property of an organization or drawing up an act of causing damage to an individual. Let's look at the features.


Basically, such an act is drawn up after the apartment is flooded or there is a fire. A representative of the management company draws up the act. The act indicates information about the house and apartment - the number of storeys of the building, the floor on which the apartment is located. It is indicated what measures have been taken to identify the guilty person.

With this act individual can apply for an independent examination - the study will show exact amount damage. WITH expert opinion and with an act of damage to property, a person can go to court to recover compensation for damage from a flood or fire.

Honest has been conducting such examinations for many years. If you have problems drawing up a property damage report, call Honest, our specialists will understand the situation and help you find a way out.


For an organization, it is worth separating the preparation of a report on material damage and the calculation of property damage. If an entrepreneur needs to receive a report after a flood or fire, then the algorithm is the same as in the case of an individual.

If the employee is to blame for causing the damage, then the situation changes:

  • The supervisor of the employee who caused the damage prepares a memo to the director of his organization;
  • An order is signed to create a special commission that will investigate all the facts of causing material damage. A sample act is drawn up by the commission or one already adopted in the organization is used;
  • The commission draws up an act, indicates in it the value of the damaged property, describes the circumstances under which the damage was caused;
  • Conclusions from the study of the situation are recorded.

Please note, according to Art. 240-243. According to the Labor Code, the financial liability of an employee can be either full or limited. At the same time, in a number of cases, the employee’s liability is excluded, for example, when natural disasters, economic risks or lack of provision by the employer necessary conditions- the circumstances are specified in Art. 239. TK.

Honest will help

Honest has been working in the expertise market since 2005. We not only conduct more than 300 examinations a month, we help our clients achieve the truth in the courts. For example, in a situation where an apartment floods, we will be able to assess the damage, help identify who is responsible for the flood, and also begin to obtain compensation for the damaged apartment and the property in it. Call our specialists, they will select the most suitable effective solution for your situation.

8.1. The insurer organizes independent examination(assessment) by issuing a referral for examination (assessment) within no more than 5 working days from the date of receipt from Victim Statement about the insurance payment and the documents provided for in clause 9. of the Instructions, unless a different period is agreed upon by the insurer with the victim. The procedure for issuing a referral for examination is described in clause 9.2.2. and 9.2.3. this Instruction.

8.2. If the Victim refuses to receive a referral from the insurer to conduct an independent examination or provides an independent examination report, it is necessary to obtain written refusal from the Victim during the inspection.

8.3. Inspection of the culprit of the accident, if it is carried out, is carried out in a standard way by issuing a referral for an inspection. The inspection is carried out even if there is no loss in the GURU IS. If there is no loss, the inspection expert will arrange safekeeping inspection report and photographs. If there is a loss, attach an inspection report and photographs to the GURU, the original inspection report is transferred to the administrator.

8.4. An inspection must be carried out in case of damage to a vehicle or other property owned by individuals or legal entities.

8.5. Payments for services provided in the direction of the Insurer are made directly between the Insurer/Representative of the Insurer and the organization providing independent examination services. The policyholder must not independently pay for the services of conducting an independent examination, which was sent by the Insurer/Representative of the Insurer;

8.6. The main tasks of an inspection expert when inspecting a damaged vehicle:

· carrying out initial and additional inspections (if hidden damage is detected during the repair or troubleshooting of the vehicle) in order to establish the circumstances affecting payment insurance compensation, including:

· checking the compliance of vehicle identification data with the submitted documents;

· establishing and recording the presence, nature and extent of damage to the vehicle;

· establishing whether vehicle damage belongs to an event that has signs insured event;

· determination of the types of repair actions necessary to eliminate damage to the vehicle.

Inspection experts are required to highlight “*” items in the inspection report related to external damage that are not included in the accident certificate or notification of an accident, if the applicant has them. Operating defects found during inspection, parts not provided for inspection, parts with traces should also be indicated in the appropriate section of the inspection report. refurbishment.

8.7. The main tasks of an inspection expert when inspecting other property (not a vehicle):

· carrying out initial and additional inspections (if hidden damage is identified during the repair process) in order to establish the circumstances affecting the payment of insurance compensation, including:

· checking the compliance of the identification data of the damaged property with the submitted documents;

· establishing and recording the presence, nature and extent of damage;

· establishing that the damage belongs to an event that has signs of an insured event;

· determination of the types of repair actions necessary to eliminate damage.

8.8. The inspection expert assesses the expected amount of damage based on the vehicle inspection and indicates it when closing the “Carry out inspection” task.

Due to the subjectivity of the assessment method, the amount of damage indicated in the inspection report is of a purely approximate (probabilistic) nature and cannot be used for any other purpose other than to classify the loss by the amount of damage.

8.9. During the inspection, photography is mandatory;

8.10. Based on the results of the inspection, an Inspection Report must be drawn up. Filled in in full The inspection report must be signed by the inspection expert and the Victim or his legal representative(confirmed handwritten power of attorney for the right to provide interests);

8.11. If the Victim asks to be acquainted with the results of an inspection or an independent examination (calculation), the inspection expert informs that for this it is necessary to submit written statement at CUU.

8.12. Damage that does not have a causal relationship with the declared event, traces of restoration repairs and operating defects must also be displayed in the appropriate section of the Inspection Report for the vehicle or other damaged property;

8.13. Additional inspection. Upon receiving information from the Victim about the presence of hidden damage (defects), the expert must go, upon receipt of a referral from the insurer, to the location of the damaged property to draw up additional Act inspection. Based on the results of an additional inspection of the damaged property, the causes of hidden damage and defects and their cause-and-effect relationship with the insured event are determined.

8.14. The full scope of requirements and recommendations for conducting inspections of damaged property is established internal documents(instructions, recommendations, procedures, etc.) organizing an independent examination, taking into account the requirements of regulatory legal acts and generally accepted methods;

8.15. Required results stage “Inspection of damaged property”:

· property inspection was carried out;

· a preliminary damage assessment has been completed;

· the inspection report(s) and photographs of the damaged property are attached to the documents.

04.02.2018, 20:24

An employee of the organization committed an accident, as a result of which he ended up car damaged organizations. It is necessary to record the fact of damage caused by the employee and assess its extent. We will help the HR officer draw up a report on damage to the organization’s property. The sample prepared by our experts is designed to make the work of HR specialists easier.

In case of road traffic accidents, there is no need to create a commission

By general rule Before making a decision to recover damage caused by an employee, you need to create a commission that will determine the causes of damage and the amount of loss incurred by the organization (Article 247 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This is what needs to be done when cases of theft or abuse are detected. official position and damage to inventory items.

The inventory commission, the composition of which is approved by the director, will carry out the mandatory inventory in such cases, drawing up matching statements (clause 3 of article 11 Federal Law dated 06.12.2011 No. 402-FZ, clause 1.5 Guidelines, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 13, 1995 No. 49, clause 27 of the Regulations, approved. by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 1998 No. 34n). Thus, it will be possible to estimate the amount of damage caused to the company. Then, you can draw up an act of damage to the organization’s property (you can download a free sample at the end of the article).

Inventory is a comparison actual availability, condition and assessment of the organization’s property and liabilities with data accounting(clause 1.4 of the Methodological Instructions, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 13, 1995 No. 49).

In some cases, inventory must be carried out in mandatory. For example, these include (clause 27 of the Regulations on accounting and reporting, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 29, 1998 No. 34n, letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2015 No. 07-01-12/76134):

  • compilation of annual financial statements(an inventory of fixed assets can be carried out once every three years);
  • transfer of property for rent (purchase, sale);
  • change financially responsible persons(for example, a cashier);
  • detection of theft, damage to property, abuse;
  • natural disasters and emergencies;
  • reorganization or liquidation of the enterprise.

Sometimes the amount of damage can be determined without creating a commission, based on documents available to the organization. In the event of a traffic accident, such documents may be an invoice from a car service center, documents received from an insurer, etc.

It makes sense to draw up an act

When an employee causes damage, it makes sense to draw up an act of damage to the organization’s property. This document will record the fact of damage and the amount of loss caused to the company. There is no single approved form for such a document, so it can be drawn up in free form. When drawing up the act you must indicate:

  • the date when the organization learned about the loss caused by the employee;
  • the date when the damage occurred;
  • name of the damaged property;
  • market value of the property;
  • signatures of employees present when drawing up the act;
  • signature of the culprit.

Especially for our readers, we have prepared a sample of filling out a report on damage to the property of an organization, relevant in 2018.

Property damage act– a document that records damage caused to inventory items belonging to the enterprise. In this case, the intentionality or unintentionality of the actions that caused the damage to the property does not play a role - the act is drawn up regardless of these circumstances.


In what cases is a document most often written?

An act can be created in a variety of situations:

  • There are common cases when damage is caused to various types of cargo during transportation, loading and unloading (breaks, dents, cracks, breakages, etc.).
  • Damage can be caused by floods inside office premises– interior, furniture, appliances and appliances.
  • It happens that damage to property occurs due to careless or mishandling with him by employees of organizations, etc.

Why is the act needed?

The act relates to primary documentation company, and, being unconditional written evidence of the damage/breakage caused, subsequently becomes the basis for writing off damaged inventory items or sending them for repair.

To an employee directly involved in causing damage to company property, on the basis of this document a measure may be applied disciplinary action. It is assigned depending on how seriously the organization’s property was damaged:

All the nuances of the event are taken into account here, including the presence of intent. In addition, on the basis of the act, the management of the enterprise has the right to demand compensation for material damage from the culprit.

Who draws up the act

The act can be drawn up by any employee of the organization, including job responsibilities which includes this function. It could be the manager structural unit, lawyer, secretary or simply a financially responsible person.

When creating the act, other company employees must be present and act as witnesses to the damage caused. Thus, a special a commission of at least three people, better workers different departments.

If the damaged property relates to high-tech equipment or devices, in order to more accurately diagnose the damage, a specialist from an engineering or service department operating within the enterprise or a third-party expert should be involved in drawing up a report.

Drawing up an act: main points

Today there is no standard unified sample act, so the document can be written in any form or according to a template that operates within the company. At the same time, there are a number certain information, which must be included in it:

  1. Date, number and place of writing, name of organization.
  2. In the main part you should indicate
    • the essence of the damage caused,
    • name and quantity of damaged inventory items,
    • approximate amount of damage.

    If there are several items, it is better to arrange all the data in the form of a table.

  3. You also need to enter
    • information about the culprit: his position, last name, first name and patronymic
    • and the reasons why property was damaged (this point is very important for determining the exact degree of guilt and imposing a fair punishment).

    If the perpetrators cannot be identified (for example, in cases of damage as a result of force majeure: disasters, floods, etc.), this must be clearly indicated.

  4. Next in the act you should write conclusions about the consequences of the damage caused to the property: whether this property can be repaired or whether it needs to be written off.
  5. If there are any additional supporting documents, they must be added to the act, marked as a separate item.

Registration of the act. What to pay attention to

When drawing up an act, as well as when writing it, you can be guided by your own considerations, since the law does not impose any requirements on this parameter. special requirements. The act can be written on a simple blank sheet of paper or on letterhead organizations. You can enter information by hand (any ballpoint pen, but not with a pencil) or type on a computer.

Important! The act must contain the signatures of its immediate compiler and the employees present - their autographs will indicate that all the information entered in the document is correct.

It is advisable to obtain the signature of the perpetrator of property damage, but if he refuses to sign the document, you can make a corresponding note directly in the act or draw up a separate one.

It is not necessary to certify the form of the act with a seal - since 2016, the use of stamped products in enterprises and organizations is necessary only in cases where this is enshrined in the internal regulatory documents of the company.

The act is drawn up in duplicate:

  • one remains in the company and is sent to the accounting department to write off property or allocate money for repair work,
  • the second is transferred to the employee who caused the damage.

If necessary, you can make additional copies of the act.

How to store the act

After drawing up the act and completing all procedures related to his direct participation, the document should be transferred to the archive of the enterprise, where it should be kept for the period statutory or local documentation of the company (but not less than three years), after which it can be destroyed.

Act on damage to property due to flooding of an apartment or office

Flooding of apartments in multi-storey buildings occurs especially often. Offices can also be subject to this problem, as well as free-standing ones. residential buildings. Even if there are no careless neighbors above the premises, flooding cannot be ruled out. There can always be a water supply failure, a breakthrough in the water heating system, a roof leak, etc.

One of the important procedural actions necessary for subsequent compensation of damage is the drawing up of an act of damage to property. It is composed of company representatives called to the flooding site, serving the building(her emergency service) with injured party. This must be done within the first 12 hours after the call. authorized persons. If company representatives do not appear on time, it is permissible to draw up the act without them, inviting uninterested outsiders to the commission. Management company in this case it should be sent written notice, and in the act to reflect that she was informed, but did not participate in drawing up the act due to failure to appear when called.

If the room is flooded due to the fault of a specific person, for example, a neighbor above, he also participates in drawing up the act.

IMPORTANT! If the culprit was not identified, he could not be invited, or he refused, this should be reflected in the text of the act.

This document should reflect the following data:

  • date and exact time establishing the fact of flooding;
  • address of the location of the flooded premises;
  • localization of water masses;
  • the reason that water entered the apartment or office;
  • the culprit of the flood (if identified);
  • mention of witnesses (if there were any)
  • description of water damage (based on visual inspection).

ATTENTION! When describing the damage, you need to indicate not only the condition of the ceiling, walls, floor, but also damage to furniture, papers and other property located in the room. This can be done in the form defective statement, inventory, etc.

The remaining parts of the document (header, date, signatures of commission members) are drawn up according to the basic principles of office work. The laws do not provide for a strict form for the document.

ACT No. 11
inspection of residential premises located at:
G. Nizhny Novgorod, st. Vaneeva, 17, apt. 21
dated August 19, 2017

Based on the statement ( incoming number 134 dated 08/19/2017) from gr. Derevyansky N.Yu. regarding the flooding of the apartment, a commission was formed consisting of:

  • Head of Housing Department No. 2 Morshansky A.P.;
  • engineer of housing department No. 2 Peresvetova T.A.;
  • foreman of housing department No. 2 Nikodimova O.L.

At the time of the inspection, the person responsible for the flooding could not be identified.

The commission conducted an inspection of the residential premises at the specified address.

At the time of the inspection (08/19/2017 at 16:30), the following damage due to flooding was established.

A living room with an area of ​​26 sq.m. was damaged:

  • on the painted ceiling water-based paint, water stains and stains are located over the entire surface;
  • walls covered with non-woven wallpaper have streaks along the entire perimeter and are partially peeling off;
  • the floor (laminate) has swelling at the joints;
  • The door is wooden, painted, swollen and does not close.

The furniture wall in the room was damaged (swollen along the surface adjacent to the wall) and the Sony KDL-32WE613 TV (out of order).

The flooding occurred on August 19, 2017 at 15:45. Were produced following works to eliminate:

  • the riser is blocked hot water at 16:00;
  • hot water supply riser replaced (08/23/2017)

The commission's conclusions: the cause of the flooding is a failure of the hot water supply pipeline (pipe rupture).

Members of the commission:
Head of Housing Department No. 2 /Morshansky/ A.P. Morshansky
Housing department engineer No. 2 /Peresvetova/ T.A. Peresvetova
Master of housing department No. 2 /Nikodimov/ O.L.Nikodimov

I have read the act:
owner of apartment No. 21 /Derevyansky/ N.Yu. Derevyansky

Act on damage to property when performing any work

When unintentional damage to property occurs due to any life situations, for example, performing work, the resulting harm must be compensated somehow. If we are talking about the property of an enterprise, then damaged items must be written off or repaired. The person guilty of damage may be subject to administrative or financial liability. The basis for these procedures is normative document- act of damaged property.

At an enterprise, such an act can be drawn up by an authorized financially responsible employee. The commission must include at least 3 employees of the organization.

ATTENTION! If technically complex equipment is damaged, then a competent specialist should be included in the commission or an expert should be invited.

How to draw up an act

There is no unified form of the act, but it provides for some points that are mandatory to establish the fact of damage to property. As in any official document, the following must be included in the act:

  • name of the organization (or use letterhead);
  • act number;
  • Date of preparation;
  • signatures of the commission members and the person who drew up the act.

The main part of the act, which determines its “specialization,” consists of the following points.

  1. Description of damage:
    • what is the damage caused to the property;
    • which material values damaged (name, inventory number, quantity);
    • the approximate amount of damage.
  2. Information about the culprit of the damage. If it cannot be clearly established, this should be noted in the report. The person responsible must be indicated:
    • his name, position;
    • the reasons why the damage was caused or allowed to occur;
    • information about witnesses (if any).
  3. Consequences of harm: it is clarified whether the damaged property can be repaired or whether it needs to be written off.
  4. Applications. They may be additional sources confirming the harm caused, for example, recordings from surveillance cameras, etc.

BytRemontServis LLC
Yekaterinburg city

ACT No. 5
About damage to property

In this document, I, the head of the sales department, Levanevsky Anatoly Ivanovich, established that on August 22, 2017, an employee of the administrative and economic department, Antonina Petrovna Revakova, during production current cleaning unintentionally damaged property belonging to BytRemontService LLC: LG 34UC79G-B LCD monitor (pushed off the table onto the floor).

The incident was witnessed by the manager of the sales department, Roman Konstantinovich Sokolenko.

Cause of damage: carelessness when wiping off dust.

The monitor needs repair - replacement of the display matrix, at an estimated cost of 1200 rubles.

Head of Sales Department /Levanevsky/ A.I. Levanevsky
Sales Department Manager /Sokolenko/ R.K. Sokolenko

I have read the act
administrative and economic service employee /Revakova/ A.P. Revakova

Act on damage to property during delivery or transportation of goods

Even if delivery is carried out with all due care, damage to the goods transported cannot be ruled out. Without delving into the reasons and the search for the culprits, it should be noted that the cost of damaged or damaged cargo must be compensated - through insurance, the financial liability of the guilty party, or in another way. The damaged goods themselves must be included in losses, summing up balance sheet. For this you need documentary basis- act of damage to property during cargo transportation.

If such problems are discovered upon receipt of the goods, the buyer (recipient), together with the person who delivered the goods (forwarder, courier, driver, company representative), must find out important details that will be mentioned in the act:

  • name of the damaged product
  • the amount of spoiled cargo in standard units of measurement (pieces, kg, meters, etc.);
  • the nature of external damage to the packaging;
  • whether the goods were properly packaged, whether there is the necessary marking on the packaging.

IMPORTANT! The act must be drawn up immediately after delivery, in the presence of the party who delivered it.

In addition to these details, the act should indicate:

  • place of delivery and destination of the cargo;
  • data about all parties: sender, carrier, recipient;
  • delivery time (according to plan and actual);
  • description of goods (in accordance with the documentation);
  • what the cargo looked like upon arrival;
  • approximate amount of damage.

The findings should establish the cause of the damage and the person responsible for it (if possible).

To ensure reliability, at least two more people must be invited as members of the commission. They can be qualified workers who can assess the damage and certify the damage, for example, an accountant of the recipient organization, a lawyer, a supply manager, etc.

It is advisable to attach additional documentary evidence: photos of the cargo, video recording from the carrier’s car, written evidence from eyewitnesses, etc.

You need to make at least 3 copies of the act:

  • for the supplier of goods;
  • for the person or company who carried out the transportation;
  • for the recipient of the goods.

ACT No. 12
About damage to delivered cargo

Penza, August 17, 2017

The goods receiver, representative of Leto LLC Zarubin V.V., compiled this act about damage to the delivered cargo upon receipt.

  1. Sender of the goods: LLC "Our Lemonade".
  2. Recipient of the goods: Leto LLC.
  3. Transportation of goods was carried out by the carrier company Magistral LLC.
  4. Product description: 30 plastic boxes of Bell lemonade in glass bottles capacity 0.33 l, 12 bottles per box.
  5. Value of the goods according to documents: 21,510 rubles.
  6. Consignment note No. 000045278 dated 08/17/2017
  7. Cargo departure point: Penza, st. Belyakova, 19, warehouse 1.
  8. Cargo destination: Penza, st. Austrian, 68, warehouse 2.
  9. Transportation time: estimated - from 12:00 to 14:00 (2 hours), in fact - from 12:30 to 13:45 (1 hour 15 minutes).
  10. Description of cargo received: upon delivery, 30 plastic boxes of lemonade were received, 12 bottles each, including 2 damaged boxes and 18 broken bottles.
  11. The packaging has not been opened, the seals are intact.


  • photographs of damaged boxes;
  • photographs of broken bottles.

The established cause of cargo damage: excessive speed during delivery, which led to an accident - violation of transportation standards.

The recipient of the cargo, Leto LLC, is required to reimburse the amount of 2,000 rubles.

Commission members
Head of the reception point of Leto LLC /Zarubin/ V.V. Zarubin
Chief accountant of Leto LLC /Nezlobina/ E.P. Nezlobina
Head of warehouse No. 1 Leto LLC /Petukhov/ G.K. Petukhov

I have read the act
Driver of Magistral LLC /Rukavichkin/ R.A. Rukavichkin

Report on damage to documents

There are situations when documents at an enterprise become unusable due to fire, flooding, other factors, for example, rodents, or an unintentional or malicious act. In any case, damaged papers are no longer suitable for further use. These could be documents archival storage or current documentation. To justify the destruction of such documents, an act of damage is needed, otherwise administrative charges will inevitably arise when an audit is carried out and a deficiency is discovered in the documentation.

The report is drawn up by a commission formed by management immediately after the fact of damage is discovered. The composition of the commission is arbitrary; as a rule, it includes an accountant, the head of a structural unit, a lawyer, and representatives may also be invited law enforcement, fire supervision, utilities, etc.

The form of the act is free, but it is convenient to use the sample given in the Rules for Archival Storage of Documents. The text should indicate:

  • names (registers) of documents that have become unusable or archive file number;
  • description of the fact of detection of damage to documentation;
  • the place where the papers were kept;
  • the reason for what happened;
  • the person responsible for storage (he must be required to write an explanatory note regarding the failure to ensure the safety of documents, which is his direct responsibility);
  • the result is the number of damaged or lost documents.

Symphony LLC

ACT No. 15
about damage work book

Khabarovsk, August 30, 2017

In connection with the damage to the work book in the name of the storekeeper of Symphony LLC, G.V. Romanenko. by order No. 12/1 of 08/30/2017 general director Symphony LLC L.N. Nedzelsky created a commission consisting of:

  • Chairman - Head of the HR Department Volinetskaya N.P.;
  • members of the commission: Chief Accountant Petranovskaya P.E., HR department inspector R.O. Chumakova

The commission compiled this act that on August 29, 2017, when making an entry about the transfer to the position of storekeeper, the work book form was irreparably damaged - series TK No. 5738593 addressed to G.V. Romanenko. The damage was caused by HR department employee A.A. Kolskaya. as a result of spilling ink for seals and stamps on the spread of the work book and its leakage onto the title page.

The commission confirms the unsuitability further use work book form. It is proposed to dispose of the damaged copy using a shredder or burning.

Chairman of the Commission
Head of HR Department /Volinetskaya/ N.P. Volinetskaya

Commission members
Chief Accountant /Petranovskaya/ P.E. Petranovskaya
HR Department Inspector /Chumakova/ R.O. Chumakova

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