Sample of filling out a new visa to Austria. Requirements for the application form

When planning a trip to Austria, the first thing you need to do is apply for a Schengen visa. Obtaining a visa to this country is carried out in the same manner as in other countries participating in the Schengen agreement, but it has some features. Most complex processes are filling out the form and collecting the documents attached to it. Documents should be submitted no later than three weeks and no earlier than 90 days before the trip. All attached documents must be on company letterhead with a certified signature and seal. They must be filled out in English or German, or with certified translations. Collected documents are transferred to the Austrian Consulate in Moscow or to visa centers located in fourteen cities of Russia.

List of documents required to obtain a visa:

  • A valid passport valid for another 90 days after the trip.
  • Copies of previous passports, if they contain visas.
  • Photocopies of all pages internal passport citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Completed application form with personal signature applicant.
  • 2-3 photos on a white background (3.5 by 4.5 cm, color, matte). One photo must be pasted into the application form, and the second must be attached to reverse side passports using adhesive tape.
  • Certificate of employment, certified by the personal signature of the manager. The certificate must indicate the position, size wages applicant, work experience, as well as contact details of the organization. Students only need to provide a student card, and pensioners - a copy of their pension certificate.
  • Policy health insurance and accident insurance in the amount of 30 thousand EUR.
  • A copy of the marriage or divorce certificate, if any.
  • Bank statement on the status of the applicant's personal account.
  • Schengen visa questionnaire.
  • In the absence of your own Money must be provided sponsorship letter and sponsor documents.
  • If traveling with children, a copy of the birth certificate, a completed application form and 3 color matte photos are provided established sample. Permission to travel from one/both parents must be certified by a notary and a photocopy of it must be provided, as well as a photocopy of the first pages of the internal passport of the parent(s).
  • Confirmation of the purpose of the trip and the availability of round-trip tickets (copies of tickets or their reservation, hotel reservation or rental agreement/document of ownership/letter from a travel agent describing the tour).

To obtain a visa, it takes from 4 calendar days up to two weeks. The consular fee is 35 €. From consular fee disabled people, children under 6 years of age, schoolchildren, students, as well as relatives of EU citizens are exempt.

The Austrian visa application can be completed in German or English. It is possible to fill out both by hand and on a computer. The application form should be printed strictly on two sheets (printed on both sides).

For download:

  • (new form, filling in on the computer)

So, detailed instructions How to fill out an application for a visa to Austria. Let's start filling out:

IN points 1 And 3 You must indicate your first and last name strictly in accordance with your foreign passport. Middle name is not indicated.

IN Point 2 You must indicate all your previous names. As a rule, this field is filled in by girls who changed their last name upon marriage. If you have never changed your last name, we do not indicate anything (please do not put dashes, the words “no” or “N/A”, etc.)

Point 4. The date of birth is indicated in the format “day-month-year”.

Point 5. We indicate the place of birth in strict accordance with the corresponding column of the foreign passport. If it is written, for example, “Moscow region,” you can write either “Moscow region” in Latin in full, or “Moscow region” in English - it doesn’t matter.

Point 6. We indicate the country of birth according to the foreign passport. If it says USSR, then we write USSR.

Point 7.“Citizenship at the present time” - everything is clear here. "Citizenship at birth, if different" - everyone born before December 25, 1991, feel free to write "USSR". If you were born after this date, the item is not filled out. If you were born in a country other than the USSR or Russia, write your country of birth.

Point 8. We indicate the gender. If you fill out the form on the computer and there is no checkmark, you can safely check it later by hand.

Point 9. We put a tick in the appropriate marital status. If you were officially married and divorced, then you cannot indicate the status “single”, you must indicate “divorced”. If you fill out the form on the computer and there is no checkmark, you can safely check it later by hand.

Point 10. To be completed only for children and minors. The details of the person with parental authority (either a parent or legal guardian) should be entered here. If he/she lives with a child/minor, then it is enough to indicate only the last name, first name and citizenship. If he lives separately, then in addition to his last name, first name and citizenship, his residential address and contact number phone (preferably).

Point 11. You don't have to fill it out at all. However, if you want, please indicate your Russian passport number.

Clause 12. Please indicate which category your passport belongs to. If the form is filled out for a child included in the parents’ passport, the category and details of the parents’ passport are indicated.

Place a check in the “Regular Passport” box. If you fill out the form on the computer and there is no checkmark, you can then check it by hand.

Clause 13. Please indicate your passport number as written in your passport. If you have an old-style passport and there is a “No” icon in the number, then you don’t have to indicate it at all.

Clause 14 And 15 . Indicate the issue date and expiration date of the foreign passport. Any date format is possible.

Clause 16. We indicate the issuing authority international passport(as indicated in the passport) with Latin letters and don’t forget about the numbers, if there are any. FMS = FMS, UFMS = UFMS, OUFMS = OUFMS, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia = MID ROSSII, etc.

Clause 17. We indicate the address actual residence. Exactly the address where you live right now. This especially applies to those who are registered in another region of Russia, but rent an apartment in Moscow or the Moscow region. The consulate will not write you letters; they need to understand where you are right now. Moreover, you may not have a residence permit at all, but you live somewhere. This is exactly the address that the Consulate is interested in. Don't forget about the index. It is not necessary to include words such as “house”, “building” or “apartments”. If you live in house 5, building 8, apartment 52, then “5-8-52” is enough. Enter your address Email(personal or work, it doesn’t matter).

Phone number - this is important. It is advisable to indicate an alternative telephone number in addition to your mobile number. The consulate often calls applicants to clarify any questions. We can only guess what might happen to yours. visa request, if you are constantly “out of network coverage”. You can specify the Russian code either “8” or “+7”.

Point 18. If you are a citizen of Russia, in the “host country” item, put a tick in “No” and go to next question. If you are a foreigner, then indicate here the document on the basis of which you are legally staying in the Russian Federation: work permit / Work Visa/ passport number (if you are a citizen of the Republic of Belarus), etc.

Point 19. For workers: Indicate your position according to your employment certificate. If the certificate is drawn up in Russian, and you are not strong in English, then do not be lazy and look in an online translator to see how your position is written on English language. For example, you work as a teacher. If you “take the initiative” and indicate “UCHITEL,” a European is unlikely to understand it. You should specify "Teacher". IN in this example We have a Manager. It's simple here.

  • For studentswe write"STUDENT".
  • For schoolchildren indicate"PUPIL".
  • For preschoolers- "CHILD".
  • For housewives- "HOUSEWIFE".
  • For non-working people– “UNEMPLOYED.”
  • For pensioners– “RETIRED”.

Clause 20. For working people: indicate the name of the employing company, address and telephone number according to the certificate from the place of work. You can safely indicate the organizational and legal form of your Company in Latin letters as “OOO” / “ZAO” / “OAO”. If you work in government organization, then we all know how complicated their official names are: for example, FSUE “VNIIA”. Feel free to write in Latin " FGUPVNIIA" Specify legal address organization or the address indicated in the certificate. Don't forget about the index. We indicate the phone number and, if available, fax. It is highly advisable to indicate a phone number that actually works, since the Consulate often calls employers to make sure that the applicant actually works for them.

For students and schoolchildren: we indicate the address and telephone number according to the certificate from the institute / school.

For unemployed people, housewives, preschoolers and pensioners: indicate your residential address and contact phone number.

Point 21. Select the required visa type:

Tourism- Let's go sightseeing.

Business– by written invitation of a foreign company.

Visiting relatives and friends– by written invitation from a relative/friend.

Culture- by invitation foreign organization to participate in a cultural event (more for artists, musicians, etc.). Attending this cultural event is tourism. Don't be confused.

Sport– at the invitation of a foreign sports organization/ participation in a sporting event. Visit this sporting event– this is tourism. Don't be confused.

Official– at the invitation of an official foreign organization. Not to be confused with business. This category relates more to the field of diplomacy.

Treatment– by invitation from a foreign medical institution.

Studies– at the invitation of a foreign educational institution.

Transit– issued in case of transit.

Transit h. airport– if registration is necessary transit visa when transferring at the airport.

Other– a goal not shown in the above paragraphs. For example, “to visit a conference.” This is not quite tourism, and not quite business, since you are going to listen to the conference speakers.

Point 22. The destination country is the country from which the visa is requested.

Point 23. As the country of first entry, we indicate the Schengen country, whose border we officially cross first. Of course, if you are flying a direct flight (for example, Russia-Austria), then in paragraph 23 we indicate “Austria”. When you fly with a transfer, for example, in Berlin (Germany), the country of first entry will be “Germany”. If you are traveling by car, then indicate the first country to cross the Schengen zone: for example, Poland (when traveling through Belarus).

Point 24. Check the box to select the desired visa frequency: single, double or multiple. If you fill out the form on the computer and there is no checkmark, you can safely check it later by hand.

You have the right to request a multiple entry visa. Choice multiple entry visa in the application (“because I want”) does not guarantee the issuance of this visa, as well as visas in general.

Point 25. We indicate the number of days of stay. If we request a single-entry visa, we write down the exact number of days of stay in the Schengen zone (including the day of entry and exit, of course).

If we request a visa for 3 months, we write either “30” or “45”.

If we are requesting a visa for 6 months or 1 year, we indicate “90”.

Point 26. We indicate previous Schengen visas. In order not to lose face, go over. Countries that are not on this list do not need to be specified.

Visas count towards issued exactly for the last 3 years. For example, now it is September 1, 2019. Thus, Schengen visas will be counted issued from September 1, 2016, not earlier. Earlier visas will not be taken into account.

Point 27. From September 14, the Embassies of the Schengen countries introduced a mandatory visa when applying for a visa. If you have already submitted fingerprints when applying for a Schengen visa earlier, you must indicate the date of provision of biometric data. Please note that the Embassy reserves the right to call any applicant to resubmit biometric data.

Point 28. To be completed only if you are requesting a transit visa– You must indicate whether you have permission to enter the country of final destination. The entry permit is usually a visa. For example, if you are flying through Austria to the States, you will need to provide your American visa details.

Point 29. We indicate the date of entry.

Point 30. Upon request single entry visa indicate the departure date of the ticket (as in the example below).

When requesting a double or multiple entry visa, we indicate strictly the date of the desired expiration of the visa (minus 1 calendar day).

For example, we are asking for a multiple entry visa for 1 year from August 4, 2019. Thus, clause 29 – “08/04/2019”, clause 30 – “08/03/2020” (do not forget about clause 25, in this case we indicate “90”).

More examples:

  • Visa for 3 months: clause 29 – “09/10/2019”, clause 30 – “12/09/2019” (clause 25 – “30” or “45”)
  • Visa for 6 months: clause 29 – “08/07/2019”, clause 30 – “02/06/2020” (clause 25 – “90”)
  • Visa for 2 years: clause 29 – “08/07/2019”, clause 30 – “08/06/2021” (clause 25 – “90”)
  • Visa for 3 years: clause 29 – “08/07/2019”, clause 30 – “08/06/2022” (clause 25 – “90”)
  • Visa for 4 years: clause 29 – “08/07/2019”, clause 30 – “08/06/2023” (clause 25 – “90”)
  • Visa for 5 years: clause 29 – “08/07/2019”, clause 30 – “08/06/2024” (clause 25 – “90”)

Paragraph 31. To be completed when requesting a tourist or transit visa. In this case, paragraph 32 does not need to be filled out.

Paragraph 32. Filled out when requesting business, official, study visa and visas for treatment. In this case, it is not necessary to fill out paragraph 31. You need to indicate the name of the inviting organization, full address, and contact phone number.

Paragraph 33. Important point. It is necessary to indicate who covers the costs.

If you are paying for yourself, please fill out the top section. Check the boxes for the available options.

If a sponsor (relative, employer or inviting company) is paying for you, then fill out the lower part.

If the trip is paid for jointly (partly by the sponsor, partly by yourself), then both the upper and lower parts of the expense clause should be filled out.

Paragraph 34. To be completed only if you have a relative in the EU. If there is no relative, then leave the item completely blank.

Paragraph 35. If there is a relative, indicate the degree of relationship.

Paragraph 36. Place – place of submission of documents. In our case, Moscow. We also set the date for signing the form. IN paragraph 37 We put our signature.

We put signatures in the paragraphs below on the next page of the questionnaire:

— the item “I am informed that in case of refusal Visa fees not returned";

- when requesting a multiple-entry visa in the paragraph: “I am informed that for my first stay and subsequent visits it is required medical insurance»;

— at the very end of the questionnaire, on the last page, we again indicate the place of submission and the date of signing the questionnaire + put our signature in the appropriate column (as shown below).

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IN Service and Visa Center you can use the service by paid filling questionnaires. However, you don’t have to turn to intermediaries to get it done. After all, you can do this yourself; Russian-language tips will help you with this.

From April current year A separate application form is filled out for the child, even if it is included in the parents’ passports.

General characteristics of the questionnaire

  • Number of pages - 4
  • The questionnaire is printed on both sides of the sheet (! important!)
  • The application form can be downloaded from the embassy website, and can also be obtained in Moscow from the Austrian Embassy or.

In the questionnaires minor children The signatures of the parents are affixed, and in the questionnaires of children aged 14 to 18 years - three signatures: the mother, the father and the child himself.

Applications can be filled out either by hand (in black ink and legible block letters) or using a computer (preferred option)

Instructions for filling out the form

The sample form for filling out a visa application form for a Schengen country depends on the consulate to which you are submitting documents. This can usually be found on the website of the consulate or visa application center. We will look at step-by-step instructions for filling out an application to Austria:

  1. Download the Austrian visa application form from the embassy website. Print it out and fill it out by hand in English or German in legible handwriting.
  2. Points 1-10 are filled out in accordance with the information in your passport. Enter your place of birth Soviet Unioin or USSR for short if you were born before 1991.
  3. According to the information on the double page of your passport with photo, fill out paragraphs 12-16.
  4. In point 17, leave your contact information: residential address and email address.
  5. Point 18 is filled out only by persons living outside the territory of the state of which they are citizens.
  6. In 19-20 points you need to indicate information about your employer and profession. Students and schoolchildren indicate information about educational institution(name and address). Check how names are written in English.
  7. From points 21 to 30, information about your stay in Austria and previous trips to Schengen is filled out.
  8. Point 31 indicates the address of the person who invited you.
  9. Point 32 is filled out only by those traveling at the invitation of the organization.
  10. In paragraph 33, tick those boxes that indicate your financial situation and payment of expenses.
  11. Questions 34 and 35 provide details of your family member who is an EU citizen and their relationship to you.
  12. In paragraph 36, the date of filling out the questionnaire is indicated (the date is also indicated on the last page).
  13. In paragraph 37 and on the last page a signature is affixed.
  14. Glued to the first page of the application form

Many people planning a trip are concerned about how to fill out and print. The Austrian embassy pays great attention to papers that are important for obtaining documents. Therefore, tour operators recommend either sending them to specialized agencies, or processing them within long term, and not in two days, if you don’t want to spend extra money and spoil yourself nervous system. If you decide to apply for a visa yourself, we will help you with this. Below is necessary information according to the questionnaire on Austrian visa.

Requirements for the application form

In addition to the documents that are required for registration in 2014, you must provide a completed questionnaire according to the general procedure.

You can download the form on the consulate website. You can fill it out online by downloading the pdf or by clicking the download word button. In this case, it is important to indicate not only the profession in the appropriate column, but also who paid for the trip and how, and how much money the traveler supposedly has.

Additionally, you need to confirm your hotel reservation and other details if the form is being filled out specifically for tourist visit countries.

A special category is represented by Foreign citizens, staying in Russia, who can also do so if they are in the country legally. In this case, it is better to obtain a sample questionnaire during a personal visit or notify the operator about this, since uniform form will not be. The fields on the questionnaire will vary slightly. It depends on the basis on which the visa is issued (residence permit, special permission, necessary for temporary residence or other paper).

Requirements for children's questionnaires

For a child registered in parental passport, a separate questionnaire is also provided. A similar measure introduced this year. For minor children it is important to have this document both signatures of the parent if the child is under 14 years of age at the time of the trip. Upon reaching this age, in addition to the signatures on the documents and questionnaire of the mother and father, the signature of the teenager himself will be required.

Important nuances

In general, the requirements put forward by the consulate for a trouble-free processing of a Schengen visa can be identified in the following list:

  • Checking all signatures on documents for their authenticity. Ideally, it should completely repeat the signature that is put in. It is also not allowed for an agency to independently sign for a client. If such a violation is discovered, the documents will be returned;
  • The application along with the attached papers must be submitted no later than 3 months. At the same time, it is important to review the dates of issue of documents and certificates, since at the time of their submission it is important that their expiration date is no less than in a month;
  • Submitted documents must be in either German or English. An example of such filling can be found at the embassy, ​​or see on our website.

In addition, the consulate may call you back to clarify some points. For example, to confirm the purpose of the trip, as well as whether you are planning to visit the country by invitation or on your own. So be careful about incoming calls.

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To get Schengen, you need to know how to fill out an application for a visa to Austria. Eat whole line tiny nuances that can become a serious reason for refusal. General requirements, transliteration rules and what exactly we sign when filling out the form, in order.

What are General requirements to fill out the form?

The application form is four pages long and has 37 points. You can fill it out at in electronic format on official portal, print on a computer or enter the data manually. The main rule: write in block letters and in transliteration. The photo is pasted in the upper right corner, on special place. (Below is an example of a completed visa application for a trip to Austria).

You can download the form on the Austrian Embassy page by clicking on the highlighted link.

It is currently not possible to submit an application online on the pages of visa centers. But you can, for example, on the website of the Finnish consulate located in St. Petersburg. That's where it is located.

Rules for those who enter data manually:

  • only in printed Latin letters;
  • The ink color can be blue or black. But traditionally official documents fill it out with a blue pen, so there is less chance of getting rejected by an old-fashioned visa inspector;
  • There should be no corrections or sketches by the error corrector.

Attention: if children included in their parents’ passports go on a trip, they will also have to fill out a form. Parents must sign if the child is under 14 years old. In the case when the teenager’s age is between 14-18 years, both the parents and the child themselves sign.

How to correctly transliterate the Russian text where you need to indicate “who issued the passport”?

To correctly record which authority issued the passport, I use a simple method: write down the Russian abbreviation in Latin letters. For example, UFMS 555 becomes UFMS 555. The same rule applies to indicating address data. If the entire form is filled out in German, then the street names should be written “St.”, but for a document where the data is entered by direct transliteration from Russian, this method is not suitable. For example, “st. Gusev" will become "ul. Guseva". IN in rare cases You may not write the word “street” at all, but this may confuse the inspector and lead to a refusal.

Sample of filling out an application form for a visa to Austria

Download in .pdf format.

What points should you pay special attention to?

When filling out an application for a visa to Austria, you must carefully ensure that the data is truthful and the letters are clear. Some points require further clarification:

  • Clause 6. If the applicant was born before 1991, then the USSR must be indicated in the “Country of Birth” column. In transliteration it will look like “USSR”;
  • Point 7. Current citizenship is usually not indicated, but you can write “RUSSIAN FEDERATION”. This is logical information, understandable from the applicant’s passport data;
  • Clause 13. In the column “Number travel document» enter the passport number: only numbers, without spaces or additional characters. For example, 8458721963;
  • Clause 19. Here indicate the type current activities, so you need to remember about the correct transliteration from Russian. For example, a student is STUDENT, a pensioner is PENSIONER, etc.;
  • Point 22. In this column we write Austria - AUSTRIA. It doesn’t matter at the consulate or embassy of which country the application for an Austrian visa is submitted, the purpose of travel is Austria, we write it. For example, filling out a form on the website Finnish embassy, located in St. Petersburg, the destination country will still be Austria.
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