Sample of a completed power of attorney to receive goods and materials. Power of attorney form: what it consists of, rules for filling it out

While carrying out activities, the company interacts with other persons through the exchange of material assets, provision of services, etc. A company may have many partners, but, according to the law, only the manager has the right to sign documents and receive materials without filling out other forms. For everyone else, you need to issue a power of attorney for receiving goods and materials.

A power of attorney of an organization should be understood as a document drawn up at an enterprise, according to which the person indicated in it receives the right to sign documents and receive material assets.

There are several types of of this document, which are divided depending on the duration of authority. There are powers of attorney that are drawn up on one-time transactions, they are valid only once upon receipt specifically specified quantity certain product. Another type of this document is a power of attorney drawn up for a recurring action.

Rosstat provides standard forms powers of attorney, which, depending on the types, are: standard form m 2 - for one-time receipt of goods, and specialized - form m-2a, used for certain period.

The company decides which power of attorney to use independently, based on the emerging need. If the transaction involves a one-time transfer of goods, then you can use the M-2 power of attorney. For example, buying a machine.

Attention! For a supply contract, in which the goods are shipped in batches over a certain period, it is more advisable to issue one power of attorney m-2a, together with several m-2. An example of this situation would be refueling a company vehicle at a gas station.

To whom can a power of attorney be issued?

Current provisions regulations determine that receipt according to the invoice material assets The company's management can trust any employee of the company. In this case, it is recommended to take into account the competence of the employee and labor functions which he performs.

In addition, a power of attorney can be, according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, issued for a completely outsider in company. That is, with this person there are no not only labor, but also any other civil contracts.

However, the company administration must remember that it is very difficult to make claims against a representative by proxy who is not formalized under an employment contract. After all, you cannot conclude an agreement with him about financial liability.

It should also be taken into account that suppliers prefer to cooperate with company employees, so they often require that the position of the company representative be indicated.

Validity period of the document

Currently, a power of attorney to receive material assets can be issued for a period that the company establishes in its regulatory local acts.

Previously, organizations could issue a power of attorney for a period of ten days. After its expiration, if the representative did not have time to use this power of attorney, the company could issue him new form.

Now management has the right to establish different terms powers of attorney for each case. The main requirement is that these periods need to be recorded in local regulatory documents enterprises, for example in accounting policy.

There is a practice according to which similar powers of attorney It is customary to prescribe for a period not exceeding 15 days. It is believed that this time is enough to receive material values.

For form M-2a, the period is most often determined at 30 days, but it can also be issued for the period of validity of the supply agreement.

If a previously issued power of attorney is not used, then it must be returned to the company so that it can be canceled with the “Not Used” stamp.

Download the power of attorney form M-2

Sample of filling out a power of attorney to receive goods in form M-2

Example of filling out the front side

Let's look at an example of what a power of attorney to receive a product looks like.

First of all, the data from the header of the form is entered. There it is necessary to reflect the full or abbreviated name of the organization assigned to it in statistics.

The next step the power of attorney is assigned a number. If a business entity keeps a log of these forms, then registration is made under it. It is also necessary to indicate the date of execution, as well as the date until which the issued power of attorney will be valid.

Previously, the law stipulated that a power of attorney could be issued for a maximum period of 10 days. IN this moment his company can install it independently and secure it in internal documents.

The next step is to record information about the consumer and payer companies - you need to indicate the name and address of location. The presence of these fields makes it possible for goods and materials to be paid by one business entity and received by another. If both of them are the same organization, then instead of duplicating data in the second field, you can indicate the word “Same”.

Now the power of attorney needs to reflect information about the document holder - his full name, position, passport details (series, number, date and place of issue).

At the next step, you must enter the name of the organization where the goods and materials are received, as well as information about the document on the basis of which they are transferred. The latter can be a consignment note, an acceptance certificate, universal document(UPD), invoice and other forms.

Tear-off spine

Each power of attorney form has tear-off part, or spine. It is usually located on the left or top. into her responsible person You must also enter information - the number of the power of attorney, the date of its execution, expiration date, information about the counterparty.

When receiving goods and materials by proxy, a stamp or seal is placed on the spine, after which it is torn off from the form. Usually the spine is pinned to accompanying document and serves as a record of its use.

Example of filling out the reverse side

The reverse side of the form is also filled out by an accountant or responsible person. It looks like a large table in which you need to enter line by line information about the goods and materials received. In the columns you must enter: item number, item name, unit of measurement and quantity to be received. The last column is written in words.

After the power of attorney form for receiving the goods is filled out and there are empty lines left on it, they are mandatory crossed out with a “Zigzag” sign. This eliminates the possibility of adding any more data there.

The employee for whom the document is issued puts his signature at the bottom of the form. It must be certified by the marks of the director and chief accountant. If a business entity uses a seal, then its imprint must also be affixed.

Is it necessary to keep records of issued powers of attorney?

Current law does not oblige executive It is mandatory to draw up a log of powers of attorney. However, it is necessary to understand that this form can give its owner broad powers, and their uncontrolled release can cause serious harm to the organization.

Keeping a logbook will help you decide next questions:

  • Registration of issued powers of attorney;
  • Tracking the movement of powers of attorney;
  • Timely revocation of invalid documents.

The need for registration of issued forms and the person responsible for this must be appointed by order of the manager. It is also advisable to separate accounting and execution of powers of attorney for receiving inventory items and other actions.

As a rule, the journal is started for a year, or, with a small movement of forms, for more long term. Its sheets must be numbered and stitched.

Attention! The journal must contain a column in which a note about the use of the power of attorney will be entered (indicating information about receipt document), or about its return.

Implementation entrepreneurial activity V Russian Federation, and in any other country, involves the implementation of many functions.

In cases of alienation of goods, within the framework of signed agreements, businessmen, as well as ordinary citizens has the right to trust the execution individual actions to other persons.

As a rule, heads of organizations entrust the receipt or transfer of goods (inventory) to employees of their organizations, or other persons whom they trust.

Ways to delegate authority

Within current legislation Russian Federation, legal entities have the right to authorize attorneys (persons to whom a power of attorney is issued) by issuing a power of attorney to the latter to receive goods. This document can be certified by a notary or issued by the principal (the person who issued the power of attorney) in a simple writing. Please note that certification of a document by a notary is not mandatory and is voluntary.

The power of attorney can be issued for any period, but no more than three years from the date of issue. The scope of powers, at his own discretion, is determined by the principal. If a power of attorney to receive goods is issued by way of sub-authorization, then this document must be certified by a notary. The terms and powers within the framework of a document issued by way of delegation cannot exceed the scope and terms of the original document.

In accordance with civil law, a power of attorney is issued only to an individual; if it is necessary to authorize, for example, the head of an organization, then all the same, his passport details are written, and his position and details of the organization are also indicated.

Documentation of receipt of goods by proxy

It is also necessary to indicate the place where the power of attorney was issued, the period for which it is issued, the date of issue, as well as the details of the principal organization; in some cases it is advisable to indicate Bank details. This document is signed authorized person, and certified by the seal legal entity.

It is important to pay attention to the validity of the powers of the person who signed the power of attorney. His powers can be confirmed by an extract from the register of legal entities, constituent documents, orders of appointment, employment contract. If it is subsequently established that the person who signed the power of attorney to receive the goods was not authorized to do so, then such a document will be declared invalid. Its invalidity will call into question all subsequent committed actions(within the power of attorney).

Below is one of the options for issuing a power of attorney, the details of the parties have been changed, any coincidences are an accident.

Power of attorney to receive goods

Principal: company with limited liability"Druzhok and K", OGRN 1045964484, INN 03584755, KPP 32372910, legal and mailing address: Moscow, st. Red October 2, building 16, represented by the head of the organization, general director Maltsev A.A., acting on the basis of the Principal’s Charter,

This document authorizes the attorney: Russian citizen Nadezhny V.K., passport 88 09, 546783, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs No. 33 of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Krasnopresnensky District of Moscow on December 12, 1993, subdivision code 111-573, to represent the interests of the Principal on issues of receipt, in within the framework of the previously approved purchase and sale agreement No. 345 dated March 16, 2013, of the Goods, in accordance with the Bill of Lading, (or other document agreed upon by the parties to the agreement) from Paradise Islands LLC.


The entire sample power of attorney for receiving goods is located in the attached file.

Power of attorney for receipt of inventory items (material assets) is a document that confirms the rights and obligations of the parties. Provided by one person to another for his legal representation to third parties.

At enterprises, this document is issued in the name of one of the employees or another authorized representative, granting the right to receive goods and other valuables from the supplier under a concluded agreement.

Types of power of attorney

This form has two main forms - M-2 and M-2a.

  • In the first case, the document will be issued only for the receipt of goods and materials from the supplier with whom the contract is being concluded for the first time or the goods are rarely purchased from him.
  • The second standard form is necessary to obtain inventory materials from one supplier with whom work is carried out on an ongoing basis.

Depending on the scope of powers, powers of attorney can be:

  • General or general: grants the right to a trusted person obtain or implement a full range of various legal actions.
  • Special: provides the right to receive or implement identical (related) legal actions.
  • One-time: provides the right to receive or sell one a certain type actions.

Filling out such a document requires responsibility and care, since during inspections, tax office First of all, these forms are reviewed - all fields must be filled out, correctly and without corrections.

Registration of a power of attorney to receive goods and materials

This important document must be provided in accordance with all the rules, and filling out the form must be done with great responsibility. All fields must be filled out and the document must be endorsed with a signature and seal.

On front side the form indicates:

  • OKPO company (information is in the company's Charter).
  • Date, number and validity period of the document.
  • Information about the payer and recipient (full name, position, etc.), company name, TIN.
  • Passport details, position and full name. employee representing the company.
  • Payer details.
  • Name of the supplier's organization.
  • Documents that are the basis for the release of goods.

On back side it is necessary to indicate information about inventory items: list, quantity, units of measurement and serial number. If there are unfilled columns, they are underlined with a large zigzag. The authorized representative signs below, and the document is certified by the signatures of the manager, chief accountant and the seal of the enterprise.

Who needs a power of attorney for goods and materials

This document can be issued to the buyer or seller. Legal law establishes the rules for which a power of attorney is needed. The law provides for the right of persons to conclude a document in order to protect and secure the rights of both parties.

This document is required:

  • When transferring inventory items from the supplier to his warehouse. In this case, the seller must check the authority of the trustee.
  • When transferring inventory items to the buyer’s territory. This happens when the seller himself delivers the goods to the consumer.
  • When transferring on neutral territory. The terms of the meeting and the place must be specified in special agreement, which is issued in advance.

The legislation does not indicate to whom exactly the paper can be issued. If necessary, it can be provided to an employee of a company or enterprise, as well as to a person who is not officially on the staff of the organization. You may wonder why official employee power of attorney, if his rights are specified in employment contract, and is receiving goods included in his terms of reference?

IN labor agreement usually prescribed transfer of goods and materials on territory not owned by the buyer. In this case, if the employee is not the head of the company, then he must have such a document with him, since it is not known whether he is an employee of the company or enterprise.

For a one-time purchase of goods this form must be available from stranger, if he is entrusted with the obligation to receive the goods. After all, such a person is not financially responsible and in case of fraud, it will be difficult to prove the enterprise is right.

Duration of the power of attorney for receiving goods and materials

Validity period of this document equals 5 years- this is prescribed by law and indicated on the form itself. If this entry is not on the document, then from the moment of drawing up the power of attorney is valid for exactly one year. It must indicate the date of issue; without this entry, the paper is invalid. It is more convenient to obtain a power of attorney at maximum term, but sometimes this is not possible. The goods may be supplied centrally or during each transaction the list of inventory items will vary. If the document is issued on one-time receipt product, then it is valid only for 10 days.

The accounting of these forms is carried out in a special book - a laced and numbered journal “Accounting for Powers of Attorney”.

The log shows:

  • The power of attorney number must match the number on the form.
  • Trustee details.
  • Deadline for issuing the document.
  • The signature of the authorized representative is evidence that he received the document.

After receiving the goods, the employee must report and the next day provide the accountant with a document confirming the transaction. The specialist notes in the journal the invoice number and the date of receipt of the goods opposite the column in which the data on this power of attorney for receiving inventory items is displayed. The document must be kept by the seller along with the delivery note.

Invalid power of attorney

This document may be considered invalid if it does not indicate the date of issue. A power of attorney is required for urgent transaction. It comes into force from a certain moment and ends at a certain moment, so the date of issue must be present.

A paper is considered invalid if it does not contain any important information about the authorized person or supplier, or if it contains corrections or blots.

It is necessary to remember that this is an important document that must be filled out slowly, correctly and clearly.

IN certain cases the power of attorney is returned:

  • The power of attorney is revoked if the person for some reason has not received the goods and materials. The employee must notify his or her organization and the supplier. If the seller still releases the goods, then such transfer will be considered illegal.
  • If the document has not been used. Upon expiration of the validity period, the document is returned to the company the next day. The accountant makes a note about this in the “Accounting for Powers of Attorney” journal, and the form itself is left in this book as unused.

And lastly, the power of attorney can be in the form of specially created printed forms, or you can use a document created in electronic form.

Blank forms are printed in word format and filled out manually. You can fill it out on a computer, for example, using special program, and then certify the document with signatures and a seal.

A power of attorney to receive goods between individuals is a document that is seen by the principal to another person and confirms the granting of the right to receive inventory items under a supply agreement, contract, etc.

Filling rules

To avoid any difficulties after receiving the goods, you must correctly fill out the power of attorney form for receiving goods and materials:

  1. First, indicate the name of the document, city and date of preparation.
  2. Provide information about the principal and authorized person (full name, passport details, address).
  3. You must enter information about the product and at what address it should be received.
  4. Duration of the power of attorney. By law, its validity period cannot exceed 3 years. However, in practice, the validity period of a power of attorney to receive goods does not exceed one month. If you need to receive the goods only once, you can specify a short limited period.
  5. At the end of the document, the principal puts his signature and the date of drawing up the power of attorney.

This document is submitted to the representative who will transfer the goods. In addition, the principal's representative must sign the invoice for receipt of the goods. In order for the principal to be identified, he must, along with the power of attorney, show his passport or other document confirming his identity.

It is worth noting that if a power of attorney is drawn up on behalf of a legal entity for an employee of the company, then the form of the power of attorney and its content will differ from the power of attorney drawn up between individuals.

Some collisions

If the goods will be received personally by an individual who is an entrepreneur, then there is no need to issue a power of attorney. At the same time, some counterparties sometimes require that the entrepreneur issue a power of attorney for himself. Such actions are contrary to the law. To receive inventory items, an entrepreneur only needs to present a passport and a certificate of state registration.

Power of attorney to receive goods - official document by means of which one individual authorizes another to receive goods on his behalf. The concept of "power of attorney" was introduced.

Features of document preparation

Power of attorney form to receive goods

This document is drawn up in writing and is unified. That is, the compilation procedure is standard, established by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, but the information specified in it is unique. Possibility of filling is allowed standard form, as well as drawing up a document in free form manually.

Important! Power of attorney on behalf of minors or incapacitated persons issued by their legal representatives.

Notarization of a document if it is drawn up by an individual is not mandatory, but it is still advisable to do this, since this requirement may be nominated by the person to whom the power of attorney will be presented.

When drawing up a document, you must ensure that the information provided is correct. In case of the slightest discrepancy between the text of the document and, for example, the passport details of the authorized person, the paper will be declared invalid. Cross-outs and corrections are also not allowed.

When drawing up a document, the principal determines the terms of reference personally. If a document is drawn up on the basis of the right of delegation, it must be subject to notarization

  • name of the document, place of its preparation and signature of the principal;
  • information about the principal indicating passport details;
  • information about the authorized person indicating passport details;
  • information about the product to be received by an authorized person;
  • the address where the goods are located;
  • full list powers granted;
  • right of subrogation;
  • the validity period of the document indicating its deadline;
  • date and signature.

The principal personally decides whether to grant the right of subrogation to the authorized person or not. Essentially, subtrust () is the authorization of a third to receive specified product. Here, first of all, you should be aware of the risk that the trustee, due to unforeseen circumstances, may not have time to fulfill the obligations assigned to them.

Document validity period

The validity period of the power of attorney and the procedure for its termination are specified.

Important! If the document does not indicate the date of its preparation, it is automatically invalidated.

Grounds for termination of a power of attorney to receive goods from an individual to an individual:

  • the fact of receipt of the goods has been completed;
  • the term of the power of attorney specified in its text has expired;
  • death of one of the parties, recognition of her as incompetent or missing.

Besides stated reasons, there is also the possibility of the trustee refusing to carry out the order, as well as the possibility of the document being revoked by the trustee. In any of these cases, the trustee/principal must notify the other party (). The authorized person must necessarily return the document issued to him to the principal.

After the termination of this document, the authority (if any) loses its validity.

Why is he trusted to conduct business on my behalf, to receive everything? Required documents, sign, pay and perform all actions related to the execution of this order.

The powers under this power of attorney cannot be transferred to other persons.

The power of attorney is valid until “___” _____________ 20___.

Date ______________ Signature___________________________

A simple written power of attorney from an individual based on a universal template in Word format. A universal template of a power of attorney for representing interests from an individual to an individual is available for download. Instructions for filling out a simple written power of attorney form with a sample completion.

In most cases, a power of attorney to represent the interests of an individual can be drawn up in simple written form, that is, you can write such a power of attorney yourself by hand or download it on this page universal form powers of attorney between individuals and fill it out. Such a power of attorney will be valid and the authorized person will be able to use such a power of attorney to represent legitimate interests principal.

It should be taken into account that a simple written form of power of attorney may not always be used. In some established by law cases required notary form powers of attorney, for example:

  • when making transactions with real estate;
  • upon state registration of rights to real estate in Rosreestr;
  • in case of representing the interests of another person (principal) in court, if he is not with you. It should be noted that notarization powers of attorney for the court is not the only possible one, and there are other ways to certify such powers of attorney.

Therefore, in such cases, for registration notarized power of attorney you need to contact a notary.

A power of attorney in simple written form can be issued by a citizen (individual). A power of attorney can be issued to a citizen (one or more) or an organization (one or more).

If you, as a citizen, want to give someone a power of attorney in simple written form, then you do not have to contact a notary or lawyer to do this. The text of such a power of attorney can be drawn up independently based on the universal template using the link below. To do this, you will need the passport details of the principal and the passport details of the authorized person (the person to whom you want to issue a power of attorney). After you prepare these documents, you need to download the universal power of attorney form in simple written form and fill it out using the recommendations below. As a result, you should end up with something like this:

How to fill out a power of attorney form in simple written form

If you carefully examine the sample of filling out the power of attorney, you will notice that the power of attorney template consists of eight standard sections (blocks), which are enclosed in red rectangles and numbered with red numbers in the figure below:

Let's look at each section of the power of attorney in detail and fill it out:

Section 1. Date of issue of the power of attorney

The date of issue of the power of attorney must be entered in this section. Usually the date of issue is written in capital letters so that it cannot be corrected. It is from this date that the power of attorney will come into effect and the authorized person will be able to perform necessary actions. Usually placed The current date, but in certain cases you can put a date from the past or from the future. A past date can be set when a trusted person has already performed some actions in your interests and it is necessary to legally confirm that such actions were performed on your behalf. Future date can be stated if it is necessary that the power of attorney to perform the actions specified in the power of attorney does not arise immediately, but after some time in the future. If you want to put a date from the past or from the future, you should definitely consult with a lawyer, as this may entail legal risks for you.

IMPORTANT: If you do not indicate the date of issue in the power of attorney, then such a power of attorney will be invalid and cannot be used.

Section 2. Information about the principal individual

This section of the power of attorney contains information about the principal. individual, that is, about the citizen who issues the power of attorney. A power of attorney can be issued capable citizen who has reached 18 years of age. Powers of attorney on behalf of children under 14 years of age are issued by their parents, adoptive parents or guardians. Minors aged 14 to 18 years issue powers of attorney themselves, and such powers of attorney must have the signature of a parent, adoptive parent or guardian agreeing with such a power of attorney.

Section 2 is filled in with information from the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

The power of attorney must include the following information from the principal's passport:

  1. Last name, first name and patronymic;
  2. Date of Birth;
  3. Passport series and number;
  4. Passport issue date;
  5. Place of residence of the principal, as it is indicated in the passport.

We take this information from the passport:

Section 3. Information about the authorized representative

This section of the power of attorney contains information about the authorized person (also called an attorney or representative), who is a citizen of the Russian Federation. A confidant, perhaps adult citizen, that is, having reached the age of 18 years.

When issuing a power of attorney, it should be taken into account that the authorized person does not have the right to make transactions in relation to himself personally, as well as in relation to another person whose representative he is also at the same time.

The power of attorney must include the following information from the passport of the authorized person:

  1. Last name, first name and patronymic;
  2. Date of Birth;
  3. Passport series and number;
  4. Name of the authority that issued the passport;
  5. Passport issue date;
  6. Code of the department that issued the passport;
  7. Place of residence of the authorized person, as it is indicated in the passport.

Section 3 is filled in with information from the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation:

We fill out the line of the power of attorney about the place of residence in accordance with the section of the passport “Place of residence”:

Section 4. Powers

This section contains a list of powers that are granted to the authorized person. This may be one or more powers that need to be formulated as specifically as possible. You can specify exactly what actions the authorized representative has the right to perform and in which organization.

Example of powers: " get a work book from DOVEREN.RU LLC" or " receive inventory items from DOVEREN.RU LLC»

If the power of attorney indicates several authorized persons, then each of them will have the powers specified in the power of attorney.

Section 5. Reliance

The issuance of a power of attorney with the right of subrogation provides the trustee with the opportunity to transfer powers under this power of attorney to another person, whom he can choose at his own discretion. To transfer powers to another person, the authorized person must contact a notary, who will certify the transfer of powers to another person. In case of transfer of trust, the authorized person is obliged to inform the principal about this in as soon as possible, and if he does not inform, he will himself be responsible for the actions of the person to whom the powers were entrusted.

In most cases, a power of attorney is issued without the right of subrogation, which is directly stated in the power of attorney. If you want to issue a power of attorney with the right of substitution, then in block 5 you need to indicate the following: “ The power of attorney was issued with the right to delegate powers to other persons».

Section 6. Sample signature of the authorized representative

This section is not mandatory, but in practice it is often included in the power of attorney. In this section, the authorized person must sign in the presence of the principal.

Section 7. Validity period of the power of attorney

IN this section You must indicate the date until which the power of attorney will be valid. Previously, there was a rule according to which the maximum validity period of a power of attorney could not exceed three years, but now this rule has been canceled and you can specify any validity period for a power of attorney (even for 100 years). If you do not specify a date in this section, the power of attorney will be valid for one year.

Section 8. Signature of the principal

In this section, the principal must put his own signature. Use facsimile in in this case not allowed. If the power of attorney does not contain the signature of the principal or someone else signs for the principal, then such a power of attorney will be invalid.

The power of attorney can be made in several original copies at once. This is necessary in order to, if necessary, leave one copy in the organization in which it is necessary to perform actions under a power of attorney. Often a power of attorney is required to be left in government agencies when performing legally significant actions.

Once the power of attorney is completed, it must be given to the authorized person. When performing actions on your behalf, the representative presents a power of attorney and indicates his status in the documents. For example, when receiving a work book, a representative may leave the following entry: “ Work record book received. Representative of Morozova Yu.S. by power of attorney dated February 22, 2017 Sorokin A.V. Signature»

If you still have questions about filling out the power of attorney form, you can ask them in the “Add a comment” field.

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