Education for parents with many children. Benefits for large families in the Moscow region: list

Good education and provision for everyone necessary children in a family requires great responsibility and dedication from parents.

The needs of a child constantly increase as he grows up. To provide for their child, older family members spend more and more financial resources every year.

Moreover, for those raising one child, costs are several times lower than for parents with 3 or more children. To alleviate the plight, as well as to maintain and increase the birth rate of babies in Russia, the state provides them with financial assistance.

What benefits are provided for this category of the population?

Peculiarities of registration of this status in Moscow and the region

In the territory Russian Federation large family It is customary to consider parents who have given birth to and are raising 3 or more minor children.

This status is assigned on the basis of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 “On measures for social support large families." It states that consideration of the issue of assigning the status of a large family should local authorities authorities.

In each region there is a definition of the concept of “large family” enshrined in law. It should be noted that local authorities additionally adopted their regulations aimed at supporting citizens with minor children. Therefore, it does not automatically make a family large. Those who have received benefits are entitled to benefits official status in government agencies.

On the territory of the capital of the Russian Federation and in the region adjacent to it, the law “On social support for families with children in the city of Moscow” was approved. It defines the provisions according to which the status is officially assigned to families with 3 or more children. They will have rights to benefits until the youngest child reaches 16 years of age or 18 years of age if he is in school.

But among them do not apply children:

  • those who are supported by the state;
  • whose parents are deprived of their rights to raise them.

However, there are children equated to those born by parents and adopted by law as stepsons and stepdaughters. Obtaining the status of a large family of seven is possible in the same way, both for both parents and for one with whom they live in the same living space.

Parents who can obtain the status of a large family can have a residence permit in Moscow or its region.

Legislative regulation

In addition to the above-mentioned laws in the Moscow region, there is also Decree of the Moscow Government dated June 29, 2010 No. 539-PP. Its content defines the procedure for issuing a certificate for a large family in the capital region of the Russian Federation. After receiving it, you can use the ones provided by the state.

Now let's talk in more detail about what opportunities exist for a large family to receive financial assistance in the Moscow region.

List of benefits and payments

In 2019, it operates in the capital and region following list preferential incentive measures for large families:

Except monetary compensation on large families A number of other benefits also apply, which will be discussed below.

Tax benefits

An important point is the availability of sufficient living space for all members of a large family. How do the authorities help such families solve this pressing issue?

Solving housing and land issues

Families that have received the status of large families and are registered in Moscow or the region and receive benefits for its purchase. Acquisition of housing with benefits is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis. If a large family with 5 or more children is registered before March 1, 2005, then they receive living space in the next order.

For those who do not want to wait their turn, the Moscow authorities can provide partial assistance in purchasing housing or improving its conditions at their own expense.

There are several options for providing benefits for this:

As you can see, you can solve the housing problem if you register.

Rules for registration of benefits and payments

To receive the benefits due to large families, you must contact to local authorities.

Cash benefits are paid by the district social security departments at the place of family registration. Payment benefits utilities are provided after submitting an application and a package of documents to the RIC or HOA. In order for your child to receive free lunch at school, you must contact the administration of the educational institution.

All benefits and allowances must be submitted applications with a package of papers. Different documents may be required. It depends on the type of benefits that a large family wants to receive.

However, there is a list of basic ones provided everywhere. These include:

  • children's birth certificates;
  • parental passports;
  • school certificates;
  • received at the parents’ place of work;
  • for the unemployed, confirmation on paper from the employment service;
  • certificate confirming Cohabitation children with the applicant.

The period for consideration of an application for benefits sent through the MFC is no more than 30 days. By contacting the social security authorities, a faster resolution of the issue is possible.

The benefits for this category of families are described in the following video:

Families with children are protected by the state. They, on the federal and regional level Benefits are provided in the social, tax, labor, and transport spheres of life. In particular, children from large families may be provided free pass in 2019. What types of transport it applies to and whether the electric train is included in their list will be discussed in this material. We will also discuss what is needed to design them.

Presidential Decree No. 431 of May 5, 1992 “On measures of social support for large families” defined a list of benefits and concessions available to large families in the Russian Federation.

What transport is free for families with many children?

All passengers aged 7 years and up to retirement age. But if a special status is given to a large family, then the parents can arrange free travel for the child. Let's look at the list of types of transport that the benefit applies to and up to what age it is valid:

  • on trains – up to 18-23 years old;
  • in the subway, buses, other public transport, except taxis - up to 16 years of age;
  • on trains, if it is a trip to a sanatorium.

Attention! Parents with many children are provided with free travel only for one person. The second spouse, who does not have a certificate, will pay for general principles. From the “children” category of citizens, benefits will be provided to everyone.

On what basis will free travel be valid for large families?

The basis for free travel for representatives from large families in 2019 is the presence of three children under the age of 18. The status must be officially confirmed by a certificate. If one of the offspring is a university student, then the period for granting relief is extended. But every six months you will need to take a certificate confirming that he is indeed studying as an inpatient student.

For getting special status family members need to contact the authorities social protection at the place of registration. An application is written there. You also need to submit a certificate of family composition, children's certificates for persons under 14, and adult passports. If there are grounds, the family will be issued a certificate confirming the large number of children.

Benefit amount

Free travel for large families – a benefit for children under 16 years of age. From this age, you already have to pay 30-50% of the cost for travel on public transport. A parent accompanying a minor child will receive a 30% discount. And if an adult family member accompanies a child to the sanatorium, then he is guaranteed a fifty percent compensation for the ticket, including for trains long distance.

So, do representatives from a large family need to pay for train travel? It is necessary, but only for adults. One parent for whom the certificate is issued is exempt from the fee. Free train travel for large families will be provided to those representatives who study in educational institutions(from 7 to 18). And if a person is studying at a university as an inpatient, the benefit will be extended until he reaches the age of 23 years.

IN different regions The size and conditions for providing discounts on transport, which are used by representatives with many children, labor veterans, home front workers, and rehabilitated persons, may differ. It all depends on the features local legislation and the amount of funding.

Free travel, how and where to get it for large families

So, if free travel is required by law for large families, how and where can they get it? This means that you need to contact the social security department at your place of residence, where preferential subscriptions are issued. When applying you need to submit the following documents:

  • a statement written by a family representative, a sample of which will be attached;
  • certificate of large families;
  • certificate from the place of study for each child;
  • children's certificates, passports.

On a note! Discounts for large families on train tickets, exemption from paying fares on suburban and city transport are not provided automatically. It is necessary to initiate the right by submitting an appropriate application to the Social Security Service.

If the interests of the family are represented by a third party, then in addition to standard package document, he will need to present a document proving his identity and notarized power of attorney. All copies of papers (certificates, passports) submitted to him must also be with a notary’s visa.

Compensation for large families when traveling to a sanatorium

A benefit in the form of compensation of 50% of the cost of travel is provided to a minor visitor to the sanatorium and the parent accompanying him. In this case, all types of transport, including long-distance trains, are compensated. When applying for a refund you must provide:

  • statement;
  • applicant's passport;
  • certificate of special status;
  • checks, receipts, travel documents;
  • certificate certifying the fact of location minor on rehabilitation, recovery.

Attention! In addition to reimbursement of the cost of tickets, representatives with many children can receive 50-90% compensation for the cost of the trip itself. The size of the discount depends on family income. You will need to prove need.

When can there be a refusal?

Obtaining a certificate of large families or travel benefits may be denied if the basis is missing or the package of papers is incomplete. Possible reasons refusal:

  • one of the parents does not have Russian citizenship;
  • one of the family members has lived in the place where the benefit was provided for less than 5 years;
  • some of the children live separately from their parents (boarding school, orphanage);
  • in relation to the offspring of ancestors, parental rights were deprived;
  • the family does not have enough children under 18 to be able to obtain status in the region.

On a note! Not all subjects of the Russian Federation have three children - sufficient reason To obtain a special status, sometimes you need to have four (five) offspring.

If one of the children has left the permissible age phase, then the basis for providing benefits may also be lost. The restriction does not apply in all areas. In some regions, the basis remains until the youngest representative reaches 18 years of age.

Changes for 2019

There are no innovations for 2018 discounted travel not provided. Representatives with many children, veterans, and pensioners can travel for free on electric trains and public transport. Taxis are not included in the list of available transport, as discounts and exemptions do not apply to them.

Question #1: In St. Petersburg, what travel benefits are available for families with many children?
Answer: In St. Petersburg, all family members are given a 90% discount when traveling on commuter trains, regardless of the direction and purpose of the trip. Possibility of using the relaxation period from April 27 to October 31 each year. You need a certificate confirming your status.

Question #2: To buy a train ticket at a discount for a child, what do you need to show?
Answer: A certificate giving the basis for the benefit and a child’s certificate.

Question #3: If the mother alone is restored to parental rights, then will she be able to arrange for large families and the entitlement benefits?
Answer: Yes, when rights are restored, benefits will be renewed. Children must live with their mother.

Discounts for large families on train tickets are one of the benefits that families can enjoy. Typically, parents and their children rarely travel to distant regions and, especially, countries, the main reason for which is lack of funds. Now they have the opportunity to travel without fear of huge expenses.

In 2019, benefits for large families were supplemented with a pleasant and useful article. It was proposed by Russian Railways to ensure free movement for parents and their children throughout the country. For a long time I had to think about ordering tickets for all the shelves in the compartment, but now there is a chance to immediately get a comfortable space for the trip.

The introduction of new rules seemed strange, because federal budget I had never envisaged such large expenses before. Private company I chose to give a surprise to those who had long dreamed of visiting the sea or visiting relatives. By train, they will be able to reach any area without worrying about the expenses.

What discounts on train tickets are available for families with many children?

When planning a train trip, you need to find out what discounts are available to your family. Unfortunately, employees at station ticket offices do not always report them, although they are required to do so. For this reason, experts advise that you first inquire about the conditions in order to request the required resources.

  • Children under 5 years old travel free of charge.
  • Children 5-10 years old receive a ticket with a 50% discount.
The only condition is that the child be added to the parent. So, if a mother is traveling with 2 children, she will be able to transport only one of them free of charge. This moment This is explained by the fact that the child must be with his mother or father; he cannot be alone on the shelf.

Russian Railways has provided a good opportunity, which is already being actively used by large families. Some of them go on entire trips relying on own income. In accordance with the conditions presented, they turn out to be quite sufficient for a comfortable stay.

IMPORTANT! The number of discount tickets purchased is not indicated.

Unspoken rules of Russian Railways for families with many children

When issuing tickets for large families, the following also applies: unspoken rules. Today they are used by experienced cashiers, who have long become a godsend for every passenger. Yes, there are unpleasant accidents, but gradually they disappear even in sparsely populated regions of the country. What points are we talking about?

  • Free shelf.
  • Replacement of seats.
  • Advance designation of locations.
The conductors and cashiers try to be as welcoming as possible to large families. This is a company rule that is not noted anywhere. Enough only complaint to lose your place from high wages. It is worth considering these points in detail in order to consider a couple of important subtleties in them.

Free shelf

Discounts for train tickets for families with many children also apply to compartment contents. In earlier times, no one thought about this issue, since it was carried out in accordance with the availability of free shelves. Yes, some passengers tried to put forward their own wishes, but they were not taken into account.

Today the situation has changed, so when parents and children occupy 3 shelves in a compartment, if possible, the last one remains free along the entire route. This seems like a disadvantage for the carrier, but it is one of the actions that shows respect. Everywhere you can find similar examples, showing how the company treats children traveling on trains.

Changing seats

The conductors do their best to please passengers. Now their behavior and work have completely changed, so if necessary, you can even change places. You no longer have to suffer from the fact that the lower shelves are occupied and children have to be placed behind the wall. The carrier does not allow such mistakes, so you can ask for help immediately after boarding.

The guide will easily pick you up free place and will transfer the neighbor to provide convenience to the family. Parents and children should travel together, Russian Railways promotes this and is ready to support it in every possible way. Let tickets be provided free and at a discount, this fact should not affect the condition of people after a long journey.

Pre-designation of places

Indication of seats on tickets - required condition, but previously it only applied to adults. Children with free travel followed the guide's first word. Yes, some parents tried to argue, but the lack of a ticket did not give them such a right.

When selling, now all seat numbers are immediately indicated, so even the conductors cannot change them. They even have to put up with the empty shelves remaining in the compartment. In some cases, you want to borrow them, but this will not be possible, as stated by the carrier’s rules. This attitude is dictated by widespread government programs support operating throughout the country.

Discounts on tickets and free travel are new benefits of Russian Railways for large families. In 2019, they can travel freely by train without worrying about the huge ticket price. This decision was made recently, but it became a pleasant discovery for parents who had long dreamed of going on vacation with their children, regardless of the distance of the journey.

The Muscovite social card is a great helper in various fields services government institutions.

It allows not only to identify the owner, but also to give him the right to pay housing and communal services, taxes, and can serve as a health insurance policy.

In addition, the card allows you to receive discounts on goods and services in various establishments of the city, in some cases you can be a guarantor of free travel to public transport. You can deposit money on it.

What it is

SCM is a personal card of a Moscow resident who is entitled to certain benefits. She happens to be electronic key, confirming preferential treatment.

She Contains information:

Who can arrange it

Muscovites studying in special educational institutions, students at full-time departments Universities. Cards are also issued to pregnant women. They can be obtained by citizens who have housing subsidies. They are available to people who are registered with social security institutions.

This card is placed:

  1. Pensioners and war veterans;
  2. To combatants and home front workers;
  3. and Muscovites;
  4. and children with one parent;
  5. Pregnant;
  6. Children under 18 years of age and one of the parents of a large family;
  7. Students studying for budgetary basis, who are not necessarily residents of Moscow.

Conditions of receipt

If a citizen belongs to one of the above categories, then he goes to Multifunctional Center or in special centers in the metro.

For registration documents must be provided:

  1. Eligibility for benefits (veteran or pensioner's ID, student ID, certificate stating that the child is from a large family, etc.).
  2. Russian passport, children under 14 years old need a birth certificate.
  3. Photo 3x4.

The card is issued 15 days after submission necessary documents and filling out the form. The MFC can issue a travel card if it is required for this category of citizens. You must have your passport with you on the day of receipt. The card has a special PIN code, which can then be used when authorizing it, when using it as a bank card. Validity cards 5 years.

In receiving the card may refuse:

At loss or misplacement of the card, the holder must accept necessary measures to restore it, for which you will need to bring documents again and fill out a form. The old card is being blocked.

Features and benefits of this card

The card gives you the right to buy products using social certificate, use the card as a debit bank card. You can also receive reduced interest rates on loans. She is entitled to housing and communal services subsidies (Order No. 272 ​​RP of 2006). Entitles you to travel on the metro and other public transport.

Disabled Muscovites can use it to use a special social taxi. Using the card, you can make an appointment with a doctor by selecting it as a document.

Distinguish two types of SCM:

  • 1 type of SCM entitles you to free travel on public transport (metro, bus, tram, trolleybus), except for taxis and minibuses.
    It is placed:
    • disabled people;
    • under 18 years of age, parents and guardians of such children under 18 years of age;
    • children from large families under 16 years of age. Children studying in general education. institutions under 18 years of age;
    • orphans and children without parental care under 18 years of age. The same persons studying at universities in Moscow.
    • parents, guardians or guardians of a child under 18 years of age from a large family.
  • 2nd type of SCM does not give the right to free travel in public transport.
    It is issued to pregnant women who registered in Moscow before the 20th week of pregnancy, as well as to citizens who applied for payment in connection with the birth of a child.

All SCM categories
give the right to:

  1. Discounts in pharmacies and services Catering, retail trade;
  2. When making purchases in stores participating in the project, the card must be presented at the checkout during purchase before payment. The catalog of enterprises participating in the program can be found at your place of residence in the Uzn.
  3. You can use the card as a banking application, for this a transfer of payments is made, due to a citizen for this SCM.
  4. You can independently deposit funds to the card through a branch of the Bank of Moscow. It is also possible to take advantage of a short-term loan from this bank.
  5. SCM can pay for calls in payphones with a special sticker indicating that it accepts a card for calls.
  6. Number of trips per ground transport and the metro is not limited in time and number, and regarding trips on electric trains and social taxis, you should check with the social security organization.
  7. Pay for housing and communal services and other services if you issue an order to pay the payment from the bank.

You can check the possibility of using the card at the bank or by reading the instructions on its use. Since the card replaces a bank card and has a lot of personal information about the holder, its storage and use should be taken seriously in order to prevent its loss or use by third parties.

Existing restrictions

One of the disadvantages of this card is that when using it you often have to carry a lot of other documents confirming the right to use it. They must be presented upon request. In addition, there is a lot of personal information on the card, which is a problem for a citizen, because there is a possibility of it being read and used by third parties for their own purposes.

There are not many stores that offer discounts on these cards, which means there is little benefit from it. The only advantage we can mention is free travel, but, unfortunately, this is also not for all categories of citizens.

If the card has expired, it can be extended. Documents must be submitted to the MFC, metro ticket office or other authorities social security to clarify when and how to fill out the form. This must be done in advance, as the card renewal period may take time. If you change your place of residence, give birth to a child, or other changes, you must also notify social security in advance, providing the necessary documents for confirmation.

You should not carry the PIN code for the card with it so that strangers cannot use it.

Be sure to write down the card number in case of theft or loss to make it easier to restore the card and prevent third parties from accessing it.

What must be done in case of loss or theft cards:

  1. Notify the bank about the loss by phone, providing the card number;
  2. Contact your Social Security office for reinstatement. Upon the fact of loss, a statement is written, after which documents for a re-card are filled out.

Before filing a statement of loss, the bank is not responsible for the safety of the money, so this must be reported as quickly as possible. If the lost card was found, then this must also be reported to the bank and social security.

If the card is damaged, the client pays the cost of SCM, after which he receives a new one.

Carefully read the memo on using benefits and familiarize yourself with the location of the enterprises and organizations that provide them.

If you wish, you can arrange any transfers to a Muscovite card if you write applications to the relevant authorities, Pension Fund, guardianship authorities, etc.

Protection and ability to manage finances

Such cards are usually convenient and provide a discount for socially vulnerable categories of citizens, which allows them to feel more confident in tomorrow. This is especially convenient for students, children without parental care, and the disabled. Availability bank card at SCM allows you to produce necessary calculations, eliminates the possibility of loss Money, allows you to save and even save money. This is a convenient banking tool that teaches even a young owner how to properly manage their funds.

The card allows you to take out insurance, which also has great importance for a person. Insurance will help cover costs associated with an accident or other problems.

If necessary short term loan, which can be used by anyone from 18 to 70 years old, then you just need to contact the Bank of Moscow, where the SCM holder will be given it at low interest rates.

All social cards, one way or another, serve to protect people of a certain segment of the population and help them more easily adapt to the conditions of survival in a rapidly changing environment.

The possibilities and advantages of a Muscovite social card are described in the following video:

Again about the sore point. True, all this has been published many times, but once again for those who missed it.

The amendment regarding free parking is issued at any MFC. Before this, you need to obtain a SNILS (also at the MFC, but at your place of registration) and apply for a transport tax benefit (again at any MFC), for which you need to be the owner of the car.

By the way, they forgot about free travel on public transport for one parent. And the impossibility of dismissal father of many children if he is the only breadwinner. In some places there is also such a thing as a dedicated day at the children's clinic, when children from a large family can undergo medical examination. More seniority for mothers of many children. Somehow I don’t remember everything anymore. What else do we have?

It turns out that large families have many legal benefits and opportunities that are prescribed by law and which few people know about. After all, alas, large families, as a rule, are less aware of their rights than all other “beneficiaries”. They always have no time, they always do everything on the fly and draw up only what is “heard of.”

We have laws, and many of them, as it turns out, are useful and not bad. But for some reason they often don’t work. They don’t work, partly because we simply don’t know about them. That is, they act, but only on paper, not in life.

In general, we have a strange attitude towards laws: we want legality, we complain that no one follows the laws, but in fact, deep down and subconsciously, it’s as if we ourselves don’t really need them. First of all, we ourselves do not understand what they are for and how to use them. And we don’t know a lot.

And it turns out that this is not a bad state, which, it turns out, passes necessary and useful laws. And we ourselves are lazy and incurious. That's why we tolerate 24-hour shops on the first floors of our houses, near which drunks and teenagers scream all night long. We get nervous, don’t sleep, and sometimes even call the police. Although according to the law on silence and building regulations, shops in residential buildings must work until a maximum of 23.00, and it is enough to go and write a few pieces of paper to the council, district police officer or prosecutor’s office for this disgrace to stop.

We replace leaking batteries in our apartments at our own expense. Although according to the law they belong to household property common use, and their replacement is already included in the cost of the “maintenance and repair” service, so the HOA/housing office must replace them with new ones in the event of an accident without any additional payment.

Many people pay for the installation of water meters, although there is a whole list of people who should install them for free. This even applies to citizens of Belarus and Kyrgyzstan living in the Russian Federation!

This is especially true for large families. They, as a rule, know less about their rights than all other “beneficiaries”. After all, they always have no time, they always do everything on the fly and draw up only what they hear. Namely, a discount on rent and free travel - this, in general, is the entire list of benefits that large families most often enjoy.

But this is not all that people with many children have every right to.

Let's start in order.

1) The federal law gives the right to 50% compensation for travel by any type of transport to the place of sanatorium holiday for a large family, as well as the right to provide children under 18 years of age with free trips in sanatoriums, children's health camps etc. That is, children under the age of 18 from large families (families with three or more children), if medical indications have the right to priority provision vouchers to Spa treatment and other health institutions.

To receive this benefit, in addition to documents confirming large families and the identities of the parents and child, you need to take it to the clinic medical certificate on form 070/u-04 and contact the clinic or district administration social protection of the population at the place of residence.

Benefits of this kind can generally vary greatly depending on the region. Thus, every large family from the Moscow region can receive partial compensation for the cost of tour packages once a year. Moreover, no one forces you to go only where they tell you. You can even go on vacation abroad. This could be a sanatorium, a holiday home or just a hotel, and, depending on your family’s income, you will be refunded from 50 to 90% of the cost of the trip.

To receive compensation, among other documents proving identity and having many children, parents must provide:

Certificate of income

Document confirming payment for the trip ( cash receipt or receipt)

Contract for the purchase of a voucher

A document confirming the child’s stay in this place recreation.

However, as you can see, to receive this benefit, your vacation must be as legal and documented as possible. You need to have all the receipts, the agreement on the basis of which you vacationed, etc. It is clear that it is not always possible to comply with these conditions.

2) In addition to the well-known federal maternity capital, in many regions there are also their own, regional maternal capital. Usually this cash benefit in the amount of approximately 100 thousand rubles, which can be disposed of in the same way as federal maternity capital. However, in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, money from regional maternity capital can be used to purchase a car, land, or treat a child.

3) People with many children have the right to priority admission of children to kindergartens and payment for kindergarten at preferential terms (depending on the region). Moreover, the discount on payment should also apply to Additional services kindergarten(mugs), which are often literally forced upon parents, but they are not told about such a discount.

4) Children from large families study with a 50% discount in music schools, art schools and others non-profit institutions additional education. In some regions, sports and recreation complexes included in state system physical culture

and sports, for children from large families are generally free. 5) In schools and vocational educational institutions, students from large families are provided free breakfasts and lunches. Parents with many children must be compensated annually for the cost of a set of school uniforms and sportswear for their children. The school must also provide free textbooks
True, about compensation for school uniform there is a trick. Depending on the region, as is often the case with us, this benefit may be subject to conditions that are difficult to implement. For example, in the Moscow region this benefit applies only to low-income families, and the amount of compensation is only 1500 rubles.
However, it would still be wise for you to at least find out what conditions for receiving this benefit are offered in your region. After all, these conditions may turn out to be quite feasible, “within the framework”.

Also in Moscow, children under 7 years of age from large families are provided free distribution of dairy baby food products according to doctors' prescriptions. To receive this benefit, you must submit an application to the department of social protection of the population at your place of residence.

6) Many people don’t know that up to the age of six, children from large families should be provided with free medicines according to doctor’s prescriptions(to do this you just need to go to the clinic). True, as a rule, the list of such drugs available in a particular clinic will most likely be very short.

7) Also, few people know that according to the federal law, which applies to all regions of Russia, children from large families have the right to receive services in clinics without a queue(just show your ID). And the fact that this is not written on the doors of offices in clinics does not mean at all that this law does not exist and does not need to be followed. At least the doctors themselves are well aware of this.

8) Once a month, families with many children can go to a museum or one of the cultural and recreation parks for free. For example, in Moscow in the park named after. Gorky boating is free for families with many children, and on one day of the week you can take children on rides for free. Even in Moscow, families with many children can visit most museums, the zoo, exhibitions, botanical gardens and other entertainment and educational facilities for free, any day of the week. The Moscow Planetarium also provides a 50% discount on entry tickets for families with many children.

9) All people with many children have a wonderful opportunity go to the Bolshoi Theater. The administration of the Bolshoi Theater allocates a certain number of tickets for “beneficiaries” for each performance. The cost of such discounted tickets is only 100 rubles, regardless of the stage (Main or New)! You can buy 2 tickets per ID. To buy discount tickets you need to find out the start date of ticket sales for the performance you want and arrive on that day when the box office opens at 11 a.m., or (which is less convenient for parents) drive up to the box office right on the day of the performance about 1.5-2 hours before it starts and to buy a ticket. True, it is clear that there may not be enough tickets.

10) People with many children do not pay transport tax for a personal car.
In addition, recently large families in Moscow the right to free parking car. True, the benefit is currently issued only in one place: at the State Public Institution “Administrator of the Moscow Parking Space” ( at 19 Skakovaya St. Opening hours: Tuesday or Thursday from 8.30 to 17.00. Moreover, there are a lot of people who want to apply for this benefit, and registration takes several days.
However, recently it also became possible to receive this benefit on the State Services portal ( Now you can apply for free car parking without leaving your home.

11) In addition, for families with many children in Moscow there is such a wonderful benefit as free use, - what would you think - bathhouse services, however, not all, but those under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Government (Moscow Law of November 23, 2005 No. 60). True, the whole family can wash themselves for free once a month. Otherwise, people with many children probably wouldn’t get out of the bathhouses. To “wash”, you must present the ID of a large family when visiting the bathhouse.

12) Also, large families living in Moscow are entitled to a monthly compensation payment due to the rising cost of living.

Regardless of the family’s income level, if there are 3-4 children, they are entitled to 600 rubles. for everyone. And for families with 5 or more children - 750 rubles for each child. To receive this benefit, you must submit an application to the department of social protection of the population at your place of residence for payment of benefits (compensation payments). 13) And also Large families in Moscow are entitled to a monthly compensation payment for using the telephone!

In 2013 it amounted to 230 rubles. 14) There are also labor benefits For parents of many children . Namely, for employees with two or more children under 14 years of age (students - under 16 years of age) according to Labor Code RF is provided annually additional leave without saving wages
lasting up to 14 calendar days.

15) Also according to the above-mentioned law of the mountains. Moscow dated November 23, 2005, mothers who have given birth and raised five or more children are provided with free production and repair of dentures (except for dentures made of precious metals, porcelain, metal ceramics) in government healthcare institutions. True, this will be the most modest version of prosthetics - something like iron teeth, for everything else you will have to pay extra. And it will not be easy to find a master for this work.

So, let's stop there for now. After all, all this is not even full list- with all its modest splendor. Because there is still the right to receive free land plot, for preferential loans, for financial assistance if the family is low-income. There are many more regional legislative nuances. After all the federal law about large families, according to which we live, was adopted more than 20 years ago under grandfather Yeltsin, he lists only the most common rights large families, and each region sets the specifics itself.

But “uploading rights” in our authorities also needs to be done competently and skillfully. There is no need to make a scandal or prove something in a raised voice. And first of all, you need to study all your rights and laws yourself, using the Internet or by going to a lawyer, write them down on a piece of paper or print them out. Officials can resist and deny for a long time, but as soon as they see the exact name of a law or regulation before their eyes, their ardor immediately weakens. They are even more convinced if the person knows where to go to complain if they refuse, so be sure to study this issue as well. And be sure to demand written refusal, with which you will later go to the government or ministry - it works flawlessly.

And there is no need to be shy and ask: “Are there any discounts or benefits for large families?” This is not begging, but ours civil law. In the end, our society believes that people have the right to an abortion, to get rid of children, and the state pays them for this right from our general taxes. People with many children pay taxes just like everyone else, and at the same time give birth to children, which, as the state declares, it really needs. So why can’t people with many children demand what they are entitled to by law?

In general, if you look more or less impartially, you can clearly see that with all the abundance of the list, a good half of the benefits are either subject to difficult-to-fulfill conditions (such as compensation for a school uniform or summer rest in the Moscow region), or is generally useless - like an additional unpaid leave a parent with many children. All this is true, but it does not change the fact that the first half is still worth fighting for. For example, free school breakfasts and lunches for children from large families or free visit museums and recreational parks - all this is real, all this works.

So - take action!

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