Pay fines issued in Finland. Finland parking regulations

Wrong parking

If you parked incorrectly, did not pay for parking, or overstayed the paid time, then it is highly likely
you will find a small plastic bag with a fine "Pysäköintivirhemaksu" under the courtyard. The amount of the fine, depending on the city, can be from 10 to 50 euros.

Inside the package you will find two sheets - one with an explanation of the reasons for the fine, the other - a bank account for payment.

1 - state number vehicle
2 - vehicle type

  • henkilöauto - passenger car
  • pakettiauto - minivan
  • linja-auto - bus
  • k-auto - truck
  • moott.pyörä - motorcycle
  • perävaunu - trailer
  • erik.ajoneuvo - special car

3 — date and time of violation
4 - place of violation
5 - reason for the fine

  • 1. Pysäyttäminen kielletty liikennemerkin noudattamatta jättäminen - Stopping in the area of ​​the stop sign is prohibited
  • 2. Pysäkointi kielletty liikennemerkin noudattamatta jättäminen/aluekielto - No parking within the area of ​​the sign
  • 3. Pysäköintimaksun suorittamatta jättäminen - Unpaid parking
  • 4. Sallittun pysäkointiajan ylitys, min - Exceeding the allowed parking time by __ minutes
  • 5. Pysäköinti/pysäyttäminen suojatielle/5 m matkalle ennen suojatietä - Parking/stop at a pedestrian crossing or closer than 5 meters to a pedestrian crossing
  • 6. Pysäköinti/pysäyttäminen risteykseen/5 m läh. risteävän ajoradan lähintä reunaa - Parking / stopping at an intersection or closer than 5 meters to an intersection
  • 7. Pysäköinti/pysäyttäminen ryhmitysalueelle siten, että ryhmitys vaikeutuu - Parking/stopping on an accumulative lane in a way that makes accumulation difficult
  • 8. Pysäköinti/pysäyttäminen pysäkkialueelle - Parking / stop at a public transport stop
  • 9. Luvaton pysäköinti yksityisalueelle - Parking on private territory without permission
  • 10. Pysäköinti / pysäyttäminen jälkäkäytävälle / pyörätielle - Parking / stop on a pedestrian or bike path
  • 11. Pysäköinti merkityn pysäköintipaikan viereen - Parking next to a marked parking spot
  • 12. Luvaton maastopysäköinti - Parking in nature without a permit
  • 13. Pysäköintin ilman P-kiekkoa/P-tunnusta/P-laitetta/P-lippua - Parking without a parking clock (parking washer)/permit or ticket
  • 14. Other parking violation

6 - notes
7 - date and signature of the inspector

Road violations

In Finland, a system of so-called "day fines" is applied, which are calculated based on the offender's annual income. Therefore, sometimes you can see reports in newspapers about fines of tens of thousands of euros. One of clear examples is a fine issued to one of the directors of Nokia - Anssi Vanjoki, in 2002 the police fined him 116 thousand euros for driving at a speed of 75 km / h in a zone with a limit of 50 km / h.

The minimum daily fine is 6 euros. Below are minimum amounts fines for various violations:

  • dangerous overtaking - 14 - 84 euros
  • overtaking stopped in front pedestrian crossing t.s. – 12 – 72 euros
  • non-compliance with traffic priority - 10 - 60 euros
  • travel through a red light - 10 - 60 euros
  • ignoring the request to stop the police - 12 - 72 euros
  • travel under a traffic prohibition sign - 8 - 48 euros
  • ignoring the sign requiring a stop (STOP) - 8 - 48 euros
  • overtaking in the no-overtaking zone - 10 - 60 euros
  • non-activation of the direction indicator - fixed - 50 euros
  • t.s. control without a license - 20 - 120 euros
  • t.s. control non-compliant - 10 - 60 euros
  • presence or use of a radar detector - 20 - 120 euros
  • speed limit exceeding 25 km/h<=60 км/ч — 14 — 115 евро
  • exceeding the speed limit of 25 km/h with a limit >60 km/h – 12 – 115 euros
  • exceeding the speed of 16-20 km/h at the limit<=60 км/ч — фиксированный — 115 евро
  • exceeding the speed limit of 16-20 km/h with a limit of >60 km/h - fixed - 100 euros
  • non-observance of the distance of 100 km / h, 20 meters - 10 - 60 euros
  • unfastened belt security – fixed – 35 euros

Depending on the situation, the number of daily fines can be increased or decreased by 2-4
The police website has a fine calculator, where you can "evaluate" your behavior on the road.

How to pay a fine

A parking fine can only be paid in Finland in any city in a bank.
You can pay a police fine in Finland in any city in a bank or transfer the amount indicated on the receipt through any bank in Russia to a bank account in Finland.

Bank details for international transfer:
Account number: 166030-108681
Bank address: Aleksanterinkatu 36, FI-00020 NORDEA, FINLAND
Beneficiary: Oikeusrekisterikeskus
Recipient address: 13100 Hämeenlinna, Finland
Transfer codes: IBAN: FI2216603000108681

In the line "purpose (purpose) of the transfer" you should write out the number of your receipt (indicated on the fine form in the upper right corner and duplicated in the receipt itself).
If the receipt is lost, you can recover the information (amount + receipt number!) from Russia by phone: +358 10 366 5693, fax: +358 10 366 5783

In case of non-payment of the customs fee or police fine, a visa is not granted.

Why the question arises: How to pay a fine in Finland? Recent times increased cases of violations of the rules traffic Russian tourists.

The whole problem is that you will not know if you have broken the rules until you arrive at the border. And here you can wait an unpleasant surprise: instead of a stamp in your passport about leaving Finland, you get a piece of paper with an order to pay a fine. You will not be able to leave Finland until you pay this fine.

Why fines began to be sent to the border? How to pay a fine in Finland?

Penalty for wrong parking

I know from experience that there is something to compare with: before, our compatriots were not very afraid to break the rules, because fines were sent to Russian address and often they never came to anyone. Therefore, the drivers relaxed and began to drive the way they are used to doing in Russia.

In 2015, the Finns decided to radically change the situation. They calculated that 80% of all traffic violations are caused by tourists, mostly Russian. Isn't it embarrassing? No. Therefore, the Finnish authorities have taken certain steps and the Russians are now forced to pay fines.

By the way, if you have violated the rules, do not try to “quickly” leave the country. Will not work! The fact is that Finland is not Russia, do not be confused! The entire system is computerized to such an extent that information about a violation reaches the border almost instantly. On the Internet, I often came across forums in which people shared “their experience”, that, allegedly, they were not fined and they managed to leave Finland without hindrance. Perhaps this was the case before. But even assuming that you still managed to slip through the border, you will be in for a surprise on your next trip. Coming to Finnish checkpoint, you will hear something like: “Sorry, but you have an unpaid ticket. You cannot enter Finnish territory.” Then you can explain long and hard that you did not know anything and as soon as you are allowed into Finland, you will immediately pay a fine. Trust me, it won't work. Next time I will tell you how the whole system works in Finland and you will immediately understand everything. For now, just take my word for it.

How to pay a fine in Finland? reality of life

Now it's time to upset you. What time do people who came shopping usually go back home? That's right, in the evening. The main traffic jams at the border after 18.00, that is, after the closing of all shops. So, if you are leaving at this time, then getting a fine at the border will be an unpleasant surprise for you. The fact is, banks in Finland close earlier than shops, or rather at 17.00, on Saturday they work until 13.00, but cash services do not work.

Recently, in the center of Imatra, I was approached by a Russian couple, a husband and wife, they had to pay a fine, but they did not know how to do it. Luckily they met me and I helped them pay the fine. There are several branches of several Finnish banks in Imatra.

NORDEABank - now does not serve non-residents of Finland. So in this bank you will not be able to pay a fine.

POHJOLABank - also does not serve non-residents of Finland, moreover, they do not have cash services.

OSUUSPANKKI is what you need. It is in this bank that you can pay the fine that you have been issued.

So, if you are the lucky one who managed to get to the border before 13.00 on a weekday, then you need to contact the OSUUSPANKKI branch. You can easily find a branch of this bank in Imatra, since the branch of the bank is located right in the center of Imatra, opposite the ValtionHotelli, where all tourists are brought. You just go inside, take a number electronic queue, since the inscriptions are only in Finnish, it’s not very easy to figure it out on your own. Press the button labeled KASSAPALVELU. When your number is displayed, go to the desired window. You can just silently hold out the receipt, that will be enough. For those who know English, there is good news: the vast majority of Finns speak English, and bank staff are no exception.

If you are unlucky and you returned from the border to Imatra late in the evening and found that you simply have nowhere to pay the fine. Dont be upset! You can safely go to ValtionHotelli or Kylpylä SPA and show the receipt with the fine at the reception. As a rule, girls show participation and help to do it online. Of course, they will take some money, usually about 10 euros in addition to the receipt, but you will receive a paper on payment and will be able to leave Finland.

Or, there is another option, you can pay the receipt online yourself. I'll tell you a secret: there is free Wi-Fi in the center of Imatra. So pay your fine, save the receipt on your phone or tablet and go to the border!

How to pay a fine in Finland? Sizes of fines.

So, if you find a plastic bag under the wiper of your car that says Pysakointivirhemaksu This is a parking fine. It contains two sheets: on one the reasons for the fine are indicated, on the other - bank details. The size of the fine depends on the place where the offense was committed, and averages 20-80 €.

The penalty for speeding depends on the restriction zone and on how much you accelerated. There are two types of such fines: fixed rikesakko and daily penalty paivasakko , the amount of which depends on the person's income.

Penalties for breaking the speed limit in Finland in the zone up to 60 km/h:

  • exceeding the speed limit by 15 km/h - 170 € (fixed)

Penalties for breaking the speed limit in Finland in the zone over 60 km/h:

  • exceeding the speed limit by 15 km/h - 140 € (fixed)
  • exceeding the speed limit by 16 km/h - 20 km/h - 200 € (fixed)
  • exceeding the speed limit by 20 km/h - the fine is calculated based on the person's income.

The amounts of fines for traffic violations in Finland depend on the type of violation.

  • For driving without a belt, a fine of 70 € is issued,
  • for calls to mobile phone without a Hands free device while driving, a fine of 100 € is charged.
  • Pedestrians for traffic violations can receive a fine of 20 €.

Where to pay the fine in Finland?

The fine for incorrect parking can only be paid in Finland, in any city and in any bank. Please note that Finnish banks do not work on weekends (I have already written about this, but I will repeat it just in case). A police fine can be paid in the same way in any city and bank in Finland. In this case, the bank will add a commission on top, about 5% of the payment amount. The same applies to the fine received at customs.

Bank details for paying a fine for traffic violations in Finland:

Account number: 166030-108681


Beneficiary: Oikeusrekisterikeskus

Recipient address: 13100 Hämeenlinna, Finland

Codes for transfer:

IBAN: FI2216603000108681

In the line "purpose (purpose) of the transfer" you should enter the number of your receipt. It is indicated on the fine form in the upper right corner and is duplicated in the receipt itself.

Bank details for payment of a fine issued at customs in Finland:

Account number: 166030-102304


Bank address: Aleksanterinkatu 36, FI-00020 NORDEA, FINLAND

Recipient: Tullilaitos Recipient address: PL 512 00101 Helsinki

Codes for transfer:

IBAN: FI 2616603000102304

Why do fines need to be paid immediately?

Do not rush to throw away the receipt

The fine must be paid as soon as possible – and no later than the payment due date indicated on the receipt (eräpäivä). And, of course, it must be paid at the time of requesting a visa. For non-payment, a fine is charged, its amount depends on how late the payment was. An unpaid fine automatically leads to a refusal to issue the next visa, not only Finnish, but also other Schengen countries. Do not throw away the receipt of payment of the fine, just in case, take it with you when applying for new visa. Please note: the fine is always assigned to a specific person. The fact of non-payment of a fine that a driver received in Finland does not affect the issuance of a visa to his passengers later. In the event that the tourist does not agree with the fine, he has the right, within two weeks from the date of receipt of the notification, to appeal the decision to the court of first instance at the place where the offense was committed. Complaints can also be directed to writing by email. Attached to the penalty notice detailed instructions with instructions on how to appeal.

If the receipt is lost. How to pay a fine in Finland?

If you have lost your receipt, don't worry, the data can be recovered. On the official website of the Consulate General of Finland, it is suggested to call the following numbers (they will answer in English):

Customs fine: +358 20 690 600, fax: +358 20492 1812

Police fine: +358 29 566 5662, fax: +358 10 366 5783

For information about possible fine and recover information if the receipt is lost, you can also contact the Road Safety Center (Liikenneturvallisuuskeskus).

Address Email: [email protected], telephone number (0295 417 917), calls are accepted on weekdays from 8:00 to 16:00.

Everyone gets in trouble, and if you visit Finland on the weekend, you can always get a fine. On weekends, Finnish banks do not work, so the payment of a fine may be delayed for indefinite term. Where to pay Finnish fine in case of receipt. help resolve this issue.

We pay the Finnish fine

To pay the Finnish fine you need:
- receipt of a fine;
- the amount of money needed to pay it

Pay most fines the next time you visit Finland on weekdays. You can also pay in almost any bank in St. Petersburg, but for some reason the payment may not go through. If you have Finnish friends, ask them to pay for them, and return the money next weekend.

Consider some of the nuances that arise when paying various kinds penalties. A fine for incorrect parking can only be paid in Finland, at any bank in any city. Fines for speed and customs payments, in addition to traditional options, can be paid through any Russian bank to a Finnish bank account. The deadline for paying a fine for violating traffic rules is two weeks. Do not contact the Finnish or Russian consulate with the problem of paying a fine - they do not deal with this.

For international transfers of customs payments, use the following Bank details. Account number: 166030-102304. Bank: NORDEA BANK FINLAND PLC. Bank address: Aleksanterinkatu 36, FI-00020 NORDEA, FINLAND. Recipient: Tullilaitos. Recipient address: PL 512, 00101 Helsinki. Transfer codes: SWIFT: NDEAFIHH, IBAN: FI 2616603000102304. In the line "purpose (purpose) of the transfer", enter the receipt number. If the receipt is lost, restore the information (amount + receipt number) from Russia by phone: +358 20 690 600, fax: +358 20492 1812.

For international transfers of customs payments, use the following bank details. Account number: 166030-108681. Bank: NORDEA BANK FINLAND PLC. Bank address: Aleksanterinkatu 36, FI-00020 NORDEA, FINLAND. Beneficiary: Oikeusrekisterikeskus. Recipient address: 13100 Hämeenlinna, Finland. Transfer codes: IBAN: FI2216603000108681, SWIFT: NDEAFIHH. In the line “purpose (purpose) of the transfer”, enter the number of the receipt (indicated on the fine form in the upper right corner and duplicated in the receipt itself). If the receipt is lost, restore the information (amount + receipt number) from Russia by phone +358 10 366 5693, fax: +358 10 366 5783.

Any traffic rules recorded by the police, and even more so an unpaid fine or customs duty are a serious reason for refusing a visa. Serious violations(driving in drunk) are entered into the database of criminal offenses and permanently close the possibility of crossing the border. With introduction in 2010 single base accounting for all violations in the EU, for violation of the rules in Finland any country European Union may refuse. Now it will not be difficult for you to pay the Finnish fine.

For violation of the rules of the road in the Land of the Lakes, there are very high fines. We strongly recommend that you drive carefully on the roads and follow all traffic rules, because there are many CCTV cameras installed in Finland, so it will be extremely difficult to avoid fines.

And the fines themselves amount to significant amounts (indicated in euros):

Where and how to pay a fine issued in Finland

In Finland, a fine issued by law enforcement officers is paid through banks. The police themselves only draw up a receipt, giving it to you personally or leaving it under the car wipers. Don't brib the police!

Options for repayment of debts for administrative offenses:

Option 1. Payment of the fine through a bank in any city in Finland. 5% of the amount is charged for the transfer. Banks are open 5 days a week, Monday through Friday. Payment can be made not only in cash, but also by card (valid in the territory of the state).

Option 2. Currency transfer through any bank in Russia. To do this, you will need bank details in Finland, which can be obtained at the consulate of the state. Be sure to keep your receipt. When applying for a visa, it will come in handy.

Please note that parking fines can be redeemed only in the bank of Finland!

What happens if you don't pay the fine

Don't hesitate to pay!

It should be noted that the violation of traffic rules is also associated with the future (repeated) receipt of a Schengen visa. If you do not pay the fine within 14 days from the date of receipt of your receipt, you risk being refused by the consulate of the country, as well as in the representative offices of other countries included in the zone.

How to find out the fine traffic violations in Finland

Please note that in Finland the fine is fixed for registration number vehicle, not the driver.

Therefore, if you are not issued a ticket immediately, it will be printed out at the police station and sent to the owner of the car by mail. If nothing comes to you, then it is likely that the fine is waiting for you at the border.

If you have lost the receipt, the amount and its number will be prompted to you by phone: +358 10 366 5693.

Availability unpaid fines- grounds for refusal to issue a Schengen visa.

Everyone can get into unpleasant situation, for example, to go to Finland on the weekend and get a fine. Finnish banks do not work on weekends, and the payment of a fine can be delayed for a long time with all the consequences. How and where to deal with this problem, our advice will prompt.

The Finnish fine is not as terrible as it is issued

In fact, all that is needed to pay a fine in Finland is:

Fines in Finland are divided into:

  • Parking (for improper parking of the car, the amount of the fine varies from 10 to 50 euros depending on the municipality and parking area)
  • Customs (issued for violation of customs rules)
  • A policeman (this includes traffic violations, for example, a fine for not wearing a seat belt will cost 35 euros, non-observance of a distance of 60, driving with the headlights off - 50, the most big fines for violation speed limit from 115 euros to deprivation of rights).

Most of the fines issued in this welcoming country can be paid the next time you enter it only in weekdays, (because banks do not work on weekends and holidays).

You can pay them in Russia, there are two payment methods - this is a bank currency transfer to the current account of the Bank of Finland using the available details or electronic payment through the Eurofine website. In the first and second types of payment, you will need to pay a commission for the transfer, through the bank of Russia 18 euros, get acquainted with the commission electronic payment You can visit the Eurofine website. Also, if you have Finnish friends, you can ask them to take over this responsibility, personal presence when paying a fine in Finland is not necessary.

Subtleties when paying Finnish types of fines

1. Parking penalty:

Parking ticket in wrong place you have the right to pay only in the territory of Finland, where you made administrative violation. You can do this at any bank in the city of the country.

2. Customs penalty:

Customs payments can be paid in a Finnish city convenient for you at a bank or using a currency transfer through any Russian bank.

Account number: 166030-102304

Recipient: Tullilaitos (customs)
Recipient address: PL 512
00101 Helsinki
Transfer codes: SWIFT: NDEAFIHH
IBAN: FI 2616603000102304
In the line "purpose (purpose) of the transfer" you should write out the number of the receipt (it is indicated in the receipt itself).

If the receipt is lost, you can restore the information (amount + receipt number) from Russia by phone: +358 20 690 600, fax: +358 20492 1812

3. Police fine:

Traffic fines in Finland can be paid by transfer from any Russian bank to a Finnish account. And also directly in Finland itself through a bank.

Bank details for international transfer:
Account number: 166030-108681
Bank address: Aleksanterinkatu 36
Beneficiary: Oikeusrekisterikeskus
Recipient's address: 13100 Hämeenlinna
Transfer codes: IBAN: FI2216603000108681
In the line "purpose (purpose) of the transfer" you should write out the number of the receipt (it is indicated on the fine form in the upper right corner and is duplicated in the receipt itself).

If the receipt is lost, you can restore the information (amount + receipt number) from Russia by phone: +358 10 366 5693, fax: +358 10 366 5783

Violation of traffic rules must without fail be paid within a 2 week period.

Keep in mind that neither the Finnish nor the Russian consulates deal with fines and their payment. Any administrative violation may become an argument for not issuing a visa to you. And, for example, drunk driving will forever block your way to the country of a thousand lakes. In addition, it will also be included in the database of criminal offenses.

After the introduction in 2010 of a single base of violators for the EU for misconduct in Finland, any EU country has the right to refuse you a Schengen visa. Paying the fine will be cheaper.

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