Temporary residence permit and right to work. Do I need a work permit for temporary residence? Does a temporary residence permit give you the right to work?

Find out if you have a temporary residence permit and whether you need a patent for work in 2015. Here you will find comments and expert opinions on whether it is possible to work without a patent if you have a temporary work permit, which is better: a temporary temporary work permit or a patent for work.

Any individual who wishes to exercise labor activity V Russian Federation, is faced with the question of whether it is possible to work without a patent if there is a temporary residence permit.

According to government decree, any migrant who has issued a permit has full and legal right find employment in exactly the same manner as citizens of the Russian Federation. Worker personnel service An organization hiring a foreigner must require a package of documents listed in Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and the employer must contact the migration service and submit a notice of employment of such person.

Thus, we answer the question: if there is a temporary residence permit, do you need a patent for the work? No, no need to register additional papers no need. It is necessary to take into account one extremely important point. You can get a job in an organization only in the region where the permit was issued.

Residents of Belarus and Kazakhstan are exempt from processing any permitting documents to work, they get a job general procedure. If a citizen enters the territory of the Russian Federation with and plans to obtain a patent in the future, he must indicate the purpose of work on the migration form, otherwise another phrase will be considered an administrative violation.

Which is better: temporary residence permit or work patent?

Let's consider what is better: a temporary residence permit or a work patent. Definitely answer this question It’s impossible, because each of the permits has its own pros and cons.

If a citizen intends to continue working and living in Russia in the future, then he definitely needs to apply for a temporary residence permit. Ready document makes it possible not only to work legally, but also to have contributions to Pension Fund, as well as the right to free medical care. The document is valid for 3 years without the possibility of further extension. Among the disadvantages are the high cost, attachment to the place of residence and the need for the employer to independently submit a notification to the Federal Migration Service about hiring a foreigner.

A patent is issued for a period of 1 year, but it can be renewed several times, which is not regulated by law. Advantages - low cost, minimum documents for registration, short term receipt – 10 days. Among the disadvantages are attachment to the region in which the patent was issued, the need for renewal after 12 months.

Definitely, if the visitor’s goal is seasonal work for a short period of time, it is better to apply for a patent, and if you want to permanently live and work in the Russian Federation, then only a temporary residence permit.

Temporary residence

Do I need a work permit for temporary residence? Does it give RVP right to work?

Many people coming to Russia from abroad are interested in working with a temporary residence permit in a particular region. It would be logical to immediately clarify that a temporary residence permit and a work permit are two different documents. But if you already have a temporary registration, then for work within of this subject You can also apply for the federation.

Work and temporary residence: what is unclear?

So, working with a temporary residence permit still raises many questions. Why? Partly due to the leapfrog in Russian legislation, which has reigned for the last about a decade and a half. In fact, in 2002, a law was already passed allowing persons who had previously received temporary registration to work without a special permit. That is, a temporary residence permit and work were completely combined.

But then, in 2007, in regulatory framework The Russian Federation has made adjustments. According to the then legislative initiatives, hardworking foreigners willing to invest their professional potential to Russian National economy, had to receive both registration and permission to work. The innovation “lasted” only 6 years, and in 2013 everything returned “to normal.”

So, if you have permission to temporary residence, do you need a work permit to a foreigner? We answer: no, it’s not necessary! At least according to the situation in 2014. Nobody knows what will happen next. We can only hope that the state will no longer experiment in the bureaucratic field in terms of creating artificial difficulties for people who have come to support the national economic complex of the Russian Federation with their own hands and brains. All in all, temporary residence permit, work permit- This various documents, but the temporary residence permit also gives the right to employment.

Do you have a job, but no temporary registration?

Another question on our minds labor migrants: What if you already have a job in mind, but don’t have a temporary residence permit yet? There is only one answer: come! A certificate from your place of work is not needed to obtain a temporary residence permit, but having a job will solve the problem of extending your residence permit. Simply put, if you do not work and do not have sufficient means to live, then your temporary registration may not be extended. And even cancel the one you have already received.

By the way, carefully monitor what salary you were officially given. That is, on what amount do you pay taxes. This is especially true if you did not come to work alone, but brought with you your wife, children and other relatives who did not want to part with you while you were working in Russia. And especially if out of this whole friendly company you are the only one who got a job. Then if your salary is the only official source income, they will calculate from it average income for each member of your family.

The point of all this is that the official income for each foreigner in Russia should be no less than living wage. The cost of living is established by the relevant regulations, it can be changed, so you need to monitor this very carefully. If the official income is consistently lower, then your temporary registration may be “revoked.” The exception is undergraduate and graduate students day departments. Considering the fact that they usually study at on a contract basis, by default it is assumed that they have the means to live.

Such restrictions also do not apply to pensioners and disabled people. Pension, be it for age or for disability, this is a thing - as much as they give, so much they give. Will it be higher than the subsistence level or lower? established by the state minimum – it depends on your luck. In any case, if you are applying for temporary registration, already having the prospect of employment, this is always better than going to temporary residence without certain job prospects.

Permits: we will issue any!

If you have already figured out what's what, you can start processing and receiving all the documents you need. If not, please contact law firm, which specializes in providing assistance to migrants. For example, in ours. Then you will receive any permits as soon as possible!

Many foreign citizens and their employers are thinking about how to simplify their stay in Russia: live and work legally, but not spend monthly large sums money for documents.

So let's compare the two documents − labor patent and a temporary residence permit. Both of these documents allow you to live and work in Russia. Which is more profitable?

Validity: You can work in Russia only for the period for which you paid monthly tax for a patent. This period cannot exceed 12 months. After the first year foreign citizen may submit documents in advance for re-registration of the patent or leave the territory of the Russian Federation.

Special conditions:

  • You can only work in the profession specified in the patent. If a foreigner wants to work in a different profession, he must apply for a new patent;
  • You can only work in the region for which the patent was issued. To work in another region, a foreign citizen can apply for a second patent, but he will have to pay for both. Or he can also contact the UMC with an application to change the data.

Relations with the employer: After receiving a patent, a foreigner has two months to find an employer. A foreign citizen can work in several places at the same time or change employers. In this case, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with each employer and send a notice about it. If a foreigner has been fired from his job, he has two weeks to find a new employer.

Special conditions:

  • issued on the grounds for receiving this status or within the annual quota;
  • a foreigner has the right to work in any profession;
  • a foreigner can only work in the region for which the temporary residence permit was issued. If he wants to change region RVP actions, you will have to submit a statement indicating the reason for the change.

Registration: after obtaining temporary residence permit a foreign citizen must complete registration within 7 working days. After this, he has the right to freely travel outside the Russian Federation, upon return re-registration not required.

Our clients, who initially worked under a patent, but then received a temporary work permit, say that the temporary work permit is much more convenient and profitable. This document saves money spent on completing all documents and time. And also nerves, because... after receiving TRP for a foreigner much easier to work with and less paperwork required.

If you want to live and work freely in Russia without unnecessary loss of time and money, then we recommend obtaining a temporary residence permit rather than a patent.

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