Site safety plan, advanced sample. Anti-terrorism security plan

Security plan educational institution in preparation

and holding public events


    Practical measures to prevent acts of terrorism and emergency situations in an educational institution and on its territory________________________________________________5

    Example Comprehensive plan preparation and conduct in

educational institution of mass events dedicated to

celebration of New Year and Christmas holidays_________8


    Literature________________________________________________ 24


The topic of the project is very relevant at the present time, because... Ensuring the safety of students and staff is the main task of the administration of any educational institution. Especially now, when this issue is especially acute. Now, during the period of activity of terrorist organizations, extremist actions and, of course, during the period of increasing cases of banditry, hooliganism and inappropriate behavior among both children and adults, we must take especially seriously the security of an educational institution.

Especially great attention we must pay attention to safety during the preparation and holding of public events, of which there are always a lot in any school. And it is during these events that, as a rule, all emergencies happen.

A security plan for an educational institution during mass events is drawn up no later than a month before the event, and is approved by the person responsible for the safety of the educational institution (deputy director (for security)) and the person responsible for holding the mass event (deputy director for VR ). Approved by the head of the educational institution.

During any public events, the security post is strengthened police officers, private security company and school administration. Taking into account the location educational organization in hotbeds of interethnic and social tension, there is a need and expediency to increase the number of security officers for a given period to a minimum of three people, in order to be able to quickly respond to an emergency situation.

Before you begin preparing for a mass event in an educational institution, it is necessary to determine the goals and objectives that should be solved. IN in this case We are interested in ensuring the safety of students and employees of the educational institution during the event.

Ensuring security, in turn, implies, first of all, preventing the occurrence of emergency situations and terrorist acts during a mass event in an educational institution.

In order to ensure safety during a mass event, the administration of an educational institution must develop and implement a Comprehensive Plan for the preparation and holding of a mass event in an educational institution.

The question arises, why is this plan “comprehensive”? Because we must carry out all security measures in a comprehensive manner, in no way separating anti-terrorist security from fire safety, information security from epidemiological security, etc. Only when comprehensive security is ensured can it be said that students and staff of an educational institution are completely safe and their lives are not in danger.



In an educational institution, before a mass event and during it, it is necessary to take enhanced security measures to prevent sabotage and terrorist acts:

1 . Deputy school director for administrative and economic affairs (AHCh) maintain in order the basement and utility rooms, roof exits and emergency exits from the institution’s building, which must be closed and sealed. Fire extinguishers and electrical panels must also be sealed. Monitor the condition of these objects on a daily basis. Monitor the lighting of the OS area at night.

2. Deputy Director for Educational Work at least once a week, check the condition of educational premises (classrooms, offices, training workshops, museums, libraries, sports and assembly halls). Monitor the issuance of keys to classrooms to teachers and the return of keys at the end of classes and the restoration of order in classrooms. Monitor the work of duty teachers.

3. Permanent staff of the school arrive at your workplaces 10-15 minutes before the start of classes in order to check their condition for the absence of strangers and suspicious items and preparing them for classes (work).

4. To teachers, those conducting classes in educational premises not assigned to them (classrooms, offices, etc.), sign for receipt and delivery of keys to them in a special book. Supervise cleaning classroom after finishing classes.

5. For students arrive at the educational institution in advance for the purpose of timely preparation to the start of classes. At the entrance, school students present an unfolded pass (diary, safety passport) to the security guard. Permanent composition is passed according to the list approved by the director of the educational institution upon presentation of an identity document (passport).

6. To the duty teacher and students of the duty class arrive at your workplaces in a timely manner, 30 minutes in advance, and prepare them for work (read the instructions, identify foreign and suspicious objects).

7. Deputy Head (Security) and the institution authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense annually plan and conduct command post exercises with management team institutions and officials of Civil Defense4; training with everything personnel educational institution on actions in the event of a threat of committing terrorist attack in the premises and on the territory of an educational institution. Prepare and submit to the director-head of the civil defense institution proposals for the purchase of personal protective equipment (PPE), chemical and radiation protection, video and computer equipment And educational materials to it, educational and methodological literature and visual aids on countering terrorism and ensuring the safety of students and employees.

8. To the duty teacher:

Instruct students in the duty group;

Do not allow students and employees with suspicious hand luggage (heavy bags, boxes, large packages, etc.) into the premises of the institution;

Compile lists of employees and students who are late for work and classes and submit them to the Deputy Director for Water Resources Management for taking appropriate measures;

9. To the security guard on duty:

Allow employees to enter the building of the educational institution according to the list approved by the director of the educational institution upon presentation of an identity document (passport), students according to their safety passports and diaries;

When entering the territory of an educational institution, a car Vehicle, check the relevant documents and the nature of the imported goods;

Pay special attention to checking documents and the purpose of arrival of persons from other organizations visiting an educational institution for official affairs, make appropriate entries in the visitors' book;

Restrict the entry of relatives and acquaintances of students into the school building (allow entry only with the permission of administration heads, teachers, class teachers);

Keep the building's entrance doors clear for entry and exit during mass arrivals of employees and students. The rest of the day, the entrance doors must be locked and opened by a security guard upon a call from a visitor;

After the end of the working day, regularly walk around and check interior spaces educational institution and walk around the territory adjacent to the institution every two hours, pay attention to foreign and suspicious objects;

Ensure timely removal of waste from the territory of the institution;

Immediately report any detected violations to the head of the institution or his deputy for security and to his immediate superiors in the security company.

10. Every employee and student An educational institution is obliged, if deficiencies and violations related to ensuring security in the institution are discovered, to immediately notify the head of the educational institution or his deputy for security.


I approve

Director (name of educational institution)

___________(FULL NAME.)

"____" _______ 20___

Comprehensive plan

(name of OS)

on preparation and holding of events,

dedicated to the celebration of New Year and Christmas holidays







about execution

1. Anti-terrorist security

Drawing up and approval of a comprehensive plan for preparing for the celebration of the New Year and Christmas holidays


Deputy Director for ACh

Interaction with interdepartmental structures, including the OGPN, in the preparation and conduct of public events:

    Preparation of a letter to the OGPN with information about the timing of New Year's mass events.

    Maintaining order in the school during public events.


Head teacher,

Deputy Director (Security),

Deputy Director for ACh,

Control to eliminate deficiencies identified interdepartmental commission on the acceptance of the school for the new academic year.


Deputy Director (Security),

Deputy Director for HR, Deputy Director for HR

Execution of instructions and decisions higher organizations, commissions:

1. Creation of a commission to check school readiness

for the celebration of New Year and

Christmas holidays.

2. Preparation and approval of regulatory and legal acts of inspection.


Head teacher,

Deputy Director (Security),

Deputy Director for ACh,

Deputy Director for HR, Deputy Director for HR

Strengthening the access control regime in the school building and on the school grounds to exclude the possibility of unauthorized persons entering the school building and uncontrolled bringing in and taking out of things and other items.


Daily check of the functionality of the panic button to call the police, APS, video surveillance with notes in the appropriate log.


Deputy Director (Security), Security Guards

Daily check of the integrity of perimeter fences and proper functioning of area lighting.


Deputy Director (Security), Security Guards

Carrying out daily briefings with school employees (with entries in the briefing log) on ​​the procedure for action in the event of a threat or commission of a terrorist act, contacting Special attention on methods of notification, rules of conduct in case of detection of ownerless items and signs of suspicious behavior of individuals. Call order training fire department, employees of internal affairs bodies, disaster medicine, rescuers and emergency services.

In accordance with the work plan on anti-terrorism and extremism

Deputy Director (Security),

Deputy Director for ACh

if necessary

2. Fire safety.

Ensure fire safety of students, school buildings and structures. Carry out timely cleaning of the fire hydrant from snow and ice.


Deputy Director for ACh

Together with representatives of the territorial divisions of the State Fire Inspectorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, inspect the premises in which it is planned to conduct festive events for compliance with requirements fire safety.

Based on the results of the inspection, draw up a report signed by a representative of the State Fire Inspectorate.


Deputy Director for ACh

Conduct a commission inspection of all school premises for compliance with fire safety requirements. Based on the results of the inspection, draw up a report.


Deputy Director for ACh

It is prohibited to exceed the number of seats for event participants in premises beyond the design capacity.


Deputy Director (Security),

Deputy Director for ACh,

Deputy Director for VR

Conduct an inspection of fire-fighting water supply sources adjacent to the locations of New Year's event facilities.


Deputy Director for ACh

Take measures to ensure the health of systems fire alarm, warning and management of evacuation of people in case of fire, primary funds fire extinguishing


Deputy Director (Security),

Deputy Director for ACh

Bring into compliance regulatory documents escape routes and exits from school premises and buildings.


Deputy Director for ACh

It is strictly prohibited to clutter and block access roads to an educational institution. When holding festive events with mass stay children have a layout and parking plan for vehicles in accordance with established requirements fire regulations.


Deputy Director for ACh

Check electrical equipment and electrical products (Christmas tree lights, wires and cables) used in organizing holiday events. Do not use them in violation of the manufacturer's requirements.


Deputy Director for ACh


Deputy Director (Security),

Deputy Director for ACh

Ensure that fire drills on evacuation of people and actions in case of fire with students, service and duty personnel (according to the site training plan for the academic year).


Prohibit the holding of festive events on school premises that do not meet fire safety requirements.


Head teacher

Deny use pyrotechnic products(fireworks, salutes, rockets, fountains, etc.), as well as carnival products (crackers, sparklers) during public events.


School director, deputy director for VR

Strengthen the composition of school duty shifts during festive events.


Duty administrator, deputy director for water management, VR.

When holding events in buildings and premises third party organizations and institutions, including entertainment ones, it is necessary to first assess the degree of safe stay of students in them, familiarize themselves with the procedure and rules.


Class teachers, accompanying persons.

Organize instructional and methodological classes with teaching staff, staff, and students on compliance with fire safety rules at school and their actions in emergency situations.


Conduct parent-teacher meetings and bring to the attention of parents information about the need to ensure control over children outside school time and organizing safe leisure activities.


School director, deputy director for HR, deputy director for education, class teachers.

ABOUT non-standard situations immediately inform the relevant services and education department of the district administration

If necessary

School staff and administration.

3. Physical security.

Additionally, conduct training sessions with private employees security companies, guards who guard the school, in order to strengthen the access control regime, increase vigilance and prevent cases of negligence in the performance of official duties.


Deputy Director (Safety), Deputy Director for ACh

Strengthen control over the implementation of the access control regime.


Deputy Director (Security)

4. Sanitary and epidemiological measures.

In connection with the seasonal increase in the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections and the threat of an influenza epidemic, strengthen supervision over the implementation of preventive anti-epidemiological measures to combat these infections, including maintaining the necessary temperature and disinfection regime in the school.


In the event of a flu epidemic during events dedicated to the New Year, Christmas and winter holidays take prompt measures to actively identify and isolate the sources of the disease, separate students and prohibit mass events with their participation.


School principal, school doctor, school nurse

Organize control of food products supplied to the educational institution, New Year's sweet gifts, their expiration dates, and the presence of sanitary and epidemiological conclusions on them.


5. Safety on water bodies.

Strengthen control over the implementation of Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of September 28, 2007 No. 732/21 “On the rules for protecting human life on water bodies in the Moscow Region.”

Determine the routes for students to go to school, taking into account the intersection of water bodies in winter period. When crossing a body of water in winter, you should strictly use equipped ice crossings or paved trails. Going out on the ice in places where prohibitory signs are posted is not allowed.


Deputy Director for VR,

class teachers.

Carry out explanatory preventive work about the dangers of being on ice. Ensure proper parental supervision of children during the holiday period.


Deputy Director for VR,

class teachers.

Take comprehensive measures to prevent tragic consequences the presence of children on water bodies in winter.


Deputy Director for VR,

class teachers.

6. Transport support.

When organizing student trips, strictly follow “ Guidelines to ensure sanitary and epidemiological well-being and safety traffic during transportation organized groups children by road transport"


Deputy Director for VR,

class teachers.

Carry out all trips within the region and beyond its borders only by order of the school director, indicating the persons responsible for the life and health of children, and mobile phone numbers.


Deputy Director for VR,

class teachers.

When organizing and carrying out transportation of organized groups of students, be guided by the Procedure for sending applications and organizing escort of vehicles carrying out transportation of organized groups of students, escort vehicles of the State Traffic Inspectorate, as well as the Instructions for ensuring the safety of transportation by buses of students and pupils of educational institutions of the Moscow region, developed in accordance with the “Regulations on ensuring the safety of passenger transportation by buses", strictly observing stipulated deadlines coordination of transportation and submission of applications.


Deputy Director for VR,

class teachers.

Inform the relevant services and the Education Department of the district administration about all trips of organized groups of students.


School staff and administration.

7. Prevention work

children's road traffic injuries.

Organize preventive measures with students on road safety, together with employees of the traffic police departments.


class teachers.

Organize pedagogical councils and parent meetings to consider issues of this issue, including conversations with parent-drivers about the mandatory use of seat belts and child restraints when transporting children in the car.


Deputy Director for VR, Head of the Judicial Intelligence Unit,

class teachers.

Organize propaganda classes with students safe behavior on the roads.


Deputy Director for VR, Head of the Judicial Intelligence Unit,

class teachers.

8. Organization of meals for students.

Strictly follow recommendations on organization, diet, menu design, as well as requirements for transportation, acceptance and storage of products, production, sales and organization of consumption of products Catering, intended for students.


School director, school doctor, school nurse, chairman of the school trade union committee

Observe the basic principles of organizing a rational, balanced diet when creating a diet.


School director, school doctor, school nurse, chairman of the school trade union committee

Organize the sale (free sale) of pantry products (ready-to-eat products, industrial production and culinary products for intermediate nutrition) in a sufficient assortment for cash and non-cash payments.


School director, school doctor, school nurse, chairman of the school trade union committee

Execute and be guided sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of meals for students( Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations- SanPiN

1. Use for free sale in canteens and buffets is allowed (as part of an additional assortment food products) cereal breakfast cereals enriched with vitamins and minerals (weighing up to 50 g per package, except for chips fried in oil), limited - puffed corn,plain crackers without flavoring additives, except natural ones(dill, garlic, etc.).

2. In a limited assortment, industrially produced flour confectionery products (gingerbreads, gingerbread cookies, muffins, rolls, waffles and other products) in individual portion (weighing up to 100 g) packaging, as well as flour confectionery products may be sold own production weighing up to 100 grams (except for products with cream).

3. It is strictly forbidden to sell cakes, cream pies, chips, chewing gum and caramel, carbonated drinks and kvass, raw smoked deli meats and sausages, canned food, hot sauces, ketchup and mayonnaise.


School director, school doctor, school nurse, chairman of the school trade union committee

When organizing excursions, hikes, outings classes, etc. included in setsdry ration products should include thermizedyoghurt-based dairy products, sterilized milk, cream, milk drinks, bakery products, fruits, juices in individual packaging. In dry ration sets during long excursions, it is allowed to include, to a limited extent, flour confectionery products (waffles, gingerbreads, cookies) in individual packaging. On hikes they use pasta, food concentrates (ready-made soups, cereals, powdered milk), canned foods: stewed beef, pork, condensed milk, cream, etc. When hiking, do not use perishable products, including those in vacuum packaging.


School director, school doctor, school nurse, chairman of the school trade union committee

9. Necessary data for effective implementation of student safety measures

Name of the event.

Deputy Director for VR

Event program.

No later than a month before the start of the event

Deputy Director for VR

Composition and number of participants of the event, incl. serving him.

Deputy Director for VR, Deputy Director for ACh

Venue of the event.

No later than a week before the start of the event

Deputy Director for VR

Number of guards, duty officers (duty groups), responsible persons, routes for inspection of the territory.


Deputy Director (Security)

Locations of fire hydrants, water intake, gas and electricity shutoffs.


Deputy Director for ACh

Evacuation routes, emergency exits. Responsible for emergency exits, issuance of protective equipment, fire fighting equipment.

No later than a week before the start of the event

Deputy Director (Safety), Deputy Director for ACh

Places (points) for assistance.

No later than a week before the start of the event

Deputy director (for safety), deputy director for chemical control, school health worker

Measures to inspect the institution and measures to enhance security during the preparation, conduct and completion of the event.

No later than a week before the start of the event

Deputy Director (Security)

Actions of the administration of the institution to maintain public order.



Actions of the administration and staff of the institution in the event of emergency situations.



Addresses and telephone numbers of duty services of internal affairs bodies, the Ministry of Emergency Situations.


Deputy Director (Security)

Z Am.Director (Security)__________ (Full name)

Deputy Director for Educational Work______(full name)


I gave an example of a Comprehensive Plan for preparing and holding New Year’s events and tried to show how much and labor-intensive work is being done at school in order to ensure safety. Absolutely all members of the school team are involved in this work.

If necessary, the school administration can contact the Department of Internal Affairs to receive police assistance in ensuring security during public events. Law enforcement agencies can develop their plans to ensure the safety of public events and bring them to the attention of the management of the educational institution. In this case, a plan to ensure the security of an educational institution during the preparation and conduct of a mass event is drawn up taking into account the plans of the internal affairs bodies.

In preparation for holding mass events and before their actual holding, training and inspection activities are reflected in current documents on safety: briefings - in the briefing log; training – in the training evacuation log; checks – in the magazine “On the operational situation and measures taken».

Each educational institution has its own nuances and its own security system. But the main points of this work are the same for everyone, because... All educational institutions have approximately the same security problems and face similar situations and issues in their work that have to be resolved daily, quickly and painlessly for all students and school staff.


    N.V.Andreeva, Kh.M.Aseev, V.I.Belyaev, A.I.Kotova, L.Ya.Oliferenko, V.F.Pilipenko, V.F.Sautkin, T.I.Shulga “Providing comprehensive security in an educational institution ( desk book leader)", "Iris Press, Iris Didactics", Moscow, 2005.

    B.V. Vilkov, M.A. Gavrilov, B.V. Kovalenko, A.I. Kotova, L.Ya. Oliferenko, V.F. Pilipenko, V.F. Sautkin “Comprehensive security of an educational institution (workbook of the deputy Head of Security), IPK and PRNO MO, Moscow, 2005.

    Petrov S.V. Concept of safety of an educational institution. // LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Basics of life safety. No. 10. 2004.

    V.A. Akimov. Life safety. Safety in emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature: Textbook / V.A. Akimov, Yu.L. Vorobyov, M.I. Faleev et al. 2nd edition, revised - M.: Higher School, 2007.

    Human factor in ensuring safety and labor protection: Textbook / P.P. Kukin, N.L. Ponomarev, V.M. Popov, N.I. Serdyuk. - M.: Higher School, 2008.

Organizational and administrative documentation

In order to organize reliable anti-terrorist protection, it is critical important object It is recommended to have the following documents:

    regulations on the organization of security and defense of the facility (approved by the head of the institution, signed by the person responsible for the implementation of measures for anti-terrorist protection of the facility);

    security plan (for the protection and cover) of an object in the event of a threat or commission of a terrorist act (approved by the head of the institution, signed by the responsible person of the institution for the implementation of measures for anti-terrorist protection of the object, consistent with territorial ATS units, UFSB and Ministry of Emergency Situations);

    instructions on access and intra-facility regime (approved by the head of the institution, signed by the person responsible for the implementation of anti-terrorism protection measures for the facility, agreed with the head of the security unit);

    job descriptions for security department employees
    (approved by the head of the institution, signed by the person responsible for the institution for the implementation of measures for anti-terrorist protection of the facility, agreed with the management of the security unit);

    facility safety data sheet (for hazardous production facilities). Approved by the head of the institution, signed by the person responsible for the implementation of activities for civil defense and emergency prevention, coordinated with the territorial division of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;

    passport of anti-terrorism security of the object (the regulations and standard passport were approved by the decision of the ATK of the Perm Territory, protocol No. 1, dated 04/02/2009)
    Approved by the head of the institution, signed by the responsible person of the institution for the implementation of measures for anti-terrorist protection of the facility, agreed with the territorial divisions of the Department of Internal Affairs, the FSB Directorate;

    a notification scheme for employees involved in measures to prevent or eliminate the consequences of emergency situations;

    plan for ensuring the security of the facility (current and future) (approved by the head of the institution, signed by the responsible person of the institution for the implementation of measures for anti-terrorist protection of the facility);

    long-term plan for equipment of the engineering facility technical means protection and security (as a rule, drawn up for 3-5 years, indicating the volumes and sources of funding, as well as persons responsible for the implementation of plan items), approved by the head of the institution, signed by the person responsible for the institution for the implementation of measures for anti-terrorist protection of the facility;

    functional responsibilities of the official of the institution responsible for implementing measures for anti-terrorist protection of the facility (signed by the head of the institution).

At security posts, taking into account their functionality, it is recommended to have the following documentation:

    job description (extract from the post report card, memo) of the facility security officer;

    instructions for access and intra-facility mode;

    instructions on labor protection and safety measures during service;

    instructions (memo) on actions officials and facility personnel in emergency situations;

    rules for using technical security means;

    log of reception and delivery of duty;

    magazine "On the operational situation and measures taken";

    visitor registration log;

    entry (exit) log for vehicles;

    other Required documents at the discretion of the facility manager.

Depending on the nature of the object, it is possible to combine individual journals into a single one.


The basis for ensuring reliable protection of objects with large numbers of citizens from criminal attacks is an appropriate access control regime in combination with engineering and technical strengthening and equipment with security and alarm systems, and video surveillance.

Access control to the territory and directly into the buildings of objects with mass stays must be carried out on the basis of the “Regulations on the organization of access control” approved by the head of the facility.

General requirements for system personnel physical protection object, its weapons and general organizational events detailed in section 2.2. of these Methodological Recommendations.

When carrying out measures to ensure the safety of places with large numbers of citizens, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of engineering strength and equipment with technical means to enhance the security of these objects.

For use by law enforcement agencies in the course of planning and carrying out priority anti-terrorism and counter-terrorism measures, a passport for the anti-terrorist security of an object is being developed. The regulation on certification of anti-terrorist protection of objects and a standard passport were approved at a meeting of the Anti-Terrorism Commission in the Perm Territory on April 2, 2009.

Engineering strengthening of objects (for educational institutions, healthcare, sports facilities,places of organized recreation and health improvement for children)

The perimeter fencing of the facility must prevent the accidental passage of people into the territory, the entry of vehicles, or prevent trespassers from entering the protected area. The fencing should be made in the form of straight sections, with minimum quantity bends and turns that limit observation and complicate the use of technical security measures. Fences must comply with protection class 1 (the minimum required degree of protection of an object from penetration) - fences made of various non-permanent structures with a height of at least 2 m.

Gates are installed at vehicle entrances to the facility. Along the perimeter of the territory of the protected facility, both main and emergency or emergency gates can be installed. The height of the gate must correspond to the height of the perimeter fence. The design of the gate must ensure its rigid fixation in the closed position. Locking and blocking devices (bolts, stoppers, locks) when the gate is closed must provide adequate resistance to destructive influences and remain operational at high humidity in a wide range of ambient temperatures (minus 40 to +50 ° C), direct influence water, snow, hail, sand and other factors.

Vehicle gates must be kept closed at all times. Admission to the territory of the facility should be carried out only after control and inspection actions have been carried out by the facility security officer or the facility administrator on duty.

Emergency exit door structures must provide reliable protection from unauthorized entry and have a sufficient class of protection against destructive influences. They must be locked and equipped with means burglar alarm with output to the security (watchman) post hub.

Window structures (windows, vents, transoms) in all areas of the facility must be glazed and have reliable and serviceable locking devices. The glass must be firmly fixed in the grooves. Installation of metal bars on classroom windows, assembly halls, buildings of hospital complexes, etc. not allowed.

Equipping with technical means to enhance the security of facilities

All premises of the facility with permanent or temporary storage must be equipped with technical means of security alarm material assets, as well as all vulnerable areas of the building (windows, doors, hatches, ventilation shafts, ducts, etc.), through which unauthorized entry into the premises of the facility is possible.

For prompt transfer messages to the department's control centers private security(non-state security companies) and/or to the duty station of the internal affairs bodies about illegal actions regarding staff and visitors (for example, robbery attacks, hooligan actions, threats), the facility must be equipped with alarm devices (TS): mechanical buttons, radio buttons, radio key fobs, pedals, optical-electronic detectors and other devices.

The alarm system is organized “without the right to switch off.”

Post(s) for guarding objects in mandatory are equipped with wired city telephone communication, as well as by means of radio communication with duty units (OCR) of security units.

Alarm devices at the facility must be installed at the central entrance to the building (at the watchman), at posts and in security premises. If an institution occupies several buildings, each building must be equipped with alarm systems.

CCTV systems (CCT) must ensure the transmission of visual information about the state of protected areas, premises, perimeter and territory of the facility to the security premises. The use of CCTV allows, in the event of receiving an alarm notification, to determine the nature of the violation, the location of the violation, the direction of movement of the intruder and determine the optimal countermeasures. In addition, the CCTV system allows for surveillance of protected areas of the facility.

The following facilities should be equipped with television cameras:

    perimeter of the territory, incl. transport gates;

    main and service entrances;

    lobby and corridors of the building;

    other premises at the discretion of the facility management or on the recommendation of the competent authorities.

At night, if the illumination of the protected area is lower than the sensitivity of television cameras, the object (object area) must be equipped with visible or infrared security lighting.

To record television images, video storage devices must be used: special video recorders (VCRs) with a long recording time or digital video storage devices.

A warning system at a protected facility and its territory is created to promptly inform people about an emerging or impending emergency situation (accident, fire, natural disaster, attack, terrorist act) and coordinate their actions.

A warning plan must be developed at the facility, which generally includes:

    a scheme for calling employees whose job responsibilities include participation in measures to prevent or eliminate the consequences of emergency situations;

    instructions regulating the actions of employees in emergency situations;

    evacuation plans;

    warning system.

Security lighting should provide the necessary conditions visibility of the fencing of the territory, the perimeter of the building. At night, security lighting must be constantly on.

3.1. Sample list documentation on organizing anti-terrorist protection of educational facilities

3.1.1. Model regulations on the organization of access control in an educational institution and places of organized recreation and health improvement for children

General provisions

These Regulations determine the organization and procedure for implementing access control in _________________________________________________________

(full name of the institution) in order to ensure public safety, prevent possible terrorist, extremist actions and other illegal manifestations against students (pupils), teaching staff and technical staff of the institution.

Access control in these institutions is carried out:

    during school hours, indicate by whom (watchman, duty administrator, private security guard, private security officer of the Internal Affairs Directorate), indicate on what days of the week, at what time period of the day (from___h.___min. to ___h.___min.).

    at night, on weekends and holidays(specify by whom, what time, days of the week).

If the access control is carried out by the private security company, you must indicate its name, number and date of issue of the license, until what time it is valid, full name. head of the organization, address, contact numbers), for employees of internal affairs bodies, indicate which territorial unit they belong to, full name. manager contact numbers, address.

Responsible for organizing and ensuring access control on the territory (full or abbreviated name of the institution) is assigned by order to one of the deputy heads of the institution - the administrator on duty.

Organization of access control

Reception of students, employees of educational institutions and visitors.

Students (pupils) enter an educational institution for training sessions independently or accompanied by parents without presenting documents or making an entry in the visitor register from __h. __ min. by ___hour___ min. (I shift) and from ____h. ___min. by ___h.__ min. (II shift).

The rest of the time, students (pupils) are admitted to school upon presentation of a document established by the administration of the educational institution (indicate the name of the document).

Pedagogical (engineering and pedagogical) workers and technical personnel of an educational institution are allowed into the territory of the educational institution upon presentation of a document established by the administration of the educational institution (indicate the name of the document) without an entry in the visitor registration log.

Visitors ( strangers) are allowed into an educational institution on the basis of a passport or other identification document with mandatory recording of the document data in the visitor register (passport details, time of arrival, time of departure, to whom they arrived, purpose of visiting the educational institution).

When performing construction and repair work admission of workers is carried out according to the list of the contracting organization, agreed upon with the head of the educational institution with mandatory notification of the territorial subdivision of the Department of Internal Affairs. The work is carried out under the control of a representative of the administration of the educational institution specially appointed by order of the head,

The visitor, after recording his data in the visitor registration log, moves around the territory of the educational institution, accompanied by the teaching worker on duty or the teaching worker to whom the visitor arrived.

Visitors may be allowed into the building of an educational institution during classes only with the permission of the head of the educational institution.

The passage of parents accompanying children to classes and picking them up from classes is carried out without recording in the visitor register and presenting an identity document.

After the end of the time allotted for students (pupils) to enter or leave classes, the security guard (watchman, duty administrator) is obliged to inspect the premises of the educational institution to identify foreign, explosive and suspicious objects.

Passage of parents to class meetings, cool watch is carried out according to a list drawn up and signed by the class teacher with the parents presenting an identity document to the security guard (watchman) without registering the data in the visitor register.

Finding participants educational process on the territory of the facility after the end of the school shift and working day without the appropriate permission from the management of the educational institution is prohibited.

Inspection of visitors' belongings.

If visitors have hand luggage, the security guard (watchman) of the educational institution offers to voluntarily present the contents of their hand luggage.

In case of refusal, the administrator of the educational institution on duty is called, and the visitor is asked to wait for them at the entrance. If the visitor refuses to present the contents of his hand luggage to the administrator on duty, he is not allowed into the educational institution.

If a visitor, who has not presented hand luggage for inspection, refuses to leave the educational institution, the security guard (watchman) or administrator on duty), having assessed the situation, informs the head (deputy head of the institution) and acts on his instructions, calling for a squad if necessary police using an alarm system.

Visitor registration log

Date of visit to the educational institution

Visitor's full name

Identity document

OS entry time

OS exit time

Visit purpose

Which OS employee did he come to?

Signature of the security guard (watchman)

Notes (result of inspection of hand luggage)

The visitor register is started at the beginning school year(September 1) and continues until the start of the new academic year (August 31 of the next year). The magazine must be bound and its pages numbered. On the first page of the journal, an entry is made about the date of its establishment. Replacement or removal of pages from the Visitor Registration Log is prohibited.

3.1.2. Plan for ensuring the safety of an educational institution during public events (holidays, proms, school-wide sports competitions, exams, etc.)

The plan addresses the following issues:

    Name of the event.

    Event program.

    Composition and number of participants, incl. persons serving the event.

    Venue of the event.

    Number of security workers, duty officers (duty groups), responsible persons, routes for inspection of the territory.

    Locations of fire hydrants, gas and electricity outages.

7. Evacuation routes, emergency exits. Responsible for emergency exits, issuance of protective equipment, fire fighting equipment.

    Places (points) for assistance.

    Measures to inspect the institution and measures to enhance security during the preparation, conduct and completion of the event.

    Actions of the administration of the institution to maintain public order in the institution.

    Actions of the administration and staff of the institution in the event of emergency situations.

12. Addresses and telephone numbers of duty services, internal affairs bodies, civil defense and emergency situations.

The plan for ensuring the security of an educational institution during mass events is coordinated with the territorial internal affairs body.

Training and inspection activities are reflected in current safety documents: briefings - in the safety briefing log; training - in the training evacuation log; checks - in the territory inspection log.

Law enforcement agencies can develop their plans for ensuring the safety of mass events and bring them to the attention of the management of the educational institution. In this case, a plan to ensure the safety of an educational institution during a mass event is drawn up taking into account the plans of the internal affairs bodies.

The security plan for an educational institution during mass events is signed by the person responsible for the security of the educational institution and the person responsible for holding the mass event. The specified document is approved by the head of the educational institution.

3.1.3. Memo to the duty administrator of an educational institution on priority actions in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack or other emergency situations.

When receiving information about the threat of a terrorist act or the occurrence of an emergency situation that threatens the life and health of students (pupils) and employees of an educational institution, the administrator on duty (duty officer) of the educational institution MUST.

1.Installing a “Panic Button”

2. Equipment preschool CCTV system

3. Installation of modern systems of engineering and technical security equipment


I affirm:

Head of MBDOU Imissky

Kindergarten "Fairy Tale"

M.A. Turchanova

Order No. 16 of 02.09.2011

Anti-terrorism security plan

MBDOU Imis kindergarten "Fairy Tale"





1. Plan


Have telephone numbers of all interested structures (OVD, Civil Defense and Emergency Situations, etc.) in case of an emergency at the site

Manager. MBDOU



Conduct regular training for employees on what to do in the event of emergency situations.

Manager. MBDOU


Organize preventive work with facility personnel.

Manager. MBDOU

Twice a year (spring, autumn)

2. Enhancement mode in case of threat of terrorist attack


Transfer the facility security unit to an enhanced version of service in accordance with the previously developed action plan to improve the safety of the operation of facilities in the event of a threat of a terrorist act. Notify ATS authorities, Civil Defense and Emergency Situations.

Manager. MBDOU




Organize constant monitoring of the performance of communication means with territorial authorities internal affairs, civil defense and emergency situations. Immediately inform the above structures about all incidents at the site and in its surroundings, as well as prerequisites for the occurrence of an emergency.


In US mode


Conduct a commission inspection of the premises for the presence of objects and substances that pose a threat to the safety of the facility.


Regularly spring-autumn, with US constantly


Strengthen control over compliance with the procedure for storing and issuing keys to office premises. Ensure that spare keys are stored in places that prevent unauthorized access to them.

Facility administration



Strengthen control over the reception of visitors arriving at the site

Facility administration



Strengthen control over the condition of electrical, heat and gas supply facilities of the enterprise, sources of drinking and technical water

Facility administration

In US mode

3. Emergency mode


Notify the police department and at the same time take measures to evacuate children and facility personnel



Immediately inform all interested parties about terrorist incidents at the facility. ATS structures (territorial divisions internal affairs bodies, civil defense and emergency situations, prosecutor's office, as well as government authorities)

Facility administration, head of MBDOU



If there is a danger of serious consequences, take measures to implement the measures provided for in the civil defense and emergency action plans

Facility administration, head of MBDOU


See also:

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