Allowance for supervised children per year. Basic benefits for adoptive parents and children

When transferring a child to be raised in foster family according to Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 (Article 21.1), one of the adoptive parents, foster parents, receives the right to a one-time federal benefit. The amount of this benefit, if one child is taken into care in a family, from February 1, 2017 is 16,350.33 rubles.

If a disabled child is taken into care, or a child over 7 years old, or children who are brothers (sisters), the amount of the benefit will be 124,929.83 rubles, according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 88 of January 26, 2017, Law No. 68- Federal Law of April 6, 2015 (clause 6, article 1, clause 1, part 1, article 4.2) and Law No. 81-FZ (art. 12.2). Next we will look in detail what payments are due to the adoptive parent, guardian or trustee, and what is the procedure for obtaining them.

Payment terms

In this case, the benefit for the guardian (trustee) or adoptive parent is paid again in accordance with Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. VK-911/07 dated May 8, 2014 in the event that the child is transferred to a family in which he was previously under guardianship and trusteeship.

If under the age of three months according to Art. 7 of Law No. 81-FZ, the adoptive parent receives maternity benefits.

The benefit is paid within the period from the date of adoption to 70 days, and if two or more children are adopted at the same time, the benefit is paid within 110 days from the date of birth of the child.

In accordance with regional legislation, regions of Russia provide additional measures social protection provided to the adoptive parent or guardian at the expense of funds regional budget. Since the size and volume provided in the regions social guarantees are different, you must clarify your rights with the social security authority at your place of residence.

Let's consider the procedure for assigning these payments and benefits.

Preparation of documents for assignment of social benefits

You will need following documents:

  1. Passport or other document proving your identity.
  2. Application for appointment social payments.
  3. A copy of the children's birth certificates.
  4. Copy court decision on the adoption of children who entered into legal force.
  5. Extract from the decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authority to establish guardianship of the child.
  6. Child adoption certificate.
  7. A certificate from the child’s place of residence stating that he lives together with a guardian (trustee).
  8. Certificate stating that the child is studying at educational institution.
  9. Requisites bank account recipient of compensation or a copy title page savings book.

Contacting the social security department at your place of residence for assignment of payments

  • Citizens have the opportunity to contact territorial office social protection department at the place of residence or stay.
  • It is also possible to submit an application and documents through the MFC.
  • Finally, it is possible to submit documents and an application to in electronic format through the website of state and municipal services.

List necessary documents You can check with the Social Security Administration immediately before your visit.

What is the amount of cash payments? due to adoptive parents, guardians (trustees) in Moscow

Name of cash payment, NLA Under what conditions is payment provided? Payment amount in 2017
Compensation payment in accordance with clause 1.1.3 of Appendix 1 to Moscow Government Decree No. 816-PP dated December 6, 2016. Paid in a lump sum Paid to all adoptive parents to reimburse expenses associated with the adoption of a child On the first adopted child- 5,500 rub. For the second and subsequent children - 14,500 rubles.
Compensation payment for adoptive parents, paid monthly in accordance with clause 2.11 of Appendix 1 Introduced after January 1, 2009. Paid to the adoptive parents of an orphan or a child left without parental care in Moscow For a child under 12 years of age who is not a disabled child - 16,500 rubles. For a child 12–18 years old who is not disabled - 22,000 rubles. For a disabled child - 27,500 rubles.
Compensation for adoptive parents in accordance with clause 2.12 of Appendix 1, paid once a month Introduced after January 1, 2009. Paid for the adoption in Moscow of three or more orphans or children left without parental care For a child under 12 years old who is not classified as disabled - 19,800 rubles. For a child 12 - 18 years old who is not classified as disabled - 25,300 rubles. For a disabled child - 27,500 rubles.
Payments in accordance with clause 2.6 of Appendix 1, paid once a month Paid to foster parents, foster carers, guardians and trustees for the maintenance of a child left without parental care or an orphan If the child is not disabled: For a child under 12 years old – 16,500 rubles; For a child aged 12 to 18 years – 22,000 rubles; If a child under 12 years of age is placed in a family where three or more orphans or children left without parental care are already being raised, 19,800 rubles are paid for him. If a child aged 12 to 18 years is placed in the same family, the payment for it will be 25,300 rubles. If the child is a disabled child, an orphan, or left without parental care, 27,500 rubles are paid.
Compensation payment in accordance with clause 2.9 of Appendix 1. Paid every month This payment is provided for reimbursement of expenses for housing, housing and communal services and telephone in the premises in which the person under guardianship lives minor child 928 rub.

How much do they pay for an adopted child in Russia? There are a lot of rumors about this. Articles regularly appear in newspapers, magazines and virtual publications devoted to tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles allegedly received by guardians. Some journalists confidently claim that people take children from their orphanage only because of money. The amounts attributed to the adoptive parents can be decided by any financial difficulties- debts, mortgages, new car... However, there are those who rightly doubt whether all these stories can be believed.

Money: income and expenses

You can try for a long time to count the money in someone else’s wallet, but from the outside it is still unclear how these amounts fit into everyday life. For example, when adopting a disabled person, the guardian receives up to half a million rubles from the state, but with this money he will have to purchase all the equipment necessary for full life baby. And you won’t be able to save money - the social service carefully monitors compliance with the terms of the agreement with the state. The authorities not only send the child away from the orphanage, but also control that his life is at a high level.

Should you count money in someone else's wallet? Some citizens of our country, who have taken into their homes several orphans, including disabled people, regularly encounter media interest. Journalists actively count the money received in such families, but they rarely evaluate actual expenses. But new parents not only give orphans housing, care and concern, but also give love and a sense of family, which is incredibly important for future socialization.

Foster child benefit: how it works

In fact, the money that the state gives is not the property of the guardian. Benefits for orphans belong to them themselves. Of course, there are restrictions related to the age of majority, so the funds are transferred to the name of the guardian. But this happens only on the condition that the funds will be spent on the orphan himself, adopted into a new family.

However, when registering for a foster family, you can receive funds for which you do not need to write reports. True, this is not easy to do, so many adoptive parents prefer not to fool themselves and simply raise orphans as guardians. To some extent, they can be compared to managers of orphanages. How much do they pay for a foster child in an orphanage? The turnover of such an institution is up to 45 million. True, the money, as in the case of guardians, goes only to the wards, and they will have to account for them. By the way, the words about reporting are not empty. The guardian must keep all receipts and deposit them regularly with social service.

What's the problem?

While the media is calculating how much money guardians can receive, these people themselves say that raising a child from an orphanage is not an easy task. It is necessary not only to provide housing for orphans, but also to provide them with decent living conditions. And everything would be fine, but children are different. And this is not surprising, because who is usually handed over to shelters by new parents? Those with whom there may be difficulties. For example, those with mental retardation or other physical and mental health conditions that promise problems in the near future. Guardians who take in such babies are prepared for the difficulties of everyday life.

What is the monthly allowance for foster children spent on? In addition to medicines and food, clothing and utilities, you have to spend quite a lot of money on maintaining the house in in good condition. Many children with developmental delays suffer from increased aggression, which means they will regularly break things. Some things you can receive as a gift, others you will have to buy yourself. The table was broken - we need a new one. The cabinet is broken - you'll have to buy it. Breakage of expensive items (for example, computer, TV, washing machine) can make quite a big hole in the family budget. Therefore, in fact, benefits for adoptive parents do not feel like an improvement financial condition. At best, it will be possible to maintain the level at which the family lived before the birth of the baby. orphanage.

Adopted children: it's important

I must say: despite state program There are quite a few financial support for those wishing to adopt a foster child. Those who decide to take a child from an orphanage realize that the foster child benefit will not cover all the costs of maintaining a new family member. Guardians and adoptive parents usually take on someone wanting to help the person, and this is the strongest motivation.

How much does the state pay for a foster child with a disability per month? Amount - from 25 thousand rubles and less. If guardians do not work, then they pay a small amount of extra money. True, the specific amount of payments is determined not only by the child’s illness, but also by the city in which the adoptive parents live. For example, Muscovites can count on large sums. On the other hand, prices in the capital are noticeably higher than in other cities. The state monthly transfers a certain amount to the adoptive parent, which can be assessed as wages, because caring for a disabled person from a shelter is work.

Where does the money go?

It would seem that a deduction for an adopted child, a one-time payment, monthly benefits and the benefits in total give the real But what happens in practice? No matter how much the media clings to adoptive parents, claiming that they take children only for money, these families are not rich. It's all about treatment.

Some adopted children may qualify for free rehabilitation. But here medications you'll have to buy it out of your own pocket. There is a fairly small list of medications provided by the state for free of charge, but it's too narrow. Spending on drugs is high. Just one package of an effective drug, designed for 10-20 days of use, can cost 2-3 thousand rubles. And not one or two such medications are required, but more. So it turns out that the allowance for an adopted child goes to medical supplies, and sometimes it’s not even enough for them.

And about money: how much will we get?

So, how much do they pay for a foster child now? Payments are divided into several categories. There are federal ones. They are provided from the state budget. For the current year, the amount is set at 14,703.93 rubles. To receive this money, you will have to prepare a package of documents. Among them there must be papers confirming that the children are either deprived of parents or they cannot raise them, as well as a personally completed application and a copy of the agreement on transferring the child to a stepfamily to raise them. All these documents are sent to the guardianship authorities responsible for the care of the child. It is necessary to contact the government authorities at your place of residence. For each new child accepted into the family, a package of documents is prepared anew.

Additionally on certain means can be calculated from the regional budget. How much does this source pay for a foster child? The amounts are not impressive. For the first adoption you can receive 4,556 rubles, for the second a little more - 6,074, for each subsequent adoption the family will be allocated 7,593 rubles from the regional budget. To get this money, you will also have to fight the bureaucratic machine. You need to contact the same government agency responsible for Adoptive parents write an application to receive money, attach a copy of the agreement on accepting the child into the family.

Is there something else?

You can get one hundred thousand rubles from the regional budget. The amount is paid only once, at the moment when the family adopts a disabled person. To receive this money, you need to write an application to the social service responsible for adopted children, attach documents proving the identity of the parent, documents from which it follows that he is a citizen of our country, as well as official papers confirming residence (permanent or most time) on the territory of this region.

You also need to attach identification documents of the disabled minor being adopted or a passport, if he already has one. The child must also live permanently or most of the time in the territory of the region whose social authorities are requesting financial support. This should be documentary confirmation. You must also provide documents proving that the adopted child is disabled, court papers, legalizing adoption, birth certificate of a child.

Every month - a little support

Guardians who adopt a child can count on a small monthly support from the state. This payment is called “wages”. If the child has not yet reached 12 years of age, then for one adopted child 7,200 rubles per month are due, if this is exceeded age limit the authorities will pay eight thousand monthly.

To receive what is due by law, you must contact the government agency responsible for guardianship or guardianship. For each new member accepted into the family, you must request assistance separately. Parents write a statement and provide a copy of the agreement that the child has been adopted.

Special case

Somewhat more financial support is intended for those who take care of disabled people, children suffering from chronic illnesses, or children under three years of age. The difference is small, only three thousand for each adopted child, but still financial support will not be superfluous.

To get this money, social bodies you will have to provide not only an application from the adoptive parents and a copy of the agreement under which the child was accepted into the family, but also some special papers. This is a doctor’s conclusion that officially confirms the presence of the disease and disability status. The money paid in this case is classified as wages for raising a child.

What if there are many children?

Some adoptive parents have the means, energy, and time to care for multiple children. Other families can adopt three or even more orphans. The state encourages this practice with financial assistance: for the third child and each next power They pay three thousand extra.

To receive what is required by law, you must submit an application and a copy of the agreement on accepting a new family member to the government agency.

Adopted children: the state will help

If the situation in a child’s life is such that he is left without parental care, then you can count on being raised in foster family. If there are people willing to take the baby in, the state will pay a small amount of money.

For children under seven years of age, it is provided financial aid in the amount of 7,037 rubles, for those who are not older than 12, the payment is 8,403 rubles, and at the age of 12-18 years you can count on 9,250 rubles. You can receive money if the adoptive parent writes a statement to social protection, supported by a copy of the agreement on the adoption of the child.

Social support: you need to know your rights

By current legislation families who have taken guardianship or adopted a child can count on benefits and preferences. In particular, on public utilities the benefit is almost a third of the cost if there are 1-2 in the family adopted child. In addition, such children can use public municipal transport free of charge. However, this does not apply to taxis and private minibuses.

If a family has three or more children, then the discount on utilities remains the same (30%), but until the age of six, the country’s authorities provide children with all the necessary medicines. Also provided free use municipal public transport, and not only by children, but also by the family itself that took them in for upbringing.

A family adopting a child can count on assistance from the state. In some cases, only a lump sum payment is provided, in others - monthly child support benefits.

Payments for adopted, adopted and guardianship children are stipulated in the Federal Law (Federal Law) "ABOUT state benefits citizens with children" No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995

  • By payment frequency There are several types of benefits: one-time(including ) and . Besides this there is compensation(they are also divided into one-time and those providing for payment every month).
  • Benefits and compensation by source of payment are also divided into and. The first are the same for all citizens of Russia, and the second are valid only in a certain subject federation in accordance with local legislation.

Forms of placing a child in foster care

Regardless of the form of transfer of a child to a family, the law establishes several general rules:

  1. Persons wishing to obtain guardianship of any type over a child are checked to determine whether they have appropriate conditions.
  2. In children who are already 10 years old, asking for consent to be transferred to a family.
  3. Living conditions, relationships with new parents or guardians controlled by guardianship authorities.
  4. Brothers and sisters are preferred by law transfer to one family.


Upon adoption, legal relationships are established between the child and his adoptive parents (as well as all relatives of the latter) similar to those that exist among relatives by origin. The basis for their occurrence is the corresponding the court's decision.

Children under 18 years of age are subject to adoption, in respect of whom no parental care. The latter implies the death or incapacity of biological parents, their voluntary refusal from obligations, forced deprivation parental rights and other circumstances.

  • Adoption is regulated by Ch. 19 SK ( Family Code) Russian Federation.
  • Full related rights and obligations arise between the child and his new parents from the day the court decision enters into force. This usually happens within 30 days from the date of the court’s decision (the deadline for filing an appeal).
  • Adoption allowed couples and single citizens. The requirements for adoptive parents in both cases are equivalent.
  • Allowed cancellation of adoption, if it no longer corresponds to the interests of the child (due to cruel treatment, unworthy behavior of the adoptive parents or poor relationship with the child). It is carried out in court.

If you want to adopt a child, you must contact your local guardianship authority. It is advisable to first pass the appropriate psychological preparation.

Establishment of guardianship and trusteeship

Guardianship (trusteeship) means maintenance, upbringing, education, protection of the rights of children left without parental care. These two types of device do not imply the occurrence family relations between guardians (trustees) and children.

Guardianship can be installed over a child under 14 years of age, and guardianship- for children aged 14-18 years (Federal Law No. 159-FZ of December 31, 2014). This happens by decision of the guardianship authorities.

  • Issues of guardianship relationships are regulated by Ch. 20 IC RF.
  • Guardians can be adults capable persons who are not addicted to alcohol or drugs, have no criminal record, have not been deprived of parental rights and have undergone training.
  • Preferential rights in guardianship are given to biological relatives of children.
  • Guardians (trustees) must live with the child, treat and care for him, develop him physically and intellectually, provide socialization and communication.
  • Persons who have established guardianship can and must formalize necessary benefits and in the presence of biological parents - child support, as well as protect their legal, housing and other rights.

Theoretically, the initiative to transfer a child to a family of guardians should come from the guardianship authority. However, almost most often it happens the other way around:

  1. Those wishing to obtain guardianship submit statement of consent to the local guardianship authority.
  2. After the manager's order local authority self-government, the child is transferred to guardians.

Adoptive family

Children left without parental care are transferred to a foster family for upbringing on the basis foster family agreement concluded between the adoptive parents and the guardianship authority.

The document is concluded on certain period, it can be terminated early at the initiative of the guardianship authority or adoptive parents if they have good reasons(illness, lack of mutual understanding with the student).

  • The relationship between adopted children and parents is regulated by the articles of Chapter. 21 IC RF.
  • The right of inheritance and the need to pay child support in a foster family do not arise.
  • The contract, among other clauses, contains information about remuneration for education or about payment of maintenance, social support. Conditions may vary depending on the laws of the subject of the Russian Federation.
  • Adoptive parents have the same rights and responsibilities as guardians.

Traditionally, total adopted and natural children in modern Russian family there are rarely more than eight people.

The family can count on such benefits for each of the children up to 18 years of age, entrusted to her care.

Who is entitled to

You can count on a one-time payment adoptive parents, guardians or foster parents for all three options for the form of transfer of the child to the family.

  • Receives a one-time allowance only one parent(preferably someone who was employed before the right to payment arose).
  • If the benefit has already been transferred to guardians or an adoptive family, upon adoption of the same child, a one-time cash assistance not allowed(on this subject there is different opinions, but about full judicial practice It’s too early to talk about this issue).

Established benefit amounts in 2016

The amount of the payment is reviewed annually and depends on:

  • the point in time when the child was adopted and when the application for benefits was submitted;
  • from a subject of the Russian Federation, childhood condition health and other factors.
  • The adoptive parent or guardian will receive minimum monthly benefit, if he did not work or is registered as an individual entrepreneur. amounts to 2908.62 rub. for the first child adopted into the family, and 5817.24 rub.- on the second, third and subsequent ones.
  • Maximum size benefits up to 1.5 years are limited by the maximum taken into account average earnings with which they are paid insurance premiums in the FSS, and amounts to RUB 21,554.85
  • Another indicator - 11634.50 rub.- will amount to maximum amount, due to the mother who was fired during maternity leave due to the liquidation of the enterprise or received instead wages monetary allowance at the place of duty.
  • When calculating the final benefit amount regional coefficient is taken into account.

When paying this monthly benefit for two or more children, it size adds up(however, the total cannot exceed 100% of average monthly earnings for the previous 2 calendar years).

Maternity capital when adopting a child

Adoption is equivalent to the birth of a child in this family, with the payment of appropriate benefits. In this regard, a woman who has adopted a 2nd, 3rd (and so on) child is entitled to receive maternity capital .

If the only adoptive parent is a man, he is entitled to a similar amount.

  • To obtain maternal capital, the adoptive parent submits an application and necessary documents to the district PF (Pension Fund) branch, and not to the social security authorities.
  • In most regions of the Russian Federation, adoptive parents are entitled additional (regional) maternity capital, the size of which varies. It can be claimed by a woman who has adopted a 3rd child, and by a man if the same condition is met, but if he is the only adoptive parent.

Monthly child support payments

The composition and amount of payments are established by regional regulations. It implies compensation for the costs of maintaining a child adopted into a family.

Monthly benefits are paid for the entire period during which the person has the right to receive it (Article 17.2 Federal Law No. 81-FZ dated May 19, 1995). However, this is true provided that the application was submitted no later than 6 months after the end of this period of time.

At the state (federal) level, guardians and trustees are vested with monthly benefits for personal income tax deductions () under Part 4, Clause 1, Art. 218 Tax Code(NK) RF. The amount of personal income tax deduction for an adoptive parent, foster parent or guardian (trustee) and their spouse varies depending on quantity children accepted into the family for upbringing.

To establish your right to receive monthly payments from the regional budget, you must independently study the local legislative framework or contact the social welfare service at your place of residence.

Under guardianship (trusteeship)

As an example, consider monthly benefits for a child taken into custody within the framework of the law. In this case, the funds that will be paid to the family for the maintenance of each of the children will amount to 7,583 rubles. (taking into account indexation for 2016). Wherein:

  • the child must be registered in St. Petersburg;
  • payments stop after re-registration in another locality, upon the child reaching 18 years of age or graduating from high school(by the event that occurs last of the two), in the event of the death of the guardian or ward;
  • the amount is not paid for children who are fully supported by the state.
  • 15-20 thousand rubles. in general;
  • 18-23 thousand rubles. when registering guardianship of three or more children;
  • 25 thousand - for a person under 18 years of age with a disability.

In a foster family

For each adopted child registered in St. Petersburg, the foster family will also receive 7,583 rubles. (as of 2016). In other regions, other amounts of monthly payments per child are established.

In addition to them, foster parents are accrued work experience.

  • Payments begin from the month in which the foster family agreement was concluded. They are carried out monthly no later than the 20th day with the transfer of money to the foster parent’s account, or by postal order.
  • Depending on the price growth index, this amount will be indexed.
  • The appointment and transfer of payments in St. Petersburg is monitored by the authorities local government(LSG) of intra-city municipalities.
  • The monthly transfer of money stops after termination of the contract by one of the parties or on other grounds.

For each child accepted into foster care, according to Moscow Government Decree No. 492-PP dated May 26, 2009, monthly payments will be 15,000 rubles. and 20,000 rubles. (up to 12 years old and 12-18 years old, respectively). They will increase if a disabled child or 3 or more children are taken into care.

One-time and monthly payments

The legislation of the Russian Federation and individual regions provides for compensation on a variety of bases, both with monthly transfers and in the form of a lump sum payment.

For example, according to Moscow Law No. 61 of November 30, 2005, orphans placed in a family can personally count on a one-time cash payment(EDV) upon graduation from school after entering further study or work. The amounts will be 20,639 and 79,416 rubles, respectively.

Compensation upon adoption

Regions often establish additional one-time and monthly benefits for adoptive parents. For example:

  • According to Moscow legislation, the adoptive parent has the right to a single compensation payment (LCP) for reimbursement of adoption expenses. According to Art. 12 of Moscow Law No. 61 of November 30, 2005, compensation for the first adopted child will be 5 living wages(RM), for the second - 7 RM, for the third and further - 10 RM. The PM value is set by the capital's government quarterly.
  • Monthly compensation from the authorities is due to persons who adopted a child after 01/01/2009. According to Moscow Government Decree No. 492-PP dated 05/26/2009, it will amount to 15,000 rubles. and 20,000 rubles. for each adopted child under 12 years of age and from 12 to 18 years of age, respectively. If there are three or more children in the family, the amounts will be increased.

In other regions and cities local authorities Other compensation charges may be established.

When establishing guardianship (trusteeship)

Besides lump sum benefit for the transfer of a child to a family and monthly payments, according to capital legislation, guardians are entitled to social compensation for renting an apartment and utility costs.

  • Reimbursement of costs is carried out on the basis of Moscow Law No. 60 of November 23, 2005 and Moscow Government Decree No. 37-PP of January 24, 2006.
  • The total payment amount will be 928 rubles. monthly.
  • Payment is made upon registration of the guardian and the child under his care at the former’s living space within the city of Moscow.
  • Compensation is paid regardless of other monthly and one-time payments.

According to the laws of other cities, this form of accepting a child into a family may provide for other conditions of compensation.

When placing a child in a foster family

Adoptive parents (foster carers) in Moscow can count on monthly remuneration for their work, compensation for child expenses, reimbursement for housing and utility bills.

  • For the patronage of each of the children adopted into the family, a payment of 15,155 rubles is due. The remuneration for raising a disabled child will be 25,763.50 rubles. The amounts were assigned on the basis of Moscow Law No. 12 of April 14, 2010 and Moscow Government Resolution No. 93-PP of March 29, 2011.
  • The payment to children left without parental care and not receiving a pension or alimony is 3,000 rubles. She is appointed on the basis of Moscow Law No. 60 of November 23, 2005 and Moscow Government Resolution No. 206-PP of April 6, 2004.
  • In accordance with Moscow Law No. 12 of April 14, 2010, adoptive parents are entitled to compensation for expenses for the premises in which the children live, utilities and telephone communications.

Persons who have obtained patronage in other cities in order to qualify for monetary compensation, should study the legislation of the relevant region and city or seek prior advice from the social protection authorities.


IN Russian legislation There are 3 forms of accepting a child into a family - adoption, foster parenting (patronage) and guardianship (trusteeship). For each of them, upon the transfer of a child to a family, a one-time state benefit is provided.


  • by analogy with, when a child is transferred to a family for upbringing, it is provided one-time payment at the rate of 15512.65 rubles;
  • when a woman adopts her 2nd or 3rd child, she is paid;
  • provided federal legislation both for natural parents and for adoptive parents and guardians;
  • other payments depend on the legal relationship between the family and the child and the specifics of local legislation:
    • local regional regulations may prescribe their own one-time and monthly payments;
    • monthly payments for the maintenance of children are provided for adoptive parents and guardians.

It will become easier to arrange guardianship over an incapacitated relative. The list of grounds for deprivation of parental rights has been expanded. Guardianship benefits are subject to personal income tax.

Payments to guardians in 2016 are established both at the federal and regional levels. What benefits are provided to guardians of children and incompetent citizens, what is their size - you can find out the answers to these questions by reading the article.

To what extent do they pay for guardianship of an incapacitated person?

Future plans for child custody payments. How much does it cost to pay for child custody?

Monthly payments for the presence of guardianship (trusteeship)

How much do you pay for guardianship of an incapacitated person?

By general rule adult nanny incompetent person performs its functions free of charge. But in a number of cases, he may receive small cash payments from the state.

Take the basis of the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the implementation of monthly compensation payments non-working able-bodied citizens who provide a kickback for a disabled person of group 1..." from 06/04/2007 No. 343, a citizen has the prerogative to make a monthly payment if he:

  • is apparently of working age (from 14 to 55 for women and up to 60 for men);
  • the unprofitable one works and has no other income;
  • cares for disabled people of the 1st group (with the exception of disabled people since childhood), an elderly person who needs constant care (which is confirmed medical commission), whether a person aged 80 or over can plan.

It should be noted that any person, including a caregiver, has the right to inherit such funds, even if the devil is not officially appointed as a guardian (trustee). Moreover, he can live as one person with a disabled person, or separately.

The unfavorable monthly payment amount has been changing for several years and is 1,200 rubles. Hold Far North and in other regions where increasing factors are provided, the overdraft increases accordingly.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On monthly payments to persons caring for disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood of group I” dated February 26, 2013 No. 175 specifically provides for the allowed amount of benefits for parents (adoptive parents) and guardians (trustees) caring for people with disabilities since childhood ( in this case, there are adults who received disability before the age of 18) of the 1st group. They receive a monthly payment of 5,500 rubles. Some citizens who have cared for disabled people since childhood receive a payment of 1,200 rubles.

For more details on the procedure for assigning these payments, see the article What privileges are granted to guardians?

Types of payments for guardianship of minors. How much do guardians pay for child custody at a time?

Payments related to child custody can be divided into several groups:

  • one-time payment;
  • monthly allowance;
  • remuneration for adoptive parents;
  • receive regional benefits and sign for children taken into care.

The federal law “On state benefits for citizens with children” provides for the payment one-time benefit about the transfer of the child to the guardian (trustee). Its format is constantly indexed. If we compare, since when have they paid behind child custody in 2014 year (13,742 rubles) and what (and what did you hear the birds!) pay for child custody 2015-2016 years (14,497.80 rubles), in this case we will see that the amount of payments was indexed to 5.5%.

How much do they pay for child custody?, also depends on which federal subject he lives in. As the author wrote above, in regions where there are regional coefficients, the benefit amount increases accordingly.

Monthly payments for guardianship

Receive and sign for the maintenance of a child taken under guardianship (trusteeship), which is paid monthly to the institution at the expense of the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Payment is made by the social security department at the place of residence of the person under care. The amount of such benefits is determined at the level of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. For example, in the capital, by decree of the Moscow government on December 9, 2014 No. 735-PP, the year was established for 2015 following sizes monthly payments on top of the maintenance of wards:

  • for a child under 12 - 15,000 rubles;
  • a minor who is a father is 12 years old - 20,000 rubles (if there are 3 or more adopted children in the family, then the specified money increases by 3,000 rubles);
  • a ward with a disability - 25,000 rubles.

The amount of payments has not changed in any way since the adoption of Resolution No. 735-PP.

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We have to emphasize that this is money intended for the child. They should be spent exclusively on the maintenance of the person under care, in particular on paying for food, clothing, children's furniture, hygiene products, etc.

The Inheritance Code of the Russian Federation provides that guardianship (trusteeship) can also take the form of transferring a minor to a foster family. In this case, in the middle authorized body and adoptive parents is a convention. For raising their wards, foster parents receive a certain prize - this is their kind of salary.

The amount of such remuneration is set at regional level. At least, the law of the Moscow region dated October 31, 2008 No. 162/2008-Val for 2015-2016 established the following amounts of payments to adoptive parents:

  • to do that the health status of the ward is classified as 1st or 2nd group (there is no translation in view of the health group, and not the association of disability) - 12,650 rubles for a child under 3 years old and 9,200 rubles for a child over 3 years old ;
  • if the health status of the ward is classified as groups 3-5 - 25,000 rubles.

One-time payments when taking a child into custody

1. Federal payments.

  • 16 759,08 rub.

Required documents:

  • To the guardianship and trusteeship authorities at the place of residence of the guardian (trustee) for each child accepted for upbringing
    • citizen's statement
    • an extract from the decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authority to establish guardianship (trusteeship),
    • documents confirming the absence of parents or their inability to raise children.

2. A one-time payment from the regional budget for the adoption of a disabled child.

  • 100 000 rub.

Required documents:

  • To the guardianship and trusteeship authorities at the place of residence of the adoptive parent
    • citizen's statement
    • identification document of the applicant;
    • document confirming citizenship Russian Federation and permanent

      or the applicant's primary residence in the territory Yaroslavl region;

    • a document confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation for a disabled child under the age of 14;
    • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation for a disabled child over 14 years of age;
    • documents confirming the child’s permanent or primary residence in the Yaroslavl region;
    • child's birth certificate;
    • a document confirming that the child has a disability;
    • court decision establishing adoption.

3. One-time payment from the regional budget

  • RUB 4,258 - for the first child,
  • RUR 5,677 - for the second child,
  • RUR 7,096 - for the third and subsequent children.

Required documents:

  • To the guardianship and trusteeship authority at the place of residence of the adoptive parent for each child adopted for upbringing
    • citizen's statement
    • an extract from the decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authority to establish guardianship (trusteeship).

3. Payments for the maintenance of a child left without parental care

  • RUR 7,037 - for a child up to 7 years old,
  • RUB 8,403 - for a child 7-11 years old,
  • RUB 9,250 - for a child 12-18 years old.

Required documents:

  • To the guardianship and trusteeship authority where the child under guardianship is registered
    • citizen's statement
    • copy of birth certificate,
    • documents confirming the absence of parents or their inability to raise children,
    • a certificate from the child’s place of residence confirming his/her joint residence with a guardian (trustee),
    • certificate of study at an educational institution.

Monthly child benefit for a supervised child

If maintenance funds are not paid for it.

Assigned to a child from a low-income family.

  • Basic:
    • 571 rub. - up to 3 years of age,
    • 407
  • For the second child:
    • 629 rub. - up to 3 years of age,
    • 419 rub. - aged from 3 to 18 years.
  • For a child from a large family:
    • 656 rub. - up to 3 years of age,
    • 419 rub. - aged from 3 to 18 years.

Required documents:

  • To the social protection authorities at the place of residence
    • application for granting benefits indicating the applicant’s passport details and method of receiving funds,
    • a copy of the child's birth certificate,
    • copy work records parents,
    • certificates of parents' income,
    • a certificate from the child’s place of residence confirming his/her joint residence with the parent (adoptive parent, guardian, trustee), the person actually caring for the child,
    • certificate of study at educational institution child(ren) over sixteen years of age.

Social support measures

Survivor's pension

  • 2 279,47 rub. – for children who have lost one parent,
  • 4 558,94 rub. – for children who have lost both parents, children of a single mother.

Required documents:

  • To the department pension fund at the child’s place of residence
    • passport.

Guardianship is established over children under 14 years of age. Guardianship is established over children aged 14 to 18 years. A guardian is appointed by the authority for guardianship and trusteeship.

Children who are under guardianship receive their due alimony and pensions, benefits and other social benefits, provided for by law. The child has the right to maintain contacts with blood parents and relatives, if this does not contradict the interests of the child and does not harm him normal development and education. Everything is saved housing rights child.

Responsibilities for guardianship and trusteeship are performed free of charge.

The legal relationship between the child and the guardian (trustee) terminates when the ward reaches the age of majority.

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This brochure explains the measures social support families with children provided for by federal and regional regulations. It was published for future and present parents. This brochure has been published to help families better understand current regulations. It is organized in sections for individual categories families so that every family can find the information they need. The brochure was prepared by the Department for Family Policy and Children of the Department for Social and Demographic Policy of the Government of the Yaroslavl Region.

Send your suggestions and comments to the Department for Social and Demographic Policy of the Government of the Yaroslavl Region. Phone number of the department for family policy and children 40-15-97, E-mail:

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