Verified income of the borrower. How to confirm your income in order to get a profitable loan

Many citizens are faced with the need to obtain a loan, but what if most of Are salaries paid in “envelopes”? It’s no secret that employers strive to “optimize” tax burden, including through the payment of unofficial bonuses to its employees. It's no secret that the most important criterion when providing a loan, the salary level and debt load (mandatory monthly payments) are considered.

Below we will look at the most common situations:

  1. All wages earned are official, i.e. taxes are paid on all your income
  2. The salary consists of the official and unofficial part of payments (additional payment in “envelopes”)
  3. All wages earned are not official, i.e. Your employment is informal (work without employment contract, without work book)
  4. There are additional “unofficial” sources of income (various part-time jobs, “kalyms”, renting out property without paying income tax etc.)

1. All earnings are official, i.e. taxes are paid on all your income. Currently, “white” salary is usually paid in large organizations, state and municipal institutions. Accordingly, the accounting departments of these institutions will only be able to provide you with a certificate in form 2-NDFL.
What to do if the level of your “official” salary is insufficient to receive a loan in the desired amount?

  • Consider options for obtaining a loan from other banks, on other terms, for example: obtaining a loan for a longer period will lead to a reduction in the mandatory monthly payment, and accordingly, a reduction in your debt load.
  • Obtaining a loan with the involvement of a co-borrower to take into account total income.
  • If there are additional sources of income, for example: official (pension) or unofficial (renting out an apartment, etc.). You can try to make sure that the bank takes into account such additional income when considering your application.

2. The salary consists of the official and unofficial part of payments (additional payment in “envelopes”). Many banks, for the purpose of accounting for the client’s “real” income, have provided for the possibility of confirming income not only with a 2-NDFL certificate, but also with certificates “according to the bank’s form,” “according to the form of the organization,” and “free form.” The main question here is whether the employer is ready to provide you with a salary certificate reflecting the “real” level of your salary. If “yes”, then the chances of you receiving a loan will be higher, because many banks can take into account the “real” level of your salary, confirmed not only by a 2-NDFL certificate.

If “no” (the employer is not ready to issue you a certificate reflecting “real” income), then the following options for action in such a situation are possible:

  • Consider the option of receiving in this case, it is advisable that the employer at least orally(by phone) confirmed your “real” income.
  • All options specified in paragraph No. 1

3. All earnings are not official, i.e. Your employment is unofficial (work without an employment contract, without a work book).

Possible options for action in such a situation:

  • Consider the option of receiving, in this case, it is advisable for the employer to verbally (by phone) confirm your “real” income and information about your labor activity in this organization.
  • If there are additional sources of income, for example: (pension) or unofficial (renting an apartment, etc.). You can try to ensure that the bank takes such additional income into account when considering your application.
  • Consider whether you can provide the bank with any property or a third party guarantee as collateral for the loan.

Here you can fill out and our specialists will select a suitable loan program for you!

How to confirm your income to take favorable loan

To get a bank loan, you need to fulfill one important and practically main condition - to prove to the bank that you can repay this loan, that you have such income that will allow you not to get into trouble. debt trap. This is confirmed, naturally, not by words, but by papers and certificates.

At a minimum, you need to confirm the amount and regularity of your income over the last 6 months. However, today banks have begun to approach clients more loyally, considering various options provision of income data by applicants. If earlier banks insisted on a certificate in form 2-NDFL, which “deciphers” a person’s exclusively “white” income both at his main place of work and part-time, now these can be so-called “certificates in the bank form”, and certificates from work "in free form". The latter assume the inclusion of all income ("white", "gray", etc.) that the potential borrower receives. And if you staffing table If you receive only 3 thousand rubles, and the remaining 15 thousand are given to you in an envelope or without it, then your employer can easily reflect all your real 18 thousand in “free” certificates. And if you work somewhere else (part-time), you can ask for a certificate there too.

Certificates “according to the bank form” are almost similar in different credit institutions. So, in Promsvyazbank it is called a certificate “for obtaining a loan”. It, signed by the chief accountant and the head of your company, indicates the amount of your income for the last 6 months, as well as the amount of all kinds of deductions (income tax, union dues, alimony, deductions on writs of execution...). The certificate is valid for 10 working days. You don’t have to come to the bank to get a form for such a certificate – it’s on the website. At the Agropromkredit bank this is a “certificate of wages

and other income", but this does not change the essence. However, before you apply for a certificate at work, decide what kind of loan you want to take out and from which bank. Because in different banks approaches to borrowers may differ slightly. Yes and different types loans often involve different shapes

confirmation of income, as well as the costs associated with obtaining such loans, may vary.
Various certificates are needed

Who needs what certificates today? We looked at the conditions of several large banks operating in St. Petersburg. At KIT Finance Bank, which deals with mortgage lending, mandatory document , which is provided by a private client (borrower and co-borrowers on the loan) to confirm his income, is his own statement . The declaration application must contain information about monthly income

Pavel Izyumov, Deputy Manager of the St. Petersburg branch of NOMOS-Bank: “As a confirmation of the borrower’s income, the St. Petersburg branch of NOMOS-Bank considers certificates both in the form of the bank (a certificate from the enterprise signed by the head of the enterprise and the chief accountant) and and a certificate in form 2-NDFL. Depending on the lending program, the requirement to confirm income on two certificates can be combined or considered as an additional optional confirmation. In particular, according to the program. mortgage lending borrower as mandatory requirement provides a certificate in form 2-NDFL, as well as, at its discretion, a certificate in the form of the bank; under the car loan program, the borrower provides any certificate of his choice.”

At GLOBEX Bank, confirmation of income on mortgage loans is accepted both in the form of a certificate in form 2-NDFL, and in free form. The same conditions apply to the International Moscow Bank.

At Raiffeisenbank upon receipt consumer loan you will be required to provide a certificate in form 2-NDFL for the entire last year and past tense of the current year. And to obtain a car loan, you can bring a free-form certificate of income for the previous year in full and the past period of the current year, drawn up on company letterhead, certified by the seal and signature of an official.

The City Mortgage Bank informed us that the bank is considering different kinds income of applicants: confirmed by a certificate in form 2-NDFL for at least the last 6 months, income confirmed in free form, income from entrepreneurial activity"business" (data must be provided financial statements), from the rental of real estate, income from the payment of dividends.

To decide whether to grant you a mortgage loan, DeltaCredit Bank will ask you for a certificate in form 2-NDFL from your place of work about the amount of income for the last 12 calendar months. If you have additional income from working in other organizations, you will need to bring documents confirming these incomes also for the last 12 calendar months. By the way, this rule also applies to your co-borrowers.

Plus minus percentage
Igor Zhigunov, Member of the Management Board of City Mortgage Bank LLC, Director of Northwestern district: “The interest rate depends on a number of factors: the term of the loan, the type of loan product (from the bank whole line credit programs) and a method for confirming the borrower’s income. For example, according to credit product“APARTMENT” for a period of 10 years, the rate for persons confirming income with a 2-NDFL certificate is only 9.5% in foreign currency (and 11.9% in rubles), for borrowers with a “free” form of income confirmation - 9.9% per annum in foreign currency, and for citizens providing information about receiving income from doing business - 11.5% per annum. Different rates by category of providing income data are also related to the process of processing a client application, the so-called. procedures for underwriting the borrower in terms of its credit and solvency, which is associated with different levels labor and time costs, technology, document flow. In any case, for all categories of applicants, equal requirements and opportunities are maintained in terms of processing the transaction, tariffs and requirements for the collateral, which makes the mortgage quite affordable and the transaction economical for each category of applicants.”

Pavel Izyumov, Deputy Manager of the St. Petersburg branch of NOMOS-Bank: “The dependence of the interest rate on the form of confirmation of the borrower’s income is insignificant, since the rates of the offered loan programs are competitive and are at an attractive level for the borrower. For example, under the mortgage lending program for up to For 25 years, the rate in rubles with confirmed income in the 2-NDFL form is 13% per annum, the rate with confirmed income in the bank form is 14%. Under the car loan program, the difference in the rate is no more than 1%."

At GLOBEX Bank, the interest rate for a mortgage loan also depends on the form of income confirmation (the difference is 0.5%). And at DeltaCredit Bank the difference is 1% (that is, for borrowers with “gray” income, the interest rate is 1% higher).

At KIT Finance Bank, the interest rate is determined by the amount of the down payment, the term and currency of the loan, but does not depend on the type of income confirmation. The loan amount is determined in such a way that the total volume monthly payments related to the mortgage loan was less than 50% of the income of the borrower and co-borrowers.

In short, today clients have a choice of options to confirm their income. It makes me happy, it's convenient. But, nevertheless, do not rush to refuse the 2-NDFL certificate. Especially if you decide to take mortgage for 10-15 years. In this case, the apartment will definitely cost you less in the end, and, in addition, it is quite possible that the procedure for obtaining a bank decision will be faster...

A document that proves you have received the income that you negotiate with your loan officer when you apply for a loan is proof of income. Banks require these documents to reduce their risks; if the loan is overdue, they can contact your employer to deduct the debt from your salary.

You can confirm your income in several ways:

  1. Certificate of income from your place of employment.
  2. You can get it from the accounting department at your company. The certificate contains your information and average earnings, which you received in six months.
  3. Certificate on bank form. The bank accepts such certificates if the borrower does not officially work.
  4. Salary statement plastic card, usually this statement is made by the bank that services the provided card.
  5. Lease contract. In the event that you rent out housing that you own.
  6. 3NDFL is also a certificate of income, but it is required at bank branches for entrepreneurs who have their own business. This is an income statement that an entrepreneur submits to the tax office, and then pays taxes on this income.

But in addition to providing these documents, the bank may call your place of work stated in the application to verify the accuracy of this information.

Confirmation of work for the bank by phone

If you don't know how to get this confirmation, then you can contact our company, which can help you resolve this problem. There are situations when it is impossible to confirm income using any of the above methods, but you need money, call our company and we can help you.

Our company offers document preparation services for credit institutions, these are not only 2NDFL and 3NDFL certificates, which are provided to banks by entrepreneurs without legal education. faces, but also records in work books, and certificates in the bank form.

How to get confirmation of work for a bank by phone?

This confirmation is provided by your employer, whose telephone number you indicate in credit application. The bank calls this phone number and finds out whether you work in this organization and what your monthly income is. But there is another proven method; if your employer cannot confirm your declared income, then you should call us. For a small fee, we can verify your reported income any time the bank calls us.

Leave a request and the manager will contact you shortly!

The basis for calculating the maximum possible loan amount is income. The bank accepts documents, including documents confirming income and the availability of property: the main ones for the bank are a certificate in form 2NDFL, documents confirming ownership, but additional sources of income are also taken into account. Typically, income verification certificates are collected to obtain large sum consumer loans, car loans, mortgages.

To receive the required amount and confirmation of solvency, you should collect certificates confirming income

Thus, in order to obtain the required loan amount and confirm solvency, the borrower should collect certificates that give the bank the opportunity to assess income - its size, frequency and consistency. And if everything is more or less clear with certificates confirming ownership of property, then collecting certificates confirming additional income causes difficulty for many. For example, how to document a constant income from renting out property? specialists suggest that you familiarize yourself with legal aspects obtaining a certificate that meets the bank's requirements.

What is property rental and when will it constitute income?

Many people transfer their property for temporary use to third parties. This could be a car or housing or other property. For example, relatives or friends are given a car for free for a while or allowed to live in an apartment, but more often the property is rented out for a fee.

Only 10% of Russians apply to tax information about your additional income

Uncompromising statistics claim that only 10% of Russians file a tax return at the end of the year and declare their income; the rest of the population does not want to advertise their income while evading taxes, which is a direct violation tax legislation, but you can’t argue with statistics.

"Based on Article 208.1.4 and Article 209.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a person leasing movable and real estate and the person receiving income from renting out property is a lessor and is obliged to submit a declaration on income received to the tax office at the place of registration by April 30 of the year following the reporting period. The amount of income tax is calculated depending on the status of the taxpayer. An individual pays 13% of the amount of income received. Payment must be made before June 30 of the year following the reporting year."

Renting property in compliance with the law

Although many complain that after concluding a lease agreement and receiving confirmed payments (payments are transferred in any way, including postal and electronic transfer of funds for rent, cash is formalized by an act of acceptance and transfer of funds).

Officially registered additional income is confirmation for the bank

Every year you have to report to the state on the income received and pay tax on the income received, but when the property is leased on the basis of a concluded agreement, the lessor receives guarantees of the safety of his property within the framework of the concluded agreement, can count on the protection of his interests in the legal field, as well as on officially confirmed income, which can be presented to the bank as an additional or main source of income.

Renting property informally

By unofficially (without an agreement) renting out property and receiving income, but without reporting it to the state, you not only risk your property 100%, but also deprive yourself of the opportunity to use this income to obtain the required loan amount.

Without reporting to the government - you have no chance of fully using your source of income, but there is a possibility of being fined

Moreover, if your income is disclosed by the state tax service and recognized, you can expect to recover uncollected amounts of tax and fines from 5% to 30% of the amount of income.

How to make black white?

As noted above, “black” income will not be problem-free for long, tax services do not sleep and have their own sources of information. In order to avoid problems with the tax authorities, it is better to transfer your income to a legal basis; this can be done in the following ways:

  • File a return annually and pay the appropriate tax as individual To register income from rental property, you must enter into a property rental agreement with the tenant, which will indicate the terms. monthly or quarterly payment amounts, payment methods, responsibilities of the parties and details of the parties to the agreement. Based on the agreement, you are required to submit an income tax return annually by April 15, indicating the amount of income received for the year. Not only a tax return is submitted, but also documents confirming your income. You are obliged to take into account and keep all receipts and acts of acceptance and transfer of payment for rent, since all income must be documented. as well as agreements with tenants and annexes to them. Interest rate on income for individuals - 13%. To confirm income from rental property, you provide the bank with your copy of the declaration and a tax receipt.

  • File a return and pay tax annually as an individual entrepreneur Another solution to declare your income may be to register as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, it is mandatory to include this method of earning money in the types of activities when registering. What does registration as an individual entrepreneur give? Firstly, this is a noticeable reduction in the amount of income tax: maybe 15% of the difference in income minus expenses or 6% on income. If you have large monthly expenses for maintaining property, then it would be advisable to choose the first option; if you mainly receive income without significant costs, then it is better to choose the “Income” taxation system. Further, the procedure for concluding contracts, accepting payments and reporting is almost the same. The declaration is also submitted to the tax office annually within the same deadlines. The only difference is in the system for calculating the amount of tax, and in this case, confirmation of income is not receipts, but a book of income and expenses of the individual entrepreneur. The individual entrepreneur keeps receipts and other documents in case the tax office wishes to check the accuracy of the information submitted. For a bank, proof of income will also be provided by the original declaration, receipt or payment order for tax, but possibly also an income book.

Expert advice from

For any bank, reliable information and supporting documents are important. And even if you were asked to fill out a certificate of your income using a bank form, without documentary evidence, the priority is the documents by which you can estimate your real income: personal income tax certificate 2, income statement, tax payment receipts, etc.

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