“Location of vehicles on the roadway. Location of vehicles on the carriageway Location of vehicles on the carriageway

SDA (traffic rules) of the Russian Federation 2015.
9. Location of vehicles on the roadway

9.1. The number of lanes for trackless vehicles is determined by the markings and (or) signs 5.15.1, 5.15.2, 5.15.7, 5.15.8, and if there are none, then by the drivers themselves, taking into account the width of the carriageway, the dimensions of the vehicles and the necessary intervals between them. At the same time, the side intended for oncoming traffic on roads with two-way traffic without a dividing lane is considered to be half the width of the carriageway, located on the left, not counting local widenings of the carriageway (transitional speed lanes, additional lanes for climbing, drive-in pockets for stops of route vehicles ).

9.2. On two-way roads with four or more lanes, it is forbidden to overtake or pass into the lane intended for oncoming traffic. On such roads, left turns or U-turns may be performed at intersections and other places where it is not prohibited by the Rules, signs and (or) markings.

9.3. On two-way roads with three lanes marked with markings (with the exception of marking 1.9), of which the middle one is used for traffic in both directions, it is allowed to enter this lane only for overtaking, bypassing, turning left or turning around. It is forbidden to drive into the leftmost lane intended for oncoming traffic.

The figure shows a two-way road with three lanes marked with markings. You can enter the middle lane only for overtaking, detour, left turn or U-turn. Therefore, after overtaking a truck, you must move to the right lane

On a three-lane road, you are approaching an unregulated intersection of equivalent roads. If you are not going to overtake, turn left or turn around, driving in the middle lane you occupy is prohibited

The driver of a passenger car violates the Rules because he is about to enter the middle lane of a two-way three-lane road, and not the far right. The truck driver acts within the framework of the Rules

You must not overtake on the indicated trajectory, since driving into the leftmost lane on such a road is prohibited

9.4. Outside built-up areas, as well as in built-up areas on roads marked with signs 5.1 or 5.3 or where traffic at a speed of more than 80 km/h is allowed, drivers of vehicles should drive them as close as possible to the right edge of the carriageway. It is forbidden to occupy the left lanes when the right lanes are free.

You are driving outside a built-up area and should stay as close to the right side of the road as possible. After overtaking, you must move to the right lane

You are driving outside a built-up area and should stay as close to the right side of the road as possible. It is forbidden to occupy the left lanes when the right lanes are free.

In settlements, taking into account the requirements of this paragraph and paragraphs 9.5, 16.1 and 24.2 of the Rules, drivers of vehicles can use the most convenient lane for them. In heavy traffic, when all lanes are occupied, it is allowed to change the lane only for turning left or right, turning around, stopping or avoiding an obstacle.

However, on any roads that have three or more lanes for traffic in this direction, it is allowed to occupy the leftmost lane only in heavy traffic when other lanes are occupied, as well as to turn left or turn around, and trucks with a maximum permissible weight of more than 2, 5 t - only for a left turn or U-turn. Departure to the left lane of one-way roads for stopping and parking is carried out in accordance with clause 12.1 of the Rules.

You are in a populated area. The lane in which you are moving is free and is the most convenient for continuing your movement. Therefore, after overtaking the truck, you can continue to move in the lane you occupy.

In this situation, you can move in any free lane, with the exception of the leftmost lane, since you are in a populated area and there are three lanes for movement in one direction

The traffic lanes are busy, and you intend to move along the specified trajectory. If you are a truck driver, you can only turn left or turn around

The traffic lanes are busy, and you intend to move along the specified trajectory. If you are a driver of a car, then you can overtake, turn around or take the leftmost lane

9.5. Vehicles whose speed must not exceed 40 km/h or which, for technical reasons, cannot develop such a speed, must move in the rightmost lane, except in cases of detour, overtaking or rebuilding before turning left, turning or stopping in permitted cases on the left side of the road.

9.6. It is allowed to drive on tram tracks of the same direction, located on the left at the same level with the carriageway, when all lanes of this direction are occupied, as well as when passing, turning left or turning around, taking into account paragraph 8.5 of the Rules. This should not interfere with the tram. It is prohibited to ride on the tram tracks of the opposite direction. If road signs 5.15.1 or 5.15.2 are installed in front of the intersection, traffic on tram tracks through the intersection is prohibited.

9.7. If the carriageway is divided into lanes by marking lines, the movement of vehicles must be carried out strictly along the marked lanes. It is allowed to run into broken marking lines only when changing lanes.

9.8. When turning onto a road with reverse traffic, the driver must drive the vehicle in such a way that when leaving the intersection of the carriageways, the vehicle takes the rightmost lane. Rebuilding is allowed only after the driver is convinced that movement in this direction is also allowed in other lanes.

When entering the road with reverse traffic (sign on the right), you must move along the B path in order to take the rightmost lane after the turn

9.9. It is forbidden to move vehicles along dividing lanes and roadsides, sidewalks and footpaths (except as specified in paragraphs 12.1, 24.2 of the Rules). The movement of vehicles of road maintenance and public utilities is allowed, as well as the entrance along the shortest path of vehicles transporting goods to trade and other enterprises and facilities located directly at the shoulders, sidewalks or footpaths, in the absence of other ways of access. At the same time, traffic safety must be ensured.

Utility vehicle clearing the sidewalk

Since driving on the side of the road is prohibited and you cannot overtake the truck, you will only be able to continue driving after it has made a left turn.

9.10. The driver must maintain a distance from the vehicle ahead that would allow avoiding a collision, as well as the necessary lateral clearance to ensure traffic safety.

9.11. Outside built-up areas on two-way roads with two lanes, the driver of a vehicle for which a speed limit is set, as well as the driver of a vehicle (combination of vehicles) with a length of more than 7 m, must maintain such a distance between his own and the vehicle moving in front so that overtaking vehicles could change lanes to the lane previously occupied by them without interference. This requirement does not apply when driving on sections of roads where overtaking is prohibited, as well as during heavy traffic and traffic in an organized convoy.

9.12. On roads with two-way traffic, in the absence of a dividing lane, safety islands, bollards and elements of road structures (supports of bridges, overpasses, etc.) located in the middle of the carriageway, the driver must drive around on the right, unless signs and markings prescribe otherwise.

On this topic.

The number of lanes for trackless vehicles (TS) is determined by markings and / or signs 5.15.1, 5.15.2 , 5.15.7 , 5.15.8 . At the same time, motorcycles are not forbidden to move in two rows in the same lane.

In the event that there are no signs, the markings are not visible, then the number of lanes for traffic is determined by the drivers themselves, taking into account the width of the carriageway, the dimensions of the vehicle, as well as the required safe intervals between them.

Road lane width (in most cases):

  • in settlements - 2.75-4 m;
  • outside settlements - 3-3.75 m.

On a two-way road without appropriate road markings (dividing lane), half of the carriageway on the left is considered to be oncoming traffic, not counting local widenings of the carriageway in the form of additional lanes for climbing, driving pockets, stopping places for route vehicles, etc.

From the above, we conclude that on a two-way road without a dividing lane, the driver of the vehicle must keep to the right side of the carriageway, and cannot move in the middle.

Roads with four lanes

In the event that a two-way road has 4 or more lanes, the vehicle is prohibited from entering the oncoming lane for overtaking or detour, as this may lead to a head-on collision. On such roads, left turns and U-turns can only be performed at intersections, as well as in other places intended for this.

Such situations do not raise questions if there are road markings that separate lanes of oncoming traffic. In rare cases, when there are no road markings, the driver must be very careful, and do not forget that it is impossible to drive to the left half of the road to perform a maneuver (in places not intended for this).

Roads with three lanes

In the event that a two-way road has 3 lanes, which are marked with appropriate markings (the exception is marking 1.9, indicating a lane allocated for reverse traffic), the middle lane is used for vehicle traffic in both directions, but with one significant limitation - to drive onto the middle lane is allowed only for overtaking, bypassing, turning left (reversal).

On such roads, the exit of the vehicle to the extreme left lane is strictly prohibited.

Lane traffic

If there are several lanes in one direction outside built-up areas, and in built-up areas where the speed limit allows you to move at a speed of more than 80 km/h, vehicles should move as close as possible to the right side of the carriageway. If the right lane is free, the driver of the vehicle is prohibited from occupying the left lane, which can only be used for maneuvering.

In settlements with normal speed limits, vehicles are allowed to use the most convenient lane for them.

Cases when vehicles can occupy the leftmost lane if there are three or more lanes in one direction:

Movement of low-speed vehicles

A vehicle is called slow-moving (regardless of the reasons for slow movement) if it moves at a speed of no more than 40 km / h.

Slow-moving vehicles must move only in the extreme right lane, entering the left lane only for a detour, overtaking, rebuilding before turning left (U-turn) or stopping in permitted cases on the left side of the road.

Traffic on tram tracks

Conditions under which trackless vehicles are allowed to drive on tram tracks:

  • they must be in the same direction;
  • located on the left and on the same level with the roadway;
  • when all lanes of a given direction are occupied;
  • when making a detour, turning left (turning).

When a trackless vehicle moves along the tram tracks, no interference with the movement of the tram should be created.

If road signs are installed in front of the intersection 5.15.1, 5.15.2 , traffic on the tram tracks through the intersection is prohibited.

If the carriageway is divided into lanes by marking lines, the movement of the vehicle should be carried out only along the marked lanes. At the same time, it is allowed to run into broken marking lines only when changing lanes. It is forbidden to move along the marking lines, as this can mislead other road users (they will assume that you are changing lanes), and it is also unsafe, because. wet marking lines can be very slippery.

Driving on roads with reverse traffic

When entering a road with reverse traffic, the vehicle must move in such a way that when leaving the intersection of the carriageways, the vehicle occupies the extreme right lane.

It is allowed to change lanes to the reverse lane only after the driver is convinced that the movement on the reverse lane in this direction is allowed.

Roadside driving

All vehicles are prohibited from driving on dividing lanes, roadsides, sidewalks, footpaths (with the exception of cases of vehicle parking on the edge of the sidewalk, the movement of cyclists and horse-drawn vehicles, which will be discussed later).

Mechanical vehicles (except for mopeds) are prohibited from driving on lanes for cyclists, bicycle and bicycle paths.

The movement of vehicles of road maintenance and utility services is allowed. Access is allowed along the shortest path for vehicles that deliver goods to trade and other enterprises (objects) located directly at the shoulders, sidewalks (pedestrian paths), if there are no other access options. At the same time, traffic safety must be ensured.

Distance, interval

Distance called the distance between passing vehicles moving along (distance B).

interval called the distance between the sides of the vehicle, which are moving in the same (opposite) direction (distance A and B).

While driving, the driver must keep such a distance from the vehicle moving in front, which would allow avoiding a collision during emergency braking. Also, the driver must maintain a lateral spacing that ensures traffic safety.

It must be understood that a higher speed of movement requires a more remote distance. Also, a large distance should be observed on slippery roads. The interval should be increased in difficult driving conditions.

Clear instructions on the parameters of a safe distance are not given by traffic rules. Average safe distance indicators - the distance to the vehicle in front in the same direction should be approximately half the speed. For example, when driving at a speed of 60 km/h, the driver must keep a distance of 30 meters (under normal weather conditions and normal road surface).

And if they are not there, then by the drivers themselves, taking into account the width of the carriageway, the dimensions of the vehicles and the necessary intervals between them. At the same time, the side intended for oncoming traffic on roads with two-way traffic without a dividing lane is considered to be half the width of the carriageway, located on the left, not counting local widenings of the carriageway (transitional speed lanes, additional lanes for climbing, drive-in pockets for stops of route vehicles ).

9.5. Vehicles whose speed must not exceed 40 km/h or which, for technical reasons, cannot develop such a speed must move in the far right lane, except in cases of detour, overtaking or rebuilding before turning left, turning or stopping in permitted cases on the left side roads.

9.6. It is allowed to drive on tram tracks of the same direction, located on the left at the same level with the carriageway, when all lanes of this direction are occupied, as well as when passing, turning left or turning around, taking into account the paragraph of the Rules. This should not interfere with the tram. It is prohibited to ride on the tram tracks of the opposite direction. If road signs or are installed in front of the intersection, traffic on the tram tracks through the intersection is prohibited.

9.7. If the carriageway is divided into lanes by marking lines, the movement of vehicles must be carried out strictly along the marked lanes. It is allowed to run into broken marking lines only when changing lanes.

9.8. When turning onto a road with reverse traffic, the driver must drive the vehicle in such a way that when leaving the intersection of the carriageways, the vehicle takes the rightmost lane. Rebuilding is allowed only after the driver is convinced that movement in this direction is also allowed in other lanes.

9.9. It is prohibited to move vehicles along dividing lanes and roadsides, sidewalks and footpaths (except for the cases provided for in paragraphs , - , of the Rules), as well as the movement of motor vehicles (except for mopeds) along lanes for cyclists. The movement of motor vehicles on bicycle and bicycle paths is prohibited. The movement of vehicles of road maintenance and public utilities is allowed, as well as the entrance along the shortest path of vehicles transporting goods to trade and other enterprises and facilities located directly at the shoulders, sidewalks or footpaths, in the absence of other ways of access. At the same time, traffic safety must be ensured.

9.10. The driver must maintain a distance from the vehicle ahead that would allow avoiding a collision, as well as the necessary lateral clearance to ensure traffic safety.

9.11. Outside built-up areas on two-way roads with two lanes, the driver of a vehicle for which a speed limit is set, as well as the driver of a vehicle (combination of vehicles) with a length of more than 7 m, must maintain such a distance between his own and the vehicle moving in front so that vehicles overtaking him could change lanes to the lane they previously occupied without interference. This requirement does not apply when driving on sections of roads where overtaking is prohibited, as well as during heavy traffic and traffic in an organized convoy.

9.12. On roads with two-way traffic, in the absence of a dividing lane, safety islands, bollards and elements of road structures (supports of bridges, overpasses, etc.) located in the middle of the carriageway, the driver must drive around on the right, unless signs and markings prescribe otherwise.

And if they are not there, then by the drivers themselves, taking into account the width of the carriageway, the dimensions of the vehicles and the necessary intervals between them. At the same time, the side intended for oncoming traffic on roads with two-way traffic without a dividing lane is considered to be half the width of the carriageway, located on the left, not counting local widenings of the carriageway (transitional speed lanes, additional lanes for climbing, drive-in pockets for stops of route vehicles ).

9.2. On two-way roads with four or more lanes, it is forbidden to overtake or pass into the lane intended for oncoming traffic. On such roads, left turns or U-turns may be made at intersections and other places where it is not prohibited by the Rules, signs and (or) markings.

9.3. On two-way roads with three lanes marked with markings (with the exception of marking 1.9), of which the middle one is used for traffic in both directions, it is allowed to enter this lane only for overtaking, bypassing, turning left or turning around. It is forbidden to drive into the leftmost lane intended for oncoming traffic.

9.4. Outside built-up areas, as well as in built-up areas on roads marked with signs 5.1 or 5.3 or where traffic at a speed of more than 80 km/h is allowed, drivers of vehicles should drive them as close as possible to the right edge of the carriageway. It is forbidden to occupy the left lanes when the right lanes are free.

In settlements, taking into account the requirements of this paragraph and paragraphs 9.5, 16.1 and 24.2 of the Rules, drivers of vehicles can use the most convenient lane for them. In heavy traffic, when all lanes are occupied, it is allowed to change the lane only for turning left or right, turning around, stopping or avoiding an obstacle.

However, on any roads that have three or more lanes for traffic in this direction, it is allowed to occupy the leftmost lane only in heavy traffic when other lanes are occupied, as well as for turning left or U-turn, and trucks with a maximum permissible weight of more than 2.5 t - only for a left turn or U-turn. Departure to the left lane of one-way roads for stopping and parking is carried out in accordance with clause 12.1 of the Rules.

9.5. Vehicles whose speed must not exceed 40 km/h or which, for technical reasons, cannot develop such a speed must move in the far right lane, except in cases of detour, overtaking or rebuilding before turning left, turning or stopping in permitted cases on the left side roads.

9.6. It is allowed to drive on tram tracks of the same direction, located on the left at the same level with the carriageway, when all lanes of this direction are occupied, as well as when passing, turning left or turning around, taking into account paragraph 8.5 of the Rules. This should not interfere with the tram. It is prohibited to ride on the tram tracks of the opposite direction. If road signs 5.15.1 or 5.15.2 are installed in front of the intersection, traffic on tram tracks through the intersection is prohibited.

9.7. If the carriageway is divided into lanes by marking lines, the movement of vehicles must be carried out strictly along the marked lanes. It is allowed to run into broken marking lines only when changing lanes.

9.8. When turning onto a road with reverse traffic, the driver must drive the vehicle in such a way that when leaving the intersection of the carriageways, the vehicle takes the rightmost lane. Rebuilding is allowed only after the driver is convinced that movement in this direction is also allowed in other lanes.

9.9. It is prohibited to move vehicles along dividing lanes and roadsides, sidewalks and footpaths (except as provided for in paragraphs 12.1, 24.2, 24.3, 24.4, 24.7, 25.2 of the Rules), as well as the movement of motor vehicles (except for mopeds) along lanes for cyclists. The movement of motor vehicles on bicycle and bicycle paths is prohibited. The movement of vehicles of road maintenance and public utilities is allowed, as well as the entrance along the shortest path of vehicles transporting goods to trade and other enterprises and facilities located directly at the shoulders, sidewalks or footpaths, in the absence of other ways of access. At the same time, traffic safety must be ensured. (paragraph modified in the wording of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 22, 2014 N 221)

9.10. The driver must maintain a distance from the vehicle ahead that would allow avoiding a collision, as well as the necessary lateral clearance to ensure traffic safety.

9.11. Outside built-up areas on two-way roads with two lanes, the driver of a vehicle for which a speed limit is set, as well as the driver of a vehicle (combination of vehicles) with a length of more than 7 m, must maintain such a distance between his own and the vehicle moving in front so that vehicles overtaking him could change lanes to the lane they previously occupied without interference. This requirement does not apply when driving on sections of roads where overtaking is prohibited, as well as during heavy traffic and traffic in an organized convoy.

9.12. On roads with two-way traffic, in the absence of a dividing lane, safety islands, bollards and elements of road structures (supports of bridges, overpasses, etc.) located in the middle of the carriageway, the driver must drive around on the right, unless signs and markings prescribe otherwise.

8.1. Before starting to move, changing lanes, turning (turning) and stopping, the driver is obliged to give signals with light indicators for the direction of the corresponding direction, and if they are absent or faulty, by hand. When performing a maneuver, there should not be a danger to traffic, as well as obstacles to other road users.

The signal of a left turn (reversal) corresponds to the left arm extended to the side or the right arm extended to the side and bent at the elbow at a right angle upwards. The right turn signal corresponds to the right arm extended to the side or the left arm extended to the side and bent at the elbow at a right angle upwards. The brake signal is given by the left or right hand raised up.

16.1. On motorways it is prohibited:

  • the movement of pedestrians, pets, bicycles, mopeds, tractors and self-propelled vehicles, other vehicles, the speed of which, according to the technical characteristics or their condition, is less than 40 km/h;
  • movement of trucks with a maximum permitted weight of more than 3.5 tons beyond the second lane;
  • stopping outside special parking areas marked with sign 6.4 or 7.11;
  • U-turn and entry into technological gaps of the dividing strip;
  • reversing;
  • training ride.
  • 24.2. Cyclists over the age of 14 are allowed:

    • on the right edge of the carriageway - in the following cases:
      • there are no bicycle and bicycle paths, a lane for cyclists or there is no possibility to move along them;
      • the overall width of the bicycle, trailer to it or the transported cargo exceeds 1 m;
      • the movement of cyclists is carried out in columns;
    • on the roadside - if there are no bicycle and bicycle paths, a lane for cyclists, or there is no possibility to move along them or along the right edge of the carriageway;
    • on the sidewalk or footpath - in the following cases:
      • there are no bicycle and bicycle paths, a lane for cyclists, or there is no possibility to move along them, as well as along the right edge of the carriageway or roadside;
      • the cyclist accompanies a cyclist under the age of 7 or transports a child under the age of 7 in an extra seat, in a bicycle carriage or in a trailer designed to be used with a bicycle.

    Columns of horse-drawn carts (sledges), riding and pack animals, when moving along the carriageway, must be divided into groups of 10 riding and pack animals and 5 carts (sledges). To facilitate overtaking, the distance between groups should be 80 - 100 m.

    12.1. Stopping and parking of vehicles are allowed on the right side of the road on the side of the road, and in its absence - on the carriageway at its edge and, in cases established by paragraph 12.2 of the Rules, on the sidewalk.

    On the left side of the road, stopping and parking are allowed in built-up areas on roads with one lane for each direction without tram tracks in the middle and on one-way roads stop for loading or unloading).

    8.5. Before turning right, left or U-turn, the driver is obliged to take the appropriate extreme position in advance on the carriageway intended for movement in this direction, except when making a turn at the entrance to an intersection where a roundabout is organized.

    If there are tram tracks on the left side of the same direction, located on the same level with the carriageway, a left turn and a U-turn must be performed from them if

    , 5.15.7, 5.15.8, and if they are not there, then by the drivers themselves, taking into account the width of the carriageway, the dimensions of vehicles and the necessary intervals between them.

    At the same time, the side intended for oncoming traffic on roads with two-way traffic without a dividing lane is considered to be half the width of the carriageway, located on the left, not counting local widenings of the carriageway (transitional speed lanes, additional lanes for climbing, drive-in pockets for stops of route vehicles ).

    On two-way roads with three lanes marked with markings (except for marking 1.9), of which the middle one is used for traffic in both directions, it is allowed to enter this lane only for overtaking, bypassing, turning left or turning around.

    It is forbidden to drive into the leftmost lane intended for oncoming traffic.

    Outside built-up areas, as well as in built-up areas on roads marked with sign 5.1 or sign 5.3 or where traffic at a speed of more than 80 km/h is allowed, drivers of vehicles should drive them as close as possible to the right edge of the carriageway. It is forbidden to occupy the left lanes when the right lanes are free.

    In settlements, taking into account the requirements of this paragraph and paragraphs of traffic rules 9.5, traffic rules 16.1 and traffic rules 24.2 of the Rules, drivers of vehicles can use the most convenient lane for them. In heavy traffic, when all lanes are occupied, it is allowed to change the lane only for turning left or right, turning around, stopping or avoiding an obstacle.

    However, on any roads that have three or more lanes for traffic in this direction, it is allowed to occupy the leftmost lane only in heavy traffic when other lanes are occupied, as well as for turning left or U-turn, and trucks with a maximum permissible weight of more than 2.5 t - only for a left turn or U-turn. Departure to the left lane of roads with one-way traffic for stopping and parking is carried out in accordance with clause 12.1 of the Rules.

    It is allowed to drive on tram tracks of the same direction, located on the left at the same level with the carriageway, when all lanes of this direction are occupied, as well as when passing, turning left or turning around, taking into account paragraph 8.5 of the Rules. This should not interfere with the tram.

    It is prohibited to ride on the tram tracks of the opposite direction. If road signs 5.15.1 or signs 5.15.2 are installed in front of the intersection, traffic on tram tracks through the intersection is prohibited.

    When turning onto a road with reverse traffic, the driver must drive the vehicle in such a way that when leaving the intersection of the carriageways, the vehicle takes the rightmost lane. Rebuilding is allowed only after the driver is convinced that movement in this direction is also allowed in other lanes.

    It is forbidden to move vehicles along dividing lanes and roadsides, sidewalks and footpaths (with the exception of cases provided for by paragraphs of traffic rules 12.1, traffic rules 24.2, traffic rules 24.3, traffic rules 24.4, traffic rules 24.7, traffic regulations 25.2 of the Rules), as well as the movement of motor vehicles (except for mopeds ) in the lanes for cyclists.

    Prohibited movement

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