Details for the state fee for obtaining a passport. Step-by-step instructions for submitting documents

Passport is the main document that everyone becomes the owner of. individuals belonging to legal basis To to the Russian state and have reached the age of fourteen. Obtaining a passport is regulated by a special legislative act.

Its issuance is accompanied by payment special tax in favor of the state for committing legally meaningful action. The amount of the state duty for a Russian passport is established by law and is the same in all regions of the country.

How much does it cost in 2019

It is a general rule for all persons to obtain and renew a basic ID upon reaching the ages of 14, 20 and 45 years.

The implementation of this obligation is possible subject to a number of conditions, including payment of state duty. Its size is established by the Tax Code, and in 2019 it is 300 rubles.

Individuals who have lost a previously issued document due to careless handling, or due to illegal actions of other persons (damage, theft), must contact the relevant structure, requesting the issuance of a new passport. Amount to be paid in in this case

will be 1500 rubles. The increased fee is intended to encourage owners to use their ID cards carefully and more responsibly. .

Orphans and teenagers without parental care are exempt from paying tax

What do they indicate? This document confirms the identity of its owner. During the period of use, a Russian passport collects extensive information about its owner. The first spread reflects information about when and where the document was issued, full name

owner, information about the date and place of his birth. On the following pages, civil registry offices, military registration and enlistment offices, housing departments, and health authorities confirm in the prescribed form

  • such facts in the life of the owner:
  • registration at the place of residence, as well as deregistration;
  • marriage or divorce;
  • birth of children;
  • attitude towards military duty;
  • owner's blood type;

information about previously issued internal passports and foreign passports.

Any unauthorized editing of information in a document is equivalent to its deliberate damage and entails a warning or a fine in the range of 100-300 rubles.

Events in a person’s life that require updating the main identity card are legally established:

  • reaching 20 or 45 years of age;
  • surname changed due to marriage;
  • full name or information about date and place of birth has been changed;
  • the appearance has undergone changes;
  • gender identity has been changed;
  • erroneous data or inaccuracies were found in the previous certificate;
  • loss, violation of integrity, theft of the ID.

To exercise the right to an updated passport, its owner is given 30 days. During this time, he is recommended to submit the appropriate request:

Applicants who miss the deadline are punished with a fine of 2 to 3 thousand rubles.

Traditionally, passports are obtained from specialized government agencies in the area permanent registration. IN exceptional situations It becomes possible to renew a passport at the citizen’s location.

Video: What is one of the important documents

State duty to replace a Russian passport at the age of 45

The right to have a passport is supported by the obligation to acquire it in a timely manner. Upon reaching the age of forty-five, a law-abiding Russian is expected in the authority on issues internal migration with an application for a passport replacement. We need to start resolving the issue within a month. After its expiration, the previous document is considered invalid.

Pay for what you do power structures Actions can be taken using a receipt, the form of which is issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the MFC. The asking price is 300 rubles. Sanctions for a citizen being on the territory of the Russian Federation without a passport consist of paying 2-3 thousand rubles to the state (for Moscow and St. Petersburg 3-5 thousand rubles).

What documents are needed for a change?

In order not to be considered irresponsible, the citizen promptly provides the migration authority with a set of documents that are necessary to start the passport renewal procedure:

  • statement;
  • birth certificate (for fourteen year olds);
  • a previous certificate in need of replacement;
  • two photographs of a citizen corresponding to his age and appearance, size 3.5x4.5 cm;
  • fee payment receipt;
  • documents proving the reason for renewing the passport (for example, a marriage certificate);
  • documents required for stamping in the passport (military ID, marriage/divorce certificates, birth certificates of children under 14 years of age, documents confirming registration at the place of residence).

During the period of registration of a new passport, at the request of the applicant, he may be issued a temporary identity card. This will require additional photography.

The assembled kit is presented to personal reception inspector migration authority, either in in electronic format on the Unified Government Services Portal. An accessible alternative is to renew your passport through the MFC. It should be taken into account that the competence of the Center does not include accepting applications from persons who have lost their passport, are late with the replacement deadline, or have missing registration at their place of residence.

The document is issued upon mandatory personal appearance by the internal migration authorities or the institution that accepted the application.

Sample receipt and place of payment

Since the beginning of 2019, the resolution of issues of renewal and initial issuance of passports has been under the jurisdiction of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. All information about the details required to fill out a receipt for payment of the fee is presented in territorial departments ministries.

The form that requires filling out consists of two parts:

  • notice;
  • receipt.

Both parts contain the same information, namely:

  • recipient's name;
  • INN, KPP, OKATO, KBK, BIC, account number and recipient bank;
  • Full name, address of the payer;
  • date, amount of payment;
  • payer's signature.

Please note that until the appearance of forms, seals and stamps created by the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, forms, seals and stamps of the abolished Federal Migration Service are temporarily used.

Where can I pay?

The state fee for a Russian passport is paid before submitting the application. You must contact the MFC or the Ministry of Internal Affairs in advance and take a sample notice, a receipt, or request the details to which the collection amount should be transferred.

There are several ways to resolve the issue of paying the fee:

  • contact the nearest Sberbank branch. You should not assume that bank employees have information about the details for paying your state duty;
  • use your personal account in the Sberbank Online Internet bank;
  • pay in cash or by bank card at information and payment terminals or Sberbank ATMs.

Sending documents

Citizens who want to manage their time more effectively are recommended to create a profile in the Unified Portal public services.

Using the service reduces the number of visits government agencies when resolving bureaucratic issues. In addition, the portal is universal reference book for most services provided by federal and regional authorities.

The algorithm for using the portal to replace a passport is quite simple. By activating your account, the user finds the line “Replacement of a citizen’s passport” in the list of available services.

Clicking on it brings up the view complete information about the service:

  • where and how you can get it;
  • cost and payment methods;
  • the period during which the service is provided;
  • documents required to provide the service;
  • grounds for refusal, etc.

By clicking on the blue “Get service” button, the user begins to fill out an application for an updated passport. First, you must approve the processing of your personal data. The system will prompt you to do this by checking the appropriate box.

Next, you need to select the basis for updating your passport, enter your personal data, registration information, marital status, presence of children. Provide information about the document to be replaced, the availability foreign passport, about the place of appeal.

After uploading a photo and editing it, you should check all the entered data and send it for processing. Within 10 days, the application is checked in various government agencies

, after which a decision is made approving the application or refusing to accept it. Having reached the age of 14, every resident of Russia in mandatory receives a passport. This procedure is repeated several times in his life. certain age or for other reasons when a document needs to be replaced. Now the FMS is handling the registration and issuing a list necessary papers

to provide the service. This list also contains a receipt for payment of the duty. For many, the question arises of how to pay the state fee for a passport through Sberbank, spending a minimum of time and money. Without paying it obligatory payment

it is impossible to obtain this document

Today, the amount of the fee depends on the reason for issuing the document.

  • Citizens will have to pay 300 rubles. for the following reasons:
  • registration at 14 years of age;
  • reaching 25, 45 years old;
  • change of personal data (first name, surname, patronymic, year and place of birth, change of surname due to marriage); if there are errors in;
  • current document in connection with theft mandatory availability
  • a certificate from the police department confirming the fact of theft; Adoption;
  • Russian citizenship

change in gender or appearance. following situations:

  • replacing an old copy if it has become unusable due to the fault of the owner;
  • loss.

For citizens receiving a document with electronic media information, the service will cost 2500 rubles.

Methods of paying the state fee for an internal passport of the Russian Federation

Citizens of the Russian Federation can pay the state duty for a passport through Sberbank using different ways:

  • the most common one is to come in person with a receipt to a bank branch and pay through the cash register;
  • through online service jar;
  • through a bank terminal using a card or pay in cash;
  • through the Gosuslugi website.

To carry out the operation, you will need a receipt received from the Federal Migration Service. The document specifies the details necessary to carry out the transaction.

Via online service

How to pay the state fee for a passport through Sberbank Online? The procedure is as follows:

  • go to the service;
  • select the “Transfers and Payments” tab;
  • followed by “Payment for purchases and services”;
  • indicate your region;
  • select the Ministry of Internal Affairs from the list of organizations;
  • choose a migration office in your region;
  • indicate the type of duty or reason for registration;
  • enter personal data in the payment field (you must be especially careful here, since a check with errors will not be accepted);
  • check that your personal data is entered correctly;
  • the duty amount will appear on the screen in automatic mode;
  • completely fill out all payment fields using the details of the receipt received from the FMS;
  • further passes standard procedure transaction confirmations and payment;
  • print a check.

On the State Services website (by bank card)

Since 2017, we have launched a promotion on the State Services website - a 30% discount on payment of state duty upon receipt and replacement of a document. To receive a discount, you must do the following:

  • go to the State Services website Personal Area or register;
  • to submit an application for the provision of services, click on “Service Catalog”;
  • click on the section “Passports, registrations, visas”;
  • find “Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation”;
  • select and indicate the reason for replacing the document (this is important, since the amount of payment depends on this option);
  • a form will appear that needs to be filled out;
  • agree to the processing of data and send them;
  • after reconciling the data, you will need to pay for the service provided;
  • will be offered various options non-cash payment (bank card, online wallet, mobile phone);
  • the portal accepts Visa, MasterCard and MIR payment cards;
  • pay the duty with a 30% discount.

Please note that receiving a discount is only possible if you use mobile app site.

Payment via terminal

Another convenient way How to pay the state fee for a passport - through the Sberbank terminal. By the way, in some divisions of the Federal Migration Service there are terminals of this bank, through which you can immediately make a payment. Step-by-step instruction next:

  • select “Payments in our region” from the menu;
  • in the list provided, click on the payment type “State duties and fees”;
  • find your region or region, click on the column;
  • the terminal will require you to enter your TIN;
  • enter the details of the Federal Migration Service for your city (you can find them out in advance when visiting the department);
  • decide on the type of duty;
  • deposit cash into the bill acceptor without change (the amount will be immediately indicated on the terminal screen);
  • confirm the transaction;
  • Received payment receipts must be kept for confirmation by the migration service, if necessary.
Bank terminals are progressive modern assistants for each client in many operations

Payments are made through a terminal using a card in exactly the same way, but first, after entering the card, you will need to enter a PIN code.

One more point should be noted. The amount of the paid fee is set automatically. But a situation may arise when a smaller amount is paid. This can happen if at the time of filing the application for registration of the document the amount of the fee has been changed legislative norms. In this case, it will not be issued. In order for the service to be completed, it is necessary to pay the missing amount and provide it to migration service both checks.

At a Sberbank branch

The simplest and affordable way pay the state duty for a passport at Sberbank by personally visiting one of its branches. And in this case, you will need a receipt from the Federal Migration Service with completed details, which is provided to the cashier-operator. Payment occurs without commission. The only drawback of this method is the time spent.

For the preparation of this document, our compatriots need to pay a special tax


All citizens of the Russian Federation are required to have a basic identification document. Like any paperwork, obtaining a new passport does not come without a mandatory payment to the budget. Now Russians have several options to pay for this service, allowing them to choose the most optimal and economical method for themselves.

Payment state fees for passport replacement represents required condition, which must be completed upon receipt of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. If you do not have a receipt confirming payment in hand state duty, the official will not accept your passport documents.

In this article we will tell you how much state duty you will have to pay for this service and where you can make the payment.

State duty details for passport replacement

Passport registration today Russian citizen is under the jurisdiction of the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. To find out the correct details for paying the state fee, you need to know which department of the above-mentioned body you need to submit a package of documents to.

You can pay the state fee for a passport at any branch of Sberbank or any other financial institution. Each bank sets the amount of commission for this procedure at your own discretion.

The amount of state duty when replacing a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

In each specific case, the state duty for a passport will differ, and you will have to pay it in the following cases:

  • Initially, you need to fork out 300 rubles at the age of 14, when the teenager receives his first passport. The document is valid until the citizen’s 20th birthday.
  • When aged.
  • When a document change is necessary due to a change in personal data.
  • If during the registration of a passport the official made a mistake that needs to be corrected.
  • The owner of the identity document has radically changed his appearance - in these cases the citizen will have to fork out 300 rubles.

You will have to take out an impressive amount of 1,500 rubles from your wallet in the following cases:

  1. If the passport is unusable. For example, it is worn out.
  2. You got into trouble and your passport was lost.
  3. The document is hopeless for some reason. The document may have been spilled or damaged by fire.

If you are faced with the issue of paying state duty for Russian passport, you need to get the correct details. Where can you find them? This can be done in a way convenient for you:

  1. Go to the official website of the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, where citizens have access to an interactive map of all departments of this body. Now you need to select the required department - this will be the organ located at your place of residence.
  2. When you click on the desired branch, the corresponding payment details will be available to you.
  3. If you know which unit you need, you should immediately go to the website of the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and select the section with the necessary payment details.
  4. If you do not have internet access or technical feasibility, then you can personally contact the main directorate for migration issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and receive details right on the spot.

Some department websites provide ready-made payment receipts for free download required duty. You just need to print it out and go with it to the nearest bank to make a payment. When the payment goes through, it will be issued cash receipt, confirming this fact.

Now you need to carefully compare the details issued by the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs with those indicated on the check.

If they do not match, then the payment will not reach the addressee, and for this reason you will not be able to receive a passport.

If we talk about large populated areas, then in most departments, for the convenience of citizens, special terminals are installed where you can pay the state fee for replacing a passport. But a small commission is charged for this service - its size ranges from 20 to 50 rubles. The disadvantage of such a terminal is that you will not receive change, but it can be sent to your mobile phone to top up your account.

In this article we will talk about what the state duty is for obtaining or replacing a Russian passport, what size it is and what it depends on.

Like, the type of payment in question is a fee that is charged for the provision of various types of public services. Including during the registration and issuance procedure. The main and main one among which is the passport of a Russian citizen. When and by whom is the state duty paid, are there any exceptions and benefits, what is the amount of the state duty for a Russian passport in 2016? You will receive answers to all these and similar questions by studying the information below.

State duty for obtaining or replacing a Russian passport, its amount

Pursuant to Section 333.33 Tax Code Russian Federation The state duty is charged in the amount of 300 rubles. This means that such a state fee must be paid by a citizen when he first receives such a document in connection with reaching the age of 14. The same amount of state duty will have to be paid by those who change their passport to a new one in connection with reaching the age of 20 and 45 years.

However, in the life of any citizen there are unforeseen cases when his main document can be received mechanical damage, preventing its further use. Also, the passport may be lost or unintentionally destroyed (washed in washing machine, fire, flood, etc.). In such cases of passport replacement, the same Article 333.33 of the Tax Code provides for the payment of a state duty in the amount of 1,500 rubles.

If it happens that a citizen’s passport is stolen and for this reason he has to contact migration offices internal affairs bodies (namely, they have been issuing passports since June 1, 2016) with an application to replace a passport, then a state fee of 300 rubles is paid. The same amount of state duty is paid by a citizen when replacing a passport due to a change of surname.

Payment of the state fee is carried out at the time of submitting the application and other documents for obtaining a new passport. Most often, replacement occurs when 20- or 45-year-old citizens receive passports, as well as changing their last name and unintentionally damaging or destroying the document.

As for exceptions to the rules and benefits regarding the payment of state duties for socially vulnerable segments of the population, they exist. According to Article 333.35 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, no state duty is charged when issuing passports to orphans and children without parental care.

Where can I pay the state fee?

The state duty can be paid at Sberbank of Russia, through Single portal government services, bank cards using ATMs and payment terminals, as well as in other banks with the payment of a commission. Funds must be deposited on the basis of specific details for payment of the state fee for a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The received receipt must then be handed over official upon receipt of a passport (submitting documents) to confirm the fact of payment. Also, do not forget to correctly indicate the purpose of the payment - payment of state duty.

Receipt of state duty for obtaining a passport

The receipt can be presented in paper or electronic form (on the government services website), with the obligatory indication of the details of the payer and recipient after checking the correctness of the data. When paying, you must be careful, especially if the payer enters the details yourself. When paying a receipt using an online bank or website, you need to select the type of payment - for a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, enter necessary details payment of state duty, information about the recipient, indicate the cost, number bank card, from which they will be debited cash and personal data (last name, first name, patronymic, registration address). When confirming payment, print the receipt.

If a citizen is denied a passport, the paid state duty will be refunded in full or in part in the manner established by Chapter 25.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Thus, you have learned how much and when the state duty is paid for obtaining or replacing a Russian passport, as well as where to find the details and how to pay yourself through ATMs, terminals and websites.

The state fee for changing a passport is small, but its size depends on certain details. If a person plans in advance, it is better not to do this.

It is more practical to first visit department of the Federal Migration Service to get accurate data from representatives law enforcement. All you have to do is take the receipt and pay it at the nearest Sberbank branch or in any other way.

The state fee for a passport is paid in several cases. Every citizen should know about this, since in any case he will have to face a simple procedure.

If you know the details in advance, you will be able to immediately collect necessary documents and receive receipts for payment. When will you have to pay the money?

  • Upon first receipt.
  • Replacement required.
  • In case of damage or loss.

The payment receipt is mandatory part package of documents. You will have to pay for it in advance so as not to waste precious time at the last moment. The data in it will be different in each special case, so you should not rely on this or that amount.

Important! The amount of the state duty must be clarified in order to immediately transfer the required amount.

Upon first receipt

Receive your passport today in accordance with latest changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation. Before submitting documents, you will have to pay a receipt of 200 rubles. This state fee for issuing a passport remains insignificant, but must be paid on behalf of the recipient.

A small amount must be transferred, but the payer’s details must be taken into account. Receiving a new receipt in one's hands, a person rids himself of similar questions, if they remain, you should not make mistakes.

Moreover, a young age does not allow the future citizen to independently carry out financial operations. This forces you to provide SNILS as the main document.

If replacement is required

A mandatory replacement of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is taking place. When receiving new documents, a small amount of 500 rubles is also paid.

The payment receipt is also part of the package of documents, so the transfer is carried out in advance.

The state fee for replacing a passport is slightly higher initial receipt, but this is a minor difference. Its size is established by law. Sberbank has standard templates that simplify the transfer of funds, but more often it is more practical to visit the cash desk and personally transfer the money.

In case of damage or loss

You will also have to find out the details for paying the state fee for a Russian passport. In this case, the amount is also only 500 rubles, if the period is close to the age of mandatory replacement.

This feature is not always taken into account by people, but the FMS authorities simply relieve citizens from paying large fines.

The main problem in the event of loss or damage is not the amount on the receipt, but the documents provided. Loss leads to mandatory submission reports to the local police department. It indicates the date, so you should immediately contact the Federal Migration Service, otherwise penalties will follow.

Important! The loss of a passport must be registered on the same day so that the citizen does not run into trouble.

Penalties when applying for a passport

Paying the state fee for a passport will not lead to large cash costs. If you violate the deadlines for submitting documents, you will have to face certain penalties. They are provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, therefore they are lawful actions from the Federal Migration Service.

Emerging additional payments Dont Have constant amount. They depend on the timing of the delay and are appointed by the head of the department.

The legal provisions indicate that the amount can range from 2 to 3 thousand rubles. Compared to the standard state duty, they are significant.

Similar data are indicated for all regions of Russia, except Moscow and St. Petersburg. In it, a delay entails a fine of 3 to 5 thousand rubles.

So even minor violations turn into additional expenses. It is better not to allow them, since a protocol is drawn up and fingerprinting is carried out at the same time.

Where to submit documents and not miss the deadline?

In some cases, deadlines are missed through no fault of the individual. Previously, this could only be done at the place of registration, so leaving created troubles. Where can I pay the state fee for a passport and submit a package of documents?

  • In the department of the Federal Migration Service.
  • At the MFC.

Receipts are paid different ways, so citizens resolve this issue quickly. If they need to send a package of documents, they should familiarize themselves with the details of both options.

In the Department of the Federal Migration Service

The easiest way to contact the FMS department is at your place of registration. This can be done even if you are temporarily residing at a particular address. First, documents will be requested, and then the papers will be reissued.

In this case, payment of receipts occurs through Sberbank branches or a mobile application. The traditional option remains common, although young people prefer other methods.

You shouldn't go to the Passport Office, because you will probably have to deal with a queue there.

At the MFC

A visit to the multifunctional center is simple and quick way submission of documents. In it, reception is carried out in several windows at once, so there is no talk of endless queues and “numbers in the palm of your hand”. This method remains optimal, eliminating any delays, and payment of the state fee is carried out in the same building using a machine.

The only disadvantage of submitting documents to replace your passport at the MFC is long term paperwork.

Obtaining a new passport can take up to 2 months, which does not always suit clients. Although the simplified system for preparing papers continues to attract citizens.

State fees do not change from year to year. Small amounts are paid on receipts in various ways to obtain or replace a passport.

There are penalties provided for by law RF, which may increase costs, but can be avoided by meeting the required deadlines.

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