Resolves issues of admission to Russian citizenship. Bodies considering citizenship issues and the procedure for their consideration

Implementation of the rules discussed above on the grounds for acquisition, termination and change Russian citizenship is associated with the need for its legal regulation.

A significant part of the Citizenship Law is devoted to this. On its basis, the Regulations on the procedure for considering citizenship issues were adopted Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (as amended by the Decree of December 27, 1993). The Regulations define in detail the procedure for considering and resolving citizenship issues.

The Citizenship Law stipulates which government bodies are in charge of citizenship cases and what the powers of these bodies are, and sets out the procedure for producing and appealing decisions in these cases.

In the system of bodies related to resolving issues of citizenship, the main powers are vested in the President of the Russian Federation as the head of state, personifying him.

The Constitution establishes that the President decides issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation (Article 89, paragraph “a”). The Law on Citizenship of the Russian Federation specifies the powers of the President in this area. He makes decisions on the following questions: admission to citizenship, restoration of citizenship, permission to renounce citizenship; permission for a citizen of the Russian Federation to simultaneously have citizenship of another state; cancellation of the decision on admission to citizenship; granting honorary citizenship.

On all these issues, the President issues decrees. Other government bodies involved in resolving these issues carry out only preparatory work.

The Law includes the Commission on Citizenship Issues under the President of the Russian Federation as the bodies in charge of matters of citizenship of the Russian Federation.

Based on the Law, the Presidential Decree of June 23, 1992 approved the Regulations on this Commission.

As provided in the Regulations, the Commission is formed by the President and is a state body in charge of matters of Russian citizenship. The Commission’s tasks include preparing proposals for the President on citizenship matters, ensuring the implementation of a unified public policy in the field of citizenship, control over the implementation of decisions on citizenship issues.

The Commission considers applications for the acquisition and termination of citizenship of the Russian Federation, for the acquisition of dual citizenship, for the granting of honorary citizenship, etc. Its competence also includes the consideration general issues related to the development, changes and additions to the legislation of the Russian Federation on citizenship, granting political asylum, and the Russian passport system.

The President appoints the Chairman of the Commission and, on the latter’s proposal, approves the composition of the Commission.

Members of the Commission participate in its work on public principles. The Office of the President of the Russian Federation on Citizenship Issues operates as a subdivision of the Presidential Administration.

The remaining government bodies that take part in resolving issues of citizenship or resolve them are included in the system of bodies executive power. These include the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its agencies, as well as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, diplomatic missions and consular offices.

The powers entrusted to these bodies to resolve issues of citizenship are similar, with the only difference being that the former accept them in relation to persons living on the territory of the Russian Federation, and the latter - outside its borders. Such powers include: accepting applications and petitions on issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation; checking facts and submitted documents; sending the application along with documents to the Commission on Citizenship Issues under the President of the Russian Federation; determining whether persons belong to the citizenship of the Russian Federation; registration of acquisition or termination of citizenship of the Russian Federation in cases provided for by law.

There are significant differences in the procedure for registering and resolving issues regarding the acquisition and termination of citizenship in the registration procedure (i.e., in a simplified procedure) and in all other cases. They relate to: the established form of address; decision-making bodies; acts that formalize decisions; procedure for appeal.

To resolve the issue of registration of citizenship, an application is submitted; decisions on this issue are made by the relevant internal affairs bodies or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, diplomatic missions and consular offices; decisions are formalized in conclusion (in necessary cases presentation); review period - no more than six months; decisions can be appealed to the court in month period.

In all other cases of acquisition and termination of citizenship that do not fall under registration procedure, a petition is drawn up addressed to the President, who makes decisions on these issues; they are formalized by Presidential Decree; the period for consideration of applications is no more than nine months; decisions are not subject to appeal, which does not exclude the possibility of a repeated application.

Both the application and the petition are submitted to in writing By in the prescribed form to the internal affairs body at the place of residence of the person (outside the Russian Federation to the corresponding diplomatic mission or consular office).

Citizenship of the Russian Federation is considered acquired or terminated from the date of adoption of a decision by an authorized body or issuance of a Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

The execution of decisions is entrusted, respectively, to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its bodies or to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, diplomatic missions and consular offices.

Judicial practice on issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation

Establishing the fact of residence on 02/06/1992 on the territory of the Russian Federation

I., whose passport as a citizen of the Russian Federation was recognized as having been issued unreasonably, turned to a lawyer.

The applicant came from Ukraine in 1991 to enroll in a university. After an unsuccessful attempt at admission in 1991, he decided to stay in Moscow and prepare for the 1992 entrance exams. In fact, he lived in Moscow since 1991, but did not have registration at his place of residence. In 1992, the applicant entered a university, which he successfully graduated in 1997. From September 1992 to May 1997, he lived in the university dormitories. From 1997 to 1999 he studied full-time graduate school. Since 1999 it has had continuous labor activity on the territory of the Russian Federation and is registered at the place of residence in his own apartment.

After considering the situation, it was decided to go to court with an application to establish the fact of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation from 1991 to the present.

Gagarinsky district court Moscow legal fact permanent residence has been installed on the territory of the Russian Federation since 1991.

In the system of bodies entrusted with resolving issues of citizenship, the main powers are vested in the President of the Russian Federation as the head of state, personifying him. Based on this, the Constitution establishes that the President decides issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation [Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 89 p.a.].

Powers of the President of the Russian Federation in matters of citizenship.

The Citizenship Law greatly narrows the range of powers of the President in these matters. These include decisions on several issues:

· admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation of foreign citizens, citizens former USSR and stateless persons;

· restoration of citizenship of the Russian Federation from certain categories persons;

· permission to renounce citizenship of the Russian Federation individuals;

· permission for a citizen of the Russian Federation to acquire citizenship foreign country;

· cancellation of the decision on admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation;

· Granting honorary citizenship of the Russian Federation.

On these issues, the President issues Decrees. Preparatory work related to the resolution of these issues is carried out by other bodies.

For preliminary consideration of these issues, the President of the Russian Federation forms a Commission on Issues of Citizenship of the Russian Federation.

The Law includes the Commission on Citizenship Issues under the President of the Russian Federation as the bodies in charge of matters of citizenship of the Russian Federation.

On June 23, 1992, a presidential decree approved the regulations on this commission based on the Citizenship Law. The commission is formed by the President of the Russian Federation and is a state body in charge of matters related to Russian citizenship. The Chairman of the Commission is appointed by the President and, at the latter’s proposal, the composition of the Commission is approved.

The commission submits proposals on each petition and presentation on citizenship issues for consideration by the President of the Russian Federation [Gabrichidze B.N. Constitutional law modern Russia. 2006. p.93]. The Commission's proposals are documented in minutes and signed by all its members who participated in the meeting.

When considering petitions and submissions on issues of citizenship, the Commission comprehensively evaluates the applicant’s arguments, the content of the submission, and conclusions government agencies And public organizations on petitions, other documents and properly issued witness's testimonies. When considering issues of citizenship affecting the interests of the republic within the Russian Federation, the Commission takes into account the opinion of the Russian Federation, the Commission takes into account the opinion competent authorities of this republic. She also has the right to request, on the issue under her consideration, documents and materials of government bodies that represent necessary information within the period established by the Commission.

The remaining government bodies that take part in resolving citizenship issues or resolve them are included in the system of executive authorities. These include the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its agencies, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, diplomatic missions and consular offices. The competence of these bodies to resolve issues of citizenship is similar, with the only difference being that the former accept them in relation to persons living on the territory of Russia, and the latter outside its borders.

Powers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the bodies subordinate to it vested with the relevant competence carry out:

· accept applications and petitions on issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation from persons living in Russia;

· check the facts and documents presented in support of applications and petitions on issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation;

· send applications on issues of obtaining citizenship along with relevant documents to the Commission on Citizenship Issues under the President of the Russian Federation;

· determine whether persons living on the territory of the Russian Federation belong to the citizenship of the Russian Federation;

· by request interested parties, living on the territory of the Russian Federation, register the acquisition or termination of citizenship of the Russian Federation in cases provided for by the Law.

Functions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation:

· accept applications and petitions on issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation from persons living outside the Russian Federation;

· check the facts and documents presented in support of applications and petitions on issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation;

· send applications on citizenship issues along with relevant documents to the Commission on Citizenship Issues under the President of the Russian Federation;

· determine the citizenship of the Russian Federation of persons living outside the Russian Federation;

· keep records of citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing outside the Russian Federation;

· carry out registration of acquisition or termination of citizenship of the Russian Federation in provided by law cases based on applications from interested parties living outside the Russian Federation.

Citizenship of the Russian Federation is considered acquired or terminated from the day the decision is made by the authorized body or the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation is issued. Responsibility for the execution of decisions is assigned, respectively, to the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the above-mentioned bodies of the Russian Federation located abroad.

The implementation of the rules discussed above on the grounds for acquiring, terminating and changing Russian citizenship is associated with the need for its legal regulation.

A significant part of the Law on Citizenship of the Russian Federation is devoted to this. On the basis of this law, the Regulations on the procedure for considering issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation were adopted, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation as amended by the Decree of December 27, 1993. The Regulations define in detail the procedure for considering and resolving issues of citizenship. CONCLUSION

Until 1917 in Russian Empire There were no such concepts as “citizen of Russia” and “citizenship”. However, the crash Tsarist Russia lead to major changes and in such an issue as the development of the institution of citizenship. Decree on the abolition of estates and civil officials dated November 11 (24), 1917, introduced a common name for all - citizen of the Russian Federation.

Citizenship is sustainable legal connection a person with the state, a legal relationship that arises, changes or terminates in connection with certain legal facts, this is a definite legal status persons in a particular country, and recognition by the state of this person as a full-fledged subject of constitutional and legal relations.

Citizenship is special status, legal recognition nationality of a person within the country and abroad and vesting in in full a set of rights and obligations provided for in the legislation of this state.

Citizenship begets mutual obligations country and person.

The Law on Citizenship of May 31, 2002 regulates a wide range of issues related to citizenship, the conditions for its acquisition, admission to citizenship and termination of Russian citizenship; children's citizenship issues. In this legislative act the powers of state bodies in charge of citizenship cases are consolidated, and proceedings in citizenship cases are regulated.

In this coursework we found out the main provisions of the constitutional and legal regulation of citizenship in the Russian Federation.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved:

Analysis and clarification of the concept of citizenship, disclosure of its content, formulation of the definition of citizenship. In addition, disclosure of the relationship between the institution of citizenship and human rights, analysis current legislation on citizenship of the Russian Federation.

We learned that until 1917, the concept of a Russian citizen did not even exist in the Russian Empire. Residents of Russia were subjects. All this came from the depths of centuries, bore a bright imprint of feudal principles and was not based on legal equality citizens, as was already the case in significant amount developed European countries.

Effective July 1, 2002 the federal law“On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”, adopted State Duma Russia May 31, 2002.

The grounds, conditions and procedure for acquiring and terminating citizenship of the Russian Federation are determined by Federal Law No. 62-FZ of May 31, 2002 “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”. The most common basis is the acquisition of citizenship “by birth”. The grounds for terminating Russian citizenship are renunciation of citizenship RF, other grounds provided for by federal legislation.

The Citizenship Law is devoted to regulating the citizenship of children when changing the citizenship of parents, during adoption, guardianship, trusteeship, taking into account as fully as possible the interests of the child in possible life situations.

The citizenship of children does not change when the citizenship of parents deprived of parental rights, and in this case, parental consent is not required to change the citizenship of children.

An application for citizenship matters must be submitted to writing and personally. The person’s signature is certified by the representative of the body in charge of citizenship affairs who accepts the application.

In the system of bodies entrusted with resolving issues of citizenship, the main powers are vested in the President of the Russian Federation as the head of state, personifying him.

To summarize, we can say that citizenship is one of the main elements legal status person, a qualitative determinant of the fundamental principles of the relationship between the state and the individual, one of the main conditions necessary for the extension to him of the rights, freedoms and responsibilities that are recognized for a citizen, as well as for his protection by the state, wherever this person is located.

Obtaining citizenship of the Russian Federation is a long and troublesome process. Government agencies check candidates for compliance with the requirements of Russian legislation. Not all foreigners know who resolves issues of Russian citizenship in each specific case. President or migration authorities– where can the applicant expect an answer? And what assistance can the Ministry of Foreign Affairs provide in resolving the issue? We answer these questions in our material.

Russian citizenship: how to get it

There are several ways to become a Russian.

We will list just a few of them:

For today's foreigners, perhaps the most common method is naturalization. The process can follow a general and simplified algorithm.

The first way is to obtain citizenship for general principles– anyone can pass, you just need to fulfill the conditions prescribed by law:

  • qualification period (5 years for residence permit);
  • knowledge of the language and laws of the Russian Federation;
  • availability of legal income in the Russian Federation.

The second option is suitable for ethnic Russians who, for example, have relatives in Russia or who emigrated once and now want to return to their homeland. This is far from full list categories of citizens who have the right to a simplified procedure.

We described all the reasons, as well as its algorithm, in a publication about.

How issues of Russian citizenship are resolved

When a foreign citizen has completed everything established by law requirements, he can contact government agencies with and.

Foreigners should know that resolving issues of citizenship and granting political asylum falls within the competence of the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the GUVM - the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation).

Submitting an application and a package of papers is the first step on the way to. Next, the case is transferred to the relevant authorities depending on the acquisition procedure - general or simplified. In the first option, the decision is made by the President of the Russian Federation, in the second - by the territorial bodies of the Main Directorate of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Legislative regulation of the powers of bodies resolving issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation

Basic normative act, which establishes the types and competence of state bodies of the Russian Federation in relation to changes civil status, is Federal Law No. 62-FZ of May 31, 2002 “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”. It clearly states how the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can help when the President of the Russian Federation is involved in resolving the issue, and when foreigners deal only with the territorial bodies of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Article 28 of this law determines how citizenship issues are regulated in the Russian Federation and who makes a decision in each specific case.

Functions of those responsible state institutions are also considered in Art. IV Regulations on the procedure for considering issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation (approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2002 No. 1325).

In addition, the Government of the Russian Federation regulates citizenship issues in Russia by separate orders; for example, it is the main executive body that establishes (as the first “step” to the status of a Russian) their distribution among regions.

Authorities and their role in resolving issues of Russian citizenship

Detailed analysis legislative framework allows us to conclude that authorities, in charge of matters of Russian citizenship, include:

  • The President of the Russian Federation and the Commission created under him;
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation represented by the Main Directorate for Migration Issues (including all territorial branches);
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, as well as diplomatic missions of the Russian Federation abroad;
  • Federal Security Service.

As for the last department: it does not apply to those who directly decide on issues of admission to Russian citizenship. However, the explanatory documents indicate that the FSB checks all submitted documents and gives an opinion on each foreigner who wishes to become a Russian citizen on a general basis or in a simplified manner.

President of Russian Federation

The powers of the President of the Russian Federation in this area described in the Law on Citizenship and Regulations are exercised only if they go through the general procedure, or it. His signature is also needed in cases where it is necessary to cancel the decision made to grant Russian status.

The head of state, by virtue of his functions, coordinates the activities of all other bodies that deal with issues of providing or.

To provide quality work V in this direction is created special commission under the President of the Russian Federation, which carries out preliminary examination affairs and prepares appropriate proposals for him to the head of state.

Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and its territorial divisions

The Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is one of authorized bodies on citizenship issues, which directly deals with issues of granting Russian citizen status. Foreigners submitting an application on the territory of Russia submit a package of documents to these departments, regardless of the specific grounds (general or “preferential”). In the general procedure, a person's case is referred to higher authorities up to the President of the Russian Federation.

If there are grounds for a simplified scheme, the official making decisions on issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation is “on the spot”. The final conclusion is issued in this case precisely regional authorities GUVM.

So, the scope of responsibility of this government body includes:

  • accepting applications from persons living in the Russian Federation ();
  • checking documents for compliance with requirements;
  • drawing up opinions on cases general procedure and sending them to higher authorities;
  • maintaining a database of all foreigners who filed a petition for (grant or deprivation), and the decisions taken on each issue;
  • cooperation with the FSB and other responsible authorities;
  • making decisions regarding admission to citizenship according to a simplified scheme;
  • execution of decisions regarding changes in civil status;
  • cancellation processing decisions made when identifying violations.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and diplomatic missions of the Russian Federation: for applicants living abroad

Citizens who apply to change their civil status from abroad should resolve all issues of migration and citizenship at the diplomatic missions of the Russian Federation in their country of residence: consulates or relevant departments of embassies.

It is on them, according to Russian legislation assigned the following functions:

  • receiving and checking applications and packages of documents from persons who want to obtain Russian citizenship or renounce it;
  • issuing conclusions on the application and sending it to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for further consideration;
  • execution of decisions regarding changes in status;
  • determination and certification of Russian citizenship;
  • reversing their decisions if additional facts emerge that confirm the illegality of the verdicts.

As for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, it performs an intermediate function between those who directly deal with issues of Russian citizenship: it transfers cases from diplomatic missions to the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation, and also keeps records of all applicants.

Law firms

Changing your civil status is a troublesome and time-consuming process. Therefore, citizens are tempted to turn to private law firms who promise to help resolve this issue. Advertising of such organizations, as a rule, is replete with the words “fast”, “inexpensive”, “guaranteed”.

In such cases, it is important to remember that cases of citizenship of the Russian Federation are authorized to consider only the state bodies described above in this article and only within the time limits specified by law. And no private organization cannot influence the decision of officials or the speed of passage of a specific package of documents through all authorities.

The only plus is that the employees of these companies take on the organizational hassle of paperwork and visiting government departments. In this way, a foreign citizen’s time is saved, but not money, because the services of such “assistants” are very expensive.

Brief summary

Knowledge of the powers of government bodies that we have described that are involved in resolving citizenship issues will help a foreigner navigate the main algorithm for completing his application.

Applications and documents of applicants are reviewed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (represented by the Main Directorate for Migration Issues) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (through diplomatic missions). Decisions on admission to Russian citizenship are made by the territorial bodies of the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs and the President of the Russian Federation.

How to obtain Russian Citizenship: Video

Bodies in charge of citizenship cases

Issues related to Russian citizenship are decided by: the President of the Russian Federation; the federal executive body in charge of internal affairs (Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia), and the corresponding bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; federal executive body in charge of foreign affairs (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation - MFA of Russia); diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation abroad. The President of the Russian Federation is in charge of issues related to admission to citizenship in general procedure; restoration of citizenship in the general manner; renunciation of citizenship in accordance with the general procedure; cancellation of decisions on citizenship issues. He issues decrees, approves regulations on the procedure for considering citizenship issues, and ensures the coordinated activities of bodies in charge of citizenship issues. In the presence of special circumstances, By general rule preventing the acquisition of Russian citizenship (criminal record, criminal prosecution, punishment in the form of imprisonment), the President of the Russian Federation has the right, as an exception, to consider the issue of admitting a person to Russian citizenship or reinstating Russian citizenship in the general manner. Under the President of the Russian Federation there is an advisory and consultative body - the Commission on Citizenship Issues. According to the Regulations on this Commission, which was approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2002, it submits proposals to the President of the Russian Federation on improving legislation on citizenship, preliminary considers applications for admission to Russian citizenship and political asylum, analyzes the application of legislation on citizenship, has the right to send clarifications to federal bodies dealing with citizenship issues, etc. She has the right to request data related to citizenship issues from federal bodies, organizations, officials. Organizational work knows

The Office of the President of the Russian Federation for Citizenship Issues, which is part of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and the relevant bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation establish the citizenship of persons, accept applications on issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation, check facts and submitted documents, submit materials on citizenship of the Russian Federation and conclusions to the President of the Russian Federation in cases of special circumstances, execute decisions of the President of the Russian Federation on issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation , keep records of relevant persons (Ministry of Foreign Affairs - citizens and other persons located abroad), register Russian citizenship. In some cases of a simplified procedure for processing cases on Russian citizenship, they have the right to consider applications for Russian citizenship, sometimes they can make decisions on issues of admission to Russian citizenship (upon adoption, etc.) and cancel decisions on admission to citizenship if it is established that such a decision accepted on the basis forged documents or knowingly false information.

Citizenship proceedings

Citizenship proceedings are governed by the Citizenship Proceedings Regulations 2002, approved by Decree President of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2002, which, in accordance with the Federal Law of November 11, 2003 “On Amendments and Additions to the Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation,” simplifies the procedures for acquiring Russian citizenship for certain categories of persons. An application for citizenship issues (acquisition, exit, etc.) is submitted in two copies to territorial body Ministry of Internal Affairs of a subject of the Federation, abroad - to the embassy, ​​consulate of the Russian Federation in person. A citizenship certificate, other documents, and three photographs are presented. When renouncing Russian citizenship, you need certificates from the tax authorities confirming the absence of debt, a document indicating the possibility of granting the person leaving another citizenship (if the application for renunciation is submitted abroad, a document confirming deregistration at the place of residence in the Russian Federation is required). The person’s signature is certified by the representative of the body in charge of citizenship affairs who accepts the application. In the case of illiteracy or physical disabilities, the application, at the request of the person, is signed by another person and notarized. IN exceptional cases the application and other documents can be transferred through another person or sent by mail. In this case, the authenticity of the signature and copies of documents are also certified by a notary. Applications to change the citizenship of children or incapacitated persons are submitted by their parents or legal representatives. When submitting an application in Russia, you will be charged National tax, Abroad - consular fee. The consent of interested parties to the acquisition or termination of Russian citizenship (for example, the consent of the other parent in the event of a change in the citizenship of children) is stated in writing and certified by a notary or an official diplomatic mission, consular post(Abroad).

When receiving citizenship, a residence permit, a document on legitimate source means of subsistence, a document confirming the refusal foreign citizenship, a document confirming knowledge of the Russian language (from submission last document men over 65 years of age, women over 60 years of age, incapacitated people, disabled people of group I are exempt). Persons born on the territory of the USSR and who had USSR citizenship, when admitted to Russian citizenship, present only a birth certificate or a passport of a USSR citizen of the 1974 model, persons married to a citizen of the Russian Federation - a marriage certificate and a passport of a spouse who has Russian citizenship .

Consideration of applications for admission to citizenship in the general manner or withdrawal from it is carried out within a year. Applications on citizenship issues under a simplified procedure are processed within six months.

If a person is not satisfied with the decision on issues of admission to citizenship, renunciation of citizenship, citizenship of children, etc., re-application may be filed after one year. The refusal of the body in charge of citizenship issues to accept an application for citizenship can be appealed in court. Refusal to consider an application and other actions that violate the procedure for considering cases and executing decisions on issues of citizenship are appealed to higher authority (to a higher official person) or to court.

Disputes between parents, between a parent and a guardian (trustee) on the issue of the child’s citizenship ( incapacitated person) are resolved in judicial procedure based on the interests of the child or incapacitated person.

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