Russian University of Intellectual Property. Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property

Rector Twin, Ivan Anatolievich Location Moscow Legal address 117279, Moscow, st. Miklukho-Maclay, 55a. Information site

Coordinates : 55°38′32.59″ N sh. 37°31′58.47″ E d. /  55.642386° N sh. 37.532908° E d.(G)(O)55.642386 , 37.532908

Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property(RGAIS) is a federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education, administered by the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent), which acts as a founder.

History of the Institute

RGAIS was formed as a result of the transformation and renaming of the following legal entities:


  • RGAIS Rector - Twin, Ivan Anatolyevich
  • Assistant Rector of RGAIS - Alexandrina, Olesya Alexandrovna
  • First Vice-Rector of RGAIS - Smirnova, Veronika Removna
  • Vice-Rector of RGAIS - Bykova, Olga Nikolaevna
  • Chief Accountant of RGAIS - Puchkova, Natalya Viktorovna


Faculty of Intellectual Property Management. The faculty provides training in the following specialties:

  • Organization management 080507.65 (061100)
  • Intellectual property management 080507.65-57 (061157)
  • International Patent and Licensing Management 080507.65-91 (061191)

Faculty of Law RGAIS is the only state educational institution in Russia that provides a broad legal education and special training in the field of legal protection of intellectual property in the following areas:

  • law and protection of works of literature, art, computer programs and databases
  • law and show business, the fight against video and audio piracy;
  • law and fashion (design);
  • law and protection of high technologies (inventions, etc.);
  • law in the fight against piracy of trademarks;
  • law, patents, licenses, contracts;
  • law and know-how (industrial and commercial secrets);
  • protection of the rights of authors and copyright holders of intellectual property
  • international conventions in the field of intellectual property protection
  • legal protection of objects of intellectual property in the Internet.



Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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  • Intellectual property right. Textbook, Twin Ivan Anatolyevich, Gavrilov Eduard Petrovich, Dobrynin Oleg Viktorovich. The Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property presents the second edition of the textbook `Intellectual Property Law` prepared by the Academy team. In the second…

I read the comments here, it became even funny from Tsitovich's boasting. Betelgeuse-you were probably specially persuaded to write this here, and by any chance isn't Tsitovich herself? Admit it honestly, or are you her favorite? will arise by definition. As far as I remember her lectures, she already understands the jitters. She doesn’t know how to give lectures (no systematics, some kind of incoherent pun, I just don’t want to go to such lectures) and she doesn’t want to be able to do the same to me as a practicing lawyer, I imagine how from her clients shy away, because there is absolutely no culture of communication with people, it costs nothing to get nasty, scold, call her names. this is definitely not about Tsitovich. Let him at least learn not to be rude to others. She may have other clients in general, give at least one example. Because the way a person behaves in one place, he will behave like this everywhere and lack of culture is immediately revealed in the manner of communicating with people, and Tsitovich clearly does not know how to control himself, such practicing lawyers certainly didn’t give up on anyone. I myself studied at this then institute 6 years ago. And I managed to study Tsitovich very well, she is nothing good, boorish, what else to look for, if she is openly rude to students, then you can imagine how she behaves in the courtroom, and in general, more specifically, what kind of practicing lawyer is she, tell everyone a secret? In general, for everyone who wants to study law, avoid this so-called "academy". In 5 years, they will take out your brain, and you will simply waste money on training. You simply simply will not be needed by anyone, you will not be able to get a job bitter experience. Those who dream of getting into Rospatent later, don’t even have to try, you won’t get there, they will send you, but politely, they also went through it. Therefore, enter normal universities if you want to become a good lawyer, for example, at the Moscow Federal Law Academy, Moscow State Law Academy and others that are well-known, and not like RGAIS, which simply changed the sign with the pretentious name Academy. But if you dig, then this institute is the bottom, about which no one knows and it’s not on the list of universities at all, and you definitely won’t find it in the top hundred. Don’t waste your nerves and, most importantly, money, otherwise it will be difficult later without wasting time to transfer to another university after it, since there are different disciplines , and many of them are generally not needed by a lawyer and will not be useful. So draw the appropriate conclusions.

schedule Working mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri., Sat. from 08:00 to 20:00

Gallery RGAIS

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property"


No. 02153 is valid Indefinitely from 24.05.2016


No. 02260 is valid from 09/26/2016 to 11/18/2019

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for RGAIS

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)4 4 5 4 5
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of education64.25 67.29 64.85 60.55 69.62
Average USE score credited to the budget76.8 83.52 74.05 69.90 82.31
Average USE score enrolled on a commercial basis58.51 59.41 57.74 50.14 60.95
The average for all specialties is the minimum USE score enrolled in the full-time department48.35 47 43.95 43.80 45
Number of students532 539 532 627 731
full-time department414 403 365 444 506
Part-time department15 3 2 0 0
Extramural103 133 165 183 225
All data Report Report Report Report Report


The Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (hereinafter referred to as RGAIS) is the only Russian state university that trains highly qualified specialists who will be able to pursue a career in the field of commercial use, creation, legal protection and management of intellectual property.

Education at RGAIS

At the Academy, students can get higher education at the faculties:

    Legal, in the direction of Jurisprudence and the profile Legal protection of intellectual property objects;

    Management of intellectual property in the direction of Management and profile Management of intellectual property;

Education at the faculties is possible on full-time, part-time and part-time forms. In the full-time department, students receive a bachelor's degree in 4 years of study and a master's degree in 2 years. At the part-time and part-time department, students can receive a bachelor's degree in 5 years of study and a master's degree in 2.5 years. Training is possible free of charge and at the expense of individuals or legal entities.

After receiving higher education, students can receive higher scientific education in postgraduate or doctoral studies in the specialties of National Economy Management and Economics or Family Law, International Private Law, Civil Law, Business Law.

After graduation, graduates of the Academy receive a state diploma.

But before entering RGAIS, applicants will need to successfully pass the final exams of the Unified State Examination. To prepare for them, they can attend the preparatory courses of the Academy, where the best teachers of the university will prepare them for exams in the Russian language, social science, and mathematics. The cost of education is 5000 rubles per month for one subject.

Material and technical base of RGAIS

The Academy is provided with all the necessary material and technical base for students to receive an excellent education there, to be able to engage in self-education and develop comprehensively. The Academy is equipped with:

  • audiences for lectures and seminars;
  • classrooms in which classes are held using multimedia technology that allows teachers to visually demonstrate to students the material presented;

    a computer class, where students study those computer programs, the knowledge of which may be useful to them during their professional activities;

    a training hall where students of the Faculty of Law conduct mock trials;

    a library with a huge literary fund, which is an invariable attribute of preparing students for classes;

    reading room with computers connected to the network the Internet;

    assembly hall, where ceremonial meetings with outstanding scientists are held and concerts and evenings for student rest;

    a gym where students go in for physical education, as well as train in the sports sections of acrobatics, gymnastics, boxing or wrestling;

    dining room and buffet, where students and teachers can refresh themselves between classes;

    A medical office equipped with medical equipment, where medical workers will provide first aid to students and teachers;

    hostel in Domodedovo with hotel-type rooms, where each of the five floors has a kitchen, a computer a class that is connected to the Internet and a laundry room with washing machines;

International activity of RGAIS

The goal of the Academy's international cooperation is to constantly improve the quality of education received by students at the university, exchange educational experience with foreign universities and improve the qualifications of university teachers.

During the existence of the Academy, agreements were concluded with the World Intellectual Property Organization - WIPO, the Geneva International Center of Moscow State University. Lomonosov, European and Eurasian Patent Gazettes, the State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China - SIPO and many others. Together with them, the Academy is developing and improving the curriculum so that students receive such knowledge that will allow them to work both in Russia and in foreign companies dealing with intellectual property.

Among the foreign universities with which the Academy exchanges students, graduate students and teachers, it is worth highlighting the International University of Information Technologies of Kazakhstan, the National Bukeng University of South Korea, the European Institute of Business and Intellectual Property of Stratsburg, the School of Law of the University of Washington and others.

The Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property is the only state educational organization in Russia that trains specialists in the field of creation, management, legal protection and commercial use of intellectual property.

The Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property was established over 45 years ago to train specialists in the field of patent work.

RGAIS, as a state higher educational institution, carries out fundamental and applied scientific research without fail. Research, creative and innovation-project activities, along with educational activities, are an obligatory and most important component of the Academy's activities, and are included as an indispensable component in the education and training of specialists.

Research base for the implementation of scientific (research) activities:

  • Journal "Copyright" (included in the list of peer-reviewed journals of the Higher Attestation Commission);
  • Information bases in the field of intellectual property;
  • Scientific schools (school of copyright, school of industrial property, school of intellectual property management);
  • Scientific student society;
  • Intelligent landing;
  • Council of Young Scientists and Specialists;
  • Educational and Scientific Information Library Center (scientific library);
  • Specialized rooms (counterfeiting room, forensic science room, courtroom, management room, intellectual property commercialization room).

The Academy has a good material and technical base for the training of qualified personnel. There is a sports hall on the territory of RGAIS, where sports competitions of various levels are held, including the RGAIS judo cup dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Rospatent.

RGAIS students in the learning process can use the multimedia library, which contains the latest literature in the field of law. Also, specialized classrooms have been created for students:

  • training courtroom,
  • forensics room with visual teaching aids,
  • counterfeit museum, etc.

All classrooms are equipped with multimedia systems, posters and charts.

All computer equipment in RGAIS has open access to the Internet, the electronic library system "Knigofond", the journal "Copyright", as well as to the local internal network, in which the constantly updated information and legal systems "Garant" and "Consultant Plus" are located.

Students also have the opportunity to access the RGAIS electronic library, the login and password for entering which are posted on the information stand at the entrance to the Academy.

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