Finding a job after a long break. A break is not a sentence

A break in seniority is a common situation in work experience many Ukrainians. During the interview, the question about the reasons for the break will definitely come up, so the answer can and should be formulated in advance. To clearly understand what it should be, other than honest, let's look at the reasons why employers are wary of gaps in labor.

Why do employers ask about breaks in work experience?

When an employer sees gaps in your resume, he first of all just wants to know what you were doing at that time, to get more information about you as a candidate. Having not received a convincing answer, next step he is building suggestions that you might be looking for a job, but all attempts were in vain. Therefore, he begins to doubt your professionalism and hard work.

That is why it is extremely important at the interview to explain to the recruiter the true reasons for the break in work, so that he does not play it safe and does not submit to the herd feeling “If others don’t take it, I won’t take it.” Don’t give the recruiter any food for speculation - clearly, confidently and reasonably explain why you haven’t worked for a while.

How to best explain gaps in experience

To get a job, having any break in your work experience, it is enough to explain the existing break and convince the employer of your professionalism. How to do this in the best way - suggests.

“University studies, self-development” instead of “Searching for yourself”

Studying at a university is an acceptable explanation from young specialist, who began his work experience while still studying. And not only young people. Basic and additional training, advanced training, online training are a mandatory component of any professional who does not stop there and is constantly looking for.

Moreover, this is the reason well compensates for temporary interruption of work experience. Following this argument, it would be good to present documents that confirm the fact of training (certificates, diplomas), andtell in more detail about the purpose of training and its results.

Here is the most common justification, which to a stranger either indifferent, or talks about the psychological or intrapersonal problems of the applicant - this is a figurative “Search for oneself.” True, avoid this hackneyed formulation about everything and nothing.

“Waiting for a response from the employer” instead of “Lack of interesting offers on the labor market”

In large and multinational corporations, the interview is carried out in several stages, including interviews, testing and other checks, internships, which takes several months. A few more weeks are required to determine the successful candidate. Even if this test ended unsuccessfully for you, the very fact that you went so far in an interview with a famous company deserves respect.

A story about how you chose among several proposals and didn’t choose could cause a completely different attitude. Or, worse, if you're talking about lack of interesting offers on the labor market.

In the first case, you are demonstrating an inability to make a decision and unreliability, and that if you are lured away from a company with more favorable conditions work, most likely you will agree. A the argument that the labor market is extremely uninteresting will tell the employer that either you are too picky, or lazy, or frivolous and capable of quitting your job as soon as you get bored, or simply could not interest anyone.

“Work without official employment, volunteering” instead of “Trying to start my own business”

Remote work, freelancing, internships, helping someone you know - even if you worked without official employment, you were still working. And if there was work, then there must be a result. Be prepared to name the company/ trade marks, with whom you worked, demonstrate your work, analyze the experience gained - and it’s done.

Here's an attempt to create own business, and even an unsuccessful one, speaks primarily of aversion to working under someone else’s leadership. Absolutely normal life situation, when a business idea was not realized the first time. But an unsuccessful attempt to create your own business will most likely indicate to the employer the absence of some qualities that may be key for specific position(for example, determination, ability to plan).

“Search for new ideas, travel” instead of “No need to work, relax”

If your profession is creative, then a “sabbatical” will not bother anyone. Of course, it would be appropriate to specify what this vacation was spent, where the specialist visited, what exhibitions/shows he attended, what master classes he attended. If you decided to travel in search of inspiration, this argument is good for the perception of the employer, because in any case you were looking for a solution to get out of the current creative crisis.

If you didn’t work only because there was no need to earn money, then Work for you is only a way to make money, and not an opportunity to realize your potential, develop new qualities in yourself, and be useful. If such motives are alien to a person, then it is unlikely that interest in work will last long. At the first opportunity he will vacate his workplace.

“Caring for sick relatives” instead of “Own illness”

If life circumstances were such that you had to devote almost all your time to caring for a sick relative - such is life, no one is immune from such coincidences. Just emphasize during the interview that the question is closed and will not arise in the future.

But you shouldn’t talk about your own health problems or undergoing treatment, and even in detail. All sorts of ailments are definitely not something that should be advertised at work, even to those who are successfully employed. A p The prospect of paying a sick employee another sick leave is unlikely to please the employer.

The reason for refusal of employment is not the break itself, but the inability to properly justify it. Be honest and convincing - and may you be lucky in finding a job.

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Why does this point alarm the employer and how can you change his opinion to your advantage?

How long can you look for a new job? A week, a month, six months - depends on the situation and each individual person. Good specialists don’t have to spend a single minute on this, because they are lured to another company right from their workplace. But let’s say you are not one of those professionals, and the search for a new job takes an unforgivably long time.

Reasons why new job not found:

Before talking about behavior at an interview, let’s outline the reasons that prevent you from getting to it. This is a question you should definitely ask yourself after two months of unsuccessful job searches. Either your specialty has disappeared from the labor market, or the problem is you.

The most common reasons why employers may persistently ignore applicants are as follows:

1. Bad resume. An illiterate, meaningless, meager resume is the kind of dress that will make people reluctant to meet a candidate. Literature on the topic “How to write a resume correctly?” there is a lot of desire, there should be just as much desire to put practical advice into practice.
2. Poor presentation. Slurred speech, stupid answers, and unpresentable appearance will not help, even if the resume is excellent.
3. Inflated salary expectations. If the salary requirements do not correspond to the experience and qualifications of the candidate or significantly exceed the market average, such searches are doomed.
4. Passive job search. Rare viewing of vacancies, reluctance to write cover letters to a resume reduce the chances of quickly finding a job.

Why don't employers like gaps in seniority?

Doubts about professionalism. Any company is interested in its development and increasing profits. The professionalism of the employees greatly contributes to this, so no one wants to hire parasites and mediocrities. It is these “qualities” that employers suspect of those who have interrupted their work experience for 4 months or more.

During the time that a person spent without work, he could well go through probation in any company, and not even just one. Since there is still no work, it means the deadline has not passed. Such data in work book are not entered, so the applicant can generally remain silent about the unsuccessful attempt.

Doubts about hard work. It doesn’t matter for what reasons a person has not worked before, he is clearly not used to the office schedule, rules, perseverance, the art of creating the appearance of work even when there is no work, etc. All this can discourage you from working after a week or a month. Of course, the employer is not interested in again devoting time to finding and training a new employee, so he often refuses unnecessary risks.

Following the herd mentality. “Since others won’t take it, I won’t take it either” - this is how many personnel officers/employers argue for refusal. This reinsurance seems to them a logical time saver (after all, other companies probably checked this employee in all respects).

Correct justification for a break in work experience

It is within your power to convince the employer of your professional suitability and desire to work. You should prepare in advance an intelligent answer to the question about the reasons for the gap in your work experience(You can briefly outline these reasons directly in your resume, otherwise you may not get to an interview).

It is important to understand here that the validity of a reason is a relative concept: what is acceptable and obvious to you may turn out to be completely incomprehensible to the employer. Let's say a person is simply incredibly tired of the office bustle, and he takes time out for six months to live in silence, in the village. An employer can interpret the situation as follows: neurasthenic, introverted, unbalanced and irresponsible.

1. Completion of full-time education / graduation from a university is an acceptable explanation from a young specialist who began his work experience while still studying.
2. Personal circumstances (immediately explain what exactly is meant - maternity leave, caring for a sick relative, etc.). It is also advisable to make it clear that such a “vacation” is not expected in the coming years.
3. Waiting for a response from the employer. In large and multinational corporations, the interview is carried out in several stages, including interviews, testing and other checks, which takes more than one week. The same amount is required to determine a successful candidate. Even if this test ended unsuccessfully for you, the very fact that you went so far in an interview with a famous company deserves respect.
4. Distant work, freelance, work without official employment. Once there was work, there must be a result. You may be asked to name the company/brands you have worked with, demonstrate your work, and analyze your experience.
5. Completing training / advanced training well compensates for a temporary interruption in work experience. Following this argument, documents must be presented that confirm this version(certificate, diploma).
6. Search for new ideas. People in professions such as fashion designers, writers, artists, photographers, etc. can afford a “sabbatical” and not be embarrassed by it at all. Of course, it would be appropriate to specify what this vacation was spent on, where the specialist visited, what exhibitions/shows he attended, what master classes he attended.

If there are so-called “blank spots” in your work history, be prepared that at the interview you will definitely be asked about the reasons for the long pause in your work experience. How to explain a break in work to an employer?

Marina Kudryashova, Marketing and PR Manager, HeadHunter, Southern District:

Image ideal employee for the employer, it must include such a feature as continuity of service. However, sometimes we still have to interrupt our work good reasons, be it moving to another city, maternity leave, caring for a relative, advanced training, etc. Finding a job after a significant break is always difficult - employers are wary of such applicants. And the applicant himself may experience psychological difficulties associated with a change in lifestyle. Is it possible to succeed with gaps in your resume? A gap in work experience does not mean career failure. It is quite normal that a specialist will analyze the labor market for some time, perhaps deal with personal and family issues or just relax. Therefore, a short break should not be a cause for concern.

Each company may have its own opinion about the acceptable period of a “gap” in the work history. As a rule, employers do not pay close attention to a break of up to four months. A gap of more than four months will need to be explained. For top managers, executives different levels and leading specialists with relatively high salaries, a break of a year is quite acceptable. As for the reasons for the break in labor activity, then there can be an infinite number of them, but not everyone will regard them as respectful. The following can be considered respectful:

1. Parental leave (maternity leave)/personal circumstances. There is no shame in the fact that the gap was caused by the need to care for children or sick relatives. The employer is usually ready to accept this reason for the lack of continuous experience in the resume. In the end, personal circumstances can trap anyone, even the most notorious workaholic.

2. Inability to find a job. Here main advice: focus on the fact that the period without work was not wasted in vain, that during this time the person was able to learn something. It is important to show the employer that, in the end, time was not wasted, but was used to develop professional qualities.

3. Study. This reason is respectful primarily for young professionals. For them, studying is a completely natural reason for a break in their work experience. Until a person receives his first “serious” education document, HR specialists will have no questions about why his resume is full of interruptions. Plus for the student, except good university, there will be internships according to the profile, good knowledge foreign language, excellent ownership software, as well as the availability of contacts of people who can provide recommendations.

4. Also common and understandable circumstances of a break in work experience include moving to another city and creating your own business. The reason why a person decides to quit is valid for him. And the employer may well understand the candidate, but he will pay attention first of all to the professionalism of the specialist. And, if the candidate, even after a forced break, demonstrates excellent knowledge, the company will be willing to give him a chance. During an interview, the applicant should be honest, objectively assess the situation and not blame external circumstances for the current situation. It is important to convey to the employer that during the break you did not give up, acquired new knowledge, improved your skills and are up to date latest changes and innovations in the profession. Don't be afraid to go back to work after a long break. What is valuable to the employer is not why you had a break from work, but what you did and are doing to return to the professional environment.

Ekaterina Novikova, recruiting department analyst, ANCOR in Volgograd:

- Some people think that HR managers don't care what the applicant's reasons were for taking a long break from work. However, this is absolutely true. For a recruiter or HR specialist, it is much more important to understand what the specialist’s previous experience was and what are the reasons for changing jobs. Therefore, when preparing For an interview, it’s better to focus on your achievements, successful projects and positive feedback from managers from previous places.

By finding out the reasons for prolonged breaks, the employer seeks to reduce risks for itself and make sure that you were not fired due to a violation labor discipline, there is no “dark” history behind you, you have not been idle and, most importantly, you can really work effectively in the company. There are various reasons: family circumstances, study, health, desire to relax after intense work, problems finding a new position. All these are normal life circumstances, and it is important for the employer to understand your motivation to work and the “purity” of your background.

According to various sources, average term job search for specialists and middle managers ranges from 1 to 6 months, for top management - from 6 to 12 months. A break of 6 months to 1 year is considered absolutely normal for top managers.

In any case, as an explanation for the break, the applicant should not talk about how he rested and did nothing. It is important not just to list your achievements and things that you managed to accomplish during your forced rest. It is important whether he filled this time with useful and meaningful activities. For example, I took up sports, passed the next language level, completed renovations in new apartment etc. And even though these are completely everyday events, they say a lot about a person.

The following formulations may be quite acceptable and correct: I didn’t want to rush, I analyzed the market, I considered the possibilities of building a career, I was looking for a company I would like to work for, improved his qualifications and so on. All these answers will show that you were not just sitting in front of the TV, but were active as an employee, as a professional.

A long break from work (more than one year) always requires even more detailed explanations and facts. It’s one thing if a person was actively looking for suitable job, negotiated with companies, possibly completed a temporary internship, but at the last moment the employer withdrew the vacancy. Another is if the candidate started his own business. In this case, the recruiter is obliged to find out why the person left his job, whether he will be able to return from freedom, etc.

You can often hear from applicants, to the question a long break in work and the actual lack of constant financial remuneration, that during the break they worked as freelancers. Unfortunately, when it comes to details, which company, where you can see the results of the work, it turns out that the candidate has essentially nothing to say. So if you don't have real examples your work, do not mislead the recruiter. This is perceived as a lie and causes a negative reaction. Therefore, when an applicant comments on “white spots” in a resume during an interview in general phrases, it doesn't work in his favor.

Consultants and recruiters in the field of personnel selection make the following recommendations:
1. Speak honestly
. Honesty is very important because deception will quickly and easily come to light. And, most importantly, say: if you are silent, then the employer will have his own “conjectures” that are not in your favor.

2. Don’t blame external circumstances (there was no work, they weren’t invited, etc.), but look for reasons in yourself, in the fact that you did something wrong.

3. If it was family circumstances , then it is important to convince the employer that with all his personal matters(family, health, etc.) you managed somehow and are now completely ready to devote yourself to work.

4. If this is a long search , then tell us how you looked for a job, what you did for this. It is important for the employer to know what activities you conducted while you were unemployed. It is important here to show that you are acting, managing the process, using different methods. Feel free to give specific examples.

Job interruption is just one of the things potential employers look for when looking for employees. This cannot serve as an argument for refusing to hire, but it is important to remember what is behind it and how well the candidate meets the requirements of the position for which he is actually applying. The longer the break, the more attention to this point may be paid during the interview. But this does not mean that such a candidate will necessarily be rejected, especially if he can explain the reasons and show that he has retained his professional level. The main key to success is to believe in own strength and be sincere!

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