Document flow diagram in an organization: an example of simplifying document flow. Same rules for everyone

To manage any company, you need to quickly and efficiently high level process existing documents. This means the movement of documentation along all routes: from the moment of compilation until it reaches the archive. The totality of all actions related to the processing of incoming documentation is called document flow in an organization, and will be discussed below.

You will learn:

  • What is document flow and why is it needed in an enterprise?
  • What are the rules and principles for smooth document flow?
  • How is the document flow system organized in organizations?
  • What's happened electronic document management and how is it different from paper
  • How to gradually introduce electronic document management in an enterprise and how much it will cost

What is document flow in an organization and why is it needed?

Document flow in an organization is the movement of documents from their preparation or receipt to the end of execution or further dispatch.

Note that in the disclosure this term the emphasis falls on the phrase “movement of documents,” in other words, their full cycle of movement within the organization (from department to department or from employee to employee). Document flow in an organization occurs according to certain rules that are relevant to it. That is, there are features of the organization of document flow.

Documents often move from top to bottom. In such a situation, the head of the company himself receives all the documents, and only then, at his own discretion, chooses those who will do this. But there is another way to move documents, which is more efficient and faster. It is relevant when the organization’s document management is streamlined and there is clear delegation between departments and employees. IN in this case the bulk of documents goes directly to the performers. The processes of signing, approval and a number of others also depend on the rules adopted within the organization; the internal document flow of the organization is no exception.

It turns out that document flow in an organization is subject to the laws by which management takes place; it shows its advantages and disadvantages.

Moving documents can be divided into several stages:

  • receipt of documents by the company, their initial processing;
  • browsing and sorting;
  • entering documents into the database;
  • monitoring of execution;
  • scope of work in information and reference areas;
  • implementation of documents, registration, creation, adjustment;
  • sending or joining a case.

Document flow is a process in which several documents, combined according to certain criteria, move along the same path.

In any company there are the following document flows:

  • flow of outgoing documentation. These are documents that go to other companies;
  • streams internal documentation. This type is compiled within the company and is used only within it;
  • flow of incoming documentation. Includes all documents that go to the company.

The document flow has certain parameters:

  • density;
  • structure;
  • content or specific focus;
  • direction;
  • cyclicity or mode.

Document flow density is the volume of documents that is processed at a specific point within a specified time. In this case, absolutely all documents are taken into account: any delivery method, all methods of preparation. For example, received by e-mail, received by fax, delivered by people.

The structure of the document flow, as a rule, coincides with the goals and functionality of the documents included in it. Here grouping occurs according to certain characteristics, features and classes.

The direction of the document flow depends on the methods of assessment, review, approval, acceptance, type of processing (there is control or not, whether it needs to be registered or not, and so on) and other events.

Cyclicity or document flow mode are all the changes that have occurred in the area of ​​information load over the past certain time. These changes are influenced by many cyclical factors (result, task setting, seasonal decline various types activities, company work and a number of others).

The volume of document flow in an organization is a list of documents received by the company, as well as compiled within it, for a specific time.

The amount of document flow in an organization helps:

  • determine the level of service occupancy documentation support management, as well as the manager and secretary;
  • calculate required quantity office workers;
  • calculate the relevance of using mechanized and automated tools.

Thus, the document flow in the organization demonstrates the busyness of not only all company managers, but also other employees.

Document flows are divided into several levels - first and second; each has its own rules for organizing document flow. Documents that come into a company from outside often consist of documents written by individuals, various companies, and other organizations. Within a company, document flows may include reports, office notes, protocols, administrative documents and many others.

All rules and principles for organizing document flow are described in the company’s charter, the organization’s document flow schedule, instructions, orders, regulations, structures and other acts relating to the organization of the document flow system. In order for the processes of creating and working with documents to be carried out in the company according to a single scenario, instructions for office work are drawn up.

The office work instructions must contain:

  • guidelines for interaction with documents;
  • rules for entering documents into the database;
  • instructions on how long not to destroy files and documents;
  • the criteria by which cases are drawn up and written;
  • the sequence of actions associated with the liquidation of documents following the acts of the commission and the study of inventories;
  • time frames, rules and list of persons responsible for sending and working with documents;
  • instructions according to which management is informed about the stage at which work with documents is;
  • rules according to which documents are temporarily considered separately from cases;
  • principles of creating a nomenclature of company affairs, adjustment and coordination;
  • laws governing file storage processes;
  • templates and samples of documents used in the company;
  • a set of laws, adhering to which, you need to work with documents, all previous versions of which are deleted;
  • instructions on how to prepare documents before submitting them to the archives.

If there are no instructions for office work, use " Guidelines on the development of instructions for office work in federal executive authorities" and "Rules for the preparation of normative legal acts federal bodies executive power and their state registration.”

Document flow schedule. All processes aimed at drawing up and reviewing documents are carried out based on the rules and time described in the organization’s document flow schedule.

This schedule is drawn up depending on the management methods of the company, its size, number of employees, direction of work and other aspects. It is a complete list of work performed by the company’s departments, as well as each employee, taking into account deadlines and connections.

Document flow in an organization is the responsibility of accounting workers; they deal with the archive and everything connected with it. As long as the organization is not too large, everything is fine, but as the company grows, the document flow in the organization also increases, which entails the need to have certain skills (determining value, preparing inventories, special processing and so on).

Usually, one employee monitors the document flow in an organization; he, as a rule, does not have the skills to properly document the archive. To correct this state of affairs, many organizations attract specialists and submit documents to them in the archives.

In each large company There is an archivist present - a professional who archives documents related to accounting. But if the archive is located at a considerable distance from the immediate place of work, then this entails a number of difficulties.

How does electronic document management in an organization differ from conventional one?

Electronic document management (EDF) is the movement of documents, the ability to carry out work without using paper media: registration and entry of documents, searching for documents, creating reports, monitoring execution, maintaining an archive, etc.

Types of electronic document management:

  • technical and technological;
  • warehouse;
  • in the field of management;
  • in the field of production;
  • in the field of accounting;
  • in the area of ​​secrecy and confidentiality;
  • in the field of archives;
  • in the field of personnel.

In other words, electronic document flow in an organization has as many types as there are different activities. In this regard, there is a rapid development of IP in the field private organization document management systems.

Advantages of electronic document management:

    Increased transparency internal work enterprises: electronic document management systems in an organization give management the opportunity to see what is happening with a document at all stages of movement. Plus, in seconds you can familiarize yourself with any file, its creator, those who opened it and made changes.

    More adequate use physical space and equipment: now there is no need to waste space on servers, as well as cabinets, shelves and other items that are used to store numerous papers. Based complete information about the document, it can be deleted in a timely manner when the time comes. All this leads to the release of premises and special electronic places for storing information.

    Increased security of information and documents: even if for some reason files are damaged or deleted, the central database promptly stores copies of all documents. And if the file has changed its storage location, it can still be found quickly and easily.

    Time saving: you won’t have to waste precious time searching for papers that are not available in the right place. Even if documents are burned in a fire, the central database always has backup copies.

    Reduced costs for printing, postage stamps, envelopes and postage: all these processes are now replaced by electronic sending of documents.

    Increasing the level of satisfaction of employees and managers: the psycho-emotional state of employees improves as a result of optimization of everyday work processes. Instead of doing routine work associated with sorting through papers, workers perform other processes. In turn, management has more opportunities to control employees.

    More flexibility regarding the physical location of employees: greater opportunities open up remote work from any point on the map. There is no need to wait for hours for a document to arrive to you from a neighboring building.

    Maintaining a personal history of each file and accompanying documentation: EDMS makes it possible to regulate interactions between buyers and sellers in a matter of seconds. You just need to open a few files on your computer.

Problems of implementing an electronic document management system:

    Ensuring the authenticity of documents through jurisprudence (will no longer be relevant after the law regarding electronic signatures comes into force).

    Reluctance of some managers to develop. Personal dislike of everything progressive and new, including working with a computer. The old technology for organizing document flow is quite satisfactory.

    The need to work with papers within various companies with which there is constant interaction.

    Regular structural reforms within the company, low development of business processes.

    Reluctance of staff to learn new things, undergo training, and improve their skills. Fear of implementation electronic processes that make employee activities transparent to managers.

How to organize electronic document flow in a company

You will learn where to start organizing electronic document management in a company from an instructional article from the editors of the Commercial Director magazine.

Lack of documentation can lead to disaster

Vladimir Kalinin,

deputy Chairman of the Board of CostManagementGroup

A wise manager must create an order that will reflect the employees responsible for processing documents. Personnel must respect invoices, acts, orders and other papers. If this is not observed, then be prepared for: negligence of employees, punishment from regulatory authorities. For example, the tax office imposes a fine if there is no corresponding document regarding an extremely low amount.

Incorrect composition or complete absence any paper may negatively affect you and your company if you defend your interests in court. Here is my personal example from life.

After the supplier has provided our company with the goods poor quality, we wrote a statement to arbitration court. But in the process of creating a package of documents, it turned out that we did not have the original act of acceptance and transfer of goods, and there was an error in the copy.

To win in court, we needed this document. It took a lot of time and worry to restore it. If initially the document flow in the organization had been in order, then such costs could have been avoided.

Effective organization of document flow in an enterprise: principles and rules

In order for document flow in an organization to be carried out quickly and without unnecessary energy costs, it must take place in accordance with certain rules/principles. The principles of organizing document flow include:

    reducing the level at which documents are certified;

    creating rules for moving documents combined according to certain characteristics;

    specific instructions describing the task, the persons performing it, deadlines, data for implementation;

    minimizing the departments through which the document moves, eliminating the return of papers to those departments in which they were already located, only if this is not related to business requirements;

    elimination of inappropriate approvals, this should happen simultaneously different levels, then the organization of document flow in the enterprise will become effective;

    advance sorting of documents (intended for the manager, sent to deputies, developed for specific departments). This is done by assistant managers or a secretary-assistant;

    entering documents into the database once (all documents must be registered only once: received - upon receipt, sent and internal - upon writing);

    processing of all documents in the management documentation support service.

Optimal document flow in an organization is possible under the conditions described below:

Clear setting of time frames when writing and reviewing documents that are written in relation to the tasks of production marketing;

Application of a unified document coding system, grouping according to classes, as well as general principles their corrections;

Definition of documentation from the point of view of working with information and the material and technical base.

The basic rules for organizing document flow are:

Unified principles of movement and processing of main types of papers;

Minimizing the departments through which the document moves, eliminating repeated movements;

Reducing the time it takes for a document to travel through the entire path cycle.

Using these instructions in practice, it becomes possible to implement the main principle of the office work service in the field of organization - to jointly deal with homogeneous processes in the field of technology. Paper and/or electronic documents must comply with the general rules for the provision of information.

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How is the general organization of document flow carried out in an enterprise?

Passage and order of execution of incoming documents

The document flow of received documents includes:

  • claims and appeals of citizens;
  • papers received from various companies as part of the implementation of joint tasks;
  • documents from the state organizations endowed with power, as well as those higher up the official ladder;
  • papers from lower departments regarding requests, records and reports.

Upon receipt of documents general organization The company's document flow is based on the following actions:

  • direction of response;
  • learning by managers;
  • entering into the database;
  • familiarization and sorting;
  • initial processing;
  • acceptance of documents;
  • implementation of decisions made by the official.

The procedure for organizing document flow is clearly visible. When composing a response, the materials from which it was created should be attached along with the document. This step will eliminate communication with the contractor and make the manager’s work more effective. The filing of all materials and documents is done by a clerical worker or secretary - the assistant in fact final stage. Thus, the organization of document flow of an institution gives whole line benefits.

Review of documents by the management of the organization and structural divisions usually occurs on the same day, but documents that are urgent are examined immediately upon arrival. Document management in an organization takes place taking into account certain rules.

After the manager has studied the documents, he writes about the results in resolutions. Where, regarding any document, a complete list of actions for the performer is written. Next, the original is transferred to the performer who was named first, and copies are made for the rest.

Documents that are entered into the database and those that are not are marked with a stamp, which indicates the fact of registration, and the time of receipt and date are also recorded.

At the initial processing stage, documents are structured according to the departments for which they are intended. Documents that do not need to be entered into the database are prepared for sending to the addressee, all others are added to the database. Documents for departments are sorted by name and then sent to their secretaries. Documents for managers are sent to the secretary-assistant or to the office.

As a rule, in big companies The initial processing of received papers is carried out by the secretary - assistant or secretary.

Initial processing of incoming documentation is necessary in order to prepare documents for the final recipient, as well as to ensure the correct delivery address and the safety of what is inside. Care is taken to ensure that the envelope is not damaged, then it is opened and everything is checked to see if everything is in stock. In the absence of something or mechanical damage, the sender is introduced to the course.

Reception of incoming correspondence, no matter who the final recipient is, is processed in the office or by a secretary-assistant.

A preliminary review of received documents is carried out to sort papers addressed to management. To save managers time, these documents are carefully studied before reaching their desk. Only 20% of all documents should reach management; they contain information directly for management or require their intervention.

Initially, the addressee must receive urgent documents, and all others must be studied on the same day they are received. All documents must contain the full name of the performer, code structural unit.

The execution of the resolution is carried out by those persons designated in it. If required, the entire process of carrying out work in accordance with the document is displayed on the other side of the registration card. Until the paper is completed, it lies in the working folder of the person who is working on it.

Passage of outgoing and internal documents

We are talking about types of documents that imply a response, such as letters of initiative, refusals, proposals, wishes, requests, consent and a number of others.

Moving a sent document has a number of stages:

  • entering into the database and sending;
  • statement;
  • approval, if assurance is needed;
  • printing and creating a project.

Certification and approval can be accomplished faster if you send copies to interested people and companies. Then retype the document taking into account their wishes.

The finished document is handed over to the secretary-referent, who reviews it for its format, presence of attachments and relevant materials on which the document was written. If inconsistencies are found, the document is returned to the contractor. After all the rules are followed, the document is sent to the manager for signature. If the latter makes an edit, the document is redone.

After signing, the documents enter the database and then go to the office or secretary for further dispatch. Here they are laid out by address, sealed, if necessary, the investment value is declared, fully prepared and sent to the post office. In this case, all documents are sent on the same day as received.

If we talk about internal documents, we can distinguish the following stages:

  • preliminary preparation;
  • adjustment;
  • coordination;
  • assurance;
  • signature;
  • implementation.

For received and sent documents, there is a coincidence in the paths of movement at the stages of implementation, adjustment and preparation. But certain types of documents within a company often use their own paths. For example, instructions and orders go to the department of lawyers; there is no need to make a draft for the protocols, and documents addressed to the manager are sent directly to his office.

A secretary or clerical worker adds protocols and orders to the database, makes numerous copies, and transmits them to all departments. Any internal documents (certificates, reports, letters, notes, etc.), after being studied by the relevant employee, are attached to files or sent to departments.

Working with confidential documents

If the documents contain commercial and/or official secrets, then they are called documents confidential.

In large and medium-sized companies, such documents are handled by the head of the office, and in small ones - by a secretary-assistant.

In order for employees to interact with confidential documents adequately, the following three conditions must be ensured:

    issue documents of this type to the employee against signature for more than two working days;

    send these documents inside and outside the company only with the consent of management;

    interact with such documents in an office specially prepared for this purpose, which can only be accessed by a small number of employees.

Confidential documents are entered into a special database and are also contained in special premises or in closed steel cabinets. It is recommended to place the most necessary documents in safes and/or protect them with alarms and/or security.

At the end of the work, confidential documents are reviewed and sent to the storage facility. If for some reason a document is discovered missing, management is immediately informed about it.

The responsibility of managers is to familiarize employees with the laws of interaction with documents of a confidential nature. Newcomers sign a “Non-Disclosure Pledge” official secrets", in accordance with all company rules. Information is provided about administrative, criminal or other liability within the framework of the laws of the Russian Federation.

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Working with letters and appeals from citizens

These processes differ significantly from the rest of the paperwork and are carried out separately. The secretary-referent or other employee dealing with citizens' issues must underwrite these documents.

Leaders bear personal responsibility in the area of ​​working with letters and appeals from citizens. Their responsibilities include continuous improvement in these areas and thorough study of them.

All papers sent by citizens must be received, studied, and added to the database on the same day they arrived.

If a citizen comes directly to an appointment, then all information from him (oral and written) is entered into the database.

After the documents have been added to the database, they go to the manager. In accordance with the law and all the stated circumstances, the manager makes a decision. If the decision is negative, then it is justified by reference to legislative act or other document, and it also describes the reasons for the refusal. A negative decision must be made in writing.

Management is obliged to respond to citizens as quickly as possible, but depending on the complexity of the questions asked. This process is mandatory for control; all responsibility for it rests with managers.

Typically, complaints and applications that do not require consideration additional points, are resolved within two weeks after receipt. In case of additional study of the circumstances, it is possible to increase the period for the decision, but not more than thirty days from the date of receipt.

The citizen who applies is informed about the resolution of his issue in accordance with all the circumstances and laws of the Russian Federation. If this company is not competent to give an answer to the applicant, she must return it to the sender within five days (with an indication of where to contact) or transfer it to the competent organization.

I trust people to do the paperwork correctly

Igor Tarasov, gene. director and owner of Altika LLC, Kazan

Personally, I have documents and their receipt in right time accountant, managers and commander are involved. We demonstrate to all our partners and clients our agreement, drawn up by lawyers and based on judicial practice. In my memory, there were no cases in which we could not find a compromise. Therefore, usually our document is signed without problems, or we make some changes together and move on to mutually beneficial cooperation.

Due to the fact that we work in all regions of the Russian Federation, there are situations when it is problematic to get back an invoice - invoices and invoices. To make them much smaller, they began to calculate with transport companies only after they provide us with an invoice - invoices and invoices with a note that the buyer has received the goods.

I rarely check documents, only in cases of urgent need. In the middle of each month, our accountant checks the documents received from clients with the documents of the goods transferred to them. When something is missing, he communicates with the manager who worked in this case.

Document flow diagram in the organization: traffic routes

To make the movement routes for all documents as efficient as possible, special schemes are created. They are an indispensable appendix that is included in the management documentation instructions.

There are three main forms of organizing work with documents:

  • mixed;
  • centralized;
  • decentralized.

The mixed form is used in huge companies, where there is a confusing structure and an impressive workflow in the organization. The centralized form is used in small enterprises where the document flow in the organization is appropriate. And the decentralized form is relevant for companies where the entire list of actions is carried out in structural divisions.

The main thing is to clearly understand what you want from EDI

Mikhail Egorov, head of the IT department of the Rusagro group of companies, Moscow

Achieving results is almost always based on correctly identified requirements. We had a financial director who was a true professional and was always aware of all the intricacies of working with the document flow system in the organization.

So he demanded clearly and concisely, and the IT department successfully implemented his requirements. The routes along which the documents passed were controlled by an IT employee, he mastered the program and, based on information received from the financial department, created detailed routes for any document.

7 steps to competently automate document flow in an organization

If the initiative is this issue does not come from management, then the possibility of introducing EDI tends to zero. The automation process conventionally consists of two parts: the process itself and the report. To get a perfectly functioning version of document flow in the organization, the director needs to involve managers responsible for the necessary technical processes.

When automating the organization of a document flow system, there are the following main stages.

Stage 1. What to automate

First of all, EDI needs to be implemented in the accounting and finance departments, since most of the various documents end up in these places. Due to the large volumes, employees are often unable to process these documents in a timely manner, and as a result, all business processes suffer.

Stage 2. Description of business processes

Before implementing EDI, carefully review the current business processes of the entire company. To do this, it is necessary for department heads to describe in detail the paths through which documents go through, and also talk about all their processes related to business. After this, a table is drawn from this data, and then the problem and those who will solve it are determined.

Stage 3. Planning

Here a plan is created according to which the work will be carried out, the amount of resources is calculated, time frames are set, and the like. This is done by the financial director, department managers, and the director of the information department.

Stage 4. Selecting an IT solution

If we are talking about large companies or holdings, then the implementation of EDI will be expensive and will take long time, even when automating several processes.

In small enterprises, in which the document flow is appropriate, to optimize the document flow in the organization, you can limit yourself to a regular database (Access, Excel or another). The IT department must choose what access employees will have: inside a local database, inside a specially designed website, and so on.

It is better to keep the most important documents in limited access. It turns out that in small companies you don’t need to spend a lot of money, everything is cheap and simple.

Stage 5. Implementation

All processes related to implementation are usually handled by the project manager. The General Director is required to determine:

    the time frame within which documents travel through all common system electronic approvals;

    critical points where specific changes are made in the document movement system.

Monitor the implementation of the gene. The director needs “by deviations”, which means the following data will be useful:

  • the number of system responses to a specific document;
  • data on the delay of documents at a specific point.

As a result, the efficiency of the gene. the director increases, and the workload on him decreases.

Stage 6. Completion

At this point, the system is being tested; you need to carefully study everything again in order to see and eliminate problems associated with automation. This final stage, where you can get rid of errors in automation.

Stage 7. Monitoring system usage

At this stage the main task– eliminate all errors that were identified by users during operation. The program must be popular among employees.

How much does it cost to implement electronic document management in an organization?

The final price of a project to implement EDI in a company may differ significantly from the initial cost. This includes the following costs:

  • for escort;
  • for implementation;
  • for licenses (keys).

Do not forget that when ensuring the organization’s document flow, unplanned expenses may arise, for example, on software, operating system, electronics and so on. Naturally, this will lead to an increase in the cost of an employee’s position. Remember the point regarding personnel training (courses, conferences, seminars, teaching aids, training materials and so on).

To summarize, we note that document flow in an organization is an integral tool on the way effective management and setting tasks. The more partners and clients a company has, the more document flow it has.

At complex structure within the company, it is more difficult to carry out document flow in the organization. This means that in order to underwrite the entire system and record the organization’s document flow, you should study all the companies and entities with which it works.

Information about the author and company

Vladimir Kalinin, Deputy Chairman of the Board of CostManagementGroup, Moscow. CostManagementGroup has been operating on the market for five years. Engaged in the creation of control systems industrial enterprises, investment activities, development of development strategies municipalities, provides consulting services in the field of industrial asset management. During its operation, the company implemented 11 projects. Cooperates with 12 regions of Russia. The number of employees is 50 people, including top managers with 5-8 years of experience at large industrial enterprises.

Igor Tarasov, CEO and owner of Altika LLC, Kazan. Altika LLC was created in 2001. The main activity is wholesale trade in raw materials for confectionery and dairy production: vegetable cream “Soblazn” and dairy products long term storage The company's partners are more than 200 manufacturers of confectionery and dairy products from the Volga region, the Urals and Siberia. Staff - 23 people.

Mikhail Egorov, head of the IT department of the Rusagro group of companies, Moscow. The Rusagro group of companies was created in 1995. Today, this agro-industrial holding is developing three directions: sugar, oil and fat and agricultural. The group of companies includes seven sugar factories, four elevators, a feed mill, a port elevator, two oil and fat plants and four oil extraction plants in Belgorod, Voronezh, Rostov, Tambov regions and Krasnodar region.


1. The concept of document flow

2. General structure documentation support for management

3. Classification of documents

4. Regulatory framework for office work

5. Automation of document flow

6. Features of the organization of document flow in the accounting of Ryazan Tea Factory LLC


List of used literature

Annex 1


Documents are the main ones informational resources enterprises that require proper organization to work with. Documents provide information support adoption management decisions at all levels and accompany the conduct of all business processes. In relation to accounting, we can say that a document is an information message (certificate) encoded in a certain way and recorded on a special medium, certifying that a fact economic life or exists, or is committed, or should be committed. Documentation is a way of formalizing business transactions with the help of documents at the time of their commission. Document flow is a continuous process of document movement, objectively reflecting the activities of an enterprise and allowing it to be quickly managed. Long search the required document, losses, duplicate documents, delays in sending and receiving, personnel errors can greatly slow down or even paralyze the work of an enterprise, especially if it has geographically remote divisions - organizing end-to-end document flow, and therefore centralized operational management in this case is extremely difficult .

Effective document flow is an essential component of effective enterprise management. Document flow is extremely important for the proper organization of financial and management accounting, it cannot be considered in isolation from the specific business processes of a particular enterprise. That's why this topic is very important to study. IN test work We will look at the concept of document flow, the register of documents used in the enterprise, the pattern of their movement, approaches to optimize document flow, eliminate duplicate documents and operations, and speed up work on documents.

1. Document flow concept

Document flow is the movement of documents from the moment they are received or created until the completion of execution or dispatch. Document flow is an important link in office work; it determines the authorities and the speed of this movement. The main rule of document flow is the prompt movement of documents along the most promising path with minimal time and labor. The basis for document flow is given organizational documents: Charter, regulations on structural divisions, regulations on the service of preschool educational institutions, orders on the distribution of responsibilities, instructions for working with documents, instructions for office work, document flow diagrams, flow paths individual species documents. Document flow as a technological process is divided into several parts - streams. They carry out direct and feedback in management. They differ in direction and in relation to management object.

Towards :

Horizontal - connects organizations of the same level

Vertical - top-down, bottom-up - connect organizations different levels(ascending - input, entering higher organizations from subordinate organizations. Downstream - sent by higher authorities to subordinate organizations).

In relation to the management object document flow is formed by flows of incoming (coming from other organizations), outgoing (sent to other organizations) and internal (created and operating within the organization) documents.

The main tasks facing the accounting service of any organization are:

formation of complete and reliable information about business processes and financial results of the organization’s activities necessary for operational management, as well as for its use by investors, creditors, tax and financial authorities, banks and other interested parties;

ensuring control over the availability and movement of property, the use of material, labor and financial resources in accordance with approved norms, standards and estimates;

timely warning negative phenomena in financial - economic activity, identification and mobilization of on-farm reserves.

The implementation of these tasks directly depends on the completeness and timeliness of reflection in the accounts accounting business transactions carried out by an organization in the course of its activities, which, in turn, is a consequence of documenting completed transactions. The accuracy of the accounting information provided by the organization’s accounting department to its users depends on the correctness of its implementation.

When calculating the volume of document flow, only original documents or their certified copies are taken into account.

2. General structure of management documentation

Managing any enterprise is information process, in which information is received, processed, a decision is developed, the decision is communicated to the performers, whose actions are controlled (Fig. 1).

Fig.1. Management documentation scheme

Document flow is the main organizational problem of the office work service and the problem of the technology of documentation processes, therefore it occupies the place of the key link of any office work system. The process of organizing work with documents, including their creation, registration, control, promotion, systematization and storage, is called office work.

Any document delivered to the organization must be registered and processed. Processing of incoming documents must include journal entry. After review by the manager and registration, the documents are transferred to the performers. The document is kept by the contractor until the issue is finally resolved. After execution, the document must be filed with the file. A file is a collection of documents related to a specific issue (a folder or file cabinet within which the documents are arranged in a certain order.

After deadline cases are transferred for storage to the archive.

Document flow is the movement of documents from the moment they are created to the moment the work with them is completed.

Rice. 2. Document flow at the enterprise

The organization of document flow has much in common with the organization of a mechanical conveyor (Fig. 2). At one time, the introduction of assembly line assembly, along with product typification and standardization of parts, led to a significant increase in labor productivity, a reduction in the cost of the production process and marked the beginning of mass production. True, the rhythm set by the conveyor led to an increase in the intensity of work and the nervous tension of workers.

The organization of document flow is based on the same principles as a mechanical conveyor: the movement of documents must have minimal returns to previous stages, documents must be sent to performers in accordance with their responsibilities in order to avoid duplication of operations.

There are external and internal contours of document flow (Fig. 3). The external contour begins with incoming (external) documents that arrive at the enterprise from the outside. These could be orders higher authorities, orders, resolutions, letters from partners and customers, etc. The received documents are registered by secretaries and then sent for execution.

Incoming documentation is documentation received by the enterprise from other organizations. Outgoing documents are documents that an enterprise (organization) sends to other enterprises. Outgoing documentation is documents that contain information generated at the enterprise for the purpose of transferring it to other organizations: letters, certificates, reports, orders, telegrams, telephone messages, etc.

Rice. 3. Document flow diagram

If a document is created in the organization itself, then an internal circuit of document passage arises (initiation - execution - approval - approval - registration). It is on the internal contour of the document that its versioning often arises (that is, the document exists in different versions). For example, at the approval stage, when comments from different people appear. An important task of office work is tracking, accumulating and managing document versions, as well as monitoring document changes.

Each document in the process of movement must go through three operations: registration, control, forwarding to file. To avoid confusion with documents, each operation must be performed once.

3. Document classification

There are a number of options for classifying documents.

By origin - Official, personal

By urgency - Urgent, non-urgent

By publicity - Secret, Soviet secret, for official use, unclassified

According to the form - Standard, individual

By shelf life - Temporary storage, long-term, permanent

The nature information links Incoming, outgoing and internal

By type of media - Paper, electronic

Particularly noteworthy is the class management documents, which include:

· organizational documents (enterprise charter, staffing table, job descriptions employees);

A fairly large layer of centralized document flow consists of so-called internal documents. These include (ORD) intended for use only within the organization. These may be orders from management regarding internal activities organizations, minutes of meetings, various regulations(job descriptions, regulations on structural divisions, etc.).

At this stage, the functions of the office include performing such operations as (Fig. 3):

preparation of a draft internal document;

ensuring document approval;


control of document execution;

filing a copy for the file.

Rice. 3. Processing of internal documents

Drafts of internal documents can be prepared by structural divisions of the organization or management secretaries. The technology for their further processing is completely similar to the technology for processing incoming documents discussed above.

Registration forms and records service documents

Registration of a document is a recording of the fact of creation or receipt of a document by an organization. Registration includes affixing the registration number of the document and recording information about the document in registration forms.

Document registration is necessary for accounting, control and search for the necessary documents.

Approval of documents is carried out by an official (head) of the relevant department or the head of an enterprise or by a specially issued document to give the document legal force. IN approved documents there is a document approval stamp containing the word APPROVED (without quotes), job title, signature, initials and surname of the person approving the document, and the date of approval.

List of documents subject to approval.

· Acts (inspections, audits, work performed, write-offs, examinations, acceptance and transfer of cases, etc.)

· Instructions (official, safety, etc.)

· Reports (on production activities, business trips, etc.)

· Lists (of positions, employees, documents, etc.)

· Plans (production, development, implementation new technology etc.)

· Regulations (on structural division, bonuses, etc.)

· Programs (work, events, business trips)

· Structure and staffing level

· Estimates (expenses, use of funds, etc.)

· List of documents to be stamped

On documents certifying the rights of officials, recording the fact of spending funds and material assets, as well as specially provided legal acts stamp and signature are affixed. The signature must be certified by the seal of the enterprise.

The seal impression should be placed in such a way that it covers part of personal signature official who signed the document, and the text was legible.

· Acts (acceptance of objects, equipment, work performed, write-off, examination, acceptance and transfer of cases, etc.).

· Archival references, as well as copies (extracts) of archival documents.

· Powers of attorney (for receiving inventory items, conducting business in arbitration, etc.).

· Agreements (about financial liability, supplies, contracts, joint activities, rental of premises, work, etc.).

· Applications (for equipment, etc.).

· Application (for a letter of credit, refusal of acceptance, etc.).

· Travel and other official identification documents.

· Licenses for the right to conduct any activity.

· Samples of seal impressions and signatures of employees who have the right to carry out financial and business transactions.

· Letters of guarantee (for work, services, etc.).

· Budget, bank, pension, payment orders (consolidated to the bank, for receiving and transferring currency, for import, etc.).

· Registers (checks, budget orders submitted to the bank, for sending international correspondence).

· Certificates of opening representative offices.

· Cost estimates (for the production of new products for capital construction, costing for the contract, etc.).

· Joint documents signed by the heads of enterprises.

· Specifications (products, products, etc.).

· Constituent documents(charter, protocol, etc.).

· Characteristics.

· Staffing schedules and changes to them.

· List of documents not subject to registration.

IN this list documents that are not subject to registration are included. This list can be specified taking into account the type of activity of the enterprise and communicated to secretaries-referents, or persons keeping log books.

· Reports of meetings, meetings and agendas.

· Schedules, orders, requests.

· Reports and information sent for information.

· Price lists, price lists.

· Technical conditions.

· Norms and standards for materials consumption.

· Congratulatory letters.

· Invitation cards.

· Printed publications(books, magazines, newsletters, catalogues).

· Statistical reporting forms.

· Correspondence addressed to employees of the enterprise marked “personally”.

· Explanatory notes.

· Log form for registering incoming documents

Incoming documents include correspondence received from legislative and executive authorities, official correspondence, letters, statements and appeals from citizens.

To register incoming documents, a special journal is used, in which registration number(index) consists of a serial number according to this magazine and the number of the case in which the document is filed.

The journal is necessary to ensure the safety and prompt search of incoming documents.

To control the execution of documents, the column “Note on execution” has been introduced in the journal. Data about the contractor and the deadline are taken from the manager’s resolution on the incoming document.

The document is transferred to the executor against a receipt in the “Executor” column.

The journal is maintained by a secretary-assistant or an office worker.

In large enterprises with large flows business documents organization of office work and work with documents ensures special unit - office. Depending on the nature of the work performed, office employees are divided into two categories: specialists And technical performers.

Specialists- these are referents, methodologists, head of the archive, head of the expedition, editor, proofreader.
Technical performers- this is a secretary-stenographer, clerk, forwarder, courier.

The main functions performed by the office at the enterprise are as follows:

1). Reception and registration (accounting) documents

2). Distribution of documents and delivery their performers

3). Processing and sending outgoing messages documents

4). Shorthand and typing documents

5). Control over deadlines documents

6). Formation of cases and delivery archive them

7). Organizing storage and ensuring the use of documents, stored in the archive.

Self-test questions.

1. What is the difference between the centralized document flow of an organization and the document flow of a structural unit?

2. How does the secretary process incoming documents?

3. How are outgoing documents processed by the secretary?

4. How is internal document flow organized in the organization?

5. What is the procedure for registering documents with the secretary?

6. What functions does the office perform in cooperation with the secretary?

Related information.

Not long ago I was implementing electronic document management for one of my clients. In the process, I had to explain many concepts, tell what it is, how systems of this type work. And only after that he was able to understand the essence of my proposals and approved the work plan. During the discussion, I realized that very little has been written on this topic. in simple language for a wide range of readers. As usual, I will try to explain this concept in simple language.

It is important to understand that there are two types of document flow - internal (EDMS) and external (VEDO). In Russia it is customary to call it EDI, but I believe that it is more correct to call it VEDO and SED, as in principle these concepts are separated in the Russian Federation. That is, if you are looking for a system for exchange with counterparties, then you need to look for EDI, if for internal document flow then SED.

In this article I want to talk about external electronic document flow between the company and its counterparties. Internal systems Electronic document management systems are used to exchange documents between departments of one company; they are subject to a slightly different set of requirements. But I will not consider them here.

Why do you need electronic document management?

Electronic document management is a modern, convenient alternative to conventional paper documents that are used for any type of business activity.

Traditional document flow is associated with constant time delays. To start cooperation with a client, you need an invoice, often a contract, and then signed invoices, certificates of work performed, etc. All these papers are approved, they are printed, signed and sealed. After which it becomes necessary to transfer them to a business partner, where they also go through the process of approval and signing.

Next, documents with signatures are scanned and sent via e-mail. After which the courier, employees or by regular mail send originals. All this takes a significant amount of time, paper documents are sometimes lost and require corrections (which further slows down the process of receiving documents). And entire rooms are often allocated for their storage. As a result, the business experiences a lot of inconvenience, the conclusion of transactions is delayed, problems arise with accounting, since at the end of the reporting period the papers are still somewhere “in transit”. And if, after signing by one of the parties, controversial points were identified in the agreement or accounting documentation If an error is found, then the process of obtaining the correct paper document stretches even further, sometimes even for months.

Electronic document management allows you to get rid of all these inconveniences:

  • All documents are “signed” electronically using digital signatures. It's quick and easy.
  • To obtain a paper copy, simply print a copy. Interested parties receive all documentation instantly, without long waits for letters or couriers.
  • The conclusion of contracts and confirmation of the completion of cooperation (invoices and acts) occurs without delays and additional efforts on the part of employees.
  • The impact of the human factor on business is reduced: documents are not lost, errors are corrected in a short time.
  • There is no need to allocate useful space for storing multiple paper documents.

In addition, electronic document management allows solving the problem of business reporting to the state. Previously, documents were accepted only in paper form, and company employees spent long hours traveling to the tax office, stood in lines to see the inspector, and the inspectors, in turn, processed a lot of paperwork to check the accuracy of the report and enter data into the common database.

Now all these issues can also be resolved using electronic document management. It is important to understand that in electronic form the tax service accepts reports and documents strictly established sample. Any other format will not be accepted. Therefore, when implementing electronic document management, it makes sense to check the format of the company’s internal documentation and, if necessary, make appropriate adjustments to the document templates.

At the first stage, the state began to accept electronically tax returns. The technique turned out to be successful. And recently, all documents are also accepted electronically.

What does electronic document management consist of?

There are 4 parties involved in this type of document flow:

  1. Supplier of goods or services. The party that generates the electronic document.
  2. Buyer or client. The party that receives the electronic document.
  3. A vendor company that provides an electronic platform for exchanging documents and services for organizing electronic document management.
  4. State. Government agencies to which the vendor company transfers data on recorded transactions and executed documents.

How this is implemented in practice:

  1. The supplier of goods or services generates an electronic document in its own accounting system or directly in the service provided by the vendor.
  2. The document within the service is instantly sent to the recipient company, which receives it either directly in the service or in its own program connected to the service.
  3. The platform records data about the document.
  4. After “signing” (confirmation) by the recipient, the document data is sent to the tax office.

Thus, the fact of sending and receiving a document is automatically recorded. Unlike paper packages with documents that are transferred by company employees, courier or postal services, it is impossible not to receive a document or to lose it electronically. Fact timely receipt document in electronic system is recorded automatically, this data can be used in the event of a dispute, even in court.

Also, information about documents signed on both sides is automatically transmitted to the tax authorities, which reduces the likelihood of accounting errors, lost paper copies or non-inclusion of some transaction in the report, which eliminates in the future possible fines and other tax problems related to human factor and so common in the case of using paper document management.

At paper document flow It is difficult for the head of the company to control the timely receipt of each document. Most often, these issues are resolved at the level of accountants, couriers, and sales managers. As a result, paper originals do not always reach the accountant before the end of the reporting period. And this, if checked, can lead to fines and other troubles.

For electronic document management:

  • The original document is delivered instantly. There is no need for postage, couriers or managers. There are no delays or associated problems.
  • The head of the company can check at any time exactly when the document was sent and received. And in case of problems related to the absence important documentation, employees do not have the opportunity to shift responsibility for their mistakes to “ bad job mail” and other external factors. The company employees themselves understand this. Therefore, delays and problems with sending/receiving documents after the implementation of this system become extremely rare.

To implement cooperation through electronic document management, it is necessary that both parties use software connected to any document management platform. Or, as an option, one or both parties can work directly in the service for sending and receiving documents.

Electronic signature

For organization electronic exchange documents required high degree safety and protection. All electronic document management services use a secure connection, data encryption, and use an electronic digital signature to confirm the authenticity of the document being sent.

A digital signature is a special “ electronic key", which creates a unique digital code using mathematical processing of user certificate and electronic document data. Public certificates are used to verify and confirm signatures. And for generation (signing) - the user’s personal confidential “key”.

Document flow platforms (services)

Today there is a wide range of platforms providing document management services. These are Directum, ELMA, DocsVision, WSS Docs, E-COM, Diadok and many others. They all perform approximately the same functions:

  • Receiving an electronic document from the user.
  • Sending to the recipient in his account or transfer to the specified system if the recipient is working with another service.
  • Recording data about the document and shipment.

When choosing a system for your company, the most important thing to consider is the preferences of your customers. It is important here that you either work in the same system as a client that is important to you, or the service must have the ability to integrate (data exchange) between your system and a similar platform that your client uses.

In some cases, you will be able to convince the buyer to start working with a platform that is convenient for you. But very often, especially when starting cooperation with large retail chains and enterprises, they have already made their choice long ago, and one of the conditions for cooperation is the ability to work with a certain electronic document management platform.

VEDO and EDI systems: what is the difference?

When choosing a document management system, many users also come across systems that do not position themselves as VEDO, i.e. “electronic document management”, but as EDI (document flow for retail).

EDI systems are a special case of electronic document management. They are focused on exchanging data with trading partners or divisions of the distribution network. If, in general, any types of legally significant documents are carried out through document flow, then operational exchange is implemented here commercial information between organizations, including legally significant documents necessary for trade transactions.

Conventional electronic document management allows the use of any types of documents in any format convenient for the parties. When using EDI, the list of possible documents and their format are strictly regulated. There is no way to generate and transmit a document in the company’s internal format or that is not directly related to trading operations. I will talk about how EDI works, why it is used only in trade, and what its advantages are in one of the following articles.

Integration with 1C and other accounting systems

For effective operation of electronic document management, it is very important that the platform you choose supports integration with your accounting system.

Why is this needed:

  • Company employees create documents in the enterprise accounting system;
  • After generation, the document is automatically transferred within the system to the manager or accountant for signature;
  • The document verified and confirmed by the manager must be submitted without distortion or manual data entry, i.e. additional costs time and possible errors, to the electronic document management service;
  • If implemented correctly, data transfer occurs automatically. After clicking the “Send document” button, it is transformed into the form required for the electronic document management system automatically and sent to the service, where the document is recorded and sent to the recipient.

It is very important that your account system has ready-made solution on the service side, on the basis of which your specialists will be able to implement the necessary add-on for the accounting program. If such a decision no, it is better not to try to implement it yourself, it is very labor-intensive and difficult process. Used in document management services digital signature, complex systems encryption. Therefore, there are no guarantees that even after all the efforts of the programmers, you will get the desired result. It is better to choose another platform where you will find a suitable integration option.

Service cost

Document management services usually offer connection to the service for free. A fee is charged for sending documents. In some cases, this will be a fixed price for each document sent. Somewhere you can buy services in packages, i.e. one amount is for 100 documents, another is for 1000 per month, etc.

This issue must also be approached wisely. On the one hand, the larger the package you choose, the lower the cost of sending one document will be. On the other hand, there is no point in paying for a package of 300, 500 or 1000 documents if the document flow does not exceed 100 documents per month.


Do all documents need to be sent electronically?

No. Using electronic document management, you will send only those documents that are most convenient to send this way. Usually these are acts of completed work, tax invoices, sometimes contracts, etc. It all depends on your needs and convenience.

Is shipping payment per document or per page?

You pay, and the system records the sending of the document. Even if your document has many pages, it counts as one billable unit.

How safe is it?

Electronic document management is completely safe. Moreover, the service providing the service is responsible for ensuring security. For this, a digital signature, data encryption, and a secure communication channel are used. The level of security is approximately the same as in your usual bank-client services.

If we have 1C installed, will all users be able to access electronic document management?

No. In addition to restricting access rights in the accounting system itself, to work with electronic documents connection is limited to one session on one computer. To access from another computer, you will need to connect from scratch with all passwords and other security methods.

Is it possible to use electronic document management without an electronic signature and connection to paid services?

No. Signing and using a state-certified document management service is necessary for your document management to receive legal force. You can, of course, send documents to your clients using any methods through any channels without electronic signatures. But they are not considered document flow. These are nothing more than copies for reference. In this case, you will always need to confirm them with paper originals.

Is it so difficult to use electronic document management?

Difficulties can arise only at the connection stage. But specialists are usually brought in to resolve this issue. The process of use itself is simple and convenient. The manager (responsible person) checks the document, presses the “sign” and “send” button. Those. sending documents becomes much easier than even when exchanging scans by email.

What if my client doesn’t use the platform I use?

You have two options. You can connect a counterparty to your site, for example, at your expense. Or you can find out whether there is the possibility of integration between your electronic document management systems. If yes, just use this service. Then the document will be transmitted according to the following scheme: from you - to your system - then to the recipient’s system - and, finally, personally to the recipient. This will not affect the speed of receiving the document or the complexity of using the system.

Update: After much thought, I decided to introduce the term EDI (external electronic document management), since EDI is a broader concept.

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A clear, as simple as possible and, most importantly, effective document flow scheme in an organization (examples below) is the basis of the foundations of any business. But, as practice shows, not all employees understand the need correct filling and timely movement of documents.

How to simplify document flow and force subordinates?

Before you figure out whether it is necessary to simplify document flow in a particular organization, you should understand what type of document flow is used in the company, and where the work fails.

So, document flow is carried out between two groups of persons:

  • employees producing information (manager,)
  • employees processing incoming data (secretary, logistician)

Accordingly, the entire document flow is divided into:

  • incoming
  • interior
  • outgoing

Incoming documentation

A true example of a document flow diagram in an organization:

Organization of internal document flow

In this case, we are talking about the movement of documents between departments created within the same company. These can be orders, acts.

What does a well-organized document flow look like in this case:

  • The contractor draws up a document and submits it for approval
  • The senior manager, after signing the document, transfers it to the head of the organization
  • The manager makes a decision to approve the document and transfers it to the clerk
  • After registering the document, the clerk again transfers it to the executor
  • In turn, the executor, after fulfilling the decision, transfers the writ of execution to the clerk, who files it in the file

Outgoing documentation

The outgoing flow of documentation includes management information sent outside the organization (responses to incoming letters, ).

A well-thought-out working example of a document flow diagram in an organization:

  • The contractor prepares the document and submits it to the immediate supervisor for approval
  • The head of the department submits the agreed document to the head of the company
  • In turn, the manager transfers the approved document to the clerk, who registers it and transfers it to the forwarding service

Quick calculation of document flow volume

First of all, it should be noted that the rules for calculating and analyzing the volume of document flow are prescribed in the “Rules of Office Work”, which were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2009 No. 477 (as amended on September 7, 2011).

Secondly, you need to understand that such a calculation can be carried out just once a month, once every 3 months, once every six months and once a year. In each specific organization, the leader, with the help internal order solves this issue.

In this case, in any case, the basis for the calculation is the accounting and registration forms filled out by local clerks.

So, one unit of account is:

  • original document
  • a copy of the document, but only if there is no original and a copy in the singular. All other copies are counted separately
  • documents attached to cover letter(counts all together)

Complaints and suggestions are considered separately.

So, to quickly calculate the volume of document flow, use the following formula:

Total document flow = a / a1 + b / b1 + c / c1, where:

  • a is the number of received documents, a1 is the number of copies of received documents
  • b – number of documents sent, b1 – number of copies of documents sent
  • c - number of internal documents, с1 - number of copies of internal documents

Simplification of documentation circulation

If the issue of simplifying document flow is urgent, then choose one of the options below:

  • Transfer of paper document flow to electronic. One of the most effective ways simplifying exchange management information is the transition to electronic document management. Information stored in a single computer database reaches performers faster, it is easier to take into account, find and print on paper.
  • Centralization of document flow. To avoid the preparation of duplicate documents, it is necessary to send the entire flow of documentation to the head office clerks. However, if there are remote branches, registration of outgoing documents should be done locally.
  • Employee training. Of course, not a single well-designed document flow scheme in an organization will begin to work if clerks or other employees involved in the movement of documents do not understand what they are doing. Constantly changing personnel will also not benefit the business, so it is better to spend money on training old employees than to constantly attract new people.

"Pitfalls" of electronic document management

Translating paper documents into electronic form is not so much a whim of the manager, but rather a necessity that meets the present day.

However, in order for the document flow in an organization to begin virtual movement successfully, it is necessary:

  • use modern software
  • translate paper archives in electronic form. This can be done independently, delegating the task to old employees, or with the help of special organizations
  • gradually systematize electronic information

At the same time, a complete refusal to maintain paper documents should be carried out at the moment when electronic document management is ready for work.

Compliance with document movement rules

Agree, it is quite unpleasant to watch how the most simplified document flow diagram in an organization, created using a working example, again stops working for some unknown reason. To prevent this from happening:

  • draw up the primary regulations and documents in the organization
  • write down specific requirements requirements for completing each document
  • separately monitor the work of each division or department in order to notice in time which of them is lagging behind
  • for violation of deadlines for submitting documents

An important digression: if the company complies with all articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, then it will not be possible to collect monetary fines from employees.

However, there is an alternative way out: upon the first violation of the document flow provision, the employee is subject to disciplinary action(rebuke). At repeated violationfinancial punishment in the form of reduction or cancellation bonus payments(quarterly, annual).

Such a system will quickly accustom employees to the new rules and save the manager from unnecessary problems.

So, document flow is a full cycle of movement of documents from the moment they are issued () until the moment of completion of execution (dispatch).

The correct document flow scheme in the organization ensures timely processing of management decisions and effective work both all departments and the company as a whole.

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